No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion AGAPE is the FOUNDATION (AGASOFT) August 2016 1

To my siblings -- No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

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No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine

of CompassionAGAPE is the FOUNDATION (AGASOFT)

August 2016


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• August 11, 2016• To all my younger brothers and sisters:• I am going to speak about our experiences and extract the lesson that should have been clear to

each of us by now, but I must state here so it will become clearer.• To wit: Of all the things that you know me, about my whole character, my practice, about what I

say, wrote, promote and fight for, nothing is more prominent than the way of compassion or the doctrine of compassion for the poor that stands above all other values that I hold dear.

• So when I debated with Junnie in the cellphone for days about the need to gradually but without delay move from the pharmaceuticals to alternative medicine, it was all about my concern for the poor people who are suffering from depending on chemical/synthetic good-only-for-temporary-relief-but-producing-long-term-fatal-consequences medicines that doctors and pharmacies are promoting.

• And secondly, it was all about my desire that we cleanse ourselves and move away from the present system of getting rich at the expense of others, or getting money through ways or products or businesses that harm them.

• As I told you, I am in favor of getting rich the loving way: everyone gets healthy, wealthy and grow because of the business that we do.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• We all made mistakes. Business is not wrong but must I say, we are being trapped into the

harmful products that we promote. Bebing and Junnie are not consciously choosing harm but they were deceived as we have been into believing that pharmaceutical medicines are the way to lasting health and permanent healing… but when I discovered beyond doubt that they are not, I had to tell everyone. I am my brother’s keeper and my sister’s keeper, blood relative or not.

• I know it was and still is difficult for Junnie and Bebing to drastically stop the drugstore business. So the coming out is gradual but consistent or continuous until fully fulfilled will be what Jesus said in Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her (harmful system) my people so you will no longer partake of her harmful practice and you will not share in her painful consequences.”

• Question: What should be our reaction when we are corrected by a big brother? Resist or say, Nong, I will need enough to time to find it myself. What are your proofs and where can I find them so I can review them?

• In Junnie’s case, it was not humble but vehemently resisted. Junnie resisted the way of compassion. Result: He lost his spiritual balance, left the sphere of love, spurn the way of compassion and most surely lost God’s protection and followed his misfortune: he hit a passenger tricycle and killed 2 people, lost the vehicle as a result, and followed the worsening of previous serious illness to both Bebing and Junnie.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Lesson: In your way to material riches, do not forget that the way of compassion is always the way.

Take it with you in your financial journey towards more money that the main reason why you are chasing after material riches is so that you can do your spiritual riches in your heart, that is, love for the poor and less fortunate. Make helping the poor as your secret and real purpose why you want and work hard to be rich.

• In Matthew 25, Christ laid down to us three purposes why we are here on earth, one purpose follows the other in sequence, to wit:

• First purpose: To prepare for Christ’s coming – Parable of the 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)

• Next purpose: To develop our talent and achieve abundance – Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). This parable answers the question: How are we going to prepare for Christ’s return? We are to be busy with our talent to serve one another and eventually get richer also in other resources such as money, food, clothing, etc. by which we can then help more…share more.

• Third purpose: To use our riches to “feed the hungry, be it food or knowledge or love…, quench the thirsty, shelter the homeless, treat the sick, visit and counsel the prisoners, etc.”

• Why? “Because what you will do to the least of these My brethren, you have done that to Me.”• Christ and the Father will feel it. Their hearts are connected to every one’s heart. There is an emotional

bond we cannot see but is very real. The parent feels hurt if you hurt the son. This is true with us humans, and true with God.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Also, God once said, THE STRONG IS FOR THE WEAK. When we were weak as infants, our parents who

were strong served us. When we grew up in physical and mental as well as financial-economic strength, it is now our turn to be for the weak, not against the weak!

• So, when we deviate from our purpose, we got spanked, not that the Father is angry, but He wants us to stay in the sphere of love… to be compassion like He is. So, we got rebuked or chastised the moment we move outside love-compassion.

• When Noel poisoned the dogs as solution to their increasing population, he got sicker than any time of his life. Lesson: We should look for ways how we should treat the abandoned animals who prefer or like to take abode in us, take shelter in a world where they are not cared anymore, sensing that we have a little bit of compassion towards them, they want to stay with us….to be fed.

• This is a tough question: If we welcome any animals who take shelter, or people for that matter, how will we feed them when they grow in number? We have to be prepared for that because we choose to grow stronger in money, in body, in mind… and it is the law: The stronger is for the weak, not against the weak.

• Becoming strong entails certain responsibility. Acquiring a high position in government, for example, includes responsibility. We are not there to abuse and use such position to exploit the poor.

• So, we have seen the law of compassion at work when Junnie reacted to my brotherly advice to start steering the wheels of his business and life away from chemical medicines and towards alternative medicine.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• We also saw the quick response from Above when Noel poisoned the dogs. • All of us, including me, just took that for granted until yesterday I got the news from mama

that Rolan’s Bogo bakery burned! And the losses is about a million.• Rolan is a pastor. But despite of that, he lost God’s protection, not all and in everything, but

in this branch in particular, we can see that God did not protect his property. And this is serious because it already cost million! If we, when we were poor, took notice immediately to a mere misfortune such as getting a mild fever or a cough or losing a P20.00 bill and we immediately say, “Unsa kahay gipasabot sa Ginoo ani ha? Unsa kahay leksyon angay nahong kat-unon ani ha?” and so on and the likes.• Now that our misfortune is getting bigger in amount: We have to also ask the same…or

else…• Why such misfortune? It should be chastisement (rebuke), not penalty (punishment).

Penalty or punishment is for those who hate; but God does not hate us. So this is a chastisement (rebuke) – a reminder – an act to help us go back to the way of compassion.• In 19, our Lord says, “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest [sincere in

your commitment to show compassion to those who need it], and repent [of your callousness].”


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Take note of this: Rolan’s recent misfortune followed immediately after he vehemently resisted my texts to him against joining or defending the practice of many in getting rich at the expense or harm of others. • My message is always the same and is clear: In our journey towards

material-financial riches, let us not leave behind the way of compassion. Remember Matthew 25, God gave us talent, and by that talent or abilities, He gave us the chance to get rich in many other aspects in life, and once we are rich and strong, He expects us to feed the hungry, quench the thirsty, shelter the homeless including the animals, treat the sick (not make the sick sicker), visit the prisoner and help him/her eventually receive freedom.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• I have become your model (not just because of my words and motivation) but by

my example of intelligence and business agility. Agile (and shrewd) even to the point that my business still works even without me!• I know that you learn a lot from me in my silence more than my talks or writings,

that is, my silence is in my character, my way of life, how I motivated you by being in business, so that is why I do not do much lecturing or oral sharing. You copied a lot from me and your ate Vida in our life of business, not much in our discussions of business. We did not say a lot because you saw a lot or enough how to do business by our example and did not need to be told too much, only little.• In other words, if I did not start the corporate world in Alturas and if I had

followed the path of professional life Papa had chosen for himself, or has I not taken the life of risk taking and entrepreneurship even before Alturas as a young student before you and from then on, bravely entered the world of business right after my marriage, then, I am sure that you would lack at least 40% of the present courage and knowledge you possess today – you would lack enough courage to go into business yourself.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• There are families I’ve noticed that are full of bright children but since they have no example/model

of business close enough to see, they lack the courage and they chose to remain as professionals.• You became brave because you saw it, both the risks and the opportunities and have a pattern from

me and your ate Vida to follow. Without it, you would not know the details to take nor could see the end beyond as light; you would view it as dark.

• Beyond your present location, I continue to take steps ahead of you… away from diseases and bankruptcy…into new fields… new opportunities. Also to show the way. In business. In spiritual faith. In science. In many aspects which you still consider unviable, dangerous, impractical, impossible. There is where I am located. Paving the way. Opening doors. Creating opportunities. Creating the future for the next generation.

• So that is the power of example. And the power of leadership. You make the rest braver if you were the first one who demonstrated bravery in going into the unknown world… or into the world of business where no one in our family was in business and no one also had the capital.

• I think this is the same in other fields. A son or a neighbor feels confident to go into fishing if he has someone to show him or if he sees something close enough doing it. Confidence is in seeing how it is done in a way that is sure and safe and correct.

• So that is my gift to you: my personal example to lead you into business long after we already lost our two great grandfathers who were great businessmen, and in time when we had no more role model, not even adviser, and source of guidance. For Papa chose employment.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• My bravery is not unknown to you. I am a risk taker ever since.• I can decide to create opportunities when they do not exist.• I can create my own trail in a virgin forest, where no one has yet gone ahead of me.• I can resist powerful men when you would prefer to cooperate or kneel down instead.• Noel chose to cooperate with the political leaders (of course not with zero benefits for

the people); I chose to be independent, not harming them, not also cooperating with them because already many years ago, I sense in them insincerity.

• And now, it is becoming clear that they are indeed the group who would take the fat and give the people only the crumbs, as a token, and then create the impression that they are for the people.

• And now, it is becoming clear that they are not only giving crumbs, they are also the one operating or co-operating the drug ring and prostitution ring (flesh trade) to destroy the brains, the health, the jobs, the marriages, the families, and the future of the people!

• Especially through the use of shabu!


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• And the whole nation is already informed how the shabu can drill holes in your brain and shrink the brain of the victims in just 6 to 12 months! And how close to impossible is to rehabilitate them.• The whole nation is getting angry.• And the entire people are shifting their full support and power, if necessary

to give the power of Martial Law, to President Duterte who is more and more becoming more powerful against the evildoers.• As I gain a stronger foothold in my campaign “Nanay Balik Bahay Para Bahay

May Buhay” and in my “Association of Landless Heirs and Permaculture Enthusiasts in the Philippines” then, the poor people will become stronger and united against drugs and land grabbing.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• I am moving to empower all mothers; I am directing their attention towards using their heart –their love – to conquer the drug problem, to use their heart –their love – to bring back their estranged children to their home and stop using shabu as the reliever of their emotional pain. Only the Nanay can patch the hole in their heart –only the Nanay can fill the emptiness in their heart. The police can’t. The father can’t.• Duterte responded to my suggestion to increase the 4Ps family subsidy to include the

mother so she can concentrate in taking care of her young children until they can stand on their own, thus watch over them in their entire young life, instead of being forced by poverty to leave the family to work abroad which has resulted to majority of the present shabu addicts. Yes, the majority of the shabu addicts are children of OFWs! It is for the State’s interest to pay the women who devote their time in the molding of the future leaders and citizens of this nation.• Drug addiction is the result of the emotional emptiness resulting from the departure

of the mother or father from the home. Hole in the heart. Which the shabu pushers succeeded to fill up for financial gain but to the detriment of the innocent victim.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

I am moving to empower all mothers; I am directing their attention towards using their heart –their love – to conquer the drug problem, to use their heart –their love – to bring back their estranged children to their home and stop using

shabu as the reliever of their emotional pain. Only the Nanay can patch the hole in their heart –

only the Nanay can fill the emptiness in their heart. The police can’t. The father can’t.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

It is for the State’s interest to pay the women (mothers)

who devote their time in the molding of the future leaders

and citizens of this nation.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

In most cases, Drug Addiction is the result of the emotional emptiness resulting from the departure of

the mother or father from the home. Hole in the heart…

which the shabu pushers succeeded to fill up

for financial gain but to the detriment

of the innocent victim.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• What is the entire point? What is the main message?• The main point and message is this: • We must now begin to be clear to which camp we support with our mind, our

words, our actions, our money, our energy, and every thing: Camp of the Dark Force or Camp of the Light Workers? Those who harm or those who save and nurture?• We cannot remain one foot in one yacht and the other foot in the other yacht.• While God also understands the proverb “Do not kill the hen that lays the golden

eggs” (meaning: our source of livelihood) – and so is giving us enough time to prepare and do the shift - we are to hasten to build the bridge we need to cross over the sea of chemicals and greed both of which are poisons…. to the other side where life is healthy, disease-free, chemical-free, organic, safe, life-giving, long lifespan, happy, free from disease and poverty, full of opportunities, a long life of development and freedom and prosperity. We will not enjoy this if we remain trapped in this world of greed and diseases. We must build the bridge.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• And it is up to you to find out what that bridge is that can carry you towards freedom… freedom from diseases, freedom from misfortunes, freedom from chastisements, freedom from the warning in Revelation 18:4 “lest you partake of her plagues (painful consequences).” • As for me, I had already defined and designed my bridge and have started

building it. It has a spiritual component, namely: compassion. And surely, it has a physical component: wellness products and farming (Permaculture). And sure, it has a spiritual foundation – the Pure Words of God and Lord Jesus Christ.• Christ will help but will not do it all for us. The decision and the

corresponding actions of coming out is ours to do (Revelation 18:4), not His.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Time is coming fast when the Lord will no longer tolerate serving two masters: Him and Mammon

(Money). We must make money the servant of compassion! We must demote it; we must dethrone it and let it serve the purposes of the Christ.

• Rev 3:13 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.(To the Church in Laodicea )

• 14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.

• 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!• 16 So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.• 17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you

are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.• 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to

wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.• 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.• 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in

and eat with him, and he with me.• 21 To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat

down with my Father on his throne.• 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• My final advice:• As you were open-minded with my way of business…getting rich in this world’s money

and things… you better also be as open-minded with my way of life which is the Way of Compassion and which is all about not neglecting to take heed what Rizal once said, “Huwag kayong malimot sa inyong pinanggalingan (the world of the poor)… [Kasi] ang hindi marunong lumingon sa kanyang pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa kanyang pinaruruunan.”• To make it clear: We are not to give away what we work hard for… because in that way,

without the feeling of compassion and gratitude with indebtedness towards the Great Benefactor, we’d feel unfair even handing out cents to beggars… because we work hard for the profits while these poor fellows we call lazy and weak, etc. are expected to only open their palms…and chiboom! Their stomachs are full!


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• No, but we are to give alms in love with understanding knowing that they might not have a strong brother like me to copy from or to get inspiration from or to mirror or they might not have a bright brother to learn from, or they may not have a bright brain like ours to start with or they might not have a set of parents like ours who serve as a good starting point. • Or they might not have a strong big Sister like your ate Vida to guide them

phase by phase or show them step by step into the baking world. • That is why we who are stronger, are to show them compassion. Sympathy.

Pity.• And instead of condemning them or pushing them into the corner, we

should, in treating them, swing between “giving them fish” and “teaching them how to fish”! If we are good with the second one, then, we will not fret for being pressed to give fish all of the time. We’d know when to teach and when to give.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• May I ask you: without me showing corporate performance in Alturas, would you be inspired to go into business? And without me discouraging Rolan from getting employed in big accounting firms, and instead empowering Rolan to pursue the path of building an accounting firm of his own (hence, business, not employment), would Rolan gain the strength and get the experience and training? And when Rolan joined me in the business world, who got fired up to join in the business world, which was long abandoned by Papa and Mama? All of you, in his/her own time, right?• That’s the power of word put into action. I did not only talk business but I

live business. And now by delegation so I could focus onto other important pursuits. And you are all my fruits. The results of my examples…. With the help of your ate Vida. And your number is growing. There are more young men and women learning how to do business with our guidance and help. They are getting out of the trap of employment.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• I still love business. But we are now faced with a problem that I had not anticipated to be very serious…and I only begin to see at closer range after I was in business… and not shown to me by my pastors. • And here it is:• The business world… the products, the ingredients, the raw materials… and even the

purpose and attitude of business is presently controlled by the group of men of greed, lust and pride… and because of this three wrong attitudes, they ended up with harmful products!• They start sowing the seeds of illness at their manuFACTORIES… which includes our

bakeries! And so we are participants without our own knowledge and approval!• They have used us to spread their refined flour which prevents the absorption of

essential minerals and nutrients by the body to feed its cells.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• They have used us to spread their glass-like sugars to spread diabetes and its many complications such as amputation, eye diseases and sexual impotence. • They have used us to spread their hydrogenated fats (lard and

margarine) to hasten the formation of plaques that block the blood vessels and cause arthritis, heart attack, stroke, etc., among the consumers.• They have used us to use their milk whose calcium cannot be absorbed

into the bones and teeth, and roams around instead riding on the blood and help create these plaques – help turn these plaques of fats and sugars into stones. Calcium petrifies the plaque!


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Through refined milling (removal of the bran and germ), their refined flour has lost

28 of the 30 original main nutrients God put in the whole wheat! God intended the seed to be more complete for our health but man removed many of its nutrients by introducing the refine mills.• And so, bakers/bakery operators, are feeding the nation with malnourishment!• I am recently informed that while the American farmers could not do it before, but

when Monsanto and other GMO companies succeeded in convincing (bribing) the leaders of the consumer nations including the Philippines, they are now producing GMO wheat which produces more yield per hectare! GMO wheat flour!• GMO means poisonous pesticide injected into the seeds and spread the entire

plants, flowers, fruits, seeds of that GMO plant through the cells/genes.• Pesticide inside. Poisons inside. Poisonous food.• That is what GMO basically is!• So first deduct or remove the nutrients, then, add the chemicals. Bawas-dagdag.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Now, something worse of “dagdag” is coming: since their GMO tactic could not destroy the weeds, so they came up with another chemical formula, called herbicides to spray on the weeds and for two or three years, there are no weeds in their farm! But this herbicide contains glyphosate that has the power to kill our sex hormones, so for men, the male sex hormones will diminish, turning them feminine, or at least suffer sexual impotence; and for the women, their estrogens (female hormones) will also diminish and make them more masculine or at least they suffer sexual impotence as well.• They did it successfully with aspartame: give the people diabetes.• They did it successfully with hydrogenated fats and synthetic calcium in milk: give

people heart attack and stroke.• They also did it successfully with fluoride (toothpaste, etc.): calcify the pineal gland

and turned the people into weak thinkers. Dumb, in other words.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• They are destroying our immune system. Their main tool is aspartame, the sweetener in soft drinks. As soon as our immune system is compromised or weakened, then, anything goes. Any disease can attack us.• They are poisoning our different body organs. Lungs hole. Liver withers

and dies. Intestine decays. Colon cancer. Heart suffocates. Throat goiters. Brain tumors. Cancer of the pancreas. Leukemia (cancer of the blood). • What have they done to us?• They are killing our sperm cells and causing us to no longer reproduce or

destroy the reproductive organs of our wives to no longer bear or to bear defective child, and told the media and DSWD to use the word “special child” to appease us.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• They made us to believe their advertisement that fluoride protects the teeth but in reality, fluoride decays our teeth from the inside out!• Fluoride can destroy and does destroy our hardest part: bones and

teeth!• If they did not lie –if their TV and radio ad were true – then, no teeth

would decay, or decay would not be this soon!, and we would not have today’s pandemic of tooth decay!• Is it not clear that fluoride, first and foremost, is not really a “protection”

for teeth decay as they claim? Because starting when fluoride was introduced into the market, tooth decay increased and now it is a worldwide epidemic!• Is that not deceitfulness? Is that not betrayal of our trust?


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• The circulation of this letter and information will not be confined to you, my siblings,

it shall be spread to all consumers… and all leaders so that the whole nation will move to change the flour… change the sugar… change the lard and margarine…throw away the fluoride, dunk the false calcium in the milk, etc.• We can do less as individuals than as collective. It is the collective decision that is

needed. It is the awakening of the entire nation that is needed….its extraction from ignorance and apathy.• The learning, the knowing, the discovery, the finding, I have been through must also

happen to everyone… if you expect him/her to take a stand and a final decision and solid actions.• So, everybody has to research in his own method. Some has to check out at

www.Mercola.com and other health websites. Everybody has to reach his own level of being convinced of the truths.• Everybody needs to access the Lord Jesus’ personal information about flour, about

the fluoride, about the hydrogenated fat, etc., etc. at His website: www.CosmicAwareness.com It is in this website that the Lord is exposing a lot of lies in the industries, among other things, responsible for the present health crisis!


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Do not resist the truth nor oppose it. Because it is costly for any one of us to scorn or

resist strongly the loving advice or truth given out of love…out of the intention to help you.• The best approach is: Open your mind and do your own check/investigation to see

for yourself. The Lord recommends humility and open-mindedness. • Listen to the counsel of the Lord addressed to us, end-time Christians who are Laodiceanic

(lukewarm, double-minded):• Rev 3:14 [niv]"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the

faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. • Rev 3:17 [niv]You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not

realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.• Rev 3:18 [niv]I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and

white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

• Rev 3:19 [niv]Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.• Rev 3:20 [niv] Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the

door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.• Rev 3:22 [niv]He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Do not resist the truth nor oppose it. Because it is costly for any one of us to scorn or

resist strongly the loving advice or truth given out of love…out of the intention to help you. The resulting quick misfortune (gaba) is not God’s anger, but the result when He is offended (mahiubos nga you betray compassion), He withdraws His protection and you open yourself to the attack of the evil ones. Thus, the resulting misfortune.

• The best approach to a truth introduced is: Open your mind, do not reject it and do your own check/investigation to see for yourself.

• Listen to the counsel of the Lord addressed to us, end-time Christians who are Laodiceanic (lukewarm, double-minded) in Revelation 3.

• If you still are skeptic about the effect of scorning the way of compassion, after the Noel experience, the Junnie experience, and recently, the Rolan experience, then, you are free to continue your proud attitude versus the truth and versus the way of compassion.

• You can continue what Noel did: poison the dogs when you lose patience with them.• Or like Rolan you can try to debate the truths I am presenting to expound the way of

compassion. Or you can continue what Junnie did: mock the information about the now exposed harmfulness of pharmaceuticals.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Jun, we, men, are the leaders of our wives. If we wake up one morning that our wives have been (mis-)led into the wrong harmful products, it is our duty – and we have the time and the brain – to prepare for the transfer from the harmful to the useful.• It is your duty to lead your wife and children towards the world of wellness and

safety. Do not waste your time.• Use your resources, money etc., to shift to ORGANIC AND PERMACULTURE. Shift to

alternative medicine. • It is your duty as leader to build the bridge to get out of the chemical world you are

in… as it is my duty to lead my wife and children out of our own world of chemicals… the bakery. • Same with Rolan. • We should obey the clear instruction for this critical time and hour: “Come out of

her (system) My people, lest you participate in her sins (harmful ways), lest you will share in plagues (painful consequences).” Revelation 18:4.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• Final note: the path of business, to be pleasing to Heaven, should be the path of

compassion, meaning: concern for the safety, welfare, health, and prosperity of our fellowmen, who are our customers, consumers – we are to make them beneficiaries not victims, we are not to convert our consumers into patients (of the pharmaceuticals) and least of all, we are not to convert patients into corpses!• We do not intend harm. • This is our clear intention: welfare of our consumers.• But since we are now informed that the global elite who controls the business and

supplies us with the ingredients are malicious and are using the bawas-dagdag (subtract nutrients – add chemicals/poisons) tactic, then, we must review our ingredients and raw materials… and when possible, we must produce our own whole and organic ingredients.• This malicious group is led by 13 richest families in this present world, among them

are the Rothschild of Europe, Royal family of England; Bush, Rockefeller and Morgan of the USA, etc. They are called the Illuminati. Their religion is Satanism or Lucifer-worship. Under them are 300 rich families spread to all nations to act their lieutenants.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion“Final note: the path of business,

to be pleasing to Heaven, should be the path of compassion,

meaning: concern for the safety, welfare, health, and prosperity of our fellowmen,

who are our customers, consumers – we are to make them beneficiaries not victims,

we are not to convert our consumers into patients (of the pharmaceuticals) and least of all,

we are not to convert patients into corpses!We do not intend harm.

This is our clear intention: welfare of our consumers.We are feeding a nation.”


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion• These Illuminati are mostly black of the Turkish stock, not the black negroes from

Africa• This Turkish stock is called the Black Nobility. They are from Esau-Edom. Somewhere

in the imperial periods up to the Roman empire, they adopted the name Khazaria for their country. They were then known as the Khazars.• Khazaria was a powerful empire too in the Caucasus (Europe) but they were

pressured by both Muslim empire (Ishmael) and Christian (Roman) empire. • And to evade both, the Khazars (Turks) decided to dissolve their identity and join

their cousin, Judah, and adopted their religion of Judaism (based on the Old Testament).• So they became Khazarian Jews, not Judah Jews. • So, although many joined the Turkish Ottoman Empire which later became the

Muslim Turkey of today, many of these Khazars remained citizens in what was to be the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel which included Judea in the time of Jesus and which 12 tribes are now known by the names Britain, USA, France, Canada, Australia, Belgium, etc. The money-genius Khazarian Jews easily serve as the financiers, bankers of these nations. They control the nations thru money.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• The portion of Esau-Edom-Khazars-Turks who joined with Judah mastered two businesses:

1. lending which evolved into banking and2. Religion

• They were the money lenders Jesus rebuked.• And believe it or not, they managed to take over the Temple (church, religion) after they

killed the last true Jew servant high priest of God, Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist. The high priests that followed Zachariah were no longer real Jews but Kharzarian Jews, the false Jews spoken of in Revelation 2 & 3.• Rev 2:9 [niv]I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the slander

of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.• Rev 2:9 [niv]I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the slander

of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• These breed of priests took the name Pharisees… who crucified Jesus. Satanism is their religion. Lucifer-worship.• And after their colleagues assassinated emperor Nero to create a crisis in

Rome and forced general Vespasian to halt his siege of Jerusalem and join the struggle for emperorship which he succeeded and became the new emperor, the Pharisees in the Temple of Jerusalem gained time to escape to Rome so that when emperor Vespacian’s son, General Titus, resumed the siege and finally burned the Temple to the ground, but the Pharisees where no longer there…they were able to escape the fire of the Temple of Jerusalem and sneaked in to the Vatican, protected by powerful officials in Rome, the Pharisees became Parish priests. • They are now in the Catholic church. Mostly the Jesuits! Black suits, black

skin, black heart.


The Secret Trail of the Pharisees

• These breed of priests who took over the Temple of Jerusalem after they killed the last true Jew priest, Zechariah father of John the Baptist, took the name Pharisees… who crucified Jesus. Satanism is their religion. Lucifer-worship.• And after their colleagues assassinated emperor Nero to create a crisis in Rome and

forced general Vespasian to halt his siege of Jerusalem and join the struggle for emperorship which he succeeded and became the new emperor, the Pharisees in the Temple of Jerusalem gained time to escape to Rome so that when emperor Vespacian’s son, General Titus, resumed the siege and finally burned the Temple to the ground, but the Pharisees where no longer there…they were able to escape the fire of the Temple of Jerusalem and sneaked in to the Vatican, protected by powerful officials in Rome, the Pharisees became Parish priests. • They are now in the Catholic church. Mostly the Jesuits! Black suits, black skin, black



The Secret Trail of the Pharisees

•Pharisees became Parish priests. •They are now in the Catholic church.

•Mostly the Jesuits! •Black suits, black skin, black heart.

•Not of African negroes,•But Khazarian black –

of the tribe of Esau-Edom


The Secret Trail of the Pharisees

•From Pharisees to Parish priests.

•They are now in the Catholic church.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Their expertise is commercialization of religion.• Their ancestor, Simon Magus, the magician-sorcerer, attempted to buy from the apostle

the power of the Holy Spirit so he could use this power in money making healing as well as religion. So they combine: RELIGION + MEDICINE + COMMERCIALIZATION.• Simon took the name Peter, and became known as Simon Peter of the Catholic Church,

but he was not the true Simon Peter the apostle. • In the struggle for religious supremacy at the Council of Nicaea, AD. 325, the Pharisees

won by majority and by influence, and raised their colleague Simon Magus the Sorcerer as the first pope of the new religion, forged from Christianity and Paganism, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. A mix. • Soon Simon Peter the Sorcerer injected his expertise into the new religion: sorcery or

the use of poison (chemicals) to perform healing. This is going to be the counterpart or rather, counterfeit of the Holy Spirit which he failed to buy.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Out of this sorcery or use of poison (drugs) evolved what is now known as the Pharmaceutical industry. You would not see the link because you are made to believe that the Pharmaceutical companies are non-religious companies, but the truth is: its major chemical formulation and even the use of human guinea pigs as well as of rats, have been done in the bowels (underground floors) of the Vatican!• The main laboratory of the huge pharmaceutical industry is underneath the Vatican!

Once a poison-drug has been tested “successfully,” it is soon passed to the big Pharma plants somewhere in the USA or Europe for reproduction (manufacturing).• Big Pharma is old sorcery, introduced into the Church by its first pope, Simon the

Sorcerer.• Big Pharma is an extension of the Vatican. It is a division of the Vatican. It is a

department of the Vatican. It is a tentacle of the Vatican.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Big Pharma is old sorcery, • introduced into the Church by its first pope, Simon the Sorcerer.• Big Pharma is an extension of the Vatican. • It is a division of the Vatican. • It is a department of the Vatican. • It is a tentacle of the Vatican.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• This religion has remained true to its original intention: business of healing… like when Simon Magus attempted to buy the Holy Spirit and make money out of its healing acts. • Vatican today in the person of its Big Pharma has become the greatest money maker…

or rather: greatest extortionist of all time: you will not be treated if you don’t the huge bill!• So great is this extortion that in the USA, it is the hospitalization bill that had caused the

bankruptcy of the majority, 60%, of the families there in America!• Pharmaceuticals (Webster: Pharmakeia; Strong’s Concordance and King James: sorcery)

is described in the Bible as the main tool of deceit by Babylon the Great (Vatican) – Revelation 18:23.• And it too is now identified and seen as the No. 1 killer in the USA and also in the

nations that adopted it. Revelation 18:24!


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• As to the fate of those of us who participate this system, whether as a drugstore, or as a patient, it does not differ much, the same fate is recorded for us, in the following scriptures:• Rev 21:1 [niv] Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the

first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.• Rev 21:2 [niv] I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from

God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.• Rev 21:7 [niv] He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be

my son.• Rev 21:8 [niv] But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually

immoral, those who practice magic arts [KJV: sorcery; Strong’s: Pharmakeia; Webster: pharmaceuticals], the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.“ • Rev 22:15 [niv]Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts [KJV: sorcery;

Strong’s: Pharmakeia; Webster: pharmaceuticals], the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Rev 18:4

• [niv] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you

will not receive any of her plagues;• [kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of

her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion As to the identity and fate of the false Jews (Khazarians), these Pharisees turned Parish Priests, particularly the black Jesuits:

• They are what constitute the symbolic goat Azazel in the ceremony of the Day of Atonement, the 5th of the 7 Festivals of the Jews (see Old Testament)

• After the high priest laid his hand on the Azazel goat, symbolizing the ascribing of the portion of the whole guilt due to it, • It shall be banished or “exiled”

• This is what Revelation 20 stated as the chaining of Satan and his 1,000-year exile.• Rev 20:1 [niv]And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the

Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.• Rev 20:2 [niv]He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and

bound him for a thousand years.• Rev 20:3 [niv]He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep

him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.”

• Even if we are not racial Turks (the false Jews), we can be members of them… if we are members of their works, business, religion, activities and system.


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Rev 18:4

• [niv] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you

will not receive any of her plagues;• [kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of

her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

(Revelation 16)The plagues are generally classified into 7 (The Seven Last Plagues) all man-caused: 1) destruction of the body (health crisis);

2) death of the soil and flora; 3)death of the sea water;

4) death of the fresh waters; 5) sun-related deaths, e.g., including hurricanes caused by UVRs able to strike and boil the oceans after the ozone layer has been

thinned/depleted/holed by fossil fuel smoke; 6) economic-political crisis (Armageddon);

7) global quake/nuclear war


No One Can Resist Successfully the Doctrine of Compassion

• Rev 18:4

• [niv] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you

will not receive any of her plagues;• [kjv]And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of

her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”