Subscription Finance Introduction to Megan Golden, Zuora

The Academy: Introduction to Subscription Finance

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Subscription Finance Introduction to

Megan Golden, Zuora

- The Economist 2014

are demanding new consumption models

We now live in a Subscription Economy…

6 .8 B ILL ION


Potential subscribers on mobile, social, web

and your business is shifting from… manag ing p roduc ts…

to manag ing re la t ionsh ips .

Your business model is

o b s o l e t e .Assume this:

everything you think you know about staying competitive

doesn’t work anymore.

e v e r y t h i n g i s d i f f e r e n t .

In Subscription Finance

Academy Gu ide :

Introduction to Subscription Finance bit.ly/subintro

Turn your current your model on its head.

The Basic Equation Behind the

Subscript ion Business Model


Customers are at the center of everything.

Traditional ERP Systems

L imi t Your Rela t ionsh ips


Measurement is everything.

The Three Metrics That Will

Keep You Up at Night


Learn from those who’ve been there.

Three Strategies for Ongoing

Success in the Subscr ipt ion Economy


Introduction to Subscription Finance

f i n d t h i s g u i d e & s o m u c h m o r e : b i t . l y / s u b i n t r o
