Presentation Dossier

Presentation services of IBERAUDIT Kreston

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Our Company has an extensive business experience in audit, consultancy, outsourcing and tax sectors. Over the past our company has experienced a strong growth, thanks to our clients support and trust, wich allows us to maintain our spot at the top of the ranking of auditing firms in Spain. IBERAUDIT Kreston represents the Kreston International global auditing network in Spain, Andorra and Portugal.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston is a professional firm with presence in Spain, Portugal and Andorra, with an extensive business experience in audit and consultancy sectors. Over thepast years, our company has experienced a strong growth, thanks to our clients support and trust, that allows us to maintain our spot at the top of the ranking of auditing firms in Spain.  Our aim is provide top quality auditing, consulting and fiscal advisory services for medium and large companies as well as for the public sector. IBERAUDIT Kreston counts on a team of 400 highly qualified professionals throughout our offices in Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca, Gijón, Sevilla, Málaga, A Coruña, Alicante, Bilbao, Granada, Palencia, Lisboa and Andorra.

Quality and professionalism

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The firm’s best and most highly recognized asset is the personal and professional category of its members: a group of 400 professionals with ample experience to meet any of our clients’ needs related to the economical, financial and social reality of their companies.

Every office has audit and consulting teams, made up of university graduates, and digital and paper resources allowing them access to updated technical information and information on the company being audited in real time.

400 qualified professionals

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IBERAUDIT Kreston members offer value added to their services through:

Experience and reliability

Absolute confidentiality

Quickness and agility in meeting your requirements

Personalized attention and trust

Quality, rigorous, effective methodology

Practical recommendations

Experience, confidence and quality

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IBERAUDIT Kreston actively takes part in a variety of institutional organizations

Mercè Martí Member of the Board of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Spain (Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España – (ICJCE), Copresident of the Economic Comission in the ICJCE and representative in the Economy and financial policy commission in the Spanish Confederation of business Oraganisations (CEOE). President of Grup20.

Arturo Díaz Member of the Board of Directors of the ICJCE in Asturias, Cantabria and León.

Juan Luis Gomeza Member of TAP (Turno de Actuación Profesional) of the ICJCE Agrupación País Vasco. (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the Basque Country).

Alberto Sebastián Member of the Board of Directors of the ICJCE in Aragón.

Severino Canal Member of the Deontological Ethics Committee of ICJCE (Asturias, Cantabria i León).

Jorge Borrajo Vice Secretary of the Economist Association in A Coruña (Colegio de Economistas de A Coruña).

Josep Mª Martí Member of the Deontological Ethics Committee of the Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of Catalonia).

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Pedro Maza Vera Member of the Audit Commission of the Economist Association in Granada.

Sebastián Carbajo Gutiérrez Member of the Board of Directors of the Economist Association of Granada. Chairman of the economy and public sector management Committee, Delegate of the bankruptcy Commission and Member of the commission for the Development of the licencing of the Economists Association of Granada

Juan Arroyo Member of the Board of Directors of the Ilustre Colegio Central de Titulados Mercantiles y Empresariales.

Alfonso Pérez Pretel President of the delegation in Valencia of the Spanish Association of Financial Analyst- Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros.

Javier Lomas Member of Audit Committee and Member of the Governing Council of the Economists Associations of Valladolid.

Florencio Lomas Member of the Governing Council of the practicing and audit commission of Economists Association of Valladolid.

João Lopes Member do Conselho Fiscal da Ordem dos Revisores Oficias de Contas e Membro da Direcção da APCF – Associação Portuguesa de Consultores fiscais.

António Pinho Member da Comissão de Controlo de Qualidade da Ordem dos Revisores Oficias de Contas.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston offers specialized services in a number of areas both in the private and public sectors

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One of the main benefits of hiring a society to carry out an Accounts audit is that it promotes the reliability of financial and economic information of the company being audited, thus fostering self-discipline and control in the organization.

Furthermore, this process is seen as a deference on behalf of the company’s governing body towards their clients, shareholders, potential investors, or other national and international institutions that it maintains relations with.

At the same time, it leads to a number of sub-products that are of great interest to the company, like the communication of significant weaknesses identified in the internal control process.


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• Audit of Annual Accounts and Consolidated Annual Accounts

• Audit of Intermediate Financial statements

• Report of accounts on the justification of subventions

• Limited Reviews and reviews of specific facts and / or approved procedures

• Audit of reporting packages according to IAS, USGAAP, etc. regulations

• Complementary and special reports for the Annual Accounts (Bank of Spain, CNMV, DGS, SAD, etc.)

• Audit of internal control procedures

• Public Sector Audit (municipal, autonomous and national bodies, as well as organizations, companies or entities of public law dependent on the aforementioned bodies)

• Other Audit Reports in accordance with current law


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The growing complexity of the environment in which companies operate, requires an expertise in certain areas excessively expensive to incorporate into their internal structures.

The main aim of the IBERAUDIT Kreston staff in this department is to offer our clients the necessary knowledge and guidance in their ongoing search for competitiveness and the ability to respond to the current business environment.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston's Tax Consultancy activity focuses mainly on advising taxpayers as to the most suitable actions to take in order to comply with their periodic tax obligations.

Furthermore, we participate in any actions the administration carries out to verify taxes paid and defend the taxpayer’s interests before the court.

IBERAUDIT Kreston acts on behalf of taxpayers and helps them submit declarations to the administration. This is common practice nowadays but is fundamental.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston offers personalized solutions for those entities that need the outsourcing of one o more of the internal processes in administration, finance or employment management areas.  Our outsourcing model allows to our clients to externalize those processes in which they are not specialized and which are not the key aspect in his organization to focus on his business, offering them exclusive solutions and a multidisciplinary professional team with high experience in his sector.

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• Food and agriculture industry

• Automobile industry

• Professional Associations

• Sport

• Education

• Entities, Non-Profit Entities,

Cooperatives and


• Foundations

• Transport

• Industry

• Real estate

• New technologies

• Leisure

• Industrial and Consumer


• Health

• Telecommunications

• Insurance Sector

• Mutual insurance company

• Insurance agencies

• Financial Sector (Securities

Brokers, Management Agencies,


• Service Sector

• Public Sector

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IBERAUDIT Kreston, one of the top auditing firms in Spain, according to Ranking of auditing firms by the economic Newspaper Expansión

1 Deloitte

2 PricewaterhouseCoopers


4 Ernst & Young


6 Grant Thornton

7 Auren

8 Mazars

9 Crowe Horwath

10 Moore Stephens

11 PKF Attest

12 IBERAUDIT Kreston

13 HLB

14 UHY Fay & Co

15 Laes Nexia

16 Abante

17 Baker Tilly

18 Audiaxis

19 Busquets

20 VIR Audit Source:Firms and Networks of Audit Ranking of del Ranking by the economic Newspaper Expansión

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IBERAUDIT Kreston is a member of Grupo20, a group that was created eighteen years ago through the initiative of fifteen auditing companies that decided to create a Forum of Debate, Reflection and Opinion about all aspects related to auditing, its function in society and, in general, about all aspects related to transparency of economic and financial information.

Nowadays Grupo20 is made up of eighteen companies that control a very significant percentage of the Spanish market.


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IBERAUDIT Kreston represents the Kreston International global auditing network in Spain, Portugal and Andorra, which has forty years of experience, 700 offices in 105 countries, and a team made up of 21,000 highly qualified professionals.

Kreston International is a global association founded in 1971 that offers quality auditing and consultancy services through firms located around the world.

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Kreston International is currently ranking as the 13th largest accounting network in the world according to the “International Accounting Bulletin” World Survey, 2014.

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Annual growth of Kreston International in US$m

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The members of Kreston must fulfill numerous requirements and apply quality rules and rigorous methodology.

Kreston offers auditing services in accordance with the International Auditing Procedure, including:

• Accounting and auditing services

• Corporate and personal Taxes

• Corporate Finance and restructuring

• Risk management

• Consultancy Services

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Through the Kreston International network, IBERAUDIT Kreston has joined the “Forum of Firms" (FOF), an international association made up of the top 23 networks of accounting firms that perform audits of financial statements that are or may be used across national borders.

The "Forum of Firms" conducts its business primarily through the IFAC Transnational Committee, which is the top global auditing organization with representatives in 125 countries.

"Forum of Firms" provides international network Kreston a quality credential recognized throughout the world that grants a competitive differentiator, as much as an international as a national level.

High standards of quality are required to be a member of the "Forum of Firms" and Kreston has worked hard to reach these requirements in the use of international procedure at an ethical, audit and quality control level.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston, trough their offices in Barcelona, Malaga, Palma de Mallorca and Valencia, is registered in The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), with headquarters in Washington and New York.

Joining the PCAOB is another goal we have set as part of our international expansion plan, because only eighteen of the 2,349 registered members of the PCAOB are located in Spain.


PCAOB is a private not-for-profit corporation that aims to supervise business audits in the United States, protect the interests of investors and promote independent auditing reports.

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IBERAUDIT Kreston and Kreston International member companies have gained worldwide "Rising Star Network" prize awarded by the accounting magazine "International Accounting Bulletin".

Recently recognized by the International Accounting Bulletin for his exceptional growth, ambition and innovation to elevate its position in the market with the “Rising Star Network” Award, that encourage us to reinforce our quality commitment with our clients and with our professionals.

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AlicanteAv. Maisonnave, 30 - 1º B.03002 AlicanteTel: 965216109Fax:[email protected]

Gijón: Calle Celestino Junquera nº1, 2ª33202 GijónTel.: 984 39 20 38Fax: 984 05 07 [email protected]

MadridCalle Sagasta, 26, 4º izqda..28004 MadridTel: 91 020 38 83Fax: 91 752 43 [email protected]

A Coruña C/ Juan Flórez, 24 1º Dcha.15004 A CoruñaTel: 981 92 72 19 / 981 14 51 13Fax: 981 14 59 [email protected]

Bilbao:Gran Vía, 8 – 4º48001 BilbaoTel: 94 423 34 25 Fax: 94 424 66 [email protected]

MadridCalle Orense 16, 1º E28020 MadridTel: 91 417 23 14Fax: 91 597 37 [email protected]

BarcelonaAv. Diagonal 520 bajos 6ª08006- Barcelona Tel: 93 362 31 23Fax: 93 414 66 [email protected]

GranadaGran Vía de Colón, 8, Planta 318010 GranadaTel.: 958 097 129Fax: 958 [email protected]

Málaga:Plaza Uncibay, 8 – 2ªpta. 529008 MálagaTel: 952 608 626Fax: 95 222 31 [email protected]

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Oficina Coordinadora: [email protected]

PalenciaPasaje Don Sancho, Nº5, 2º Dcha.34001 PalenciaTel: 979 702 332Fax: 979 741 [email protected]

Valencia Pza. Ayuntamiento, 19-4º C46002 ValenciaTel: 963 521 078 Fax: 963 511 [email protected]

Sevilla:C/ Castelar, 5, 2ª dcha. 41001 Sevilla Tel: 954 215 202Fax: 954 56 07 [email protected]

Andorra:Ptge. M. Antònia Font Caminal,

1 Edifici Prat de les Oques, desp.

201 AD 700 Escaldes Engordany. Andorra          Tel: +00 376 867 [email protected]

Palma de MallorcaFrancesc de Borja Moll nº 15, 3º A07003 Palma de Mallorca Tel: 971 10 90 20Fax: 971 72 50 [email protected]

Zaragoza:Plaza Los Sitios,10,Pral.                    50001 Zaragoza            Tel: 976 239 863 Fax: 976 231 [email protected]

Lisboa. Portugal:Rua General Ferreria Martins, 10-4ºCR/C 1495-137 Algés (Lisboa) PortugalTel: +00 351 214 13 96 94 Fax: +00 351 214 13 96 [email protected]@IBERAUDI