Municipal e-points, FOSS in local government by Tose Misevski, Project Manager, UNDP

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Municipal e-points, FOSS in local government

Tose Misevski, Project Manager, UNDP

November, 2007


Exploiting the power of ICT to help transform the accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of public service and helping to enhance the relationship between public bodies and citizens

Effective usage of ICT provides possibility to overcome problems of different social groups and citizens especially of remote areas



Addresses quality of the e-services, participation of the citizens, provision of continuous training for the citizens and support for the local community

Covers the distant locations and assist the development of the rural areas

Supports e-inclusion and increase access to Internet and public information

Increases efficiency and transparency in administration, benefiting both the business sector and the citizens

Supports democratic processes through the tools of e-democracy

One of the strategic measures stated in the National IS Strategy towards efficient delivery of services to the citizens has been formulated as: UNDP trough its ICT projects signnificantly contributes to implementation of this measure.This is the area in focus of next UNDP interventions. (namaluvanje na siromastijata I podiganje na kvalitetot na zivotot osobeno vo ruralnite I oddaleceni regioni.

FOSS project

"Support to e-Governance initiatives based on Free/Open Source Software at the local level in Macedonia" as part of the

UNDP Global Programme :
"Capacity Development Through Knowledge Sharing and Networking: Free/Open Software for Developing Countries"

ICT4D Projects

Project objective

To promote and facilitate the implementation of FOSS as a cost-effective e-governance solutions at local level

The project was build upon the existing ICTC and human capacities in Macedonian municipalities

FOSS attitude of municipal authorities was considered of crucial importance for successful project implementation

Project was realized in close collaboration with ZELS and FOSS community

Main project phases

Assessment of the municipal potentials , needs and priorities for development of new applications

Capacity building, training and competency development for the municipal employees and local supporting entities within the new environment

FOSS based e-governance solutions development and implementation in pilot municipalities

Awareness and knowledge about FOSS benefits to be increased


Assessment of the potentials of the ICT infrastructure and human capacity in municipalities

Pre-selection of 10 municipalities

Selection of 3 pilot municipalities

Needs assessment

technical requirements (selection of FOSS tools for implementation, adaptation to local context, upgrade of existing infrastructure)

application requirements (selection of priority applications, their functional analysis and implementation standards)

Capacity building

Training needs analyses

Redesigning and developing new training curriculums - Practical Guide on FOSS " prepared in collaboration with Free Software Macedonia

Training of the municipal ICTC Support Staff and local ICTC Foundations (16 in total)

Training of municipal administration (120 in total)

Application development

Integrated WEB database solution that incorporates:

Reengineering of municipal official WEB site

e- Municipal Council application

e- Workflow and Document Management system

e- Inter municipal cooperation portal

Solutions implemented in 3 pilot and 4 additional municipalities

Proektnite aktivnosti zavrsija vo pocetokot na septemvri a implementacijata vo opstinite e vo tek.


Proektnite aktivnosti zavrsija vo pocetokot na septemvri a implementacijata vo opstinite e vo tek.

Development technology

Based on:

- Joomla CMS, PHP, My SQL and XML

The system works on:

- Linux and Windows platforms

- Can be used with most major browsers including Internet Explorer, Netscape and Mozilla

Training and deployment

For administrators of the system

For municipality employees

The application is hosted centrally

Deployment model allows easy continual updates

Awareness raising

Regional Workshops on FOSS were organized in 5 municipalities in collaboration with Free Software Macedonia and local ICTC Foundations (February 2007 with more then 160 participants)

National Conference on FOSS was organized in collaboration with ZELS and participation of KIT, MASIT, SEAVUS, Metamorphosis, Free Software Macedonia, MESA, ISOC Bulgaria, Red Hat and Novell ( May 2007 with more then 120 participants)

Migration to FOSS in pilot municipalities

Installed Linux OS stand alone on all computers without SW license and dual boot on the others

Installed Open Office and Mozilla Firefox as standard applications

Project evaluation and recommendations

Increase municipal awareness and capacity about FOSS

Aid development of FOSS policies and strategies

Continue development of FOSS local e-government solutions into coherent system

Continue building partnerships and address donor community

Continue increasing public awareness about FOSS

Na krajot na Avgust

- postoenjeto na alternativata narecena FOSS- poddrska na izgotvuvanjeto FOSS Politika i Stratefija- Da se prodolzi so razvojot na FOSS e-Gov resenija za localnata samouprava- Da se intenzivira gradenjeto na partnersta i vklucuvanjeto na zaednicata na Donatori- Da se prodolzat aktivnostite na promocija i jaknenjeto na svesta za prednostite na FOSS

Useful links

Many useful information including presentations of FOSS workshops and National conference could be found at :

DEMO municipal web portal at:

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