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How to Get Cash Quickly

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Simple ways to get cash when you are desperate for money now!

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  • 1. How to Get Cash Quickly When You are Desperate for Money Advice from Rich Single Momma www.richsinglemomma.com

2. Sell Your Stuff

  • Begin by selling some of your possessions
  • List your items through:
    • the local classified ad
    • through craigslist
    • the local pawn shop
  • Have a yard sale (especially during this time of year).

3. Sell SpecialtyDishes or Baked Goods

  • Use your cooking and/or baking skills to make quick cash
  • Buy ingredients to make cakes, cookies, or your specialty item
  • Sell them to the neighbors and co-workers.
  • Makes up some samples to give away to get pre-orders.

4. Use Everyday Skills

  • Typing
  • Sewing
  • Crafts
  • Whatever you can do that others dont want or have time to do
  • There are ways to make money from your skills and talents.

5. Our Biggest Fear

  • The biggest issue many people have is fear of their plan failing.
  • They are afraid to try because it might not work.
  • This is a very valid fear.
  • When I first started making money on the side I was not all that confident. The Solution?

6. The Solution? Test

  • I tested things out first to see if there was any interest.
  • Give away samples or services
  • Ask people what they want
  • Start small and grow as demand grows
  • Find out what other people have done or are doing

7. Create Demand

  • The way most products or services sell is through word of mouth or recommendations.
  • People talk to others everyday.
  • A friend or family member has a good experience with a product or service and they tell someone else.

8. Open Your Mouth

  • The key is to beginning telling people about what you are offering.
  • If you are giving samples of food it should be fairly easy to get things going.
  • If people are asking you for certain things all the time it may be a clue that what you have to offer is or can be in demand.

9. First Things First

  • To start making quick cash begin selling possessions first.
  • It can be books, popular DVDs, small electronic items, instruments, clothing, furniture, or other valuables.
  • Selling gold jewelry (any jewelry) is also a very good way to get a good amount of money fast.

10. The Bottom Line

  • These tips will help this single mom make money quickly.
  • You dont have to struggle or be afraid there are no options for you.
  • The reality is there are many ways to make extra money in a short period of time.

11. More Ways to Make Quick Cash

  • Here are links to articles that detail many ways to make quick cash if you are in a desperate situation
  • Make Money Ironing and Mending
  • Make Money Renting Your Space
  • Make Money Baking
  • Make Money Through Temp Work
  • Make Money Side Hustling
  • Make Money Selling Your Stuff
  • Make Money with Your Change
  • Make Money the Quick and Easy Way

12. Resources

  • Visithttp://RichSingleMomma.comfor more money making tips, encouragement, and personal finance advice.
  • ~ ~ ~ ~
  • Get a copy of
  • 100 Money Tips for Single Moms
  • Now!