© 2013 Hedge Fund PR, LLC. Do not distribute. Client Media Training

Hedge Fund Industry Media Training

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Hedge Fund PR is an industry leading public relations agency that focuses exclusively on serving the alternative investment industry. Our reach is global and extraordinary, and we offer expert counsel on media relations and marketing communications to hedge funds and private equity firms, institutional and private investors, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. 

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© 2013 Hedge Fund PR, LLC. Do not distribute.

Client Media Training

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• 5 steps to achieving success with the global media.

– Understand the media (and bloggers)– Have your own, pre-defined agenda– Deliver compelling, short messages– Prepare in advance, know the topic– Practice, Practice, Practice

Manage the Message


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The Financial Beat

• Leaders in finance (hedge funds, CTAs, private equity, fund of funds, bankers, service providers, etc.) are celebrated, blamed and debated in media over 1000 times each day.

– 250+ financial and business magazines, newspapers, online media

– Broadcast media, including Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox, financial radio

– Bloggers and social media providing real-time color commentary


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On the Clock

• While strong professional relationships with the media are crucial, remember…

– Not your friends– Always a reporter– They need you– You need them


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What’s Newsworthy?

– Winners and losers– Criticism and controversy– Market trends or changes– New, unusual, different– Philanthropy


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Preventive Medicine

– Deal straight with reporters– Take yourself and your work seriously– Be prepared, ready and flexible– Understand the rules (regulations)– Be polite and professional

“Always tell the truth, then you don’t have to remember anything.”

Mark Twain


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– Determine whom you want to hit (your target audience)

– What you want to hit them with (your key messages)

– Develop key messages -- two or three things you intend to say whatever the questions

Promote Your Agenda


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– Define your communications goal– Keep it narrow, specific– Have something important to communicate– Determine the one point you want to get


Be Concise


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– Two or Three– Brief– Accurate– Simple– Vivid, colorful language

Effective Messages


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– Facts– Statistics (sparingly)– Examples– Experts

Support Your Messages


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– Don’t ignore or evade a question– Address the topic of the question– Asked about a problem, talk about solutions– Never say “no comment”– If you can’t comment, explain why

Blocking & Bridging


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Blocking & Bridging

“It's our policy not to discuss __ specifically, but I can tell you..”

“I think what you're really asking is..”

“That speaks to a bigger point..”

“Let me put that in perspective…”

“What’s important to remember, however…”


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Blocking & Bridging

“What I really want to talk to you about is…”

“What’s most important is…”

“The real issue here is…”

“I don’t know about that...But what I do know is…”

“What you’re asking is…”


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– Make most important point first– Think like a journalist– Use deductive reasoning– Back it up with facts or “proof points”



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“The most important thing to remember is...”

“The real issue is...”

“I’ve talked about a lot of things. It boils down to these three things…

“Let me make one thing perfectly clear”


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Sound Bites: Before & After


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“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

“The buck stops here.”

“Ask not what your country can do for you...”

“In war, there is no substitute for victory.”

“Where’s the beef?”

Sound Bites: Hall of Fame


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– List key messages– Anticipate questions– Prepare responses– Know reporter, publication or program,

interview format– Background reporter, producer

Preparing for the Interview


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Anticipate the Worst

The toughest question will be asked.

Never say anything you don’t want to read in the newspaper, see on TV or hear on the radio.


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– Off the record: Material may not be published or broadcast. Period.

– Not for attribution: Information may be published, but without revealing identity of the source.

– Background: Usually means not for attribution. Confirm with reporter.

– Deep background: Usually means off the record. Make sure it does.

A Reporter’s Lexicon


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– Prepare list of questions– Prepare best answers– Rehearse– Review– Revise your answers



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10 Interview Tips

– Use simple, direct answers– Repeat yourself – Pause – Shut up– Avoid jargon– Don’t say “no comment”– Don’t repeat negative– Tell the truth – Keep your cool– Be yourself


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Your Rights

You Have the Right to:

– Know the topic– Know the format– Buy time– Have time to answer the question– Correct misstatements– Use notes– Record the interview


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Your Rights

You Do Not Have the Right to:– Know the questions in advance– See the story in advance– Change your quotes– Edit the story– Expect your view be the only view – Demand anything be published


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Print– Longer, more detailed interview– Possibly more knowledgeable reporter– Questions repeated in different ways to get

response– Chance to correct misstatement

Print v. Broadcast


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Radio– Emphasis on delivery: voice, inflection, pace– Need to speak “visually”– OK to use notes

Television– Short, simple answers crucial– Emphasis on appearance, technique

Print v. Broadcast


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– Be yourself– Sit comfortably, lean slightly forward – Dress conservatively– Talk to the interviewer, not to the camera– Don’t shout -- speak in conversational tone– Smile when appropriate

Television Tips


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Men– Avoid small stripes, checks, herringbone

patterns; high contrast– Wear over-the-calf socks– Sit on the back of your suit jacket– If standing, button coat; unbutton when sitting

Television Tips


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Women– Avoid small stripes or patterns, high contrast,

“backdrop blue,” solid red– Don’t wear large or noisy jewelry– Don’t wear short skirts

Television Tips


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– Buy preparation time if possible– Establish an “interview setting”

• Clear your desk• Close the door

– Use notes– Keep key points in front of you– Speak distinctly– Use short declarative sentences– Avoid ambiguity and subtlety

Telephone Tips


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– Get his/her name, affiliation– Ask: “What story are you working on?” and

“What’s your deadline?”– Promise to get back before (not on) deadline– If TV, determine location, format, live or taped– Call Hedge Fund PR

When a Reporter Calls


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Any Questions?