Independentassessm entfor Greenw ood M anagem ent Eucal yptus plantation grow th proje ction Site s of Faze nd a Santa M aria and Faze nd a Tropical V e rsion 1 O ctob e r 6,

Greenwood Management eucalyptus forestry in Brazil

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This is an independent report regarding Greenwood Management and its operations in Brazil. This report was prepared prior to the establishment of some of the company's forestry investment in Brazil. Focusing on the establishment of eucalyptus farm forestry crops on land owned by Greenwood management in the state of Bahia, Brazil this report uses commercial forestry models projected expected growth and yields for the tree crops grown using site specific date including meteorological data, soil data, and current growth and yields being achieved in the region. Greenwood Management started the establishment of its first forestry investments in the region in 2009 with the acquisition of several key sites centered around its operating base in the region. The company has since grown to become one of the larger forest operators in the region and currently manages around 5,000 hectares of forestry land in the region. Greenwood Management will be expanding this area further over the coming years and is already in the planning stages of developing a further 3,000 hectares of barren land for the companies reforestation projects in the region.

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Independent asse ssm ent forGreenw ood M anagem ent

Eucalyptus plantationgrow th  projection

Sites of Fazenda Santa M aria and Fazenda Tropical 

Version 1 ­ O ctober 6, 

A fe w us e ful te rm s

MAI: Me an Annual Incre m e nt, th e m e an annual volum e grow th pe r stand h e ctare , m e asure d in cubic m e te rs (pe r stand h e ctare )

PAI : Pe riodic Annual Incre m e nt, pe riodic (annual) ch ange on volum e pe r plantation h e ctare , m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare

Vob: Volum e outs ide bark , th at is volum e w ith bark (MAI Vob and PAI Vob accordingly) m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare

Vib: Volum e ins ide bark , th at is volum e w ith out th e bark (MAI Vib and PAI Vib accordingly) m e asure d in cubic m e te rs pe r stand h e ctare . Us e ful e stim ate for com m e rcial and round w ood ass e s sm e nts

Basal Are a: th e s q uare surface of a cross s e ction of th e stand tre e s (usually pe r h e ctare ) Me asure d in s q uare m e te rs in our cas e

TPH a: Tre e s pe r h e ctare , th e num be r of tre e s plante d or standing pe r stand are a for a give n tim e pe riod

Ste m biom ass : th e biom ass of th e m ain tre e ste m , in our docum e nt w ith branch e s and bark , m e asure d in tonne s pe r h e ctare

DBH : D iam e te r at Bre ast H e igh t, diam e te r of a tre e at 1.35 m e te rs h e igh t

Me an DBH : Me an D iam e te r at Bre ast H e igh t pe r h e ctare pe r stand

Table  of Conte ntsIntroduction and rationale , pg. 5Brie f note  about th e  Faz e nda s ite s , pg. 5

Soil re s ource s , pg. 6Site  Agro­e cology, pg. 9Te m pe rature , pg. 11Clim atic w ate r balance , pg. 11Sun radiation, pg. 11Available  s oil w ate r and irrigation, pg. 11Clim ate  data s ource s , pg. 11Grow th  proje ction note s , pg. 16Grow th ­s ite  q uality cas e s , pg. 16Mode ling note s , pg. 16Oth e r te ch nical note s , pg. 21Manage m e nt s ce narios , pg. 21As s um ptions  ans  cave ats , pg. 26Conve rs ion Factor ­ W ood volum e  to ch arcoal MDC, pg. 26Conclus ions , pg. 26Re fe re nce s  ­ Re s ource s , pg. 28

Softw are  re s ource s , pg. 29Ack now le dgm e nts , pg. 29About th is  docum e nt, pg.33

Introduction and rationale

Th is te ch nical re port is an inde pe nde nt ass e s sm e nt of Eucalyptus plantation productivity bas e d on re m ote ly s e ns e d and acq uire d data for th e tw o prope rty s ite s , Faze nda Tropical and Faze nda Santa Maria, locate d close to Catolandia and Baianopolis Municipalitie s , Micro Re gion of Extre m o O e ste Baiano, in Re gion of Bah ia, Brazil. Th e product is bas e d on re m ote ly s e ns e d and m ode le d data, w ith no fie ld ass e s sm e nts , and it is to be us e d for an inde pe nde nt com parison of th e grow th proje ctions and fore st m anage m e nt plans re porte d by Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt. Both local statistical, e m pirical grow th m ode ls and also proce s s bas e d m ode ls (3-PG) w e re us e d to m ode l plantation grow th , for com paring and custom izing inte rpre te d re sults w ith local lite rature grow th re ports . Sate llite im age ry and ve ctor GIS data w as also proce s s e d and us e d to provide an ove rvie w of th e are a, th e te rrain, th e e nvironm e ntal and clim atological attribute s . Graph ical re pre s e ntation of re sults is th e pre fe rre d w ay us e d in th is docum e nt to com m unicate th e study findings .

Brie f note about th e Faze nda s ite s

Th e tw o s ite s e xam ine d, as also pre s e nte d in re le vant m aps, are locate d in an are a of Brazil w ith strong agricultural prim ary s e ctor productivity, close to th e are a of Barre iras , at th e re gion of Bah ia, Brazil. Th e approxim ate surface are as (as re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt) are ~ 9 00 H e ctare s for Faze nda Tropical, and 205 h e ctare s approxim ate ly for


Faze nda Santa Maria. Ple as e note th at grow th proje ctions in th is docum e nt are re porte d on a pe r h e ctare bas is for ave rage productivity sce narios for th e tw o s ite s , so it is e asy w ith s im ple m ultiplication to e xam ine th e stand grow th for e ach are a plante d w ith Eucalyptus .

Soil Re source s

According to re vie w e d data source s th e soils of th e tw o s ite s are class ifie d as Latossolo Ve rm e lh o Am are lo D istrofico (IBGE, 25, 26, 27, 28). Such soil is re porte d in m any s ite s of Eucalyptus plantation grow th , as in scie ntific studie s re vie w e d (16, 17, 18, 19 and oth e rs). Bas e d on th is re vie w , th is is a m e dium to prom ine nt clay te xture soil, w ith low nutrie nt availability and low fe rtility le ve ls. H ow e ve r, according to lite rature re vie w , th e re are ce rtain s ite and soil am e ndm e nt m e th odologie s to im prove soil conditions for plant grow th , and it is re porte d th at a lot of agricultural production in Brazil is com ing from such soils. Spe cifically for Eucalyptus, th e re w e re re vie w e d num e rous studie s of plantations grow ing on e xactly th e sam e soil class e ith e r in th e Re gion of Bah ia and in th e ne igh boring Re gion of Minas Ge rais re porting good (16, 17, 18, 19 and oth e rs) and in ce rtain cas e s ve ry h igh grow th tre nds give n appropriate s ite tre atm e nts . Th e re fore , th e s e studie s w e re us e d to cross com pare and locally adapt our m ode ling re sults. To re pre s e nt th e cas e s w h e re soil fe rtility is low , or h igh e r due to s ite tre atm e nts , s e parate grow th s ite q uality cas e s are us e d.

Agrofore stry re gim e (16, 17, 18, 19 ), w ith nitroge n fixing plants and fe rtilization w ill be th e m ain m anage m e nt syste m as re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt, aim ing to im prove soil fe rtility and nitroge n availability to th e grow ing tre e s . Such sce narios of incre as ing soil fe rtility are include d in th e m anage m e nt sce narios e xam ine d and tabulate d and graph ical re sults are pre s e nte d. Sim ilar tre e crop e cosyste m s are re porte d by m any local scie ntific studie s for Eucalyptus plantations , such as th e one s us e d to custom ize and cross -com pare our m ode ling re sults.


Site Agroe cology

Agroe cological Z oning

Lite rature re vie w (29 ), re ports th at th e tw o m unicipalitie s of inte re st are class ifie d as “Ch apadas Altas”. From local analys is (ple as e s e e re le vant m aps and ge ospatial analys is) th e are as are locate d at an altitude of 720 m e te rs approxim ate ly for Faze nda Tropical, and 750 m e te rs for Faze nda Santa Maria, w h ich is s im ilar to th e 800m altitude re porte d from lite rature m ap source s . From th e sam e lite rature source s (29 ), “Ch apadas” a h ave a dry pe riod during w h ich a pre cipitation de ficit occurs , and a s e m i-h um id clim ate w ith a dry pe riod from April to O ctobe r.

Grow ing Se ason Le ngth (12, 13, 14) is 200 days e ach ye ar approxim ate ly, according to agrom e te orological analys is m ade for one of th e close st w e ath e r stations m e an clim atic data, w h ich starts at th e be ginnings of O ctobe r (w h e n our tre e planting date is s im ulate d) and e nds at th e first days of May.

Th e Clim atic Ne t Prim ary Productivity (12, 13, 14) according to th e Miam i Mode l (12), re ports also th at th e pre cipitation patte rn is a lim iting factor for th is are a. As re porte d in re le vant paragraph s , such patte rn in tak e n into cons ide ration by th e m anage m e nt re gim e , s ince irrigation w ill be applie d to prom ote plant grow th during th e dry pe riod.

Pre cipitation

Th e sub-h um id clim ate of th is tropical biom e h as an e vide nt dry pe riod be tw e e n April to O ctobe r, w h ile for th e total of th e ye ar th e pre cipitation varie s be tw e e n 1000 to 1300 m m (de pe nding on natural clim atic variability). Th e re fore , to tak e advantage of th e h um id pe riod, our planting date of th e Eucalyptus s e e dlings in th e m ode l calibrations w as cons ide re d for th e m onth of O ctobe r. As w ith oth e r variable s , th e pre cipitation (Data Source 3) w as include d into our proce s s bas e d m ode ling proce dure s of 3-PG proce s s bas e d m ode l, in orde r to furth e r custom ize our re sults to th e spe cific s ite conditions .


Te m pe rature

Th e te m pe rature is w ith in th e le ve ls of oth e r are as w h e re th e plantations of th e Eucalyptus spp. are grow n in Brazil. D e cadal, spatially inte rpolate d value s of te m pe rature for th e last de cade are provide d at th e re le vant graph ical re pre s e ntations of th is re port. Ple as e note th e re fe re nce s s e ction w h e re clim atic data source s (Data Source 3) are m e ntione d .

Clim atic W ate r Balance

Th e clim atic w ate r balance (Data Source 3) is th e diffe re nce be tw e e n th e m ode le d e vapotranspiration and th e pre cipitation for e ach tim e pe riod. Any ne gative value s rough ly de pict th e am ount of w ate r de ficit (clim atic). Ple as e note th at th e clim atic w ate r balance pre s e nte d h e re is not th e sam e as th e soil and plant w ate r balance s , but can be an indicator of w h e n m ore lik e ly plants w ill ne e d artificial w ate r supply. Such de ficit is alre ady addre s s e d by th e fie ld applications (e x. irrigation) follow e d by Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt as re porte d.

Sun radiation

Th e sun radiation (Data Source 3) is us e d as input to m ode l calculations , as oth e r variable s m e ntione d above . Spatially inte rpolate d data (Se e Ch apte r “Clim atic Data Source s”) on radiation on a m onth ly and de cadal bas is w as us e d for th is study, and as input to th e 3-PG m ode ling inte rpre tations . Also, th e “r.sun” (34, 35) m odule of GRASS GIS w as us e d to de rive spatial h igh re solution m aps (30m ) of diffus e , ground re fle cte d, and total irradiation and radiance , as can be also be obs e rve d for th e 100th day of th e ye ar in re le vant m aps and graph s .

Available soil w ate r and irrigation

As pre s e nte d in re le vant graph s and docum e nte d in th is re port, th e Clim atic W ate r Balance is de ficit for som e of th e dry m onth s of th e ye ar and th e grow ing pe riod of Eucalyptus, and th us artificial w ate r availability can re duce th e plant w ate r ne e ds and aid into plantation grow th . Irrigation is part of th e m anage m e nt re gim e of th e plantations according to Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt re ports , to cove r any available soil w ate r plant ne e ds , and so it is include d and m ode le d in th e grow th proje ctions of th is docum e nt. Ple as e note th at e ffe ctive irrigation is w h at is m ode le d in th e grow th sce narios , th at is artificial w ate r input provide d w ith th e appropriate w ay, fie ld applications and tim ing to actually be ne fit tre e grow th . Th e m e dium to prom ine nt clay te xture of th e s ite soils can h ave a h igh w ate r h olding capacity, w h ich can re sult to soil w ate r availability for th e plants cultivate d.

Clim ate data source s

Long te rm actually m e asure d data of agricultural and fore stry s ite s , prior to e stablis h m e nt of plantation is usually h ard to find, and th e re fore in m any cas e and scie ntific studie s , e ith e r inte rpolate d data of inte rnational truste d data source s or m onitore d data of th e close st m e te orological station is us e d. Afte r re vie w of m any data source s , originating w ith e r from from Brazil (CPTEC/INPE, SUDENE, INMET), inte rnational organizations (FAOCLIM,GH CN), or oth e r w e b w e ath e r fore cast re source s (Re f. Clim ate Ch arts), finally for th e m ode ling in our cas e one option w as



s e le cte d (Data source 3) for th e close st to our s ite locations spatial data inte rpolation point. Us ing tim e s e rie s inte rpolate d clim atic data (Data Source 3) h as th e advantage of re pre s e nting both dry and non dry ye ars , and in ge ne ral re pre s e nting clim atic variability, w h ich is th e n us e d in our m ode ling proce dure s for w ood volum e incre m e nt, re sulting in both ye ars of h igh e r or low e r production. Th e data us e d h as a re solution of 0.25 de gre e s , and as m e ntione d be fore , th e close st point to th e tw o Faze nda Site s w as s e le cte d for furth e r analys is .


Grow th proje ctions

Grow th – Site q uality cas e s

Re porte d Me an Annual Incre m e nts of Eucalyptus spp. are h igh ly variable , de pe nding on biom e and conditions grow n. Incre m e nts can be 8 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare , or e ve n low e r, bas e d on ce rtain studie s , in cas e of anth ropoge nic or oth e r s ite q uality re asons , spe cie s adaptation and oth e r e nvironm e ntal unde rlying caus e s . Fore st and tre e grow th can be h igh ly variable , and com m e rcial plantation grow ing for h igh productivity incre m e nts re q uire s th e s e le ction of appropriate tre e prove nance s and h ybrids , h igh le ve l e xpe rtis e and com m itm e nt to fie ld m anage m e nt in orde r to provide pos itive re sults. Assum ing th at such practice s are applie d on th e fie ld, tw o bas ic cas e s are pre s e nte d, one of m e dium -h igh grow th , and one optim al, h igh e r productivity cas e . For our study, w e cove re d tw o bas ic s ite q uality/grow th cas e s :

- Th e m e dium productivity cas e w h e re at plantation age 11 th e volum e pe r h e ctare is approxim ate ly at 260 cubic m e te rs , and th e ste m biom ass is 125 tonne s pe r h e ctare , as in re fe re nce s (28) -ple as e s e e also re le vant table -. Such grow th is re porte d by local lite rature from Brazil for Eucalyptus spp. w ith s im ilar stock ing and m anage m e nt practice s for a location in th e ne igh boring Re gion of Minas Ge rais , w h e re th e soil class w as as in th e tw o Faze nda Site s discuss e d (Latossolo Ve rm e lh o Am are lo D istrofico), but at low e r altitude and w ith h igh e r pre cipitation le ve l. Th e re fore w e as sum e th at for th e tw o Faze nda s ite s , nitroge n fixing plants are grow n in a tre e crop syste m w ith Eucalyptus, and th at ade q uate fe rtilization is applie d. Furth e rm ore , irrigation is applie d in a m anne r to provide soil w ate r for plant grow th as in th e local studie s . According to our ass e s sm e nt, m ore studie s re fe r to such grow th patte rns (for th e Site Quality Case 1), th an in th e s e cond cas e , and th e re fore w e cons ide r th is first cas e m ore fe as ible th an th e s e cond. H ow e ve r, th e re is an incre as ing num be r of publis h e d studie s de scribing such h igh volum e incre m e nt rate s w ith th e us e of Eucalyptus clonal varie tie s (w ith an MAI e q ual to 40 or m uch h igh e r), as th e s e are also in de tail m e ntione d be low and pre s e nte d as s im ulations to graph s and table s . - Th e optim al productivity cas e de scribe s a rath e r h igh incre m e nt le ve l. Bas e d on th e pre vious grow th cas e , w e as sum e th at m ost lim iting factors for plant grow th are re duce d s ignificantly bas e d on th e s ite m anage m e nt, fe rtilization and irrigation applie d, and th e planting of fast grow ing Eucalyptus clonal varie tie s . Such grow th is re porte d for s e le cte d prove nance s and plant h ybrids . Th e MAI is re ach ing th e 40, or m ore th an 40 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare in ce rtain ye ars , and th e total incre m e nt is m uch h igh e r th an in th e pre vious sce nario. Th is e stim ate falls close w ith th e production e stim ate s from local studie s from Bah ia (33) and oth e rs (11). Also, th e s e re sults as in th e s e cond optim al cas e , and e ve n h igh e r incre m e nts , are fe as ible according to fie ld studie s and e xpe rim e nts re porte d from Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt, bas e d on te sts of th e clonal varie tie s to be us e d.

Eucalyptus m anage d fore sts in Brazil are h igh ly productive . In both cas e s above , th e tre e productivity is ve ry h igh , w h e n com pare d w ith th e incre m e nt le ve ls of oth e r, non tropical fore st e cosyste m s (for e xam ple fir natural fore sts in h igh altitude , h igh re lative de ns ity s e le ction cut stands of th e Me dite rrane an re gion can h ave an annual grow th date of 3 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare in ce rtain s ite s , w h ile le s s can be obs e rve d in ce rtain e ve rgre e n oak stands , 2.5 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare ).

Mode ling note s

A lot of inform ation and studie s e xist for young fast grow ing plantations in Brazil, and according to our lite rature as s e s sm e nt, le s s inform ation e xists on th inning ope rations (such as Manage m e nt Sce nario 2 or 3) and th e stand be h avior afte r th inning. Both local






statistical m ode ls de ve lope d from a study in Bah ia Re gion, and th e proce s s bas e d m ode l 3-PG custom ize d bas e d on local studie s (31, 16, 17, 18) for Eucalyptus spp. (including th e natural h ybrid of Eucalyptus cam aldule ns is x Eucalyptus uroph ylla). Adapte d for th is study Clutte r bas e d m ode ls (32, 37) and a Sch um ach e r bas e d m ode l (32) (us ing as our inte rpre tation input various s ite indice s to account for s ite q uality variation) and th e custom ize d 3-PG proce s s bas e d m ode l w e re e xam ine d for grow th and m anage m e nt sce narios , as give n in graph ical re sults. Cross com parison of our 3-PG adaptation w as m ade to m ak e sure th at our custom ization h as s im ilar e stim ate s w ith local e m pirical m ode ls.Th e re spons e to th inning w as also te ste d for th e – furth e r calibrate d for our study- Clutte r m ode l originating from re ce nt studie s in Bah ia (31, 32, 37) and such re sults w e re cross com pare d w ith th e 3-PG, as also pre s e nte d in re le vant graph s . Th e agre e m e nt of grow th proje ctions is provide d in re le vant graph s and table s , be fore and afte r th inning.For e xam ple , for a study m ade in Bah ia, publis h e d on 2009 (32), e xam ining s e ve ral incre m e nt m ode ls for 37 Eucalyptus clone s , th e Me an Annual Incre m e nt (MAI, IMA in Portugue s e ) w ith bark w as for th e various calculations m ore th an 40 cubic m e te rs pe r h a for young stand age s , and in m any cas e s surpass ing th e 50 cubic m e te rs pe r h e ctare , outs ide bark . Ple as e note th at th e above doe s not im ply th at all Eucalyptus plantation grow e rs in th e sam e re gion w ill h ave th e ve ry s im ilar re sults; rath e r it is an indication th at, if th e appropriate prove nance s and tre e varie tie s are ch os e n and th e ne e de d m anage m e nt re gim e s are follow e d on th e fie ld, th e n such h igh incre m e nt re sults are poss ible .

Oth e r te ch nical note s  

Octobe r is cons ide re d th e planting m onth , w ith 1333 s e e dlings pe r h e ctare e stablis h e d, and as m e ntione d in pre vious ch apte rs , it is s e le cte d as it is th e start of grow ing and rainy s e ason.

Th e volum e ins ide bark is cons ide re d to be 14% -15% of th e total ste m volum e , as in ite rations m ade from lite rature source s (37) - h ow e ve r th e bark volum e is re porte d sm alle r for clonal varie tie s , from 9 % to 12 % of th e ste m total in re ce nt publications (36)-.

Manage m e nt sce narios

Base d on th e s e tw o m ain grow th cas e s , ce rtain m anage m e nt re gim e s are pre s e nte d for e ach of th e th e cas e s discuss e d:

- A rotation pe riod of 7-9 ye ars , for th e production of th e total volum e pe r h e ctare for e ne rgy biom ass propos e s . - H arve sting th e m ajority of th e at th e produce d volum e at th e plantation age 7-9 ye ars , and le aving 250 ste m s pe r h e ctare for furth e r grow ing until 13-15 ye ars (of plantation age ). Such m anage m e nt re gim e is applie d by m anage m e nt studie s dim e ns ion w ood production and th e re fore is follow e d h e re . - Th inning ope rations as to k e e p th e re lative de ns ity low and th us tre e com pe tition in low le ve ls, in orde r to m axim ize plantation grow th , is th e last m anage m e nt sce nario propos e d, w ith re ducing basal are a by approxim ate ly 50% on Ye ar 4, w ith 650 tre e s re m aining, and furth e r re m oving about 60% of basal are a on Ye ar 8, le aving 250 tre e s pe r h e ctare . Th is proje ction s h ould be tre ate d w ith caption, s ince it is not re fe re nce d and cross ch e ck e d for corre ctions w ith local re sults and studie s (due to th e fact th at local q uantitative data on subs e q ue nt th inning e ve nts w as not available on pe e r re vie w e d publications as s e s s e d in orde r to com pare our re sults).






Assum ptions and cave ats

Assum ptions , and poss ible inaccuracie s , about our approach e s on e stim ating w ood volum e incre m e nt and s ite productivity are discuss e d in m ore de tail at th e re le vant docum e nt ch apte rs . Natural variability, clim ate e xtre m e s , natural or m an caus e d disturbance s such as fore st fire s , can e as ily cre ate unfavorable conditions for plant grow th according to one 's plans . H ow e ve r, cons ide ring th e past and curre nt h igh productivity of Brazil Eucalyptus plantations and th e local e xpe rtis e de ve lope d, w e as sum e th at such grow th is fe as ible , as also re porte d by local studie s for th e sam e re gions , and/or for th e sam e or s im ilar agro-e cological biom e s . As it is obvious , any poss ible e rrors or inaccuracie s are of cours e not due to m ode ls and softw are us e d and us e d, but rath e r to our param e trization. Local adaptation and param e trization to spe cie s and s ite conditions of e m pirical-statistical m ode ls, such as th e Clutte r one , or proce s s -bas e d m ode ls such as th e 3-PG, can h ave e rrors or inaccuracie s caus e d from th e m ode le r (as in th is docum e nt), and re sult to m isle ading fore casts . Th e re fore , our re sults w e re com pare d w ith publis h e d q uantitative data of Eucalyptus incre m e nts of th e sam e biom e s in Brazil, in orde r to lim it th e occurre nce of any e rror in our proje ctions .

Conve rs ion Factor - W ood volum e to ch arcoal MDC 

Th e ratio of “stack e d w ood cubic m e te r/MDC of ch arcoal = 1,47” re fe rring to bone dry w ood is provide d h e re bas e d on local lite rature source s . Th e s e MDC factors and calculations de rive d from lite rature (30) w e re de ve lope d in Brazil for Eucalyptus spe cie s , and in th e re fe re nce d article th e clonal (Eucalyptus uroph ylla x Eucalyptus cam aldule ns is) varie ty in s im ilar to th e one in q ue stion for th is as s e s sm e nt . Th e ABRAF statistical Ye arbook 2009 (33) re fe rs to a ch arcoal conve rs ion rate of 1,33 for Eucalyptus spp. according to ne w de ve lopm e nts/im prove m e nts of th e carbonization proce s s .Conve rs ions of w ood volum e or w ood biom ass to MDC de pe nd on various factors , such as tre e de ns ity (w h ich for e xam ple can vary from plantation grow n to naturally grow n spe cie s , or from one location to anoth e r), dry volum e s h rink age , te m pe rature of carbonization proce s s and oth e rs .

Conclus ions

W orld k now n, pe e r re vie w e d approach e s on m ode ling plant grow th w e re furth e r adapte d to th e be st of our k now le dge in orde r to de rive th e above pre s e nte d m ode ling re sults. Analys is w as follow e d to ch e ck th at our adaptation fits in w e ll w ith th e grow th tre nds obs e rve d by auth ors of local studie s . Tw o bas ic s ite q uality cas e s are e xam ine d, one of m e dium -h igh and one of h igh e r grow th , and for e ach of th e s e cas e s 3 s ite m anage m e nt sce narios are propos e d, w ith production age s varying from 7-13 ye ars afte r plantation e stablis h m e nt, de pe nding on s ilvicultural tre atm e nts . Re ade rs s h ould note h ow e ve r, th at th is is a th e ore tical ass e s sm e nt of plantation grow th , bas e d on scie ntific m e th odology and data available , and can pre s e nt s ignificant variations of th e actual future Eucalyptus plantation grow th . W h ile th e utm ost care h as be e n tak e n to e nsure th e validity of th e re sults, th e auth or can not be h e ld re spons ible for variations be tw e e n th e curre nt proje ctions and actual future Eucalyptus plantation grow th , due to m ode ling, m anage rial, anth ropoge nic, or oth e r re asons .


Com m e nt on th e table above : Th e data proje cte d for Site Quality Case 1, w h e re proje ctions agre e w ith re fe re nce s (18) h aving at 11nth ye ar volum e ins ide bark to 260 cubic m e te rs approxim ate ly, and ste m biom ass (including branch e s and bark ) at 127 tonne s pe r h e ctare .


Re fe re nce s - Re source sSe ve ral lite rature , w e b and oth e r re source s w e re re vie w e d for th is as s e s sm e nt, w h ich are m e ntione d in de tail be low :

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13. CLIMPAG: Clim ate Im pact on Agriculture , Environm e nt, CLim ate Ch ane g and Bioe ne rgy D ivistion (NRC), Food and Agriculture O rganization of th e Unite d Nations h ttp://w w w .fao.org/nr/clim pag/

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Softw are re source s

Se ve ral softw are re source s w e re us e d for th e re alization of th is as s e s sm e nt:

­ Th e  3­PG M ode l Softw are . 3­PG is  th e  acronym  of  th e   Ph ys ilological Principle s  Pre dicting Grow th , w h ich  is  a “ge ne ralize d fore st carbon allocation m ode l”, publis h e d by Landsbe rg and Waring on 19 9 7

h ttp://w w w .cs iro.au/products/3PGProductivity.h tm l

­ Microsoft Exce l and Microsoft W indow s XP Profe s s ional

­ Ope noffice .org 3.2.0

­ De bian Gnu/Linux 5.0.4

­ De bian GNU/Linux te sting, code nam e d “Sque e ze ”

­ Grass GIS 6.4.0RC6 (2010) - GRASS D e ve lopm e nt Te am , 2010. Ge ograph ic Re source s Analys is Support Syste m (GRASS) Softw are , Ve rs ion 6.4.0. O pe n Source Ge ospatial Foundation. h ttp://grass .osge o.org

­ Quantum  GIS (QGIS) ve rs ion 1.4.0 Ence ladus

­ GNU Re gre s s ion and Econom e trics  Library, Ve rs ion 1.9 .0­1

­ Gnuplot, Ve rs ion 4.4.0­1

Ack now le dgm e nts

Th e m ain data source s , crucial for th e re alization of th is as s e s sm e nt, h ave to be ack now le dge d:

Data Source 1: Landsat ETM 2000 Mosaics , from Earth Explore r, Unite d State s Ge ological Surve y, US D e partm e nt of Inte rior, USA

Data Source 2: IBGE, Instituto Bras ile iro de Ge ografia e Estatística, Brazil

Data Source 3: © Europe an Com m unitie s , 2009 EC-JRC-MARS data, production by Me te oConsult (Nl) bas e d on ECW MF (Europe an Ce ntre for Me dium Range W e ath e r Fore casts) m ode l outputs – JRC of EC

Data Source 4: Global Land Cove r Facility (GLCF), Unive rs ity of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Ack now le dgm e nts are also ow e d to th e auth ors/de ve lope rs of th e 3-PG m ode l, Dr. J.J. Landsbe rg and Dr. R.H . W aring.

- J.J. Landsbe rg, R.H . W aring, A ge ne ralis e d m ode l of fore st productivity us ing s im plifie d conce pts of radiation-us e e fficie ncy, carbon balance and partitioning, Fore st Ecology and Manage m e nt, Volum e 9 5, Is sue 3, 1 August 19 9 7, Page s 209 -228, ISSN 0378-1127

Finally, ack now le dgm e nts are e xpre s s e d to th e Australian Com m onw e alth Scie ntific and Re s e arch O rganization (CSIRO )/Fore stry Manage m e nt for th e distribution and provis ion of th e 3-PG m ode l softw are .


About th is docum e ntTh is inde pe nde nt ass e s sm e nt for Eucalyptus grow th w as de ve lope d by bio4m e t <w w w.bio4m e t.com > bas e d on contract w ith Gre e nw ood Manage m e nt. Bio4m e t is a sm all (natural pe rson) consulting com pany bas e d in Gre e ce . Copyrigh ts be long to both partie s m e ntione d.