FATCA by Investors Europe Stock Brokers Pow ered by Investors Europe Stock Brokers, Europe's Best... From investorseurope.com - December 8, 2012 12:25 AM investorseurope is the world leader in online trading platforms and Europe's Premier online broker for bonds, forex, stocks, CFDs, ETFs and futures... Investors Europe Stock Brokers 's insight: Open a trading account Download MT4 demo Download Trading Platform Get a Quotation NOW About Investors Europe FATCA - This is so Orwellian ... @digitalnapoleon From w w w .youtube.com - November 11, 11:11 PM Monad's FATCA compliance solution identifies US persons based on the FATCA legislative rules. It's not 1984, it's 2014 as Orwell's Big Brother Prediction Comes True From w w w .youtube.com - November 11, 11:16 PM They are not burning books as the digital age has done that @digitalnapoleon Malta expected to sign US agreement regarding FATCA @investorseurope From w w w .timesofmalta.com - November 11, 3:55 PM Malta expected to sign US agreement regarding FATCA Times of Malta Malta will shortly be signing a Model Intergovernmental Agreement with the US, which will include some of the requirements and deadlines set out in the American Foreign Account Tax...

FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

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FATCAby Investors Europe Stock Brokers

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Investors Europe Stock Brokers, Europe'sBest...

From investorseurope.com - December 8, 2012 12:25 AM

investorseurope is the world leader in online tradingplatforms and Europe's Premier online broker forbonds, forex, stocks, CFDs, ETFs and futures...

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FATCA - This is so Orwellian ...


From w w w .youtube.com - November 11, 11:11 PM

Monad's FATCA compliance solution identifies US

persons based on the FATCA legislative rules.

It's not 1984, it's 2014 as Orwell's BigBrother Prediction Comes True

From w w w .youtube.com - November 11, 11:16 PM

They are not burning books as the digital age hasdone that @digitalnapoleon

Malta expected to sign US agreement

regarding FATCA @investorseurope

From w w w .timesofmalta.com - November 11, 3:55 PM

Malta expected to sign US agreement regardingFATCA Times of Malta Malta will shortly be signinga Model Intergovernmental Agreement with the US,which will include some of the requirements anddeadlines set out in the American Foreign AccountTax...

Page 2: FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

persons based on the FATCA legislative rules.

Renouncing US Tax Obligations : Record

Numbers Ditch Passports in 2013

From panampost.com - November 10, 11:22 AM

RT @A_W10: The latest column: U.S. #Americansditching citizenship in recordnumbers. http://t.co/g1J6Att1iC Via @PanAmPost #FATCA #taxes…

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IRS releases long-awaited draft FFIAgreement, previews updates to FATCA


From w w w .jdsupra.com - November 8, 1:54 PM

Cayman Islands formalises FATCA-styletax information exchange agreement with

UK @investorseurope

From w w w .out-law .com - November 8, 2:33 PM

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The International Tax Compliance (UnitedStates of America) Regulations 2013

From w w w .legislation.gov.uk - November 5, 1:54 PM

These Regulations are made to give effect to theagreement reached between the Government of theUnited Kingdom and the Government of the UnitedStates of America to improve international taxcompliance and to implement FATCA (theprovisions...

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FATCA: 'EU banks trusting an Americanclient could elicit a hefty IRS fine in thefuture..'

Page 3: FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

From w w w .jdsupra.com - November 8, 1:54 PM

The IRS has released Notice 2013-69, including adraft FFI Agreement and several intended updatesto the existing Treasury Regulations implementingthe Foreign Account Tax Compliance...

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FATCA : HM Revenue & Customs:International agreements to improve taxcompliance @investorseurope

From w w w .hmrc.gov.uk - November 5, 1:53 PM

International agreements to improve tax compliance

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What's FATCA? Global Banking MeetsNSA But Reports To IRS

From w w w .shaikshahidimam.com - November 1, 8:51 AM

...read more (What's FATCA? Global BankingMeets NSA But Reports ToIRShttp://t.co/dnUlUcLnWY)

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U.S. tax-evasion crackdown could have

From w w w .americanthinker.com - November 3, 2:01 PM

Investors Europe Stock Brokers's insight:'FATCA is making it increasingly difficult toopen personal bank accounts. Major bankssuch as HSBC, Deutsche Bank, DBS, andUBS have admitted to turning away holders ofAmerican passports. If you are an Americanliving or working in Switzerland, for example,you can say "goodbye" to innocent untilproven guilty. The default bank response willbe to assume you are Al Capone, becauseactually trusting an American client couldelicit a hefty IRS fine in the future...' Readmore: http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/11/fatca_the_scarlet_letter_abroad.html#.UnSwb8usfN4.twitter#ixzz2jZirMaij Follow us: @AmericanThinkeron Twitter | AmericanThinker on FacebookOpen a trading account Download MT4 demoDownload Trading Platform Get a QuotationNOW About Investors Europe

FATCA - You are a "person of interest"Anonymous Video on the Net

Page 4: FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

U.S. tax-evasion crackdown could have

major implications for Canadians

From w w w 2.macleans.ca - November 1, 8:20 AM

FATCA raises a lot of questions (#FATCA couldhave major implications 4Canadianshttp://t.co/aoT9krXKqS)

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FATCA: Breaking through Fear with aSwiss Referendum | News | RepealFATCA

From w w w .repealfatca.com - October 24, 10:00 AM

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Happiness is a FATCA sandwich

From w w w .youtube.com - November 1, 8:23 AM

Video anonyme trouvée sur le net (You are a personof interest! #FATCAhttp://t.co/3eqeiCWO1P)

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U.S. Tax Evasion Efforts Show Slow And

Tricky Progress @investorseurope

From w w w .ibtimes.com - November 1, 8:20 AM

The 2010 FATCA law requires foreign financialbusinesses, like banks, to disclose substantialinformation about their U.S. account holders.

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UK trustees cannot afford to ignore USFATCA law @investorseurope

From w w w .step.org - October 22, 10:13 PM

Practitioners who thought that UK-based trusts withno American connections were exempt from the USForeign Accounts Tax Compliance Act may havebeen too optimistic.

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Page 5: FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

From brighttax.com - October 19, 11:55 PM

" ... What this means to Americans living overseasis that gone are the days of living off the grid. If you’re not up to date with your required US tax filingand FATCA and FBAR reporting, very...

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FATCA: Updates for Hong Kong,Philippines, New Zealand and ...

From taxconnections.com - October 19, 11:53 PM

HKMA also suggested that the Hong KongAssociation of Banks and the DTC Association offerappropriate assistance to facilitate the developmentof good practices for compliance with FATCA andother overseas tax regimes.

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FATCA: Breaking through Fear with aSwiss Referendum

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Are you ready to be an unpaidgovernment spy?

From w w w .sovereignman.com - October 19, 11:54 PM

FATCA is one of the worst laws ever written. Inaddition to requiring yet more disclosures for UStaxpayers who have foreign accounts, FATCA alsomandates every foreign financial institution on theplanet to share customer ...

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Panama complies with FATCA | 1099News

From w w w .convey.com - October 19, 11:52 PM

Panama has signed up for the U.S. ForeignAccount Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), accordingto iExpats. The IRS hopes the country'sparticipation will taper the large amount of taxableassets hidden there.

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Page 6: FATCA Is Orwell's 1984 in motion with the US as Big Brother

From isaacbrocksociety.ca - October 19, 11:52 PM

October 16, 2013. From: Bilan, Switzerland. ByMohammad Farrokh. The Swiss are likely to vote tooverturn a FATCA agreement with the US TreasuryDepartment, which has recently been ratified byParliament.

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Addressing the myths about FATCA

From w w w .cfow orld.com - October 13, 12:42 AM

Q&A: Addressing the myths about FATCACFOworldHow are Asian banks and financial institutionsresponding to the Foreign Account Tax ComplianceAct (FACTA)? Ravi Vasantraj, Global Head - BFSIPractice, Tech Mahindra, has some answers.

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From usxcanada.w ordpress.com - October 13, 12:07 PM

Commentary on specific aspects of the situationfaced by U.S. citizens who reside outside theUnited States. Uncertainty (2012 Jan 23) How ManyExtraterritorial U.S. Citizens?&n... (RT@FATCA_Fallout: U.S.

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US-France tax fraud pact falls victim toshutdown @investorseurope

From w w w .expatica.com - October 13, 12:41 AM

The US government shutdown claimed anothervictim Thursday, at least for now: a US-Frenchagreement that battles tax evasion (RT@counterpartylnk: US-France tax fraud pact fallsvictim to shutdownhttp://t.co/8GUurSHaiE#FATCA)...

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