How to Create Money Out of Thin Air (Step by Step) By Sandy Leveque

Creating Money Out of Thin Air (Step by Step Guide)

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When you need money for something important but your bank account is at ZERO or worse still, in the red and overdrawn….. what do you do? Especially when you know you have no credit cards you can use, no chance of getting a bank loan and no rich relatives to smile sweetly at… It can feel pretty frustrating and lonely to be honest. This is a STEP BY STEP guide to create money, even at times when it seems impossible. As Nelson Mandela says: 'It always seems impossible until's done'. Use the practical exercise contained here to create money in ways you probably haven't thought of yet.

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How to Create Money Out of Thin Air (Step by Step)

By Sandy Leveque

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Bonjour! I’m Sandy When you need money for something important but your bank account is at ZERO or worse still, in the red and overdrawn….. what do you do? Especially when you know you have no credit cards you can use, no chance of getting a bank loan and no rich relatives to smile sweetly at… It can feel pretty frustrating and lonely to be honest. And that’s how I used to feel nearly ALL THE TIME.

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This is the 24m2 apartment I lived in at the time…

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When you’re living like that it’s like being in a desert with no water. No matter what you do you’re ALWAYS thinking about how to get water. Or you’re thinking about all the people you need to give water to even when you DO get water.

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Raising money for anything extra is like asking that person in the desert to hike a mountain too. It seems IMPOSSIBLE. But….as one of my favourite men of all time says:

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This slide will help you see the biggest obstacle to creating money out of thin air is usually your own MIND. And the good news is that you can absolutely do something about it. OR help others do something about it if you know they are struggling with it. The information I’m about to share with you is the exact same information that helped me create $5100 in less than 7 days. So be sure to read closely if you’re truly serious about creating money out of thin air J

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….THINKING The first thing to realize is that a ‘rich person’ and a ‘poor person’ approach the issue of creating money from two completely different angles. Can you guess which ones? A poor person (usually) assumes from the get-go that they won’t be able to raise the money. Their mind automatically goes to all the reasons “why they can’t come up with the money”. They just ‘feel’ they can’t make that money happen.

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…. » RICH » Thinking A « rich person’s » mind moves in the opposite direction. They’re aware of not having the money in that moment… BUT they don’t see that as a permanent situation. They KNOW they can create more. So their mind begins listing all the ways they COULD raise the money.

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Let me give you an example of this. A few years ago Virgin Atlantic, the airline founded by Richard Branson, wanted to put seatback televisions in it’s planes. Initial estimates put the costs at $10 million. Try as he may Richard couldn’t raise the $10 million. Every bank refused and he found himself sitting down one day, desperately trying to think of where to get the money from.

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All of a sudden he had a brainwave. Virgin didn’t just want to install seatback TVs for the sake of having TVs. They wanted to expand the whole airline. Why not take that one step further and dream a little bigger? He called up Boeing (a major airplane manufacturer) and asked if they’d like to build 12 new planes for Virgin. Boeing said yes and Richard told them there was one condition: all planes had to be fitted with seatback televisions.

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They agreed and instead of failing to raise $10 million he found himself SUCCESSFULLY raising $2.5 billion. (….isn’t that mind-blowing when you think about it?) They had brand new planes, innovative seatback televivions and beat their competitors to it by several years.

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A Broke Zumba Instructor’s Story In February 2013 I decided to REALLY build an online business (using this system) I’d been thinking about it for a while but I was still approaching it from a hobbyist perspective. I didn’t see it as something I could actually do. And as a former activist and campaigner I didn’t know if it was what I wanted to do. But as I realised I could use the internet to change my life and by extension…change the world…. my mind was made up.

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There was just one problem. I didn’t have any money to put towards it. Quite literally. So on the one hand I was building big expectations and dreams of what the internet could do for me, ……and on the other hand I was expecting that to happen with little investment on my part. Once I decided to invest in my online marketing education I started looking a little like this…

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There was just one problem. I didn’t have any money to put towards it. Quite literally. So on the one hand I was building big expectations and dreams of what the internet could do for me, ……and on the other hand I was expecting that to happen with little investment on my part. Once I decided to invest in my online marketing education I broke out into a cold sweat a little like this:

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Because there was a HUGE mistmatch between my bank account balance and the investment I wanted to make. “How on earth am I going to pay for this?” I thought. HINT: Can you see which direction my mind went in? Poor or rich? Poor! And guess what?…… Try as I may for the next two months I failed to raise the money.

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Even though I listed many different ways in which I could do it…deep down I didn’t believe I could and I certainly didn’t have any brainwaves à la Richard Branson. I’m not sure what I was expecting to happen….perhaps that the money would just fall out of the sky one day as I went to buy baguettes in the local boulangerie? (I was living in France at the time). Or that a mysterious gift would appear in my bank account? (that has actually happened before but you can’t exactly RELY on that happening right?).

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And then something changed. I attended a live event in Chicago, Illinois.

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Until that point I had never been so physically close to HUNDREDS of people creating wealth in their lives. I chatted to various 6 and 7 figure leaders and saw that they actually had a nose, eyes, ears like me and didn’t secretly slip into more comfortable capes in phone boxes ;) Something strange began happening. The amount of money I’d been attempting to raise ($5100) suddenly became alot smaller in my mind. As though it went from being this:

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to this….

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J As I flew back home to France I was too inspired to sleep. I listened to two powerful audios (“Speak the World Into Existence” by David Wood and “How to Create Resources” by David Wood and Dave Sharpe) and realised in a split second that I COULD CREATE THIS MONEY.

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A STEP BY STEP PROCESS 1) I wrote my desire to create this money on a card which I proceeded to carry around with me all the time. 2) I wrote out a paragraph describing how I’d feel after creating the money I needed. In extensive detail! And I wrote it in the present tense.

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I then listed 50 ways I could create that money and as I began doing that noticed my enthusiasm dwindle immediately. Why? Well writing out 50 “somethings” of anything isn’t exactly an exciting prospect. BUT here’s what I realised as I sat in the plane, staring at my computer screen and wondering how to make this happen.

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I realised it’s EASY to just stop and not write a full list. It’s EASY to give up and decide it’s too hard to do something out of my existing comfort zone. It’s EASY to keep doing what I’ve always done, hoping it will create something different.

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And a fire lit inside me. Ideas began POURING into my mind. And by the time I got to the 21st idea I KNEW what I had to do. One of the ideas had ‘popped’ more than the others. As I wrote it down I KNEW I had to actually do it. So when I got home I did.

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What happened next BLEW MY MIND. Within 60 minutes I had the entire amount I needed – if not more. It happened so quickly I almost thought I was hallucinating!

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7 days later I’d created the money I needed and had made the investment into my business. I was ‘All In’ with it – both energetically AND skills wise – because I’d made the investment into learning the skills required for an online business. Here’s the card I’d carried around:

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What I didn’t mention earlier is that I did this step by step process TWICE. But the first time something was missing…


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That changed when I attended the live event I described earlier…. …and got more involved with my online team.

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Since doing this exercise I’ve built a sustainable online business ..moved to the beaches of Lisbon, Portugal… And appeared on live webcasts sharing my story to 1700+ people.

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If you don’t have a supportive environment around you… ….find out more about the online community I'm part of here.

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And thank you for reading. NOW GO OUT AND CREATE SOME MONEY! You’re worth it. Sandy Leveque