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„As a fund industry location and with its interesting investors, Germany is attractive to foreigners!”

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Euro crisis, current "German-Bashing" back and forth. "THE ECONOMIST" also has a split judgment about Germany. In contrast, there are presently various opinions of investors who consider Germany as a form of "Big Switzerland". Technology, renewables and a slow developing branding of Germany is an optimal "safe haven" in Europe, which are often discussed in Frankfurt. Whether corresponding with foreign family offices or at events of foreign embassies & consulates and chambers of commerce and industry: The location Germany, with all their strength and flaws, awakens still great interest internationally. Developments as well in the asset management industry appear to be reassuring. Can Germany still be interesting for international investors ? From June 24, 2013 until June 27, 2013, the industry-wide, well-known conference FundForum International takes place in Monaco. The independent industry expert Markus Hill will lead a panel discussion of German-speaking fund selectors on the topic of fund boutiques. The editor in chief Frank Schnattinger from IPE Institutional Investment has discussed with him the current situation of German fund industry. Markus Hill (MSc in Economics) is an independent asset management consultant based in Frankfurt, Germany Professional experience includes SEB Bank and Credit Suisse Asset Management. In addition, he worked as head of sales and PR for a German fund boutique. Since 2005 he specialized in the management of mandates, sales, marketing, and PR (consulting, "introducing"). Markus is also involved in selecting themes in the specialist areas of target funds with a multi-management aspect, fund boutiques and mutual funds for institutional investors (product scouting, fund selection). Furthermore he is actively engaged in cooperation with the market-leading Private Label Funds/Master KAG in Germany (Universal-Investment) promoting the idea of independent asset management and was the Co-Initiator of the first all-German Consultant survey in 2005 and the first "UCITS-survey" in 2003. Market entry into Germany, behavior of fund selectors and fund providers in German asset management industry are often discussed by him, e.g. in his asset-management-publication MH-Focus. Through many articles, columns and presentations (national and international) he has become a highly recognized expert in the German asset management industry. "Industry multiplier" is a term often used by journalists and clients to describe his style and personality. (Markus Hill/ MH Services assigned in the role of Media Partner for: UCITS Alternatives Conference in Zürich, September 2011)

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Page 1: „As a fund industry location and with its interesting investors, Germany is attractive to foreigners!”


„As a fund industry location and with its interesting investors,

Germany is attractive to foreigners!”

IPE Institutional Investment, www.institutional-investment.de, Germany,

Interview / UV

From June 24, 2013 until June 27, 2013, the industry-wide, well-known conference FundForum International

takes place in Monaco. The independent industry expert Markus Hill will lead a panel discussion of German-

speaking fund selectors on the topic of fund boutiques. The editor in chief Frank Schnattinger from IPE

Institutional Investment has discussed with him the current situation of German fund industry.

IPE Institutional Investment: Mr. Hill, what topics will you discuss at your panel in Monaco?

Hill: For a start, we will briefly outline the situation in Germany, including market growth and current trends

in terms of fund boutiques and private label funds. In addition, we will discuss topics such as selection

criteria and strengths and weaknesses of independent asset managers. The situation in Germany will also be

debated. For example, how interesting are German fund boutiques? How attractive are foreign fund

boutiques? What actions can a foreign manager take to stir the interest of German fund selectors?

A need for further discussion also seems to exist in regard to fund or manager research. Based on different

talks with German family offices, one idea appears to be an increase in international networking efforts. This

topic actually arose again during a phone conversation with a family office this past week. How can a British

or American family office assist a German family office in its selection of British and American boutique

managers? Obviously, this is not a one-way street. In fact, it invites one to draw conclusions based on the

cooperation ideas of other investor groups: What may German fund selectors learn from foreign investors?

IPE Institutional Investment: You will talk to fund selectors. What role does the area of asset manager or

product provider play at your panel?

Hill: At the FundForum International, you will find international representatives of the industry. Next to

investors, this also means numerous subject matter experts from areas such as marketing, sales, and business

development. Many of these experts now view Germany more and more through “pink” glasses—Next to

Luxembourg, Germany as a “hub” within Europe is becoming an increasingly attractive place for market

entry. Despite Europe bashings and Asia hypes, some foreigners seem inclined to view Germany as “Great

Switzerland”; however, as Frankfurt native, I am obviously biased on this matter. The location is attractive,

positioned centrally, and offers an excellent infrastructure for the fund industry. Many German investment

companies also have affiliations in Luxembourg. Fund launches in combination to direct sales support within

the German-speaking area can be an option. In general, in contrast to London, investment companies from

Germany and Luxembourg do profit from their central location. Firms like Universal Investment, IP

Concept, Hauck & Aufhäuser, and others will optimize their business approach to fund launches and sales

support. This trend started to develop a while ago.

Page 2: „As a fund industry location and with its interesting investors, Germany is attractive to foreigners!”


IPE Institutional Investment: In what do you see the value of conferences? What are realistic expectations

for this sort of event?

Hill: I believe the primary value is in the exchange of ideas. Although, it does depend on the event’s

format—there are renowned conference formats such as Monaco and conventions in Germany. Yet, other

formats that specifically focus on investors also exist. Whenever I examine products and managers for a

client, I do notice a difference in the atmosphere at these events, completely unbiased. Formats such as

business breakfasts, similar to IPE Institutional Investment, or events of asset managers for investors and

consultants frequently seem limited in terms of topic. One or the other visitor appreciates this—like you have

said before, it depends on one’s expectations. If one does not expect the “quick ticket” at conferences and

investor events, the exchange of ideas can certainly widen one’s horizon.

IPE Institutional Investment: Many thanks for your brief “Germany Appeal,” including your bias of

course. Good luck for your panel, and for the one in Frankfurt as well.

For additional information about the event visit the following link:


Feedback, additional thoughts, experience or any kind of dialogue on such context is most welcome; please

contact [email protected] or Mary Daute (Asst. Manager). Phone: + 49 17 66 33 66 094

Markus Hill

Markus Hill (MSc in Economics) is an independent asset management consultant based in Frankfurt, Germany

Professional experience includes SEB Bank and Credit Suisse Asset Management. In addition, he worked as head of

sales and PR for a German fund boutique. Since 2005 he specialized in the management of mandates, sales, marketing,

and PR (consulting, "introducing"). Markus is also involved in selecting themes in the specialist areas of target funds

with a multi-management aspect, fund boutiques and mutual funds for institutional investors (product scouting, fund

selection). Furthermore he is actively engaged in cooperation with the market-leading Private Label Funds/Master KAG

in Germany (Universal-Investment) promoting the idea of independent asset management and was the Co-Initiator of

the first all-German Consultant survey in 2005 and the first "UCITS-survey" in 2003. Market entry into Germany,

behavior of fund selectors and fund providers in German asset management industry are often discussed by him, e.g. in

his asset-management-publication MH-Focus. Through many articles, columns and presentations (national and

international) he has become a highly recognized expert in the German asset management industry. "Industry

multiplier" is a term often used by journalists and clients to describe his style and personality. (Markus Hill/ MH

Services assigned in the role of Media Partner for: UCITS Alternatives Conference in Zürich, September 2011)

Markus Hill MH Services

email: [email protected]

website: www.markus-hill.com

phone: 0049 (0) 69 280 714 mobile: 0049 (0) 163 4616 179