@SDWOUTERS 7 Things banks should do with Blockchain

7 Things Banks should do with Blockchain

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7Things banks should do with



Most banks have recently been investigating or “leveraging” blockchain (TECHNOLOGY)



The race for the blockchain ‘use case’


Banks try to skip learning about Bitcoin



1 LaterARTICLE Video Presentation



“Bitcoin will never scale”


Your best argument is technological evolution won’t happen?


Social Media



Virtual Reality


Artificial Intelligence


Everyone is betting on the same horse



the banks in control of a permissioned financial system

A future without the “Internet of Money”




The Blockchain was invented to eliminate “trusted” third parties



Banks are convinced they can turn this around and use a blockchain to INCREASE EFFICIENCY & save costs



Dangerous: finance is the only sector in which disintermediation is considered an opportunity



“The financial services environment seized on blockchain, because they saw within it the possibility of using some elements of bitcoin without being disrupted.”

~Andreas Antonopoulos




The “Internet of Money”, the (open) blockchain, was invented in 2008 as open source code

Pandora’s Box has opened



Anyone can copy it, develop it and innovate on top of it to help it solve more problems




At least one open blockchain will exist

Which one(s) is irrelevant ?


Almost nobody in the financial sector acknowledges this



I don’t expect them to

Abandon shipSupportPraise


I expect them to

adapt their strategy to something that may take away part of their business



Open blockchains are driven by the same force that grew the Internet to billions of users: Open innovation



Start thinking about what roles you can play in an open network





The advice you will usually get for private blockchains



What I read


Find something that sounds good

in theory

Tell others to get on board

Find how much you can save in theory

Work together with others who thought of things that sound

good in theory

Try out a lot of things to figure this

blockchain thing out

Make startups realise they need you for regulation

Prepare to get regulated


What I read


Find something that sounds good

in theory

Tell others to get on board

Find how much you can save in theory

Work together with others who thought of things that sound

good in theory

Try out a lot of things to figure this

blockchain thing out

Make startups realise they need you for regulation

Prepare to get regulated

@SDWOUTERS What I think you should do




1. Educate everyone, top to bottom, on Bitcoin & Blockchain

Don’t be this guy

Be this guy

Few financial people REALLY

understand them, fix this first


2. Monitor the development of major cryptocurrencies

Gain insights to make better strategic decisions


3. Onboard a Bitcoin/blockchain executive or entrepreneur

Upgrade your Digital DNA


4. Integrate with an exchange or wallet

Play in a real-time environment


5. Stimulate Bitcoin/Blockchain development

Connect with industry experts


6. Create a service for Cryptocurrencies

Get direct feedback from customers


7. Innovate outside of your regulatory framework

To keep up with open alternatives


7 things banks should do with blockchain

1. Educate everyone on Bitcoin and the Blockchain

2. Monitor the development of major cryptocurrencies

3. Get an executive or entrepreneur on board

4. Integrate with an exchange or wallet

5. Stimulate Bitcoin/Blockchain development

6. Create a service for Cryptocurrencies

7. Innovate outside of your regulatory framework


If you go the private distributed ledger way, expect:

Industry standards on many levels (who has access, how to update, who is responsible…)

Complying with all (international) financial laws

Intervention from regulators, governments and others, weakening security

Shifting the global financial system to distributed ledgers

And more…

Thanks! Want to learn more?



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