Page 1: Zuschriften · 2016-07-23 · Ritu Raj, Lukas Lercher,Shabaz Mohammed, and Benjamin G. Davis* Abstract: Transcriptional regulation

Internationale Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201603106Protein ModificationsDeutsche Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201603106

Synthetic Nucleosomes Reveal that GlcNAcylation Modulates DirectInteraction with the FACT ComplexRitu Raj, Lukas Lercher, Shabaz Mohammed, and Benjamin G. Davis*

Abstract: Transcriptional regulation can be established byvarious post-translational modifications (PTMs) on histoneproteins in the nucleosome and by nucleobase modificationson chromosomal DNA. Functional consequences of histoneO-GlcNAcylation (O-GlcNAc = O-linked b-N-acetylglucos-amine) are largely unexplored. Herein, we generate homoge-neously GlcNAcylated histones and nucleosomes by chemicalpost-translational modification. Mass-spectrometry-basedquantitative interaction proteomics reveals a direct interactionbetween GlcNAcylated nucleosomes and the “facilitates chro-matin transcription” (FACT) complex. Preferential binding ofFACT to GlcNAcylated nucleosomes may point towardsO-GlcNAcylation as one of the triggers for FACT-driventranscriptional control.

The genomic DNA of eukaryotes is packaged into a dynamicDNA–protein amalgam termed chromatin. The basic repeat-ing unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, comprised of histoneoctamer complexed by approximately 150 base pairs (bp) ofDNA.[1] DNA-templated processes, including transcriptionalregulation, are, in part, controlled by post-translationalmodifications (PTMs) to histone proteins.[2] Addition of O-linked b-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) to serine andthreonine residues in proteins is a nutrient-sensitive PTMimplicated in various aspects of cellular homeostasis. Dereg-ulation of O-GlcNAcylation levels has been linked to neuro-degenerative diseases, cancer, and diabetes.[3] O-GlcNAc iswidely observed on cytosolic and nuclear proteins[4] and hasbeen reported to be part of the “histone code”.[5] O-GlcNAcylation is catalyzed by a single enzyme, namely O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT). The modification is highlydynamic, in line with other histone modifications, andinterestingly the reverse reaction is also catalyzed bya single enzyme, specifically O-GlcNAcase (OGA).

Although O-GlcNAc sites have been identified on allcanonical histones, the role of histone GlcNAcylation intranscriptional regulation remains elusive. Of the reported O-GlcNAc sites, H2B-Ser112-O-GlcNAc has previously beenassociated with indirect transcriptional regulation throughpromotion of H2B-Lys120 ubiquitination that in turn facili-tated transcriptional activation.[5c] We have previously char-

acterized the effect of H2A-Thr101 GlcNAcylation onnucleosome structure;[6] H2A-Thr101 is located at thedimer–tetramer interface of the nucleosome and GlcNAcyl-ation at this specific site leads to destabilization of the H2A/Bdimer in the nucleosome. However, H2B-Ser112 is remotefrom any such critical interface and so this mechanism cannotbe readily invoked. In contrast to this structural modulationby PTMs, another mechanism by which other PTMs canestablish a functional output is through direct recruitment ofchromatin “reader”/interactor proteins,[2b] yet such a directrecruitment has not yet been observed for GlcNAcylation.Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics provides anunbiased, powerful approach for both identification andquantification of such interactor proteins,[7] in contrast totraditional Western blotting methods.[8] Herein, we report thesynthesis of modified nucleosomes containing a GlcNAcyla-tion mimic at site H2B-S112. These synthetic nucleosomeswere used for identification of “reader” proteins by MS-basedinteraction proteomics (Figure 1). These first direct interac-tion assessments in a nucleosomal context suggest that, in fact,GlcNAcylation at H2B-S112 modulates the interactionbetween the nucleosome and the “facilitates chromatintranscript” (FACT) complex, a pivotal histone chaperonecomplex.

Of the few described histone O-GlcNAcylation sites,H2B-Ser112 is particularly interesting being both a coredomain modification and due to its proximity to thenucleosome “acidic patch” (Figure 2a), raising numerouspotential mechanistic roles. The “acidic patch” is a negatively-charged binding interface on the nucleosome surface.[9] Anumber of proteins, such as LANA,[10] IL-33,[11] RCC1,[12]

Sir3,[13] HMGN2,[14] RNF168,[15] and RING1B/BMI1,[15] aswell as the H4 tail,[1] are known to interact competitively withthe “acidic patch” leading to remodeling of chromatinstructure; we speculated that because of its proximity H2B-Ser112 O-GlcNAcylation could directly modulate binding.We tested this through the creation and characterization ofa GlcNAcylated nucleosome. Although pulldown assays withcertain modified nucleosomes have been used in conjugationwith quantitative MS to study interacting nucleosome–protein partners,[7, 16] few[6] have investigated O-GlcNAcyla-tion because of a lack of access to pure GlcNAcylatednucleosome.

For such precise functional characterization of H2B-S112O-GlcNAcylation, access to site-specifically GlcNAcylatedprotein is required. Access to homogeneous GlcNAcylatedhistones, and in general glycoproteins, remains a bottleneck.[17]

In vitro enzymatic O-GlcNAcylation of histone proteins byOGT typically leads to incomplete and heterogeneousproduct mixtures.[5c] We have previously reported a site-

[*] R. Raj, L. Lercher, Prof. S. Mohammed, Prof. B. G. DavisDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of Oxford, Chemistry Research LaboratoryMansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TA (UK)E-mail: [email protected]

Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) forthe author(s) of this article can be found under


9064 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 9064 –9068

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selective chemical protein modification strategy employinga “tag-and-modify” approach[18] for the generation of differ-ently modified proteins, including GlcNAcylated histoneH3.[19] Herein, by using this approach, we generated H2B-S112-GlcNAc protein for the reconstitution of site-specifi-cally GlcNAcylated nucleosomes.

To access homogeneous GlcNAcylated H2B, weexpressed and purified a recombinant Ser112Cys (S112C)mutant of the Xenopus laevis H2B.[20] A dehydroalanine(Dha) “tag” was site-selectively installed at Cys112 bytreating H2B-S112C with 2,5-dibromohexanediamide(DBHDA)[19a] under denaturing conditions. The resultingH2B-S112Dha intermediate protein was reacted withGlcNAc-thiol to yield H2B with a GlcNAc mimic installed

at S112 (Figure 2 b) that bears a thioether linkage instead ofthe natural ether linkage; the conformation of the glycosidicbond remains similar for such linkages.[21] We anticipated thatthe use of a thioglycosidic linkage, which is more resistant tocorresponding glycoside hydrolases (e.g. hOGA), wouldallow us to ensure homogeneity even inside enzymaticallyactive cell lysates, thereby enabling better precision as anaffinity probe. Protein characterization by LC–MS and LC–MS/MS confirmed the full conversion and site-specificGlcNAc installation (see Figures S1–S3 in the SupportingInformation). Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of refoldedH2B-S112-GlcNAc protein resembled that for wt H2B pro-tein, indicating no gross change in secondary structure of theprotein upon GlcNAcylation (Figure S4).

GlcNAcylated H2B-S112 was used to constitute GlcNAc-modified H2A/H2B heterodimers by refolding with histoneprotein H2A; similarly GlcNAc-modified octamers wereconstructed by assembling GlcNAcylated H2B-S112 withhistone proteins H2A, H3, and H4 (Figure 1; Figure 2). Theresulting multimer species were purified and analyzed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). Similar SEC traces forboth modified dimer and octamer when compared to the wtspecies suggested that the histone fold of the H2A/B dimerand the dimer–tetramer interface were not disrupted uponintroduction of GlcNAcylation at H2B-S112 (Figure S5).

Figure 1. Workflow for identification of H2B-S112 GlcNAc interactorproteins. H2B-S112-GlcNAc was synthesized using a “tag-and-modify”approach (Figure 2b). The modified histone protein (along with othercanonical histone proteins and biotinylated DNA (shown in gray))were used for nucleosome reconstitution. Wildtype (wt) and theGlcNAcylated nucleosome were immobilized on magnetic beads(brown) via streptavidin–biotin affinity to enrich nucleosome-bindingproteins. Pooled proteins from each sample were separately digestedand identified by nLC–MS/MS (nLC =nanoflow liquid chromatogra-phy). Label-free quantification (LFQ) was applied for quantification.H2A/B dimers are shown in red, the H3/H4 tetramer is shown ingreen, GlcNAc shown as a blue square. The green square, dark-redoval, yellow circle, light-blue star, and gray triangle represent nucleo-some-binding proteins.

Figure 2. a) Electrostatic potential view of the nucleosome. Blue indi-cates the positively charged surface, whereas red denotes the neg-atively charged surface; inset: the acidic patch with H2B-S112. b) Syn-thesis of GlcNAcylated H2B-S112. H2B-S112C was reacted (i) withDBHDA to generate H2B-S112Dha, which upon reaction with GlcNAc-thiol (ii) generated H2B-S112-GlcNAc. This was then used to recon-stitute synthetically GlcNAcylated nucleosome as per Figure 1 (see theSupporting Information for full details). c) Native PAGE analysis of wt(lane ii) and GlcNAc-modified (lane iii) nucleosome reconstitution:Sybr Gold staining (left) and Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) staining(right). Lane i shows the 100 bp DNA ladder. Image of the full gel isshown in Figure S9.


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Comparison of CD spectra and melting temperature mea-sured by variable-temperature CD analysis of GlcNAcylatedand wt H2A/B dimers revealed no significant changes in boththe spectral profiles and melting temperatures (Tm S112-GlcNAc dimer = 50.73 + /¢0.27 88C; Tm wt = 52.9 + /¢0.1 88C)upon GlcNAcylation at H2B-S112, suggesting little or noinfluence of the modification on the structure and stability ofthe dimers (Figures S6,S7). Nucleosome reconstitution wasaccomplished by the salt-gradient dialysis method using145 bp DNA and biotinylated DNA containing the strong“601” nucleosome positioning sequence.[16, 22] The reconstitu-tion of nucleosome was analyzed on native PAGE gels(Figure 2c). Similar reconstitution yield and mobility on thePAGE gel for the modified nucleosome as compared to thewt nucleosome also suggested no major structural changesupon introduction of the modification, as expected fora surface-exposed site. Reconstituted nucleosomes werefurther analyzed by CD spectroscopy. The CD spectra forboth the reconstituted nucleosomes were essentially identicaland the melting temperatures measured by variable-temperature CD analysis were similar (at 220 nm: Tm wt =

73.25 + /¢0.61 88C, Tm GlcNAcylated = 74.63 + /¢1.16 88C; at260 nm: Tm wt = 71.86 + /¢0.25 88C, Tm GlcNAcylated =

70.63 + /¢0.36 88C) suggesting that GlcNAcylation at the sitedoes not affect the stability of the nucleosome (Figure S10–S14). These combined data suggest that the differentialstability mechanism observed for H2A-T101 GlcNAcyla-tion[6] does not operate in H2B-S112 GlcNAcylation.

As represented in Figure 1, H2B-S112-GlcNAc-modifiednucleosome (bait) and wt nucleosome (control) were immo-bilized on magnetic streptavidin beads. These were thenincubated with HeLa cell nuclear extract for affinity enrich-ment of nucleosome-binding protein partners. Non-specifi-cally bound proteins were removed by washing. The enrichednucleosome-binding proteins were digested in-solution; theresulting peptide mixtures were separated and analyzed byultra-high performance LC (UHPLC) coupled to a hybridquadrupole-orbitrap (Q-Exactive) mass spectrometer. Toobtain a robust data set, all pulldown experiments wereperformed as three independent biological replicates.MaxLFQ[23] (a MS-based label free quantitation (LFQ)algorithm) analyses allowed us to identify and quantify584 protein groups. Experimental correlation among LFQintensities within group and across replicates were monitoredusing the Pearson correlation coefficient (Figure S15). Falsediscovery rate (FDR) based t-test statistical analyses revealedFACT subunits, suppressor of Ty (SPT16), and structurespecific recognition protein 1 (SSRP1) as being both thestatistically most significant and the most enriched interactingprotein partners for H2B-S112-GlcNAc-modified nucleo-some (Figure 3; see also Table S1 and Figure S16).

The FACT complex is a replication[24] and transcription[25]

factor functioning in various chromatin processes. FACT isa heterodimer protein complex consisting of two subunits(SSRP1 and SPT16) and displays histone chaperone activ-ity.[26] FACT plays an important role in chromatin remodelingby modulating nucleosome stability and thereby DNAaccessibility. FACT can interact with multiple sites on thenucleosome[27] and can decrease the nucleosomal barrier

allowing productive transcriptional elongation, primarily bychaperoning the H2A/B dimer.[28]

Interestingly, we have previously shown that H2A-T101GlcNAcylation can destabilize H2A/B dimers in nucleo-somes.[6] We proposed this destabilization as a separatestructural mechanism to facilitate transcriptional elongationin a manner that is complementary to FACT recruitment. Inaddition, FACT is known to stimulate and function cooper-atively with H2B-K120 monoubiquitination,[29] which haspreviously been suggested to be S112GlcNAc-dependent inthe regulation of transcriptional elongation. We did notobserve the ligase responsible for H2B-K120 ubiquitinationBRE1A/B as suggested by Fujiki et al.[5c] in our pulldownsboth by LC–MS and Western blot (Figure S17), suggestingthat this interaction is not strong enough to be detected underthese conditions (see the Supporting Information). SinceFACT has been reported to associate with both nucleosomesand separate histone proteins, we wanted to investigate howthe presence of different components influences the FACT-with-GlcNAc interaction. For this, we performed pulldownswith recombinant FLAG-tagged Xenopus laevis H2B con-taining the chemically installed S112-GlcNAcylation, bothusing isolated GlcNAcylated-H2B protein and also a recon-stituted GlcNAcylated-H2A/B dimer in a similar way to thattested with the nucleosome (Figure S20).

This experiment required the construction of a new H2Bprotein substrate bearing a suitable affinity motif for retrieval.Thus, N-terminally FLAG-tagged wt-H2B (FLAG-H2B) andthe corresponding S112C mutant (FLAG-H2B-S112C) weredesigned, expressed, and purified in a similar manner to

Figure 3. H2B-S112 GlcNAcylation modulates binding of FACT subu-nits to nucleosome. Intensity difference amongst protein groups in theH2B-S112-GlcNAc nucleosome sample (bait) over wt nucleosomesample (control) against logarithmized p value of the FDR-based t-testis shown in the volcano plot. Threshold for p value (<0.05) is denotedby an orange line. Statistically significant proteins are denoted in redby their gene names.


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before. Essentially identical two-step GlcNAcylation chemis-try (Figure 2b) to that used for H2B-S112C (Figure 1) alsoproved equally robust and successful for GlcNAcylation ofFLAG-H2B-S112C (See the Supporting Information andFigures S21, S22). FLAG-tagged wt H2B and H2B-S112-GlcNAc monomers were refolded and, again, CD analysesrevealed no significant structural changes upon modification(Figure S23).

The corresponding interactomes were analyzed usingquantitative MS, as earlier. The H2B monomers wereimmobilized on anti-FLAG magnetic beads and used toaffinity enrich the interacting partners from nuclear extract(prepared under non-reducing conditions, see the SupportingInformation); experiments were performed in duplicate. MS-based proteomics allowed us to identify and quantify 948proteins, amongst which FANCI, INF2, and COAX6A1 werethe most significant interacting protein partners for H2B-S112-GlcNAc protein as compared to wt-H2B. (see Table S2,Figure S24). Notably, we did not see a significant enrichmentof FACT upon H2B-S112 GlcNAcylation. We were also notable to detect BRE1A in these experiments, although we dodetect BRE1A by MS in the nuclear extract. Next, FLAG-tagged H2B-S112-GlcNAc and FLAG-tagged wt-H2B wereeach combined with wt-H2A protein to reconstitute FLAG-tagged, wt, and GlcNAcylated H2A/B heterodimers, essen-tially as before. Again using quantitative MS, we identified886 interacting proteins in both samples (see Table S3 andFigure S25). As with the interactome data with the monomer,we did not see any significant enrichment of FACT uponGlcNAcylation and no BRE1A was observed. Together thesedata suggest a context-dependent interaction; thus, thedifference in our observations here to those publishedpreviously[5c] appears to lie in our use of an intact nucleosomalstructure as opposed to the prior use of isolated, partiallyGlcNAcylated protein (this might also be due to preferentialbinding of isolated H2B by different histone chaperones,occluding the GlcNAcylation site).

Based on our findings, we propose a possible updatedmechanism facilitating ubiquitination of H2B-Lys120 uponGlcNAcylation at H2B-Ser112 (Figure 4). This speculativemechanism is the simplest that is consistent with the datagathered here, although, of course, others cannot be dis-counted. GlcNAcylation of histone H2B at Ser112 by OGTleads to FACT association. FACT recruitment results innucleosome remodeling making the H2A/B dimer accessiblefor BRE1A ubiquitination. FACT can in turn directly orindirectly recruit BRE1A complex (RNF20/40) facilitatingubiquitination of H2B-Lys120.[29,30] In agreement with this,FACT is required in vivo[30] for BRE1A/B localization tochromatin in DNA damage responses. In addition, manyresidues in the acidic patch have been shown to be essentialfor H2B ubiquitination,[31] suggesting that this surface isimportant for the anchoring of BRE1A/B. Strong enrichmentof FACT complex may also point towards GlcNAcylation asa trigger for FACT-driven transcription processes as well asa “relaxed” chromatin state facilitating transcription elonga-tion. While we expected to find BRE1A/B in our pulldownexperiments, a lack thereof might be explained by theprevious observation that both active transcription (depen-

dent on the presence of dNTPs) and FACT is necessary forH2B-K120 ubiquitination. It might be that even a FACT-bound nucleosome is not sufficient for BRE1A/B associationand that further structural changes are required.

In summary, by using a “tag-and-modify” approach wehave synthesized GlcNAcylated H2B histones and corre-sponding nucleosomes. Coupled with interaction proteomicanalyses, we were able to explore the mechanistic details ofa transcriptionally relevant segment involving O-GlcNAcyla-tion. In contrast to H2A-T101 GlcNAcylation, H2B-S112GlcNAcylation does not affect nucleosome assembly, butdirectly influences the nucleosome interactome, highlightingdifferent possible signaling mechanisms for histone GlcNA-cylation. It is also important to note that we use herea designed nonhydrolyzable mimetic that despite the antici-pated similarity[21] might give rise to unexpected artefacts. Thechemical synthetic approach used here can be employed inprinciple for the generation of differently (and multiply)modified nucleosomes to complement other biochemicalapproaches and/or other powerful, multiplexed methods,such as those achievable by, for example, expressed proteinligation[32] or native chemical ligation.[33] These syntheticnucleosomes in combination with MS-based proteomics canelucidate the role of various PTMs as well as revealing “cross-talk” between PTMs. In turn, we anticipate that they willallow elucidation of the key players to create a precisemechanistic picture of this biology at the molecular level. Thefield of chromatin biology has relied heavily on short peptidesand isolated proteins that are mere fragments of truenucleosomal contexts; the work presented herein, as well asother reports,[34] suggests that the use of suitably complexprobe molecules that provide the correct context may provevital for relevant interrogation.

Figure 4. A proposed molecular mechanism for FACT-mediated H2B-Lys120 ubiquitination upon GlcNAcylation at H2B-Ser112.


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We thank the Felix Scholarship Foundation (R.R.) and theEPSRC/ Cancer Research UK (to L.L.; Grant reference NS/A000004/1) for funding. B.G.D. is a recipient of the RoyalSociety Wolfson Research Merit Award. We thank JoshuaPrice for technical assistance, Dr. Thomas Milne for assis-tance and useful discussions, and Prof. Chris Schofield foruseful discussions.

Keywords: epigenetics · GlcNAcylation · nucleosomes ·protein modifications · synthetic biology

How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 8918–8922Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 9064–9068

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Received: March 29, 2016Published online: June 8, 2016


9068 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 9064 –9068
