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Survey on the Zherisian Expedition

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WritingThe Fraternity of ShadowsJason "Samael" AmbrusNicholas "Undead Cabbage" Burke David "Jasper" Cicalese Jonathon “Hell Born” Crawford Zak “Lord Cyclohexane” Gillman Mark “Mortavius” GraydonMark “Tobias Blackburn” JackmanPaul "Moral Machivelli" KaroubasRene "William Blackmoor" LittekE. C. M. “Doctor Evil” Parsons Pamela “Llana” RoseMackenzie "Stygian Enquirer" Salt

Commissioned ArtNicholas "Undead Cabbage" BurkeRene "William Blackmoor" Littek

Map of ParidonNicholas "Undead Cabbage" Burke

Editing and LayoutThe Fraternity of ShadowsNicholas "Undead Cabbage" BurkePamela “Llana” Rose

Page 4: ZherisiaGazetteer


No part of this document is Open Game ContentAny unauthorized duplication of this document will result in a public burning.

Survey on the Zherisian ExpeditionApril 1st, 2007 Fraternity of Shadows®

In no event is the Fraternity of Shadows liable for damages caused by the misuse of its products.Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, and Ravenloft are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast Inc (WotC).These trademarks are used without permision.We defy your laws and mock your justice; so sayeth the Fraternity of Shadows!

PS: I’m innocent of any copyright infringement. All these other people made me break the law. I tried to stop them. They said that those stupid copyright courts would never get their heads out of their asses long enough to catch them. And then they laughed.

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Table of Contents

Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Part I: Paridon

Geographical Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Sociological Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Religious Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Interlude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Part II: Timor

Geographical Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Sociological Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Part III: Dungeon Master’s Appendixes

Appendix I Who’s Doomed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Appendix II Player Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Appendix III Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

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To the Fathers of the Fraternity, greetings.

I was filled with great interest and considerable apprehension when I learned that Messrs. Rayand Despadon's educated guesses place my city among the possible lairs of the Traitor, Erik vanRijn. Obviously, this is a possibility which must be confirmed or disproved as quickly aspossible.

I have therefore instructed the members of our cell of the Fraternity to compile allinformation we have gained over the course of the last several years regarding local conditions,politics, events, and so forth, much as is being done by the cell now located in Souragne, and tomake this information available to the Fraternity at large as quickly as we can.

I hope this report will enlighten my Esteemed Brothers, both in the affairs of my homelandand in possible motives behind van Rijn's move. While I can only offer guesses as to hispossible reasons for flight to Zherisia, other eyes more familiar with him may find something Ihave missed.

Any support which other Fraternity members can offer in this effort will be greatlyappreciated; as you well know, the unusual local conditions prevailing here make foreignersand outsiders rather more trustworthy than local inhabitants, and we may need such support toget as much information as possible.

Any instruction or advice which you can give in this matter will be heeded gratefully.

Yours in Shadow,

Alfred Larner

Esteemed Brother of the Fraternity of Shadows

Paridon , 20 February 760


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Part I: Paridon


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Geographical Survey

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I look out my window, and I see the face ofZherisia.

Not its muscle: its labourers, scholars,merchants, and politicians are indoors. Notits blood: all currency is kept hidden inpurses and pockets for fear of theft. Not itsframe: every corner teems with mist andshade, to hide the world around you. And Icertainly do not see its heart. That is the bestprotected; the most secret thing of all.

I have lived in this city all of my life. Thereare things about it that I love dearly, andthere are things I hope to change. It is a cityof opportunity: any who work hard enoughcan make a name for themselves. And yet, inspite of all that hard work, one can just aseasily lose everything. It is a frustrating city.In my heart I know that Zherisia is dead, andthat Paridon is all that remains. But I stillwear that same name, same face that allZherisians wear.

In a city of ten thousand faces, it willrequire all of my skill to track down but oneof them.

It may be noted here that the term"Zherisian" is preferred by folk native to hershores. "Paridoner", so in evidence in theCore, is technically accurate but mildlyoffensive. It callously disregards thecenturies of our island's existence before theGreat Upheaval. "Zherisian" is not only areminder of the nation that we were and are,but of what we hope once more to be.

ClimateTo say that Paridon is foggy is to call waterwet. If the city's weather is ever noted, it isfor mist. This mist gives the edges of the citya very malleable look. It touches every streetand corner, envelops every building,obscures all landmarks. The fog's densitymay vary by location in the city, and by thetime of day or year, but it is always there toobscure one's vision-and one's person.

Second only to the mist is the rain. There isa common saying in the City: "If you don'tlike the weather, wait five minutes: the rainmay stop." Any who visit Paridon would bewise to invest in an umbrella (or three) and agood coat. Some days there is but a slightdrizzle to soften the skies. On others thestreets are flooded to the ankles. Thankfully,we Zherisians know how to handle a heavyrain; all streets are built with drains andgutters so floods seldom poses a threat toproperty. Nevertheless, if one visits theZherisian capital, he must anticipate that hewill spend most of his visit wet.

As you can probably guess, Paridon mustjudge its seasons primarily by the prevalenceof mist and rain. Autumn is by far the seasonor greatest precipitation, heralding monsoon-worthy downpours. The heavy rain abatesrapidly as winter comes, and then slowlyrises to its autumnal peak over the course ofthe rest of the year. Occasionally one sees alight dusting of snow touch the streets duringcolder months. Other than these fewindicators, it is difficult to distinguishbetween seasons here. Richer areas have theadvantage of a few spots of planted flora,which demonstrate the seasons by theirannual habits. Poor areas have been knownto forget the seasons altogether.

Paridon in ShortLocation: Island in the Mists

Ecology: Sparse (Gardens and Parks)

Darklord: Sodo

Year of formation: 551

Cultural level: Renaissance (9)

Population: 11,600 (98% humans,2% others)

Main settlements: None (domain isone city with seven boroughs)

Religion: The Divinity of Mankind

Language: Zherisian

Government: Republic (Elected CityCouncil)

Currency: Pound (gp), Shilling (sp),Pence (cp)


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Geographical Survey

Although not a part of this realm'smeteorology, I will note another vital clue bywhich Zherisians tell the seasons: the ebband flow of business. Summer is marked bya higher volume of trade, winter by its ebb.As I shall discuss in later sections, Paridon isvery reliant on its sea trade, which meets asubstantial lull as the harbors of temperate-weather trading partners seize with ice.

The Seven BoroughsParidon is rightly considered a greatmetropolis. As it currently stands, it is thethird largest (living) city in the Land ofMists, exceeded only by Pont-a-Museau inRichemulot and Lekar in Falkovnia. Itsentire surface is covered by what somestrikingly referred to as "the urban jungle";none of the old Zherisian farmlands from ourill-fated history survived the GreatUpheaval.

In a land covering a wider expanse itwould be natural to divide a survey like thisone into geographical regions, and then intosettlements; but in the present case it is more

accurate to divide Paridon in the samefashion that its local population does-intoseven separate boroughs.

The names of these boroughs are theDocks, Riverside, Blackchapel, the Bowels,Shadewell, the Southshore, and King'sQuarters. Once again, I stress that these areall boroughs of one city, and not settlementsseparated by any large physical distance.

The DocksHamlet; AL LN; CL 9; 3100gp limit, Assets33,000gp; Population 160

Paridon's harbour-borough is locatedmidway along the southern edge of the city.Maps label it "Hickory Harbour", but no oneever refers to it so; to locals, it's simply theDocks. I have yet to see a port larger than theDocks; even the harbour of Port-a-Lucine

Fog in ParidonFog is an ever-present fact of life inZherisia. Though it can range from nomore than a light mist to a thick 'pea-souper' of moisture and airborne soot, itnever truly vanishes. On an average day,visibility only extends to about 100'. Atnight, visibility commonly drops to 10', or20' if a lantern is nearby.

At a given time, a character might gainvarying degrees of concealment from thevapors. Areas close to water, such as theDocks, tend to give better concealment,while drier areas give less. If the GMwishes, fog can be determined randomly:

No cover or concealment (1-25%)

Concealment (26-50%)

Cover (51-75%)

Concealment and cover (76-89%)

Full cover (90-100%)

Mistways of ParidonThere are no less than four Mistways intoParidon, making it a crossroads for manytravelers.

The first is located in the Southshore andknown as The Shrouded Way. This is atwo-way Mistway of medium reliability,connected to Martira Bay in Darkon. TheNewsbill has put forward the rumor thatBloody Jack uses this as an escape routeafter committing his crimes.

The second Mistway, The Urchin's Path,is a one-way route to Paridon and isincredibly unpredictable. It takes the formof a dark, lonely alley which might appearin any large city in Nova Vaasa; whenpresent, it leads into the cramped streets ofBlackchapel.

The third, The Royal Channel, connectsthe Docks to the Sea of Sorrows. It is atwo-way Mistway of medium reliability,and acts as an overseas passage forZherisian trade. Unfortunately, it passesclose to Blaustein, thus making pirate raidsa common occurrence.

The final Mistway, The Iron Way, is arecently discovered and little-used pathbetween Shadewell and Nosos. It is a two-way Mistway of poor reliability.


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Chapter 1

falls short. The Docks are the nexus for allZherisian sea trade.

I must confess to disliking this borough.While not the most crowded place in the city,it is by far the noisiest. At any given timethere are several ships sailing in or out of theharbor. Wooden spokes of piers stretchoutward as if to embrace newcomers-animage which is rendered less friendly by thefoul, black pollution that taints the Nodnal

River. One knows one has 'hit the Docks'once the water adopts a black, opaque tinge.

The Docks are also the mistiest section ofParidon. Fog-blinded captains may beimperiled by maritime hazards nearby,including the fabled 'Maiden Rock': anebony spike of stone notorious for guttingships. Flamboyantly-coloured buoys in thewater help guide vessels.

Once on land, the Docks comprise anexpansive maze of wharfs, shipyards andwarehouses. Construction in the area is a mixof hardwood and concrete structures; thelatter are growing in popularity for bothwalls and pavements, as wood now has to beshipped in from other realms. Buildings hereare seldom taller than two stories high. Mostare commercial in nature, selling nauticalsupplies and even whole ships to seafarers.

Some cargos are immediately sent on toother realms, such as medical supplies andcadavers of the Hanover Brothers' Shop.

The Docks are one of the more highly-patrolled boroughs. Only the labourers,shopkeepers, and police stay there for anylength of time. Loitering results in thepatrolmen insisting that one "move along".Walking north, you may observe that thissection functions as a filing system forvisitors. Nonhumans are immediately

A Matter of SizeA close reader will note that some ofthe assigned sizes (like "hamlet" or"small town") in the descriptor of eachborough aren't assigned to their typicalpopulace. This is because Paridon isnot as evenly spaced as other cities.The reader should consider what it saysabout a borough if it has the populationof a small city, but only the space of asmall town (as is true of Blackchapel).See the Town Creation rules in theDungeon Master Guide.


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Geographical Survey

directed east, toward the Southshore check-in point, while others move west to thecheck-in points for Blackchapel andRiverside.

The Docks are designed in such a way thatno one enters the city without passing by thepolice for an inspection. The weapon checksperformed at these chokepoints often catchnewcomers off-guard. During the inspection,all luggage and persons are thoroughlyexamined, all weapons inventoried andpeace-bonded; patrolmen may confiscateweapons not duly rendered secure. "Safetyfirst" is the rationale given for this policy.This "filtration" system is commonly said tobe how the city "keeps its streets a safe placeto live". In many cases this process ends withthe seizure of a non-compliant visitor'sweaponry, or even in detention.

If outsiders are difficult about this process,the police can - and will - send them packing,placing them on the next outbound ship. It ispossible to smuggle one's weapons into thecity; I have done so countless times. If youshould happen to be found with a weaponhidden upon your person, however, simplyaccept the weapon's loss and voice noobjections, especially if you are notZherisian. Once weapons have beenconfiscated, they are unlikely ever to be seenagain.

I have repeatedly heard stories of creaturesliving off the pollution of the Docks: beaststhat apparently hunt man in substitution for(or supplementation of) their natural diet.Investigation failed to find evidence of thisphenomenon, save for a few reporteddisappearances in the winter, easilyexplained as drowning or "simple" murder.

If something is indeed living here, it musthave learned to hide itself very well by now.All in all, the "Docks prowler" is bestconsidered just one of the countless urbanlegends that plague the Zherisian capital.

Labourers work here day and night, nomatter the weather. Folk in the Docks dressaccording to their profession: long trenchcoats with hoods and high rubber boots are

Weapons CheckersWeapons that are shown to theParidon police are peace-bonded:melee weapons are tied into theirsheaths, bows must be unstrung, andmuzzles of firearms are plugged.Refusal to comply will result in theweapon's confiscation.

Removing the peace-bond requirestwo full-round actions; this can bereduced to a single full-round action,in the case of melee weapons, with aUse Rope check (DC 20, or opposingthe Use Rope check of the policemanwho tied the peace-bond). Paridonpolicemen who see an unboundweapon will insist that it be re-bondedat once, or else forfeited.

A PC trying to hide a weapon mustmake a Sleight of Hand checkopposed by the policeman's Searchcheck (+5 average Search modifier).Medium and Large-sized weapons,respectively, give -4 and -8 for thePC's Sleight of Hand check.

Dread Possibility- The Body TradeParidon is quickly becoming known asone of the main exporters of medicalcadavers. This is due in no small part tothe Hanover brothers: Jacob and William.While Jacob takes care of the embalmingand William the money, the brothers havemade a lucrative business out of buyingthe bodies of criminals and vagrants fromthe city and reselling them to colleges inMordent and Dementlieu.

What Jacob doesn't know is that soonafter the business opened, William waskilled and replaced by a doppelganger.Sodo himself ordered this, so his kindmight discreetly dispose of victims. Thespirits of William and several victims nowhaunt Jacob's lab, hoping to warn him ofthe danger. So far, Jacob has written offthe strange voices and sights to his longwork hours and nights spent breathingembalming fumes.


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Chapter 1

most commonly seen. Property within theDocks typically goes for 200 pounds. TheDocks accent is the easiest for outsiders tounderstand, and hardest for natives to pickup. It is clear, precise, and reminiscent of aDarkonese accent.

RiversideVillage; AL N; CL 9; 32,600gp limit, Assets58,000gp; Population 650

There is no market quite like that ofZherisia. Anyone doubting my statement hasclearly not visited Riverside, just northwestof the Docks.

This borough "brings home the bacon" forParidon (to borrow a sample of local jargon)largely because of its outsider-orientedstructure. It is a crossroads for the entire city.

Riverside, as the name suggests, lies alongthe western bank of the Nodnal River; itborders on Blackchapel, the Docks, andKing's Quarters while facing both theBowels and Shadewell across the river.Whereas the Docks are fairly homogeneous,Riverside comprises three different sections:Riverside Square, a factory district, and thenorthern Temple district.

Approaching from the Docks, one arrivesin the aforementioned market, the imposingRiverside Square. Hundreds of shops arecrammed together in this spot, nestlingabove, below, or even behind each other. It is

often said that one can find anything inRiverside Square. It would not be surprisingif this is true, as shops offer goods fromplaces all over the world, including abstruseareas such as Sri Raji or Har'Akir. No twoshops are identical, and each offerssomething new every day. There is even adiscreet trade in genuine enchanted items, ifone is willing to look hard enough for them.

There is, of course, a disadvantage to thisprofusion. When I first moved away fromParidon, I marveled at how cheap goodsfrom other realms were; it was not until laterthat I realized that the reverse was actuallytrue: prices in Paridon are notoriouslyinflated. If one knows the city, it is oftenpossible to find "back-alley" bargains; else,the cost of goods is usually doubled relativeto a similar item purchased in the Core.

One must be careful in Riverside Square: itis a prime hunting ground for pickpocketsand the crowds are often too thick for policepursuit. The market's buildings are mostlymade of a charming light grey stone, andrange from one to three stories, plus cellars.Its pavements are intricate patterns of graniteand marble. By day, streets are choked withcrowds churning around the square like amaelstrom. A person standing still will findhimself moving involuntarily with thecrowds, as their jostling propels him aboutthe square; one can only avoid this by fleeinginto the relative stillness of a store's interior.

At night, the Square is perfectly still, savefor the midnight patrolmen making theirrounds.

Riverside Square lies in the shadow of twoof the city's greatest monuments: the ClockTower and Paridon Bridge. The ClockTower is a gigantic piece of modernmachinery that stands some two hundred feethigh, and dictates the time for the entire city.Paridon Bridge is the sole point ofattachment between the two halves of thecity, stretching east to the Bowels across theNodnal. The Clock Tower is a marvel ofZherisian technology. I have only beeninside once, but I recall every detail of it; it isa spectacular machine to behold, inside orout.


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Geographical Survey

The cottage-sized clock mechanism insidethe tower's peak is regulated by slowly-descending weights, making it necessary towind the clock only once per month. Theweights are dragged back to the top of thetower by a team of horses and a sturdy seriesof pulleys. The bells, which hang from thebottom of the clock mechanism, are struckby clockwork devices, not bell ringers, andare audible from everywhere in Paridon.Outside, a ledge encircles the top of thetower, allowing the clock's faces to becleaned. The Clock Tower's shaft is almostempty; the building is little more than afaçade, supporting a narrow woodenstaircase that winds its way up to the clock'smechanism. The tower has neither lights norwindows inside it, although a massive oillantern illuminates the clock faces at night.The enormous lead weights dangle in thegloom only a few feet away from the stairs,supported by thick steel cables

In my younger days, you could get a tourof the Clock Tower for a shilling or two. On

the same level as the clock faces perchtwelve ugly gargoyles with malignexpressions. Urban legend has it that thegargoyles strike the Clock's bell; havingbeen inside the tower while the bell rang, Ican assure you that this is not the case.However, persistent rumors attest that closeobservation reveals only eleven gargoyleswhen the bell chimes the hour.

To the north of the Clock Tower isRiverside Park, the largest park outside ofKing's Quarters. Riverside Park was initiallycreated as a symbol of Paridon's upper andlower classes coming together in harmony.This pleasant ideal of social cohesion isshattered every time a wealthy couple ismugged in the night by a gang fromBlackchapel. Riverside Park is the closestthing that Paridon still has to its much-beloved, lost countryside. Rolling hills, castiron statues, and even a few trees dot thearea. It is a tranquil place during the day, butnot somewhere that respectable personsventure during the night. Brutal violence isvery rare, even after dark, but the parkremains a common meeting area for crooksand dealers in illegal goods, if only due to itssize.

Abutting the park is the Temple of DivineForm, which uses a small corner of formerparkland as its cemetery. Near the Templeproper are subsidiary lodges, dormitories forthe celebrants, and the clergy's vegetablegardens.

On the western side of the borough is thefactory district. Although technically part ofthe borough, most of Riverside is content toignore the factories, though it is more thanhappy to sell their goods.

One thing common in Riverside is an utterlack of patience: the saying "done in aRiverside minute" refers to something beingdone instantaneously. Maintaining a shop inRiverside is a strenuous task (300-400pounds per month), usually ending inbankruptcy if one doesn't keep an eye on thecompetition. Should one manage to get theupper hand over the nearby shops, one couldpotentially make a fortune.

The Riverside accent is slightly differentfrom the Docks accent, whilst still being

The Cost of the CityRiverside Square unquestionably offers awide variety of items to buy; it couldpotentially give players access to nearlyanything their hearts desire, magic itemsincluded. This variety comes at the costof inflation. Goods imported from otherdomains have heavy tariffs laid on them;couple this with Paridon's isolation, andthe cost of living skyrockets.

Any item bought in Riverside is doublePHB price. A GM wishing to work invaried currencies can rule that Zherisianpounds have a 2:1 conversion ratio withforeign gold pieces. A successful GatherInformation or Knowledge (Local) checkof DC 24 can achieve normal prices.

The purchase of items not in thePlayers' Handbook (e.g. magic items)requires a Gather Information or aKnowledge (local) check at DC 25 + 1per 1000 gp of base price. The cost ofsuch items will never be lower than twicethe listed cost of the item, and are ofteneven higher.


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Chapter 1

intelligible to outlanders. People in Riversidenever use seven words when four will do;much of their slang is intended to compressthe language as much as possible.

BlackchapelSmall Town; AL CN; CL 9; 750gp limit;Assets 9,250gp; Population 7,820

The Newsbill's editors once wrote,"Blackchapel is the truth behind Paridon."Before this borough is described any further,I wish to compare it to an ingeniousZherisian invention of the modern era: theself-filling bathtub, commonplacethroughout the city. This bathtub has adrainhole at the bottom to allow the water toescape, and (more remarkably) faucets bywhich water may enter. If the faucets are lefton and the drain is not unplugged in time, thebath overflows. As useful as bathwater is, ifthere is insufficient space to contain it, itbecomes the source of a great deal of trouble.The application of this metaphor toBlackchapel is left as an exercise for thereader.

Blackchapel holds two-thirds of the city'spopulation in one-quarter of its area. King'sQuarters' looming wall and the Riversidefactories cage Blackchapel. The borough isbuilt around its primary traffic-artery,Blackchapel Road, with its eponymousebon-hued chapel resting at its southern end.This chapel is said to be a remnant of anarchaic, theistic faith. It is presently used by

the Celebrants of Humanity as a soupkitchen. (There is a rumor that this church ishaunted by a phantom priest of the old faith,a tale stoutly denied by the Celebrants.Oddly, the Celebrants close the chapel andleave it standing vacant for an hour eachnoon.) Blackchapel Road spawns endlessside streets, which further split into countlessmore, and lastly into alleyways. Many of itsstreets don't even have names; it is asprawling cobblestone maze, in which theinexperienced are bound to be lost.

I count myself fortunate that I have neverlived in Blackchapel. With too few sheltersfor its many inhabitants, many homelessmust huddle on street corners or seek shelterat the Temple's hospice. Those who canafford it reside in tiny, cramped quarters;upwards of five dwell in a space barelycomfortable for one. Its buildings are long,misshapen rows of dingy matte-black stone.Most buildings have two or three stories plusa basement, and are divided into as manyapartments as possible. Dotted along thestreets are cast iron lanterns, balconies, andgates, all usually defaced by vandals.Visibility is limited during the day by thebrooding, light-absorbing architecture; in thenight, only scattered, lantern-lit circles boastof any visibility at all.

Alcoholism, gambling, narcotics, gangs,prostitution: Blackchapel presents thedarkest facets of humanity's natural state toeven the most cursory observer. Due to theimpossible cost of privacy, 'ladybirds' oftendeliver their services in back alleys.Violence is normal, be it a common muggingor a brawl between rival gangs. Bodies (andit seems a night never passes without murderhere) do not lie in the street for long beforeeven they are stripped of everything.


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Geographical Survey

All of Riverside's factories face their doorstowards Blackchapel, from which theyreceive their supply of cheap labour. Eachfactory has its own hired security forcesbacked up - when necessary - by units of theParidon police. The reason behind thisadditional expenditure is a reactionary forceknown as the Zherisian Brothers of the Land.They have been vandalizing the factories inthe name of human liberation frommachinery.

It should come as no surprise thatBlackchapel is the site of a majority ofBloody Jack's murders. Were it not for theirutter inhumanity, his killings woulddoubtless be given only passing attention.Every location at which a Bloody Jackvictim has been found is marked by paintedletters reading "Jack Was Here".

Bloody Jack's fame is owed, in large part,to one industry in Blackchapel: the Newsbill.Located on the edge of the factory district, itsprint shop is the only non-factory building inthe burough that rises four stories tall.Looking at it, one may wonder why it isn'tstripped bare by the hungry populace, as thebuilding has but a pair of guards at its frontdoor. It is protected not by fear, but respect:people in Blackchapel love "their"newspaper.

The Black BoroughBlackchapel is a breeding ground fortaint after sundown. On a nightlybasis there are murders, robberies,bribes, or other actions worthy ofDark Powers checks. The etherealresonance flowing through theborough means that as much as one-quarter of the borough is a Rank Twosinkhole on gloomy, fogboundnights; the locations of the BloodyJack murders sometimes rise to RankThree. Typical taints of Blackchapelsinkholes are Lust, Fear, or Rage,although a GM could potentially useany of the taints for specific cases.

Mugged in the NightThe average man of the slums willhave little more than a pound to hisname. A character in Blackchapelwho is carrying at least 50gp worth ofequipment on his person has a chanceof being mugged. Roll percentile dicefor every hour spent outdoors at night,failure means that the character isattacked by 2d8 thugs, and 1d2 gangleaders. The average chance of amugging is 5%; several modifiers canapply to this roll:

Thug: Human Com1; CR 1;Medium humanoid; HD 1d4, hp 3;Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2Dex, +2 leather); Atk +1 melee, +2ranged (1d4+1 dagger, 1d10 pistol);AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0;Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis11,Cha 8

Gang Leader: Human Rog2; CR 2;Medium humanoid; HD 2d6, hp 8;Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2Dex, +2 leather); Atk +3 melee, +4ranged (1d4+1 dagger, 1d10 pistol);AL NE; SA 1d6 Sneak Attack,Evasion; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0;Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis11, Cha 8

Character is traveling in a group: -5%

if company is armed: -10%

Character is female: +5%

Character appears unarmed: +6%

Character is non-Zherisian: +3%

For every 100gp above 50gp on the character's person:


Character is being escorted by the Paridon Police:


Character is wearing jewelry, and/or expensive clothing:


For every prior mugging the charac-ter is known to have defeated:



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Chapter 1

Anyone making even a passing remark

threatening to it will find themselves on thereceiving end of "the power of the people".

Since locals usually cannot afford theprices in Riverside, there are a few shops inBlackchapel selling food and supplies.Cheap alcohol is easy to find here, thoughpotable water is well-nigh impossible. Theseshops all huddle along the main street, andthe merchants either hire their own guards orbribe gangs for protection.

The Blackchapel accent is by far the leastintelligible of them all. Speech is atrociouslygruff, impolite, and rife with slang. It seemsalmost another language altogether toforeigners.

The BowelsSmall Town; AL LN; CL 9; 7500gp limit;Assets 184,000gp; Population 2030

Walking east across Paridon Bridge fromRiverside Square, one soon arrives in myown home borough, the Bowels. Foreignersoften associate the name with the unpleasantbiological definition, and assume this to be afilthy place, perhaps a ghetto. The envious ofBlackchapel and the Southshore are not shyto play upon this prejudice in their talk. Butthe connotation is groundless: "Bowels", inthe case of the borough, refers to nothingmore than its central or interior locationwithin the city.

The Bowels are sandwiched betweenShadewell and the Southshore, and hold thesecond largest population of all theboroughs. The buildings are made of redbrick, and range from two to four stories inheight; buildings hereabouts generally lackcellars. The streets are cobblestone roadswith plain designs. As you go "up theBowels" (that is to say, upriver), the housesare larger and more luxurious. As you go

down, this reverses, resulting in smaller,more practical homes.

Although homes are not as spacious asthose of Shadewell, even the poorest end ofthe Bowels gleams brightly in comparison toBlackchapel. That area closest to theSouthshore holds the precious "chickenhouses", the only commercial source ofdomestic meat products.

It is sometimes said that "the Bowels eattheir homeless." There is rarely any rubbishon the ground, and in my entire life I havenever seen a beggar staying long in thesestreets. Loiterers are also sparse during theday; pedestrians rush swiftly to theirdestinations. Wandering the Bowels after

Dread Possibility- Paridon BridgeDue to its depth and rapid flow, theNodnal initially proved impossible tobridge. Legends say that the materialsthe first citizens used for caissonswere inevitably washed away.

Legends claim that, during a famine,a dark mage promised a strong andsturdy bridge for a price. The townagreed to the bargain. Thenecromancer secretly collected all thetown's dead, using the bodies to craft aseries of Living Walls for the newbridge's foundation. He then warnedthat if the town wished to keep theirbridge intact, they would throw thebodies of their dead near thesecaissons. Appalled with this condition,the town turned upon thenecromancer. "Kill me now, and I maydie. But feed it not, and it will fall",the mage cried as he passed.

The memory of this tale mostlysurvives in a macabre nursery-rhymesung only by children. However,criminals and the homeless orsuperstitious still fulfill the bridge-builder's ghastly 'condition', bydisposing of bodies over the edge.


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Geographical Survey

dark is simply not done. Everything in thisborough is designed so that minimal timeneed be spent on its streets. This extends sofar as to have sturdy, wood-roofed walkwaysbetween adjacent buildings' rooftops.Originally established for the Roof Patrol,these are now regularly used by citizens aswell.

Odd things happen in the Bowels. Missingpersons are surprisingly common;occasionally entire households vanishovernight. People sometimes run madthrough the streets in the wee hours,screaming undecipherable gibberish; shotswill ring out and echo unanswered.Neighbours are oddly silent, doing no morethan to peek through their curtains andensure their own doors and windows arefirmly locked. A queer air of leery paranoia

blankets the borough, giving it a subtle yetintense edge of uncertainty.

All these odd, unspoken occurrences canbe illuminated by one of its by-laws: it isillegal to enter a manhole in the Bowels.Hiding in the shadow of this city is anotherplace altogether.

I will elaborate on this further in thesurvey, but for now I will merely say that ofall places in Paridon, the Bowels have themost intimate connection with the depths.This explains much of its strangeness, whicheven I, myself, once shrugged off as a localeccentricity neither more nor less odd thanthose of other boroughs.

It is no Riverside, but as the Bowels arehome to one of the largest bourgeoiscommunities in all the land, it has noshortage of businesses. For the culturallyadventurous, the southern part of the Bowelsoffers foreign goods brought in byShuttleby's auction house or fromSouthshore. In the north one can findexpensive inventions of the modern era,passed on by those cunning hands ofShadewell. The Bowels are home to manygovernment offices, including theheadquarters of the Paridon Police, a widefive-story building perched next to thebridge's eastern end.

The Bowels accent is very malleable; itsnatives can easily adopt the accents of theother boroughs. It is, however, a little harderfor foreigners to catch than some others.

The Chicken Houses Many citizens of Paridon died afterthe Great Upheaval because ofstarvation or riots. These deaths anddisappearances left many housesempty. Although many are nowinhabited, some were converted bythe City Council into indoor "farms"for smaller livestock. Chickens aremost commonly kept - hence thename - but other animals such aspigeons, rabbits, or even small pigsare not unknown.

Many chicken houses are hauntedby the spirits of the formerinhabitants, as most died untimelyand often very unpleasant deaths. Theindoor farmers are becomingsuspicious, and a few are now lookingfor someone to investigate the matterand stop the suspected 'vandals'.

There are also rumours that thosewho tend swine have avoided the highcost of feed by making their ownfrom human corpses. Blackchapel'sgangs are often seen near thepremises, and are among the few inthat borough to enjoy meat regularly.

Closest to the ShadowOf all the boroughs, Timor's menaceis most concentrated beneath theBowels. Located several hundred feetunderneath is the Hive Queen's lairitself. Where other boroughs havebasements and sewer systems thatstill remain a part of Paridon,stepping underground in the Bowelsin any way (especially via a manhole)will move someone directly acrossthe border into Timor.


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Chapter 1

Houses in the Bowels sell for roughly 150-300 pounds.

ShadewellVillage; AL LN; CL 9; 9000gp limit; Assets600,000gp; Population 210

As one walks north past the Bowels, hewill discover that the borough rests at thebottom of a slight hill. Up this hill isShadewell, or as its residents nickname it,"Euzherisia", a name that I find quiteinappropriate. Here reside the elite of themiddle class. I believe that this boroughcould topple the City Council with ease, if itcould restrain both its sycophantic andbackstabbing tendencies.

Not a single building in Shadewell standswith fewer than three stories and a cellar.Some boast as many as seven or eight floors,such as the Boarding House on ButcherStreet or the Museum of Paridon.Architecture is impressively expansive, onebuilding often occupying an area that wouldbe filled by several in the Bowels, let aloneby the dozens of families crammed into anequal space in Blackchapel.

The Zherisian arch is prominent, anarchitectural motif that the natives ofShadewell claim as their own. Civicinstitutions are composed of calm andcharming marble masonry. Private homesare custom-made, with a variety of materialsand designs that reflect the frivolous tastes oftheir owners. Some buildings boast entirewings constructed from precious hardwoods,alleged to give a 'classic' feel.

Shadewell is a borough of invention andinnovation. Ladies can often be seen ridingthe newfangled bi-cycles during theirafternoon promenades. Iron gates connectedto a pulley system are opened by pulling alever. Every man carries a pocket watch; torely upon the Clock Tower is a faux pas inShadewell. Avid amateurs conduct basic(albeit colourful) experiments in their ownlaboratories, in second-rate imitation of theiralchemical counterparts in the Temple.

Shadewell also defines itself by itscarriages; it is one of only two boroughs thatactually have the space or resources to keepstables. Almost every home has a carriageand a brace of horses (as well as theaforementioned bi-cycles). It is deemed'provincial' to ride horseback; there are evensome who refuse to touch the beasts. Yet,residents of Shadewell seem to take pride innot walking, even when traveling withintheir own borough. Carriage riders must becareful if they do venture into drab parts oftown: a horse with a broken leg makes anopportune meal for the hungry masses, whomay seek to engineer such "accidents".

Crowds are unheard-of in Shadewell. Thisborough gives a soothing sense of confidentsecurity. This may lull visitors into anassumption that Shadewell holds no dangers,but one should not assume overmuchregarding that point. One's wellbeing neednot be compromised by crime or poverty:property and privacy rights can becomeweapons themselves. People are verypossessive and will often have a passerbyarrested for "trespassing". This may rangefrom the metaphorical “looking into a

Shuttleby'sWhile new artwork is marketed throughthe city's commercial galleries, the re-sale of quality finished goods - jewelry,furniture, art, pottery, antique armor,candelabras, etc - is the nigh-exclusivepurview of one business: Shuttleby's.

Accepting commissions, over theyears, for the sale of items as outlandishas a live potted death's-head tree andfrom clients as far off (and infamous) asthe late Sefeasa Camille of Borca, thisvenerable enterprise draws buyers andtheir proxies to Paridon from the farcorners of the civilized world. Items ofan arcane or mystical nature come up forbid only rarely, but those in the marketfor exotic wares subscribe to Shuttleby'sbimonthly promotional listing of itemson docket.


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Geographical Survey

neighbour's window” to a literal setting offoot upon his lawn.

This stringency extends to the ParidonPolice, who are not permitted to search aShadewell (or King's Quarters) homewithout invitation or by permission of theowner. Even then, much care and courtesymust be exercised throughout the process;many a policeman's career has been cut shortby his lack of tact or by overt suspicion, evenif his suspicion later proves to be justified.

Shadewell's University of Paridon isforemost in the sciences, producing theworld's finest engineers, doctors, andscientists. The school specializes in bothmedicine and (mundane) chemistry, withmany graduates in both fields. Many analchemist has likewise emerged from theuniversity. Some graduates emigrate to theCore, where they make a profitable living bytreating the sick and injured or by teaching atmainland institutions.

Various associated medical institutes,including the Institute of Teratology, liewithin walking distance, providing readyexperience for future interns. This area isalso home to some facilities of "remedialeducation", such as the renowned Dr.Longwell's School for Wayward Youth.Exclusive, very expensive, and discreet, thismiraculous prep-school has a high successrate: virtually every child who attendsgraduates as a new person.

Shadewell has a large public sector, whicheven the 'unfortunate masses' are permittedto visit. Among these are the Metropolitancultural center, the Paridon Art Gallery, andthe Zherisian National Library. The chiefattraction for scholars is the ParidonMuseum: an architectural behemoth holdingartifacts from around the world. I onceexamined a Museum schematic that revealedtwo more wings than are evident fromoutside; I recall noting secret doors in themuseum that may lead to them.

The Shadewell accent is the Core'sdefinition of the "typical" Zherisian accent.It is soft and difficult to master. "Yourtongue is slow" is a slur natives use to referto the dialects of other Zherisians. When ahome becomes available, property in

Shadewell starts at 3000 pounds, and onlygets higher. After this section of the survey,I am once again struck by how precipitously-steep the class divide is, in this city.

The Southshore Hamlet; AL NG; CL 9; 2800gp limit;

Assets 30,700gp; Population 610A rickety, rotted wooden wall stands

between the Bowels and the Southshore.Upon this wall, Zherisia's humans havecarved or scrawled reams of maliciousdrawings, insults and threats against theresidents of this borough. There is but asingle, locked doorway through the wall, towhich a sign has been nailed saying 'Jack'sWay'.

The Southshore lies just west of the Docks,and south of the Bowels. Drywall andcement are the abundant building materialshere, and most buildings are no more thantwo stories tall. Despite its proximity to theBowels, the Southshore does have

Dread Possibility- Dr. Longwell Dr Longwell's Home for WaywardYouth is a relatively new addition tothe city. This sprawling three-storyfacility houses recalcitrant children ofnotable Zherisians. Many a rowdy,unruly youth has emerged as a modelchild: seen but not heard.

Dr. Longwell is, in fact, a cerebralvampire and a protégé of Dr. DaclaudHeinfroth. A devoted student of histerrible mentor, his conversion wasnot a complete success: Longwell canonly feed on victims who have yet toreach adulthood. As there were fewyouths at Heinfroth's asylum,Longwell set off on his own. Arrivingin Paridon, he quickly set up hisprivate feeding ground, using hischarm ability to entice nobles to sendtheir troubled teens to him. Those wholeave his "care" are little more thensubservient shells of their formerselves.


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Chapter 1

basements, seemingly without any unwantedincursions from below.

Southshore is primarily home to humans ofmixed or non-native ethnicity, particularlythose not from the Core. Zherisians arecompetitive enough with their own; they donot welcome obvious outsiders'encroachment on their already crampedterritory. The shops of these foreigners standside by side with those of calibans and half-Vistani, and thrive because theircommunities are tight-knit and supportive oftheir members - and because they are madeso unwelcome in other buroughs.

The "Shrouded Way" Mistway is locatedhere; the area is known as 'Little Darkon' forthis reason. This is rumoured to be BloodyJack's escape route. Xenophobes take this asproof that he is one of Freak Street'sresidents. It doesn't occur to them to wonderwhy Bloody Jack would flee into Darkon, ifhis (presumably) safer home is near at hand,nor do they consider the fact that calibansand half-Vistani are no more common in thatcountry than here. Every 13 years, the peopleof Southshore must therefore live in fear ofreprisal for the actions of Bloody Jack.

Local architecture reflects the mixedheritage of residents. Although buildings arebuilt and designed as Zherisian, they aredecorated and repaired to emulate Darkonianor more-exotic styles. Signs are often writtenin foreign tongues, and unusual fashions fillthe streets. There are human residents fromas far away as Rokushima Taiyoo, Sri Raji,Har'Akir and Pharazia.

The Southshore contains this city'scenturies-old ghetto for its non-humans,most notably calibans and half-Vistani. Theghetto originated as a small crescent setaside for caliban dock-workers, thussegregating them from their purer co-workers and perhaps sparing pregnantwomen frights which might contaminateunborn children.

The ghetto has since expanded beyond itsoriginal boundaries, and is divided between

its two societies, but the area is still knownby the name of 'Freak Street'.

Very few people wander alone into thecalibans' area; they usually seek theanonymity of the mob to do so. One of thefew humans to regularly visit there is Dr.Niles Patterson, who has set up a smallsurgery catering to calibans. The "Ellie-Mack", or Elucidating Museum ofAnthropological Curiosities, is also on thefringes of this community, as are its boxingand wrestling arenas; this handyarrangement spares human visitors the taintof entering the "cursed" community. Thesebase entertainments have proven surprisinglypopular with humans, both rich and poor.

Visitors are often startled that a half-Vistani community of any size should befound in what might be considered anisolated corner of the Mists. The mystery isexplained by several interleaved factors.Firstly, Paridon is a trade hub, onlyaccessible via the Mists.

Dread Possibility- Fate of the Jackals?

During Bloody Jack's thirteenthkilling spree, a clan of jackalweressided with Sir Edmund Bloodsworthagainst Sodo and his doppelgangers.After a group of adventurersdefeated Bloodsworth, Sodo had thesurviving jackalweres locked upbeneath the Museum of Paridon.Sealing a Bone of the Jackals (VRA)in the walls alongside every entranceand exit to the building, he left theclan there to rot.

However, Sodo had overlooked asingle ventilation shaft, that gave thecaptives a passage from theMuseum's basement into Timor. Themarikith, of course, are notwelcoming, but the jackals haveused the shaft to survive. Should oneof these Bones ever be removedfrom the walls, by mishap orrenovation, the jackalweres wouldbe unleashed upon the city.


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Geographical Survey

Secondly, in Paridon very few doors areclosed to the wealthy, as which many half-Vistani traders qualify. Lastly, and perhapsmost importantly of all, their heritage seemsextremely difficult for doppelgangers tocounterfeit. Thus, half-Vistani are oftentrusted more (if liked less) by their pure-blooded Zherisian compatriots than theydare to trust each other.

One prominent group of half-Vistanitradesmen, referred to as "Captains of theMists", make their headquarters at theCrimson Club. Much of Paridon's import andexport business is negotiated in its commonroom. Unlike virtually every other club inParidon, it accepts females provided theymeet the entrance requirements: allapplicants must have successfully guidedtrading expeditions through the Mists. MaleCaptains are far more common, as manyZherisians (and foreigners, for that matter)are unwilling to hire a woman caravan leaderor ship captain.

For many Mist-captains, their quarters atthe Club are the closest thing they have to ahome. Unsurprisingly, the Captains are aperipatetic lot, and at any given time a clearmajority are engaged in their businesstravels.

I believe these half-Vistani men andwomen may prove vital when exploring thefarthest reaches of the Mists. A moredetailed explanation of the group followslater. I assure you, they will keep anyconfidences we see fit to afford them tothemselves: keeping secrets, after all, is asmuch in their blood as Mist-roving.

Commercially, this borough lacks thebroad diversity of Riverside, but its pricesare more reasonable - if you are one of theirown, that is. However, Southshore boastsrarities and curiosities unavailableelsewhere. While Riverside features foreigngoods, Southshore has the craftsmenthemselves. I have reports of vendors sellingpotions of immortality, statues that come tolife, creatures that reproduce throughmoisture, and musical instruments thatcontrol emotions.

The Southshore accent exhibits nosignificant differences from that of theDocks, save that one hears more slang fromother realms. There are also a wide variety offoreign accents in this borough, due to anincreasing flow of immigrants from thoseislands with which Zherisia now trades.

Dr Niles PattersonDoctor Niles Patterson of Nosos had acaliban sister who'd been hidden allher short life in the family attic. Theyouth's sympathy for her plightinspired his interest in teratology: thestudy of human anomalies. He studiedat the University of Paridon, andthanks to his father's "funding" (inexchange for his silence about thefamily secret), he was able to fund hisown establishment.

The Institute is located inShadewell, much to his neighbours'disgust. He resides in this convertedhouse, within walking distance of theUniversity, to which many internscome to study and practice. He visitshis small surgery in the Southshoretwice a week to provide his services tohis healthier clientele, often for free.He also caters to another, relatedclientele: the Remnants of Timor.

The Captains of the MistsIn past years, the ZherisianCartographic Society was run byhuman nobles. Since the Conjunctionand the increased need for trade,these dilettantes have been replacedby the more adept half-VistaniCaptains of the Mists. Under theirhelm, Zherisia's trade with foreignlands has tripled.


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Chapter 1

King's Quarters

Small Town; AL LN; CL 9; gp limit 25,000;Assets 1,050,000gp; Population 120

And so, I turn now to the last and(arguably) greatest borough of Paridon.King's Quarters are home to Zherisia'saristocracy and government. Buildings hereare gigantic, of elaborate, archaic designsthat date back to the roots of the Zherisiankingdom. They are constructed entirely ofluxury metals and fine stone: copper and giltiron, granite and marble. Guard-posts areeverywhere; no one passes though thisborough unobserved by its watchmen's eyes.Guard-shifts are rotated unpredictably, sothat criminals cannot exploit a pattern intheir schedule; the guardians themselves arefrequently reposted, to minimize thetemptation and utility of bribery.

The City Council meets in Paridon's largestand oldest edifice: the Zherisian ParliamentBuilding. Looming up like a father over hischildren, this building (indeed, this entireborough) seems to rear over the rest of thecity.

The curious are allowed into the frontalcove of the Parliament Building, a squaresixty-foot room with countless doors into itsdepths; only those with both official businessand written approval are ever permittedbeyond. The Councilmen, their personalaides, and the elite Parliamentary Guards arethe only persons familiar with the building'sfull interior layout.

By the use of magical persuasion, I havelearned that there is a hallway past thecentermost northern door, leading to alounge. This lounge is soundproof, as isnearly every room in the facility. Thecharmed Guard's normal duty was to patrolone of three passages leading from thislounge. Upon releasing the guard, hereturned to his post without consciousrecollection of my "queries". Strangely, theman was called for "inspection" thereafter; Idid not see him return to his post.

In regard to this incident, I now point to theincluded section on doppelgangers in theAttached Notes. Perhaps this will give moreinsight on exactly what goes on within thewalls of King's Quarters.

King's Quarters seem less of a livingborough than a monument to the largernation now lost. Statues honouring famedZherisian heroes of times past dot thelandscape; no gardens or parks have been re-dedicated to cropland here. The RoyalZherisian Gallery hosts portraits of therealm's erstwhile monarchs, most of them allbut forgotten by the populace. The borough'sposh residents amble about languidly, well-fed and sleek, and interact little with thegeneral populace save for the servants. Therest of the city, proud of its modernsophistication, look on this borough as adoddering old man, due shortly to bereplaced by a younger, more vibrant heir.

The "old man" is well aware of this, ofcourse. The high walls around King'sQuarters have withstood the test of time fordecades. Cast of hard black iron, they have athin lining of lead within them to cancel anyattempts to scry (I have tried). Alarms bothmechanical and magical are positionedeverywhere, as are stockpiles of riot shieldsand firearms.

Yasuo KumodaAn herbalist from Rokushima Taiyooand a recent newcomer to Paridon,Kumoda prepares pills, salves, and otherremedies from exotic herbs for all kindsof suffering, particularly hisincreasingly popular "elixir of youth".The old man lives with his youngdaughter Yoriko.

Actually a necromancer driven fromhis homeland for his vile practices, hekills young street urchins and buriesthem in his garden. Thus, he cultivates aspecial mushroom he calls "death'swhisper". The mushrooms' powderrejuvenates the old, but Kumoda is quiteselective about whom he deems worthyof this 'gift'. Kumoda has a kenkuminion hidden in his attic that he sendsto fetch victims.

Yoriko is always veiled because shehas serpent eyes; she is Yasuo'sfamiliar, transformed by the fauxhenchman spell.


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Geographical Survey

The borough's watchers are alert, and itsguards quick to act. King's Quarters isforever alert for its greatest terror: city-widerevolution. And yet, though there's alwaysbeen talk of revolution, an actual coupattempt has never occurred - or, if it has, wascrushed so completely as not to have beenrecorded at all.

The King's Quarters accent is referred to as"cut-glass" by the rest of the populace, withits clipped vowels and rolling R's. Theirspeech is archaic, relying on antiqueeuphemisms and turns of phrase from anearlier era. It sounds scholarly to foreigners,but more pretentious than distinguished tonatives. Admittedly, I have been known tofeign it during my own travels.

Flora and FaunaZherisia is an urban realm. During theUpheaval, the rural countryside was severedfrom the city. Hunger plagued the masses,

and the city began to devour whatever forageit had, even common weeds and animalsformerly considered pets. This does notmean that Paridon is now completely devoidof vegetation.

Sparse areas of botanical life can still befound within parks or gardens. For some,these tiny niches of growth are lifelines, forothers they are merely a luxury.

"Wildlife" has been reduced to urbanscavengers, such as gulls and rats. Suchcreatures have been spared only becausetheir meat is often contaminated, and theeffort to capture them usually exceeds itsvalue. Occasional vermin such as spiders orcentipedes spew up from the depths ofTimor. Smaller livestock and poultry are stillkept in the Bowels, Shadewell, and King's

The Parasite that Lies WithinThe 'Paridon in Short' sidebar states itspercentage of human and non-humaninhabitants. However, it does not state justhow many doppelgangers currently residewithin the city. Because of their imitativenature, the doppelgangers' population hasinstead been added into the humanpopulation.

Doppelganger society is broken up intosocioeconomic classes, each generallyfound in different boroughs. The hub ofall doppelganger activity is in King'sQuarters. The recommended racialpercentages for this borough's elite are30% doppelgangers, 70% humans, but theDM should feel free to adjust thesenumbers as she chooses.

Regardless of how many doppelgangersare actually present, they are embeddedwithin the very heart of the city's powerstructure. Should the PCs dare to boldlysneak around in the Zherisian ParliamentBuilding, they may later find themselvesbeset by "accidents" or hounded by thelegal authorities, even if they failed todiscover anything important.

Native HorrorsNatural: CR 1/10 Bat; CR 1/8 Rat,Tiny monstrous centipede; CR 1/6Raven; CR 1/4 Cat, Owl; CR 1/3 Direrat, Dog, Small monstrous centipede,Small monstrous spider; CR 1/2Medium monstrous centipede; CR 1Large monstrous centipede, Spiderswarm; CR 2 Bat swarm, Dire bat,Giant assassin bug, Huge monstrouscentipede, Rat swarm; CR 3 Assassinvine; CR 4 Centipede swarm; CR 5Huge monstrous spider; CR 6Gargantuan monstrous centipede; CR9, Colossal monstrous centipede.

Unnatural: CR 1 Homunculus; CR2 Marikith hunter*, CR 3 Dreaddoppelganger*, Ethereal filcher,Ettercap, Shadow; CR 4 Gargoyle,Mimic, Vampire spawn, Vampyre*;CR 5 Cloaker, Wraith; CR 6 Redwidow*, Wax golem*; CR 7 Invisiblestalker, Nosferatu*, Spectre, Vampire,Vorlog*; CR 8 Doll golem*, Glassgolem*, Shield guardian; CR 10 Claygolem, Dhampir*, Gargoyle golem*,Rakshasa; CR 11; Flesh golem*,Mechanical golem*; CR 13 Irongolem.

Variable: Animator, Animatedobject, Elemental, Evolved undead,Geist, Ghost, Ghost brute, Lost ones,Umbral creature.

*See Denizens of Dread


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Chapter 1

Quarters; horses, devoured to the verge ofextinction after the Upheaval, have been re-introduced by wealthier families andbusinesses that utilise them.

The Docks do not have any parks orgardens; gulls and rats are the only faunafound here. Only fools bother trying to fishalong the polluted Nodnal; any fish thatsurvive its dearth of algae and other life areleft as toxic as the befouled river, itself. Inthe northern end of Blackchapel there are afew spots that once were parks, but have nowbeen now turned to agricultural use. Houseshave also been torn down there, to createmore farmland. Rooftops here and in theBowels are also converted into garden plots.

One often sees hardy, practical, and shade-tolerant crops, such as tomatoes andzucchini. In the Bowels one also seesperennial herbs of medicinal value, such asechinacea or flax-weed. In the southernBowels, all of the parks are now converted tocropland. However, unlike Blackchapel'ssmog-strangled plots, these actually produce

a reasonable bounty of food, and most arefarmed by Celebrants. In the north, there arestill a few tiny parks left for leisure.

Shadewell has an impressive amount ofland devoted to 'green space', at least ifcompared to the rest of the city. Eachmansion boasts its own lawn, which istypically delineated by a white picket fence.Every man has a vegetable garden, and mostboast flowerbeds and trained shrubs (someof which are trimmed as topiary). Backyardsnow serve as horse-pastures, a grudgingconcession to scant fodder, kept out of sight.

Estates in King's Quarters host vastgardens, and the gardeners work hard tocultivate exotic species from as far off as SriRaji. Queen's Park in this borough is amassive, manicured re-creation of ourmourned Zherisian countryside. Thesegardens and Queen's Park together take upnearly a tenth of Paridon's acreage.


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Geographical Survey

Mundane Sights and SoundsBlackchapel

• The street reeks of excreta.• A group of poor people glare at you

with envy and hatred. • A door is open to air out an apart-

ment. Its tiny, fetid room houses seven.

• A man tries to sell you a pocket watch. Its owner's name is scratched off.

• A woman, face swollen by a black eye, pleads wordlessly for your help as she's dragged off by an angry, large man.

• A grubby young girl runs by, clutching a sack in which some-thing squirms.

• An insane man mutters to himself in an alley, whilst feasting on rats.

• A scream is heard in the distance, then ends abruptly and ominously.

The Bowels• Old ladies pause in their gossiping

on a nearby rooftop to watch you.• A vender calls out the Newsbill's

latest headlines; a passerby stops to buy it.

• The Clock Tower tolls and pass-ersby check their timepieces

• Something is felt moving in the earth, under the PCs feet.

• There is the sound of breaking glass in a house nearby.

• The Roof Patrol's footsteps thud on the wooden walkway above

• Six o'clock tolls, and the street floods with clerks and officials headed home.

• A journalist interviews a policeman outside an empty house.

The Docks• A boat overflowing with passen-

gers sluggishly approaches a dock. • Locals throw bricks and stones at

new immigrants, many of whom look part Vistani.

• The bustling crowd pushes an unwary man off the edge of a dock. His luggage floats in the water where he fell.

• A lost child screams for her mother, as dockworkers yell at her to be quiet.

• A family of foreigners looking for a hot meal stand in bewilderment, having no idea where they should go to find one.

• An unruly new arrival's weapons are confiscated by the Paridon Police.

• A boat whistle echoes. Men yell at each other to get ready.

• Calibans unload large, wooden crates from a boat, shoving aside several folk.

• A foghorn sounds. The dockwork-ers tie off a large boat.

King's Quarters• A policeman approaches and

politely but firmly asks where you are going.

• A well-dressed man pulls out a monocle to stare at you.

• A finely-dressed little girl asks her tutor why you are dressed funny.

• A group of servants trudge towards the gates of a nearby manor.

• A group of youths loll in the park with a picnic basket.


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Chapter 1

Riverside• A shopper casts a trinket to the

ground, complaining about its outrageous price.

• A cloud of plaster dust falls on the PCs from an overhead con-struction site. High above, several workers balance on the support beams.

• Two shopkeepers bicker over whose produce is best.

• A man pushes one of the PCs (Ref DC 12 or fall), saying to get out of his way.

• A customer attempts to haggle, but the merchant won't budge from the item's asking-price.

• A man asks one of the PCs the time, as a pickpocket moves in behind them (Spot DC 20)

• A shop is being boarded up, its wares seized, as its owner bawls in the street.

• A shop owner tries to convince the PCs that he has the best prices in town.

• A butcher throws away a spoiled piece of meat. Immediately, a boy snatches it.

• A boy tries to sell the PCs a Newsbill (possibly yesterday's) for one pound.

• Street urchins eyeball a rich busi-nessmen. They then scatter and vanish into the crowd.

• Someone subtly hands a wallet off to another person. Soon after, someone else yells, "I've been robbed."

Shadewell• A boom resounds and a puff of

smoke billows out of a nearby upstairs window.

• A couple pass by on their brand new bicycles.

• A policeman halts a man for dropping a wadded newspaper on a nearby lawn.

• A group of youths perform calis-thenics on the University grounds.

• A governess pushes a large, unwieldy pram to a nearby park.

• A carriage passes by, the only vehicle on the road.

The Southshore• A group of human lads dare one

of their number to walk into Freak Street.

• A winking caliban invites you to see the Ellie-Mack's fine exhibits, "goblins, elves, and other rarities" included.

• A bookie is taking bets for tonight's boxing match.

• A half-Vistani flourishes a deck of tarokka cards, offering to tell your fortune for ten pounds.

• An adolescent carves a crude insult into the wooden wall between the Bowels and the Southshore.

• Non-humans eye you warily.


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Sociological Survey

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Before reading this chapter, there is one factwhich must be made clear: the GreatUpheaval transformed society in myhomeland to an extent unprecedentedanywhere else within this Land of Mists. OnJuly 3, 740, the old nation of Zherisiadiminished to just the city of Paridon. In theblink of an eye, half the population vanished,along with the country's past naturalresources and agricultural self-sufficiency.The city has since teetered on the brink ofrevolution, undergone an industrial boom,and seen an incredible rise in the numbersand influence of its middle class.

Our first post-Upheaval generation hasbegun to enter adulthood. Our heirs areimpeded by neither the loss of, nor anostalgia for, a country and a way of life.Such children are the first entirely urbangeneration of Zherisians. One can onlywonder what innovations and values thisgeneration shall bring forth in future.

Indigenous PeoplesZherisia's indigenous population isoverwhelmingly human. We bear somephysical resemblance to the Mordentish: faircomplexions with rosy cheeks and apredominance of grey eyes. This holds truefor the healthy citizen; however, for themalnourished majority, complexions tend tobe pale or sallow and the latest generationhas been plagued with rickets. Lack ofaccess to fresh meat, milk, and produce is toblame for this. Teeth are also notoriouslybad, due to insufficient calcium and scurvy.

Zherisians are of average height andmedium-sized build; one can often guess at aman's wealth by his weight. Hair is straightor wavy, and rarely black. Men keep theirhair short, but mustaches, beards, andmuttonchops are acceptable. Women pintheir hair into buns; the more elaborate, thegreater the indication she is a lady of leisure.

As mentioned earlier, there are two non-human minorities that live in Zherisia. Themost numerous are our resident calibans.These dress like their human compatriots inBlackchapel and, while some are slovenly,most make an effort to keep up appearances,

and not live to their stereotype. In a similarvein, while their speech patterns may besimple, "our" calibans are usually polite andwell-mannered.

Soon after 740, there was a sharp rise inthe incidence of caliban births, now thoughtto have been a side effect of the Upheaval.Their infant mortality rate, however, hasalways been high - at least, in human homes- and coroner's records reveal they seem tobe very "accident-prone". Calibans arelegally recognized as humans, but courtrecords reveal that criminal sentences tend torun lighter if the victim is from this group.

Half-Vistani also reside in Zherisia, andexhibit an odd amalgamation of their nataland adoptive cultures. Both sexes usuallywear their hair loose and long, sporting thegold earrings, necklaces and rings so oftenassociated with the Vistani, but they taketheir other fashions from Zherisia - albeitwith a certain "gypsy flair", often imitated bythe younger and more daring of Paridon'sgentry. If one sees a man without any top-hat, dark hair to his shoulders, clad in animpeccably-white shirt and dark suit, with abrightly-colored neckerchief in lieu of acravat or bow-tie, and trousers bloused overknee-high riding boots, one instantly knowshim for a half-Vistani bravo, and dressed tothe nines. Similarly, womenfolk with Vistaniblood will often be seen wearing demuredresses set off by a colorful scarf, and (mostshocking of all) wearing their hair down.

While the calibans are oft pitied andpatronized, they are spared the hostilitydirected toward half-Vistani. The widerZherisian population is offended by howclose-knit their exclusive community is,often charging them with apathy towardssociety as a whole. Critics tend to forget howvery unwelcome such citizens are in otherboroughs, and turn a blind eye (if not acomplicit wink) to those thugs whoactualised their own aggressive thoughts.Most of this resentment rises from envy:Paridon's half-Vistani are successful andwell-to-do; their dwellings are clean andnicely tended; their services are highlysought. The rest is xenophobia, but thatseems to be a universal burden of the Vistaniand their half-breed kin.


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Sociological Survey

Recently, I encountered rumours of a new

breed of doppelgangers, offshoots lackingthe parent race's thought-reading ability.These "changelings" are still rare and little-known, but allegedly growing in number.While of potential interest to the Fraternity, Iam in no fit position to investigate, so I havesent references to Brother Lochspeare forconsideration.

Now a quick description of Zherisia's other"indigenous people": in their natural state,doppelgangers stand about six feet tall withelongated faces. Their arms aredisproportionably long, hands dangling pasttheir knees. Their skin is rubbery andpewter-coloured, glistening with a slickgrease that coats their body. Doppelgangershave calculating black eyes and are entirelyhairless. Despite their humanoid stance, theiranatomy is dissimilar from our own. Mostnotably, they lack gender although mosthave a preference of male or female.

Like hags, doppelgangers are bred andborn in human form, first transforming at anage when humans undergo puberty. Iinterviewed a subject on this (My thanksagain to Hazan for the techniques ofpersuasions. I was having trouble gettingresults with my usual methods.) whoconfirmed this and spoke of his ownexperiences.

Doppelgangers are born human but findthemselves detached from human society,unable to fully connect with us. While theirability to detect thoughts has not yetmatured, they quickly sense the duplicity,lies and hypocrisy that guide most humanlife. Alienated, they begin to despise peopleuntil their abilities develop and they arefound by their clan. Doppelgangers have aneerie sixth sense for their maturing young(perhaps related to the "pheromones"hypothesized by Brother Reuland).

Daily LifeThere are three classes in Paridon. Thenobles are the richest men in the city, due notonly to long-established business interestsbut their ownership of nearly all remainingland. A fixed network of 'old money' and twocenturies of tradition nurture their conceit ofsuperiority. They see nothing wrong inimporting cream and strawberries for awedding while the general populace ailsfrom malnutrition. Their cosseted childrendabble in the arts and University studies,whilst the family patriarch meets withadvisors who tend his properties andbusinesses, signing the requisite paperwork,before returning to his own diversions,relying on his more ambitious peers to rulethe City Council in his favour.


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The aristocrats declare that the class divide

is innately entrenched in Paridon culture, andthat their role within the city is indisputable.They are, however, very insular, and spendmost of their time in King's Quarters.Doctors visit homes not only to deal withemergencies but for routine examinations, asif leaving their rarified environment may betoo onerous for the patient. Certain activitiesdo require public appearances: the theatres,Temple, University, or Parliament. Yet whennobles emerge for other activities, it is oftenby pre-arranged and exclusive appointments.This applies not only to expeditions to atailor, jeweler, or salon, but to the museumand galleries, where they arrange for privateviewings. They expound at length about thereverence in which they are held by thelower classes, yet remain well separatedfrom them.

The middle class has seen incrediblegrowth in numbers since the Forties, as wellas an increase in wealth and status. Theirsare the new businesses which are thriving;theirs are the knowledge and services soughtabroad. They have the envy and respect ofthe poor, being seen to have earned theirplaces in a highly-competitive venue. Mostare merchants, gifted craftsmen, educatedprofessionals, government officials, orclerks.

The bourgeois are great proponents of the'work ethic', having attained their status byconstant effort. Moving freely throughoutthe city, they are courteous to nobles, buthardly sycophantic; most are alsoastonishingly civil to their inferiors. Quick tomentor the needy via lodges or workplace,they recognize ingenuity and talent, and arewilling to foster it to their advantage. Anysetbacks suffered by this class are generallyonly complained of in private; more often,they will take action to correct them("vigilance committees" are a prime exampleof this activism). As they struggle to improvetheir lot, some follow a tried-and-true tacticof marrying into respectability. Others,however, are content to put their mercantileprofits to work, and "buy off" Councilcandidates whose stance supports their self-interest. This is not only common butremarkably effective.

The Metamorphosis GlandThe doppelgangers' transformations areregulated by an organ beneath the braincalled the metamorphosis gland. Thismodified pituitary gland triggers shape-changes by releasing hormones into theblood. These activate chromatophores inthe skin and contraction by cutaneousmuscles, permitting structural and colorchanges to take place; commands fromthe nervous system must then select thedesired features, complexion, etc. Somepractice is required for doppelgangers tomaster the latter skill, and adolescents oftheir kind transform at random. Indeed,severance of this control is thebiological basis for Sodo's ever-changing state.

Removing its metamorphosis glandfrom a dread doppelganger's bodydisables its Change Shape ability.Extracting the gland intact requires aHeal check (DC 40), but the DC ishalved by a successful Knowledge(Dungeoneering or Nature) check (DC24). Once the metamorphosis gland hasbeen removed, it cannot be re-implanted. Should a subject consume afreshly-extracted metamorphosis gland,she must make a Fortitude save (DC 20)or else randomly change her shape, asper the spell alter self, for 2d4 days. If adoppelganger stripped of its own glandshould consume the gland of another, itregains its Change Shape power for 2d4days, fully under its conscious control.

With an appropriate Craft (Alchemy)check (DC 30), a fresh metamorphosisgland can be kept viable indefinitely in asmall jar; a Heal check at the same DCcan likewise preserve it within a bath ofsimulated (or real!) cerebrospinal fluid.Either means of preserving the gland'sfunction in vitro costs 500 gp. Liquidsecreted by the gland can be collectedonce a day, and used to make potions ofalter self or an equivalent alchemicalformula, which reduces their base costby 10%. The effects of such concoctionsare up to the DM. It is impossible to tellwhat form an imbiber will take until themixture is consumed.


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Sociological Survey

Whatever their means, there is a growing

feeling that it is only a matter of time beforethe middle class are fully integrated into thecity's power-structure, and this confidence isobvious in one's dealings with them.

The lower class is the most populous, as inall lands. Their incomes are quicklyswallowed up by the costs of daily living.These are the manual labourers and beat-patrolmen, street vendors and domesticservants; all putting in long hours at theirplaces of employment. Those who have notsuccumbed to addictions - alcohol,laudanum, or other vices - return to theircramped quarters to spend the last fewminutes of each day with their children.They take their youth to the Temple to meetlodge members or attend seminars, hoping itwill provide a fruitful contact or direction fora future vocation. On their days off, thecommon folk tend to communal gardens,savouring a rare opportunity to be outdoors.The elderly reminisce about the meadowsand fields of old Zherisia, where they used totoil.

The poor delight in a freedom which theyfeel their fellows around the world aredenied. They openly complain about prices,their jobs, and the "posh" social classes,confident they will not be swept off toprison. They are courteous to their socialsuperiors out of personal pride, not deferenceor fear. They proudly read the Newsbill, asmany are functionally literate. Their childrenare brought up to believe that the nobility arenot "better" than them, just luckier.

This proletariat believe that no other placeoffers them a chance to rise above theirhumble circumstances. Isolated by Mists forcenturies, they regard the Core as medieval.Dementlieu and Lamordia are grantedgrudging acknowledgement, but suffer byassociation. Lamordians have no "soul" dueto their materialistic beliefs. The"Dementos" (a pejorative slang term) are notonly newcomers, but frivolous and utterlybackwards in their treatment of the lowerclasses.

The unsaid truth is, of course, that the vastmajority of the poor will never rise, due tofierce competition from their fellows. Many

fall prey to apathy and frustration, and turnto domestic violence or addiction to dealwith their sense of failure. They incur toomany debts or break the law, dragging theirfamilies still further down. Even when theylive a 'clean' life, many fall prey to disease.While direct death from starvation is rare,malnutrition is a silent plague, favouring thecontagions which bring down many of thisclass.

Doppelgangers' society lies cloaked withinour own. It is evidently organised to advancetwo goals: to protect their Grandmaster, andto maximise internal competition. Eachimposter has a "niche": a milieu in humansociety that said imposter is skilled ininhabiting. A niche will typically be theidentity of a single person; less often, two ormore identities will be taken by adoppelganger or, even more rarely, a singlerole shared among several.

A niche's status among humans willfrequently reflect a doppelganger's rank, intheir own society. Each doppelganger holdsa rank among its own kind, dictating its placein a long chain of command; eachdoppelganger strives to increase its rank bypursuing tasks for its clan and engineeringthe demotion of competitors. Infighting iscommon and often spills over into the livesof their human alter-egos, such as merchantsviciously competing in trade or a pair offeuding families.

There are few true changes in rank; oneneed only note the low mortality rate ofaristocrats to realize this. It is just as difficultto rise from a low rank in their society asours. Those doppelgangers in positions ofpower are typically the craftiest and have nocompunction from using their role's power tocrush rivals.

Shadewell is "a cherished plum" forimposters, yet there seems to be doubt -if nota sense of taboo- about the rise of thebourgeois. Doppelganger society is uneasywith the ascent of the middle class; indeed,several whose true ranks did not merit suchprestige have risen nonetheless in humansociety, almost despite themselves.

Doppelganger "clans" are extendedfamilies, each clan being assigned to a


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Chapter 2

certain class of niches and duties. Someclans are entrusted with securing assets thatprotect their race's security, such asinfiltration of the police force; others are setto monitor and manipulate trends in politics,economics, or public opinion. A complicatedclan hierarchy exists, with certain clansbeing favoured socially over others. It isimpossible to move from clan to clan, andvirtually impossible for a clan to drasticallyimprove its status; falls in status are,conversely, all too easy should adoppelganger's error or negligencedisappoint its superiors. The failure of onemember affects the entire clan.

Historically, doppelgangers appear to havehad an egalitarian society, in which clansworked together with shared goals to ensuresecrecy and prosperity. Some centuries ago,this changed radically and now the clans waragainst each other, attempting to countereach other's schemes and gain personalpower. The influence of clans waxes orwanes over the years. And within their clans,individuals squabble for influence and status,eagerly stabbing each other in the back in thehope of one day being the Clan Leader.

LanguageZherisia's native tongue is singular comparedto the languages of the Core. Its vocabularyborrows heavily from High and LowMordentish, Darkonese, and evenLamordian. However, this is where thesimilarities end.

Nouns do not undergo any form ofdeclension beyond distinction of singularfrom plural. There is also an absence ofgender in its use of adjectives, verbs andarticles (e.g. the big table/the big cat, ascompared to la grande table/le grand chat).Regular verbs (and there are very fewirregular ones) are always the same in thepresent tense, save the third person singular(I/you/we/they buy; he/she buys). In mosttenses, a single form of a verb is universal,exceptions being the present continuous (Iam/you are/he is going) and present perfect(I have/he has gone).

Sentence structure is perforce linear:subjects must come before verbs, and theverb before the object (I hate monsters).Adjectives must precede the nouns theydescribe (green apples = pommes vertes).Inversions of both rules are sometimes seenin poetic or archaic writings, but to attemptthis in day-to-day speech would beconsidered bizarre. There are also no silentsubjects; one must say I love you, rather thanthe Darkonese te amo.

This simplicity of grammar stands incontrast to highly irregular spelling and amultiplicity of homonyms. Tot, taught, andtaut are all pronounced the same way.Similarly, through, dough, tough, andbrought become thru, doh, tuff, and braht …none of which partake of the soundscommonly ascribed to the letters g or h.There are many elisions called"contractions" in Zherisian: have-'ve; had-'d;not- n't; will- 'll; are-'re; is- 's. The last can bequite troublesome, as this form is also usedto represent possession (Greg's book), soattention must be paid as to whether a verbhas been identified. Even then, there can beproblems with pronunciation: do notbecomes don't, but the latter is pronouncedwith a long o.

A Foreign AnatomyDoppelgangers are not true aberrations,but still possess alien anatomies. Whatwould be a vulnerable spot for any otherhumanoid creature may not necessarilybe so, on a doppelganger.

Sneak attacks or critical hits have a50% chance of failure, similar to thespecial ability fortification for magicalarmours. Spells dependent uponanatomy, such as rheumatism, suffer a25% chance of failure withdoppelgangers. All Heal and Profession(medicine) checks made ondoppelgangers believed to be humans(i.e. those currently shape-changed) takea -8 penalty, applied secretly by the DM.

Characters with eight or more ranks inKnowledge (Dungeoneering or Nature),or who have monstrous humanoids for afavoured enemy, halve the penaltiesabove. Those with both take no penalty.


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Sociological Survey

To complicate matters still further,Zherisian has borrowed industriously fromevery language it has ever come in contactwith, providing a multiplicity of synonyms,especially for adjectives, and generates anastonishing amount of slang. In extremecases, Zherisians of different social classesmay as well be speaking two differentlanguages.

The language must be considered unpoeticand inelegant, especially in its simplesentence structures; but it is also very easy tolearn at a basic, functioning level. It is notparticularly good for philosophy, but itsbreadth of vocabulary and general fluiditymake it well-adapted to technical writing. Itreadily lends a surprising pungency andvividness to colloquial speech.

Some scholars also use Draconic, thelanguage of magic with which my Brothersshould be more than familiar. While I do notcredence the existence of actual dragons, thelanguage named after them is known byquite a few Zherisians. Darkonians find thiscomical: that city-bound, mundane scribesshould be fluent in the tongue of the arcane.

Doppelgangers have independent languageand make use of the local tongues.Traditionally they used their ability to detectthoughts, although this doesn't allow them toproject thoughts, only to read them.

Traditionally, doppelgangers had to opentheir minds to clansmen and fellowdoppelgangers and communicated throughreading each other's mind and replyingthrough surface thoughts. This was used toshow trust and the suppression ofindividuality for the good of the clans.However, in recent decades this has becomeless and less common and doppelgangersmore frequently shield their minds from kin.

FashionThe following submissions on fashion andfood are presented by Brother GermaineBeauregard, Dementlieuse fop andgourmand.

- A.L.

I must say that, despite being a culturallyadvanced city, Zherisia has little in the wayof its own fashion - much to my wardrobe'ssorrow.

Men of the lower class typically own threesets of clothing: long-sleeved white or browncotton shirts and brown coarse-woven cottonpants, with sturdy black boots; an outdatedsuit worn on special occasions; and a finalset lined with wool, to hold back the chill ofwinter. Dress suits are routinely passed downfrom eldest to youngest and often show apatchwork of stitching and repairs that goback years. Labourers’ work clothes seldomsurvive long enough to be passed down oroutgrown.

Women fare slightly better, since most aretaught to stitch and sew from an early age.

Blackchapel Slang

Chamber pot Bowler

Foggy! Strange!

The Hat Shop The insane asylum

Hatter Madman

Irons Weapons, especially guns

Ladybird Prostitute

Necktie/Necklace Garotte

Perry Citizen of Paridon

Robby Policeman

Sparky Scientist

Spike Dagger, knife, short blade

Stargazer Wizard

Topper Upper-class man


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Chapter 2

They make their own clothes out of whatevermaterial they can find. Alas, the quantity intheir wardrobe hasn't increased their optionsin colour beyond black and grey; they evendye expensive discards neutral hues, to avertthe charge of theft. Their fashions ape themiddle-class's, to which they aspire.

The bourgeois fare much better in theirchoice of garments. While dress codesprevail for professional duties, one is just aslikely to see them in their best clothing whenoff-duty. Black and earth tones are typical.Men's current fashion is a 'three-piece' suit,consisting of dark pantaloons, a white cottonshirt, a light vest made of materials rangingfrom cotton to soft leather or deerskin, and athick cotton jacket with polished buttons.While commonly made from brass orcopper, the well-to-do enjoy buttons of gold,silver, and pearl. Jewelry of any kind isstrictly frowned upon, although affectationssuch as pocket watches or decorativesnuffboxes are allowed.

Middle-class women (oddly) sniff atDementlieu fashions, dismissing its manyfine features as frippery. They call theirZherisian 'style' sharp, elegant and simple;what I label plain and drab. They permitthemselves more colours than do the men,but remain limited to somber or deepershades: navy blue, forest green, burgundy.Buttons are tiny, almost as discreet as theirprim wearers. They wear tiny earrings, andthe only rings or pendants bearing stones ofany notable size are 'family jewelry' -mawkish affairs in which a proud mothersports birthstones representing her brood.

There is one item which Zherisian societyis united in wearing, rich or poor, male orfemale: hats. No adult (save in Southshore)goes without one. Standing in a crowd, onecan easily identify any outsiders present bytheir bared heads. Aristocratic ladies weardelicious, ornate concoctions sporting veils,feathers, and flowers. The lower classes tendtoward simple bonnets and broad-brimmedhats of straw or felt, perhaps adorned with asingle ribbon. Men's hats are not so distinctlyseparated: domestics often are gifted withold top hats, brought home to their men.Caps are favoured by the poor, but cyclists inShadewell have taken to wearing these as

well. There is one atrocity I pray nevermakes its way to the Core: called a 'bowler' itsupposedly resembles its namesake. Ipersonally feel it resembles a chamber potmyself, and is about as charming.

FoodWith food being in short supply, Zherisianshave no concept of wastage when it comes totheir meals. If it is vaguely edible, it makesits way into one dish or another. Nobles, inan obvious ploy to garner admiration fromthe poor, donate the leftovers of their feaststo various soup kitchens across the city.

Root vegetables (potatoes, onions, etc.)and fruits that travel well (apples or oranges)are a part of the educated man's diet. Driedlegumes (lentils, peas and beans) have alsobegun to making their way into the Zherisiandiet, as doctors promote those foods rich inprotein and calcium to a people withoutready access to meat and dairy products.

Despite a relative availability of such food,Zherisians seem to have a natural aversion tofresh fruit and vegetables. Everything isthoroughly cooked. When the wealthy doserve fruit slices, it is alongside a chocolatefondue. Salad, a great status symbol, isdrowned in vinaigrettes and dressings.

The meals of nobles are extravagant ifrather bland affairs. Large portions of meatand vegetables are served, but they are oftenflavored with only salt and pepper. Importedseafood is swimming in butter, with one sliceof lemon for the virtuous. More commonfare such as stews and casseroles arefrowned upon, whilst dessert is elevated toan art form. My Esteemed Brothers, youmust try the strawberry tart with whippedcream in a brandy glaze. It was the mostdelectable sweet I have ever had the pleasureto eat.

The middle class indulge once each weekin a fillet (meat or fish), chop, or roast. Therest of the time, they favour puddings(particularly steak and kidney), stews andpies. As the most educated class, they alsotend to be the healthiest in their eating habits.

The poor suffer a strange hardship in theirovercrowded apartments: a lack of cooking


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stoves. The hearth is their oven, and mostfamilies possess no more than one pot and askillet. Families tend to make stews, simplybecause it can be left unattended, to simmerall day, as they work. And however poorthey may be, all Zherisians have a sweettooth; those who can, indulge it with jelly,treacle, jam, or the occasional purchase ofsweet biscuits. Others favour a curiousdessert, suggestively named spotted dick: asteamed suet pudding with dried fruit.

With an increase in single adults andchildless couples, it is quite common to seecitizens purchase at least one meal a dayfrom nearby inns and pubs. Some of theirmost popular dishes have boggling names:toad-in-the-hole (sausage cooked in batter),bangers and mash (sausages and mashedpotatoes), black pudding (sausage includingblood and fat). As you can tell, sausages area staple, made of the cheapest meats andorgans. There are always rumours - andsometimes more - about whence such meatscome.

Only the most destitute citizens dare to fishalong the rancid river and Docks, but thereare a couple of fishing boats that trawl theMisty border. Whitefish is their treasuredcatch, used for the most popular of Zherisianstreet-fare: fish and chips (batter-coated filletwith strips of potatoes, both deep-fried).Small catches are mashed together withbread crumbs and molded into ball or stickshapes: the cheaper the price, the less actualfish the meal contains. There are someconcerns about the safety of eating fishcaught so close to both the polluted harborand the Mists, but Zherisians are willing totake a chance to enjoy their favourite 'dish'.

There is a unique fourth meal here, knownas 'tea'. It is held daily in every aristocrat'shome, and served in hotel restaurantsfrequented by their peers and the wealthiermiddle class. The beverage tea (made byadding boiling water to leaves) is a long-favoured import from Sri Raji, and can beserved as early as three or as late as supper.A 'tea' can be simple, with scones andsweets, or a veritable banquet in its ownright, with a menu of meat pies, cold cuts,bread and butter, cheese, jams, fruit, anddessert. Noblewomen wear a special gown

for the occasion, and there is a certain artfuldecorum observed about pouring and servingthe tea itself: a task which, for some oddreason, is not relegated to the servants whopresent it.

The alcoholic drink of choice is gin, alsoknown as Mother's Ruin. Brewed locally andmixed with juniper berries, this strongalcohol is dry and unpleasant in its naturalform. It does have its charm when infusedwith citrus juice, and the aristocracy favoursa mixture of gin and vermouth topped with aBorcan olive or mixed with tonic water.Such watered-down gin, sometimessweetened with berry or citrus juice, is oftenserved with dinner among the middle class.The poor invariably drink their gin straight.Be careful to buy gin from a respectabledistiller; a few unscrupulous brewers areknown to add such things as embalmingfluid or paint remover for an extra kick.

Beers, especially strong dark ales, are alsopopular with the working class. The localsdisplay both a remarkable appetite andtolerance for this beverage, but theomnipresence of stronger alcohol hardlymakes this a surprise.

-Germaine Beauregard

Outlook and WorldviewStereotypes portray we Zherisians as stiffand dour. Often reserved with foreigners, weare renowned for being mannerly, but a visitto a lively tavern or music hall will expose anational secret: our average citizen - rich orpoor - has a great appreciation for the vulgarand slapstick, as well as puns and bon mots.Our dry sense of humour is misconstrued bymany as sarcasm or condescension, even ascruel indifference, when directed toward thedangerous or fatal, as it often is. Not anaturally expressive people, we sublimatetensions and fears into a wit that doesn'texpect laughter, but merely ironicacknowledgement.

We Zherisians do not disapprove ofemotion, as is commonly imagined: far fromit. Our literature is rife with its exploration,even leaning to melodrama, and the Newsbillthrives because of - not despite - its


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sensationalism. We merely value self-discipline and due moderation in publicactions and conduct. Emotional scenes arekept in the private sphere, not displayed forpublic consumption. As a nation whichliterally survives by its wits, it is important tomaintain one's poise in difficulty or, at least,to appear to. Every mortal suffers defeat andloss. There is no denial of a person's right togrief; there is, however, refusal to let hermake a scene, as if her loss were greater thanany other's. To a Zherisian, a 'stiff upper lip'is everything.

A commonly-repeated phrase in the city isthat "crisis is another word for opportunity."Ambition, and the ability to keep risingdespite every setback, is considered anational virtue. Citizens believe, rightly ornot, that they have a great opportunity toclimb up the social and economic ladder.They point to the recent great expansion ofthe middle class as proof of this assumption.

Given this drive for success, the first thingwhich strikes outside visitors is the bustle ofthe city. People are constantly on the move,rushing to work or to home. Eyes areconstantly drawn to the Clock Tower or totime-pieces, and steps hurry accordingly.The street peddler who just forced his waresupon you has already turned to his nextcustomer, as he hands you back your change(which you would be wise to count). This isa city in which people are struggling either towork their way up, or to ensure they don'tslip any further. There is always someoneafter your job; complacency is somethingonly nobles and fools indulge in regularly.

The backlash, of course, is that those whodon't rise, or worse, fall in status, arepresumed to be at fault. Sloth is the greatestsin of all; unemployment is the worst fear."If only you'd apply yourself a little more" isa constant refrain from childhood. There is astigma attached to approaching those fewavenues of public assistance which exist.Laid-off workers and folk sent to debtors'prison suffer a high suicide rate. Those borninvalid or crippled by their labours areentitled to a condescending charity and pity,but there is an unspoken sense that theirsouls had been unworthy in past

incarnations, and are now paying the pricefor those sins.

If accused by outsiders of disguisedmisanthropy, Zherisians defend their waysby pointing to their city's social programsand relatively high levels of education andliteracy. It is certain that our nation, deprivedof natural resources, is dependent on ideas,inventions, and intelligence. For the price ofhis taxes, a merchant receives thousands ofliterate employees, busily working to offerideas to further benefit his business - andthus themselves. Philanthropy can, in truth,be profitable.

Art and EntertainmentThe following articles on the arts and presswere submitted by Brother Crow, a bardabundantly forthcoming on every topic…except, curiously, himself.


I humbly submit the treatise to follow, for theedification of our brethren, upon theinnovations - and cultural insights - to befound in Zherisia's Art.


Performing ArtsIn scholarly study of the great Triad of Song,Music and Dance, it is usual to distinguishtraditional, humble "folk art" from the "higharts" patronized by men of prestige. Since740, Zherisia has seen a rending of thisbarrier, as the Upheaval tore its former, age-old country customs from this realm. Signsthat Zherisians feel this cultural void areevident in the growing popularity ofnostalgic "folk" motifs among the uppercrust. Re-scored country hearth-chantsresonate as often as stately concertos in theMetropolitan's symphony hall; Dementlieusewaltzes or promenades relinquish grandballrooms to bucolic Morris-dances andreels. That these romanticized re-creations ofrustic simplicity are, in fact, adapted andedited to highly cultivated tastes, seldomseems to occur to their enthusiasts.


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This rather belated affection for ruralmotifs likewise applies to the visual andliterary arts. In the theatre, it veers yet fartherafield: current plays often depict fancifulmilieus, such as cloud-castles or fairy courts.Elaborate mechanical set-pieces, complexstage-trickery, lighting effects andpyrotechnics add zest to such carefree,escapist fare. Conversely, plays having grittyurban contexts or sordid, violent subject-matter have vanished from all but theseediest theatres: for that fare, Zherisiansneed only buy a paper, not a theatre-ticket.

Another quirk of Zherisian theatre is thatactors - easy objects of suspicion, in a city ofinhuman play-actors - integrate elementsother than plain dialogue into theirperformances, both old and new, to reassureattendees that no doppelganger could displaysuch a diversity of skills. In time, theexperimental medleys that result, oftenencompassing fencing, song, gymnastics,and dance, may evolve into a theatrical stylewith its own merits and appeal, much asDementlieu's "ballet" has done of late.

Such quests for a diversity of skills is evenmimicked by the general public. Believingdoppelgangers, although able actors, areunlikely to attain mastery of other practicedtalents, fearful citizens adopt artistic hobbiesthey hope might make them harder toreplace. For myself, I am not convinced:surely the creatures they fear would findsome means to foil such a commonplacerecourse?

Boxing and wrestling are formalised sportsin Zherisia, complete with weight-classesand regimens of training based on those ofindigenous monastic orders. These areremarkably popular amongst nobles, whofind little active recreation, and no recourseto the blood sports of the Core. Prize-fighting has provided a lucrative, if short-lived, career for many calibans. Rumourholds that unscrupulous nobles havesubmitted afflicted relatives to suchactivities, feeling it's about time they dosomething to earn their keep.

While the wealthy play at "reviving" lostfolk arts, the music halls of less posh districtsperpetuate its traditions honestly, with jig-steps, reels and drinking-songs. Indemonstration of Zherisian freedom-of-speech, as well as its dry humour, suchfestive places might also offer interludes ofpointed banter by ensembles of comic wits:often political, frequently vulgar, yet alwayswryly satirical and surprising. Some routinesare scripted, while others improvise theirentire acts, even trading bawdy quips withaudience members.

Secret Society: The ExpertsA few young doppelgangers, mostlylone survivors of marikith-decimatedclans, have recently joined forces tobecome mercenaries of a kind. Havingacquired skills their fellowdoppelgangers lack, these self-proclaimed "Experts" sell their servicesas "stand-ins", briefly stepping into theroles of humans whose talents cannot beaped by their usual imitators.

Half the twenty-odd Experts arenormal doppelgangers who forfeit ranksin Spot, Bluff, Sense Motive and Listenin favor of Perform, Profession,Knowledge or Craft. (The latter arecross-class skills for dreaddoppelgangers, save Perform (act)). Therest have 1-3 levels of Rogue or Expert;the majority of their ranks are spent on"marketable" skills. Training is soughtby posing as University students ormanipulating humans into serving astutors. Most Experts focus on masteryof a single skill, or related set of skills.

Despite their demonstratedusefulness, most doppelgangers regardthe Experts as insubordinate misfits,and do little to mask their contempt.Sodo feigns an equally-low opinion ofthe Experts, but is secretly intrigued bytheir potential as spies within his ownminions' ranks.


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There's no better icon of this love of

tongue-in-cheek entertainment than theElucidating Museum of AnthropologicalCuriosities. By name, one might expect astuffy institution, but the "Ellie-Mack" is intruth, the Land of Mists' original freak show,vastly predating the likes of the Carnival.Founded as an exhibition of Paridon's firstunfortunates to be born with calibans'deformities, its operation has since passedinto these selfsame beings' hands. Theoddities on display are ostensibly of an"educational" nature, arranged so as torecapitulate Mankind's grand spiritual ascentfrom sub-sapience to savagery tocivilization. In all candour, the Ellie-Mackhosts more bunkum than book-learning, andof a strictly mundane variety. Don't expectthe miraculous or inexplicable here,Brothers; it's a farce, but an excellent farceintended to be savoured as such.

Visual ArtsZherisia's art galleries and museums, publicand private, have accumulated countlesspainted or carved masterpieces over the pasttwo centuries, from across the Land of Mists.Some rare pieces hold great cultural orspiritual significance in their lands of origin,and occasionally a measure of infamy. It isuncommon, but such prizes have beenknown to carry curses; at least three privatecollectors have verifiably died at the handsof ancient dead, in retaliation for overzealousartifact-piracy.

In pursuit of the pastoral trend, older artistsfind that re-creating naturalistic imageryfrom memory lends a moving, nostalgictenderness to their works. To the up-and-coming generation, unable to summon uppersonal recollections, it's a motivation fortravel: roughly one in five Zherisians in theCore is a starry-eyed painter, seeking the"perfect landscape".

Despite the native aversion to publicdisplays, emotional or physical, belief in thehuman form's pure perfection trumpsprudishness, at least in Art: hence, nudeportraits and sculptures can be found inrespectable galleries.

However, the poses are chaste and facesturned or concealed, in deference to culturalmores regarding privacy. Artists never namesuch unclad works for models; rather, theycast them as anonymous archetypes, cappedoff by such abstract titles as Summer's Dusk,Industry, Daydreamer, etc.

The Elucidating Museum of Anthropological Curiosities

The "Ellie-Mack" is about as mundaneas a sideshow in Ravenloft can get. Itsspecimens are not magical and, in manycases, aren't even real; the performers inits "living exhibits" - billed as "goblinraiders", "elf princesses", "samurai", etc- are guilty only of misrepresenting theirbackgrounds. A few employees do havecriminal pasts or connections, but apartfrom the odd pick-pocketing, the calibanmanagers strictly forbid illegal dealings.

There are, however, two key secrets atthe Elucidating Museum. The first is thatthe museum's legal owner-of-record,Lord Geoffrey Worthington-Davis, diedin the Great Upheaval. Knowing hisheir, Millicent Worthington-DavisHawke, to be an avowed bigot, theheads-of-staff are convinced she willthrow them all into the streets, shouldownership pass to her. They have usedforged letters and a hat of disguise toperpetuate the fiction that Lord Geoffreyhas emigrated to the Mordentishcountryside.

The show's other, darker, secret is onethe staff knows nothing of. Three yearsago, several exotic beasts were added tothe Bestial Sub-Sapience zoo: a gorilla,two parrots, and a pitch-black leopard.Unknown to the buyers, they are actuallyawakened beasts of the Wildlands, withboth intelligence and a malign contemptfor humankind. Rather than escape intothe streets, the beasts have formed a No-Humans-Need-Apply crime ring underthe leadership of "Mr. Silver", the highlyintelligent gorilla. Mr. Silver's crewspecialize in "impossible" burglaries, thesale of information, and the occasionalghastly assassination, contracting itsjobs through written correspondence andthe parrots' "trained" speeches.


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Early this century, one irate cadre ofsculptors took to parodying this cautiousstyle, by crafting naked figures which whollylacked faces or generative organs: headsflatly featureless, bosoms shapely yetunequipped to suckle infants, loins withoutneed of cloths. Circumstantial evidenceimplies the doppelgangers may have anironic fondness for this style.

A more-radical Zherisian innovation hasexploded into popularity since 756, andpromises to revolutionise visual art on aworldwide stage. "Daguerreotypes" are true-to-life pictures generated by the reflection ofimages onto photosensitised metal plates. I'llleave it to Lamordians to discourse on thechemistry at work, but I'll note thatexactitude in timing and lighting areessential to generate a proper image; errorsmay render a finished plate too gloomy orglaringly bright, or might bleach a plate'ssurface blank. Further, any motion by one'ssubject will blur the image, so the processrequires its human portraiture subjects toremain stationary for prolonged periods. It'san exercise in futility to try to capture achild's image, though some parents skirt thisimpasse by having their offspring imagedwhile sleeping - or even dead, should thebereaved choose to memorialise a loved onefor posterity. (How eerie!) Finishedproducts are sealed behind glass to guardagainst abrasion and tarnish.

Arduous as the procedure is, when it isexecuted successfully, the results arebreathtaking. Were examples I saw formyself not colorless and much-reduced inscale, I'd have half-expected them to springto life! Indeed, many Zherisians found suchportraits so disturbing, when first theseworks were displayed, as to be spooked intovacating the Metropolitan's exhibit hall.Familiarity and time have accustomedZherisians to such uncanny detail, but Iexpect foreigners of fragile nerves may besimilarly affected.

Daguerreotypes:Dread Photography

Producing a daguerreotype requiresthe Craft (photography) skill. Threeskill checks are required: one toprepare the sensitized plates,another to capture an image, and oneto develop a plate after its exposure.As this is obscure, cutting-edgetechnology, Craft (photography)may not be used untrained.

Vampires' images do not show upin daguerreotypes, nor do otherbeings that fail to cast a reflection.Even stranger, some ghosts seem toappear, even if they were notmanifested when the image wascaptured. Owing to the newness ofthe technology, few undead actuallyknow of this, but life as adaguerreotypist may get far moreinteresting once the informationspreads.

Alchemists and arcanists inParidon have begun dabbling withthe chemicals used indaguerreotypy, seeking ways toapply the effects of divinations suchas detect magic to these primitivephotographs. It is left to DMs'discretion whether this is possible; ifso, the Brew Potion feat is aprerequisite to prepare suchemulsions, at a similar cost in time,experience and funds as to producean equivalent potion.


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Given how daguerreotypes have now

nudged traditional modes of portraiture off-stage, Zherisia's paint-and-ink artists areturning to subject-matter and motifs the new"cameras" can't replicate, such as vividaction-scenes or night-cloaked settings.Innovative painters experiment with surreal,highly stylised techniques, striving to evokeemotion rather than to strictly imitate realityas the 'typists do. Sketch-artists hawkcaricatures on street corners and "cartoons"in the Newsbill.

Literary ArtsWould that I could comment upon thisfascinating subject: the second-handaccounts I'd heard of these "Romantics" (aslocal anti-materialist poets and prose-fictionwriters deem themselves) sound every bit asintriguing as the "penny dreadfuls" I'd seeneagerly passed back-and-forth by young ladsdo, trite! But regrettably, my facility inZherisian isn't fit to tackle literary criticismas yet, and translation-spells play merry hellwith poets' euphonic phrasings: I'd as soonreserve those queries for such time as I cancome by their meanings honestly.

The PressConventional Core wisdom claims themodern printing press emerged from theinventive workshops of Chateaufaux lessthan two decades ago. This is sure to raise adry smile (or a disdainful sniff) from nativesof Zherisia, who've savoured printers'handiwork for generations.

The first handbills date back threecenturies, and were produced as eventsarose. They hadn't much actual news tooffer; initially, they were just posters onecould take home. Printed on flimsy rag-paperwith inks that seem formulated to smudge oncontact - lapses this industry has nevertroubled itself to correct - they tended to givesecondary service as tinder or fish-wrapping.Very few such relics survive today, save industy attics or the care of an eccentriccollector.

In 691 Parliament opted not to renew theStamp Act, a law imposing high duties andlicensing-fees on the sale and consumptionof paper. Print-shops could now afford to runoff broadsheets on a weekly or even dailybasis; the short-run handbills gave way totrue "periodicals", published on a regularschedule. By the dawn of the presentcentury, there were five titles in circulation,including the now-ubiquitous Newsbill; inthose days, however, it was lowest-seller outof four tabloids. Instead, the premier paper atthe century's turn was the Monograph; only abrace of scandals would see this reversed.

The Monograph's reign collapsed in 716,due to public outrage at its curious silence asto the discernable pattern in Bloody Jack'svictims (shopkeepers). In its wake, furiouscompetition arose, in which most titlesresorted to falsification, sensationalism, andlibel. An avalanche of lawsuits was levied,public trust in the other weeklies evaporated,until only one newspaper arose largelyuntarnished from the fray: Blackchapel'sown reformist rag, the Newsbill. Since 721,its reign as "the" newspaper has confrontedno serious rivals. Other titles are obliged tocater to subsets of the population or tospecial interests; no other sells well enoughto publish on a daily basis.

A more concrete threat to journalism arosein the aftermath of the Upheaval as suppliesof paper dwindled. Lesser periodicals shutdown, but the Newsbill's plucky staff kepton, drastically reducing the size of eachissue, discontinuing its woodcut-ads andcartoons to conserve ink, and raising pricesas high as 5 pence (a 150% markup).Determination, cost-cutting, and a vigorouscampaign that urged readers to return oldpapers for recycling saw the broadsheetthrough the ordeal.

A growing number of reporters have takenthe lessons of their industry's history toheart: an ideological honour-system of"journalistic integrity" has arisen in theirranks. This leaves them honour-bound toreport only verifiable facts, and hold inconfidence the identity of those informantsasking anonymity. (Brothers, take note:some hold so firmly to these principles as todefy charms!)


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Periodicals of Interest

Here is a brief exposé of the Newsbill, asboth a business and a publication, followedby notes on a few other periodicals of specialinterest. Other titles presently in circulationinclude the commercial Advertiser; thepolitical Vigilance (very conservative) andClarion (flagrantly anarchistic - and illegal);and the tawdry fiction-serial Chilling Tales.

"Broadsheet" refers to a full-sized paper,whilst "tabloid" refers to compact pages seenin low-budget titles. Barring shortages,printers intentionally make newspapers aslarge as possible, as sales-taxes rise withpage-count. The Newsbill is the only paperto take advantage of Market Day reductionswith a double-sized weekly edition.


Loved and hated in equal measure by thepopulace, this inescapable fixture ofZherisian life is respected for exposingcorruption and social ills but denigrated forits shameless fear-mongering and delight inscandal. It is insatiably read by thousandseach morning. Though it has always dancedon the edge of gross sensationalism, actuallyinventing stories is one sin the current editor,Foster Randolph, seems dead set against.

A typical daily Newsbill includes concisereports of current events, new developmentsin previous days' stories, an occasionaleditorial on issues at hand, and the "DailyBulletin". Writing-quality is geared to beaccessible for readers of modest education.Rhetorical questions, fragmentary quotes (attimes taken badly out-of-context), andexcessive numbers of exclamation points areused to excite readers' interest.

"Bylines" are normally included to givecredit to the reporters, but may be reduced toinitials or omitted if space runs short. Sincedismissing his last chief reporter, WilliamThompson, Randolph has waffled on naminga new one. The top candidates - and viciousrivals - are Donovan Hill, a tirelessinvestigator who doesn't believe in "deadends", and Mercy Granger, a second-generation journalist determined to surpassher father's legacy.

The weekly Market Day edition, referredto as a 'four-page spread', has the samelayout as the daily on its first sheet, butsubdivides its second into four half-pagesections: Trade (including any foreignnews), Public Affairs, Culture, and DailyLife (odds and ends such as boxing scores,recipes, etc). Whichever of the sections isdeemed least essential may be replaced witha one-shot topic of momentous importance;the most recent instances of this bothoccurred in 755, for Bloody Jack's latestrampage and for Azalin Rex's "miraculous"return to the Darkonese throne.

While the foremost concern of ourBrethren, regarding the Newsbill, should bestaying out of the bloody thing, one usefulpart of each issue is the "Daily Bulletin": aregular column into which notes may beinserted, at a shilling per line, by anyonewilling to pay. Save for profanity or blatantthreats, anything goes; common entriesinclude lost-item notices, changes toscheduled events, job offers, well-wishes,and advertisements too tardy to otherwisemake it to press. As Bulletin entries need notname names, it seems a logical venue forshort, coded communiqués; indeed, I'mcertain many affaires-de-amour areconducted thusly.

Format: Broadsheet, two-page daily; four-page "Market Day" editions weekly

Offices: Blackchapel; south corner of Ennismore Avenue & Pavilion Road

Editor-in-Chief: Foster Randolph

Cover Price: 2 pence per daily, 4 pence per Mar-ket Day edition; 15 pence per week with subscription

Motto: "A Shilling's Worth Of Wisdom"


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The Ascendant

Produced by adherents of the Beacon ofGoodness, this is an ecclesiastical newslettermade accessible to a wider audience. Inaddition to Temple-related news, it addressessocial injustices, new advancements inscience, and interviews with persons from allwalks of life who embody Mankind'sachievements.

The latter entries may prove mostinteresting to the Fraternity, shouldinformation on gifted household names besought; if I'm not mistaken, our own BrotherLarner was interviewed, some years back!


The editor-in-chief of this paper wasdismissed from the Newsbill in 756, withaccusations of falsifying stories about the"Shadow Killers". While former co-workersdidn't jump ship with him, Thompson hadcollected a vast network of contacts,informants and freelance co-writers duringhis time at the Newsbill, and was able torecruit sufficient help to found Disclosureand keep it running for the last four years,albeit precariously.

As a former star reporter, his name stillcarries weight with his colleagues, many ofwhom quietly doubt Randolph's accusations,and freelancers. Thompson often helpsyoung novices launch their careers injournalism, hiring them to penpseudonymous articles for his paper, as arehearsal for jobs at the Newsbill.

That Disclosure stays afloat can beattributed far more to the Zherisian taste forthe unbelievable-but-amusing than toThompson's business acumen; indeed, themore ludicrous the stories he prints, the morecopies his paper appears to sell. One canthink of this title as a more sophisticatedcousin of the quite popular 'penny dreadfuls':the readers expect its contents to be wildlydistorted rumour at best; it's the sober,matter-of-fact style with which Thompson'srag relates such hogwash that's entertainingto read.

Format: Tabloid, two-page biweekly

Offices: Blackchapel, Wadding Street Chapel

Editor-in-Chief: Celebrant Alicia Farnsworth

Cover Price: None; modest donations are expected and appreciated on receipt

Motto: "Arise Ye Into Light"

Format: Tabloid, two-page weekly

Offices: Blackchapel; Carlton Rooming House, Landsdowne Road

Editor-in-Chief: William Thompson

Cover Price: 2 pence per issue

Motto: "Secrets Hidden No More"

William ThompsonThompson realises Disclosure'sarticles are seen as jokes by hisreaders, but his ulterior motivesfor publishing are no joke. In thewake of Jack's killing spree of755, Thompson - who oncedefended the "shadow killers" outof fascination - was confrontedwith the proof of their malignnature, and has bitterly retaliatedfor this "betrayal" with an angrycrusade to expose all of Paridon'smonsters, though it's cost him hisjob and much of his formerreputation.

Now, Thompson collects all thefacts and rumors he can on themarikith and doppelgangers, aswell as jackalweres, golems, andother menaces. Often, otherreporters bring him stories theNewsbill refuses to print due tolack of evidence. Thompsonhopes that others will use hisstories' clues to track down anddestroy the marikith who"betrayed his trust", or thedoppelgangers whom he believes(wrongly; his newfound obsessionwas simply hindering his work)engineered his dismissal.


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So if Disclosure is a joke, why regale youwith its history, Brothers? Simple. Shouldthe Newsbill commence prying into youraffairs, drop Thompson a lead or write up anarticle yourself; there's no better way toguarantee that Zherisians will laugh off anyfuture allegations than to link saidallegations to Thompson's muck-rag. Toboot, he might even pay you for doing so!

-Brother Crow

TradeThe following article on trade was submittedby Brother Buchvold.

-A.L.Gentlemen, I have been greatly honoured

in writing this small part of this survey.Trade, as some of the Brethren reading thismay know, is one of my areas of expertise.

Paridon is still a city due to the efforts ofits merchants and, I am told, of a movementknown as the Quiet Revolution. They arealso blessed with two reliable Mistways,which provide them relatively easy access tothree of their major trade partners:Dementlieu, Darkon and Lamordia. Throughthose they access a fourth, Falkovnia (an oddcombination, but a profitable one). It is a rareday in which no ship arrives in Zherisia. Thepiracy from Blaustein is a common problem;however it doesn't discourage thosemerchants who use the Royal Channel.

Rokushima TaiyooWhilst the warlords threatened to kill thegaijin if they tried to gain a foothold intheir lands, none actually dared; eachfears a possible alliance between theforeigners and his hated brothers. Thisrich land is still quite dangerous forZherisians, as even minor transgressionsare punished by execution. Thus,Company merchants mostly keep to theharbors and wait for native dealers tobring their wares to them. One of thewarlords recently met with a leadingmerchant of Paridon, but it is unknownwhat was discussed.

Colonial Merchant Company of Zherisia

The City Council dislikes its enforcedeconomic dependence on the Core formuch of its food. One alternativethey've begun to implement is thecolonies concept. They created theColonial Merchant Company ofZherisia in cooperation with thoseexpatriate traders already established on'primitive' lands. The Companyestablishes colonies, referred to as"trade settlements". They attempt toestablish trading monopolies within thelocal economy, and influence localpolitics by rewarding supportivegovernment officials. Still in its infancy,it has met with varied success, but theplan is still in place.

Sri RajiThis is one of the most successfulcampaigns, where merchants exchangeZherisian goods for rare gems andexotic spices. Many members of thelower castes are under their sway. Thehigher classes distrust these influentialforeigners, and there have been attacksfrom the cult of Kali. Cultists even seemto have found their way to Paridon, as anoble was recently found murdered inthe traditional style of the Kali-worshippers.

Har'AkirThis Land doesn't have many naturalresources, but its ancient kings wereburied with unimaginable treasures. Inthe name of science, many historiansexcavate these riches from the sands.These have been shipped back homeand sold to Museums or wealthycollectors, much to the dismay of thenatives. Needless to say, the number ofcurses in Paridon has risen. Recently,one of the archaeologists has discoveredclues to the hidden tomb of the pharaohAnkhtepot.


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The pound is honoured throughout many

realms, as Paridon trades with the majorityof civilized nations; I believe that it has evenhad full-scale trade settlements set upabroad. Riverside Square constantly humswith the sound of people doing goodbusiness. I found it a little awe-inspiring towatch the Square at midday, when theMarket is in full swing.

Paridon's principle imports are thosecommonplace necessities that cannot beproduced locally: food, timber, ore andcotton. The city exports many hallmarks ofadvanced culture, such as firearms, factory-made cloth, medicine, books, art, and soforth.

The layout of Riverside market sets itseveryday salesmen side-by-side with thosecatering to the higher classes; now and then,if they have saved up a little money,commoners even go into such shops. Do notmistake this for some type of camaraderie.Competition is fierce amongst sellers of allclasses. Even a "humble" street vendor wantsto ascend over his rivals, to live in Shadewelland cast his competitors down into thegutter.

The guilds common in other lands weredissolved here by The Workers Act of 600BC, which allowed "every workman utterfreedom in the pursuit of his profession."Many establishments see this as a license tosell poorly-made goods at competitiveprices. The practice is seen as disreputable,and there have been ineffective (i.e.unprofitable) calls for quality control.Nevertheless, it is still engaged in, as a quickand easy way for sly artisans to penetrate theupper-middle class.

The price of goods is controlled only bythe market. What a merchant may ask for hiswares is limited only by what he can get thecustomer to pay and by what his rival ischarging. It is a common stratagem to try andundermine one's opposition through pricecuts. This is a risky tactic for the businessthat employs it, as slim profit margins meansa small operating reserve, and one reversemeans they potentially could loseeverything, but the desired gain in marketshare is often sufficient to offset the risks.

- Brother Raphael Buchvold

Government In 740, losses to Zherisia included that of itslast Prime Minister, Edward Cunningham(elected two months earlier, he thus becamethe shortest-ruling Prime Minister inZherisian history), several cabinet members,and many members of Parliament. Duringthe crisis, the City Council were invited ontothe Hill to participate in the drafting ofemergency measures, as the city awaited thereturn of normalcy and its former country.

It was not long before friction arosebetween the two bodies, but this wascarefully kept quiet. The public was in ahighly volatile mood, and displeased withboth governments for their inability torespond to the catastrophe, starvation andensuing riots. Broaching the topic ofamalgamation of the national and urbangovernments would've been tantamount todeclaring that Zherisia was no more, andcould have lead to insurrection.

Thus, Deputy Minister Samuel Kerr andMayor Edward Windsor waited untilMemorial Day, 741, to proclaim that, untilsuch time as the nation returned, it was awaste of manpower and resources tomaintain separate governments. Themunicipal elections of May 742 were thedate a new City Council was established. Itexpanded its scope to incorporate part of thefederal bureaucracy, to deal withinternational affairs which the ZherisianParliament had been responsible for. TheCity Council would meet on Parliament Hill,


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as would the Parliament of Zherisia;privately, the politicians had agreed thatclosing Parliament would be far too final andexplosive a gesture. The former Town Hallwas quietly dedicated to the committees ontrade and commerce.

Surviving members of Parliament viedwith their municipal brothers for the nineCouncil positions available: Mayor,International Manager, City Manager, andthe six borough representatives. Formerallies in municipal and federal relations weresuddenly bitter rivals, and the Windsorfamily itself was divided in the process, astwo brothers ran against each other. DavidWindsor, the former Zherisian Minister ofTrade, defeated his brother Edward, thusbecoming the first elected Mayor of post-Upheaval Paridon.

Paridon is an aristocratic republic; thefranchise is given to nobles over the age oftwenty-one. Elections are held every fiveyears on May 1, with the last on 757. Noblesmust either reside or own a business or landwithin a borough, in order to run for that areaor vote for its representative. A residentialballot is the only one to contain thecandidates for Mayor, City Manager andInternational Manager, as well as the localcandidate; business ballots are given forregional candidates only.

Borough candidates are involved incommittees whose impact is felt across thecity: taxation, commerce, property, transport,law, education, and health and welfare. TheCity Manager's duty is the hiring ofgovernment employees: police, firemen,hospital staff, lamplighters, city maintenancecrews, teachers and clerks. The InternationalManager is responsible for internationalaffairs, commerce and trade, andappointment of ambassadors to othernations. The Mayor heads the Council andmanages portfolios on key events in andoutside the city, as well as appointing judgesand commissioners for the civilbureaucracy's departments.

Rather than trying to collect income taxesfrom an impoverished population (especiallywhen debtors' prisons are already full), taxesare collected via merchants and landlords.Food prices include a municipal tax, as domedicines, clothing, and rents. Luxury taxesare imposed on items such as exotic spices,imported fresh produce, printed pages (saveschoolbooks or religious texts) and musicalinstruments. Beyond that, there are tariffs,property taxes, and similar devices to extractmoney in a civilised manner.

Paridon is rightly renowned for its legalsystem. All citizens are granted the right to alawyer (though whether they can afford oneis another question), and the burden of proofrests upon the prosecution to find theaccused guilty, not on the accused to proveoneself innocent. Civic law and minorcriminal cases are decided by judges; seriouscrimes are presented to a jury, with the judge

The House of WindsorEdward Windsor is still bitter towards hisbrother, despite his own electoral successas the King's Quarters boroughrepresentative (thanks to the loyalty of hisneighbours). David's failure at re-electionin 754 did nothing to abate this grudge; itmerely whetted Edward's determination tosee his son, Lewis, be elected to head theCouncil in 762.

Likewise, David Windsor has spent histime grooming his son Paul for the samepurpose. Edward is now considering adangerous tactic: spreading rumours tosuggest Paul is a doppelganger. Lewistried to dissuade him, warning this willfurther feed the commoners' suspicions,and possibly spark a class war.

Ironically, "Lewis" is himself adoppelganger, who replaced his teenagevictim in 746, and arranged the death ofhis suspicious 'mother' a couple of weekslater. He has recently hired an assassin toimpersonate a class war supporter and isawaiting the right public opportunity toremove his father. This would garner himsympathy, a launching pad againstelectoral reform, and visible proof not allnobles are doppelgangers.


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obliged to inform these citizens on the exactdefinition of the involved laws.

Due to the number of citizens held in thisfacility, the Paridon Workhouse wastransferred to a converted warehouse in theDocks. Over two hundred citizens arehoused here, almost half of them children.Spouses of debtors are allowed to return totheir jobs, but their wages are seized to settletheir familial debts. Children under the ageof eleven go to school, but are placed intoservice after graduation. Some are givenjanitorial tasks in government buildings, butmany are hired out for a pittance to thevarious warehouses and factories. For betteror worse, most of these 'employees' lose theirjobs once they have settled the family's debt,and are replaced by those newly fallen intopenury.

The Paridon City Guard is generally seenas beneficial. The police avoid excessiveforce during arrests; jail cells are relativelyclean and the processing of prisoners swift.The public, aware of how dangerous thestreets are, know that the guards are theironly line of public defense. The police force,however, is widely rumoured to be deeplyinfiltrated by doppelgangers; consequentlytheir ranks, as a body, are highlydemoralised, and there are constantrecruiting drives to boost numbers.

Police stations are found in every borough,with the headquarters of the Paridon CityGuard being located in the Bowels. TheChief Constable Inspector is FrancineMaxwell, who attained her position in 756.Every patrol includes three guards, equippedwith truncheons for their human opponents,as well as swords (a new addition) for'Shadow Killers". A guard wears dark bluecoat, pants, and a bowler-styled helmet. Thishas a spike on its top, and the insignia ofParidon shining on its front. Officer's stripesappear on the shoulders of their uniforms,and every officer, no matter their rank, mustsport their numbered badges upon their leftbreast.

Due to the space limitations, the CityCouncil arranged for Paridon's prison to beclosed in 744. A large barge, The Vigilant,became the city's first prison ship. TheVigilant is moored by a long chain to theDocks; there is both a deck watch and ashore watch set up to shoot any potentialescapees. Rowboats deliver new prisoners,supplies, and the latest shift of guards to thevessel.

Doppelgangers, too, have their own power-structure. The highest rank in the imposters'society is Grandmaster. The Grandmaster isthe oldest and wisest of his kind, whoseorders supersede those of any lesser rank. Itis unacceptable to question the Grandmaster,let alone to disobey him.

The Roof PatrolMost homes outside King's Quartersand Shadewell are long rows of flat-roofed apartments and townhouses.Roofs abut each other and aremarked by a wall only three inches inheight. Since the Forties, most ofthese roofs have become gardenswith neighbours sometimes unitingin block-long cooperation anddistribution of their harvests.

These rooftop gardens became thescene of many thefts, and the CityCouncil, surprisingly sensitive to thenumerous complaints, established theRoof Patrol. The roof patrol normallyconsists of rookies and elderlypolicemen and has earned thenickname, the 'Green Onions'. Theywalk above the city, protecting thegardens, but also spy on the streetsbelow. From this angle, criminals arenot as easily hidden by the crowds,and the patrol will often call theircolleagues' attention to a crime inprogress, or shout out directions of asuspect's movements.


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The Grandmaster has full authority to

promote or demote any doppelganger towhichever niche or rank he desires. If adoppelganger ever shows feelings of angeror discontent with the Grandmaster, theGrandmaster is within his rights to punishthe offender in any way he sees fit.

Directly below the Grandmaster are theVanguard. The Vanguard are the onlydoppelgangers permitted to directly seek outthe Grandmaster. All others see their leaderonly at the Grandmaster's invitation. TheVanguard act as the Grandmaster's agents,ensuring his plans are followed and his willobeyed. All Vanguard are granted desirablepositions in human society and are hand-picked by the Grandmaster himself. Thereare no more than six Vanguard at any time.

Beneath the Vanguard are the clan leaders.Each clan leader is issued a list of niches bya Vanguard, and is responsible fordistributing these niches amongst his clan.The clan leader is permitted to govern hisclan as he sees fit, provided he does notdisobey orders from above. Lesser clanmembers are expected to follow the clanleader's orders. However, there is nopunishment laid down for eliminating a clanleader, provided higher orders are followed.It is unknown how many clan leaders (andtherefore clans) there are in the city.

Local HistoryThe island of Zherisia has been a literatecountry for centuries, and the oldest of suchto maintain links with the Core. However,many of its old historic documents, stored asheirlooms in family estates, were lost to theGreat Upheaval. Very few texts still in thecity date back more than three hundredyears, thanks to the Great Fire and dampclimate.

There is a bloody, possibly mythical, pre-history of warring fiefdoms, which werefinally united under the aegis of King Fanornearly a thousand years ago. He is creditedwith founding the city of Paridon, named forhis daughter Parina. He married her off to hisgreatest rival, Myrdin, who suspiciously diednot long after in a hunting accident.

A remarkably peaceful monarchy arose,that lasted many centuries. There was muchintrigue and many accidental deaths, butthese conflicts never erupted into overt civilstrife. Instead, the royals' reign reached itsend in 546, following the Great Fire ofParidon.

The exact cause of the Great Fire isunknown. It originated within the Docks,where warehouses of oil, hemp, coal andimported spirits set off several massiveexplosions, scattering fiery debris across theentire city. Four-fifths of Paridon burned;houses that weren't incinerated were broughtdown by the government in an attempt tocontain the inferno, before heavy rainsbrought a close to the catastrophe on thesecond evening. The death toll wassurprisingly low; it was August, andZherisians were able to seek sanctuaryoutside the city walls.

Anne II, the "Virgin Queen" and a Templedevotee, had unsuccessfully prayed that herfather might yet produce a male heir to thethrone. Facing the devastation of her capitaland pressure from her court, she chose toabdicate, her final royal decree that thenation be henceforth served by itsParliament. She ordered that the palace bedestroyed and its stones used to buildhospitals, offices and chapels. Today'sprominent brick and stone architecture datesfrom this time. Royal treasures were seizedfor the government's coffers and would-beheirs granted plum positions or silenced(according to their popularity). Queen Annestepped into a monastery and out of history.

I believe that this was the date when ournation emerged into the Land of the Mists.Historical records and monuments weredestroyed, the former governmentdismantled; it was therefore a time of greatconfusion. There is a paucity of records forsuch a momentous time, and those that existare remarkably bland, as if related second-hand, many years after the event. Indeed,there was a lull in publications of any sort,which historians attribute to concern withrebuilding the capital and economicdifficulties. What remains largelyunexplored is the theory that thesedifficulties were caused by the disappearance


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of former trade partners. Financial analysisshows many shipping companies failed anddissolved, their crews and goods reportedlost at sea. My impression is that of anationwide case of amnesia, now obscuredby its distance in time.

Our own Professor Hazan had noted thedifficulty in dating the real histories of ourcountries, and suggested referring to theirfirst known contact with the Core'sinhabitants as a definite date of a country'sappearance in the Mists. The most famous ofsuch dates for Paridon is the arrival of a bandof roving Vistani in September 18, 551; thisevent is substantiated by handbills, policereports, and traders' memoirs. There is, ofcourse, no call to assume that this was theactual date of our emergence from the Mists,merely of first contact with others native tothe lands those Mists encompass.

This contradicts a popular theory: that ournation's emergence is bound to Bloody Jackand his murder sprees, which date back to586. Since his first appearance, thissanguinary figure has gripped the Zherisianpsyche, deeply and even eerily. Is he, intruth, the dread lord of our nation? No figurehas had so great an impact upon our history,to the extent that we oft measure time by histhirteen-year cycles.

I counter the theory we entered the Mists in586 BC with the hypothesis that Jack may, intruth, have been here since 546, but kept hismurder-cycle private during its first threeiterations. His first public cycle was fortyyears after the fire, a notable anniversary.His first cycle in this world would haveoccurred in 547, a mere year after the GreatFire, when death was frequent andunnoticed.

I also propose that the emergence ofZherisia was not related to the cycle itself,but to Jack's breaking with tradition - bykilling at a forbidden time. He has sincerenewed his ritual-cycle at the "appropriate"time, killing a person each night, for sixnights.

There has never been a repetition in hispattern of victims - prostitutes one cycle,scholars another, shopkeepers a third - nor inhis method of dispatching them. None of his

attempts (as far as has been recorded) havebeen unsuccessful; no witness has caughthim in flagrante delicto.

The last two cycles since the GreatUpheaval have been very unusual, each withthe deaths of eleven people, not six. SomeBrothers espouse the "dynasty theory",suggesting these variants are a sign thatJack's mantle has been passed to a still-bloodier killer. Theories tying the higherbody-count to the Upheaval's disruptionsalso have their advocates.

Theories abound that Bloody Jack iseverything from a doppelganger to a golem,with recent speculation that he is a ShadowKiller. (Ridiculous, perhaps, but we mustremember early reports that Jack may havebeen a vampire!) It seems that, whatever hisorigins, his role has certainly been assumedor emulated by non-human monsters of somesort … if he ever was human himself.

No matter what Bloody Jack may be,however, one terrible event would, in theend, overshadow his crimes.

The Great Upheaval began on July 3, 740,a grey day of heavy rain which kept manycitizens within the city walls. Around 10:30that morning, a heavy fog seemed to descend


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upon the countryside. Travelers weresuddenly unable to leave, and the gates wereclosed to out-going traffic. By evening,disgruntlement had turned into concern, andby the next day into panic. There was no in-coming traffic, and the Mistways wererendered fearfully unstable. Citizens flockedto the stores, seeking provisions in case the"Imprisonment", as it is now known, shouldlast more than a few days. Police recordsshow an increase in crime, but the city wasrelatively calm, assuming this state of affairsto be temporary.

In the early hours of July 5th, a massiveriot was sparked off by morning fog.Anxious Zherisians had mistaken mundaneweather for a new onslaught by the Mists.Rumors began flying that all Zherisia wasdoomed, and a wave of poor citizens fromBlackchapel began breaking out of theborough, allegedly to seek shelter in theTemple of Divine Form. Whatever theirintention, it was not long before Riversideand the King's Quarters were swamped withdesperate, hungry folk. A state of emergencywas declared on Parliament Hill, and withthe aid of the Temple, emergency provisionswere gathered and supplied to the needy.

The Mistways resumed functioning by July11th, but the city was unprepared for itssudden dependence upon imports of food. Aweek after the Imprisonment, the first cropshad been planted in the city's parks. Theserations, however, were pitifully meager, andriots erupted continually over the next fewweeks. Wealthier citizens took theopportunity to migrate to the Core, whilefood prices rose exorbitantly.

By September, early crops had beenharvested and regular trade for vitalprovisions had begun. Food supplies yetremained desperately low, and the death raterose, including numerous suspicious deathsamong the elderly, the frail, and infants. Themunicipal infrastructure was ill-equipped todeal with the strain; city hospitals, lawcourts, government offices and schools werescrabbling to replace missing employees andto function with any semblance of efficiency.

The winter of 740-741 brought more riotsas the dark days, cramped quarters, and cold

weather made the hunger pangs sharper. Thecasualty count was low: looting anddestruction of property were the mainhazards. A nine o'clock curfew wasestablished until spring. This was notdifficult, as liquor supplies had fallen whileprices skyrocketed; barkeepers andmerchants alike were afraid of losing theirlives as well as their merchandise torebellious, frustrated customers. Many of therestaurants and inns closed at this time, and alaw was passed forbidding the sidewalk salesof food and beverages, due to attacks uponstreet venders.

Let me reiterate the sheer enormity of theloss. A mere fraction of the entire nation ofZherisia remains in existence. Two-thirds ofour realm's population simply vanished.Hundreds of homes and millions of poundsin property had disappeared in an instant.These included vast fields of grain,vegetables, and flax; thousands of head oflivestock; lakes, forests and mines.Overnight, the nation lost its naturalresources and economic independence.Paridon could no longer afford its insularity.

The riots soon died out, but the classtensions remained at an all-time high. Theappearance of Bloody Jack and therevelation of doppelgangers' existencecaused a national uproar. Comparisons weremade to the Great Fire and the idea arose thatanother change was due in government. Thearistocrats could have made the surely-fatalblunder of reining in the complaints by force,but they were themselves in disarray andcaught up in fierce internal power struggles.

In the mid-40s, civil unrest was sublimatedinto social reform, as the bourgeois came torealise that a city with no other resourcesmust tap into its native intelligence tosupport itself. The old factories were stillrunning, but the costs of production had risendue to the expense of importing rawmaterials; their products were no longer socompetitive in the international market.Paridon now needed an educated society,which would be able to design innovativenew products, make scientificbreakthroughs, and invoke the envy andattract the currency of its technologicalrivals.


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The University of Paridon was at the

forefront of this shift in thinking, and itturned to far-thinking politicians andsympathetic lodges for aid in promoting itsplans. The movement was nicknamed the"Quiet Revolution" by suspicious nobles,and the name has stuck.

The earliest positive result of thiscollaboration was the Child Labour andEducation Bill of 743. Children wererequired to attend school until the age ofeleven, and the employment of any child of amore tender age was prohibited. There wassome uproar by parents who relied on theirchildren for a few extra pennies, but manyadults were pleased to gain access to jobspreviously filled by children. Some familiesand businesses sidestep the law by havingtheir children quietly work several part-timejobs, but at present this is a very rareoccurrence and generally frowned upon.

In 747, the courts officially declared deadthose lost in the Mists, settling at a pen-stroke many inheritance cases and lawsuits.The "Dirty Forties" (as they were known instreet slang) began to be noticeably lessgrim, but it wasn't until 749 that real signs ofeconomic recovery emerged. By that year,the oppression of the Imprisonment hadeither dissipated or Zherisians had becomeinured to it; either way, there was a sensethat a time of mourning had passed. On thetenth anniversary of the Upheaval, amemorial was erected on the Hill, and theisland of "Zherisia" was officially no more.A fountain with an ever-burning flame wasdedicated to the lost compatriots of 740.

The "Thrifty Fifties" saw our nation slowlywinning back its former prestige as a tradingpower and the growth of the QuietRevolution. The first beneficiaries of theEducation Bill began entering the workforce,introducing innovations in equipment orprocedures in a scramble for employment.Scholarship programs were graduating more"white-collar" employees: literate, highlyeducated, and professionals rather thanartisans; many were employed to spy upontheir Core rivals in commerce, engineeringand medicine, and to mimic and then surpassforeigners' advances.

The true value of an educated workforceproved itself, and further laws wereintroduced to permit children to stay inschool yet longer, and to enroll in Universitywith government-backed loans.

In 757, the middle class had garneredenough influence (and bought enough votes)to launch a commission on future electoralreform. The most popular proposal requires aminimum salary for non-titled voters. Theonly question on this issue of reform is not if,but when, it will finally be brought about.

Dread Possibility- The Steam AgeProgress! The tinkers of Paridonfinally make a breakthrough andunlock the power of steam: a growingnumber of machine-poweredworkshops crank out cheap goods,while Zherisian ships are equippedwith steam engines, making them lessreliant on the winds and improvingmercantile connections. Newhousehold mechanisms proliferate inthe wealthy boroughs, popular asstatus symbols and because they,unlike human servants, cannot besupplanted by doppelgangers.

Not everyone is thrilled with thewonders of technology. Noblesjealous of the lower classes' risingpower are secretly funding theZherisian Brothers of the Land. Newwar-machines are being created, andpeoples of the Core questionZherisia's motives. Meanwhile,metalworkers craft automatonsanimated by steam, unknowinglygiving rise to a new type of golem.


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The Zherisian HeroRaces

Virtually all Zherisians are humans,though their accents, fashions, andpersonas vary, depending on theirborough. All share a competitivestreak. Southshore has its populationsof half-Vistani and calibans, but othernon-human races, such as elves ordwarves, are unheard of as natives.

ClassesRogues are very much at home inParidon. Whether they are quick-witted charlatans who conned theirway into Shadewell, or backstabbingthieves from Blackchapel's alleys,rogues can be found nearlyeverywhere in the city.

Fighters are mostly employed byeither the Paridon Police or asbodyguards for the bourgeois. Ruralrangers are non-existent; however,urban rangers may be found inBlackchapel.

Unlike other Ravenloft domains,monks are common in, and evencharacteristic of, Paridon. TheDivinity of Mankind trains amultitude of them. Most clerics of theDivinity of Mankind have at least afew Monk levels. Paladins are also tobe found in Paridon; most are trainedby the Beacon of Goodness sect.

Arcane spellcasters are rare inParidon, and those who dabble in theArt tend towards wizardry.Transmuters, often alchemicalphilosophers, are by far the mostpopular.

Bards are uncommon, but someperform in the music halls or serve as

tutors. A few 'hit it big' performingfor wealthier audiences; however,many find upper-crust society stiflingonce they get there, so must choosebetween their passions and theiremployment.

Druids and barbarians have no placein the city, and the majority would dowell to avoid it altogether.

Recommended SkillsAppraise, Bluff, Craft (alchemy,clockwork, gunsmithing, jewelry,literature), Diplomacy, DisableDevice, Disguise, Forgery, GatherInformation, Heal, Hide, HypnosisIntimidate, Knowledge (local,history), Move Silently, Open Lock,Profession (dockworker, factoryworker, merchant, notary, solicitor),Search, Sense Motive, Sleight ofHand, Use Rope

Recommended FeatsAlertness, Back to the Wall, Brawler,Brew Potion, Deceitful, Deft Hands,Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms,blunderbuss), Investigator, Jaded,Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, OpenMind, Persuasive, Stealthy, StunningFist, Reincarnated, Unseen

Zherisian Male NamesAndrew, Arthur, Alistair, Baxter,Blake, Carlton, Charles, Chester,David, Daniel, Donald, Edward,Edmund, Forrester, Gordon, Hunter,James, Lucas, Nigel, Niles, Oliver,Paul, Richard, Robert, Seymour,Terrence, Warren, William


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Zherisian Female NamesAnne, Audrey, Brenda, Catherine,Claire, Christine, Dawn, Esther, Gail,Harmony, Heather, Helen, Holly, Hope,Iris, Jane, Jessica, Kimberly, Laura,Leslie, Lindsay, Lucy, Margaret, Mary,Nancy, Pamela, Polly, Sabrina, Susan,Wendy

Zherisian Last NamesAdams, Atwater, Bentley, Brown,Cole, Darwin, Edwards, Ford, Grant,Hughes, Irving, Jamieson, Lloyd,Major, Nichols, Nickelby, Osborne,Parker, Paxton, Richardson, Rochester,Rutherford, Shilton, Smith, Sutherland,Thompson, Tucker, Welles,Williamson, Young.


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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The Divinity of MankindThe following section was entirely penned byGertrude Kingsley.


PhilosophyThere is little coherent knowledge about theDivinity of Mankind abroad. The name itselfsparks two common questions: "If you don'tbelieve in gods, why is your religion called'Divinity of Mankind'?" and "What aboutnon-humans?"

The answer to the first question is that theCelebrants do not deny the existence of godsor denizens of the non-material planes, asLamordians do. Celebrants, however, studygods as symbols, principles or evolved souls.'Divinity' is a state of being, a stage ofgrowth attainable to humanity.

The second question often catches theaverage Zherisian unawares. Due togeographical and intellectual insularity, mosthave had no reason to consider the reality ofnon-humans, let alone their souls. Thereforethe common answer is that non-humans areaberrations. When pressed most Celebrantsadmit that the non-human state is inferiorand must progress to a human one.

The human soul is the doorway to divinity.In order to attain divinity, the individualmust discipline her body, mind and heart,and achieve an inner balance between thethree. Moderation, not asceticism, is the keyto success. Moderation involves the exerciseof all three faculties. Beware those whovaunt one faculty to the detriment of theothers; they are imbalanced, and soon revealtheir weaknesses. (Perhaps my Brothersshould take heed...).

This often sounds unbelievable tomainlanders, but the Temple is not overlyconcerned with conversion, or theencroachment of other faiths into "theirterritory". As proponents of reincarnation,they do not have concepts of any finalapocalypse or eternal damnation; there is nosudden need to save souls.

There is also an unconscious streak ofnationalism. To put it irreverently, as Coresouls advance, they will either move or bereborn in Paridon. The Celebrants are morethan happy to let the rest of the world dealwith the dross until then.

The Divinity of MankindSymbol: A highly stylised human

figure within a squared circle

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Law,Strength

Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff

Clothing: Charcoal gray woolentabard with embroidered holysymbol (blue circle, yellow square,red human figure); loose whitetunic, trousers, and sash. Holysymbol around neck; ring ofmindshielding. Sect ring optional.

Headquarters: Temple of DivineForm, Riverside, Paridon (see SotKp 5)

Further references: RCS, VRA andSotK


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History and Traditions

Legends state that the Temple was foundedover a thousand years ago. The anonymousfounder was a monk who laid aside hisidentity in dedication to the divinity whichlay in all mankind. He took upon himself thetitle of Brother Man and set up the Temple ofDivine Form. However, his originalteachings and the origins of the threetraditions have been lost to time. TheCelebrants state that whilst they regret theloss, dependence on original documentsapproaches idolatry. Teachings areguidelines, not sacred writ; there is no holybook or one true way.

The temple's history in Paridon has beenrelatively stable, disturbed mostly by innerschisms rather than outer forces. The GreatUpheaval caused the Celebrants to lose someof their congregation to the curse of theCore: skepticism and apathy. This loss isrelatively small, however, mainly due to thetemple's favourable reputation. Celebrantswere responsible for organizing theappropriation and conversion of city parksinto fields and gardens. They still overseethis project, as well as the hospice for thehomeless and other programs.

The Divinity of Mankind maintains itsmonopolistic hold on Zherisian faith largelybecause of the flexibility of its beliefs andpractices. There are three traditions -monastic, clerical, and alchemical- andtogether they form the Triangle ofPerfection. They are consideredinterdependent and co-equal, and areillustrated with primary colours toemphasize this point. These traditions areknown as the Apex of Intellect (alchemical/yellow); the Apex of Intuition (clerical/blue); and the Apex of Experience(monastic/red). Officially, members of alltraditions are addressed by the honorificBrother or Sister, and their title is Celebrantof Humanity (i.e. Brother Man is a Celebrantof Humanity). In casual conversation,Celebrants often name their "rival" factionsas monks, clergy, or alchemists. It is usefulto note when primary and secondary coloursare used in sect names; they often revealtheir philosophical affiliations.

The Apex of Experience There is one prerequisite for acceptance intothis tradition: memories of a previousincarnation. The man who can remember hispast lives is the man who is awaking to histrue divine nature, and taking the firstconscious step to immortality. One's rank inthe monastery rises with the retrieval ofevery life. These memories are recorded andstudied to authenticate their veracity. Sincethe doppelgangers' appearance, this processhas become especially stringent, withdivinations used for confirmation.

Novice monks move into the Templewhilst the memories are verified, and beginthe year-long intensive course taken by allCelebrants (the poor are granted ascholarship or a loan) and slowly introducedinto the round of chores and duties. They arefree to leave at any time, and return whenthey believe they are more capable of copingwith monastic life. Monks are not allowed tomarry; older novices must be single,divorced or widowed.

Mainlanders are often astonished by thepresence of monks in the bustling city. TheCelebrants have long maintained that theonly true way to know the divinity ofmankind is to be surrounded by it. Themonks share the dormitory, cafeteria andgymnasium with their other colleagues. Theyhave four set meditations at dawn, noon,sunset and midnight. The rest of their day ispreoccupied with other activities:maintenance of the Temple grounds and theparks, cleaning the Temple, serving in thecafeteria, research and exercise.


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Monks also practice a walking meditationwhere they go alone in the streets,contemplating the nature of man in action.Novices and low-ranking monks wear theirmonastic garments to identify them andguard them from harassment; they are alsoassigned daylight hours and the safestneighbourhoods. They talk to people, andsome will intervene in situations where itseems warranted.

When a monk has recalled ten lives, he isacknowledged as an elder. He puts aside hisbirth name and adopts one reflective of thedivine soul. These names may be principles,virtues, or symbols. There is no change inthe honorific; indeed, there is no ceremonyto acknowledge the achievement. Thechange, whilst without outward signifier isnot unnoticed.

The elders continue the walking meditationbut now walk at all hours in nondescriptclothing, losing themselves in the anonymityof Humanity. Whether they choose toinvolve themselves in events variesaccording to their particular school ofthought. Some are content with unnervingtheir opponents with swift reflexes and calmdemeanour. Others detain would-beoffenders, handing them to the authorities forprosecution. And others see themselves asthe flame which attracts the foolish moth to

the light… and take it to its next incarnation,with the lesson firmly, forever imprinted.

Whilst all the traditions are supposed to beequal, temple leadership and doctrine stillrest solely in the monks' hands. The eldersconsider each other as equals; all decisionsrequire a majority consensus. They do nothowever interfere in politics -religious orsecular. What few sanctions they imposeconcern exclusivity or discriminatory laws.Their focus is always on the eternal life ofthe soul, and learning to get beyond theboundaries, not in getting entangled in dailycares. The majority of monks also comefrom the upper classes; perhaps this alsoaccounts for their satisfaction with the statusquo.

When Brother Man dies, the elders turnautomatically to the eldest member who hasacquired the most recorded memories.Brother Man is not accorded any extradeference among the elders. He rarelyattends public functions, and his opinionscannot override the consensus. His rank istreated as one more chore among many tothe temple. He is a figurehead among theelders, but his status holds sway in the rest ofthe Temple and to the general public.

There is only one room in the Templededicated solely to the monks, and this is theHall of Memory. The Hall is equipped withmagical wards to prevent eavesdropping andscrying. The room is small and unadornedbeyond cushions for sitting meditation;many monks gather here for the times ofmeditation. There are no decorations orwindows to distract the mind. This is theroom where the elders gather to discusstemple policy on existing sects, schisms andnational problems. They also record theirrecords of memories of former incarnationshere; these writings are contained in a vaultmagically concealed within the Hall.

The Apex of Experience This monastic tradition usesmemories of a past life to expand acelebrant’s studies into the Divinityof Mankind.

Required Classes: MonkPrerequisites: Reincarnation

(Feat).Benefit: Characters of this order

can multiclass freely between thecleric and arcane classes.


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Religious Survey

The monk's path is focused on the spiritual

evolution, and the retrieval of pastincarnations to achieve it. There is littleroom for vanity in this practice, since it isevident that even this life will eventually bea memory. Status and possessions are putaside, and hours devoted to study, meditationand service. Physical training hones thebody, helping it reach its own culmination ofperfection -it becomes immune to diseaseand apparently even aging. While thesebenefits are enjoyed, the goal is to make thebody a Temple of Divine Form in the flesh,the soul its altar.

The Apex of Intuition Requirements for acceptance to the clergyare a history of regular Temple attendance, areference by a Celebrant and the extensiveyear-long course. The Celebrants aresuspicious of sudden conversions; zeal is nota virtue but a sign of imbalance.

Clerics are permitted to marry and thesingle welcome to live in Templedormitories, but it is not required. They areexpected to give a tithe to the temple, but notto relinquish their possessions. The clericaltradition is the most favoured by the lowerclass. This may explain why this traditionprovides the most Celebrants, is the mostpopular and is the most focused on charitableprograms.

Monastic EncountersDuring public encounters andbattles, there is always a possibilitythat an elder monk may be one of thebystanders present:

1-25% The elder is Lawful Good. She will side with whichever party she judges to be law-abiding. She will then escort the 'arrestees' to the nearest police station. If she is unable to judge which side to be in the right, she will try to halt the violence and then ask for details. Be aware that if there are any bystanders present, they will be ready to come to her aid.

26-75% The elder is Lawful Neutral. She will normally not involve herself with the encounter unless she her-self is attacked. The only other reason for intervention is if the elder fears the encounter could extend to the general populace and cause a riot or severe public disturbance.

76-100% The elder is Lawful Evil. If she is directly involved, she will fight to kill. She will not do anything for those involved or bystanders.

Burden of KnowledgeThe Hall of Memory contains acollection of detailed propheciesreceived during time past. Mostwere fulfilled in that lifetime butsome point to future events. Usedby the elders to guide Paridon,these include a copy of Hyksosa'sHexad and the mysteriousProphecies of Leng.

Recently, several records werefound missing by monks attemptingto cross-reference the prophecies tothe originals. The elders seek theirdiscrete retrieval. The prophecies,dated 750 BC, describe BloodyJack's last cycle killings in starkdetail (Stitchwork changeface,vampire knife / Jack-of-Blood andstolen life). Are these records reallyas damning as they appear, provingthat the elders had prior knowledgeand allowed the attacks, or is itmerely the benefit of hindsight?


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The clerics hold services in chapels whichare scattered across the city. These simplebuildings are sparsely decorated and containrows of benches. Short rites are held half anhour before dawn and fifteen minutes aftersunset, giving many labourers time to attend.The cleric faces the gathering and reads theday's inspiration in a measured tone. Thiscan be a mantra, a sacred poem or a passage;the reading is never longer than a minute.This is followed by fifteen minutes of silentmeditation. The Celebrant then quietlywishes the gathering peace and invites thosewho are able to stay to share their insights.Interested congregants meet in the next roomto talk, whilst the rest are free to either partor to remain in quiet meditation,undisturbed.

The Apex of Intuition This clerical tradition trainscelebrants to become holy warriors.

Required Classes: Cleric, Expert,or Paladin.

Benefit: Characters of this ordercan multiclass freely between thepaladin, monk and arcane classes.

The Beacon of Goodness Sect symbol: Blue circle

containing white candle, lit, withorange flame

Required Classes: Cleric,paladin, or multiclassing

Alignment: Lawful Good

The most popular cleric today is apaladin. Reginald (Reggie the Bear)Wainwright had been visiting family inBlackchapel when the Great Upheavaloccurred. He spent the next two yearshelping to restore national harmony,but was disgusted with the suffering ofthe poor. No longer content to be thebrawn of the Temple, he studied tobecome a cleric. In 743, he and SisterClarissa Jenkins formed the Beacon ofGoodness.

The Beacon declares that an evolvedsoul is a good soul. Moderation isbased on an underlying foundation ofvirtue; there can be no pretense ofmoderation in theft, murder and similarcrimes. They also protest laws that theysay encourage immoderation andgreed, and call for others that benefitthe entirety of humanity. They aresupporters of electoral reform and lawsfor workplace safety, minimum wages,and workers' rights.

This sect is angering nobles withtheir inflammatory talk but is alsobringing the laity back to the temple.Many Temple recruits and monks havebeen allying with this sect. Nearly adozen paladins were marked in the pastdecade, perhaps the highest growth inthe history of the temple. These arenow recognized as Celebrants, and notTemple adherents. The Beacon has alsoaccepted their first caliban Celebrant,Tammy Longjaw.


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The clergy perform most of the

administrative duties of the Temple: they actas liaisons with the government and thegeneral public, provide pastoral care andoversee various charities. Some clericsmaintain their careers in health or education;their vocation is seen as an expansion oftheir lives, not eradication of all that hasgone before. Yet there is no spiritualauthority attached to these ranks; in fact,there is no status similar to the monks' eldersor the lodges' adepts. Clerical spells areaccessible to some in this tradition, but thereis no preference based on this ability.Spellcasting is a wonderful and impressiveability, but so is the creation of a novel andsymphony. Emphasis is placed on service,not promotion of self.

Paladins have always been somewhatanomalous within the temple, if a bit archaicdue to their focus against evil. The monk hasalways been seen as the superior "warrior".To avoid friction, paladins have always beenaffiliated with this tradition.

Clerics are drawn to the Divinity ofMankind by a desire to aid their fellows. Themonks focus on their individual spiritualgrowth, counting on their efforts to inspireand further the race as a whole; clerics focuson collective humanity, seeing theirindividual growth as interdependent withtheir fellows'. As the lower classes begin tocall for electoral reform, the followers of thistradition are beginning to discuss the lack oftrue equality in Temple politics. This hasbeen a recurrent issue throughout the historyof the Temple, but it has never been as vocalas at present.

The Apex of IntellectThis tradition is very popular with the city'sintelligentsia. Their many sects identifythemselves as "lodges", although themajority of them have no set address,meeting in whichever room is available atthe Temple. Many an ambitious youth hasgained a benefactor or scholarship via thesegroups; Esteemed Brother Larner and I arebut two. Yet the alchemists produce thefewest Celebrants; indeed, the most popularlodges are maintained by the laity. It should

Chaplains of the 7th Order This was one of manyexcommunicated lodges. In 720Joseph Cable, published Comes theKingdom of the 7th Chapter andproclaimed himself Grand Vizier ofthe Chaplains of the 7th Order. Thebook opened with the quote "Andthe skies shall darken as warning tothe ignorant. The grass shall recedeinto the Earth, all manner of new lifewill become known to the Race ofMen; behold the 7th Age of Order,behold the next step in the rise ofmetamorphosed Humankind!"

This apocalyptic sect seemed to beobsessed with preserving theenlightened from catastrophe. Tothis end,

Cable had attempted to open an"otherworldly door" for theenlightened, using dying animalsand a host of volunteer blood-donors. When he suddenlydisappeared, the investigating policestumbled upon his journals andbrought the matter to publicattention. Between the loss of theirleader and the public outcry at theirpractices, the Order wentunderground, and was assumed to bedefunct.

The Great Upheaval stirred lodgemembers to reunite, seeing it as thebeginning of the prophesied 7thAge. They have recommencedCable's attempts to open thedoorway. The dearth of animalshowever has meant that they havehad to rely on blood-donors andalchemical homunculi.


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thus come as no surprise that lodges arefrequently splintering, dissolving, andseceding from the Temple.

Lodges meet once a week, in the evening.They present public lectures and workshops,which are the recruiting ground for theirlodges. Each lodge has private requirements,but the most obvious reason to attend one issimple personal preference. Novices mustattend rites regularly for a year and completeprescribed activities and assignments. If theyare judged sincere, they are initiated withsecret ceremonies, ritual tools, colourfulrobes and mystical names. To laymen orCelebrants, they are known as 'alchemists'.

The Celebrants of this tradition must havea proven record of dedication to their lodgeand take the year-long intensive course. Likethe clerics, they are permitted to marry andto maintain their careers. They are ofteninvolved in the Temple library, itseducational programs and magical research.They are also responsible for the annualinternal investigation of lodges. Thealchemists examine their stated philosophyand their practices to see whether they areactively discriminating against any segmentof human society, and whether they arepursuing forbidden alchemical practices. Theerrant lodge is issued a warning and has sixmonths to evidence real improvement. Ifthere isn't any, the lodge is denied access toTemple facilities and publiclyexcommunicated.

The Celebrants themselves are often theones seceding from the Temple, frustrated atwhat they perceive to be the belittling oftheir own skills or annoyed with their laicalbrethren's use of alchemical metaphors whenmost couldn’t identify an alembic. The loyalare aware that devotion to the Temple doesnot equate a promotion of status within alodge.

One hidden outlet for frustration isindulgence of the desire for exclusivity.Agatha Clairmont, who is affiliated to allthree traditions, informed me that there are ahandful of lodges that consists mainly ofCelebrants, which they themselves lead. Theinfamous Philosophy of Humanity was oneof them. The rare laymen accepted arespellcasters, doctors or scientists whoseknowledge pertains to their particularinterests. These are always scrutinized andcarefully questioned before they areapproached. These are generally not knownto the general public, who would certainlyprotest the exclusivity denied laity-runlodges. There are, however, no publicrecords listing all the lodges, only thosewhich have been forbidden: a cleversubterfuge which enables the secret lodges toflourish.

Indeed, it is impossible to know the exactnumber of lodges for reasons beyondTemple confidentiality, simply because somany fall apart within a year of their

The Apex of IntellectAdherents of this alchemical traditioncombine their monastic studies witharcane experimentation.

Required Classes: Adept, Bard.Sorcerer, Wizard, Expert orAlchemical Philosophers.

Prerequisite: Secret Society (feat,HoL)

Adept requisite: Able to fulfillformulae of all three alchemicalpermutations

Benefit: Characters of this ordercan multi-class freely between themonk and cleric classes.


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creation. Sister Agatha was unwilling orunable to give me precise details on thesesects. She did admit that the adepts, thealchemical Celebrants equivalent of themonastic elder, are all involved in theselodges. These adepts are masters of the threepermutations of High Alchemy. She isemphatic that they are not involved in thecreation of constructs, which seem to be apersonal obsession of hers. If she was privyto the knowledge of the secret Philosophy'sexistence, is it impossible to imagine thatothers who disagree with her views aresimilarly hiding? Her unease at this questionseems to lend some weight to this thought.

It is very difficult to give a generaloverview of this diverse group of alchemists,laity and Celebrants. "Lay aside thetrappings of daily life, and become awake tothe eternal soul" is the one message theyseem to share. It is easy to mistake one'smundane life for the entirety of one's being.In the lodge, the senses are shaken by exoticsurroundings, and new avenues open in theimagination which the daily grind obscures.

The alchemist has a regimen of dailyexercises and meditations, measured andachievable states of progress, and therecognition of this achievement by a newrank in the lodge. These ranks mean nothingin the mundane world, but the lodge providesa spiritual milieu where the Zherisian canexercise ambitious urges, a temptation fewcan resist.

The alchemists seem closest to themonastic tradition due to their focus on theindividual. Alchemists express theirdifferences with this metaphor: the monksees the personality as a drop of water in thesea; the alchemist, as a character in a play.The alchemists believe in the survival of thepersonality; the monks don't, or don't care.Alchemists respect the clergy's devotion togeneral humanity, but prefer to focus theirenergies on helping those who are willing totry to return the favour.

Holy DaysThere were no holy days in the Celebrants'calendar until 741. The Temple maintainsthat every day is sacred, and that none shouldbe singled out over another, encouraging abetter behaviour for some temporary period.The institution of the new Brother Man, forexample, is not celebrated beyond a mentionin the Newsbill.

Memorial Day is the anniversary of theGreat Upheaval's destruction of Zherisia:July 3, 740. There are few Zherisians whohaven't lost a loved one to the Mists orensuing harsh months. In face of theoverwhelming grief and the still-riotousmood in the city, the Temple decided in thewinter of 741 that a day of memorial for themissing might provide a public outlet forgrief and anger. Only meant to occur once,there were calls for it to be continued and theTemple respected the laity's wishes. On thisday businesses and stores close, and the citygrows noticeably quieter. The hour-longnoon rites are held in the streets due to theoverwhelming attendance, followed by aprocession towards the nearest city-gates.Songs are sung with intermittent silence forreflection, and flowers or ribbons are laid atthe gates.

Forced ReincarnationSister Agatha's unease stems fromher knowledge of the Lodge of theUndiluted Flesh's excommunication.Its founder, Nicholas Bartello, losthis sister Sandra (742) and goodfriend Edward Chaswick (755) toBloody Jack.

Unhinged by grief, Bartellocontinued his friend's mission in hisown ghastly fashion: by murderingkidnapped demihumans andtransferring their essence intohumaniform alchemical children.Every attempt thus far has resulted ina Flawed Alchemical Life as thedemihuman goes insane.

Sister Agatha has put many ofthese flawed creations out of theirmisery but fears she may soon needhelp.


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Another annual event is on New Year's

Day. It is not a holy day; indeed, it might bebetter known as an "open day". Thetraditions display their various gifts andskills in order to remind their fellows of theabilities inherent within the human race.Lodges present public ceremonies, andlectures on various topics. Clerics offer freehealing, lead meditations, and recruitvolunteers for their charitable programs.Monks display their physical skills and relatestories about Zherisian history based on pastlives.

The Squared CircleIt has long been known that the DivineTriangle is represented by the three featuresof the holy symbol: circle, square, and man.There is apparently another dimension to thissymbol. There are four monks who havebeen continuously returning to the Temple,maturing at different times, ready to manageat the death of the one who has assumed themantle of Brother Man. They call themselvesthe Squared Circle. Until now their existencewas known only to the elders of the Temple.Each apparently holds nearly two hundredyears of memories within himself. They areable to recall memories as far back as thebeginning of the sixth century BC but nofarther, which interests them immensely.They call this the Great Barrier, and havebeen busy trying to break this wall of silence.

I was granted an audience with these elders(only three at present, the last Brother Mandied in 743 and his latest incarnation shouldemerge soon) and was given this astonishinginformation among other things. Since theUpheaval, they have been waiting for thefirst monk who is able to recall memories ofhis death in 740 in the countryside. So farthere have been no results, and they find thatsuspicious yet hopeful. They posit that thecountryside may not have been destroyed,but hidden in the Mists like Markovia. Theyhave kept quiet about this, not wishing to stirfalse hopes. I myself am curious to see whatthe results will be…and if it returns, whetherits original inhabitants will still be there.

They also revealed that someone callingherself "the Queen of Timor" has contactedthem. She claims to be a cursed human and,in desperation, she has turned to the Templeto see if they are able to restore her tohumanity. They are investigating the matterbut refused to divulge any other details. Theydo believe, based on this contact, that if vanRijn should be in the area, the Queen ishardly likely have sided with him when theonly alternative he can offer is undeath.

-Gertrude Kingsley

Dread Possibility

Spider's WebWhilst the Squared Circle is carefulto hide it, the Hive Queen has madean offer they can't refuse: for herhumanity, she'll return theirreincarnated fourth member,Francis Dawson. Kidnapped as asacrifice for the Fang of theNosferatu, he became a consolationprize when his mind snapped andhe started babbling secrets from hispast life as Brother Man.

The Circle would willingly makethis trade, if they had the ability.Instead, the Circle is playing fortime and hoping to rescue Francis.This may prove difficult as Francisis running wild through Timor,half-marikith and fully insane.

The Hive Queen may offer tokenopposition, but wants him to berescued. She knows the Circle isbluffing and when the Circlereclaims Francis, they'll have tofind a way to return his humanity.In the end, either she will knowhow to reclaim her own humanity,or she will have a pawn inside theCircle…


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To the Fathers of the Fraternity, greetings.

I had hoped to submit our report on the workings of my homeland at the present time, but recentevents have forced me to consider our efforts incomplete as of yet. Yesterday evening as Ientered my apartment I was viciously attacked by a young man (as it seemed at first) whodeployed a silence spell on my person and attacked me with a knife. It goes without saying thatthe former action, at least, is not common among the footpads of my city. I am fortunate to havesome skill in unarmed combat; without it I might very well have been killed.

Having disarmed my opponent I succeeded in binding him; when the magical silence expiredI proceeded to interrogate him. I soon learned that “he” was, in fact, a doppelganger; however,it was not quick to divulge information regarding its motives or ends. I called on the assistanceof other Brothers and by our combined efforts we succeeded in plucking information from thecreature’s mind, in addition to learning something of the psychology of the creature.

Since the creature’s words may have some meaning of which I am unaware, I will transcribethe conversation as closely as possible. Brother Rupert Kingsley put the questions; the answersare my verbalization of the resulting thoughts I detected in the creature’s mind.

“Who are you?”“I am a Master.”“What is your name?”“Armach.”“What was your human name?”“I was clad in the form of a fishmonger, a filthy thing that reeked of fish and dirt. I

remembered it from my infancy, when I wore my youth-face and lived two houses down. Icould feel its lusts and vices and what it wanted to do to my youthful frame, what it felt towardsmy female mask. It was weak and easy prey. And with it gone I could take its place and haveeasy access to its markets. I knew several clan-mates who regularly enjoy fish. If they were toeat a tainted meal it would allow me the opportunity to undercut their dealings…”

(Note that these impressions came very quickly, and were largely non-verbal; I have done mybest to set them down as I understood them. The sense of hierarchy, desire for socialadvancement, and disdain for humankind were strongly manifested.)

“Why did you attack Master Larner?”“It told me it would give me money, and power…it gave me the wand and told me to kill the

man-thing. It had a picture.”“Who was this person?”“A thing. A dead thing. It was cattle once, I think.”“Did you learn its name? Where did you meet it?”“No, no name…It made me go down in the dark. Down where the bad things are…”At this point the stress of the interview overcame the assassin and it expired. Although the

information gained was fragmentary, it points to a possibility I had not fully considered—thatthe tunnels beneath the city must also be searched before we can be sure that van Rijn is notpresent. The doppelganger’s mention of a “dead thing” hints that he might have been theinstigator of this attack. Accordingly, I am arranging an expedition to the Underground andwill submit that report together with the material already compiled.


Alfred LarnerEsteemed Brother of the Fraternity of ShadowsParidon , 3 June 760


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Part II: Timor


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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After completing my notes and leaving themwith a trusted aide I moved away from thecomfort of the known and familiar and beganmy descent into the sewers of my fair city.As I postulated earlier, Paridon is stackedatop another land. Much like twoneighboring lands of the Core or the twinlands of the Frozen Reaches, both halves ofZherisia have a separate origin and differentruler.

Entering posed some minorinconveniences. Not being so naïve as tosimply walk through the first grating nor intothe nearest coal cellar, I consulted those whohave ventured into the black and returned. Ifound that Southshore seemed to have thefewest disappearances and deaths. I beganmy journey there and sunk into the ignoredand forgotten reaches of Paridon.

(I pause for a moment to send out mygratitude to Viktor Hazan for the loan of his

lenses of darkvision. They were invaluablein the gloom below and saved my life morethan once.)

Thankfully, after entering the depths, I wasquickly found by the residents below. Orrather I was found by the friendlyinhabitants, the ones unlikely to kill mewhere I stood. It is thanks to them that Isurvived long enough to write this. Theyprovided me with rough maps, informationand even a guide to the long forgottenLibrary of Timor. I doubt I would havesurvived for a day without brave Ybbor, myguide.

Yes, this land is known as Timor- the verysame land that was once a city in its ownright, very much like my own Paridon. Iremember travelers there trading briefly withother lands -including my own- before itvanished again into the Mists. Now the cityhas been struck down and only thesubterranean survives, and under Paridon!

ClimateThere is no real weather in the depths ofTimor. There is no wind, no rain and nosnow. The entire land is underground andremoved from nature.

On the upper levels, the weather of thesurface impacts Timor. The constant drizzleof Zherisian weather occasionally dripsdown through cracks or holes. On days of

Timor in ShortLocation: Island in the Mists

Ecology: Limited

Darklord: Hive Queen

Year of formation: 620

Cultural level: Savage (0) Althoughthe ruins suggest a formerRenaissance (9) or higher level ofadvancement. The caliban varybetween Stone (1) and Iron (3) ages.

Population: Approximately 100calibans. Unknown number ofmarikith.

Main settlements: The Enclave

Religion: True Form (Caliban)

Language: Timorian

Government: Egalitarian (Caliban),Hive mind (Marikith)

Currency: None


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heavier rain there may be small streams ofwater from above. Occasionally, spouts orpuddles may overflow and cause unexpectedshowers for the residents of Timor. This ismostly an inconvenience but on days ofheavy downpour it can become dangerous inthe sewers.

As the rain pounds the surface it can floodthe tunnels and passages below, sometimescausing devastating waves or blockingpassages. Otherwise noticeable pits mightfill with water and unsafe footings becomeinvisible.

The temperature remains fairly constantthroughout Timor. The upper levels changeslightly with the season and weather above,but the lower reaches are consistently cool.

In the upper and lower reaches there is aperpetual haze in the air. Decomposingwaste and plants are to blame in the sewers,but it is aggravated by the humidity. Onparticularly wet days the miasma thickens,limiting vision even more and befouling theair. On cooler days the haze sinks to thedeeper reaches, rendering them gloomy anddark.

Regions of the DeepTimor itself can be divided into a number oflayers. These are mostly artificial; themyriad of tunnels and levels blur together.Passageways slope up and down withmaddening irregularity. In interviewing myguide and after personal exploration I feelcomfortable dividing Timor into three roughlayers.

The SewersThe first layer of Timor is the brick passagesimmediately beneath Paridon. The sewer-workers have nicknamed it "Via Cloaca".

Having not spent much time under thestreets prior to the Great Upheaval, I cannottestify how much the current sewersresemble the pipes of old. The workers Ihave interviewed assure me that the tunnelsand passage have changed and shifted andthat the blueprints no longer resemble whatis down there.

Grim MiasmaThe thick musk of decomposingvegetation fills the Sewers andpipes of Timor. This halves theillumination from light sources,both bright and shadowy. The gasalso tends to reflect light andshadow, casting odd shapesagainst the walls and creatingillusions of movement.

The haze in the Tunnels is farless, only limiting illumination by1/4, rounded up. In the darkness ofthe Hive the miasma returns.There, both the illumination andduration of light sources arereduced by 1/2. Even permanentlight sources are affected,occasionally winking out as if theyentered an anti-magic zone. Otherareas act as if they had a darknessspell cast on them, not snuffingout light but reducing allillumination to shadowy.

Additional hazards from thehaze are pockets of explosive gas.These ignite when exposed to anyopen flame, such as from a lanternor torch. The damage variesaccording to the size of the gaspocket ranging from effectssimilar to the spells burning handsor fireball (determine damageaccording to level of party).

Other forms of gas are toxic,replicating the effects of insanitymist poison, smoky environs orsimply causing unconciousness(treat as an inhaled poison DC 13 :initial Unconcious/ secondaryUnconcious, 1d4 minutes).


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Chapter 4

It is interesting then that all the drains,pipes, and manholes still lead into thetunnels. If the entire Sewer had suddenlybeen replaced, one would expect stormdrains that lead nowhere and pipes that endat blank walls.

Therefore, I theorize that Timor did notsimply replace our sewers but that the twowere somehow combined. The layout -or atleast the openings to the surface- haveremained consistent but the larger tunnelsand architecture may have shifted or beenreplaced.

It is clear that the design of the sewers isZherisian. The words carved into thejunctions and dates etched into the walls arein my tongue, however not all the bricks areof Zherisian stone. The rooms and tunnelsalso lack a consistent style. In fact, not eventhe refuse is entirely Zherisian. Whilstunderground I found an aged boot that isclearly not of local fashion!

On average, the Sewers conform toZherisian architecture. The ceilings are lowand the passages themselves are typicallyrounded. Along the lower walls are twinpaths with a trough-like channel for thewater and refuse. The small paths are narrowso groups venturing in the Sewers must walksingle-file. On rainy days the gutter has atendency to overflow, covering the path withslick water or waste. The walls areconstructed of small bricks of dark-greystone crudely mortared together. Individualbricks stick out and the walls have a jaggedor even serrated appearance.

All the smaller tunnels usually followbeneath streets, although access points arefew and far between. Most openings to thesurface are metal grates or drains but arethese too small for a human to fit through. Itis often frustrating to be so close to peopleand the streets (one can often hear thecarriages overhead) and yet unable to leavethe tunnels.


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The passages are roughly arranged in gridswith larger drainage tunnels every so often.Whilst much wider, these tunnels havesimilarly low ceilings so the tunnelsresemble squat ovals. These larger drainage'streams' join together and eventually draininto the river as far downstream as possible.

The river bisects the Sewers, dividing theminto an eastern and western half. There is noway to move between the two except bymoving down and through the lower levelsor returning up to the surface.

Of all the levels of Timor the Sewers arethe safest, and yet they have the highestnumber of living things. Whilst the lowerlevels are filled with threats, few canaccurately be called animals or even labelled'alive'. Vermin are common in the sewers:rats, insects and other scavengers. I haveseen quite a few abnormally large centipedescrawling across the walls. Whilst manypoisonous and deadly things swim or scurryin the sewers I would much rather face themthan the aberrations that lurk below.

The Enclave(Hamlet) : Conventional; AL LG; CL 1-3;100 gp limit; Assets 550 gp; Population 110;Isolated (100% caliban,)

Authority Figures: Finder Morshin, malecaliban Clr9; Vincen Perlan, male calibanBrd2/Rog3 (trader).

Important Characters: Ybbor, malecaliban Rgr3/Brb2 (guide/hunter); Talodun,female caliban Ftr4/Rgr 7/RMH2 (hunter/guard).

Tucked away in a nook between theSewers and the Tunnels is the Enclave, asmall village of calibans that eke out aminimal existence in Timor. These sturdypeople call themselves the Remnants as theyare all that remains of Timor's people. Thissettlement is hidden in the sunken ruins ofTimor's temple district and is centered on theruins of the Great Cathedral there. TheCathedral itself shattered as it collapsed intothe tunnels. The main entrance was crushedas the bell tower fell, leaving a small sidedoor as the only entrance. The tower itselfremains and lies sloping upward, cutting apath into the Sewers above. The tower servesas a shaft between the levels and is the onlyentrance into the Enclave.

The rest of the settlement branches awayfrom the Cathedral. Houses are built out ofdead-end tunnels or partially dug into thetunnel walls where the earth was displaced.Rubble is often used to support or extendthese homes.

Survival of the FittestScavenging for food is difficult atbest in the tunnels of Timor andthere is always the danger ofbecoming lost or falling victim tonatural hazards.

All survival checks have theirDCs raised by 5 in the Sewers, 10in the Tunnels and 15 in the Hive.For example, the DC for foragingfor food is 15 in the Sewers but 20in the Tunnels below. Findingfood for a party of four in thesewers would have a DC of 21(15+2+2+2).

Additionally, true north is notautomatically determined inTimor with the survival skill. Aroll must be made with the baseDC of 10 and modified as above.


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Because all tunnels that might lead to thesettlement collapsed with the Cathedral, theEnclave is at the end of a defendable choke-point. The calibans also make use of a rarefungus that the marikith are apparentlyallergic to, so the creatures are discouragedfrom approaching.

So far they have survived by avoidingdetection and it is possible the Hive Queen isunaware such a large and permanentcommunity exists in her realm. While it isunlikely she does not know of the Remnant'sexistence, the Enclave's location is a closelyguarded secret known only to the Remnants.

The TunnelsThe second series of layers can collectivelybe called the Tunnels. These imposingpassageways are all that remains of thesewers and catacombs of Timor. The sewersof that city ran far deeper than anything builtby Zherisia. The Tunnels themselves are farfrom uniform and can further be divided intoa series of sections.

The first are the ancient Timorian sewersthemselves. Unlike the Zherisian namesakes,these sewers are large with high arches anddomed ceilings. The walls are straight and atsharp angles to the floor which is split by adeep channel. These small canals weredesigned to ferry runoff, but these have longsince run dry and are now filled with allmanner of dirt, grim, oozes, fungi and moss.Buttresses and brick columns line the wallsand hold up the impressive curved roof andthe many levels above. The tunnelsthemselves have a curious crisscrossinglayout with many sharp angles and steepslopes.

Timor was designed to be a city of beauty -even the sewers had to be magnificent. Afteryears of abuse and corruption, they are still awonder to behold. The larger intersectionsfeature large fresco mosaics and oftentimesthe walls are painted with elaborate designs.

Unlike the dark grey and black stone theZherisian sewers are built from, theTimorian tunnels are pale yellow and evenan ashen grey in places. The bricks


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themselves are large and smooth, placedtightly together with little mortar. Torchlightwould reflect easily off these walls and lightup a great distance if not for the continualmoss and dark black mold that chokes outlight. Decades of dust and grime havesmothered the once bright stone.

The high roofs with dangling moss andmold do present a danger. Whilst not deadlyin itself, the thick black choking strands arean ideal hiding place for innumerablecrawlers and predators, including marikith.The Remnants warned me that they're proneto dropping from the ceilings withoutwarning or sound.

Many of the tunnels also seem to be builtatop other ruins; catacombs and structuresfar older than the city of Timor. Holesoccasionally crack open into forgotten tombsor long-buried cairns. However, most ofthese are also within the borders of the Hive.

Like the Sewers, the Tunnels are dividedby the river, although here it was accidental.After the earthquake that joined our twolands, the ceilings beneath the river quicklycollapsed. Even now the area by the river isblocked by heavy, damp earth that isimpossible to dig through and the passagesnearby are prone to flooding.

The second sub-section of the Tunnelsincludes the ruins of the city of Timor, nowabandoned and forgotten. The city of Timoronce had a river than ran through it, similarto that which splits Paridon. When Timormoved underneath Paridon, their riverdisappeared. During the earthquakes thebuildings on either riverbank slid down andfilled in the valley.

I advise my readers to keep in mind theshifting of Timor. While the Tunnels wereonce underneath the Ruins this is no longerthe case. They are now intertwined withsome Tunnels well above the city's remains.

The Ruins are a channel of buildings: someupright and somewhat intact and othersdestroyed or on their sides. They cut an arcthrough the layer broken by the current river.It is in the Ruins that the Remnants scavengefor goods and items and where I found theLibrary and stores of Timor.

Looking over skeletal remains ofbuildings, some still peopled by the crushedremains of the cities' population, I wonderedwhere the rest of the buildings went. Was itswallowed by the Earth and not yetdiscovered or did the remains simplydissipate into the Mists?

The Lost CityThe city of Timor was not destroyed bythe Grand Conjunction. Instead it wasswallowed by the Mists and separatedfrom its sewers. Occasionally, travelerswander into this empty and abandonedmetropolis; sometimes they wander upfrom Timor and are surprised they arenot in Paridon and others simply wanderin from the Mists.

Timor is now perpetually Mist-bound,surrounded by swirling fog. The cityistelf looks as if it has been drained of allcolour, the buildings and streets are greyand white. Even the vegetation is palegreen. There appeears to be no one in thecity, as if they all disolved in the Mists.However, at night, ghostly shades walkthe streets in a grim imitation of theirformer activities. These are pale andcolourless and seem detached from theworld; it is not possible to interact withor to speak to them.

The nature of this Timor is unknown.Is it an ethereal shadow of the city or aconstruct of the Mists? Or is it perhapsthe real city that, without a Lord, isslowly fading away? If it is the true city,or even an acurate copy, than the magicaltrophies and great wealth remains to beclaimed.


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With the grandeur of its construction and

testimony to the Timorians' talents it is easyto forget how deadly it is here, but not fromthe creatures of the Sewers. Rats and othervermin seldom make it down to the Tunnels.Before the destruction, Timorian sewerswere reputed as "rat free" as creatures wereplaced there to control pests. Now all the ratsare gone but the creatures remain. Thecorrupting effects of Timor have not leftthem untouched and it is impossible to tellwhat they once were. This is analogous toIsolde's Carnival and the hideous Twistingfound there.

All manner of mutated and hideousabominations lurk here in the dark. Manywere corrupted by the nature of Timor whilstothers simply fell prey to the Mists orslithered in from outside. Regardless, whilstthe Tunnels were once a monument tomankind, we no longer belong there. Despitethe lack of sunlight, plants seem to thrive inthe moist tunnels. Mosses cling to the wallsand long strands dangle from the ceilingslike pale green stalactites.

All manner of hideous creatures make theirhome in the Tunnels. Oozes, slimes, molds,fungi and other threats lurk in every nook.Unnamable beasts corrupted by dark magicor Timor make their lairs here and await theunwary. And stray undead, the hauntedTimorians that fell in the Upheaval, stillwander the Ruins. Thankfully, the hazelightens in the Tunnels. It is drier here, andthere is far less decomposing refuse.However, the Tunnels are perpetually dark.The few isolated scraps of Zherisian day diebefore reaching these depths.

It should be noted that there are no Mists inthe Tunnels. In the Sewers there are passagesthat lead into the swirling white Mists as theborder descends down from the edge ofParidon. But in this level all the passages endbefore they reach the Mists. Cave-ins andruins block all access to the borders. Theonly way out of our land is up.

The earthquake also left many tunnels andwalls unsafe and many passages still threatento collapse. There are innumerable hiddenpitfalls and weakened floors that could easilysend someone plummeting to certain death.

When travelers speak of the shiftingtunnels of Timor, they're often referring tothis layer. Whilst the tunnels do not actuallymove (at least I have never seen this happen)they do seem to shift and hide. Openingsseem to vanish no matter how hard one looksfor them, only to reappear later, whilst newpassages are discovered on commonlytraveled routes. It is as if the tunnels cannotalways be seen, as if the eyes look past them.It does not occur during wandering oraimless exploring; only when one is taking aknown path. My guide insists that it is worsewhen one is in a hurry or pursued.

Navigating in Timor The passages of Timor play trickson travelers, intentionallymisleading them. In the Hive thetunnels seem to twist and move tolead explorers deeper and deeperinto the depths.

Any time explorers try tobacktrack they must make an Intcheck DC 15 to recall the routethey took. If they recorded theirpath or mapped out the route theyreceive a +5 bonus to this check.

However, in the Tunnels thepassages hide or can only be seenout of the corner of the eye. A spotcheck (DC 15) is needed to findturnoffs, locate markings or seesmall landmarks. This increasesby 5 if the characters are in a hurryand by an additional 5 if they arebeing chased or stalked.

Navigating in the Hive is muchharder. Search checks (DC 20-25)are often required to mindobscured doors or passages thathave shifted. Marks quicklyvanish regardless of whether theyare written in chalk or carved intothe wall. Spot and Int checks havetheir DC increased by 5.


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Geographical Survey

The HiveThe deepest layer of Timor is the Hive. Herethe marikith rule and make their home. Hereman is but prey, an intruder in an alienworld. The Hive is composed of a series ofnatural caverns, ancient tunnels and passagesdug into the earth. Most seem to have beenburrowed without any manner of tool,clawed out of the rock and soil. The passagesweave from side to side and slope in randomdirections. They vary in size from widetwelve-foot tunnels to cramped three-footholes.

The walls of the Hive are dark black soil,stained dark by things better leftunconsidered. The walls are rough andunfinished with large crevasses and cracks.The marikith often work their bodies intothese grooves and remain undetectable,mistaken for another part of the roof or wall.Travelers have sometimes been surprisedwhen whole tunnels seem to come alive

without warning. The marikith sometimesalso let explorers walk past unmolested onlyto drop and stalk them from behind.

The entire layer is a maze with dead-ends,sudden drops, impossible climbs, randomlyinterconnecting passages and worse. TheHive was not built to accommodate people.Tunnels cut straight up and down, designedfor creatures able to scale sheer walls ordecrease in size so only the smallest beings(or those able to compact themselves) canmanoeuvre.

These passages were also built asdeathtraps. Passages abruptly end at a pointwhere a marikith can easily move (such as asheer drop or small hole) but a humancannot. The creatures enjoy herding victimsto these points, giving them the illusionthey're escaping before they reach the killzone. Other times the walls are builtpurposely thin so the monsters can snatchpeople through them and drag them away.


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Whilst the passages in the Tunnels seem to

fade from view, those of the Hive shift andmove of their own accord. The entire levelwrithes unseen and routes never lead to thesame place twice. Some of the Remnantsbelieve the beasts reshape the tunnelspersonally, moving dirt and brick by handand claw. Others believe it reshapes to thewill of its Queen, twisting to fit her wishes. Ibelieve it is some combination of both.

The haze that permeates the Sewers isthick here. Despite the dryness of the air andlack of decomposition, the air is thick andlight is absorbed by the miasma. It seems toseep up from the very ground. It is as ifTimor itself rejects light of any kind and triesto swallow it up.

Like the Tunnels above, no routes in theHive lead to the Misty border of Timor.Whilst in the Tunnels this may be dismissedas coincidence, it is quite deliberate in theHive. Passages may begin in that directionbut invariably stop or turn away, leadingfleeing travellers back into the Hive's heart.

What I find most disturbing in the Hive isnot the alien design but the small fragmentsof humanity that have worked their waydown. Ancient ruins such as crypts orforgotten tombs can be found in the darkestcorners of the Hive. Sunken buildings ofTimor are sometimes revealed by thewinding tunnels. The odd statue ormonument stands openly in an intersection,ruined and defaced. But these areas havebeen corrupted: defiled or trapped. Themarikith are not above using treasure orrelics as bait.

There are also the catacombs: a series ofbrickwork tunnels that have opened up in theceilings of the Hive. Originally beneath theTemple Quarter of Timor and woven inbetween the sewers, these housed the dead ofthe city. Anyone of renown was entombedhere along with their most valuedpossessions. The floors and walls of thesecatacombs are often unstable and open downinto the Hive. More than once I observedsigns of them, such as a heavy stone casketprotruding from above.

Looking at the rough maps of the Hiveprovided by the Timorians, it is clear it's

roughly laid out like a giant spider's web.The major tunnels all head to two or threejunctions: centres of the web. It is in one ofthese the Hive Queen dwells.

Locations of NoteThere are a few places tucked away on theindividual levels worthy of special attention.I have pointed these out on my crude mapand hope they are of use.

The LibraryThe first location worthy of the Fraternity'sattention was the original one I ventured outto find: the ancient Library of Timor, theaccumulated knowledge of centuries and theworks of hundreds of scholars and dozens ofwizards. I only regret I was unable to spendlonger here or bring more than a few tomesup with me.

I had to rely on comprehend languages todecipher the Timorian dialects that fill thesebooks. Whilst I speak enough roughTimorian now to make myself understood(along with the smattering of languages theRemnants know), reading it is an entirelydifferent matter.

All subjects great and small are covered inthis massive building. Several small wingsexpand out from the large central room filledwith the filing system and histories of theland. The building itself sits on a slant withseveral shelves toppled over and piles ofbooks scattered haphazard.

Given the advancements of the land Iventure many scholars would kill for achance to explore the knowledge containedwithin. A single volume of engineering orarchitecture could sell for a fortune inDementlieu or Richemulot. I contentedmyself with a few histories and a book ofmagic I hid from Ybbor.

Great CisternDeep below the Nodnal lays the GreatCistern. Tucked away in the lower reaches ofthe Tunnels, near the start of the Hive, is asingle deep shaft plunging down. Here the


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river had burrowed down, spurred on by thecollapsing sewers and tunnels, and has begunto funnel into the deep.

Whilst most of the soil around the Cisternis damp and unstable, there are a number ofsturdy brick passages. These access anumber of pools where the runoff pauses fora moment before churning downward. Thesepools are treacherous, filled with undertowsand whirlpools that can drag a man downinto the unknown. No one has returned fromwhere the water drains and it is rumoured tobe an endless stretch of Mists.

However, the pools themselves act ascollectors for heavier objects. Much like apan can ferret out weightier metals, the poolsdeposit discarded objects. The Remnantsoften rummage carefully through thesepools, seeking relics from Timor of old oreven valuables lost in the river above.

The GardenThe Timorians appreciated the natural world.Their city was a marvel, mingling trees andparks with buildings and streets. They hadseveral large parks throughout the city filledwith plants both local and imported. As thepopulation dwindled, people shied awayfrom the parks. They became known formonsters and death.

This garden is the last. It slid into thedepression formed by the vanishingTimorian river and remains amongst theruins of the city. Curiously, the darkness hasnot hindered the Garden. The plants continueto bloom despite the pitch blacksurroundings. The Remnants believe it isfilled with much ill will at being abandonedto die. Ybbor alternatively believed it wastended by some unseen caretaker. I believesome of the Timorian magic is responsible.

In fact, the Garden does not merelysurvive, it flourishes. Plants and vines havecrept over the nearby ruined buildings andthe surroundings now resemble a temperatejungle. Still, the Remnants avoid the Gardenand with good reason. The plants havegrown twisted and deadly. I identified abloodroot and an assassin vine before I wasforced to flee from lashing tendrils.

Queen's TombTucked away in a corner of the Hive is theRoyal Tombs. Part of the catacombs that fillthe various tunnels, this is a grand structureoriginally located underneath the RoyalPalace. As the earth shook both slid into acrevasse and sunk deep into the Hive.

Here is located the final resting place ofQueen Orenia, the former monarch of Timor.She was the last human ruler of this land andwas buried with honours in the final years ofthe land.

Whilst often mentioned in the stories of theRemnants they refer to her with so manyeuphemisms and titles that her true name andhistory has been forgotten. The Timoriansthemselves never speak of this tomb andavoid it, and even the areas immediatelyabove it, as if they were cursed.

It appears that the Queen does not restquietly. She wished for immortality throughher works and now they all lay ruined andshe is forgotten. Her spirit longs for bothglory and revenge.

This legend has not stopped treasureseekers from attempting the journey to thetomb. All the royal riches of Timor,including the enchanted crown jewels, areenshrined here.

The Fraternity should take note of thisthough. There is reputed to be a sword in theroyal goods, the very blade used to knightthe Royal Marikith Hunters. If ever therewas a weapon effective against the marikith,this would be it.


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Chapter 4

Indigenous Plants and Animals

There is a surprising amount of range andbreadth of plant life growing within thetunnels of Timor. Within the separateecosystems of Timor different florae grow,but all sharing similar qualities. Forexample, all share the quality of surviving inthe absence of sunlight. Some also exist withvery little moisture.

Inside the Sewers, many forms of molds,slimes, fungi, and mushrooms are found. Thepresence of so much moisture encouragesgrowth although few of these plants areactually healthy. Large white mushroomspoke from cracks in the floor, growing in avariety of shapes and sizes, many poisonouseither by nature or by the corruption of theirenvironment. Black wet mold grows in smallcarpets on the walls, floors, or ceilings. Moredangerous flora also grows in these tunnels,in the form of Yellow and Brown Molds aswell as Green Slime. Although not trulysentient, these growths prove to be hazardsto any living thing traveling across theirclaimed growing areas, whether explorer ormarikith.

In the sprawling Tunnels of Timor, plantgrowth is less, but still present. The cavernshave a much greater concentration oflichens, many of which are phosphorescentin nature when exposed to a light source,glowing ghostly in the dark for hoursafterwards. Smaller groups of mushroomscan also be found in the caverns, though themore arid nature of the caves means thatthese fungi are kept at smaller sizes andclumps than the sewers.

Molds and Green Slime can also be foundin the caves, though again usually in smallerquantities and much less commonly. It ishere that most edible plant life can be found.Although there are still dangers in harvestingthe plants, more non-poisonous varietiesgrow in these caverns than in the Sewers.

Finally, in the bowels of ancient Timor,very little plant life is found. Mostlyconsisting of molds and lichens, the dry,

dusty nature of the Hive seems to choke lifeout of them. Yellow Mold is still presenthere, and even Brown Mold can be found ina few desolate regions, the precursors ofwhich are, of course, the chill that such agrowth radiates.

At least three notable specimens of plantlife grow uniquely in Timor. The first is atype of mushroom called Dead Truffles.These fungi grow in small clumps ofwhitish-yellow patches. The Truffles haveno flavor themselves but are not poisonouseither; however, they have an interestingeffect on living creatures that consume them.Such creatures find that their emotions aredeadened, even to themselves. Reactions,even to extreme circumstances, becomealmost impossible. Those under theinfluence of this mushroom have reportedthat it is useful in evading Marikith Huntersas it deadens the fear that the marikith tracktheir prey by.

Another notable plant specimen fromTimor is Grease Mold. In some of the sewersections of Timor strange and ancientmachinery is present. This machinery is non-functional, but it sticks out from the walls inlarge ungainly clumps, pipes and tubesleading from it right into dead walls.Sometimes a jolt to the mechanism causesthe machinery to jolt to life unexpectedly,creating a loud bang and racket for a fewmoments before the mechanism lapses intodormancy again.

What this machinery does is unknown, butancient Timor had many of these built intothe sewers. Strangely, much of thismachinery has been infested with a greasybrownish-black mold. The stuff lets off ahorrible odor when disturbed, but isotherwise harmless. However, if it iscollected and boiled down to a liquid statethen applied to a mechanical object, it aidsthe function of the machinery.

Within the dark labyrinth of Timor fewcreatures roam, other than the ever-presentmarikith. Otherwise, the lightless depths arehome to various oozes, vermin, and therestless undead. Of the latter, most areincorporeal, the spirits of those slain in the


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lightless depths or native to Timor prior to itsdestruction.

The Sewers have the largest concentrationof creatures. Oozes are spawnedspontaneously from the cast-off waste fromabove and vermin eke out a living feeding onthe refuse. The marikith themselves alsopatrol the sewers, and spend some of theirtime here. Animate fungi also wander thecorridors, attacking what they can, marikithor not. Centipedes are very common in thedarkness, and have been reported to grow toincredible sizes.

Inside the Tunnels of Timor -where theterrain is drier- there are not as many oozesto be found, though some still prevail.Within the ruins of ancient Timor, bothoozes and vermin are rare. Instead of that thespectral dead lair here, haunting the ancientdark passageways with their lamentations.Many of these creatures were the originalcitizens of ancient Timor killed by marikithor doppelgangers or those souls slain in theearthquake that levelled the city. As such,their knowledge of the land's history isalmost unparalleled. Animators, the spirits ofliving residents from ancient Timor, are alsoknown to inhabit the derelict machinery,either starting them up at inopportune timesor lashing out at travelers.

FloraThose consuming dead truffles gaina +4 bonus on all spells and psionicpowers that detect thoughts oremotions (such as the detectthoughts spell) as well as a +4bonus on both fear and horrorchecks. The victim also gets a +4bonus on hide checks vs. marikith(or any other creature that huntsthrough emotion-detection).However, the deadening of theemotion centres of the brainimposes a -4 penalty to theCharisma of the affected being. Theeffects of the mushroom last for 1d6hours.

Grease Mold is only effectivewhen it's boiled down to a liquidform and applied to a mechanicalobject. Applying the mold requires10 minutes to boil it down and then5 minutes to apply. One dose ofgrease mold is sufficient for anymedium-sized mechanism, such as arifle. Applying the mold to aweapon is enough to give theweapon a +1 circumstance bonus tohit. Applying the mold to amechanism that isn't related toattacking gives it a +1 circumstancebonus to any other die-relatedfunction involved in it (such asskills checks). Mechanical creaturesget the bonus to both attacks andskill checks they make. The greaselasts for 6 hours once applied beforeit dries beyond usefulness.

Anisophilae is a mossy fungifound only in Timor and hasresisted all attempts to transplant itelsewhere. It grows in rare, sporadicpatches through the Tunnels withoccasional growths in the Sewers.The marikith keep the Hive clear ofany anisophilae they discover.


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Chapter 4

Native HorrorsNatural: CR 1/8 - Rat, Tinymonstrous centipede; CR 1/3 -Dire rat, Small monstrouscentipede, Small monstrousspider; CR 1/2 - Mediummonstrous centipede; CR 1 -Bloodbloater ooze, Largemonstrous centipede, Spiderswarm; CR 2 - Dire maggot,Flotsam ooze, Giant assassin bug,Huge monstrous centipede, Ratswarm; CR 3 -Violet fungus; CR4 - Centipede swarm, Gray ooze;CR 5 - Ochre jelly; CR 6 -Gargantuan monstrous centipede;CR 7 - Black pudding, CR 9 -Bhut, Colossal monstrouscentipede; CR 10 - Leechwalker;CR 15 - Deathshrieker

Unnatural: CR 1/8 -Chitterling Marikith, CR 1/2 -Spirit waif; CR 2 - Carrionstalker, Marikith hunter, Seekermarikith, Spiderkin marikith; CR3 - Allip, Ettercap, Gelatinouscube, Phantom fungus, Murk,Shadow; CR 4 - Carrion crawler,Otyugh; CR 5 - Odem, Man o'warmarikith, Reason stealer, Wraith;CR 6 - Corpse candle; CR 7 -Chaos beast, Spectre; CR 12 -Roper;

Variable: Animator, Animatedobject, Elemental, Evolvedundead, Geist, Ghost, Ghostbrute, Umbral creature.


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Sociological Survey

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

To the casual eye the tunnels below Paridonappear to be home to nothing moreintelligent than a variety of vermin andviscous oozes that subsist on the detritustrickling down from the City above. Myinvestigations have proven otherwise. Twogroups call the sewers their home but onlyone has any power. The first are the scatteredsurvivors of the lost city of Timor, thecaliban tribes eking out an abysmal living.The second are the shadowy predators thathunt them. The creatures, known to theTimorians as marikith, are inhuman and alienpredators that dominate the lower levels ofthis beleaguered land.

Indigenous PeoplesThe Timorians, or the Remnants as theyprefer to be called, have a permanentsettlement, called Enclave, nestled in theruins of Timor's temple district. It isprotected from marikith incursions bynatural choke points and a number ofanisophilae colonies. Enclave is one of thefew safe havens that exist in Timor.

Records indicate that, like Paridon, Timorhad a pre-dominantly human population.Whilst this may have been true, the disasterthat destroyed their city also affected thesurvivors as they are, without exception,calibans.

The Timorians are a gaunt, misshapenpeople. Deformity and malnourishment marktheir bodies, making them seem awkwardand fragile. Appearances, however, aredeceiving. The twisted forms of theRemnants disguise densely packed musclesthat are well adapted for sudden, forcefulmovement. During my time among them Isaw several clear a collapsed tunnel withtheir bare hands in a fraction of the time itwould have taken a well equipped group oflabourers. Their skin is an unearthly palecolor that borders on albinoism, thoughmany are piebald with discoloured darkpatches covering them. Their large eyes-well suited to the lightless world they live in-and hair run through a wide variety of colors,and it is not unusual to find individuals withmore than one color in either.

Dread Possibility:The Hidden War

Ever since the doppelgangers noticedthe horrors of Timor, they have foughtthe marikith to keep their claim on thecity. Sodo has realized that the bestway to protect himself and keep thepopulace from dissolving into fear isto stop talk of the marikith anddoppelgangers. He is manipulatingthe government to use the recent"Bloody Jack Golem" as proof thatthere are no doppelgangers and ispushing for a cover-up of themarikith. This alone keeps the societyfrom collapsing and the city lessfragmented than Timor was.

The council decided to hireadditional guards for the night watch,a decision engineered by thedoppelgangers themselves. Mostpatrols have at least one doppelgangerfrom the lesser clans among theirnumber. Whenever an importantcitizen disappears he is quicklyreplaced by a doppelganger and oftenfalls victim to a plausible accidentwithin a few days.

In reaction to the doppelgangers'actions, the Hive Queen ordered herchildren to neutralise the moredangerous threat first. The fewmarikith that slip into the city seem tohunt disguised doppelgangers amongall other possible victims.

Several smaller factions have begunto appear in this "hidden war". Theseinclude vampyrs, vampires and redwidows. These protect their huntinggrounds in Blackchapel and parts ofthe King's Quarter. Small packs ofAkiri jackalweres are emerging andmake their home near the ZherisianMuseum. And there are always thelonely heroes who fight the goodfight.


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Timorians seem to move with a perpetual

slouch; a habit picked up from years ofmoving through small tunnels. They moveslowly and leisurely and are eerily quiet.Their footsteps are noiseless and theyseldom speak in more than a whisper. It issad as their voice and accent have a tendersoftness I seldom encounter on the surface.

In the upper layers there are also scatteredpockets of Zherisians. Identical to the rest ofmy brethren, these folk are commonlyignorant to the fact they live in another land,assuming they simply dwell in the sewers ofParidon.

These unfortunates range from smallgroups of homeless seeking shelter from theelements to thieving rogues hiding from thelaw. Some encounter and ally themselveswith the Timorians but most survive alone. Ifthey manage to avoid attention from aboveor below they may survive for a time, but ifthey are discovered by the marikith they areslaughtered to a man. Not immediately mindyou; slowly over days or weeks to prolongthe terror of the survivors.

The marikith are entirely different from theother inhabitants. Whilst they are as silent asthe Timorians they move with the quiet ofthe hunter stalking its prey. They are notpeople though, and they delight in terrorisingtheir victims. In stark contrast to theRemnants the marikith are black and almostshapeless. They seem to ooze through thesmallest cracks and are yet firm enough forweapons to bounce harmlessly off them.

Their society is almost unlike anything elseseen in the Realms. They are a hive societywith every member bred for a specificpurpose. There are three castes of marikith:Queens, Hunters, and Drones. It was thoughtthat there was only one Queen of themarikith but this has since proved false. It isentirely possible for the creatures to spreadinto other lands.

Hunters are by far the most commonlyencountered breed of marikith, as these arethe creatures that range out from the nest.Drones were not thought to exist but latersightings and explorations have uncoveredthis caste in the nest. The Hive Queen is asingular entity in her Hive. She can give

birth to more of her kind but it is unclearwhether she has control of this or not.However, as the Queen still births such eggs-which may prove her undoing- it can besurmised she has no choice.

The Hive Queen seems to have a mentalbond with the Hive, directing its efforts towhatever goals she feels inclined. Of theentire Hive, only the Queen seems to have asense of individuality.

Although the Queen is most certainlycapable of looking after herself, this job fallsto the Drones. Drones clean, feed, and carefor the eggs the Queen lays. These creaturesare small, about four feet high, with vaguelyhumanoid forms. Their bodies are covered inchitin, and like all marikith, very malleable.They have four arms of such length that theyoften trail on the ground. The lower arms canalso be used in a motive manner, helping topropel the creature along when it needs. Ofall the marikith, the Drones are the only onesthat seem to have any climbing ability ofsignificant skill, often traversing along theceilings of the tunnels.

It is thought that Drones are new additionto the Hive: that this caste recently evolveddue to a specific need. If this is true, then itmeans that the Hive Queen is capable ofcreating new types of marikith for newsituations. It is then possible that the Queenmay create even more castes of marikith astime goes on. This may be involuntary (anatural process or control system) or theremay be some method unknown to me.

Hunters are the final and most commonclass. They act as the eyes and ears of theQueen beyond the Hive, and as her claws aswell. Hunters fulfill almost every other needthat the Drones cannot see to in Timor.

Daily LifeFor the Timorians, daily life is all aboutsurvival. Each day is a new struggle to findfood and avoid being slain. However, in alightless world the days blur together and lifeis simply lived from moment to moment.

Remnants work in shifts. There is alwaystwo-thirds of the group awake at any giventime. The permanent village of Enclave has a


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stable system of shifts, each just over ninehours long. As one group rises, another goesto sleep and the third begins their hunt.

Food is always the primary concern. It isgrowing increasingly sparse and huntershave to search farther and farther fornourishment. I can empathies with this andmade it a point to offer some parcels in trade.

Food is provided for the entire village;anything killed or scavenged is for the use ofthe whole and not the individual. Greed andtheft, especially of food, is a serious offencefor such a poor people.

Small meals are continually being cookedor prepared, as there is always someonewaking up or returning from a hunt. Thereare no set mealtimes and groups seldom eatcommunally. Rather, individuals findsnatches of time to eat between guardingtunnels or upkeep of the village.

The exception to this rigid rotation is thesole priest of the Enclave, an ancient and thinCaliban who goes by no name. Instead he isaddressed by his title: the Finder. He neverallows himself the comfort of a full night'ssleep but instead merely naps at irregularintervals. Thus he is always awake duringeach of the three shifts, and able to offerguidance whenever needed.

There are few religious observances for theRemnants; no large festivals or gatherings.Before each hunt the Finder gathers thevillage and leads a small meditation. Otherthan this, spirituality is a personal affair. Anodd contradiction for such a communalsociety, but the Path of the True Form is seenas one that must be walked alone. EachRemnant must find their own way.

Festivals are unknown in the bleak,lightless world. There are happy times,periods of joy and celebration but these arenot like the joyous events one might see onthe surface. Loud and raucous activities runthe risk of attracting too much attention. Socelebrations are quiet and introspective.

Marriages are the happiest days in theEnclave. These are marked by feasts as largeas the food supply will allow, and gifts areexchanged by all. It is a time for alliancesand promises to be made or renewed and noone may turn down a just favour on this day.

Marriages are solemn but joyous, the joiningof two souls that may one day become one ina single body and herald new life and thenext step towards the True Form.

The newly joined pair is also given a timeof rest; a lengthy period of several shiftswhere the others take up their chores forthem, allowing them time alone. They retireto a secluded room where candles are lit, oneof the few times the Remnants use light. Thisis so that the couple can view each otherwithout darkvision, see the true colours oftheir hair, skin and eyes. These are intimatedetails in the grey world of Timor.

There are a few holy days for theRemnants. The first is Ascension Day, thecelebration of some forgottenaccomplishment. After my time researchingthe history of this land I believe this is boththe day the grand city of Timor wascompleted and the land entered the Mists.Ascension Day is celebrated with livelyflavoured drinks and is the closest theRemnants allow themselves to a party.

The second dominant holiday isShadowfall, when the marikith slew the fewremaining heroes of Timor and the landsuffered a series of terrible tremors thatdrove the population underground. TheRemnants observe this day with a period offasting and silence for the dead.

Lastly is Queensbirth, which I imagine isthe celebration of its namesake or acoronation; perhaps both. The Remnantsobserve this with the lighting of candles,hanging of decorations and the exchange ofgifts. The significance of the event has beenlost over the ages -most do not even knowwhat a queen is- but they celebratenonetheless.

Games are unknown in the darkness ofTimor. All activities are based on survival.The young practice activities that preparethem to hunt or run or hide. Whilst similar tohide-an-seek the game is more difficult asthe 'found' become hunters and can hidethemselves whilst the hidden must changelocations every few minutes.

The Remnants do engage in storytelling.These are mostly religious parables ormoralistic tales based loosely on history,


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stories to emphasise the values of Enclave.Some of the hunters can be persuaded to tellstories of the hunt, both as excitingdiversions and as lessons on survival. Thefew traders also tell tales of their trips to thesurface and the sinful sights they witnessedthere.

The adults play few games, devotingthemselves to finding food and maintainingthe village. Some engage in games of chancefor baubles and found treasures. Theseinclude colourful bits of glass or shinyfragments of metal as well as small statues orsimple jewellery. As trinkets have no realvalue (only food, weapons and tools haveany worth in the Enclave) they are seen asdiverting yet meaningless activities.

Despite the lack of value for found items,many Remnants collect items of interest.Some hope they will find bits of magic thatcan be used against the marikith whilstothers simply find them pretty. Many housesare decorated with these small trinkets,dangling from strings or adorning smallmakeshift shelves.

I should mention that these worthlessbaubles are, for the most part, accuratelydescribed as worthless. Any precious stonesor items of actual value are recognized forwhat they are and traded on the surface forfood or tools. The Timorians have not beenso far removed from civilization as torecognize a diamond as only a stone.

LanguageThe Remnants speak Timorian, the languagenative to their ruined city. It is a musical,lilting tongue marked by soft consonants andflowing vowels, and punctuated by suddenaccents. Few outside the tunnels actuallyspeak this language anymore, though textscan still be found in some of the betterlibraries throughout the Core.

The Fraternity's resident linguist, JonothanLochspeare, sent me a rough guide to thelanguage he recorded from a Timorian traderwho fled the doomed city before the end. Itwas partly due to this I endeared myself tothe Remnants.

FashionThe tunnels of Timor are sparse in resources,leaving little time for such frivolities asfashion. The Remnants wear anything theycan find that fits and does not hinder theirmovement; not an easy task for people whomust make do with scraps and refuse. Theresulting garb is a hodgepodge of items fromabove and crudely crafted leather puttogether without an eye towards style. Asthere is little light they rely entirely ondarkvision, so colours are rarely considered.Darker hues are still favoured as a quickcamouflage, although the dirt of the tunnelsquickly leaves even light shades dark.

The hard life underground makes leathergoods especially popular. Most are madefrom the cured hide of the unnaturally largerats, though the Remnants have been knownto repair goods that they find trapped incisterns. Every man, woman, and child ownsa long, hooded cloak, tunic or overcoat and apair of thick boots and gloves, all of leather,to help protect them from filth and disease,and provide a degree of camouflage. The rest

Timorian Primer

Dark Gellap

Day Siang

Down Mudik

Food Santapan

Hello Salam

Help Membantu

Magic Sihir

Night Malam

No Tak

Old Tua

Shadow Bayangan

Tunnel Lohong/ Terowong

Up Hilar

Yes Pakat

Young Muda


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of their clothes is either sewn from the samerat leather as their cloaks or is scavengedfrom elsewhere.

Long hair easily collects the muck of thesewers so men hack it short whilst womenpull it back into an intricately tied bun. Mentry to keep their facial hair short enough thatit does not get in their way, resulting in ascraggly, chopped-looking beard.

Decoration and adornments are all butunknown. Some wear scavenged jewelrysuch as rings or tight pendants. Others preferonly functional items and scorn such fancies.

Tattoos are unknown for religious reasons.It is taboo to permanently alter one'sappearance. Hunters use a dark paint tocover their faces but it washes away after avigorous scrubbing. The dark paint isessential as the pale skin of the Remnants iseasily visible in the darkness of the tunnels.

FoodFood is scavenged from across the tunnels.The Remnants know which of the manyfungi and molds are edible and which arelethal. They also know where the fewpatches of plants live, including the Timoriangardens.

The Timorians also hunt the variousinsects and creatures of the sewers, includingthe rats and other vermin. My readers mayremember how rodents were once a commonnuisance of Paridon and how their numbershave steadily been dropping. Thegovernment was quick to take responsibilitybut now we know the truth.

Occasionally the Remnants also venture tothe surface offering tradable goods such asleathers and hide or relics from below.However, as Paridon itself starves they canseldom buy much.

I have heard that a few of the Remnantshave been known to abduct people from thesurface. This is frowned upon greatly in theEnclave. They are always wary when huntersreturn with a bounty and observe themcarefully for "corruption". However, itappears murders committed on the streetshave no influence when one returns below.

Meals themselves are bland and uniform.They are utilitarian; the Remnants eat to live,not for enjoyment. Stews and casseroles arethe norm as everyone in the groupcontributes to the meal and food is portionedout equally. Flavouring is rare and dependson which molds or fungi are found. Spicesare a rarity and unknown except in legend.

Outlook and WorldviewThe Remnants' overall philosophy isdominated by their religion. They follow alocal faith known as the True Form or,alternatively, the Twisting Form. Roughly,they believe that their true appearance hasnot yet been revealed and they are slowlymoving towards perfection.

This move away from imperfection waspartly responsible for the destruction of theland and deaths of the rest of the population.The unworthy find themselves corrupted andbecome beasts, whilst the faithful willeventually be rewarded.

The Timorians believe that this cleansingwill also happen to the world above and thatParidon will soon fall under the weight ofsin. This is one of the reasons they remainbelow and only venture to the surface forbrief moments.

It is a curious philosophy and effectivelyremoves them from humanity. Like the restof the tunnels and subterranean ruins, theRemnants were once human but are nolonger. They are a memory of humanity asmuch as the ruins. Coincidently, the samecould be said about the marikith. Many ofthem were also once human.

The Remnants' philosophy is responsiblefor much of their laws. They permit no oneto harm another and inflict severepunishments on those who violate theircustoms. And whilst they allow visitors andoccasionally aid outsiders they will notaccept anyone into the group who is human.Humans have not rejected the flaws in theirform and thusly do not follow the path of theTrue Form.

Magic is uniformly frowned upon; it isseen as the cause of the destruction and ablight on one's soul. It is believed that magic,


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both divine and arcane, is fuelled by one'sessence. To rely too heavily on magicreduces one to an empty shell.

Despite this, the Remnants acknowledgemagic is sometimes required. They makelimited use of magical items -relics of the

lost city- but only in the defence of Enclave.The Finder also knows a limited number ofincantations used in only the direst ofsituations. There are also a few magicalrituals known to the village whose use, theybelieve, outweighs the cost.

The primary ritual known to the Remnantsis believed to open the soul of a human. Thiswill allow them to begin their journey to theTrue Form. It is dangerous but has a numberof uses. The first, most obviously, is that itallows outsiders to join the Enclave. Theirhumanity is removed and they becomecalibans. The secondary use removes'corruption', a taint on the soul that threatensto turn someone into a marikith. Whilst theRemnants are often hesitant to help someonewho has proven themselves unworthy, theyaccept that sometimes people slip from thePath and require a second chance.

TradeExchange is limited in Timor as it can onlytrade with Paridon above, and both want forthe same. The cost of food is steep but for theTimorians it often must be paid.

Once having an enlightened civilization,the Remnants know what is valuable andwhat is not. Whilst of no practical andimmediate use, they still scour the ruins ofthe shattered city for jewelry, art andprecious objects. These are traded withZherisians for food, clothing or tools. Mosttrade is done with the poor or smaller localmerchants who are only too happy to havesomething of real value.

A few collectors have heard of theRemnants and offered much for the remainsof the dead city. Likewise wizards andmagical scholars travel far for the knowledgeof the lost city, although the Remnants arefar more loath to traffic in "dark magicks".They will help uncover magical items butspells and magical books are thought bestleft lost. However, as food becomes slowlyscarcer, the temptation to escort theseseekers to the Library and laboratoriesgrows.

I did hear rumours in Paridon of groupssympathetic to the Remnants and possibly

Ritual of the True FormThis ritual, one of the few theRemnants still possess, is amodification of the reincarnate spell.Like the spell of the same name itrequires rare herbs and oils that areonly found in the depths of Timor'sHive.

In the first use, the subject changestheir race to caliban. Theypermanently lose any racial abilities inplace of their new traits and must altertheir physical statistics. However (atthe DM's discretion) racial abilitiesthat are the result of training only havetheir bonuses reduced by fifty percent.Similarly, whilst physical statisticschange, mental statistics areunaffected. This ritual, like the spell,also reduces the subjects' level by 1.

The second use of the ritual restoresa character that has been corrupted bythe Fear Transformation of Timor.This can restore an individual that hasbecome a marikith as long as thevictim has not completed thetransformation more than seventy-twohours prior.

This use of the ritual can beperformed one of two ways. The firstis for individuals who have only begunthe transformation; it can be quicklycompleted in thirty minutes (as long asthe necessary herbs are present) andgrants the subject a second savingthrow to resist the corrupting effect.The second method is longer and onlyused when the transformation isalready complete. The ritual itselftakes three hours to complete andrequires preparations no shorter than a24-hour period. It is similar to theother use and transforms the subjectinto a caliban. This transformation isextremely taxing and the subject mustmake a Fortitude saving throw (DC25) or the ritual is fatal.


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more likely to trade with them- the Captainsof the Mists for example. However, I canneither refute nor prove these claims.

Recently, the Enclave has been divided bythe discussion of sending an envoy out ofParidon and through the Mists. Thisexpedition would seek out trading partnersand hopefully discover other lands able toprovide regular supplies of food.

GovernmentThere is no true government in the Enclave;the Remnants are all equal and contribute tothe village's affairs. Whilst the local priestacts as an authority figure his role isprimarily to offer guidance and aid inpersonal growth and discovery.

All decisions are made collectively andvoted on as a group. The subject is raisedbefore all present with the elders andexperienced offering their opinions on thematter. For small decisions, the matter isonly discussed with those present but withlarge matters they awaken the sleepers andwait for the hunters to return. After bothsides of the issue are discussed the Remnantscollectively reach a decision, often acompromise between the two views.

This democracy is subject to manipulationas voting is open; there is no way to hideone's allegiances. Whilst open threats (andany methods of inspiring fear) are taboo andcrimes worthy of instant exile, somemanipulation takes place.

It is growingly apparent that there areseveral factions in most matters. The first arethose who believe that all outsiders are not tobe trusted and that the Enclave must isolatethemselves from corrupting influences.Another faction believes that they, as theones on the path, must aid and guide othersso they can one day help themselves. Thethird faction tends to view matters on anindividual basis, choosing to help or notbased on the people involved.

This infighting is growing as more andmore Remnants are forced to take sides anddeclare their allegiance. I fear that one day

soon the egalitarian system of the Enclavemight change.

The actual laws of the Remnants aresimple: share what you have, cause no harmand do your part. Everyone works andcontributes for the good of the community.Those that act selfishly or against thecommunity may suffer the loss of food or berequired to do the work of others. There isonly one real punishment for seriousoffences: banishment. The offender mustleave the Enclave forever and move to thesurface or into the Mists. They cannot stay inTimor for, if they are ever captured, theymay reveal the Enclave's location.

Remnants never harm each other, with theexception of those suffering a corruptChange. If no rituals can save them, they arelabelled outsiders and not part of thecommunity and quickly put to death for thegood of all. They are killed as painlessly aspossible, often smothered in their sleep.

The marikith have a less open society astheir affairs are dominated by the HiveQueen. She rules all; there is no dissent ordiscussion amongst her subjects. Whilst onemight assume this could lead to uninformeddecisions with only a single opinion andviewpoint, the Queen knows what all of hersubjects know and has a wealth ofknowledge to employ.

Local HistoryEarly Timorian history came easily once Iwas led to the Library of this lost city.Volumes were written on the settlement ofthe land and conquest of the indigenouspeople: entire shelves about lords, noblesand kings. All this is entirely irrelevant.Whilst I doubt much of it is a false history,the true story of the city of Timor begins justover a century and a half ago.

The monarch of Timor, one Queen Orenia,declared she would build the grandest andmost beautiful city in the whole world. Frommy best guesses this would be around theyear 600 on the Barovian calendar, if notslightly earlier. This city would be the capitaland named after the kingdom, with suchsplendour that all around would flock to it.


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I believe the future site of Timor was

located on the bones of an older city, onelikely smaller and dilapidated. Whilst thebuildings were destroyed their basementsand the like survived and now exist in thedeepest depths of Timor.

Shortly after construction began, theQueen gave birth to her only child.Curiously, no name is ever given for thechild in the official records. She is only evernamed as "the princess". Perhaps she sharedher mother's name, Orenia, and was notnamed to avoid confusion. Or perhaps hertrue name has been excised from history byan unknown force. Even more curious, thereis no mention of her father, an odd mattersince the king had apparently been deceasedfor a number of years.

The construction continued and after yearsof taxation the peasants became destitute andstarving. The city's construction almostbankrupted the kingdom. To add to matters,the site chosen for the city was atop a hivelair of a fierce local predator, the marikith.But the Queen refused to abandon her plansfor greatness.

Secretly, the Queen approached the courtlymagician, a powerful wizard, and made hima proposition. He would control the marikith,keeping their population down andrestraining their movements to preventworkers' deaths whilst using illusions of thebeasts to frighten the rebellious.

Cowed and living in fear of the threateningillusions, the workers were easily kept inline. In a grand gesture the Queen purchasedthe services of a company of mercenaries tobecome the Royal Marikith Hunters. Theyacted as enforcers during the daylight hoursand the Wizard made sure they were"effective" at keeping the marikith problemdown. Over the years they even cut down thereal marikith population to a fraction of itssize. However, troublesome workers, such asthose clamouring for revolution or change,still occasionally fell victim to the creatures.

Despite the progress, the marikith hauntedthe Queen. She was forever afraid of theWizard losing control over the beasts, oflosing control over the workers. She wasafraid her dream would fail, that the city

would never be completed and that shewould die and be forgotten. Her anxietiesover the construction were focused on themarikith; they became the cause of all herproblems and suffering.

Around 620BC Timor was completed. Thecity was a marvel to behold. The tunnels andillustrations do it some justice but the realitymust have been breathtaking. Timor was aland that valued magic and the city reflectedthis. The walls were constructed with stonebut magical murals decorated the walls, andthe gardens bloomed with plants lovinglygrown and sculpted by druids. Lamps lit thestreets with the glow of continual magicallight that never faltered regardless of theweather. Despite the success, all was notwell. The Queen continued to worry and fret;she continued to harry the workers toimprove and maintain the city. Unnoticed,the Mists rose up around the city and sweptthe land away.

The Princess had long thought that hermother was a poor leader and that hertreatment of the workers would only end inrevolt. The Princess did not care for theirsuffering but knew her future would bethreatened by an uprising. She learned thather mother was deathly afraid of marikithand asked the Wizard to create an illusion ata grand ball, an illusion that only her motherwould see. It would appear as though herdaughter was transforming into the mosthideous marikith of them all: a marikithqueen. Practiced in the art of seduction, thePrincess easily convinced him.

However, the Wizard soon saw thePrincess with her true lover, the captain ofthe Royal Marikith Hunters. Enraged atbeing so easily used he altered his spell. Atthe Grand Ball the Princess was turned into areal marikith. The Queen died instantly offright. The Princess, now the Hive Queen,realized what had been done, slew theWizard, and raged through the streets.Wounded and harried by the Hunters, shedescended into the sewers, pausing longenough to sting her lover and take him withher.

After the collapse of the monarchy, thelong suffering workers rebelled. The city


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hastily set up a democratically electedcouncil. The first head was one CouncilmanHemlest. He organized the purging ofwizards from the city, blaming them formuch of the crisis. Timor, formerly a statefriendly to magic-users, quickly turned onthem. Hatred brought on by the court wizardwas used to seize all arcane materials anditems for the council. Whilst the records saythe items and records were destroyed I canfind no report describing when or where. Ibelieve the council "pulled a fast one" andsimply kept the arcane tools for themselves.

It is at this point I find reports of anotherforce in Timor: shadowy killers unlike themarikith that take the forms of their victim orcan appear as close friends. From thesimilarities to reports from Paridon I believeTimor was overrun with doppelgangers.These newcomers did not socialise well withthe other predators of the land.

Curiously, the seminal event that broughtTimor into our land is vague. The mostobvious event is the betrayal of the Queen bythe Princess, but there are contradictoryreports of travelers from Timor predatingthis. So I believe that Queen Orenia wasoriginally the lord of this land due to hertreatment of the workers, but her daughtertook power with the crown.

After a number of years of quiet themarikith began to stalk the city again. TheRoyal Marikith Hunters, confident theycould still deal with the problem, descendedinto the sewers. The citizens were equallyconfident; though they began to feel dread asthe all too human screams started. In whatcame to be known as the "Night of RunningScreams" the city rang with the tormentedcries of the dying. The City Council andHemlest gave themselves unimpeded poweruntil the end of "the crisis". Unnoticeably, a"Shadow War" began, witnessed by thecommon folk only through terrible cries andthe sounds of running (and skittering) in thestreets after nightfall.

It is over this time that Timorians isolatedthemselves from one another; behaviour thatmade them easy pickings from both sides.The population slowly dwindled over thecourse of a century, from 30,000 people to

Former Darklord:Queen OreniaThe Forgotten Queen

Queen Orenia had one desire: shewanted to build the most beautifulcity in the world. The city wouldbe her monument and foreverremind the world of her name; shewould gain immortality through it.

In order to fund her dream shebegan to tax her people intostarvation. As her city rose fromthe ground her nation's wealth wasdrained away until the peoplewere on the verge of revolt. Inorder to keep them in line, Oreniamade a deal with a powerfulwizard to plague the city withillusions of horrific monsters. Shetold her people that their sacrificeswould protect them from thismenace.

Orenia was a queen of lies. Shelied to her people to motivatethem. She lied to them that shewas protecting them. She lied tothe Royal Hunters so theybelieved their own effectiveness.So it was only fitting that she soonbegan to lie to herself.

Queen Orenia was cursed throughher own manipulations and soonbelieved the imaginary threatswere real. Paranoid, she began tosee danger every corner. Betrayalwas on the minds of everyone sheknew, save her beloved daughterand her trusted court wizard.Because of this imminent revoltshe only pushed her subjectsharder, terrified them more, andthen reassured them that she alonecould protect them from theshadows.


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5,000. At this time, many travelers also lefttheir land and ventured into the Core.

In these "Dark Decades" the city wasgripped by fear and paranoia. They knewsomething stalked the streets but feltpowerless to do anything to save themselves.The council began to hold lotteries todetermine who would be sacrificed toappease the darkness. Outsiders wereregularly sent out at night and left asappeasement.

It became illegal to enter the sewers. Thedeaths of marikith or doppelgangers wereusually followed by increaseddisappearances. The Timorians becametimid and afraid even to fight back.

Events finally climaxed in 740 on the eveof the Great Upheaval. The marikithmounted a massive assault which, pairedwith the closed border, disrupted trade anddestroyed most of the farms and parks. Theresulting famine caused tempers to flare andpeople to descend into madness. Anincreased marikith population allowed formore night-time attacks and it became anescalating cycle; the city entered anunstoppable descent.

The surviving Timorians broke past theirisolation and banded together for survival.They adopted new customs and laws that,whether consciously or not, punish those thatmight become monsters with banishment.The once grand culture of Timor meant lessand less to them as they focused on mutualsurvival. It was here the books end and thehistories fade. From here I relied on the oralteachings of the Remnants.

The final blow came when Timor wasstruck by an earthquake, the finale of theGreat Upheaval. When the dust settled thesurvivors discovered the city of Timor itselfhad been broken apart by the GreatJudgment and scattered haphazardlythroughout the sewers, once forbidden butnow the only chance of survival. Above, anew river flowed and flooded areas whilstthe former city collapsed into the gully of theold waterway. The human Timorians foundthat they had transformed into calibans, nowsuited to live and hide in the sunken ruins.

Paridon suffered the very same earthquake,though much shorter and less severe. Giventhe chaos of the period it was seldom noticedthat the sewers had changed.

The Enclave was founded in 741BC, nearthe ruins of the Great Cathedral of Timor. Ayoung caliban named Morshin explored thecathedral and found a treasure trove ofrecords and other books. He also received avision of The Twisting Form and became thefirst Finder.

It is here that minor skirmishes occurbetween the doppelganger populations andthe marikith. The Hive Queen sent out herhunters to learn more about her opponents,who did not seem to be as haphazard as theTimorian doppelgangers. From myinterviews after Bloody Jack's last rampage Iknow it was here that the Fang of theNosferatu began to whisper sweet promisesto the Hive Queen. The Hive Queen set upplans to steal the Knife.

Timor vanished from history until veryrecently; the events of 755 are well knownnow. Bloody Jack's most recent massacrebecame a twisty series of plots involving theHive Queen, a golem, the doppelgangers anda party of brave fools. In a rage, the HiveQueen slaughtered most of her brood. TheRemnants celebrate this day recalling theease they had navigating the tunnels after.

The following year a Remnant exile brokethrough to the streets of Paridon. Rumoursbegan among the outcasts of a place wherethey will be treated as equals. Many calibans(and some desperate humans) began tosearch the sewers. Very few returned to thesurface. Even fewer find Enclave.

Recent events have been filled withrumours and plots, most of which I havebeen unable to fully discover. I know thelord of Paridon is attempting to ally himselfwith the Enclave so as to discover moreabout his enemy below. Meanwhile, theHive Queen has relocated her nest and isconcentrating on rebuilding her brood.

There are other rumours spreading throughthe tunnels, stories of a second Hive Queenand marikith fighting marikith. I believe thatthe Queen has accidentally given birth to


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Chapter 5

another of her kind and this has reduced theunderground to a warzone.

The Hive PrincessThe Hive Queen regularly layseggs that become new marikith.Occasionally, one of these eggsis a royal egg that will hatch intoan infant marikith queen. Thisnew hive queen would leavewith half the marikiths and forma new hive elsewhere. The HiveQueen fears these eggs and thepossibility that her offspringwill replace her as she replacedher mother.

In the wake of the GrandConjunction a royal egg wentmissing and was allowed tohatch. Over the past severaldecades the new queen hasslowly matured and recentlyestablished her own lair in theHive. She knows her mother hasimpeded the growth of themarikith and still sometimesthinks like a human.

At the moment the new queenhas not decided on a course ofactions. She is building her owncolony of hunters and dronesand has considered moving tothe surface or stepping into theMists. Or she might decide totake the place of her motherafter all, plunging the depthsinto a civil war.


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Sociological Survey

Corruption of FearThe fear effect of Timor corruptsall of dark heart and deed,transforming them into shadowymarikith.

Anytime a character inspires fearin another intelligent being (human,demihuman or humanoid and notincluding animals or magicalbeasts) they run the risk of beingcorrupted by Timor. For everyaction that inspires fear he mustmake an immediate Fort save ofDC15 (+1 for every individual overone) or begin the transformationinto a marikith.

The transformation takes 2d4+1hours to complete and can be haltedby a remove curse or atonementspell as well as exposure to sunlightfor at least an hour. After this timethe character is lost and can only berestored by a wish or miracle spell.The Remnants' ritual of the trueform can also be used to restore atainted individual.

Additionally, when a characterinspires fear the hive mind of themarikith touches him. He mightbecome subject to the mentalcontrol of the Hive Queen. Afterinspiring fear, a Will save (DC 20)must be made. This DC is increasedby +10 if the character has begunthe transformation into a marikith.Every twenty-four hours, anotherroll can be made to break free ofmental control.

If a character ever fails the Willsave or succeeds by less than 5points, the Queen has made mentalcontact and knows the roughlocation of the individual.

The Hive Queen can choose toslow or even halt thetransformation into a marikith if itsuits her. Likewise, the mentalcontact can take the form ofcommands, telapathic whispers oreven subconcious suggestions. It isalso possible for her to make openfull contact between the minds,exposing the victim to an alienconciousness, likely prompting aMadness save.

There are no hard rules for whatinspires fear. The action must beintentional and not the result ofother actions. Most actions thatrequire a Dark Powers checkinspire fear, although theft, lying,the casting of dark spells andreligious violations do not qualify.The fear must also be directlycaused. An elf frightening someonewith his inhuman nature does notcount, nor does startling someonewith a zombie raised by animatedead as the purpose of the zombiewas not to scare someone; that wasjust a side-effect (unless the bodywas animated specifically to scaresomeone, in which case it wouldapply). Uncareful use of theIntimidate skill could also inspirefear.


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Chapter 5

The Timorian HeroRaces

All surviving Timorians are calibans.Other human or demihuman races,such as elves or dwarves, have beentransformed or never lived in the land.

ClassesRangers and barbarians are the mostcommon classes as both can surviveand feed the small community ofsurvivors. Rogues are also common,not for their talent as theft, but for thehunting skills and sudden strikes aswell as their ability to deal withhazards. There are occasional, raredruids who act as healers andshamanistic figures. Fighter are alsorespected for their skill as hunters anddefenders. Despite the renownTimorian wizards once had, arcanespellcasters have been forgotten andliteracy is rare.

Recommended SkillsClimb, Craft (metalworking,woodworking), Disable Device,

Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Knowledge(dungeoneering), Listen, MoveSilently, Search, Spot, Survival,Tumble.

Recommended FeatsAlertness, Back to the Wall, Brawler,Courage, Blind-Fight, Endurance,Feral Rearing, Hearthlore, Jaded, Self-Sufficient, Stealthy, Track, Unseen,

Unwholesome Ichor.

Timorian Male Names*Ajmal, Amirah, Bidin, Dibah, Farhan,Hajar, Hakim, Khun, Latif, Mengdan,Oradeng, Permandap, Sacalah,Wahlam.

Timorian Female Names*Adiba, Afif, Dahlan, Dian, Nadia,Kepaka, Jusoffa, Lim, Perekala,Perkara, Safura, Saiful, Ursilan,Wardina.

*Note: Timorians use the name oftheir father as their surname.


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To the Fathers of the Fraternity, final greetings.

Our research is now complete. While we do not know what van Rijn hoped to find in my land, orthe reason for the attack on my person, I hope my report will prove enlightening. There may besome detail of this land that I have missed which another set of eyes might catch.

One closing point demands attention: In the last week before I finished my report there havebeen several knife murders in Blackchapel, which has spurred rumors of Bloody Jack—but alsoof other things. After the third or fourth such murder I was told that the victim (coincidentally ornot, another fishmonger) had been seen with a hooded, cloaked figure, and that the figure “wascold, with burning red eyes”. The association of these characteristics with those attributed tothe lich was obvious; accordingly, when I heard of the next murder I was able to get a place atthe autopsy. Magical examination confirmed that the corpse had been subjected to unusuallystrong necromantic magic, hinting again at a connection between the murder and the traitor.There was also a small glass sphere found near the corpse; unfortunately it was not wellsecured by the constabulary and has since gone missing, preventing its analysis.

I am uncertain why van Rijn would stoop to such mediocre assassinations: a fishmonger anda poor local merchant. Could both be doppelgangers? Could he have some other object inmind? Or is this merely the action of another creature of the night, with no significance for ourown searches?

Perplexed, I finish my assignment and pass on the torch to another. Hopefully Brother Hazanwill have better luck. Our divinations have not yet provided any clue to the murderer’swhereabouts; it is probable that he (or she, or it) is no longer in this land, as my scrying islonger being misdirected and is simply failing outright. He apparently left shortly after hissecond killing—if he was, in fact, our quarry, we may hope he departed to some place where hemay be more easily discovered.


Alfred Larner

Esteemed Brother of the Fraternity of Shadows

Paridon, 16 October 760


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Part III: Dungeon Master’s Appendixes


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Appendix I

Who’s Doomed

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Appendix I

SodoThe Grandmaster, 'Flickerflame'Darklord of Paridon

Male Dread Doppelganger Rog7

Huge monstrous humanoid; HD 11; 70hp;

SA: See combat; SQ: See combat

Str19, Dex18, Con16, Int18, Wis17, Cha10;

AL NE; CR 15

Sodo's Outcast Rating is 6. 10 when he isagitated.

The hooded figure stands before you andslowly lowers his covering, revealing duskyfeatures, cold hard eyes and a tangled massof black hair. You stare defiantly at him andthen realize his mane has subtly grownlonger.

His face seems to twist and distort as youlook at it; a beard quickly appears and thenvanishes just as suddenly. His hair lightensthen recedes to a cleanly shorn length. Evenhis stature moves fluidly as he becomes tallthen gangly then stocky and finally muscled.Yet the expression never changes.

His sneer remains constant and he alwayshas the same icy cold eyes. A rough worker'shand slides into his cloak and produces apearl-handled razor; it's gracefully handledby the pale, groomed fingers. "Now," Hebegins in a smooth yet hard voice that slipsfrom his sneer as if the words were oiled,"what was it you were saying about aGuild?"

Sodo's natural form is that of a DreadDoppelganger, a grayish humanoid with theability to mimic the shape of others. He isunable to hold any one form for more than aminute and flickers through them rapidlywhenever he is agitated. The angrier he is themore chaotic the changes become, such asthe hands of an infant on the body of an oldman, and can even cross over into monstrousforms. The Newsbill took notice of severalwitnesses describing this and dubbed him"Flickerflame".

On paper, Sodo is subtle, writing texts withmultiple, well-hidden meanings. Reading his

letters one would expect him to be agentleman with some experience in literarystudies. He is particularly adept at poetry,albeit macabre pieces. In person, he is abully, his tone menacing. Sodo has a habit ofmoving his hands as he speaks.

BackgroundSodo was born into the complex hierarchy ofthe doppelganger clans over two centuriesago. Doppelgangers were communal, withindividuality suppressed as it was a trait ofthe lesser races. Hunting rights were grantedbased on position and not achievements;Sodo was stuck taking the place of poorlabourers, despite his hard work, untilanother member would elevate him in theranks.

Soon frustrated with the dogmatic ways,Sodo felt his ascension should be based onhis efforts and not the whims of those above.Obsessed with earning his way up, he soughthis superiors' favour but, unfortunately, allthe elder doppelgangers were reluctant togive him any position of power: it wouldmean one of them stepping down for him.Sodo soon realized that if he didn't take his


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fate into his own hands, he'd be a peon of theelder doppelgangers for the rest of his life.

Sodo secretly obtained a hat of disguisethat allowed him to take forms he could nottake normally. Using this he took the form ofthe elders in order to sow chaos within theclans. While the clans accused each other ofcausing mayhem, Sodo planted the seeds of acity-wide riot. This revolution, along withthe confusion of the other clans, deliveredSodo just the diversion he needed. Through achain of accidents, Sodo eliminated hisfellow doppelgangers. Slowly but surelySodo used the system of hierarchy to hisadvantage, obtaining the positions of thosewho disappeared.

As he rose, Sodo cared less about hisposition in human society than doppelgangersociety. Eventually the only position that hecould ascend to was chieftain of the clans.Knowing that he would not receive thechieftain's position, even after death, Sododisposed of the current chieftain and used thehat of disguise to masquerade as the formerchieftain.

Sodo set about further uniting the otherclans under his leadership, working from theshadows to undermine the clan leaders andforce them to obey him. Once alldoppelgangers in the city answered to him,Sodo named himself the "Grandmaster" andchanged the once static doppelganger societyinto one that promoted inter-clancompetition.

As Sodo felt secure after duping his fellowdoppelgangers, a bank of Mists collectedaround Zherisia, and the land was broughtinto the Dread Realms.

In this new, isolated world Sodo quicklydiscovered that his form was no longer asstable as it once was. While he could takeany form he wished, he found it harder andharder to keep that shape for any length oftime.

Fearing that he had caught some form ofdegenerative disease, he becameincreasingly brutal with the members of hisclan, making it clear to them that they wouldprosper only if they worked with him, andsuffer horribly if they ever betrayed him. AsSodo's brutality towards his own kind

thickened, his inability to hold his shapegrew stronger.

Sodo was on edge; he knew that what hehad done to achieve his position could alsohappen to him and his inability to maintain asingle form stole the one protectiondoppelgangers could be sure of. As a resultof this paranoia, Sodo sought to ensure hisown personal safety, at many times to thedoom of his followers. Some earlyacquisitions from this fear were the scarabsof timed death, used to ensure the loyalty ofservants. Thirty-five years after becomingthe darklord of Paridon, Sodo's servantsbrought him the Fang of the Nosferatu, anartifact that could give him immortality.

Sodo found that his shape-shiftingprevented him from using the knife properly,so he was forced to rely on others to performthe ritual. In order to ensure their loyalty, heused tactics of intimidation and rewards, inaddition to the scarabs. In 586 BC, BloodyJack appeared in Paridon for the first time.This ritual, involving the slaughter of sixpeople, would be continued once everythirteen years, and soon became embeddedin Zherisian society. Once again, to save hisown skin, Sodo hid the knife from the otherDoppelgangers when the ritual was nottaking place.

As the years passed, Sodo's exposure to theFang began to change him. The Fangallowed him to feel the pain of others,magnifying his sadistic urges until they werean addiction. His curse altered, granting himthe ability to taste the suffering of others onhis own, while cursing him a healing touch.Yet despite his new power, Sodo was stillafraid and paranoid.

The most recent two Blood Rituals haveproven to him that the Fang is not as secureas he once thought. During the 13th BloodyJack killings, Roja (Sir EdmundBloodsworth), betrayed him and tried to takethe Fang for himself. Seeing this as a signthat the Doppelgangers could not be trustedwith the Fang, he commissioned Dr. EmilBollenbach to create a golem to commit theBlood Rite. In 756, the 14th Bloody Jackkillings where interrupted by a party ofoutsiders, a sect of the Divinity of Mankind,


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Appendix I

and a new force: the Hive Queen. After thelatest interruption Sodo's paranoia sparkedout of control. Not only did he fear reprisalfrom his fellow doppelgangers, but theaddition of Timor and its Hive Queen poseda new, uncontrollable threat to his reign inParidon.

Current SketchSodo is a paranoid sadist. He has controlledParidon for over two centuries, but still feelsuncomfortable about his abilities to lead it.This insecurity is taken out on the fellowdoppelgangers around him. From all outwardappearances, he seems to be a master ofsubtlety, handing out orders throughintermediaries and waiting patiently for hisplans to come to fruition. In reality, he hasbecome a crude thug in order to deal with hisown insecurities. Few doppelgangers haveever seen Grandmaster Sodo, but they knowof him as his powers over death and hisability to inflict pain are legendary. He iscruel and vindictive, reveling in the sufferingof others and seeking ways to increase hisown personal power.

Throughout his life Sodo desired powerand control over others. Now that he has it hefears others will try and take it away fromhim. Often Sodo will needlessly send onedoppelganger to assassinate anotherconsidered a rival, only to then send a secondassassin after the first to cover hisinvolvement. This paranoia consumes hisevery thought, leaving him nervous andagitated, increasing the speed at which hechanges his form. He is unable to enjoy hispower, since most of his time is spentkeeping the doppelgangers under hisleadership and the city calm. Sodo's greatestfear is that the doppelgangers will revoltagainst him, and will do anything to stop it.

Sodo is seeking to manipulate the Newsbill(and thus public opinion) by suggestions thatthe doppelgangers are actually golems, skinthieves or other lesser threats. In the meantime, he has caused a widespread movementagainst constructs, pointing to them as thecause of the Blood Jack Murders. Sodo hasalso spread suspicions in the city of

outlanders, as it was a party of them thatinterfered with the most recent rituals.

Recently, several key members of theDivinity of Mankind have recently met"accidents" and Sodo is now keeping a tightwatch on the Celebrants. His primary fearsare other doppelgangers and the Hive Queen.He feels that if he can keep thedoppelgangers constantly competing witheach other, then they will be too divided tounite against him. The Hive Queen frightensSodo more than anything else. Her societyreminds him of the communal world he wasborn into, but is impossible to infiltrate orcorrupt. However, word has come to Sodo ofan "Enclave" and he has plans to infiltrate it.

If the last two Bloody Jack killings provedanything to Sodo, it was that the Fang hadnot only become a crutch, but an unreliableone at that. His minions have been sent out tofind a more permanent solution to hismortality and the conditions of his curse.They are currently seeking an alchemicalanswer, which, despite a flawlessproduction, has had no effects on him. Sodonow suspects that there might be more to his'disease' that he first hypothesized. As one ofthe Dread Realm's oldest darklords, Sodo isstarting to question the very nature of hisexistence, as well for the reasons behindParidon's isolation.

Sodo's CurseThere are three prongs to Sodo's curse. Oneis that he can not hold any form more than aminute. This effectively leaves him exposed,which he fears makes him an impotentleader.

The second curse is his healing touch. Dueto his reliance upon the Fang of theNosferatu, Sodo is an insatiable sadist, andenjoys the act of strangling people. Butbecause his touch instantly heals, it isimpossible for him to inflict long-term pain.Most strangled by "Flickerflame" wake upthe next morning and view the whole ordealas a bad dream.

The last is his paranoia. Even wheneverything is in order, he will still think thatsomething is after him. Doppelgangers that


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are otherwise completely loyal to him areoften killed for trivial actions counted asdissent. To add insult to injury, he feelsabandoned and isolated from fellowdoppelgangers; it is impossible for him totrust anyone.

CombatSodo is terrified of direct combat, and willrun from a fight. He knows how vulnerablehe is. Instead, Sodo deals with his enemiesthrough "accidents", never letting themanywhere near him. It is often not a questionof overcoming Sodo physically, but ofcatching him in the first place. He is anastounding escape artist, and is perfectly finewith letting others do the fighting for him.Sodo knows every street, twist, turn andalley way to his urban playground. If playersare not careful he will lead them on afrustrating, even lethal goose chase.

Special AttacksFlickerflame's Touch (Su): By laying his

hands upon a target, Sodo can directlyexperience the target's pain without the helpof his detect thoughts. This method offeeling another's pain is intoxicating to him.However, by laying his hands upon a target,he also involuntarily casts the spellregenerate that lasts until all damage ishealed. If the target is dead then the touchinstead acts as a resurrection spell. Botheffects act as if cast by a 14th level Cleric.

Special QualitiesChange Shape (Su): As with a dread

doppelganger, only fewer limitations. Sodocan shapechange in sizes varying from tinyto large creatures, non-humanoid beings andeven into objects. If running from a fight,Sodo is fond of turning into a cast-iron lampor trashcan as his pursuers run by. Thesechanges require great effort to hold. Sodomust make a Concentration Check after threerounds. The DC for this check begins at 5,and then increases by 5 for every roundafterward (therefore the DC becomes 40after one minute). The DC increases by 10 if

Sodo is particularly agitated, as his changeshappen more rapidly.

Glamer (Su): As with a dreaddoppelganger, only this requiresconcentration to hold.

Horrifying Appearance (Su): Anyonewithin 30' of Sodo when he is agitated mustmake a Horror save (DC 13).

Improved Doppelganger Traits: Sodo isimmune not only to all sleep and charmeffects, but all mind-influencing effects. Theonly exceptions to these are those effectsimposed by the Fang of Nosferatu.

Detect Thoughts (Su): As with a dreaddoppelganger's detect thoughts. Sodo canalso project false information of his owndesign for any divination spell targeted athim. Spells such as detect thoughts andlegend lore will give mundane, admissiblelies of Sodo's making.

Salient PowersA Thousand Voices, Sense the Secret Doors,Sense a Desired Object, Mislead theCurious, and Master of Unlocking.

Uncontrollable Sadism: If Sodo does notfeel the pain of another being with his detectthoughts or his touch within five days, on thesixth day he is wracked with his ownuncontrollable pain. During this day, Sodocan only take partial actions. When Sodo canfeel the pain of another he gains a +2competence bonus to all attacks, damage,skills, saves, and AC. If Sodo himself losesmore than 50% of his hit points, the same isapplied but as a penalty.

LairSince being forced out of the sewers whenthe city joined with Timor, Sodo has lacked astable base. He moves randomly betweenabandoned buildings, accompanied by aselect group of servants.

He has several torture chambers secretedthroughout the city, which he visits when hefeels the need to punish an underling or justhurt someone. These torture chambers arerank 1 sinkholes of evil that sometimes riseto rank 2 after prolonged periods of use.


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Appendix I

Closing the Border

When Sodo wants to close the border, theMists around Paridon thicken. Those whoenter it find that they become lost, andwander around the fog-enclosed streets untilthey emerge in another portion of the city.Strangely enough, Sodo is unable to closethe border between Paridon and Timor. Hehas ordered the doppelganger clans to keepan eye on the sewers and ensure that nothingslips through.

The Hive QueenDarklord of Timor

Female Marikith Queen

Huge aberration; 13 HD; 127hp;

SA: See combat; SQ: See combat;

Str26, Dex12, Con20, Int20, Wis11, Cha17;

AL CE; CR 14

Outcast rating of 14 when her full body isshowing, and 4 when only her upper half isvisible.

The clacking of claws on hard stone growslouder as the creature rounds the bend.Obscured by an outcropping of rock you arestartled when a beautiful woman slips intoview.

At first startled by her nudity, this isquickly replaced by horror as you gape ather extra pair of arms. She smiles at you anda shudder dances down your spine from therows of knife-like teeth contained in hermouth.

She bobs slightly, moving in a curiousmanner, before moving out from behind therock revealing herself. Your heart skips atthe horror.

The Hive Queen is a horrid being dividedinto two halves. Her upper half is that of avaguely attractive female figure in her earlytwenties with night black hair marred by hersharp teeth and extra set of arms whichbetray her as something inhuman. Her lower

Dread PossibilityThe Fate of Bloody Jack

After striking fear into the heart ofParidon for over 169 years BloodyJack's rampage has beeninterrupted for a second time.

If Sodo managed to retrieve theFang after the events of Shadow ofthe Knife he would likely abandonthe persona in favour of the secretsacrifice of kidnapped victims.These murders are far lesssatisfying than those the cycleusually provided, but Sodo is nolonger willing to risk the loss ofthe Knife by letting it out of hissight.

Without completing the BloodRite Sodo will lose its gifts andbecome more vulnerable than hehas been in over 150 years.However, Sodo was a darklord for35 years before he acquired theFang and will continue to be sowith or without its power.

Without the Fang there is littlereason to continue the 13-yearcycle of the Blood Ritual.However, if someone else shoulddiscover the Fang they may findthemselves adopting the personaof Bloody Jack.

Additionally, stories and beliefhave power and it is possible thatBloody Jack might rises as abogeyman with all the power thatthe people of Paridon haveattributed to him.


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half has a long insect-like abdomen withseveral legs and a foot-long stinger at theend. She has a thick and sharp carapace thatblends in with shadows perfectly. When theHive Queen is angry, her insect half flailsabout, wriggling and writhing in a mannersickening to those around her, and a blackdrool hovers from her mouth. When she triesto be pleasant, she attempts to hide her moreunsightly half and sometimes even tries to beseductive.

BackgroundThe story of the Hive Queen begins beforeher birth. Her mother, Queen Orenia, thevain and despotic ruler of an outlanderworld, sought to create the most beautifulcity in all of history. The Queen made a pactwith a wizard who created illusions ofcreatures that frightened the populace. Thequeen then stated that if her people did notswear over everything they had, she wouldnot be able to protect them from this newmenace. By 620 BC, a bank of Mistscollected around the Queen's kingdom.

Unfortunately for the Queen, shedeveloped an irrational fear of her ownillusions, which her daughter soon realized.The princess seduced the Wizard andconvinced him to cast a spell that wouldmake her appear as one of these 'shadowkillers'. When the Wizard caught her withher lover, the Captain of the Royal MarikithHunters, he changed the spell so that itwould turn her into a monster. Orenia diedinstantly of fright, and her daughter becamethe new darklord of Timor. In a rage, sheslaughtered the wizard, eliminating the oneway she could ever return to normal.

During the chaos of the Grand Conjunctionthere was a massive earthquake and thedomain of Timor was united with the city ofParidon. After learning about this new cityand its leader Sodo, the Hive Queen deviseda plan to take over Paridon. Secretly, theFang of Nosferatu whispered to the Queen ofits location, promising her a new kingdom.The Queen's plan failed and the Fang of theNosferatu fell out of her possession.

Current SketchThe Hive Queen is enraged by her failure toconquer Paridon. She is disgusted with hermarikith hunters, whom she findsunintelligent and alien. But she knows thatthe marikith hunters are completely loyal toher and that they are all that she has.

Possession of Paridon is an objective forher, but she knows that she is far fromhaving a force capable of dispensing Sodo'sdoppelgangers or the others that woulddefend the city. Her plan is to find magicalitems that could turn the tide of war to herfavour and place spies across the surface.

Recently she has let those corrupted byTimor leave but has used her connection toplant suggestions to learn what they can ondoppelgangers and Sodo then return toTimor for further instructions. Her web ofspies in Paridon grows each month.

She also is looking to eliminate anyresistance there might be within herunderground world. From a corruptedRemnant that became a marikith, she learned


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Appendix I

of the Enclave but has been unable to find it.Its existence gnaws at her.

The Hive Queen's CurseThe Hive Queen longs for intelligentcompanionship. She feels isolated among themarikith hunters and, at times, is evenfrightened by them. They offer her noconversation or company being little butslaves. She longs to be beautiful again and isashamed of her appearance.

The Hive Queen's greatest fear is that shewill be replaced as she replaced her motherand as the marikith replaced humanity.Timor continually reminders her that thingshave changed. She has begun to dream ofanother marikith queen, her child that wasallowed to hatch. The Hive Queen fearsthese are more than just dreams and she canno longer trust her hunters. She is tornbetween the desire to have another queen,one that might offer her company, and herfear that the new queen will betray her.

LairThe Hive Queen resides in an undergroundpalace beneath the Bowels borough. Herpalace looks as if at one time it might havebeen a majestic piece of architecture, butnow countless holes have been drilled into itfor the use of her marikith. Inside, there is awide collection of riches and treasures thatshe has been collecting since the fall of thecity. Her palace is normally a rank 2 sinkholeof evil, but rises to rank 3 when she isconverting someone into a hunter.

CombatThe Hive Queen will always send herhunters to face an enemy first. If her life isthreatened, she will summon all of them inorder to shield herself or give her time toflee. Should she ever be forced into meleecombat, she prefers to use her stinger andnatural attacks.

Special Attacks & Qualities: Described inDenizens of Dread or Shadow of the Knife.

Closing BordersWhen the Hive Queen wishes to close herborders all passages seem to loop back in onthemselves, the tunnels of Timor become amaze without exit. Mists sometimes rise upfrom the pipes to further disorientate andconfuse travelers. Lost explorers caught bythe closed borders either wander in circles orfind ever passage leads into the heart of theHive. The Queen can literally force people tocome to her.

Roja, 'The Invisible Man', Sir Edmund Bloodsworth

Male Dread Doppelganger, Rog 10

Medium monstrous humanoid; HD 14;102hp; SA: See combat; SQ: See Combat;

Str16, Dex20, Con15, Int16, Wis15, Cha14;

AL NE; CR 15

At first meeting, Roja is commonlymistaken for a ghost. Without any clothes onhe is completely transparent, as if aninvisibility spell were cast upon him. Anyclothes he puts on are visible, wrappingaround as if there was a body there. Roja'sfavourite outfit is a long trench coat, abrimmed hat, and a pair of glasses with abroken lens. He is also very fond of cigars,and always smokes when he isn't trying tohide.

Roja does his best to be pleasant towardshumans. He is cheery and ironic, often tryingto bring humour even into the grimmest oftopics. His accent is that of an educated man,yet he uses slang that would only be heard inBlackchapel. When asked, he will introducehimself as "Eddy".


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Who’s Doomed

Background Roja was born to a human father and adoppelganger mother. For the first sixteenyears of his life he had no clue that he was adoppelganger, and still thought of himself asa human by the name of EdmundBloodsworth. After his seventeenth birthday,Roja was trained by his mother in the art ofshapechanging. He considered his identity asRoja secondary to that of EdmundBloodsworth.

He gained Sodo's favour when it came timeto consider a candidate for the next BloodRite. When Roja learned about the Fang ofthe Nosferatu, he saw no reason not to takeit. He attempted to complete the Blood Ritefor himself, but was interrupted by a party ofoutsiders. Feigning his death, Roja barelyescaped with his life. Sodo, however, foundhim soon enough.

Sodo retrieved the Fang and locked Rojaup in one of his torture chambers. To addinsult to injury, Sodo quickly disposed ofeverything even remotely related to SirEdmund Bloodsworth: his family, hisbusiness, and his title. It was as if SirEdmund Bloodsworth had never existed. For

the next 13 years Roja would endure Sodo'ssadistic torture.

Sodo used Roja as his personal guinea pig,subjecting the doppelganger to all manner ofhumiliating experiments and alchemicalprocedures. One caused him to instinctivelymimic his surroundings essentially makinghim invisible. However, a side effect of thepotion has negated his ability to alter hisappearance.

Ever since, Roja has been permanentlyinvisible. He quickly used his abilities to fleefrom Sodo and escape into the crowds ofParidon. Several days latter, the Newsbillprinted stories of an "Invisible Man"haunting the city. Roja gladly adopted thetitle.

Current Sketch Roja seeks to regain the Fang and to replaceBloody Jack in the annals of history with theInvisible Man. He obsesses over thispersona, and has begun a crime wave tobring himself notoriety. Caring little for thespoils of crime, he is merely interested in theattention it brings him. He is now makingplans for what he has named 'The UltimateHeist', involving a group of master thieves,each a specialist in their own field of crime.

As he is invisible Roja fear he is losinghimself and his identity and is working hardto carve himself a legend and reputation. Healso hopes that by supplanting Bloody Jackin the psyche of the nation he will depriveSodo of his reputation and status among thedoppelganger clans.

Sodo took all that Roja held dear, and Rojawishes to exact the same revenge. He knowsthat the best way to do this is to expose Sodoand his precious doppelganger clans for whatthey are. Humanity right now looks like thebest ally for him.

Roja has become a megalomaniac in hisyears of imprisonment. He is charming andrespectful towards humans, but only becausethey are a means for him to destroy theGrandmaster.


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Roja's 13 years of torture at the hands ofSodo has given him some discomfort withbrutality. He prefers 'cleaner' tactics, withquick deaths. When stalking someone, hewill be patient and precise with his throwingdaggers, studying his enemy for three roundsin order to make a Coup de Grace. Rojaalways uses his invisibility to its fulladvantage.

Special AttacksInvisibility (Su): Roja always counts as

having the effect of the spell GreaterInvisibility on him, as if cast by an 8th levelSorcerer. This effect is permanent, andcannot be countered by a Dispel Magic spell.

Special QualitiesDetect thoughts (Su): As per the spell.Nondetection (Su): Roja has the

permanent effect of the spell nondetection onhim, as if cast by an 8th level Sorcerer.Additionally, the spells see invisibility andtrue seeing instantaneously fail when castupon him. The only beings able to "see" Rojaare cats.

Salient PowersSense a Desired Object, and Master ofUnlocking.

LairRoja and his team of expert thieves residewithin the basement of a clockwork shop inRiverside Square. Roja also has access to asmall series of safe houses in some of theother boroughs, should his home inRiverside be found.

Alfred LarnerHead of the Paridon cell of the Fraternity of Shadows CR11

Male human Mnk2/Ill3/FoS6

NE Medium humanoid (human); HD Init +6;Senses Listen +7, Spot +7

Languages Zherisian*, Timorian, Mordentish,Draconic, Lamordian.

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12;

hp 46 (11 HD)

Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +15

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee Unarmed attack +6 (1d6+,) RangedPistol +7 (1d10)

Base Atk +5; Grap +6

Atk Options Flurry of blows, ring of shootingstars, stunning fist

Wizard Spells (CL 11th);Illusion specialist, prohibited schools

Conjuration and Necromancy

Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 18, Wis14, Cha 10

SQ evasion, slippery mind

Feats Combat Reflexes, Extend Spell,Improved Initiative, Improved UnarmedStrike, Iron Will, Open Mind, Reincarnation,Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus(Illusion), Spell Mastery (greater invisibility,major image, lightning bolt, colour spray),Stunning Fist

Skills Climb +6, Concentration +15,Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (arcana) +18,Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge(local) +13, Knowledge (Ravenloft) +18,Knowledge (religion) +9, Jump +9, Listen+7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +16, Spot+7, Tumble +9

Possessions crystal ball, pistol, ring ofshooting stars, spellbook.


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Spellbook 0th: all non-conjuration, non-


1st: protection from chaos/evil/good/law,shield, comprehend languages, identify,charm person, sleep, magic missile, shockinggrasp, colour spray, disguise self, Nystul'smagic aura, silent image, ventriloquism,feather fall, jump

2nd: arcane lock, detect thoughts, seeinvibility, daze monster, continual flame,darkness, scorching ray, blur, invisibility,magic mouth, minor image, mirror image,misdirection, alter self, cat's grace,darkvision, knock, pyrotechnics, rope trick,spider climb

3rd: dispel magic, nondetection,clairaudience/clairvoyance, hold person,lightning bolt, displacement, illusory script,major image, blink, gaseous form, secretpage, water breathing

4th: lesser globe of invulnerability, scrying,charm monster, hallucinatory terrain,greater invisibility, phantasmal killer,shadow conjuration

5th: break enchantment, mind fog, sending,dream, mirage arcana, persistent image,seeming, fabricate

Signature possessions:crystal ball, pistol, ringof shooting stars.

Alfred Larner was born in Paridon in 718 BCto a lower middle-class family, the ninth ofeleven children. His family hoveredperpetually on the edge of poverty and theirhouse was never quiet. Perhaps this is at theroot of the dislike which Alfred still has fornoise and clutter; his disdain for those low insocial station; and his ambition to become agentleman -or, at least, someone so powerfulthat he cannot be ignored.

Alfred was interested in the philosophicalteachings and physical training of theDivinity of Mankind from an early age -partly for their own sakes, and partly as anexcuse to leave his family behind and find amore tranquil atmosphere- and one moreconducive to advancement. His diligence inpursuing his studies, combined with thebacking of his superiors within the order ofthe Divinity of Mankind, led to his obtaininga scholarship to study philosophy in theCore. Financial considerations led him toreject Il Aluk and Port-a-Lucine; instead, hefound himself studying at the University ofRichemulot, where he soon came to theattention of Viktor Hazan and Erik van Rijn.

Seeing in him a potential Brother, theyused his philosophical background to drawhim into the viewpoints of the Fraternity.After all, the real difference betweenmankind and the animals was his power ofintellect; why, then, should there not be afurther division within mankind, with thoseof greater intellect and mental power rulingover their lesser fellows? After a brief periodof skepticism Alfred became entirelyconvinced by this argument and began toapply it in ways even his mentors foundrather startlingly liberal. If intellect weretruly the measuring rod of worth, then whyshould a non-human of great intelligence notbe accepted as an equal? Why, equally,should an intelligent woman not beconsidered equal to an intelligent man?Despite these rather unorthodox


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formulations, Alfred was soon found worthyof admission into the Fraternity, with his firstpapers being on the relationship betweenphysical health and mental responses,including an exploration of why peoplesuffering from disease tend to be moresusceptible to illusions and enchantments.

After completing his degree at theUniversity, Alfred returned to Paridon in 742and immediately set about attempting torecruit for the Fraternity there. At first hereturned to work in the Chapter House of theOrder of the Divinity of Mankind but hisphilosophical outlook had changed so muchthat he found himself continually at oddswith the main body of the order. Tired of thecontinual conflict and knowing that he wasunlikely to persuade the Order to adopt hisviews, he left and began teaching as a privatetutor to noble families.

His backing of unusual candidates formembership in the Fraternity (includinghumanoids, bards, and women, in increasingorder of scandal) is counted against him inthe more doctrinaire corners of theFraternity, but his continued scholarship andefforts to expand the Fraternity in Paridonhave led to his maintaining a slow but steadyadvancement through the ranks of theFraternity. Alfred has shepherded his flockof Brothers with great care anddetermination, as he is determined to see theFraternity succeed in Paridon; despite hisrelatively obscure position, the position ofExalted Brother and even Father of theFraternity may not be beyond his grasp -orso he hopes.

Alfred has had some success in recruitingothers to the Fraternity's cause, especiallyfrom those on the outskirts of the orthodoxalchemical traditions and philosophies of theDivinity of Mankind. Because of theirbackgrounds, those he has recruited tendstrongly toward being alchemicalphilosophers and transmuters. Knowing thatthis makes the Paridon cell vulnerable to vanRijn's enticements, and hoping to avoidinsinuations of complicity with the arch-traitor, Alfred has resolved to take the bullby the horns and launch an extensive man-hunt for van Rijn in Paridon. He and hisfellow Fraternity members are compiling the

information they have on Paridon in the hopeof finding any clues that may hint at vanRijn's presence in their city, and are evenplanning a full-scale exploratory expeditioninto the sewers to ensure that he is not hidingfrom the Fraternity there.

Current sketch: Alfred Larner appears to be a rather ordinaryParidoner not-quite-gentleman in his early40s. He is balding somewhat and wears hisginger hair short, with full sideburns and ahandlebar mustache; he's otherwise clean-shaven. He is physically slight, but quite abit stronger than he looks; he wearsspectacles for purely cosmetic reasons, as hefeels it gives him a certain amount ofgravitas. The spectacles are plain glass, andhe sees perfectly well without them. He goesto some pains to cultivate a meek publicpersona, but beneath it--and not very farbeneath it, at times- lies the ambitious andaggressive mind of a senior member of theFraternity of Shadows.

Nevin, Court IllusionistCR14

Male Human 3rd Rank Ancient Dead Wizard11

LE Medium Undead (AugmentedHumanoid)

Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Listen +14,Spot +14

Aura Fear (sight, paralysation)

Languages Timorian*, Draconic

AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 24

hp 80 (11 HD), DR 10/magic, Resistant toBlows

Immune Cold, Undead Traits

Resist Fire 20, Turn Resist +4; SR 20

Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +12

Weakness Acid


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Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee Slam +10 (1d6+5 plus disease)

Base Atk +5; Grp +10

Combat Gear Arcane Scroll of DoomScarabs, Wand of Ray of Exhaustion (27charges)

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 11th);prohibited schools Conjuration,Enchantment:

6th - Greater Sign of Sealing, Mislead5th - Baleful Polymorph, Friend to Foe,

Quickened Shield4th - Bleakness, Doom Scarabs,

Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph3rd - Dispel Magic, Heightened Ray of

Enfeeblement, Legion of Sentinels, MajorImage, Ray of Exhaustion, Slow

2nd - Alter Self, Blindness/Deafness,Kelgore's Grave Mist, Mirror Image,Phantasmal Assailants, Wall of Gloom

1st - Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages,Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield,Silent Image

0th - Ghost Sound, Open/Close, Ray ofFrost, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue

Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con --, Int 17, Wis18, Cha 12

SQ Passage, Rejuvenation

Feats Alertness, Brew Potion, CombatCasting, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative,Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, ScribeScroll, Toughness

Skills Appraise (Alchemy) +5, Concentration+14, Climb +13, Craft (Alchemy) +17,Decipher Script +17, Knowledge (Arcana)+17, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +17, Hide+10, Move Silently +10, Spellcraft +19 (+21vs. Illusion), Survival (Underground) +6,Use Magic Device (Scrolls) +5

Possessions combat gear plus Arcane Scroll ofTeleport, Potion of Detect Thoughts, Cloakof Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1,Bracers of Armor +2, Amulet of NaturalArmor +1, Spellbook

Disease (Su): Filth Fever; DC 15;Incubation 1d3 days; 1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con

Fear (Su): Anyone viewing Nevin mustmake a Will save (DC 16) or be paralyzedwith fear for 3d4 rounds. Regardless ofsuccess or failure, the target is immune to thefear for the rest of the day.

Passage (Su): Can cast Phase Door 11/hour, as a Sorcerer11.

Rejuvenation (Su): Unless Nevin isbrought to -10 or less hp, then after 1 day oflying inert he will begin to Rejuvenate,healing at the rate of 12 hp/hour. After he isfully healed he must continue to lie dormantfor another hour before he can becomeactive.

Resistant to Blows (Ex): Nevin takes only½ damage from physical attacks, appliedbefore Damage Reduction.

The withered being standing before youhas stick-thin limbs and papery skin but itsface twists with a fierce hatred at beingdisturbed. A few simple adornments lie uponits frame, somehow surviving the ages moreor less intact.

Nevin was once the court magician in theroyal palace of Timor. Most nobles androyals had at least one spellcaster on retainerand the position paid well. Nevin focused onthe school of illusion, and was utterlydevoted to the royal family he served inTimor. He slavishly cast his spells for them,believing that they kept him safe from themasses outside. So it was that he began usinghis illusions for the Queen of Timor to usethe fear of her subjects to increase theirproductiveness.

The Queen's beautiful daughter came tosee the power that Nevin held. Though hewas not a master wizard, he had useful skills.The daughter seduced Nevin and conspiredwith him to take away the Queen's rule.However, as history tells, Nevin discoveredthe Princess' infidelity and strove to punishthe girl. Instead of casting an illusion tomake her appear as a marikith he changedher into a Queen. When the Princess went ona rampage Nevin was the first one killed.


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The Hive Queen went to the sewers after

her rampage and the council was left to cleanup the slaughter. Not trusting the wizard'sremains after his 'cursing' of the princess butnot wishing to anger his spirit, they buriedhim in an elaborate tomb they had pre-constructed for the royal family and left himthere. The conditions of the wizard's deathcombined with the preservative effects of thetomb transformed him into one of theAncient Dead. However, Nevin only riseswhen the sanctity of his crypt is violated.

After the Grand Conjunction, whenTimor's sewers were placed under Paridon,Nevin's crypt was moved there too. Heslumbered within his tomb until a marikithscout force invaded it, waking him. Withlittle effort he dispatched the creatures, andwent back to sleep. More marikith came, andwith each effort, he destroyed more of them.The Hive Queen soon learned that apowerful being resided within the sepulchrebut had no idea about its nature. Also, shefound that it only reacted when its lair wasinvaded and seemed to have no desires onexpanding. As the marikith themselvessensed no fear from this creature thatdestroyed them, they soon left it alone to itsslumber.

Now, the tomb of Nevin is a desolate area,shunned by marikith and Remnants alike.Nevin himself is content to slumber in histomb unless it is violated. He is one of thefew beings who knows the history of Timorand could provide adventurers with muchknowledge of the past. He would also like torevenge himself on the Hive Queen but in hiscurrent state cannot be bothered to leave hiscrypt.

Note: Some spells listed above have beentaken from the books Complete Arcane andPlayer's Handbook II. If these books are notavailable, substitute them with appropriatespells from your own resources.

Clubs and SocietiesThe Thorne Society

Made up of very select members of thenobility that are recruited using a complexseries of tests (which the applicant isunaware of), The Thorne Society ispreoccupied mainly with the study ofagricultural alchemy and the development ofnew food processing techniques (or revivalof old ones) that will increase the aristocraticstranglehold over the meek food supplies ofParidon. They are not beyond usingunderhanded methods to accomplish theirgoals, making it relatively hazardous toinnovate or be in the possession ofinnovative alchemical or technologicalinformation.

Daughters of the Mystic Light This is rumoured to be the brainchild of agroup of witches of Hala that were pursuedinto the Mists by the Tepestani Inquisition.The Daughters are concerned withcompassion for the sick and hungry, thecreation of basic rights and equalities forwomen (Suffragettes), and raising funds forthe establishment of hospices and secretshelters for abused women and children.

The Daughters are the only known secretsociety in Paridon exclusive to women. Thecurrent Head Matron, Agnes Hark, is anaccomplished mistress of the arcane arts andhas been instrumental in maintaining thefounding principles of the Daughters.

House of SageeThe story of this society is a bloody one. Thethree ruling members of the currentincarnation of the Sagee or "TheBrotherhood of Polyhedron" are the childrenof an unnamed clan of high-rankingdoppelgangers that were decimated by Sodofollowing a failed coup. Having grown up inhiding to prevent Sodo's forces fromeradicating their line, the three survivorsresurfaced a decade later under the moniker


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of the House of Sagee; a society dedicated toharboring and plotting the final destructionof Sodo and his allies from power.

The Sagee are not to be mistaken forbenefactors as they have no particular loveor empathy towards humans, or the intentionto rule with compassion once they haveseized control of the government.

The Legion of TrustThe Legionaries are an assortment ofmiddle-class factory owners, engineers andbusinessmen that believe Paridon's salvationlies squarely on the shoulders of industry andeconomic reform. Their views however tendto be callous towards the poor and unskilledmembers of society. Their philosophies areunapologetically elitist in a social Darwinianmanner, yet ironically enough theyencourage and applaud those that raisethemselves from poverty and demonstrateeconomic or technical ingenuity.

The Zherisian Brothers of the LandThe Zherisian Brothers of the Land are anactivist group of men and women ofParidon's working class. Notorious for theirguerilla tactics against the Riversidefactories, the Brotherhood destroys themachines that they feel are trapping mankindinto servitude. "Man was born free", theysay, "but he now lives in chains".

At night they will often sneak intowarehouses and ruin as many machines asthey can before fleeing from the authorities.If they attack during the day it is in greatnumbers, with many different forces strikingfrom different locations in order to confusethe factory guards. Most members, oftencalled Saboteurs, are ex-workers that werereplaced by a machine, but some are radicalswho want to see humanity freed oftechnology forever. Occasionally, factorguards have been physically overwhelmed,even killed, by these raids. Most of the timethey use hit and run tactics.

Factory workers are often warned thatthere will be an attack so as to avoidcasualties. Surprisingly, the labourers don't

warn their employers despite the bonusesoffered to anyone that turns informant on theZherisian Brothers of the Land. This is partlydue to the cruel conditions that they areforced to work in. Peer pressure andretaliation also contributes to this silence.Past informants had their possessions robbedand their fingers broken, courtesy of the"King of the Slums".

Many believe the King of the Slums issimply an urban myth created to frighten thelower classes into obedience. In truth, hedoes exist, and trains many of theBrotherhood's members. Many members ofthe Zherisian Brothers of the Land havelevels in the Saboteur prestige class.

Club RequirementsClubs located in King’s Quarters use thefollowing modifications to the affiliationrules described in Player’s Handbook 2:

Variable Bonus

Upper class background + 0

Middle class background - 2

Lower class background - 4

Outsider (not from Paridon) - 2

Female - 4

Character level + 1/2

Charisma bonus 1/2

Diplomacy and/or Knowledge (nobility & royalty) 5 ranks or more

+ 1

Diplomacy and/or Knowledge (nobility & royalty) 10 ranks or more

+ 2

Education/University Educated feat + 1

Wealthy feat + 2

Noble title + 1

Total wealth of more than 20,000gp + 1

Total wealth of more than 40,000gp + 2

Total wealth of more than 60,000gp + 3

Upper class background + 0

Middle class background - 2

Lower class background - 4

Outsider (not from Paridon) - 2

Female - 4


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Potential members must be sponsored by a

patron and pay an initial membership fee of(1000gp) and monthly fee of 50 gp and havean affiliation score of 4 or more.

Club Benefits Once accepted into an organization, acharacter may partake of several benefits.The clubs and lodges of Paridon providemany of the following benefits.

• Access to excellent, high quality accommodation for inexpensive prices

• A club bar with fine wines and spirits costing a third of the normal price for members

• An excellent dining room costing half the normal PHB prices

• Access to the club's well-stocked library (+1 on research rolls)

• Discrete and helpful staff. • Free safety deposit boxes and banking

services for members. • Exclusivity (guards and doormen prevent

the riffraff from entering and the best security available)

Additional Benefits As a character increases his or herprominence within an organization, he or shegains a number of benefits andresponsibilities.

Affiliation score 11+

+2 to Diplomacy and Gather Informationrolls with members

Personal servant/valet (CR1 or lower)provided when staying at the club

Duties: Members of this level are expectedto host an extravagant dinner for members ofthe club once a year (dinner value 500gp)

Affiliation score 21+ Call in Favour (gives a permanent -5

decrease to affiliation score after the favourhas been called in)

Audience with the upper echelons (canclaim an audience with one of the mostsenior and influential members of Paridon

society once a month (takes 1-6 days toarrange meeting)

Loan (one item or cash of a value of up to1000 gp for 2d4 days) once a month. If theloan is not paid off on time, affiliation scoredecreases by 1 per day overdue. If theaffiliation score reduces below 4, the personis expelled from the club.

Duties: Members of this level are expectedto host an extravagant dinner for members ofthe club once a year (dinner value 1000gp)


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Player Options

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Appendix II

New SkillsArt Forgery:A New Application of the Craft Skill

The PHB Forgery skill is concernedexclusively with written documents: fromduplicate signatures to the scribing of faketext into full-length books. To create forgedversions of items that are normallyfabricated via the Craft skill (includingartificially-aged books or pages, to whichtext can be added with the Forgery skill), theforgery-maker must have at least 5 ranks inthe appropriate type of Craft.

To Craft a forgery, determine the finisheditem's genuine sale price and the DCnecessary to create it. Pay one-third of theitem's actual price for raw materials. Notethat you can deliberately Craft a worthlessitem, then increase its apparent value until itlooks salable; raw materials for such itemscost a nominal 1 cp per pound of the finisheditem's weight (minimum 1 cp).

To increase the apparent value of the itembeyond its actual worth, you then add a"forgery bonus" to the DC of your Craftcheck, which can be anything from +1 to thenumber of ranks you have in the Craft skill.For example, if you have 10 ranks in Craft(jewelry), you may add a +1 to +10 "forgerybonus" to your check's DC, to make a pieceof jewelry that looks more expensive than itreally is. Roll your Craft check against thisDC, after applying other modifiers relevantto Craft checks.

If your check succeeds, multiply yourresult by the DC minus its forgery bonus.This represents real value added to the itemunder construction, and counts toward theitem's completion. Next, multiply yoursuccessful check result by the forgery bonus.This is the number of coins' apparent valuewhich has been added to the item, making itseem more expensive. The type of coin is theforger's choice:• A simple forgery increases the item's

apparent value in silver pieces (or

copper, if progress at crafting the item is being tracked by the day).

• A risky forgery increases the item's apparent value in gold pieces (or silver by the day).

• A daring forgery increases the item's apparent value in platinum pieces (gold by the day).

If a forger desires, an entire work-periodmay be devoted solely to making an itemappear more valuable. To do this, use thesame DC for the Craft check, but successincreases only the item's apparent value(result X forgery bonus), not its actual value.Such work doesn't count toward an item'scompletion.

To determine if the finished forgery passesinspection at its time of sale, the potentialbuyer makes an Appraise check opposed bythe forger's Craft check. Like the Forgerycheck for a false document, this Craft checkis rolled secretly by the DM. The followingmodifiers apply to the buyer's Appraisecheck:

If the Appraise check beats the forger'sCraft check and the usual DC to Appraise anitem of its sort (e.g. DC 12 for commonitems), the buyer is not deceived and realizesthe item's actual worth. If the Craft checkbeats the Appraise check, the buyer instead

Condition Modifier

Simple forgery + 0

Alleged style or maker unknown to appraiser

- 2

Risky forgery + 5

Alleged style or maker somewhat known to appraiser

+ 0

Daring forgery + 10

Alleged style or maker well-known to appraiser

+ 2

Item accompanied by convincingly-forged documentation

- 2

Forged documentation suspected by buyer + 4

Forged documentation conclusively identified as false

+ 8

Seller believes item is genuine or succeeds on a Bluff check

- 2

Seller's Bluff check against buyer fails + 6


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believes its value to be its apparent worth, asthe forger intended. If the Appraise checkbeats the Craft check, but not the standardDC to appraise such an item, the buyer eitherestimates its value (common items) orcannot make a guess (see PHB description ofthe Appraise skill).

Convincing a potential buyer that an itemhas value for purely historical and/or culturalreasons ("This chaise-lounge once sat in thestudy of Count Strahd I, himself!") isadjudicated via Bluff and Sense Motivechecks.

Craft (photography)(Int; trained only)

This new version of the Craft skillencompasses both the manufacture and careof photographic equipment -platesensitisation, camera construction andmaintenance, framing and preservation offinished daguerreotypes- and the actualpicture-taking process. It is such a recentlydeveloped skill that it cannot be employeduntrained; as yet, photography lessons mayonly be obtained in the city of Paridon.

Use of this skill for building cameras andother equipment -most of which,daguerreotypists are required to make forthemselves- is adjudicated as per otherapplications of Craft. To actually take apicture is a three-Craft-check process:sensitising the photographic plate is onecheck, exposing the plate to light is thesecond, and developing the resulting imageis the third.

The Craft check DCs for each step, andtime required to complete the steps are asfollows:

* One of the gases used to sensitisedaguerreotype-plates to light is volatile andmildly toxic. On a natural roll of 1 for such acheck, the skill-user must roll a second skillcheck against DC 5 to keep the gas fromescaping its container; if the check fails, thephotographer is exposed to the fumes(Inhaled poison DC 11, initial damage 1 Int,secondary 1d3 Int; this gas requires an openflame to produce, so is normally unsuitablefor use as a weapon). A photographer cannotTake 10 on the second check to keep fumescontained.

A successful Craft (photography) check toexpose a plate produces a high-qualityimage. While a check that fails by less than 5points produces a low-quality image, a checkthat fails by more than 5 points produces no

Task Time required DC

Sensitise a plate to light 5 minutes 10*

Exposure (direct sunlight or equivalent)

3 rounds 12

Exposure (brightly lit indoor conditions)

6 rounds 10

Exposure (shadowy illumination)

12 rounds 25

Develop an image 10 minutes 12

Craft Check Modifier

Indoor light sources not evenly distributed around subject


Extra indoor light sources pre-positioned to improve photo quality

+2 per source (+6 maximum)

No stable surface or tripod available to hold camera steady

-4 per 3 rounds of exposure-time

Subject is a landscape with moving features (surf, waterfall, etc)


Subject is a "still life" or landscape without moving features


Subject is a living, stationary adult and holding very still

-1 per 3 rounds of exposure-time

Subject is a living, stationary adult, but is not holding still

-2 per 3 rounds of exposure-time

Subject is a living, stationary, cooperative animal or small child

-4 per 3 rounds of exposure-time

Subject is a living, non-stationary creature or refuses to hold still

-8 per 3 rounds of exposure-time

Subject is a living, sleeping creature


Subject is a dead or magically paralysed creature


Subject is a non-instantaneous, visible magical effect


Subject has concealment due to fog, haze, etc.

-5 per 10% miss chance

Hidden subject -(Hide bonus of subject)

Distant subject (not applicable for landscape-images)

-2 range penalty per 20'


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distinguishable image; plates so ruined maybe cleaned and re-used.

Due to motion's effect it is common for adaguerreotype-tableau to depict some of itssubjects quite clearly, while others are hazieror even too blurred to distinguish.Technology to copy daguerreotypes does notexist, although existing pictures can bephotographed in turn.

Sensitising plates and developing thefinished picture must be performed in totaldarkness.

New EquipmentPhotographic Materials

Daguerreotype, high-quality: Primitivephotographic images on silvered plates ofcopper, these items are extremely delicate,requiring protective cases to shield themfrom abrasion, tarnish, or even dust. A high-quality daguerreotype is sufficiently accuratethat merely seeing the subject in such apicture counts as "seen once", for purposesof divinations or teleportation. If a characterusing Spot to detect an imposter (opposedcheck vs. Disguise) has a high-qualitydaguerreotype of the genuine individual forcomparison, that character receives a +3circumstance bonus on his or her Spot check.

Curiously, a high-quality daguerreotype ofa subject counts as a "garment orpossession", not a "likeness or picture", forpurposes of scrying attempts directed at thatspecific subject.

Daguerreotype, low-quality: A frequentconsequence of poor lighting or subjects

who can't sit still for long enough, low-quality daguerreotypes nevertheless havesome value as curios, and not all plates thatcome out poorly are cleaned for re-use. Alow-quality daguerreotype provides nospecial advantage for spotting impersonatorsor for divinations and other magic, yetretains enough detail so that the persons orsites depicted may be recognisable toviewers who have previously seen the photo(and vice versa).

Daguerreotype frame: The image on adaguerreotype is as fragile as the scales of abutterfly's wings, so these pictures are sealedin glass-fronted cases for their protection. Ifnot properly encased in an intact frame, adaguerreotype is 10% likely to be damagedevery time it is handled, and tarnish or dustwill reduce its quality every three monthsthat it is left exposed (from high-quality tolow, then low-quality to indistinguishableand worthless).

Silvered plate, blank: This silver-coatedcopper rectangle is the "film" used indaguerreotype-era cameras. Mostdaguerreotypists build their own camerasand commission their own plates to order, sothe exact size and thickness of plates are notstandardised and a particular blank plate maynot slot properly into a camera constructedby a different 'typist.

Camera: Frequently called "pictureboxes" by non-daguerreotypists, thesedevices are little more than a wooden boxwith a lens at one end, a slot for insertingplates at the other, and a tinted glasspeephole on one side through which the'typist may check a forming image'sprogress. A hatch at the bottom allows the'typist to introduce mercury-vapour to the

Item Cost Craft (DC) to produce Weight

Daguerreotype, high-quality

3 gp photography (see description) 2 lb

Daguerreotype, low-quality 6 sp photography (see description) 2 lb

Daguerreotype frame 5 sp glassmaking or jewelry-making (15) ½ lb

Silvered plate, blank 2 sp silversmithing (15) 2 lb

Camera 250 gp photography (17) or carpentry (20) 4 lb

Adjustable tripod 40 gp blacksmithing (15) 8 lb

Photography kit 40 gp alchemy (10) or photography (12) 5 lb

Photography workroom 400 gp alchemy (12) or photography (15) 250 lb


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box, to "fix" the resulting picture'sappearance at the end of its exposure-time.No craftsmen in Paridon specialise in thesale of cameras, so most daguerreotypistsbuild their own and order plates to fit theircreations; plates that fit one picture-box'sslot may not fit another.

Masterwork cameras haven't yet beenconstructed in Ravenloft, but aretheoretically possible. When such devices doemerge from some innovativedaguerreotypist's workshop, they will likelyproduce ambrotypes (pictures on glass)rather than images on metal. Only the Craft(photography) skill is suitable for theproduction of a more advanced cameradesign; carpenters who try it automaticallyfail.

Adjustable tripod: Normally used byastronomers and surveyors, a few cleverdaguerreotypists who specialise inlandscapes have found these invaluable forsecurely propping their cameras in place.

Photography kit: This leather satchelcontains all the necessary field-equipmentfor the exposure and initial "fixing" ofdaguerreotypes, save a camera or tripod. Acomplete kit includes ten pre-sensitisedplates in black cardboard slipcovers,mercury fixatives, a tiny "camp stove"-styleburner for heating them, a black draping-cloth to shield plates that are being slotted inor out of the camera, chalk for labelingfinished plates' covers, and a crude chartused to estimate exposure-times based onambient light. A kit's contents require re-stocking after ten uses, and grant a +2circumstance bonus to Craft (photography)checks for the exposure process. It is notuseable for sensitising or developing plates.

Photography workroom: A 'typist'scounterpart to an alchemist's lab, this set ofgear includes a vapour-chamber and reagentsfor sensitising plates, basins of developing-solutions and preservatives, stands for air-drying finished daguerreotypes, andsufficient draperies and other light-excludersto convert a small room or large closet into adarkroom. Checks made to develop adaguerreotype suffer a -10 circumstancepenalty if such a room is not used.

Equipment for the construction, repair, andmaintenance of cameras, and for polishingplates prior to sensitisation, are likewiseincluded in the cost of a photographyworkroom, but these are usually set up in adifferent room, since such tasks do notrequire darkness. A workroom does notinclude the lamps, backdrops, arm -andhead- props, or other gear utilized in portrait-studios.

New FeatsThe following feats are particularlyappropriate for the Ravenloft setting. Playersshould consult with their DM to see if heallows these feats before taking them,however.

Just Another FacePrerequisite: 5 ranks in Hide, must have

lived in an urban area (at least a Small City)for 1 entire year.

Benefit: You may use the Hide skill if youare surrounded by a crowd of at least thirtypeople of indifferent attitude to you. Thecrowd must be predominantly the same sizeas you or one size larger. You suffer apenalty for two points of Outcast Rating youhave higher than a crowd.

Normal: You cannot use Hide if you arebeing even casually observed.

Special: for every 10 NPCS around youabove 30, you receive a cumulative +2 bonusto Hide.

Urban Chameleon Prerequisite: must have lived in an urban

area (at least a Small City) for 5 cumulativeyears.

Benefit: you receive a +2 bonus to Hideand a +2 bonus to Bluff whilst within urbanenvironments.


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Appendix II

New Spells Reveal True Form


Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5

Components: V, S, F

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)

Target: One creature with the alternate formability

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes

The spell neutralises the effects of acreature's alternate form ability. The casterraises the focus (see below) up to his or hereye and merely looks at the creature it istargeting. The creature is then transformedback into its true form and is trapped in thatform for the duration of the spell.

If the targeted creature does not possess thealternate form ability, the spell simply doesnot work. The same is true if the creaturemakes its Will save or the spell is negated byspell resistance. This still counts as castingthe spell. The caster does not know whetherthe spell worked or not and thus does notknow if the creature made its will save or didnot posses the ability.

The creature that fails its save istransformed into its true form and is trappedin that form for the duration of the spell. Thisspell works by disrupting the creature'sconcentration so it cannot use the ability.

Focus: A gold-rimmed monocle worth2000gp.

Mimic MarikithTransmutation

Level: Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal

Target: You (humanoids only)

Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)

This is a highly specialised spell developedby a Zherisian scholar who claimed thatthere were beings living underneath Paridon.No one would believe him and so he went onto create this spell. The only survivingrecords of this spell were found amongst hispersonal effects when he disappeared soonafter claiming that he would prove theveracity of his claims.

This spell transforms the caster into amarikith for the duration of the spell. Thisspell transforms the caster's body into that ofa marikith but keeps the mind of the casterintact. He does not become part of themarikith hive mind and retains hisindividuality.

DM's Note: (PCs who discover this spellare unaware of this effect as no one who hasused this spell has returned): As soon as thecaster enters Timor, the DM secretly rolls aWill save for the caster against the HiveQueen's mental control (DC 20). If the castersucceeds, s/he does not have to make anotherWill save for 30 minutes. If the Hive Queensucceeds the caster is under her control andis subject to her commands. If the charactersubsequently inspires fear they arepermanently and completely transformedinto a marikith and the caster's former mindis lost.

Prestige ClassesRoyal Marikith Hunter

Founded by Queen Orenia in 604BC, theRoyal Marikith Hunters were trained for theeradication of local predators and protectionof the citizens of Timor. They are experts insubterranean survival and hunting as well asevading the hazards of the sewers.

Modern Marikith Hunters either discoverthe tradition from the ruins of Timor or aretaught by someone who knows the methods.There are several Remnants who still followthe path of the Royal Hunter and could be


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convinced to train outsiders. There are evenrumours of some spirits, Hunters slain in theNight of Running Screams, who are unableto rest until their land has been freed. Theymight also be persuaded to teach someonetheir ways.

NPC Royal Marikith Hunters are typicallyTimorian Remnants who use their skillsprimarily for survival. They evade themarikith and scavenge for food to return tothe Enclave. A few might survive in otherlands, either descendants of Timorians thatleft in the Dark Decades after the HiveQueen took power or those in other landsthey educated. Royal Hunters could easilyfind a place in Richemulot, or Port-a-Lucine.

Hit Die: d8

RequirementsTo qualify to become a Royal MarikithHunter, a character must fulfill all thefollowing criteria.

Skills: Hide 3 ranks, Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 8 ranks, Listen 5 ranks,Search 3, Spot 3 ranks, Survival 12 ranks.

Feats: Endurance and either Self-Sufficient or Skill Focus (Survival).

Special: The training of a Royal MarikithHunter is special and the result of decades ofexpertise. To become a Hunter, one must betrained by an experienced Hunter or find abook describing the procedure.

Class SkillsThe Royal Marikith Hunter's class skills (andthe key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str),Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), HandleAnimal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump(Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge

(dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge(geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int),Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft,Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim(Str), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intmodifier.

Class FeaturesAll of the following are features of the RoyalMarikith Hunter prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: ARoyal Marikith Hunter is proficient with allsimple and martial weapons and with lightarmour and shields (except tower shields).

Marikith Foe (Ex): A Royal MarikithHunter is trained in the eradication of themarikith and other inhuman creatures.Because of this training they receive thebenefits of the Ranger's Favoured Enemyability towards aberrations.

The Hunter gains a +2 bonus on Bluff,Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survivalchecks when using these skills againstcreatures of this type. Likewise, she gets a+2 bonus on weapon damage rolls againstsuch creatures.

This ability stacks with any previousbonuses from a favoured enemy if theHunter has ranger levels and previouslyselected aberrations.

Subterranean Survival (Ex): RoyalMarikith Hunters spent much of their time inunderground tunnels. They receive a +2bonus on any Survival checks made inunderground situations. They also receive a+1 to any Listen, Search and Spot checks.

Table 1: Royal Marikith HunterLevel Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special

1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Marikith Foe, Subterranean Survival

2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Sneak Attack +1d6

3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Darkvision, Hazard Sense

4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Abnormal Anatomy

5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Sneak Attack +2d6


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Given the intimate nature the Hunters have

with the Timorian tunnels in particular, thisability also negates any survival penalties inthat particular land.

Sneak Attack: Through stealth and yearsof hunting, Royal Marikith Hunters areskilled at felling prey quickly through theelement of surprise. They can use the rogue'ssneak attack ability as described in the PHB.

The damage done by this ability isincreased by 1d6 at 5th level.

Darkvision (Su): The Hunters, despitetheir human origins, spend so much time inthe darkness that they became prenaturallyadapted to it. They gain darkvision of 30feet.

Those Hunters who already possessdarkvision from other sources (such as racialtraits) do not gain this ability but insteadhave their natural darkvision extended by 15feet. For example, a caliban normally hasdarkvision of 60 feet. After becoming a thirdlevel Hunter they now have darkvision of 75feet.

Hazard Sense (Ex): Through years ofliving in tunnels Hunters gain a six senseregarding unsafe terrain. This includes but isnot limited to pitfalls, loose ceilings andweakened walls or floors. They can searchfor natural and stonework dangers or traps asper a rogue's trapfinding ability.

If the Hunter already possesses thetrapfinding ability though another racialclass feature (such as the dwarvenstonecutting ability) they receive a +4 bonusto searching for stonework or naturalsubterranean traps and hazards.

Abnormal Anatomy (Ex): The Hunter'sexperience with inhuman creatures has giftedher with almost unnatural knowledge of theirphysiology. They have an improved chanceto score a critical hit against aberrations.

While fighting aberrations, they are treatedas if they have the Improved Critical Featwith any weapon with which they areproficient. They must still confirm thecritical as normal. Additionally, the Huntermust have fought at least one similaraberration in the past to know enoughanatomy to make use of this ability.

Captain of the MistsTo be born half-Vistani is to be without a truehome; Vistani blood calls those who have itto wander the Mists, but giorgio blood placesone forever outside the circle of vardos.

But mixed heritage offers something thatthe giorgio world needs and which theVistani cannot be bothered to supply: anintuitive sense of the Mists. He whodevelops these sensitivities can control thepath he takes through the Mists -notperfectly, but well enough to make himselfinvaluable to others.

There is a great demand throughout theLand of the Mists for goods to be taken fromone place to another, be it grain from theCore to Paridon, silks from RokushimaTaiyoo to Dementlieu, or the coffee bean ofthe Amber Wastes to the coffeehouses ofRichemulot. This trade is conducted largelyby groups led by half-Vistani merchantcaptains, known as Captains of the Mists,who use their ability to navigate safelythrough the Mists to mass fortunes in trade.Captains of the Mists are universally well-traveled traders, seasoned caravan leaders orsea-captains able to handle the competitionin trading houses or the attack of brigandswith equal aplomb.

The captains of the Mists form a looseassociation -nothing so organised as asociety, simply the fraternity of a group ofmen and women with a commonbackground, vocation, and set of abilities. Toundercut a fellow Mist-Captain by stealing amarch and reaching market first isadmirable, as is outwitting a fellow Captainin negotiations. However, cheating a fellowMist-Captain outright is frowned upon; toinform upon a fellow captain is disgraceful;and to abandon or betray a fellow is a blackmark which cannot be erased. The code ofthe Captains of the Mists is unwritten andturns on subtleties but to most Mist-Captainsthat code is their moral compass, and to liveby it is their badge of honour.


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RequirementsTo qualify to become a Captain of the Mists(CoM) a character must fulfill the followingcriteria.

Race: Half-Vistani.Hit Dice: d8Base Attack Bonus: +5Skills: Appraise 6 ranks, Survival 6 ranks,

Knowledge (geography) 6 ranks, SpeakLanguage (at least one Core language andone non-Core language)

Special: Must have successfully led agroup of people via Mistway to their desireddestination at least once.

Class SkillsThe Captain of the Mists' class skills areAppraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int),Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Int),Forgery (Int) , Gather Information (Cha),Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge(geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int),Listen (Wis), Profession (Cha), Ride (Dex),Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), SpeakLanguage (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis)

Skill points at each level: 6 + Int

Class FeaturesAll of the following are features of theCaptain of the Mists prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: ACaptain of the Mists gains proficiency withall martial weapons and light armour, ifapplicable. He does not gain proficiencywith medium armour, heavy armour, orshields.

Well-traveled: The Captain of the Mistsadds his class level to all Diplomacy andGather Information checks as a competencebonus.

Dark Scrutiny: The price of an increasedintimacy with the Mists is increasedattention from the Dark Powers. A characterwith one or more levels in Captain of theMists increases any Dark Powers Checks hemust make by one-half (rounded down).

Dedicated Linguist: A Captain of theMists must spend at least one skill point onSpeak Language at each level.

Mistled: The Captain of the Mists has a5% lower chance per class level of reachingan unanticipated location when traveling aMistway, to a minimum of 5%. (Forexample, a 2nd level Captain of the Mists

Table 2: Captain of the MistsLevel Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special

1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Well-traveled, Dark Scrutiny, Dedicated Linguist, Mistled 5%, Caravan leader

2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Mistled 10%, Canny Dealer

3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Mistled 15%, Mist Eyes

4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Mistled 20%, Mist Truce

5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Mist's Captain


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has a 40% chance of being led astray on aMistway of Poor reliability, a 20% chance ofbeing led astray on a Mistway of Moderatereliability, and a 5% chance of being ledastray on a Mistway of Excellent reliability).

Caravan Leader: At 1st level a Captain ofthe Mists gets a +2 competence bonus toListen, Spot, and Survival checks made tonotice trail conditions, the presence ofbandits or monsters in an area, changes in theweather and other conditions that wouldaffect the trade group he leads.

Canny Dealer: At 2nd level the Captain ofthe Mists gets a +2 competence bonus toAppraise, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks.

Mist Eyes: At 3rd level a Captain of theMists can see clearly in fog or mist up to adistance of 60'. Fog does not grantconcealment against the Captain of theMists. This includes magically generated fogor mists. Note that this ability does NOTgrant low-light vision or darkvision.

Mist Truce: At 4th level creatures with theMists descriptor becoming unwilling toattack the Captain of the Mists unlessprovoked.

Mist's Captain: At 5th level the Captainof the Mists can enter the Mists anywhereand treat it as a Mistway of Poor reliability(50% chance of arriving at the desiredlocation, 50% chance of being led astray).His Mistled bonus does NOT apply to thischeck. This ability can be used at a point inthe Mists which is normally a Mistway (thatis, a Captain of the Mists can enter thewestern Sea of Sorrows, which is theentrance to the Excellent reliability Mistwayto Saragoss known as "Leviathan'sClutches", and have a 50% chance ofarriving instead in the Nocturnal Sea nearVechor, which is his desired destination.)

If the Captain of the Mists fails this checkwhen attempting to use an establishedMistway to travel to some unusual point, theMistway functions normally (the Captain ofthe Mists cannot apply his Mistled bonus tothis check, either). If the Captain of the Mistsis entering the Mists at a random point andfails this check, his destination may bedetermined randomly.

SaboteurThe Saboteur prestige class is available toanyone who joins Zherisian Brothers of theLand and their underground resistanceagainst technology. While anyone who joinsthe King of the Slums in his raids isconsidered to be a Saboteur by the public,within the society the term is used only foran elite few who are personally trained bythe King of the Slums. He only selects thosein his society that demonstrate a genuinerage against modern machines, as well as thetechnical skill to properly dismantle them.

Most Saboteurs are rogues, however a feware fighters. The King of the Slums himselfis said to be a ranger specialised againstconstructs.

Requirements To qualify to become a Saboteur (Sab) acharacter must fulfill the following criteria.

Hit die: d6Base Attack Bonus: +2Alignment: Non-LawfulSkills: Disable Device 4 ranks, Knowledge

(Architecture and Engineering) 4 ranks Feats: Jaded, Power Attack, Improved

SunderSpecial: Character must be accepted into

the Zherisian Brothers of the Land.Character must make an oath to shun allforms of advanced technology (CL9+),gunpowder weapons included.

Class SkillsThe Saboteur's class skills are Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int),Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str),Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)(Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock(Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sleightof Hand (Dex), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope(Dex).

Skill Points at each level: 6+ Int


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Class FeaturesAll of the following are features of theSaboteur prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Thesaboteur gains no new armour or weaponproficiencies. However, see Worker'sWeapons.

War against the Machine: At first levelthe saboteur receives a +1 bonus to allattacks, damage, and skill checks towardsconstructs and objects. This bonus increasesevery other level.

Worker's Weapons: At first level, thesaboteur is able to use any object normallyfound in factories as a weapon as if he hadthe proficiency for it. This includes tosledgehammers, crowbars, shovels, picks,pipes, chains, and the like. Details for theseimprovised weapons can be found in theRavenloft Dungeon Master's Guide.

Snatch: The saboteur can pick up an itemas a swift action instead of a move action.The saboteur can combine this action with amove action, picking up the item before,during, or after the move.

Deconstruct: Any bludgeoning weaponthat the saboteur wields counts as a magicalweapon against constructs for purposes of

bypassing damage reduction (but not attackor damage rolls).

Dismantle: The saboteur can take a 10 onall Disable Device checks, even if thesaboteur is under conditions that wouldnormally prohibit him from doing so. Thisskill can also be used for high techmachinery, such as fire arms, but not forconstructs.

Wrath of the Brotherhood: If thesaboteur is holding a bludgeoning weapon,he is now able to score critical hits whensundering a weapon, destroying machinery,or attacking constructs (despite theirimmunities).

At third level, all critical hits are x2damage. At 6th, the saboteur's threat rangebecomes 19-20. At 10th level, the multiplierbecomes x3. These numbers are independentof the bludgeoning weapon the saboteur iswielding, and do not apply when thesaboteur is attacking a target that is not aconstruct, machinery or weapon.

Urban Camouflage: At fourth level, thesaboteur is able to use his Hide skill in anysort of urban terrain, even if the terraindoesn't grant cover or concealment.

Sabotage: At 8th level if the saboteur isable to study a construct or high tech objectfor at least three rounds from no more thanten feet away, he can attempt to sabotage it.The saboteur makes an attack and, if he hits,he makes a Disable Device check against theCraft check made during the target'screation. If a Craft check was never madeuse the minimal required Craft DC. If hesucceeds, the construct or object is disabledafter 1d4 rounds of malfunctioning.

During this time of malfunctioning, thetarget can only make move actions (and inthe case of a high tech object, it cannot beused). A Craft check of DC equal to thesaboteur's Disable Device check is needed torepair the target. This Craft check receives a+4 circumstance bonus if the target is onlymalfunctioning and not fully disabled.

Improved Deconstruct: Any bludgeoningweapon wielded by the saboteur isconsidered to be made of a special materialfor purposes of bypassing damage reduction.


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This includes (but is not limited to): silver,cold iron, and adamantine.

The weapon can only replicate theproperties of a single material at a time andonly one material can be used in each battle.The saboteur need not declare this at thebeginning of combat and can decide thematerial later in the fight. This ability stackswith deconstruction; for example, a weaponcan be magic and silver.

Table 3: SaboteurLevel Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special

1st +0 +0 +2 +0 War against the Machine +1, Worker’s weapons, Snatch

2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Deconstruct

3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Dismantle, War against the Machine +2, Wrath of the Brotherhood (crit x2)

4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Urban Camouflage

5th +3 +1 +4 +1 War against the Machine +3

6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Wrath of the Brotherhood (crit 19-20)

7th +5 +2 +5 +2 War against the Machine +4

8th +6 +2 +6 +2 Sabotage

9th +6 +3 +6 +3 War against the Machine +5, Improved Deconstruct

10th +7 +3 +7 +3 Wraith of the Brotherhood (crit x3)


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Appendix III


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Appendix III

New DiseasesThe Hatter's Curse

So called because it is most contracted by hatmakers who seem to be exposed to thepolluting chemicals that cause this affliction.The disease isn't exclusive to hatters as theresponsible pollutant is ubiquitous in thefood and air of Paridon and the sewersbelow.

Infection: inhaled (DC 16).Incubation: 1-4 days. Damage: 1-3 points

of Wisdom and 1 point of Intelligence perday. Moreover, each day the afflicted mustmake a Madness check (DC 8+ total numberof ability points of damage taken from thedisease to date).

The Nymph's Kiss The slums of Paridon are filled with citizensshowing the telltale pox scars of thisinfamous malady.

The patient starts to display distinctivepustules on the face and private parts. Thesepustules are accompanied by an intenseitching in the affected area, which has led tothe disease also being referred to as "theitch" or "the scratch".

Infection: contact (intimate) (DC 14). Incubation: 1-2 days. Damage: 1-3 points

of Charisma. After a total of 6 points ofCharisma damage has been accumulated, theafflicted also takes one point of Intelligenceand Constitution damage per day.

Doppelganger Salient Powers

The doppelganger's key ability is to changeits form into other humanoid creatures. As heages and progresses further in his use ofdetect thoughts and practice of infiltration,he develops an array of salient powers.These powers individually take the form of aspell as cast by a 10th level Sorcerer. It is

believed that these powers only work whilethe doppelganger is in Paridon.

A Thousand Voices (Sp):CR Adjustment: +1/2

The doppelganger has mastered alteringhis thought-speak to sound as if someonewere speaking from many different places atonce. He can cast the spell ventriloquism atwill.

Sense the Secret Doors (Sp): CR Adjustment: +1/2

The doppelganger can use his detectthoughts to find hidden compartments anddoors. He can cast the spell detect secretdoors at will.

Sense a Desired Object (Sp):CR Adjustment: +1


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The doppelganger can use his detect

thoughts to find a specific object. He can castthe spell locate object at will.

Mislead the Curious (Sp): CR Adjustment: +1

The doppelganger can use his detectthoughts to block out divination spells. Hecan cast the spell misdirection at will.

Master of Unlocking (Sp): CR Adjustment: +1

The doppelganger can sense a way to by-pass both mundane and arcane locks. He cancast the spell knock at will.

New MonstersCaliban Vampire


Marie woke to the Clock Tower tolling themidnight hour, and the thick oily rainsoaking her clothes. As her eyes focusedMarie let out a scream of terror barelymuffled by the dirty rag stuffed in her mouth.From her perch on the tower's higheststeeple she could see the well-dressedpartygoers scrambling for shelter, returningfrom a party she had planned to attend justhours before.

"A great irony it is," a voice said fromabove, "That society spends so much timepreparing themselves to be so beautiful- andall it takes is a single drop of rain to showthem for the ugly little mice they are."

With a grunt the speaker swung himself offthe stone ledge, hanging on by a thickgnarled forearm in front of his bound victim.The blood in Marie's veins froze as shegazed on the horrid visage of her abductor, atwisted mass of flesh and bone and fangsdominated by a huge pale white eye.

"Do you see them, my pretty little mouse?The painted faces, the colourful wrappings.They think they will be beautiful forever butwe know…yes my pretty we know the paint

shall crack and they will wither and rot intheir wrappings. But not I, my little lovely; Ishall remain as beautiful as the day Idied…And feel free to scream, they allscream eventually…it sweetens the blood…."

Already outcasts on the fringes of societysome calibans openly embrace undeath as away to gain revenge on their tormentors. Forthem, death is a means to compensate fortheir misshapen birth. Caliban vampiresappear as exaggerated mockeries of theirnormal form with even minor deformitiesenlarged and made prominent. Oddly, allcaliban vampires grow an umbilical cordupon their descent into vampirism.

Hit Dice: Increased to d12Speed: Increase from base creature as

determined by age category (see CalibanVampire Age Modifiers table)

AC: The base creature's armour classimproves as determined by age category (seeCaliban Vampire Age Modifiers table)

Attacks: Same as base creature.Damage: Same as base creatureSpecial Attacks: The caliban vampire

retains all abilities of the base creature aswell as the following:

Paralysing gaze (Su): Anyone who meetsthe gaze of the caliban vampire must make afort save at DC 15+1/2 the vampire's level orbe Paralysed by fear for 2d6 rounds. This is amagical fear effect.

Mutative touch (Su): On a successful touchattack a caliban vampire can cause thegrasped limb to mutate and grow largefibrous growths rendering it immobile. Thisattack causes 1d4 points of charismadamage.

In addition, if the vampire successfullymakes a critical hit, they have struck thevictim’s face.

This damage does not heal normally but acure disease cast within one minute willrestore the area to normal. After that thegrowths must be cut away for 2d6 points ofdamage before the ability damage will heal.

Blood Drain (Ex): Same as base vampire.


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Appendix III

Children of the night (Su): Once per day

the caliban vampire can call upon 1d6 giantrats, 2d6 large spiders or 2d4 giant frogs toaid it in battle. The creatures show up in 2d6rounds and fight for one hour.

Create spawn (Su): If a human is subject tothe caliban vampires mutative touch andsubsequently drained to 0 hp he/she will risein 1d4 days as a caliban vampire and his/herbase creature type will be changed tocaliban. The new spawn remains under themental control of the master vampire untildeath.

Special Qualities: The caliban vampireretains all qualities of the base creature andgains the following:

Damage Reduction (Su): A calibanvampire's damage resistance is determinedby its age category (see Caliban AgeModifiers Table)

Turn Resistance (Ex): A caliban vampire'sturn resistance is determined by its agecategory (see Caliban Age Modifiers Table)

Resistance (Ex): Same as base vampire Spell resistance (Ex): A caliban vampire's

spell resistance is determined by its agecategory (see Caliban Age Modifiers Table)

Refuse Walk (Su): A caliban vampire maywalk into any man-size or larger pile ofrefuse and reappear in any other pile up to100 yards away.

Abilities (Su): A caliban vampire's abilityincrease is determined by its age category(see Caliban Age Modifiers Table)

Organisation: Solitary or pair Challenge Rating: Same as base creature

plus modifier determined by age category(See Caliban Vampire Age Modifier Table

Repelling a Caliban Vampire Caliban vampires recoil from mirrors,strongly presented holy symbols, andanything related to birth or infants (such as ababy's blanket). They are unable to enter ahome where a normal birth has happenedbetween the last full moon and the next.These do not harm the vampire; they merelykeep it at bay.

Slaying a Caliban VampireSimply reducing a caliban vampire to 0hpincapacitates it but does not destroy thevampire. However certain weapons can slaycaliban vampires. Exposing a calibanvampire to sunlight for a full round causesgrowths on its skin to multiply and festeruntil the vampire is only a mass of mutatedflesh before dissolving into ash. Amnioticfluid from a normal birth burns the vampirelike acid for 2d8 points of damage eachround until washed off. Impaling a calibanvampire with an ivory stake instantly slaysthe creature. However the creature willreturn to life with full hit points is the stakeis removed. If the creature’s re-grownumbilical cord is removed and the bodyburned the creature is destroyed forever.

Table 1: Caliban VampireAge

Category Str Dex Int Wis Cha Speed DamageReduction

TurnResist AC SR CR

Fledgling +8 +1 +3 +1 -2 +0 15/+1 +5 +8 8 +3

Mature +10 +1 +6 +1 -4 +0 20/+1 +5 +8 10 +3

Old +10 +2 +6 +2 -4 +15 20/+2 +6 +9 12 +4

Ancient +12 +2 +9 +2 -6 +15 20/+3 +7 +9 14 +4

Eminent +12 +3 +9 +3 -6 +20 25/+3 +8 +10 16 +5

Patriarch +14 +3 +12 +3 -8 +20 25/+4 +9 +10 18 +6


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Marikith BreedsMarikith transformation: Not all marikith areidentical, although only three kinds are borndirectly from the egg (hunters, queens, anddrones-this last is presumptive, having neverbeen seen "in the wild"). More exotic typesare derived from one of two sources.

The first comes from hormonal changescaused in hunters when one devours theappropriate body parts of at least one of itsfellows. After such a meal, the marikithhides itself beneath a layer of spongy whitespittle and enters a chrysalis-like state. Itremains in this state for a length of timevarying according to the type of marikith itwill become (days to weeks); when itstransformation is complete the new marikithmoults its former hunter carapace andemerges to the sewers in its new form.

The second source of marikithabominations comes when a hunter is madefrom a non-humanoid creature or alreadymutated human. Whilst demihumans such aselves and calibans all become hunters, theother rarer races sometimes produceanomalies. However, as these racesthemselves are rare, the resultingabominations are even rarer.

Marikith, HunterThis material first appeared in Secret of theKnife; it has been updated to a v3.5 format.

Medium Aberration

Hit Dice 3d8+3 (16 hp)

Initiative +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Speed 40 ft. (eight squares), climb 20 ft.

AC 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13

Base attack/Grapple


Attack claw +5 melee (1d4+3)

Full Attack 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+3), bite +0 melee (2d4+1)

Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks Voice mimicry

Special Qualities Compression, darkvision 120 ft., DR 5/piercing or slashing, immunities, light sensitivity

Saves Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5

Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5

Skills Escape Artist +12, Hide +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +5

Feats Improved Initiative, Alertness

Climate/Terrain Underground (Timor)

Organisation Pair, pack (2-8) or swarm (2-20)


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Appendix III

The twisting tunnels of Timor are inhabitedby a seemingly endless hive of marikithhunters, all serving a single marikith queen.Marikith are hulking, hive-mindedhumanoids, their bodies covered in arubbery, glistening black hide. Marikithbodies have no rigid structures beyond theirchitinous fangs and talons; they maintaintheir shape by tightly inflating interlockingbladders with fluids. By compressing thesebladders, a hunter can squeeze its bodythrough tiny gaps such as barred windows ordrainpipes. Marikith eyes glow a dull red,but they can veil their eyes with a specialmembrane, revealing the glow only momentsbefore striking.

CombatMarikith feed on their victims' fear as well astheir flesh. Thus, marikith torment their preybefore moving in for the kill. Outside theirlightless hives, marikith operate in smallpacks. Within their realm, hunters attack inwaves, starting with packs of two or threeand increasing the number of marikith withevery assault until foes are outnumbered byten-to-one or more.

Voice Mimicry (Ex): Although marikithhave no true language, hunters can mimicsounds to mislead or terrify others. Theyoften imitate the cries of recent victims andcan echo the comments of current prey. Tofool a subject, a marikith hunter must makean opposed Bluff check (with an effective +8racial bonus) against the subject's Listencheck.

Compression (Ex): A marikith hunter cansqueeze through any gap of at least 1 footdiameter as a free action whilst moving. Itcan squeeze through a 7- 11 inch diametergap as a move-equivalent action. It can passthrough a 3-6 inch diameter gap as a full-round action. Marikith hunters cannot

squeeze through gaps smaller than 3 inchesacross.

Immunities (Ex): Marikith hunters takehalf-damage from bludgeoning weapons andare immune to all fear, horror and madnesseffects. All hunters are considered to beunder the influence of their queen (seeChapter Three of the Ravenloft CampaignSetting).

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Marikith suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in candlelight orstarlight, a -2 penalty in torchlight, and a -4penalty in bright sunlight or within the radiusof a daylight spell.

Skills: Marikith hunters receive a +8 racialbonus to Escape Artist checks and a +4 racialbonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.

Marikith, SpiderkinBy eating the brains and limbs of two of itsfellows then entering the chrysalis-state for aperiod of five days, a marikith can cause itsbody to grow an extra four limbs.

The resulting spiderkin marikith is slightlytougher than the marikith hunter and gainsextra claw attacks and a +8 racial grapplebonus; it gains a racial +8 to Climb checksand may climb at 40 feet base movement, butits bonus to Escape Artist checks drops to +4and it may no longer compress itself to passthrough any gap smaller than 7 inches indiameter.

Challenge Rating 2

Treasure None

Alignment Always lawful evil

Advancement 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Medium Aberration

Hit Dice 4d8+4 (22 hp)

Initiative +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Speed 40 ft. (eight squares), climb 40 ft.

AC 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13

Base attack/Grapple


Attack claw +6 melee (1d4+3)

Full Attack 6 claws +6 melee (1d4+3), bite +1 melee (2d4+1)


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Marikith, ChitterlingBy gorging itself on at least ten of itscompanions and taking a special meal ofjelly from the Hive Queen, a marikith canenter a chrysalis state lasting about a monthwhich ends when the skin of the marikithhunter splits to reveal dozens or evenhundreds of chitterling marikith.

Roughly the size of a rat, chitterlings canbe considered to be the equivalent of either aswarm of rats or as individual rats forstatistical purposes, although with theAberration type rather than the Animal. Allchitterlings formed from a given marikithhunter share a hive mind with each other, inaddition to their link to the Hive Queen.

The Hive Queen often uses chitterlings asan alarm system to warn her of approachingfood opportunities or would-be heroes,sending them throughout the sewers ofTimor with instructions to signal if they findany humanoid life. Each individualchitterling has Int 1 -it can distinguish a

human from an ooze and both from amarikith, but lacks any greater distinction.However, when within 20 feet of each other,a band of chitterlings with a common"parent" may exhibit disturbing cunning,dividing their numbers and using decoys tolure opponents into a disadvantage beforeswarming in for the kill.

Marikith, Man O'WarA marikith that eats the chitinous shell of atleast eight other marikith hunters and entersa chrysalis state of two weeks will emerge asa man o'war marikith.

These hulking, plated abominationssacrifice much of the flexibility of themarikith hunter for increased strength andtoughness. It loses the marikith hunter'sracial bonuses to Escape Artist, Hide, andMove Silently as well as the Compressionability, but its greatly thickened shell servesagainst the attacks of slashing weapons aswell as deflecting bludgeoning damage.Slightly more intelligent than its huntercompanions, they still prefer direct tactics:closing with opponents and ripping themapart.

Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks Voice mimicry

Special Qualities Compression, darkvision 120 ft., DR 5/piercing or slashing, immunities, light sensitivity

Saves Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6

Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5

Skills Climb +12, Escape Artist +8, Hide +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +5

Feats Improved Initiative, Alertness

Climate/Terrain Underground (Timor)

Organisation Pair, pack (2-8) or swarm (2-20)

Challenge Rating


Treasure None

Alignment Always lawful evil

Advancement 5-6 HD (Medium), 7-8 HD (Large)

Large Aberration

Hit Dice 8d8+32 (68 hp)

Initiative +8

Speed 40 ft. (eight squares), climb 10 feet.

AC 20 (-1 size, +11 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 20

Base attack/Grapple


Attack claw +12 melee (1d8+6)

Full Attack 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+6), bite +10 melee (2d6+3)

Face/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.

Special Attacks Voice mimicry, rend 2d8+9

Special Qualities Darkvision 120 ft., DR 10/piercing, immunities, light sensitivity


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Appendix III

Rend (Ex): If a man o'war Marikith hitswith both claw attacks latches onto itsopponent's body and tears the flesh. Thisattack automatically deals an additional2d8+9 points of damage.

Marikith, SeekerSeeker marikith are produced when a huntermarikith devours the eyes and brains of twoof its fellows and enters a chrysalis state forat least two weeks.

On emerging, the marikith is smaller,quicker, more delicate, and considerablymore intelligent. They are more perceptiveand even more difficult to keep track of;their racial bonus to Hide and Move Silentlychecks rises to +8 each. The Hive Queenemploys these in conjunction with thechitterlings as an early-warning system todetect intruders and inform her of theirlocation, numbers, and equipment.

Lamp Eyes: Seeker marikith havedarkvision 240', but they cannot mask the redglow of their eyes. This glow is only visibleif the seeker marikith is within 60 feet of theviewer, and by that time it is usually far toolate to prevent the seeker from warning theHive of the viewed party's whereabouts.

Saves Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8

Abilities Str 22, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 5

Skills Hide +4, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +5

Feats Alertness, Multi-attack, Power Attack

Climate/Terrain Underground (Timor)

Organisation Pair, pack (2-8) or swarm (2-20)

Challenge Rating 5

Treasure None

Alignment Always lawful evil

Advancement 9-12 HD (Large size)

Large Aberration

Hit Dice 3d8+3 (16 hp)

Initiative +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Speed 50 ft. (eight squares), climb 30 ft.

AC 17 (+5 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 12

Base attack/Grapple


Attack claw +2 melee (1d4)

Full Attack 2 claws +2 melee (1d4), bite -3 melee (2d4)

Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks Voice mimicry

Special Qualities Compression, darkvision 240 ft., DR 5/piercing or slashing, immunities, lamp eyes, light sensitivity

Saves Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5

Abilities Str 10, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 5

Skills Escape Artist +15, Hide +15, Listen +10, Move Silently +15, Spot +10

Feats Improved Initiative, Alertness

Climate/Terrain Underground (Timor)

Organisation Pair, pack (2-8) or swarm (2-20)

Challenge Rating 2

Treasure None

Alignment Always lawful evil

Advancement 4-5 HD (Medium-size)


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Winged Marikith

Perhaps one in fifty hunter marikith is bornwith beetle-like wings, which fold at itsback. Although not terribly useful in thesewers (the marikith can run faster than itcan fly) it does have tactical value above thesurface, to say nothing of the shock value ofopening the wings suddenly in combat andrising into the air! Like the spiderkinmarikith, the winged marikith has a limitedversion of the full compression ability; it canonly fit through spaces at least a foot indiameter, because its wings are relativelyrigid.

Medium Aberration

Hit Dice 3d8+3 (16 hp)

Initiative +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)

Speed 40 ft. (eight squares), fly 20 ft (poor).

AC 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13

Base attack/Grapple


Attack claw +5 melee (1d4+3)

Full Attack 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+3), bite +0 melee (2d4+1)

Face/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks Voice mimicry

Special Qualities compression, darkvision 120 ft., DR 5/piercing or slashing, immunities, light sensitivity

Saves Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5

Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5

Skills Escape Artist +12, Hide +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +5

Feats Improved Initiative, Alertness

Climate/Terrain Underground (Timor)

Organisation Pair, pack (2-8) or swarm (2-20)

Challenge Rating


Treasure None

Alignment Always lawful evil

Advancement 4-5 HD (Medium-size)


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Appendix III


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Alfred Larner .........................................105Arts and Entertainment

Literature ...............................................41Museums ...............................................39News Papers ..........................................41Paridon ..................................................37Performing ............................................37Visual ....................................................39

BBloody Jack ......................................49, 101Boroughs ..................................................10

Blackchapel ...........................................15King’s Quarters .....................................23Riverside ...............................................13Shadewell ..............................................19The Bowels ...........................................17The Docks .............................................10The Southshore .....................................20


Paridon ....................................................9Timor ....................................................67

Clubs and Societies ................................109Club Benefits ......................................111Club requirements ...............................110Daughters of the Mystic Light ............109House of Sagee ...................................109Legion of Trust ...................................110Thorne Society ....................................109Zherisian Brothers of the Land ...........110

Colonial Merchant Company ...................44Corruption of Fear .............................87, 92

DDaguerreotypes ........................................40Diseases .................................................125

Hatter’s Curse .....................................125Nymph’s Kiss .....................................125

Divinity of Mankind ................................55History and Traditions ..........................56Holy Days .............................................62Philosophy ............................................55Traditions

Apex of Experience ........................56Apex of Intellect .............................60Apex of Intuition .............................58

DM’s AppendixesMonsters .............................................. 124Player Options ..................................... 112Who’s Doomed ..................................... 96

DoppelgangersAnatomy ................................................ 33Clan Leaders ......................................... 48Grandmasters ........................................ 47Metamorphosis Gland ........................... 31Power Structure ..................................... 47Salient Powers ..................................... 125The Parasite that Lies Within ................ 24Vanguard ............................................... 48

Dread PossibilitiesBody Trade ........................................... 12Burden of Knowledge ........................... 58Chicken Houses .................................... 18Daguerreotypes ..................................... 40Dr Niles Patterson ................................. 22Dr. Longwell ......................................... 20Fate of Bloody Jack ............................ 101Fate of the Jackals ................................. 21Forced Reincarnation ............................ 62Hidden War ........................................... 81Paridon Bridge ...................................... 17Spider’s Web ......................................... 63Steam Age ............................................. 51The Parasite that Lies Within ................ 24William Thompson ............................... 43Yasuo Kumoda ..................................... 23

EEnclave ..................................................... 70

Government .......................................... 87Trade ..................................................... 86

Epilogue ................................................... 94


Paridon .................................................. 34Timor .................................................... 84

FoodParidon .................................................. 35Timor .................................................... 85

Fraternity of ShadowsAlfred Larner ...................................... 105

GGeographical Survey

Paridon .................................................... 8


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Timor ....................................................66


Climate ..............................................9Seven Boroughs ..............................10

TimorClimate ............................................67Regions of the Deep ........................68

GovernmentParidon ..................................................45Timor ....................................................87

Grim Miasma ...........................................68


Zherisian .........................................52, 93History

Paridon ..................................................48Timor ....................................................87

Night of Running Screams ..............89Hive ..........................................................74Hive Princess ...........................................91Hive Queen ............................................101

IIndigenous Plants and Animals

Timor ....................................................77Interlude ...................................................64


Paridon ..................................................33Timor ....................................................84

Primer ..............................................84Literary Arts .............................................41Lost City ..................................................72


BreedsChitterling .....................................130Hunter ...........................................128Man O’War ...................................130Seeker ............................................131Spiderkin .......................................129Winged ..........................................132

Corruption of Fear ..........................87, 92Government ..........................................87Hive Princess ........................................91Hive Queen .........................................101

MistwaysParidon .................................................. 10

MonstersDopplegangers .................................... 125Vampires, Caliban .............................. 126

Museums .................................................. 39

NNevin ...................................................... 107Newspapers .............................................. 41Night of Running Screams ....................... 89


Climate .................................................... 9Darklord ................................................ 97Flora and Fauna .................................... 24Geography ............................................... 9Government .......................................... 45History .................................................. 48In short .................................................... 9Mistways ............................................... 10Native Horrors ...................................... 24Paridon in Short ...................................... 9Religion ................................................. 55Sights and Sounds ................................. 26Size ........................................................ 11Society .................................................. 29The Seven Boroughs ............................. 10Trade ..................................................... 44

Part IParidon .................................................... 7

Part IITimor .................................................... 65

Part IIIDungeon Master’s Appendixes ............. 95

Performing Arts ....................................... 37Photography ............................................. 40Press ......................................................... 41Prologue ..................................................... 6

RReligious Survey ...................................... 54Remnants

Daily Life .............................................. 82Government .......................................... 87Langauge ............................................... 84Outlook and World View ...................... 85Ritual of True Form .............................. 86Trade ..................................................... 86


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Ritual of the True Form ...........................86Roja ........................................................103

SSecret Societies

Beacon of Goodness .............................59Captains of the Mists ............................22Chaplains of the 7th Order ....................60Experts ..................................................38Roof Patrol ............................................47

Sewers ......................................................68Sights and Sounds

Paridon ..................................................26Slang

Blackchapel ...........................................34Society

Paridon ..................................................29Arts and Entertainment ...................37Daily Life ........................................30Fashion ............................................34Food ................................................35Language .........................................33

Blackchapel ...............................34Outlook and Worldview ..................36

TimorDaily Life ........................................82Fashion ............................................84Food ................................................85Indigenous People ...........................81Language .........................................84Outlook and Worldview ..................85

Sociological SurveyParidon ..................................................28Timor ....................................................80

Sodo .........................................................97Squared Circle ..........................................63Steam Age ................................................51


climate ...................................................67Darklord ..............................................101Flora ......................................................78Geography .............................................67Government ..........................................87History ..................................................87in Short ..................................................67Indigenous Peoples ...............................81Indigenous Plants and Animals .............77

Locations ............................................... 75Garden ............................................. 76Great Cistern ................................... 75Library ............................................ 75Queen’s Tomb ................................. 76

Native Horrors ...................................... 79Navigation ............................................. 73Regions ................................................. 68

Enclave ............................................ 70Hive ................................................. 74Lost City ......................................... 72Sewers ............................................. 68Tunnels ............................................ 71

Remnants .............................................. 81Survival ................................................. 70Trade ..................................................... 86

TradeColonial Merchant Company ................ 44Paridon .................................................. 44Timor .................................................... 86

Tunnels ..................................................... 71

VVisual Arts ............................................... 39

WWho’s Doomed ........................................ 96

Alfred Larner ...................................... 105Clubs and Societies ............................. 109Hive Queen ......................................... 101Nevin ................................................... 107Roja ..................................................... 103Sodo ...................................................... 97

Windsor, House of ................................... 46


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Other Zherisia Sources3rd ed. Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Ravenloft

Dungeon Master Guide (Butcher StreetBoard House, p. 101), Van Richten’s Arsenal(Agatha Clairmont, Divinity of Mankind),Denizens of Darkness (Doppelganger; dread,Marikith: Marikith Hunter, Marikith Queen),Shadow of the Knife.

2nd ed. Hour of the Knife, Domains of Dread,Islands of terror (Timor).

Fan made. Brotherhood of Mortis (Book ofSorrows 1998); Invisible Man (QtR 2),Shining Bay Cluster (QtR 2), Crown ofQueen Anne (QtR 2).

Suggested inspirationBooks

• From Hell (Graphic novel by Alan Moore)• The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

(Graphic novel by Alan Moore)• The works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle• The works of Charles Dickens• The works of Edgar Allen Poe• The works of H.P. Lovecraft• Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell, Jr

Films• Aliens (1979) and Aliens (1986)• CHUD (1984)• Dark City (1998)• From Hell (2001)• It (1990)• Mimic (1997)• Taking Lives (2004)• The Thing (1982)


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