Page 1: Zavanti for uilding and for uilding and onstruction ontact Australia 1 300 302 358 +61 2 8080 4800 9 Stanley

Zavanti for Building and Construction



1 300 302 358

+61 2 8080 4800

9 Stanley Lane

Darlinghurst NSW 2010

United Kingdom

+31 648430136


+31 648430136

North America


New Zealand

0 800 ZAVANTI (928 268)


Success in commercial construction projects, whether

they be a residential project, office complex, mixed-use

building, roadworks or gas pipeline, is based on special-

ised planning and scheduling dependent on the unique

business requirements. Flexible software that provides

real-time committed cost tracking and contract manage-

ment is essential to projects such as these.

Zavanti solutions are flexible and configurable, match

your business processes with our workflows or redesign

to match best practices. Utilise functions which flow from the sales and client management, through initial

client cost estimating and quoting through to full project control, including purchasing, job costing, task

management, invoicing, payroll and financials.

Sales, Operational and Finance Solutions

Key Solution Features

Dashboards and reports to gain instant knowledge

Integrated estimating and contract management

Job cost management and forecasting

Customer management and marketing campaigns

Powerful reporting

Multi company and multi project

Integrated financials

Access Accurate Information, Anytime and from Anywhere

Eliminate bottlenecks with full mobility empowering your

employees to easily input and access information on any


Desktop — Microsoft Outlook and Web client

Laptop — Microsoft Outlook and Web client

Tablet — Mobile client and Web client

Smart Phone — Mobile client and Web client

Zavanti delivers the tools your organisation needs to

succeed and grow in today’s extremely competitive

business environment.

Page 2: Zavanti for uilding and for uilding and onstruction ontact Australia 1 300 302 358 +61 2 8080 4800 9 Stanley




Better sales tracking

Lower operational costs

Reduce user workload

Streamline sales operations


Meet deadlines & budgets

Better time management

Improved employee productivity

Access in Outlook

Effective pipeline management

Reduce time-consuming errors


Proactive decision making

Improved planning/forecasting

Less room for error

Improved visibility


Improved insight & vision

Drive sales

Greater control over sales

Produce detailed reports

Key Functions

Contact [email protected] for a demo

See the software

One touch estimating, quantity take-off and bill

of materials

Track project budget and real-time, committed


Project and consolidated forecasting

Task and contractor management - integrated

task scheduling

Tender process management

Approvals management - permissions based

system to ensure accountability

Purchase order and variation approval


Inbuilt retentions calculations for suppliers and

client invoicing

Multi company and unlimited projects

Purchase orders and vouchers for cost tracking

Resource allocation and time reporting

Subcontractor management and tax reporting

Full tax reporting

Document register and document tracking

Outlook integration

Comprehensive dashboard reporting

Cash flow analysis

Powerful reporting options

Cash and accrual based reporting

Full financials for accounting and tax
