Page 1: Zachary m. , dennis m.rainforest destruction per.3


Created by : Dennis Miller Zachary McEnroe


Page 2: Zachary m. , dennis m.rainforest destruction per.3

Tropical Rainforest

Did you know that every year they cut down a piece of rainforest the size of New Jersey.

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in 1950 about 15% of the earths land was covered by rainforest. Today more than half has gone up in smoke.

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Save the rainforest

Most rain forest are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers, and fires for it’s timber value then are followed by farming, and ranching operations, even by world giants like Mitsubishi, Georgia pacific, and Texaco.

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Almost every time loggers cut down trees they fall on other smaller trees destroying more homes for animals.

Logging also destroys more medicines that we can use for life threatening diseases.

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Causes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The immediate causes of rainforest

destruction are clear, the main causes of total clearance are agriculture, and in dryer areas fuel wood is collected.

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HOW you can help

You can help by recycling water bottles and other plastic items you can also buy reusable containers for water or other drinks.

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you can teach others about the importance of the rainforest and teach them on how they can help as well.

You can plant in areas wear they have already been cut down, and damaged echo system can be restored.

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Thanks for watching

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Bibliography McLeish Ewan Rainforest Destruction. London; Franklin Watts Newton, David E. Environmental Pollution. New York; Franklin

Watts “Rainforest Facts.” Rainforest Facts. Web. 13 Apr. 2012. >http;//www. Rainforest. Web. 13 Apr. 2012
