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Page 1: Your Unique Voice

Your Unique Voice


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You have a unique voice, unlike any in the world. You are a true original.

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Maybe you think you don't have anything to say or that what you have to say or want to say is not important.

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If you believe that, consider Louis Armstrong.

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His gravelly voice. His broad smile. His signature handkerchief.

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He had a purity, an authenticity. He was unafraid to be himself. He was fearlessly original. He was Satchmo.

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His voice was raspy, unusual. To some ears, it was no doubt harsh and unrefined. But people loved his voice, and they loved him.

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He grew up in a tough neighborhood. His parents separated. His mother supported the family by prostitution. He had every reason to disappear into the mass of humanity, into an obscure life.

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But he didn't. He and his trumpet spoke up. He and his music stood out. He must have been discouraged and heart-broken, but he never gave up.

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He was himself. He let his unique voice be heard. And because he did, he touched millions of lives. You can too.

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You have something to say. Don’t hide it. It's okay to be yourself. It’s more than okay. It's your gift to the planet. And it's your gift to yourself.

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It's easy to get discouraged because of the disapproval of others. But they are only there to make you stronger. Accept their service and step forward.

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We want to hear from you. Please speak up. You are unique in all the world. What you have to say is important. Let us hear you. Please let us hear your unique, original voice.

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