
W W W . T O T A L B O D Y S H A P I N G . C O M

Your Total Body Shaping Manual

C H A N G E Y O U R B O D Y | T R A N S F O R M Y O U R L I F E


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Introduction to the Total Body Shaping Course

Welcome to the Total Body Shaping Course and congratulations on your commitment to making real changes in your physical conditioning. This course is not only designed to get you in the best shape of your life, but to teach you basic training principles that you will have the rest of your life!

We are all starting at different levels. Even though we will strive to make the physical changes we are looking for in the ten weeks, we must be realistic. For those of you who live a sedentary life-style, the fact that you are now exercising and focusing on your diet is a major life change. Others, who are already used to living a physical lifestyle, should have higher expectations than someone who has not been training at all.

How much you put into this course has a direct effect on how much you get out of it. If, during the course, illness, injury or death (which are the only reasons for not training) keep you from training, do not quit, finish the course. Completing 50-70% of the course is far better than not having done anything at all.

This course combines resistance training, fitness kickboxing, nutrition and flexibility to help you achieve your fitness goals. You need to keep good records when it comes to your nutritional in-take. You may find our nutritional recommendations a bit simple. This is done for a reason. Nutri-tion is not only an important part of this training session; it is also the most confusing. For the next ten weeks, you will want to maintain a very simple diet.

This nutritional plan is designed to give you good, basic guidance on how to eat. This is not a diet. It is a healthy way of eating the right foods, portions, and servings for the rest of your life. For the ten weeks in this course the best advice is to keep it simple. After the ten week program, you may expand your nutritional intake, but stay within the set guidelines.

An added bonus to the course is the fitness kickboxing. Learning fitness kickboxing techniques allow us to take our mind off training and focus on learning a skill. Focus on developing your kick-boxing skills and they will be there one day if you really need them.

DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF BECAUSE WE WON”T GIVE UP ON YOU! If this course is followed properly, you will make major physical changes in the ten weeks you are training. These changes do not come easily. There will be times you are sore and tired, grouchy and just not want-ing to train. This is where your instructors come into play. They are there to help you, guide you and keep you focused on your goal. They will not give up on you, so do not give up on yourself. Good Luck!


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Resistance Training

HOW TO BECOME A CALORIE EATING MACHINEResistance training is very misunderstood. Many people, especially women, think that if you do resistance training; you will end up overly muscular looking like one of those body builder compet-itors on TV. It is almost impossible to achieve the muscle mass that men and especially women bodybuilders achieve without using some type of strength enhancing steroid. The average body will just not grow that big without some chemical enhancement.

You may wonder why it is important to do resistance training if you are trying to lose weight. To answer this question, you must look at your body as a calorie-eating machine made up of lean muscle tissue & body fat. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more efficiently and effec-tively your body burns calories & fat. Resistance training builds lean muscle tissue.

Building more lean muscle tissue allows your body to burn more efficiently, which is why a calo-rie-restrictive diet alone does not work. When you follow a calorie-restrictive diet your body burns lean muscle tissue to make up for the calories it’s not getting. So, in other words, the engine in your body that eats calories becomes smaller, and when you go back to a normal diet, you put weight on faster than before because your calorie-eating machine (lean muscle tissue) is smaller. In fact, studies show that 80% of the people that lose weight with a calorie-restrictive diet gain the weight back, or more, within one year.

STRONG, LEAN & FITYou must ask yourself, “What is my goal in this course?” Is it just to lose weight, or is it to have a strong, lean & fit physique? Our goal is to use resistance training to increase lean muscle so you burn more calories while watching TV or typing on your computer? We want to make your calo-rie-eating machine stronger and more efficient. Through our resistance training program, you will gain more lean muscle mass and lower your percentage of body fat, This is far more important than worrying about how much your body actually weighs. If you are shaped like a pear and you lose a significant amount of weight using a calorie-restrictive diet, you will just become a smaller pear. This, I doubt, is your goal. Resistance training is imperative to bodyshaping.

Yes, an aerobic workout will burn more calories during the training session than resistance train-ing, but realize excessive aerobic training also burns lean muscle tissue. For example, marathon runners do so much aerobic training that they cannot maintain lean muscle tissue, which is why they are so thin. I do not know about you, but this is not the physique we are looking for. The goal of this course is to transform your body into a strong, lean, and fit physique that we all admire.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE PROGRAMOur program uses a very simple & easy to follow resistance training program. We do not believe you need to work out in the gym two hours a day, five days a week to get maximum results from


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your training, “It is not how long or how often you train that matters, but how intense you train.” Understand this philosophy and you will understand the philosophy of this course. Most of us know somebody who has been working out for a couple of years but made no sig-nificant improvements in their physique. This is because they are not consistently making their body adjust to added resistance. In other words, the consistently do the same routine with the same resistance with the same results. Realize, resistance training works because the body must continually grow & adapt to the stress that resistance training puts upon it. That means every time you work out. You must challenge your body to work just a little bit harder than it did before. This is the only way to get consistent results from training.

RESISTANCE TUBINGStrength and conditioning will be the resistance portion of your bodyshaping. The class utilizes a variety of strengthening equipment to help achieve your goals. The strengthening tools are pri-marily made of rubber tubing as a form of resistance. You may think that you will not get as good a workout from these tubes as you can from weightlifting. We felt the same way before we trained with tubes. Since we have worked out with resistance tubes, we have found that you get as good a workout using them as you would using weights, and often better.

You will not find a better way to isolate and completely fatigue a muscle than with resistance tubing. This type of exercise not only develops strength in the muscles, but endurance because of the high repetitions. Resistance tubing has many other benefits. First, it does not put as much stress on the joints as weightlifting. Second, because of the added resistance, you can shorten the range of motion of an exercise, or speed the tempo up to increase the isolation and burn of the muscle. Third, it is harder to cheat with the tubing. The tubing does not easily allow cheating and encourages proper form. Less joint stress, better isolation and properly executed exercises lead to better results and lower chance of injury.

RATING YOURSELFWhat about those days when I just don’t feel like putting 100% effort into my workout? Should I wait until I feel motivated again? The answer to this question is the main reason why it is im-portant to rate every workout & your overall exertion for each body part. By rating yourself, you will see the days that you had a great workout & really pushed it & the days that you were not at 100%.

You definitely want to work out even on the days you do not hit 10’s. You know the next time you work out you have to push a little harder. During an individual workout, you will hit some body parts harder than others. Let’s say you are working legs. You might rate your quadriceps at 9’s & 10’s in exertion, but only get up to 8’s & 9’s in hamstrings. The goal is that every time you work out, you give maximum exertion. This applies to resistance training & fitness kickboxing classes.


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WHAT IS A 10 IN EXERTION?A 10 in exertion is when you reach deep down inside yourself & push beyond the point you thought possible.

Working out & bodyshaping is as much a mental as it is physical. A 10 workout, or set, is when you achieve that last rep, or that last kick you thought was impossible. By pushing yourself, you will learn that many limitations perceived as real are fear based. Fear limits our ability to achieve our goals, physically & mentally. We all put limitations on ourselves in our lives & in our workouts. To really understand the benefits of this program, you must think beyond just getting into shape. You must think about developing the ability to break through physical & mental barriers. By push-ing through our physical limitations, by hitting those 10’s, we start to understand what we really are capable of achieving in our lives. Take the ability of achieving 10’s in workouts & apply it to hitting 10’s in life. You are capable of pushing yourself beyond your greatest goals.


The most neglected form of conditioning is flexibility. Many of us judge our conditioning based on how strong we are, how fast we are, or our endurance. These elements should be taken into account when judging our overall conditioning level, but it is essential to understand the important role flexibility plays in overall conditioning.

WHY DO WE STRETCH?Flexibility is important for two primary reasons in relation to this course. The first is to reduce & prevent injuries. It is especially important in martial arts training because of the demand martial arts places on the body. Warm up stretching has always beenconsidered an important for of injury prevention for any extensive exercising. Warm-up stretches take the muscles through a full ranges of motion that simulates the exercises we are about to per-form so our muscles are prepared for the stress. We stretch at the beginning of our workouts to reduce the chance of injury, and we stretch at the end of our workouts when we are nice & warm, to improve flexibility.

The second reason flexibility is important in relation to this course is that much of your ability to perform the basic kickboxing techniques will depend on your flexibility. As your flexibility increas-es, so will your ability to execute the martial arts techniques properly. Realize, one of your primary goals in this course is to develop strong & effective martial arts techniques.

There are many other benefits to stretching. It reduces muscle tension, decreases risk of injury, improves muscular balance, decreases risk of low back pain, reduces stress, increases blood and nutrient supply to joints & improves posture and coordination.

WHEN DO WE STRETCH?A warm-up and a cool-down stretch is performed before & after resistance training sessions. Muscles should be stretched before resistance training, not unlike the kickboxing classes, to pre-pare the muscles for the stress we are about to place on them. Stretching after resistance training


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is important because resistance training flexes & tightens the muscles: therefore, it is the perfect time to work on flexibility.

Flexibility can and should be worked on daily. It will be achieved by following a consistent pro-gram & per forming flexibility exercises up to 7 days per week. Stretching needs to be looked at not as an additional workout, but as something we do to improve the quality of our lives. The cool-down stretch increases joint flexibility and encourages relaxation. A proper cool down stretch will help avoid soreness and should be considered part of the overall workout.


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TAKE CONTROLSome of you may be downright intimidated by the thought of developing a new nutritional pro-gram. The sense of intimidation is caused by lack of control. The TBS program teaches you how to take control of your diet, so no matter where you are or what restaurant you walk into, you will have the knowledge and the control to make sound choices on what you eat.

We realize that may of you are confused about nutrition. What to eat, when to eat. You hear so many different opinions, though it is not as complicated as you think. For the most part, most of us have a basic understanding of what we should and should not eat. We all know we should eat foods that are low in fat, sugar & salt.

THE PLANThe first thing we must develop is a comprehensive & easy to follow nutritional plan. Think of this plan as a basic guide on how to eat properly. The first part of the plan is deciding what we can & cannot eat. We have listed for you a variety of good proteins, good carbohydrates & vegetables. These are considered authorized foods for our plan. The second part of the plan is deciding how much we should eat. A good rule to follow is eat six portions of proteins, six portions of carbohy-drates & at least two portions of vegetables a day.

What is a portion? A good rule when it comes to portions is to use the palm of your hand. A portion for you is the amount that fills the palm of you hand. Somebody that weighs 100 pounds is going to have a much smaller palm than that of someone who weighs 200 pounds.

How often should I eat? It is very important to spread our meals throughout the day; eating six meals a day as opposed to eating two or three huge meals.

Hopefully, you are starting to understand just how easy good nutrition is. Know the foods to eat, proper portions & how often. It is really that simple.

SUPPLEMENTSOne common question is. “How can I possibly eat six times a day?” This is where nutritional supplements come in. Let’s emphasize the word ‘supplements.’ The goal is to feed your body all the foods necessary for it to regenerate & grow stronger. Because of our busy lives & hectic schedules, it becomes almost impossible to eat all the nutritional foods required for us to achieve our fitness goals, so we must replace some of our meals with nutritional supplements. This should be the only reason to use supplements.


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Let’s talk about the supplements you will need during this course. You will need a complete multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. This should be taken every day to make sure that your body has all the needed nutrients. We also suggest some type of healthy energy bar that us balanced with a portion of protein & carbohydrate. For those of you trying to cut back on your carbohydrate portion, you may want to have pure protein bars.Another suggestion is energy shakes that can be purchased in powder form. We suggest buying a pure protein shake mix, which usually comes in vanilla or chocolate for taste.

SUGARThere is nothing that will derail your success in this course faster than eating too much sugar, primarily fructose. Fructose, which is naturally found in fruit & to some extent in vegetables, is the sweetest of all sugars. High fructose corn syrup, which you will find in frozen pizza, candy bars, soda, ketchup, sweetened cereals, cakes, pies & cookies, has many negative effects. High con-sumption of fructose has been linked to diabetes and will rob you of the energy you need to train.

Of course there is nothing wrong with eating fruits since they are high in vitamins, minerals & fiber, but fructose was never meant to be consumed in large quantities. Foods with high concentrations of sugar can switch your body from fat burning to fat storage mode by promoting the formation of long-chain fatty acids that are resistant to being burned as fuel.

SOUPSRealize that you must count everything that goes into your soup. Stay away from any cream based soups or any soups that add sugar. Try to stick with basic ingredients like chicken or beef soup with vegetables using a water based broth.

FIBERFiber stimulates fat burning, can counterbalance the negative effects of carbohydrates, and it keeps you regular. Fiber can be found in vegetables like carrots, broccoli, peppers & high fiber breads. You should be using whole grain breads for sandwiches because they contain as much as 4 grams of fiber per slice. Other easy ways to add fiber to your diet would be adding berries or wheat germ to your protein shakes. Raspberries have the highest fiber count for berries.

WATERProbably the most important element of a nutritional plan is water. It is very important to drink lots of water every day - half a gallon to one gallon. Your muscles are about 70% water, so hydration is important to increase muscular strength. Doing so also will help keep you from getting muscle cramps & other problems that come from dehydration.Keep your water in its purest form. Coffee, tea & especially soft drinks compromise the value of the water. A good rule is drinking at least 10 cups a day.


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WHAT IS A GOOD PROTEIN?• Red meat, as long as it’s lean, is about 7% fat, which is not considered high and it is an excel-

lent source of protein. Good choices are: top round, top sirloin, shank, flank or chuck.• Chicken, seafood, and turkey breasts are low in fat, high in protein & readily available. You can

roast, broil, grill or sauté them. • If you are a vegetarian, you are going to have to find another source of protein such as tofu,

or beans with high concentrations of protein. Other sources of non-meat proteins would be peas, legumes, nuts, grains & seeds.

• Possibly the best source of protein you can choose is low fat cottage cheese. It is a complete protein & rich with amino acids which helps support muscle metabolism and is necessary to build new muscle.

• Egg whites are packed with protein, low in calories & have no fat or cholesterol.

WHAT IS A GOOD CARBOHYDRATE?• Whole wheat pasta is a great source of carbohydrate as long as you eat it in the proper por-

tion. Also, no Alfredo sauce, butter or cheese.• Potatoes are a convenient & tasty carbohydrate. They are portion sized; they are portable &

easy to cook. Top them with a serving of steak sauce, salsa or ketchup. Sweet potatoes taste sweet & have no more calories that a regular potato. Bake, broil or microwave them.

• Oatmeal is easy to make, nutritious, inexpensive & tastes good. Be careful of instant oatmeals that often have a lot of sugar in them. Sprinkle with cinnamon for added flavor.

• Steamed brown rice is another good carbohydrate choice. With brown rice you will have ener-gy for a longer period of time than if you eat white rice.

• Yogurt is a good carbohydrate choice on the TBS program which means it can be combined with a protein to make a meal.

• Fruit is nutritious, easy to grab, and is usually portion sized. • Whole wheat bread is the best choice. Whole wheat tortillas are also good.

RATING YOURSELFThis course relies a lot on your ability to rate your performance. In resistance training & fitness kickboxing, you are required to rate your performance based on the intensity level at which you perform. The nutritional plan also has a rating system. It is structured so that you can be very basic in your recording of data or very detailed. This plan does not require you to write down ev-erything you eat although there is a place for you to do so if you are so inclined. It is much simpler & more important to keep a running total of the daily portions of good proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables & cups of water consumed & then record this at the end of the day.

You are required to eat six good proteins a day & 6 good carbohydrates a day, plus two vegeta-bles. Each good portion earns you one point for a total of 14 points for the day. “What if I eat a portion of carbohydrate or protein, but it is not a recommended food?” Then you will be penal-ized. You will receive the 1 point for the portion, but you will be penalized depending on how bad it was for you.

Do not exceed the amount of recommended portions in a day. The maximum amount of points


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you can earn for the consumption of protein in a day is six. The maximum points you can earn for carbohydrates in a day is six. Vegetables are the one exception. You may replace carbohydrate points with vegetable points. If you only consumed four points of carbohydrates in a day, you may eat four portions of vegetables, to get a total of 14. *Excellent is a score of 14. Very Good score is a 12-13. A Good score is 10-11. Anything below a 10 is considered a Poor Day.

Rate water separately. You need to consume at least 10 cups of water a day. If you have 10 cups of water, you have a perfect score. A 9 is considered Very Good. An 8 is Good. A 7 is Poor, and anything below is considered a bad day.

YOU MUST EATA big misconception about nutrition is, “less is best.” This is not always true. Studies show that 80% of the people who start some type of calorie-restrictive diet gain the weight back and more within a year.

You must understand that for your body to make the transformation you are looking for, you must feed it regularly. You need to think of your body as a calorie-eating engine. For the engine to run smoothly and evenly, you need to consistently give it fuel. Think what would happen if your car engine had too much fuel and then not enough. This is how most of us eat. We gorge ourselves, which taxes the digestive system, and gives our bodies too much food to process, then we go four or five hours without eating anything and this leaves our bodies craving nutrients. So, your me-tabolism slows down and holds onto every last calorie because the body does not know when it is going to eat again. This is called feast & famine.

Eating regularly is even more important when you are training in high intensity. Every time you work out, you break the body down. The foods you eat are the building blocks on which your body repairs itself and becomes stronger.

REDUCING BODY FATIt is important not to be consumed with the goal of losing weight. What is far more important than measuring total body weight is the percentage of that body weight made up of fat. Some of us have more trouble losing significant body fat than others. If you are one of these people that just seem to hold onto weight more than the average person, you may also want to make small adjust-ments to the nutritional plan.

Carbohydrates are a simple sugar so this is what your body burns first and if you do not burn it, it turns to stored fat. In this course, if you find that you are not reducing your body fat, you may want to replace a couple of your carbohydrate portions with a vegetable. Vegetables are very low in calories and for the most part, you can eat as much as you like. They are not only low in calo-ries but high in fiber, they contain antioxidants (which help prevent cancer), and they are good for you if you do not cook them in butter, cover them in cheese, or deep-fry them.

FAT, RED MEAT AND CHEESEOne of the biggest myths in our society today is that the best way to lose weight is to eliminate fat from our diet. This is just not true. A country that has more fat-free products than any other time


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is more obese than it has ever been. Most fat-free products have an excessive amount of sugar to make up for the taste by eliminating fat. It is important that we consume a small portion of fat in our daily diet.

Red meat can be a food nutritional source of protein as long as it is a lean cut. You should not eat red meat every day, but a couple of times per week is fine. Cheese, for the most part, has way too much fat in it to be part of our nutritional plan. If you must have cheese, choose a no-fat or reduced fat product. Cheese is the one food that does not have added sugar in it when you reduce the fat, which is good.

PLAY DAYThe play day is what makes this course doable. For 6 out of the 7 days you need to follow the nutritional guidelines and workout regiment to the best of your ability. Just like any significant goal we achieve, there should be a reward waiting for us at the end. Our reward is a play day. This course requires training for six days – Monday through Saturday. Sunday is the play day. If you have completed the workout week and averaged a nutritional score between 10-14 for the week, then you deserve a reward. Do not train because your body needs a rest day. So have fun.

The first reason for the play day is to develop a reward system for being so good. The idea for some of us to not be a able to have a slice of pizza or a bowl of ice cream completely turns us off to good nutrition. The other reason it is important is that, believe it or not, we may be helping ourselves achieve our fitness goals. By having one day to consume a large amount of calories, we are making sure the body has all the fuel it needs to regenerate itself.

EATING OUTThe biggest challenge when sticking to a good diet is dining out. The vast majority of people who come into a restaurant are looking for the pleasure of eating; therefore, the foods are based almost entirely on taste. A restaurant is also where you will be most confused on what to eat and what not to eat.

The first rule: try to eat food in its purest form. A chicken breast is a healthy protein, but as soon as it is dipped in batter & fried, it is now saturated with fat. The second rule: avoid creams & sauces loaded with butter & sugar. The third rule: most restaurants in America overfeed you. Be aware of this & limit your intake by avoiding appetizers & desserts.

HOW TO GET STARTEDThe best way to get started is to lay out a plan. “When we fail to plan, we plan to fail.” Once a week, probably Saturday or Sunday, you should plan your meals then shop & cook for the entire week. Decide on the meats for the week & purchase them in proper portions. Baked potatoes are a tremendous source of carbohydrates and are the size of one portion for most of us. Fruit, a good nutritional source of carbohydrates, is something we should always have around so we can eat on the run. The nice thing about fruit, like potatoes, is Mother Nature created them, for the most part, in portion sizes. One apple or one orange is considered a portion of carbohydrate.

Your goal is to take the guess work out of eating. Look at the list of good proteins, carbohydrates & vegetables, and plan your meals accordingly.


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Fitness Kickboxing

LEARN WHILE YOU BURNOur goal in this course is not only to get in the best shape of our lives, but to learn a skill. This is the added bonus that separates this program from anything else that you’ll ever experience. The skills are an intricate part of the program and will be one of the main reasons for success. By learning as you train, one of the prime reasons people quit training is eliminated- boredom.

By learning the fitness kickboxing skills, you challenge your mind and body. The techniques challenge you and make you study on how to execute the techniques properly. While your mind is engaged & focusing on learning the techniques, your body gets a workout. Time flies while you are learning. At the end of the course, you will be in great shape & be able to punch & kick like a champion.

THE AEROBIC WORKOUTThis fitness kickboxing portion of the class is considered the aerobic portion of your training. Aer-obic means ‘with oxygen‘, and anaerobic means ‘without oxygen’. To understand the difference, think anaerobic as any exercise that is done in short duration, like resistance training or sprinting. Aerobic is any exercise executed over an extended period of time.

BE PATIENTIn the beginning, many of you will feel awkward & uncoordinated as you learn the techniques. This is natural. We all have a tendency to avoid things outside our comfort zone. The course is de-signed to push you outside of the comfort zone, which is the only way to make major changes in our lives. Break through the barrier of uneasiness in the beginning to earn a reward of confidence that comes from learning the martial arts.

RATING OF PERCEIVED EXERTIONIt is just as important to understand how to rate yourself during fitness kickboxing classes as it is for resistance training. The rating system is called Rating of Perceived Exertion, or RPE. RPE is important to make sure you train at a high intensity level. It is also important so you do not over-extend yourself during class. This applies to all forms of fitness kickboxing or any type of extend-ed aerobic class.

You cannot start of a class at an exertion level of 10 and expect to finish the class. Just like resistance training, you exert yourself at different levels, starting with a warm-up set and slowly making each set more intense. It is important to rate yourself throughout the entire class. RPE should fluctuate between 5 and hopefully 10. By being aware of where you are at any time during the class, you will be in a better position at the end to give yourself an overall rating of your class performance.


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The class intensity level is similar to resistance training. A 5-6 being either a beginning warm-up or slowing down to catch your breath. A 7-8 is a consistent, strong pace that we strive for, for the majority of the class. The 9-10, also known as the peak points, is where we burn it & push our-selves to the limit. A 9-10 should happen at least twice during class.

WHAT IS A 10 IN FITNESS KICKBOXING?A 10 in fitness kickboxing has to do with your own ability to dig down deep inside of yourself & push yourself beyond your own limitations. Where a resistance training set lasts only seconds, a kickboxing round can feel like it lasts forever. You achieve 10’s by pushing yourself just a little fur-ther, and not stopping even though you are exhausted and your muscles are screaming for relief.

It is up to you to understand what your personal best is in the fitness kickboxing classes. If you felt that you could have given a little more to that class, you did not reach a 10. When you give yourself a 10 as an overall rating for your class, you need to know in your heart you could not have thrown one more punch or worked any harder in that class.

TECHNIQUE VS. EXERTIONIt is important in the beginning to focus more on proper execution of the techniques than on exer-tion. If you are not familiar with the techniques, you should not hit 9’s & 10’s for the first couple of weeks. The more you focus on the details of the techniques & proper execution, the more you will get out of this program.
