Page 1: Your Fortnightly Newsletter · Your Fortnightly Newsletter Totals Points Rowling 420 Ennis 630 Zephaniah 620 Farah 670 Microsoft Teams Lessons Well done to all of the pupils who have

Your Fortnightly



Welcome Dear Crest Academy Family,

I hope you are well and have safely enjoyed some of recent the summer sunshine, it has

been beautiful. Please make sure that, as the lockdown begins to lift, you continue to stay

safe and studying because the government have finally told us that schools will be

expected to open again in September.

So what will it be like to finally be back at school in September? So many things have

changed; we have social distancing now and even if it has moved from 2 metres to 1 metre,

this is something we have never had to experience at school. The government have

recently advised that students don't need to socially do you feel about that?

At the time I am writing this we have been told that students will be in Whole Year Group

bubbles. I don't know what this will look like yet but I can assure you that any return to

school will follow the guidance set by Public Health England and the government and we

will ensure the safety of students, staff and the Crest community.

You will be coming back to school sooner than you know it! Your teachers and I are pleased

about this. We have missed you. When you watch the news you will notice that they keep

saying you have missed out on learning. Do not worry. Whatever you have missed, your

teachers and I will make sure you catch up. However, what I will add is that you should

start preparing for your return to school now.

Please make sure you attend all of the online Teams lessons with your teachers. Make sure

you login to your assemblies and daily activities on Satchel One. Make sure you are reading,

watching the news, keeping up with world events and discussing your thoughts and

feelings about what you are seeing and hearing with your friends and family.

By the time you receive this newsletter Year 11 and 13 will be saying their final virtual

goodbyes from Crest. You have had a unique experience and as the Class of 2020 you must

use this experience positively. Don't dwell on what could or should have been, instead plan

for your next steps in this ever changing world and be ready to embrace it. Be bold, be

brilliant and be your very best, always.

I would also like to take the time to welcome our New Year 7s. You will have experienced

your Virtual Transition Week; I hope you enjoyed all of it and learned about your new

school. You will also be receiving a Transition Booklet to prepare you for your first days in

the Academy. Don't worry-you will be fine. You will be joining your new family and we are

welcoming you with open arms.

Crest Academy family-continue to stay safe over the summer break. Ensure you maintain

your studies in preparation for September and remember to be remain forever grateful for

your family, friends and loved ones. Look after them and yourselves. See you very soon.

Ms Fernandes

Date: 13thst July


Edition 5

School Calendar/


updates: 17th July End of

summer term and

beginning of the six

weeks summer


School opening

dates are as


Staff inset 2nd - 4th

September 2020.

Pupils return from

Monday 7th

September more

information to


Parents/Carers can

purchase uniform

from our

designated retailer


598 High Rd,

Wembley HA0 2AF

020 8902 1393

Contact us if you

have any questions

or require further

information please

contact us via email




Page 2: Your Fortnightly Newsletter · Your Fortnightly Newsletter Totals Points Rowling 420 Ennis 630 Zephaniah 620 Farah 670 Microsoft Teams Lessons Well done to all of the pupils who have

Your Fortnightly


Word of the week:


Noun: The action of working with someone

to produce something.

"The staff at The Crest Academy worked in

collaboration to produce a fantastic

enrichment week."

Assembly/PSHE focus:

Rewards- The live rewards assembly will take

place at 1:30pm each day this week, you must

join using the link to Teams.

Year notices: All pupils are expected to login to Satchel One (formerly showmyhomework) daily:

Years 12 and 13 by 9.30am

Years 10 and 11 by 10.05am

Years 7, 8 and 9 by 10.35am

All Year 10 & 12 pupils must check their emails daily so that they are aware when their TEAMs lessons

are taking place.

Year 10- There will be summer homework for all pupils in year 10 transitioning into year 11. Parents and

students must check Satchel One for all tasks set.

We are launching a Crest Pupil News Team. If there are any pupils who would like to take part please

email Ms Walcott- [email protected] expressing an interest.

Year 11 need to look out for the up and coming information regarding results day.

A reminder of the support available to

students and parents on our website

here you will find:

A Home Learning timetable

A Home Learning homework


How to study at home

Online safety

A Virtual Learning parent


A parent and student guide to

support Show My Homework

for daily learning.

Weekly lessons with resources

Parent Support

Platforms we are currently using:

Well done to all the students

who have been using Hegarty

Maths. The academy has

been recognised as a super

school for the second year in

a row.

Page 3: Your Fortnightly Newsletter · Your Fortnightly Newsletter Totals Points Rowling 420 Ennis 630 Zephaniah 620 Farah 670 Microsoft Teams Lessons Well done to all of the pupils who have

Your Fortnightly


Totals Points

Rowling 420

Ennis 630

Zephaniah 620

Farah 670

Microsoft Teams Lessons

Well done to all of the pupils who have engaged with The Crest Academy Virtual School of the past 12 weeks.

You have engaged with your teachers and the resources uploaded and we can return to school in September

reassured that learning at The Crest Academy never stopped taking place. Please make sure you use the

summer holidays to revise the topics covered using the platform listed under the home learning section.

Please see a list of agencies you can contact for support

during the 6 weeks summer holidays.

Well done to all the pupils who contributed in

the Crest Sports Week and all house challenges

this term. Please see below the winners of the

humanities flag challenge and the totals for the

subject enrichment activities that took place

from 11:00am – 13:00am every day last week.





Sobhia Anfal


020 8937 6792

020 8438 1249

Page 4: Your Fortnightly Newsletter · Your Fortnightly Newsletter Totals Points Rowling 420 Ennis 630 Zephaniah 620 Farah 670 Microsoft Teams Lessons Well done to all of the pupils who have

Your Fortnightly


School Library

Literacy is a big part of our school and our library is a big part of helping students improve their literacy. Recently, a

survey was sent out to students asking them what they would like in their library and we have created an Amazon Wish

list to allow the school community a big say in what students are able to read. Use the link below to view the items you

can donate to The Crest Academy.

Spelling Bee

Well done to all the pupils who participated in the Crest Academy Spelling Bee. There was over a 1000 messages

submitted by pupils. Congratulations to every participant you are all champions.

The winners are as follows: First prize: Denisa Flore - 40 House Points

Second prize: Naamiya Ogunledun - 30 House Points

Third prize: Sara Hammoud - 20 House Points Participation prizes: Sadaf Ghaznawi, Laiba Jan and Leticia Lombardo - 10 House Points each.


Have you checked out the latest Crestories! Please follow the link below to the new content from this new project:

Unscramble the COMPUTING/IT

words. Email your answers to Mr.

Khan: [email protected]









Page 5: Your Fortnightly Newsletter · Your Fortnightly Newsletter Totals Points Rowling 420 Ennis 630 Zephaniah 620 Farah 670 Microsoft Teams Lessons Well done to all of the pupils who have

Your Fortnightly


Chyna Samuels 8E – BLM Poem

Convenience* Store! (*The state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.) “I walked down the street Just to get a treat Only to be followed by the security team I walked down the aisle To find the one to make me smile Only to be followed by the security team I walked down the queue To pay for a few Only to be followed by the security team But why? The colour of my skin is where it all begins Coming from a black heritage gives no advantage I might only be little but I’m seen as a criminal A small incident where I think am innocent But turns out I am guilty and now they want to kill me!”

Dear Crest Academy family,

Please see a few examples of the

fantastic and creative work pupils

have produced to be part of the



My lockdown experience has taught me a lot about the world and to

actually be thankful about where in the world I live in because regardless

of everything that has been happening in the world other less fortunate

countries have experienced it in a much more tougher way so I have come

to realise that I should be grateful for what I have in life and I am happy to

say lockdown has taught me this.

Another lockdown experience is that staying positive regardless of what

the situation is for example, for me my GCSE’S had got cancelled but I had

to stay positive although that came with a lot of stress and confusions

which made it harder to stay positive but the more you it would have a

more negative effect that is not needed as it is not our fault and it is out of

our control to do anything about it because many other students around

the world are experiencing the same.

I’ve come to the conclusion after lockdown I will start appreciating what I

wasn’t appreciating before lockdown. Another thing I would be doing after

lockdown is doing exercise and keeping healthy because the main reason

for us having lockdown is to maintain the society’s health and keep

everyone safe. Which taught me that before lockdown I didn’t care about

my health and exercise bit it showed me why it’s important and it can

affect everyone around you so I would take the easy option to stay health

and that will help everyone around me.

Maria Adriana Ardelian 8I – English


Floating among the stars,

On are way to mars,

A calming sensation,

On are way to a moral destination,

Truly a perfect conversation,

You can exploit with no hesitation.

Having fun,

Among the sun,

The universe so bitter,

Always filled with litter.

Dancing around,

Without hearing a sound,

As the world still crumbles,

All alone it stumbles,

Because of fame and money,

We lost Greenland which used to be


Dear 2045,

If you’re even still alive,

We’ve made it to mars,

While earth remains in scars,

The beautiful world bestowed upon

are souls

But we reeked it, and never

achieved are goals...

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Your Fortnightly


Rava Ali – 9I

There is no excuse for what’s on the news,

Differences, yes that’s true,

But that’s what makes us breakthrough

Guide the generation into racism?

Into division?

Into chaos?

The people who died, the people who cried...

All because we let one thing slide...

Is the world truly great? If all of us carry hate?

Different people, big and small

Together we must stand tall,

To raise awareness of those who fall

And change racism in one loud call

Shout, scream and run

But justice will not be done

When one is fighting wrong with wrong

No-one will stand strong,

Speak, act, loud, clear,

Then all that’s good will appear

Fear, tears, blood and sweat,

Will all be gone in one deep breath?

For George Floyd, the man who was destroyed

For he was employed

Had no right to choose,

Whether it was his life he had to lose...

For those who died before,

For those who experienced,

We must drown in shame and have no blame

For it was our actions that put this into a war game.

Don’t you see, we are one

And that is better than a simple gun?

Don’t you see, we are the same

None of this should be handled like a child’s game

We are the same

It isn’t no game

And should be no blame

For this name

Shall spark a flam

To end this chain...

Bushra Yr12

During this pandemic I felt a massive

amount of mixed emotions. I didn’t even

realise at first because my initial reaction

was anger. However after a few weeks I

became overwhelmed with sadness and

confusion. “When will this end?” I asked

myself the same question repeatedly. I

searched my brain for answers and

reassurance. When school re-opened I saw

some of my friends and I finally started

smiling, really smiling. I realised it wasn’t

only me going through all these feelings,

we were all in it together.

Nawal Dahir Y7- Taunting Teachers


They demand attention every day,

Put you in detention if they may,

They eye you like overgrown hawks,

With eagle eyes as they steadily walk.

But while they bark everyday

Or put you in detention if they may,

Or eye you like an overgrown hawk,

With eagle eyes as they steadily walk

They care, they want you to learn

Even if they turn out to be quiet stern.

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Your Fortnightly


We have lived nearly a quarter of our lives and it could be considered a very good point in our life to

reflect on ourselves and the life we have been living.

Self-reflection is a process by which you come to an understanding of who you are, what your values are,

and why you think and act the way you do. It is the process of rebuilding yourself to be the best version of


Your task for this week would be to take a few minutes of your day to reflect back on your life. Think

about all the acts that you have done that makes you feel proud of yourself. For example, achieving high

grade in your subjects. Also think about what you could do better and change to improve and develop

your skills.

Self-reflecting will lead to self-awareness which could be considered the base of our internal existence, by

being self-aware we are more likely to make wise choices in the present and the future, which would

make us pro-active as well as becoming a better version of ourselves.

Reflecting back on our past is not just a memory, rather it is a lesson that we can use to learn from, which

we can apply to our lives in the future to avoid repeating the same mistakes again.

This could be considered a very good time to think about your future goals. Ask yourself: “'where am I

now- where do I want to be- how can I get there- what do I need to do and who can help me”

Being able to formulate a plan when times are tough is a well-being issue. Planning to solve those things

that we feel are currently getting on our way, to improve what we do or to reach a goal empowers us to

feel in control over ourselves and our futures. This helps us see problems as a factor that we can solve

rather than a barrier which is preventing us from moving on or feeling happy.

By no means do we expect you to decide what you will eat next year dinner but we ask of you and

ourselves to have general plans in life, a goal that you are aiming for. This will help carve a path in life for


“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life”. Charles Darwin

Let’s not be one of those people but the individuals that have a plan that looks to improve our future and


Stay well, stay safe, and look after yourselves and your loved ones and we will see you soon. Mr Morgan

A huge variety of employers are listed and

each outlines their apprenticeship programme

and their vacancies coming up soon.

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Your Fortnightly


Maria Dos Ramos Cabral 8S

The world has been struck with another tragedy. Yemen, one of the world’s

poorest countries, has been devastated with a Civil War. On top of that, they are

also suffering a hunger crisis. While at the same time, having to deal with a

global pandemic.

This is the world’s worst famine in a 100 years if the war continues. More than

85,000 children have died from hunger, (adults’ death is not known) 20 million

people are food insecure, 24 million are in need of humanitarian aid, 18 million

people can’t access clean water. This whole crisis has affected about 80% of the


The international coalition led by Saudi Arabia has launched more than 18,000

air attacks since March 2015. One third of strikes hit civilian targets including

markets, homes and hospitals. At least 6,000 civilians were killed and 10,500

civilians were harmed.

Many charities are doing everything they can by donating money, sending aid

packages and much more. Below, there’ll be sources that you can click to help


Yemen has suffered for way too long. It is said that if the situation gets worse,

Coronavirus will delete Yemen from the map of the world. It is time to take

action. We cannot let them suffer for longer.

Mr Ahmed Pastoral Manager for Year 10

Jemaine Bennett for his outstanding work in

school and on teams.

Jan, Sadiq and Ahmed, for coming back to school

and being ready to learn.

M Doulatzaei for doing all her online work on time

and also returning to the physical school to do

great work with her teachers.

Mr Cumberbatch Pastoral Manger for Year 9

Naimah Hussain 9S, Rava Ali 9I, Abdulhaqq Daulatzai 9S

Mohamed Akil Hafeezur-Rahman 9A for their

continuous commitment to making a difference within

their own lives and the lives of others. This is

demonstrated week in, week out by the level of work

they complete, and the contributions made to the wider

school community.