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George Barr

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by George Barr



illustrated by Mildred Waltrip


McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc

New York Toronto London

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Also by George Barr:






Copyright 1962 by George Barr. Printed in the United States

of America. All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof maynot be reproduced in any form without written permission of the



Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-12477

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Baseball Pitching19

Battingthe Ball 35

Catching, Fielding,and Running Bases 49

Baseball Is Going Modern 60


Football Game of Momentum 75

Football in Action 86


More at a Football Game 96


Basketball A Game of Speed103

Moving the Basketball 111

More about Basketball 122




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It is always greatfun to play in or watch a baseball,

football, or basketball game. But you can double your

pleasurein these and other

sports by looking at them with

the understanding that sciencebrings.

This book directs your attention to many scientific

principles underlying modernsports.

You will learn

how an athlete is able to improve his technique by let-

tingscience work for him instead of against him. You

will observe certain actions of experts which you mayhave overlooked before, and these may help you become

a better player yourself. Then you too will be able to

save split-secondsand gain inches and accuracy when

you play.All good players and especially champions

use scientific techniques, whether they are aware of

them or not.

In the following chapters you will find answers to

hundreds of science questions you may have been won-

dering about. For example, do you know why most

fast baseball pitchers are tall men? Does a baseball

really curve? Why does a bat sometimessting

or break?

How does an electronic, automatic umpire work?

In football, why does a lineman crouch? Why is a

football made to spiralwhen it is passed? In blocking,

why is an upward motion used in addition to a forward


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How is the bounce of a basketball tested before a

game? Why do basketball shoes behave like "4-wheel


And no science book on sports would be complete

without a chapter about the athlete's body. What is a

Charley horse? How are black and blue marks caused?

Is there such a thing as an "athlete's heart"? How often

does asprinter breathe during a 100-yard dash? What is

a "tennis arm"? What actually happens during a knock-


The most attention in this book has been given to

baseball, football, and basketball. However, an addi-

tional chapter on othersports

is included to illustrate

principles you will observe while you are engaged in

or watching thesesports.

For example, do you know

why a golf ball has dimples? Why you can't ice skate

on glass? How you keep your balance on a bike?

All in all this very special book is your science com-

panion on the baseball diamond, the basketball court,

the football field, or anywhere thatexciting

events in the

world ofsports



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Sports and motion

When we speak aboutsports we are

referringto games

or contests involving force and motion. It is difficult to

describe a baseball, basketball, or football game without

using many action words. Nor can we omit these words

when telling about tennis, golf,track events, swimming,

and dozens of othersports.

There is pleasure in seeing a great athlete perform.

As we watch his perfect coordination we are aware that

it takes many years to reach such a state of perfection.

We know that he has had constant exercises in physical

strength, speed, and skill. We also know that he has had

to study his own body, to improve hisstrong points,


to eliminate his weaknesses.

But, in addition to this, a good athlete has to know the

scientific principles involved in motion. He has to learn

to use them to full advantage whenever the opportunities

arise. By careful study and planning he can shave sec-

onds or get that extra push champions need in order to

break records.

If you too are aware of this strategy, and also of the

forces involved in motion, you will get greater enjoyment

from any sport you engage in or watch.


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Let us review some basic ideas about motion, because

we shall refer to them constantly in every sport.

Things start moving slowly

You are probably already aware of this important fact

about motion. You know that automobiles must start

slowly.On your TV screen you have seen how slowly

huge rockets always leave their launching sites before

they gather speed.

About 300 years ago Sir Isaac Newton, an English

scientist, formulated many laws about motion. One of

them states: An object at rest tends to remain at rest

unless some force causes a change.

A force, as used by a scientist, is either a push or a

pull.In other words, an object which is not moving will

remain that way forever unless it is moved by muscles,

gravity, wind, explosions, electricity,or other force.

When a force starts to be exerted, the object starts

moving slowly at first This is because the object re-

sists being moved. This tendency to stay in the same

place, is called INERTIA (in-ER-shuh). It is a resistance

to change. You will read agreat

deal in this book about

inertia of objects at rest. Many actions in sports can be

explained with this law of motion.

For example:

1. At a track meet, a sprinter starts slowly as he over-

comes inertia.

2. A baseball player at bat must be well into his swing

whea the pitcher's fast ball reaches him. It takes

time to overcome the inertia of his bat and his muscles.


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3. When a swimmer makes a high dive into the water

at a wrong angle,he may hurt himself, because of the

inertia of the water.

Inertia of moving objects

Another part of Newton's law of inertia states: An

objectin motion tends to continue in motion, at the same

speed and in the same direction., unless some force causes

a change.

Were you ever in a moving automobile when the brakes

were applied suddenly? Did you find that your body

continued to move forward as the car slowed down?

And when the car made a sharp right turn, did you sway

to the left? That was because you continued to go

straightahead in

space as the car made the right turn.

The tendency of moving objects to continue moving

in the same direction is also inertia. You have learned

about inertia of objects at rest. Now you know that

there can also be inertia of moving things.

Inertia then, is the tendency of moving objects and

stationary objects to continue what they aredoing.


example, we say that the inertia of the earth and other

planets keeps them moving.

In sportsthe

players, balls, bats, golf clubs, or tennis

rackets usually move very fast. It often takes a great

deal of force to stop or change their direction of motion.

Inertia plays a big part in influencing the games.

Here are some examples of the inertia of moving ob-


1. A baseball player, sprintingto first base, cannot stop


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at the base because of his inertia. The rules allow

him to run past it without being tagged out provided

he touches the base as hepasses.

2. A batter sometimes swings at an unwanted pitched

ball He cannot stop in time because of the inertia

of his muscles and also the inertia of the moving bat.

Should he miss the ball, inertia may even swing him

around completely.

3. A football player running with the ball will suddenly

change direction. He does this to escape the pur-

suing tackier. The inertia of the tackier makes hnn

continue for an instant in the same direction he was


Duration of a force affects motion

It is obvious that the longer a force acts on an object

to speed it up, the faster it will move. Suppose a player

is preparing to tfirow a ball. At the instant that he starts

his swing with his arm behind him, the ball is moving

very slowly.

As he overcomes inertia, the ball in his hand moves

faster and faster. The longer he holds the ball before

he releases it, the faster it moves.


and tennis, good players always continue their

swings as long aspossible. Baseball batters also take

long swings. This is called FOLLOWING-THROUGH. It

makes the force act longer on the ball to make it go faster.

At a track meet, you can see how the hammer thrower

swings around several times before he letsgo.

In the

javelin throw, the athlete holds on as long as possible


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o o

Time between each position of ball shown is 1/1 00th of a second

by making a complete about-face before hurling the


This sameprinciple

is used in reverse when a force

slows down an object When a baseball player catches

a fast ball he draws the glove to him. This technique

increases the time that the slowing-down force of his

glove isacting. Therefore, the ball does not strike the

glove with too strong an impact This lessens the danger

of the ball bouncing out of theglove.

It also offers less



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For the same reason, when a football player catches

the ball, his body "gives" with the ball. This extra frac-

tion of a second is sufficient to slow down the speed of

the ball.

Speed, weight, and impact

The faster a football player runs, the greater will be

his impact as he strikes an opposing player. It is also a

well-known fact that the heavier theplayer, the


will be his impact at the same speed.

Alight weight,

such as a bullet, can have much hitting

force when it is going fast. On the other hand, a heavy

weight, such as a truck, can cause the same impact if it

is going slowly.

These effects are due to MOMENTUM (moh-MENT-um).

Stated simply, a moving object's momentum is calculated

by multiplying its speed by its weight. A 200-pound

player moving at 3 miles an hour has as muchmomentum,

orstriking force, as a 100-pound player moving at 6 miles

per hour.


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This is one of the reasons why heavy men are selected

to be football players.Of course, it is more difficult for

a heavy player to get into motion. But once he starts

moving, it requires more force to stop him.

In baseball, the weight of the ball cannot be changed.

However, the speed of the ball can be increased by faster

pitchingor harder

hitting.The result is that the ball

moves with more momentum. Such balls travel far.

They also strike theplayers' gloves with resounding


Action and reaction

Another very important law of motion can help explain

many activities insports.

It states: Every action force

has an equal and opposite reaction force.

Strange as it may seem to you, whenever you exert any

force upon anobject, the object exerts a similar force

upon you but in an opposite direction!

When you kick a football with a certain force, the

football pushes your footright

back with the same force.

When a bat strikes a baseball, the ball exerts an equal

but opposite force upon the bat And when a basketball

hits the backboard, the backboard pushes the ball back

with the same force that it was struck.

Two objects are always involved in reaction. One

body can never exert a force upon another one without

the second reacting against tibe first The reactingforce

is always equal, but in an opposite direction.

How do we walk or run? This may soundsilly,


you go forward because you push backward againstthe



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ground You can convince yourself of this. Try to run

on ice. Because of the lack of friction, there will be

little action againstthe ground Therefore, there will

be very little reaction pushing you forward.

Spiked shoes, cleats, and rubber sneakers are worn by

athletes in order to increase friction and get better reac-



at thestarting line digs

his feet into holes

in the track. This enables him to exert more backward

force against the ground when the gun is shot. The

ground can now pushhim forward quickly. Sometimes

a steel supporting frame is used at thestarting

line in-

stead of the holes.

A swimmer, too, goes forward because of reaction.

The resistance of the water enables the swimmer's hands

and feet to exert a backward force. The reaction to this

causes the forward motion of the swimmer.


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The pull of gravity

The invisible force whichpulls everything

to the

center of the earth is called GRAVITY.

When a ball is tossed high into the air, it moves against

this force. That is why the ball loses motion until it

finally stops. Then, asgravity pulls

the ball down, it

gathersmore and more speed until it strikes the eartk

Scientists have calculated that it takesjust

as long

for a ball to come down as it took the ball to reach its

peak on the way up. They can also prove that the ball

strikes the earth with the same speed that it left the hand.

Every person is constantly working against gravity

just by moving his own body weight from place toplace.

High jumpers, pole vaulters, shot-putters, discus and

hammer throwers are very much aware of this pulling


A ball takes a curved path

When a ball is thrown or batted upward or horizon-

tally,it always takes a curved path.

That is because the

earth attracts the ball at an even rate the instant it goes

into the air.

All falling objects, regardlessof weight or size, fall 16

feet in one second, 64 feet in two seconds, 144 feet in

three seconds, and 256 feet in four seconds. It makes no

difference whether the objectsare dropped or thrown.

The curvefl path taken by balls, bullets, or other pro-

jectilesis called a TRAJECTORY (truh-jEcr-ory). Players

have learned from experience where a certain trajectory


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A trajectory Is a curved path

will land a ball. That is how a fielder knows exactly

where to"get

under" afly

ball Batters learn to estimate

thetrajectories of the pitched balls. A catcher uses the

proper lowtrajectory

when a player attempts to steal

second base. The second baseman can now tag the

runner with little loss of time or motion.

Football passes, basketball goal shots, and even run-

ning-broad jumps arejust a few examples of the im-

portance ofobtaining the proper trajectory.


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Baseball pitching

The pitcheris one of the most important players on the

baseball team. Upon him usually depends the success

or loss of a game. Because of the sensitive nature of his

work all his teammates pamper him. They tryin every

way to save hisstrength and his nervous system.

A pitcher must haveintelligence, strength,


He is a marvel of coordination. He has trained his eyes

and the muscles of hisfingers, wrists, arms, legs, back,


His brain tells him the precise moment when

his hand must release the ball to deliver a strike. So

importantis the well-being of a pitcher that he can be

"off his game" if he has anything wrong with him. Alittle ache or pain or some nervousness may prevent


from doing his best.

On the average, only 100 to 150 pitches are made by

one pitcher in a game. But every throw iscarefully

planned and executed. Pitchingis hard work and the

pitcher is rarely asked to work for the next few days.

See how he saves his energy while he is on the mound.

When a catcher wishes to talk to him, he comes up to the

pitcher. The pitcher does not walk around too much or

make unnecessary motions. He rests between throws.



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And the throws are never made tooquickly,

one after the


He may relieve tension by chewing gum. He tries

not to be bothered by the jeers or heckling of the spec-

tators. He needs a calm and evendisposition, especially

when hegets into

tight spots.

Notice how heprotects

his pitching hand by receiving

balls from the catcher with liis gloved hand only. He

also tries not to use hispitching hand when

catching a

very fast batted ball.

Before a relief pitcher comes in, he warms up in the

Hbull-pen." [After he warms up he wears his jacket

to avoid a chill, which might tighten up his muscles.]

When such a pitcher comes to the mound he is allowed

up to eighttrial pitches to loosen his muscles, and


vent a "glass arm/'

Can you observe other ways in which apitcher is

treated like a rarepiece of china?

The strike zone

In order for a strike to be called, thepitcher must de-

liver a ball in the space over homeplate. It must also

be between the batter's armpits and thetops of his knees.

The part of homeplate facing the pitcher is 17 inches

wide. The distance between the knees andarmpits

varies, of course, for short and tallplayers. Also, some

players crouch and others stand more erect For a

semi-erect stance, theaverage distance between the

topand bottom limits of the strike zone is about 36 to 39



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To armpits

of batter

To tops

of knees.

yS Left-handed

batter's box

Home plate

The pitcher makes no attempt to throw every ball in

the center of the strike zone. He tries to confuse the

batter. He temptingly throws an assortment ofhigh,

low, inside, and outside pitchesin the strike zone. He

also tries to have batters swing atpitches outside the

strike zone. A good pitcher knows the weaknesses of

every batter on opposing teams.

The pitchers moundThe pitcher stands on a little hill or mound. At every

pitch he must rest one foot againsta rectangular slab of

rubber 24 inches long and 6 inches wide. The nearest

edge of thispitcher's plate is 60 feet, 6 inches from home


The trajectory of any pitched ball is lowered consider-

ably over that distance. The pitcher'smound is there-

fore raised 15 inches about the level of the base lines.


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But even with this aid, a pitcher still has to throw every

ballslightly upward. You can see this if you follow a

pitched ball carefully.


Ball's path is low

Sfrike zone

60 feet, 6 inches


Same trajectory, but

ball is now in strike zone

The distance between batter and pitcher has been

designed to make a more even match between these two

players. For the firstfifty years of baseball, the pitcher

stood 55 feet from homeplate.

In 1893, this distance

was increased to 60 feet, 6 inches. It is good to keep in

mind that the distances, apparatus, and rules used in

baseball have been changed many times. Each changehas made the game more competitive aikl



Somesports writers and commentators refer to the

mound as the pitcher's ~box/* The reason is that before

1900 the pitcher actually had to stand in a white lined

area called a BOX. So you see, someexpressions never


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^.;..;- Second

OUTFIELD !. - ^A&x?;'






UTTLE LEAGUEBatter's box4]D -V: HELD

Home plate

The mound is a circle cleared ofgrass, usually 15 to

18 feet in diameter. An interesting experiment to check

this measurement is the following:

Hold apencil or a stick vertically

at arm'slength.


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Sight past this object toward thepitcher when he is in

the center of the mound. Compare the height of the

pitcher and the diameter of the mound by making refer-

ence marks on the pencil.

Measure the pitcher's height.

Is the diameter of the mound

about 3 times his height?

Suppose you find that the mound diameter is about

three times the height of the pitcher. Assuming that

the pitcher is about 6 feet tall, the diameter of the mound

would be 18 feet

Try this next time you see a professional game on TV,

or at a stadium. You will find that not all ball parks

have similarpitchers* mounds.

Little-League pitcher's mound

This little hill is 8 feet in diameter and rises gradually

to a peak which is 6 inches above the level of homeplate.

The official distance between the nearest edge of home

plate and the nearest edge of thepitcher's plate is 44



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The pitcher's windup

Many people believe that the long windmill type

of windupis

mainlyfor the

purpose of confusing thebatter. S ome

pitchers however, have developed astyle

which does not include an elaborate windup. Most

expertsbelieve that when the windup is done


it limbers up the pitcher's muscles. It alsogives the

ball the most snap when it leaves thepitcher's hand.

There are several very good scientific reasons for the

longstretch and fast motions of the windup. In order

to getthe most speed into a pitched ball, the pitcher

must increase speed as long as possible before the ball

leaves his hand.

The pitcherdoes this by holding the ball as far back

as he can. He gets back still farther by lifting one leg

off the ground and bending the knee of the otherleg.

This motion also lowers his entire body.

When he comes forward, his feet act as the center of

a largecircle for which his

legs, body, and arm act

as the radius. The ball can now move in aslarge


arc aspossible. As he continues forward, and his body

is thrown off balance, he takes a stride forward. Every

split-second,the force of the pitcher's

muscles keeps

speeding up the ball more and more. (See illustration

on page 13. )When his throwing arm is as far forward as

he can get it, the pitcherreleases his

fingers.The inertia

of the moving ball makes it continue to home plate.

If the pitcher releases the ball tooearly,

it is high;if

too late, the ball is low.


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3. The change-of-pace ball, also called CHANGE-UP. This

pitch approaches the plate slowly. It can be a half-

speed fast ball or a slow curve. It confuses the batter

and makes him change his timing.

In addition, there arespecial pitches which are


variations of a curve ball. They are not used as often

as the three listed above because they are difficult to

perfectand to control. These include: knuckle ball,

screwball, slider, fork ball and several others.

Does a ball really curve?

There have been many arguments as to whether a ball

actuallycurves or whether this is only an


For overfifty yeafs, all kinds of testing apparatus have

been devised by eager laymen and scientists in order to

find the truth. Photography, flashing lights, wind tun-

nels, and tapes attached to balls have been used.

Pitched curve balls have been thrownparallel to

vertical posts lined up in astraight

line. Measurements

were taken of the distance of the ball from each post as

it shot by. It was found that the path of the ball did

indeed curve.

The most recent convincing research was done by Dr.

Lyman Briggs,former head of the National Bureau of

Standards. He attached a long stripof fine flat tape to

a baseball. He then had a good jpitcherthrow a curve

the regulation distance. He counted the number of

twists in thetape.

This told him how many complete

spinsthe ball made in 60 feet, 6 inches. Then he set up

a baseball in a wind tunnel used in aeronautics research.


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He spun the ball at the rate determined by hisexperi-

ments with the twisted tape.

Dr. Briggs concluded that it is possiblefor a pitcher

to make the ball curve. The bend can be as much as

17% inches from astraight line between home plate and

the pitcher's mound. This "ideal curve" travels about

100 feet per second. The ball has to be spun around an

axis at 1,800 revolutions per minute.

Why does a ball curve?

A pitcher makes the ball curve by giving the wrist a

hard snap as he releases the ball. The ball comes off the

side of his index fingerand his thumb. Aided by the

friction of thefingers against

the seams, the ball is set

spinning on its axis.


Look at the diagram of the spinning ball moving

through the air. Its *ms is vertical.

As the ballspins,

there is friction against the air close

to it This causes some of the air to be dragged around

by the spinning ball.

As the ball goes forward, it meets oncoming air which

acts like a wind. On the left side of the ball, there is

increased air resistance as the air carried by the ball


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Oncoming air

Increased air resistance




Ball moves toward right

Decreased air resistance

Forward motion

of bail

meets the air coming toward it Thispiles up the air at


On the right side of the ball, the air that is carried

by the ball now travels with the oncoming air. This

makes the air resistance less at B. The ball follows

the path of least resistance and moves toward theright.

As it keeps doing this along the entireflight,

a curved

path is the result

There is another way of explaining curves. Notice

that at B, the air speed is increased, because the on-

coming air and the air around the spinning ball arespin-

ning together.

It is a well-known scientific fact that when air is

made to move faster, its pressure gets less. Therefore,

the air pressureat B is less than at A.

Throughout theflight

of the spinning baseball, the

higher air pressure on the left pushes the ball toward the

lower air pressure on the right

The ball in the diagram will produce a curve which

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turns toward a right-handed batter. It is called an INSIDE

curve. In baseball language, this curve Breaks" toward

the batter. It is the natural curve of a left-handed


If the ball were set spinning in the opposite direction,

it would be an OUTSIDE curve- It would break awayfrom a right-handed batter. This is the usual curve of

right-handed pitchers.Other

spins using a horizontal

axis will produce curves that rise or fall.

















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Practically all throws made by major-league pitchers

are curves, in oneway or another. A pitcher with straight

fast balls would not be in businesslong.

Even the so-called fast ball is released from the pitch-

er's fingerswith a back

spin. (See illustration.) The

axis of the spinning ball is horizontal. The ball crosses

the platewith a rise called a HOP.


Pitchers can also make a ball curve down over the

plate.This is done by giving the ball an overhand spin

on a horizontal axis. This is called a DROP or an OVER-

HAND curve.



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Can a pitched ball changedirection suddenly?

Many players and spectatorsinsist that certain balls

come from the pitcherin a

straightline. Then, just

before they reach homeplate,

the balls curve. Fanciful

tales are told of balls which swerve left and right, loop

theloop, hook, and corkscrew! Some even seem to hang

in the air for an instant!

No such pitch

However, there is not a bit of scientific evidence that

this occurs. No pitcher can make fast balls curve only

at home plate by some kind of remote control.

Every curve is a gradual curve which starts as the ball

leaves thepitcher.

The batter sees only the continuation

of thispitch.

But even reliable observers insist that they see the

ball curve "just before home plate." The explanation

may be that objects and movements appear smaller

when they are farther away. The batter may be seeing

the curve suddenly get larger as the ball rapidly ap-


How fast is a fast ball?

By means of instruments used to test the speed of

bullets and other smallobjects, scientists have learned


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that fast pitchers can throw a ball about 90 to 100 miles


Bob Feller, one of the fastest pitchers of all time, could

throw a ball 98.6 miles per hour. He could move his

hand from back to front for such a pitch in one-eighth of

a second.

Weather, altitude, and pitching

Some pitchers feel that on hot, muggy days their

curves are not as good as those on cool, dry days. They

also believe that hot days are excellent for making the

speediest pitches.

As you know, the air around us is not the same at all

times. You hear weather reports statingthat the air

pressurevaries from day to day.

Actually, on cool, dry days the air is heavier and more

dense than on hot, humid days. The heavier the air,

the greateris the resistance to baseballs moving through

it. The thinner the air, the easier it is for a pitched ball

to move through it.

The success of a curve depends upon the differences

in air pressure set up on different parts of the spinning

ball. When the air is thinner, the air pressures around

the ball are decreased. This causes poor curves.

But on cool, dry days when the air is "thicker,** the

spinning ball develops a larger difference inpressure.

Better curves are produced.

Pitchers also say that they pitch poorer curves in

Denver, Colorado than they do in New York City.This

is because the altitude of Denver is almost 1 mile above


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that of New York City, which is at sea level! The air is

"thinner" in Denver.

However, while curves may be poorer in Denver, balls

travel much faster because there is less air to get in the

way of the balls. A pitcher can throw faster. But when

a ball is hit, it travels farther too!

Pitching distances for Softball

Perhaps you would like to know the distance between

the pitcher and the batter in Softball, which has become

a very popular sport To make the game competitive,

the pitching distance is much less than in baseball.

That is because a Softball is about 3 incheslarger


circumference than a baseball It is also about 1 ounce

heavier. Besides, the pitcher must use an underhand

motion. That is, he pitches from below thehip.

The official pitching distance is 46 feet for men; 38

feet for women.


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Batting the boll

Every craftsman knows agreat deal about the tools of

his trade. A carpenter givescareful thought to selection

of a new hammer. A mechanic ponders over the choice

of a wrench for a certainjob.

A baseball player too, learns all about the apparatus

he uses to display his special talents before thousands

of fans. Witness thelarge

rack of assorted bats used

by big-league players. See the deliberation that goes

into the selection of the proper bat Someplayers have

over two dozen batsjust

for their personal use. No

doubt you too have a favorite bat

Batting skill is one of the biggest talents baseball

players canpossess. That is why they spend long hours

of practicein

perfecting thisability.

As you will see, there is much science involved in

"swatting"the ball


The bat

Bats are made of northern white ash grown in Penn-

sylvania and New York. Hickory, which is aslightly


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heavier wood, is also used a greatdeal. These trees

are used because they produce wood which has the

proper grainand strength as well as weight

The rules state that no bat shall be more than 2%inches at its thickest point.

No bat can be more than 42

incheslong. Actually, most bats used in big leagues

are between 34 and 35 inches in length. However,

little-leaguebats are never more than 33 inches


Sometimes a bat is referred to by weight. However,

the weight and size may have the same number, because

a bat weighs about 1 ounce for each inch oflength.

If the bat is very long,it is hard to whip it around

because of inertia. But, as you learned, a heavier bat

develops more momentum and consequently makes the

ball travel faster and farther.

Players show their personal preference for certain

bats. Some like to uselightweight

batsagainst fast-ball

pitchers.Heavier bats are swung against those pitchers

who are not so fast. On hotdays,

or near the end of a

game, lighterbats may be preferred. For those who

tend to overswing, using a heavier bat may cure this

fault. Some choose bats for reasons which arestrictly


Care of the bat

Goodplayers do not abuse their bats. They avoid

striking home plate or the earth with them. Bats are not

left out in the rain. Moisture warps the wood and raises


Some players rub their bats with a smooth bone in


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order to flatten thegrain.

Oil is often rubbed on the

wood after it getswet and also when the bats are put

away for a long time.

Bats should be stored over the winter in a cool, dry

place,and kept in a vertical

position. One way is to

hang a bat from the beams in a dry cellar. Tie astring

to a small nail or screw eye in the end of the handle.

The bat should not strike the ball with the "flat of the

grain."The manufacturer has placed his trademark

over this weak section deliberately. Players are advised

to always keep the trademarkup. That is, toward the

sky.This will lessen the danger of

splittingthe bat

It will also cause lesssting to the hands.

Why bats sometimes sting

Every player knows that there is one best spot for

hittinga ball the greatest distance. When a ball is hit

"on the button,** there is an unmistakable clear, solid

sound. And the bat does notsting the hands.

You can find this spot in any bat by holding the bat

horizontally in one hand. Now pick up a hammer or

piece of wood and strike the bat atpoints 1 inch


Start from the heavier end of the bat. (Do notspoil

your bat by denting it.)

You will find one small area which gives the most

solid ring to your impact The hand holding the bat

does not feel any vibration orsting.

Mark thisspot.

You can repeat this experiment using both hands on

the bat handle. Use your regular grip. Have a friend

tap the bat with the hammer.


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finding the bat's





Baf Is held

with the


on top

Finding the bat's CENTER OF PERCUSSION

You have found the bat's CENTER OF PERCUSSION. It

is thespot where the momentum of the batter's swing is


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best transferred to the ball. It is usually between 2

inches and 10 inches from the thick end of the bat.

If the ball is struck above or below thispoint,

the bat

tries to swing around this point This twisting force

tries to wrench the bat out of the hands.Actually,


is a series of back-and-forth movements called OSCEJLA-

HONS (oss-ih-LAY-shonz). This is what makes the bat


The farther away from the center of percussion that

the bat hits the ball, the greater the twisting or vibrating

effect. That is why a "handle hit"stings

the hands badly

and oftensplits

the bat

When a batstings,

the ball does not travel its maximum

distance. That is because some energy is wasted while

the bat is being twisted.

Many people make the error ofcalling

the spot you

have found, the center of gravity of the bat This is not


The center ofgravity

is the spot where the weight of

the entire bat seems to be concentrated. It can be

found by suspending a bat horizontally from astring


at different places until the bat is balanced.

The center ofgravity

is where thestring

is now tied

to the bat Mark it You will find that this point is not

the same as the one you found when you held the bat

and struck it

Incidentally have you discovered that bats sting more

in cold weather? Also, can you devise an experiment to

show that the heavier the bat, the less will be thesting?


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About baseballs

When a bat hits a baseball, the ball is squeezed out

of shape for atiny fraction of a second. As the ball goes

bade to itsoriginal shape, it acts like a spring and pushes

againstthe bat.

Reaction now sends the ball away from the bat This,

in addition to the momentum which the batgives it,

sends the ball out to the field.

To have any kind of order in big-league baseball, it

is necessary that all balls bounce or rebound equally.

They must also be alike in every other way.

After much experimentation through the years, the

regulationsnow state that a baseball must measure be-

tween 9 and 9% inches in circumference. It must also

weigh not less than 5 or more than 5% ounces.


Cork center

Layers of rubber




Horsehide cover

Each ball contains a cork center covered by a layer

of rubber. Various layers of cotton and woolen yarn are

then wrapped evenly around the core. (See illustra-

tion.) The ball is covered by twostrips

of white horse-

hide, tightlyhand-sewn by exactly 108 stitches. (No

machine has ever been perfected which can properly

sew on the odd-shaped, horsehidecovering.)


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When extreme attention is paid to all details, every

ball, tested and passed, has the same "bounce."

When many home runs are hit in one season, the

agitated fans are firm believers that the ball has been

made more lively.But the manufacturers, just as


state that today's baseball is exactly the same as the one

used in 1927. That was when Babe Ruth hitsixty

homers in a season of 154 games. ( Nowadays, the base-

ball season contains 162 games. )

Every ball also has the weight perfectly distributed

from its center. This makes the ball rotate evenly. If

the ball were off-center it would wobble when pitched or

hit. Off-center balls are often sold for fun innovelty

shops. They are called OEIAZY-BAULS.

Balls cannot be intentionally discolored, damaged, or

moistened in any way. See how the umpire examines

every ball which isfoul-tipped

or which strikes the net

or fence. Scuffed balls are immediately replaced. Even

the smallest scuff can make a pitched ball act"crazy."

A ball which is very cold loses some of its bounce,

because the enclosed molecules do not move as quickly

as when they are warm. When thesport was not so

highly regulated,old-time pitchers used to keep the

baseball in a refrigeratorbefore a game. This deadened

the bounce, and if struck, the ball would not travel far!

Batter up!

Notice that when the batter waits for the throw he

is not in a very erectposition. Instead, he is


stooped. The reason for this stance is that it is the most


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natural positionhe can take. It is the best way one can

prepare the many muscles of the hody for the awaited

fast swing.

It is not an easy task to overcome the inertia of amotionless bat and to build up a very high speed in

two-fifths of a second. This is the approximate time it

takes for a ball to reach home plate after it is released

by thepitcher.

To make thingsmore difficult, the batter wishes to

get a long swing, so he holds the bat far back. In addi-

tion, he has to start his swing before the ball is over the

plate.No wonder his tensed muscles have pulled


into the familiar batter's crouch. His body is now wound

up like aspring.

Did you ever consider that this crouchedposition is

a disadvantage to the pitcher? The strike zoneis

nowsmaller than when the batter is erect.

Crouching may also give the batter aslightly better

view of the approaching ball. He is now several inches

closer to theflight path of the ball.

What else does the batter use to get more force into



yousee how he

stepsinto the

pitch?In this way he uses his weight to help his

swing. The

batter stands with his side facing the pitcher. When he

swings, he will turn his body around. Histwisting body

acts like a huge rubber band to give the bat more speed.

At every swing, try to pay particular attention to just

one muscle of the batter. For instance, first



part played by the back muscles. Then observe the

leg muscles. Also those of the arms, feet, neck, fingers,

and other muscles.


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If you look carefully, you will see the important use

of the wrist muscles. See how they snap the bat around

for that extra speed.

It is also interesting to see how different batters follow

through especially after misses. A well-trained batter

will follow through his swing so that he will be in a good

running position to first base.

Next time you are up at bat, try to analyze your own

batting style.It may be a revelation to you.



Momentum and batting

As you learned before, momentum represents the


of a

movingobject This is a combination of

the speed and the weight.

Scientists say that momentum cannot be destroyed.

When one body gains momentum some other body loses


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an equal amount When you hit a baseball with a bat,

the bat slows down andgives

its momentum to the ball.

The momentum the ball gains is about the same as the

momentum the bat loses.

Batting fast balls

Everybody knows that fast-pitched balls are batted

back to the field faster than regular pitches.

The reason is that the harder a ball hits the bat, the

more it is squeezed out of shape. As it goes back to its

originalround condition, it

gives the bat an additional


According to the laws of reaction, the bat pushes back

equally hard in the direction of the field. This addi-

tional force increases the ball's speed and therefore its

momentum. This momentum, of course, is in addition

to that which the bat gives the ball.

You can prove that there is more reaction against fast

balls. Simply throw a slow ballagainst

a brick wall.

Then throw a fast ball. See how the wall pushes it back

faster then the slower ball.

The bat is like the brick wall. But here the "brick

walT is also coming toward the ball!

Placing hits

The oldest advice to batters is, "Hit 'em where they

ain't." As you know, players usually try to hit a ball into

an unguarded or weakposition.

There are many delicate conditions which determine

where a ball will go after it is batted out It isquite a


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complicated matter. Baseballplayers spend many years

of study andpractice trying to

perfect their placementof hits. Even after many years, they cannot be absolutely

certain where their hits will fall. This is what makes a

baseball game so full of enjoyable suspense.

However, despite allcomplications, there are certain

thingsa batter can do in order to direct his hits.


the placement of a hit depends upon:1. The position and direction of the bat.

A well-hit ball will move in the direction that the

bat is moving at the moment of impact.

2. The part of the ball being struck.



Consider the ball as having nine spots as it comes to-

ward theplate.

a. If any lower spot is struck, the ball will go up-

ward as it leaves the batter.

b. If any upper spot is struck, the ball will go



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<x If the center spot is struck, the ball will be batted

neither up nor down. That is, it will go straight


d. Hitting any right spot will make the ball go to

the left.

e. Hitting any left spot will make the ball go to the


Here are thepossibilities:

Actually, when the batter changes the position anddirection of his bat, he is

selectingthe spot on the ball

which he wishes to hit.

In other words, suppose he strikes the ball when his

bat is at right angles (perpendicular, 90 degrees) to the

path of the pitched ball. Then all balls will very prob-

ably go

toward thepitcher,

because he is



center of the balL

In thisposition the bat can hit the upper, lower, or

middle center of the ball.


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(Top views)

Pulling and pushing hits

In order to keep the ball from going straight in the

direction of the pitcher, the bat's position must be


If a right-handed batter meets the ball out in front

of him, his bat will be in a position to send the ball toleft field. (See illustration.) If a left-handed batter

meets the ball in front of him he will hit to right field.

Such batters are called FUIX HITTERS. The most

powerful hitters are pull hitters because they throw the

weight of the entire body into the swing giving the bat

more momentum.They

also exert maximum force be-

cause their muscles are pulling the bat to them. Another

feature is that pulling a hit allows for a longer swing

because the batter starts his swing early. The longer


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the swing,the greater is the momentum of the bat

When a right-handed batter wishes to hit to right field

he must change his timing so that he swings late.

Consequently when he hits the ball at a point behind his

positionat the plate,

he is pushing his hit toright field.

A left-handed batter will push a hit to left field.

Pushing a hit usually results in a weak hit. Theposi-

tion of theplayer's body does not allow him to use his

muscles to full advantage. He uses a pushing orslap-

ping action as he hits the ball.

There is another reason for apusher's weak


He has to meet the ball late. Thisgives

him little time

to speed up hisswing. His bat does not develop much



Bunting is a spectacular bit of baseballstrategy. At

the moment ofbunting,

the batter holds his bat loosely

and horizontally. One hand is on the handle and the

other near the trademark. He does not push at the ball.

He lets the ball hit the bat.

When the ball makes contact, most of its momentum

is absorbed injarring

the loosely held bat. Because the

bat itself has developed very little momentum, the ball

does not travel far.

Since the bunt must be to the ground (a buntedfly

ball is fatal!), the best pitch is a low ball. This allows

the batter to hit the top of the ball.

The pitcher may suspect that a bunt iscoining.


will try to throw a high strike.


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Catching, fielding, and running bases

Crack! The batter has connected with thepitcher's

best effort. The ball is shot to the crouching third base-

man. He scoopsit up with a grace that is beautiful to

behold- Like a well-aimed bullet, the ball is thrown to

the outstretched hands of the first baseman.

An instant later the runner races across first base. The

umpire signifies that the runner is out, a victim of the

rule that there shall be 90 feet between bases. That is

the distance which a runner hasgreat difficulty


reaching, especiallywhen the

opposing team ishighly


Anywasted motion, or a

momentaryfumble, would

have made the runner safe. Baseballplayers

know the

value ofsplit-seconds


hits or running bases.

That is why they use science to help them in every way.

In order to makelittle-league

baseballcompetitive, it

was necessary to set 60 feet as the official distance be-

tween all bases. Efperiments with various longer and

shorter distances showed that one side or the other was





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About gloves

Gloves are used mainly to protectthe hands of the

players.The momentum developed by a 5-ounce ball

traveling at 85 miles per hour can cause anannoying


One of the reasons that aglove reduces the impact is

because it has padding. There are many kinds ofpad-

ding, but usually a specially prepared felt is used.


nature of thepadding,

and theleather,

force the ball to take a longer time to slow down. This

reduces the shock of impact For the same reason,

the player also bringshis hands back at the in-

stant he catches a fast ball.

Another reason why aglove reduces

stingis that it

spreads the impact over a larger area. Notice in the

first illustration how a bare hand catches a fast ball.

Here the impact area is only where the ball touches the

skin. The full force is acting over a small area. There-

fore, thesting


Now see in the second illustration how the tougho

leather of a glove helps spread this force over a larger

section of the enclosed hand. Onespot does not get the

Ball hits

small area

Leather padding

spreads force

over large area



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full impact as with a bare hand. This removes most of

the sting.

Many years ago baseball players used nogloves.

Later, it was found that gloves caught and held balls

better. Soon fielders wereusing netlike affairs which

trapped flyballs like butterflies.

That is why official rules today are very definite about

sizes of gloves. Even the space between the thumb

section and thefinger section is given very specifically

for different gloves. However, the catcher may use any

size, weight, or shape he wishes.

Little-leaguers' gloves are the same kind used inbig

leagues except that they are in smaller sizes.

The catcher is an important player

The catcher is usually one of the huskiest players on

the team. His job calls for more strength and stamina

than that needed by otherplayers.

He is the quarterback of his team. As the only player

who can see all his teammates at one time, he often holds

up a game until everyone is in the proper position. He

can slow down or speed up a game simply by how soon

he returns the ball to the pitcher.

The catcher constantly watches the stance of a batter.

This is often a giveaway of the kind of a ball the batter

intends to hit.

For example, a batter may be standing too dose to


The catchersignals

to the pitcher for a high

inside pitch, since such batters can hit an outside ball

very hard.


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Observe that the catcher does not receive the pitch in

a full squat position. Instead, he stands half-erect, on

the balk of his feet, and with his body bent forward.

This enables him to throw a ball to a baseman with little

loss of motion.

A catcher with a good arm and aim is "instant death"

for anyone trying to steal a base. For example, suppose

a runner tries to steal second base. The catcher will

usually throw the ball to the left knee of the second base-

man. This is the best trajectory for a tag.

Watch a catcher go after a high flyball to the rear of


He usually throws his mask in theopposite

direction to where he is moving. This prevents histrip-

ping over it Such pop-ups are hard to catch, especially

with a heavily padded glove and while wearing hispro-

tective devices. The ball may be coming down very

dose to the dugout, screen, or grandstand. The catcher

who is looking up, may hurt himself by running into one

of these.

Foul balls usually have a peculiar trajectory because

of the spin given the ball as it skids off the bat. Some

balls may even curve back toward home plate like a

boomerang. The wind also produces tricky behavior

when a ball has a high spin on it

Watch the fielders

Once in a while a fielder has to make a spectacular

jump. Sometimes he thrills the bleacher fans with a

successful do-or-die catdtu

But in the main, every fielder who has learned his


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business well, has a definite routine for catching fly balls.

First, he considers what kind of a hitter is at bat

Watch how he shifts his location to be better able to

receive the expected hit For example, he knows whether

the batter is apull

or a push hitter. He is often tipped

off by the way the batter stands.

The fielder begins his pursuit at the crack of the bat.

Years of experience have taught him to estimate the

trajectoryof a

flyball. He runs to where the ball will

probablyfall. Very often his back is to the ball When

he turns to face the ball usually he has to make only small

adjustments to catch it Once in a while, a fielder only

has to back up to get under the balL

Remember that in the outfield the ball is not traveling

as fast as when it was struck. For example, when afly

ball is first hit it may be going close to 100 miles an hour.

Measurements show that it reaches a fielder 294 feet

away in 4.3 seconds. That is an average speed of 47

miles per hour. So you can see how quickly speed tapers


Outfielders must always know the direction and

strength of the wind- They look at the stadium'sflags,

at chimney smoke, or toss grass into the air. They allow

for the wind when estimating where the ball will fafl.

It is better for the wind to cany the ball to the fielders

than away from them. Sometimes they call for a nearby

fielder to take the catck

Observe how most fielders run on the balls of their feet

and do not step down hard on their heels. In this way

they do not jartheir bodies or their eyes.

If they ran any


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other way they would see the ball bobbing up and down.

Try it yourself. It may take a littlepractice

to do this


There is a technique for catching a fly ball when it is

in danger ofgetting

lost in the sun. First, the fielder

places his glove overhead so that the sun is blocked from


The ball is watched carefully until it goes into the sun.

The ball is not watched while it travels across the sun.

This would temporarily blind the player long enough for

him to lose the ball.

The ball is caught sightof as it comes out from behind

the glove covering the sun.

Todaymost fielders use polaroid sunglasses. These cut

out glare and also help the fielder follow a ball which mayhave very little contrast against gray cloudy skies.

The science of throwing

A good ball player must know how, when, and where

to throw a ball.

Without natural muscle development a ball player can

never become a very fast thrower. But every player can

obtain extra speed by learning how to useleverage, mo-

mentum, reaction, friction, air pressure, and other factors.

Most throwers are taught to give the ball a backward

rotation such as a pitcher uses in throwing a fast ball.

See page 31. This rotation makes the ball go farther

in the air and also will make it bouncestraight.

One of the secrets of returning a ball quickly is to be

set for it See how the infield players are usually low


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Thrower digs in his

rear foot to brace

himself for a throw

and bent forward. They catch the ball and throw it with

justone step in any direction. If they had to


out their bodies to throw they would lose a fraction of a

second. See how a fielder scoops up a ball and is im-

mediately inposition for a throw.

A low trajectory is a timesaver when throwing a ball

for speed. Getting the arm high and making a large arc

will also increasespeed. A strong elbow and wrist snap

are also in order.

Watch how a thrower digs his rear foot into the ground

when he wants speed or distance. He uses the same

principleof reaction as a cannon which is braced in the

rear. (See illustration.) Hie braced rear foot and the

braced cannon allow a harder backward push to be given

the ground. The reaction forward then becomes greater.

A first baseman saves asplit-second by stepping to-

ward the ball thrown to him. He does this by pushing


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againstthe infield side of first base. Reaction pushes

away from the base. He also can get out of the way of

the runner.

How to run bases

A champion base runner can circle all bases in about

14 seconds. He can do this only by using sound scientific

techniques. Not an inch of distance must be wasted or

even one misstep made.

The problem, even for the fastest runner, is that the

path around the bases isangular.

Inertia makes it diffi-

cult to make sharp turns. It is easier to continue in a


If a runner follows a direct line to a base, his inertia

will cany him along a wide arc toward the next base.

The largerthe arc, the greater the distance he must run.

Expert runners have found that it is best to make most

of the turn before coming to the base. The illustration

on page 57 shows how to save valuable seconds when

running to second base.

A runner uses another trick when rounding bases. He

hits the inside corner of the base with one leg and pushes

hard toward the next base. Either leg can be used as

long as he does not break his stride. However, ifpossi-

ble, it is best to use the leftleg. Many coaches feel th#t

this leg givesthe best fast turn and push-off.

According to the principle of reaction, the harder a

runner pushes the base, the harder the base pushes him

toward the next one.

A player also saves split-seconds by startingfor first


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Second J Wrong







base as soon as he hits the ball. He tries to be in a good

positionto overcome his inertia


Notice how a runner always uses his body to help him

round a base. He leans in toward the pitcher and lowers

his left shoulder. He also swings hisright arm toward

the next base.

"Hitting the dirt"

Many people have the wrong idea about slidinginto

bases. They think that this gives a runner a sudden in-

crease of speed in order to beat the ball to the base. Ac-

tually, slidingslows down a player.

A fast runner cannot stop suddenly. He therefore

slides to prevent his inertia from carryinghim

pasta base

and causing htm to betagged.

The only baseaplayer can overrun

legallyis first base.

That is why players do not slide into this bag.

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Friction of the body against the earth slows down the

runner. Contrary to popular belief, the spikes are not

supposed to be in the ground.

The runner "hits the dirt" about 10 to 15 feet before

a base. He has various techniquesfor giving

the base-

man a small targetfor tagging.

Stealing bases

There is more tostealing

bases than simply trying to

beat the ball to the base. It is a skill involving much

practice.It calls for a study of psychology in

trying to

outguess thepitcher.

It takes into account certain facts

in science.

Consider these:

a. A fast ball is thrown 120 feet per second.

b. A fast runner travels 30 feet per second.

c. It takes three-fourths of one second for the

catcher to throw a ball to second base.

You can see that a thrown ball is four times as fast as

a runner. It would be foolish for a pkyer totry

to beat

a ball.

He cannot even run to second if the catcher isholding

the ball! It would take him three seconds of very fast

running to cover the distance of 90 feet. Add at least

another second for his inertia in getting started and for

stopping.His total time from first base to second base

would be at least four seconds.

But the catcher can throw from home plate to second

base in about one-fourth the time!

So you see, the only way for a runner to steal a base is


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to be cunning. He must take a lead. Or he can start

running while the ball is inplay. But at no time must

he compete on an even basis with a thrown ball If he

does, then he is a "dead duck"!

An experienced stealer observes differentparts of the

pitcher's body. He can tell within a fraction of a second

when the pitcheris

startinga real

pitching motion. He

may also know when a"pick-off" throw is being con-

sidered by thepitcher.

It isinteresting to note that the pitcher's throw to first

is not always made to catch the runner off base. The

main purpose of the throw is to prevent the runner from

gettingthe lead which he so urgently needs.

Once in a while a runner is "caught in a run-down.'*

That is, he is trapped between two bases. He runs up

and back to avoid being tagged. In big leagues,this al-

most always ends in disaster for the runner. In only 'sev-

eral throws, the runner learns that you cannot beat the


Frequently, during a run-down, the runner is made to

commit himself. The man with the ball pretends to

throw. The runner starts running and cannot change his

direction in time.

Notice that the throwing arm is always held high.

This makes it ready to throw the ball and puts the ball

in aspot

where the other fielder can see it. In a short dis-

tance, the ball can be thrown too fast for him to see it in

time. Itmay even hit his face.


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Baseball is going modern

Everythingin our country is in tune with this wonderful

electronic era in which we areliving.

It is natural that

baseball too should use modern ideas. Bit by bit, we

find that conditions in thissport,

which we have always

been takingfor granted, are being changed


shouldhelp you

realize thatthings keep

changing all the time! Especiallywhen scientists and

technicians put tibeir minds toproblems.

Radio and television

Today you can always be within earshot of a good

baseball game. You can use your radio set at home or in

an automobile. Or you can take a walk while you are

tuned in on your transistorized pocket-size portable!

It is also a joy to see asizzling game on television. For

only a few cents, which you pay for theelectricity, you

can have "the best seat in the stadium."* And you also

get the free comments from top experts in the game.

TV cameras are set up at the field to quickly cover

allpossible plays in die game. Some cameras have spe-


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cial lenses which can follow a player and keephim in

constant focus. They are called ZOOMAB lenses.

Formerly, the camera man had to use one of several

lenses. These were mounted on a holder which would

swing the proper lens intoplace. Some lenses were used

for close-ups of the batter orpitcher. Others were for

distant actions. Zoomar lenses have made life simpler

for TV cameramen.

Five TV cameras are usually used to cover every angle

of the field as follows:

a. Two cameras are set up in the press box behind

homeplate. They make a direct line with home

plateand the pitcher. More often, they are

slightlyto one side.

b. One camera is in the bleachers, usually behind

the people. It may be in a direct line with the

pitcher and home plate.But

usually,it is a little

to one side.

c. One TV camera is set up in the stands along the

first base line.

d. Another camera, also in the stands, covers the

third base line.

In the TV booth there is a screen for each camera. It

is called a MONITOR. The director can see what picture

each camera istaking.

He selects the picture he wants

on the air by turning switches.

He also has two more monitors for his commercials.

These are often sent from the main studio.

You can see games originatingin other cities. Also, if

you miss a game there is a chance that you can see it an-


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into electrical

impulses Broadcasting




^ station

300 feet

to man in


Speed of sound is about 1 ,1 00 feet per second

The sound reaches the microphone before the distant bleachers

other time. Television can be recorded onspecial tape

and played back.

You hear sounds sooner at home

Suppose a player bats a ball at the stadium. Do you

know that you hear the sound at home before many peo-

ple hear it in the bleachers?

Sound travels in air about 1,100 feet per second. Spec-

tators in the bleachers are hundreds of feet away from


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f/The speed of

f electricity ///f

in wires and

air is almost



So you hear the sound

of home before

the man in the

bleachers does

the batter. It takes a fraction of a second for them to

hear the sound. But even though you may be 10 miles

away, you hear the sound before they do.

The microphone for radio or TV is placed near home

plate.The sound is changed to electrical impulses*

These travel through the air to your set at the speed of

light,which is 186,000 miles per second.

Your set changes the electrical impulses back to sound

vibrations. The loud speaker sends these to your ear.

The sound only travels through air for a short distance

at home. It has to travel a long distance at the stadium.

You can disregard the time the impulse traveled through

all the electronic equipment and through space to your

home. The time is practically instantaneous.

Turning night into day

When you go to a night baseball game you are wit-

nessing a modern miracle. The lightis so bright you can

follow the ball and the plays very comfortably. Yet you

are not annoyed by glare.That is because the groups


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of floodlightsare on poles about 120 feet

high. Each

reflector is aimed at a certain spot on the field determined

by illumination engineers.The aiming device is like the


on a rifle.

Notice that thelights

are placed so that they do not

shine directly into theplayers' eyes. They are never

along base lines, or in a direct line with the pitcher and

catcher. Also observe that the players do not cast any

strong shadows.

The infield is where much fast action occurs. There-

fore it has 1% times the illumination of the outfield. By

using instruments similar to your photography exposure

meter, engineers have determined that thelight

at a night

baseball game is equal to that of about 4,000 full moons.

Most large baseball parks have over a thousand lamps,


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each 1,500 watts. That means over 1% million watts are

being used! Compare that with your reading lamp,

which is probably 75 watts.

In many parks the lamps operate at a slightly higher

voltagethan they were designed for. It has been found

that in this way they give one-third morelight But

you guessed it the bulbs burn out faster.

Iron Mike the pitching machine

Years ago, spring training meant tired arms forpitch-

ers. They had to provide their teammates with an end-

less number of pitches forbatting practice. Today, all

big teams save theirpitchers' strength by using some

form of Iron Mike.

This is the nickname given to the different lands of

modern pitching machines. One of the first of these

automatic machines was also called OVERHAND JOE.

These machines are usually electrically operated as

follows: Many balls are loaded into the machines at one

time. Asingle baseball is fed into the end of a long arm.

As the arm is raised by a motor, it also winds up a

powerful spring. (Some use a heavy rubber band.)


exactly die proper moment, the armtrips

a release, and

the spring brings the arm quickly forward. The ball,

held in loose jaws, is thrown to the batter.

The machines are amazingly accurate. They are ad-

justable for throwing high and low strikes, inside or out-

side. Many also pitch change-of-pace balls. Some even

deliver curves. They can be operated by the coach, or

made to pitch automatically at about seven balls per min-


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ute. Speeds can be increased up to about 98 miles per


Balls roll back to theoperator

of the machine. There

is no need for a catcher. Many machines have a novel

pipeline system for having thefly

balls returned to them

from the field.

One kind of machine uses compressed air for sending

out the balls. It is aptly called the BAZOOKA. Such ma-

chines are often used to throw balls high overhead. They

give catchers practicein

snaring high fouls.

Many amusement parks or carnivals have batting

ranges set up. You may see Iron Mikes in action there.

You can bat out nine balls for about aquarter.

Automatic pitching machines cost from $200 to $1,000.

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Remote control


Automatic umpire

Slow motion movies have proved that umpires of big

leagues call themright 99 times in 100. Nevertheless, an

engineer recently patented an electronic umpire which

has a much better average.In fact, it is never wrong.

It consists of three television cameras so located that

balls and strikes can be determined from them. One

is set up so that itgets an overhead view of home


lliis is in back of the plate, but in a direct line with the

pitcherand home


Another camera is set up on theright

side of the bat-

ter. It is adjustable for the batter's strike zone. There

is also another camera set up on the left for left-handed


These cameras send their impulses by wire to two tele-

vision monitors in the umpire's booth. The umpire can


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3 TV CAMERASrecord path of

bail over plate

All pictures eve

taped and

on TV screens

easilytell whether a ball is


plate. He can

also see clearly whether a ball is between the knees

and armpits. This screen contains adjustable horizontal

markers forthis.

Every pitchis taped and stored as an electronic mem-

ory. Any section of a pitchcan be played back, over and


The ball can be made to "freeze" on the TVscreen.

This setup can also be used for pitching practice.

Some arrangement can be made whereby the pitcher

Camera 3. Camera 1.


show ball

freezing in

strike zone

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can tell the effect of hispitch. Also, what correction is

needed to improve it.

Any base on the diamond may he monitored in the

same way. The TV cameras can be placed so that every

angleof the base is covered. Long distance


lenses would be used to enlarge the action.

How is bounce of a baseball tested?

A compressed air gun shoots a ball toward a steelplate.

On the way to the steel plate the ball passes a velocity


When the ball strikes the steelplate, it bounces back.

As it does this, it passes thevelocity tester

again. The

faster it moves when it rebounds, the greater the ball's


This method can be used to make sure that all balls

used in games are the same.


Sometimes when an opposing pitcher isright-handed,

the manager will substitute apinch-hitter who is left-


One of the reasons is that a right-handed pitcher causes

the ball to spinso that it curves away from the


handed batter. It also curves toward a left-handed bat-


It is usually harder for a batter to hit a ball breaking

away from him than one which is breaking toward him.

Therefore, a left-handed batter finds it easier to hit a

right-handed pitcher'scurve.

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Right-handed infielders

Lookcarefully at all the infield

players*You will prob-

ably find that all of them are right-handed.

Most infield work, especially throwing to first base, is

best done by right-handed throwers. The first-baseman

can be eitherright-

or left-handed

Saving precious moments

Watch a right-handed fielder's foot He catches a ball

with his left foot already forward. This puts him into a

throwing position immediately.

Try throwing a ball hard with your right foot forward.

Your muscles will not allow this.

Of course, a left-handed fielder puts hisright foot for-


Direction of base running

Why are bases run counterclockwise, that is, opposite

to the direction of clock hands?

This probably came about because most players are

right-handed.It was found that the game was speeded

upif first base was in a location which was easier to

throw to.

Suppose bases were run clockwise? That is, if third

base became first base. Do you see that then it would

be better if all infield players were left-handed?

Left-handed batters get head start

Watch a left-handed, batter hit the ball. As his bat

swings around, he is usually in a very good position to

run to first base.


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Now study a right-handed batter as he takes a mighty

swing. His momentum andfollow-through turn him

partly away from first base.

He has to lose a split-second while he turns and speeds

to first base.

A southpaw's pitching arm is toward the south,

Why are left-handed pitchers called


Large stadiums are designed so that the afternoon sun,

which is in the west, is not in the eyes of the batter. It

would givethe pitcher too great an advantage. Besides,

it would be too dangerous for the man at bat

The official rules suggest that a line from home base

through thepitcher's plate shall run in an easterly or

northeasterly direction.

Therefore, when pitchersface home

plate,their left

hands (paws) are toward the south.

This is probably why lefties'* got to be called SOUTH-



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Why a line drive often rises

Watch the path taken by a ball which is hit by the bat-

ter very hard and horizontally. A line drive gives you an

excellent view because it cuts across your field of vision.

Frequently the ball will be seen to rise as it approaches

third or first base. One of the reasons for this is that the

ball was givena spin by being struck below center.


is similar to the one possessed by a fast ball

thrown by the pitcher. This "hop" makes the ball sail.

It is actually an upward curve.

Why do batters wear special caps?

When a batter comes to bat heputs on a


cap. After he getsto first base he often exchanges it for

his regular cap.

A player may choose to wear the first cap throughout

the game. This will protect himagainst thrown balls,

base and fence collisions.

The batter wears this stiff cap to avoid seriousinjury,

should he be struck by a 1>ean" ball or a "duster" at 85

miles per hour. It is not sportsmanlike or legal for a

pitcher tofrighten

a batter by throwing a very close ball.

But accidents do happen,


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The cap is usuallymade oflightweight fiberglass (spun

glass).The inside has a top cushion of rubber. There

is also a shock-absorbing liner.

The hard surface and shock-absorbing band spread the

force of the impact In this way, it is not concentrated in

one spot

PROTECTIVE ^xTVv Foam-rubber fop cushion





Screen reinforcement

Little League

cap Foam rubber liner

Rosin bags

Look for a small white bag near thepitcher's mound.

It is usually behind the pitcher and to one side. You

may also see one near the batter's circle*

These cotton bags contain ROSIN, a substance which

comes from the production ofturpentine.

When the floppy bag is handled, some of the powder

comes through the doth. It is nibbed on the hands to

give them a certain pleasant stickiness. This increases

die friction when gripping a bat or a bafl.

Rosin is used by violinists for increasing friction on the

bow. It is also used in football and othersports.


boxing,it is rubbed on the shoes to increase friction

againstthe canvas.


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Players wear sliding pads

The runner who makes his spectacular slide into a base


well protected againstfriction burns. Under-

neath his uniform he wears padding usually made of

quilted flanneL These protecthis hips and


There is extra padding at contactpoints.

See how the slider keeps his hands off the ground to


He also holds his body as relaxed as he can.


him absorb the shock better.

Babe Ruth's homer

The next time you see a player hit a ball over the fence,

try to think of Babe Ruth's record. He once hit a ball

that traveled 602 feet Can you imagine the force needed

to do this?

Every player'shome run is

pitiful compared to this

record. No one has ever come close to this distance. For

years people would visit the spot where the ball was sup-

posed to have dropped They could hardly see home

plate clearly without binoculars.

Sportswriters like to tell of a homer that traveled even

farther than Ruth's. It was hit by Ernie Lombardi of

the Cincinnati Reds, for a distance of 30 miles! The ball

came over the fence, and landed in apassing truck which

made adelivery 30 miles away.


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Football game of momentum

Football is the king of autumn sports for millions of en-

thusiastic fans across thecountry. It is a


game callingfor

thrillingaction and rough physical con-


The purpose of the game is to advance the ball across

the field bymeans of strategy, strength, speed, and team-

work. It is like agigantic game of chess, calling

for very

careful planning. Many see it as a mimic war, with the



Football has a very long history,with constant chang-

ing of the rules to make the game more competitive, but

at the same time to lessen the element of danger. Still

the rules are aimed at keeping football rugged and full

of physical contacts. This is what the players enjoy.

This is what the spectatorscome to see.

How to watch a football gameMost people watch only the player with the ball. This

is understandable, because lie seems to be the center of


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activity. However, a spectator can get a deeper appre-

ciation of what is going on by learningto look for the

finer points of the game.

There is more than just watching the ball carrier streak-

ing down the field for a touchdown. See how wiseplan-

ning and skillful blocking make his long runpossible.

Observe the faking which draws some of theopposing

team away from the real action. Keep your attention

on the defensive backfield players. Study theirtackling


If you look at football with a scientific eye, you will

realize that this is truly a game of momentum. Every

example of the laws of motion isclearly and vividly dem-



Football is a game where a player is stopped in his ad-

vance by being thrown to the ground. He may have his

balance upset by tackling, blocking,or by other means.

One of the most important techniques a good player

learns is how to make himself lesslikely

to be thrown

over. To become a master at this, he must learn the sci-

entificprinciples involved. Then he may be better able

to stayput and hold his ground like the Rock of Gibraltar.

At the same time, he learns to use his knowledge of sci-

ence when throwing an opposing player to the ground.


of a player to return to hisoriginal position

when pushed or pulled is called STABILITY. An easily

upset player has poor stability.One who remains on his

feet andholds his ground has good stability.He is stable.


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Center of gravity

Place a ruler on your finger.You wffi find that it bal-

ances at the 6-incli point This spot is called the rulers

CENTER OF GRAVITY. It is the point at which all the

weight may be considered to be concentrated.

Balance apiece of cardboard or wood of


shape,as shown in the illustration. The

balancing point

is its center ofgravity.

~"6 inches




A player too, has a center ofgravity. (

See page 78. )

When he stands up, his center ofgravity rises. When

he crouches, his center of gravity becomes lower.

Experience shows that the lower the center of gravity,

the greater the stability of the object You can see ex-

amples of this all around you. A tall narrow flower vase

is made more stable by pouring sand orgravel into it.

Floor lamps have heavy bases. Racing automobiles are

built low. Ships have low keels.

In the same way, a footbaD player gets greater stability

by crouching and making his center of gravity lower.

When he raises his center of gravity he makes his sta-



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Making the base broad

Everybody knows that the broader the base of an ob-

ject,the harder it is to

tipit over. The football player

tries to make as largea base as possible. (See illustra-

tions.) He does this by spreading hislegs apart and

placing his hand on the ground. This is the famous

3-point stance. Itgives him the

stability of atripod.

Drop an imaginary vertical line from the center of

gravity of an object to the ground. If the line falls inside

the base, the object is stable. If the center ofgravity

is over the outside of the base, the object is unstable. It

will not be able to stand on that base. It will fall and

land on one of its broad sides. This will become its new



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Importance of momentum

It islogical

that thegreater

the impact or momentum


the easier it is to throw him over.

You have learned thatmomentum cannot be destroyed.

It can be transferred. When a bat hits a baseball, the

ball acquiresthe momentum of the bat.

The same principle applies to the football carrier who

is tackled. At impact, hegains most of the momentum

of the tackier.

Unfortunately,this makes him move in

an unwanted direction. His center ofgravity

is sud-

denly forced to fall outside his base. He loses his sta-


Stated simply,momentum is determined by multiply-

ingthe velocity of the runner by his weight Either fast

motion or weight can be used to build up a high impact

ability.See page 14. A quarterback who weighs only

150 pounds can develop a greater momentum than a 200-

pound guard. But only if the quarterback is running at

agreater speed.



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Shoulder joint

Shoulder blade


Protective uniforms

The humanbody

is not

designed bynature to be tossed

around like a sack ofpotatoes. Nor is it able to stand,

unaided, the sudden blows and falls inflicted during

blocking andtackling.


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Players protect themselves against broken bones and

bruises by wearing scientifically designed pads under-

neath their colorful jerseys and pants. These may look

bulky, but they are quite light in weight. They are mademainly of molded polyethylene plastic and are excellent

shock absorbers. They also provide great freedom of

movement* The knights of old would have been de-

lighted with some of this armor.

The uniform includes aplastic

helmet and pads for

shoulders, hips, knees, and thighs. There are also manyprotective

devices for other body parts.

These pads absorb and weaken the force of a blow by

causing the slowing-down action to takelonger.

At the

same time, the impact of the force is spread over alarger

area underneath the armor. This results in lesspressure.

Studythe illustrations.

They show how partsof the

body are protected by football gear. Look for theparts

of the skeleton which stick outslightly.

These bones are

easilyhurt and need

special protection. See page 138.

Shoulder pads protect the parts of the body which are

subjected to most contact They give special protection

to the collarbone, which is

very easily


This harness also protects the shoulder blades, several


and the ball portion of the upper arm

joint.At the same time it helps prevent injuries to the

back and neck.

Other heavily protected areas are thehips, kidneys,

and bottom of the spine. Notice how completely the

pads cover these.

Feel on your body all those parts labeled on the skele-



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Life-saving helmets

In theearly days of football, wearing a helmet was the

mark of a"sissy/' Today it is the most important piece

ofprotective equipment. Every player wears one to pro-

tect the skull, back of the head, and the ears.

Modern helmets arescientifically engineered and

tested. The outside shell is made of a hardplastic.

When struck, it spreads the impact over alarger surface.

This reduces the shock in



You can prove thisyourself.

Strike your skull with the


of apencil.

Use enough force to make it an-

noying. Now place a stiff piece of cardboard, or a thin

hard-covered book against your head.

Strike the book with the pencil held in the same way

as before. Use the same part of the head and, of course,

the same force. You will find that your head does not feel

the annoying shock in one spot You will also find that


is decreased.

The shock is spread still farther by another method.

Inside every helmet there is a suspension web consisting

of bands of padded leather. These hold the head about

1 inch away from the top of the helmet.

Each band takes up its share of the impact. The result

is that the force of a dangerous shock is spread over a

very large area. The final pressure on any one spot can-

not do serious harm.

A chinstrap

holds the helmet firmly inplace. Many

players also have face guards attached to their helmets.

These may be made of extremely strong nylon.


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Picsfic shell


Chin guard

About footballs

The first footballs were round, since football originated

from a game which used a soccer ball. Toda/s football

is egg shaped. If you like to use big words, you may call


It is still called a PIGSKIN even though this type of

leather is hardly ever used for footballs. A modern ball

consists of four panels of tan-colored leather sewed to-

gether.A rubber bladder is inserted and inflated to

about 13 pounds per square inch. The leather is then

laced together smoothly.

The surface of the ball has aslightly dimpled finish.

Some balls are given a special tacky feeling.These fea-

tures help a player geta better

grip, especiallyon rainy


The regulation ball weighs about 14% ounces. It is

slightlyover 11 inches

long. The diameter at the center

is about 6% inches.

For bettervisibility

the ball has two whitestripes,

about 1 inch wide and about 3% inches from each aid.


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gun hasspiral grooves in it The bullet is set spinning so

that it will go to itstarget accurately.

Newton's law of motion dealing with inertia states that

an object in motion will continue moving in the direction

it is going,unless some force causes a


There is a special case of inertiainvolving things that

spin.It may be stated this way:

An object which isrotating about an axis will con-

tinue to rotate about that same axis, unless some force

causes a change.

The fingersand wrist set the football


the ball's long axis (from end to end). (See illustra-

tion.) Because of its inertia, the ball will continue spin-

ning that way. It will resist any change in direction of its

spinning axis. That is why the ball does not tumble end

over end* The ball makes a smooth trajectory to its tar-


Experts say that when the ball is released from the

hand, the long axis should point at anangle

of 10 to 15

degrees with the ground. This probably gives it the

proper "lift" so that it sails farther. The wing of an air-

plane behaves in almost the same way.

Good passers change this anglewhen throwing with,

against,or across the wind.


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Football in action

There is an imaginary battlefront extending across the

field wherethe ball rests. It is called the

SCRIMMAGEONE. Here the struggle goes on to keep the man


ingthe ball from breaking loose.

The team with the ball is called the OFFENSIVE team.

Seven men of this team are at the scrimmage line. The

other four players are in the rear. The defensive team

can spread out its men as it sees fit

The ball carrier is the only offensive player who can

use his hands on an opponent The others on his team

can only use their bodies forstopping or warding off the


End Tackle Guard Center Guard Tackle End




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defensive men. That is, they can use their hips, shoul-

ders, or arms held against the body.

However, the defensive players are allowed to use their

hands for warding off an opponent and for tackling the

ball carrier.

This chapter deals with a few of the basic methods

used in football for stopping an opponent and for advanc-

ing the ball. It should help you observe how scientific

principlesare put into action.

Blocking is a big job

Blocking is thehard-hitting work of the

players who

make a path and keep it open for the man carrying the

ball. Most of theblocking is done by the guards and

tackles. That is why they are usually thestrongest


heaviest players. However, the backfield must also be

ready for effective blocking.

When two husky players charge into each other, the

one with thegreatest

momentum will usually continue to

move forward. It is therefore up to the blocker to de-

velop as high a speed as he can, as quickly aspossible.

Since the opposing player is so dose, you can see that

there is very little time to overcome inertia and gather


One of the things aplayer does to help himself is to

dig his cleats into the ground. This added friction pre-

vents slippageand allows him to exert a stronger force

backward. Now the reaction to this force will send him

forward. Notice that the stance of the crouching block-

ers putsh into an excellent position

for this"push-off.**


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When box is tilted

Center ofgravity


Base becomes smaller


Crouched player

Blocking is "uplifting" work

A blocker must exert alifting

force on his opponent

after the impact. This upsets stabilitymore


us see why.

Look at the box in the illustration. When the box is

restingon one edge, the center of gravity is over the

center of the base.

When the box is tilted, see how the center of gravity

moves along an arc and is raised. But now thestability

of the box is less because:

L the base has become very small

2. the center ofgravity

has been raised.

3. the center ofgravity is outside the base.

For the same reasons, blocking with an upward tilting

motion makes it easier to upset an opponent.

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Now you can seewhy blocking is such hard work. The

blocker is actually liftingthe

opposing man. Without


action the opponent may only be shoved back-

ward. He may even keep his stability and remain on his


Of course, if one blocker has much more momentum

than his opponent he can upset him, even without any

noticeable liftingaction.

Keep in mind that thelifting

action is not the only

movement of the blocker. First, he must go forward

from his stance. Heacquires most of his momentum

during this forward motion.

Tackling is not tickling!

Tackling is one of the most important actions of the

defensive team. It is a heroic attempt tostop the player

who is carrying the ball.

There are many reasons why tackling is a man-sized

job.One of the biggest difficulties is that the ball carrier

is usually one of the fastest runners on the team. It is

not easy to catch up with him. Especially when he is

preceded by his own men determined to clear a path for

him. The tackier is a ready target for these blockers.

The ball carrier alsopivots,

crosses over, dodges, and

side steps. This use of inertia throws his would-be tack-

lers off balance. It prevents them from choosing the ex-

act moment and location for launching their attacks.

If the tackier has to approach from the side, he does

not runstraight for the ball carrier. He will not be there

when the tackier arrives. The tackier calculates his


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speed and distance. He runs to a point ahead of the



of a "collision course" calls for accurate

judgment If the tackier makes an error in several inches

he may be unable to catch his man. The penalty maybe a scored touchdown.

How a player is tackled

A good tackle should be designed to throw the ball car-

rier down. When a tackle is made high, the runner is

only slowed down as he continues to drag the tackier

behind him.

An effective tackle is made low so that the knees or

legscannot move. The inertia of the ball carrier makes

him continue moving forward. He therefore makes an

arc toward theground.

It is similar to tripping a person.

Watch how a tackier starts his tackle from the foot

away from the carrier. He aims to strike the runner half-

way between the knees andhips.

He uses the shoulder

nearer the runner for the impact. Then he drops his out-

side shoulder and reaches his arms around behind the

runner's legs. He squeezes the knees and legs together.

There are tackles from otherpositions too, but always


and knees are squeezed so that inertia can upset

the runner s balance. That is, the center of gravity moves

outside the base of the runner.

How a tackled man falls

When the ball carrier falls he must avoidinjury.


must also hold on to the ball and not fumble it


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The advice given to him is to relax completely while

hugging the ball. He bends his knees so that he rolls

with the fall. This shortens the height that he falls. But

it also increases the time for his slowing down. Theresult is that the impact is lessened.

See how his arms are pulled in. Also watch how he

uses his shoulder pads fortaking up some of the shock.

Passing the ball

Some of the most spectacular moments in a football

game occur when the ball is passed. This is an excellent

method foradvancing the ball toward the goal

There are passes to the side and even to the rear.

These have hardly any restriction. On a forward pass,

however, there are certain restrictions.

The thrower must be behind the 1;ne of scrimmage.

Also, the ball can be caught only by a teammate who was

located at the end of the line, or at least one yard behind

the line at the beginning of the play.

These severe restrictions mean that in order for a

forward pass to be successfully completed, it must be

executed withsplit-second perfection. Otherwise, tihe

oppositioncan pounce upon the

passer or the receiver.

The receiver must overcome his inertia and start run-

ning ahead into enemy territoryeven before the


has the ball. Notice how the passer holds the ball with

both hands until he is ready to throw the ball. This

helps prevent fumbles. He withholds throwing the ball

so that his receiver can gain distance. Meanwhile the

opposing team may be closingin on him.


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He gets the proper gripon the hall. Because it takes

time for the ball to travel, he aims histrajectory so that

he is actually throwing ahead of his receiver. Watch

how he holds the ball behind his ear and how his other

arm is outstretched for balance and forfollow-through.

The receiver also has his troubles. The defensiveplay-

ers are running toward him. They will attempt to catch

the ball or tadkle him the instant that hegets

the ball.

He must avoid them. His arms are high and stretched

toward the ball. He must catch this ball on the run, with

his body turned, and perhaps at a slant.

The forward pass has been subject to many rule

changes. Today, it is one of the most competitive plays

in the game.

Kicking the ball

Another way to advance the ball toward a team'sgoal

line is to kick it.

A football travels away from the kicker's foot faster

than the top of the shoe moves at impact When the

shoe depresses the football, the air inside itgets squeezed.

As airparticles spring

back to theiroriginal condition, a

force is exerted backward upon the shoe. The reaction

causes the ball to go forward.

The balTs forward motion also comes from the momen-

tum it acquires from the kicking foot. As has been said

before, the longer the contact of the foot with the ball,

the more the ball increases inspeed.

That is why a kicker follows through, so that he often

looks like a ballet dancer. Very often he may have his


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foot above his head at the end of a kick. His momentum

often pickshim off the ground.

There is another reason why the kicker's foot is in con-

tact with the ball longer than you may think. The tip

of the shoe touches the ball while the dent in the leather

is being made. It is still in contact with the ball while

the dent is coming out of the ball!


Ax molecules

Inside football

are compressed

Air molecules

act like a spring

Punts should be hard to catch

A PUNT is a special type of kick made before the ball

touches the ground. It is not made with the toe. In-

stead, the ball is dropped on the top of the foot between

the toe and the ankle.

The ball is purposely given a fast spin in order to make

it difficult for the opponent to catch. This is done by


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having the ball point slightlyto one side as it is dropped

on the foot and kicked.

A punt is most often used on a fourth down when a

quarterback sees that his team might not make the neces-

sary 10 yards. He does not wish the opponents to get

possession of the ball in a location favorable to them.

He therefore orders the ball to be kicked far into enemy

territory.A punt is usually aimed so that it will go out

of bounds near the opponent's goal line. This prevents

a defensive player from running back with the ball.

Punting on windy days

A good punter uses the wind to help him get distance.

If the wind is blowing toward the kicker, the ball is sent

out with the nose low. This makes the ball move through

the air at a low angle. There is less wind resistance and

the ball goes far.

On the other hand, if the wind is at the kicker's back,

the balTs nose is directed upward more. Now, the wind

has more of the ball to blow on. The ball is kept in the


and more distance is gained.

Other kicks

A place kick is made by kicking the ball from aposi-

tion on theground. The ball is usually held in place by

a teammate. This type is used for scoring field goals

andpoints after a touchdown. It is also used for kick-


Aspecial place kick which is very hard to catch is

called a SPINNER. This is made by placingthe ball flat


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Seeing more at a football game

Why the huddle?

Before almost every play there is a huddle. This is no

time for idle conversation or unnecessary discussion,

since only twenty-five secondsare


the huddleand for

puttingthe ball into


There is a reason why the players form their bodies

into atight

circle duringa huddle. This

helps overcome

the noise of the crowd. They can hear each other better.

Here the quarterback listens to any report of an op-

ponent's weakness or strength. He then tells his teamthe

signalfor the coming play.

Changing goals

At the end of the first and third quarters the teams

change goals.The ball is replaced exactly

the same dis-

tance from thegoal, but at the other end of the field.

Give yourself some mental exercise by tryingto deter-

mine exactly where the ball is going to be relocated.


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Ball carrier's "straight-arm"

Watch how a ball carrier takes advantage of hisprivi-




his arms to

push away

or unbalance a tack-


A pkyer will say that he is usinga "stiff-arm" or a

"straight-arm." Actually,his elbow is rarely in a locked

position.His arm is


In this way it absorbs the shock againsthis body as he


an opponent.This action is similar to that of

springs or shock absorbers under a car. The bowlegged

landing gearon airplanes

is another good illustration of

this shock-absorbing principle.The purpose, as you

know, is to allow an impact to be slowed down for a


If the ball carrier's arm were really stiff, his body wouldreceive the shock of every contact. There would be a

stronger possibilityof

jarringthe ball loose from its cradle

under the aim* Fumbles are always costly.

Mixing up the blocks

An interesting observation is to see how a blocker at

the scrimmage line tries to use a different type of block

at every play.

Since the opponent is usually the same person, it would

be poor strategy to always use the sametechnique. After

a while, the opponent wouldanticipate

the next move

and prepare himself.

That is why a lineman must use deception and employan assortment of blocks. You do not have to be an expert


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to see this. Each block is somewhat different You can

tell when a player mixes them up.

Sometimes two blockers decide to take one defensive

pkyer out of action, A 2-on-l block is extremely effec-


Watch the gun

When time is almost up and there are only seconds to

play,watch the timer's gun. First you will see the puff

of smoke. Then you will hear the report of the gun.

The farther away you aresitting,

the longer will be

the time between the smoke and the sound. This is espe-

ciallyobvious to anyone sitting

far away in a big bowl


Sound travels about % of a mile in a second. Light

travels about 186,000 miles in the same time.

Public-address system

If the stadium has loud speakers for making announce-

ments you can often hear the same words said several


This may not be due only to echoes. You may be sit-

tingat different distances from the various


You hear the sound from a nearby loud-speaker first.

Then you hear the same sound again,but from a distant


Fantastic research

The next time you see two players running into each

other, think of the following facts unearthed by scientists.


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Recently some engineers were designing escape cock-

pits for faster-than-sound bombers. These cockpits were

to be shot away from the plane by explosive charges.

The engineers wished to know how much of a speeding-

up force a person could take and survive.

They connected their instruments to two football

guards. These men then ran toward each other from

positions 40 yards apart. One tackled the other head-on

to stop him in his tracks. To the utter amazement of

everyone, it was discovered that the men repeatedlywithstood 70

g's safely.A

**g," by the way, is the rate

at which gravity speeds up a falling body. It is also

commonly referred to as the force which gravity normally

exerts on a body.

Actually, the shock only lasted for one-hundredth of

a second- But this is about the same time which thebomber crewmen would have to undergo high g forces.

So the engineers were able to build their escape mecha-


It is doubtful whether a person could stand this in-

crease in speed for any length of time. Even astronauts

are notspeeded up

soquickly during


Gridiron lines

The football field is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide.

Each goal line is 30 feet from the end of the field. This

leaves 300 feet, or 100 yards, between the goal lines.

The field is


marked off in lines which are 5

yards apart The lines areapplied either wet or dry.

Dry markers use kalsomine, lime, silica powder, or marble



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11-23 1/3 ft. wide

|i- 20 ft. high

| J~Crossbar 10 ft. high





The 10 yards, which must be made in four downs are

not measured by these lines. Instead, the lineman meas-

ures the distance with a 10-yard chain which is attached

to two movable metalposts.

See how the lines seem to cometogether in the dis-

tance. This optical illusion is called PERSPECTIVE.


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New York and California time

Because of television, you can sit in New York and en-

joy a football


in California. However, the time

often confuses some people. Games are often played in

sunlightin California while it is already dark in New York.

The sun seems to move across the United States from

east to west Actually,the earth is

rotating from west

to east That is why New Yorkgets

the sun earlier than



There are four time belts in the United States. They

are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time. Each

belt is one hour later than its neighboring belt to the


This means that there is a difference of three hours be-

tween New York and California. A football game tele-

vised in California at 4 P.M. will be seen in New York

at 7 P.M.


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The rim is 10 feet above the ground. The nearest part

of the ring is 6 inches away from the backboard.

The basket is 15 feet away from the foul line.

Why backboard projects into the court

The backboard is a rectangle6 feet wide and 4 feet

high.Its bottom edge is 9 feet above the floor. Some-

times you may see fan-shaped backboards.

They are made of wood, steel, or any solid material.

Colleges use backboards made of transparent glass so

that spectators sittingbehind can see the basket.


areas 24 inches by 18 inches are painted on theglass

above the basket

A regulationbasket hangs 4 feet inside the end lines.


the playersa little room behind it so that they

do not go out of bounds easily.

When the game was first invented, the backboards

were attached righton the gymnasium walls. There was

no overhang. The players had a trick of "running up the

wall" with their rubber shoes to score. That is notpossi-

ble today.

Why a basketball bounces

In a solid, there is very little space between particles.

It is hard to pressit out of


But in a gas there is a great deal of space between

particles.That is why air, which is made up of


pan be squeezed.

| .When the basketball strikes the solid floor or back-


board it continues to move because of its inertia. This


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Air particles

in bo!Boll bounces REACTION


Floor flattens ball

crowding air particlespush out bottom of

ball against floor

flattens the ball where it strikes the floor. Theparticles

of air are now squeezed closer through the ball

The compressed air acts as aspring and pushes the

ball back into its roundshape. This forces the flat


of the ball against the floor. Reaction pushes the ball

away from the floor.

The harder the throw to the floor, the greater is the

reaction. That iswhy the ball bounces faster and higher.

A soft ball is "dead" because there are not enough gas

particlesin it to cause a

springlike action. On the other

hand, the air pressure in a basketball can sometimes be

too great Then it becomes very lively.**

Most basketballs are pumped up until theair-pressure

gauge reads between 7 and 9 pounds per square indhu

This gauge tells only the airpressure above the ordinary

air pressureall around us, which is about 15 pounds per

square inch. A gauge reading of 7 pounds isreally


plus 15, or 22 pounds per square inch.

If the pressurein the ball were really

7 pounds per

square inch, it would be squeezed by thegreater outside


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pressure. Also, when a leak develops,the air goes out

of the ball* This proves that the air pressurein the ball

is greaterthan that outside the ball.

How basketballs are made

When the game was first played,a soccer ball was

used. Later, a largerlaced ball was introduced. Then

the laceless ball appeared.

The present-daybasketball contains a rubber bladder,

carefully covered with rubberized fabric. It is placed in

a mold and vulcanized. Then leather sections are ce-

mented to the ball. The entire ball isagain placed in a

mold and heat-treated.

Whenever air is pumped into a ball it is injected into

a self-sealingvalve by means of a hollow needle.

Basketball has

self-sealing valve

7 to 9 pounds per square inch

The official ball is from 29% to 30 inches in circumfer-

ence. It must weigh between 20 to 22 ounces.

Most collegeand

professional games use an orange or


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bright tan colored ball. This makes ithighly visible for

today's high-speed, fast-breaking game. Yellow covers

are especially good for outdoortwilight play.

How the ball's bounce is tested

It is important that all basketballs used in tournaments

have the same bounce.

First, the ball is inflated to the usualpressure. Then

it is dropped to a solid wooden floor from aheight of

6 feet

Regulations state that the ball mustrebound to aheight

between 49 and 54 inches.

Increasing ordecreasing

air pressure usually regulates

the bounce in a new ball.

Basketball is a non-contact gameThe rules emphasize very clearly

that basketball was

designed to keep players free from body contacts.

There must be no touching, holding, tripping, charging

into an opponent or hacking at his arm.

The penalties for such personal fouls may consist of

free basket shots for the opponents, and loss of possession

of the ball. If a player commits foulsconsistently,

he is

sent out of the game.

You will notice that the rules are broken more fre-

quentlyin basketball than in baseball or even football.

The reason is that basketball is a much speedier game.

The playing area is much smaller. Ten players con-

stantly running around are bound to come into contact

more often than in the other games.


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How the game is speeded up


watch basketball than any other game.

In order to make itthrilling

for them, the rules have been

changed to make the game faster.

The game is highly organized. It is often difficult to

know all the rules. Remember, however, that each pen-

alty was designed to overcome some evil of the past

For example, years ago a team that was ahead in the

final minutes ofplay

would "freeze" the ball.

Theywould hold onto the ball and not risk a

tryfor further

baskets. That is why there is a ten-second ruletoday.

This rule states that a team which haspossession of the

ball must advance the ball into the opponent's half of the

court within ten seconds. The penalty is loss ofposses-

sion of the ball.

There is also a rule which prevents a player from hold-

ing the ball more than five seconds whenreturning it

from out of bounds. And there are othertime-limiting


A most important change in the rules was the elimi-

nation of the center jump. Formerly, there used to be

a center jump after each goal whether it was a field

goal or a successful free throw. Now after a fieldgoal,

the opposing team gains possession of the ball and throws

it in from out of bounds. This speeds up the game con-


Today the game is extremely fast It is not unusual

to witness games scoring over 100points.


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Moving the basketball

A hush falls over the excitedspectators

as the referee

preparesto throw up the ball for the center

jump which

starts thegame. The two tall

opposing playershave

placedtheir feet inside the smaller of the two circles in

the center of the court. These men are called CENTEBS.

The othereight players


outside the

larger circle, for the ball to betapped

to one of them.

As the ball is thrownup,

one of thejumpers taps

the ball

to a teammate and thegame is on!

From now on, each team must move the bafl toward

its basket according to definite rules. A player cannot

run with the ball In fact, he can takeonly



the same foot in any direction whileholding

the ball

However, he canpass

the ball to a teammate who is

in a more desirable location. He can also advance the

ball by bouncingit as he runs






two hands are used forpassing.

The bafl isquite large

for most one-handedpalm grips.

Two handsguide

the ball moreaccurately.


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See how a good player passes the ball to his teammate

away from an opposing player.Also watch how a

player uses inertia to his advantage. Before hepasses

the ball, he makes a fake motion in another direction.

His guard moves in this direction. Now, when the pass

is made in a new direction theguard's inertia


him from making a sudden change. He is unable to

block the passin time.

When catchingapass,

the hands give with the thrown

ball. This decreases the impact and prevents the ball

from bouncing out of the hands.

In atightly guarded position, you may see a


pass the ball by bouncing it to a teammate. This is

another method of deceiving an opponent by taking

advantage of his inertia. He thinks the ball is going to

be thrown upward, and he cannot change his position

in time.

Players are also instructed not to pass the ball too fast

to a receiver who is running hard toward the ball. His

speed adds impact to the catch, and it increases the

danger offumbling.


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However, notice how a ball is thrown to a player run-

ning away from thepasser. This time the ball is thrown

ahead of the runner. During the time that the ball is

in flight, the runner is also moving forward. The tra-

jectorymust be estimated


Many playersreceive a pass in a

half-crouching posi-

tion. This saves asplit

second ingetting the ball into a

dribble. It is also easier to immediately throw the ball

to another player.

Sometimes you will see a hook pass. Here the ball is

passedwith one hand by holding it in the palm. If time

permits,the thrower will bring the ball some distance

behind him. In this way he can gather speed for a

longer time. He can send the ball far. Watch how his

other aim is extended. At the moment when he throws

the ball, this front arm moves backward very quickly.

The playeris

using the principle of reaction to help

him. In other words, as the arm goes backward, reaction

helps drivethe ball forward.



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A playerwho dribbles and stops may not start drib-

bling againunless the ball is touched by an opponent

He must pass the ball or try for a goal. This rule prevents

stalling,and speeds up the game.

Watch the technique of a good dribbler. He does not

slapthe ball. He pumps the ball mainly by wrist and

finger action, and not only with the palm.

A high dribble is very easilystolen by an opponent

because of thelength of time that it is in the air. There-

fore, a high dribble is only used for speed when running.

Notice how the ball is bounced hard and with alarge


Where the defense is very active the ball is dribbled

very low. In this way, the ball is in the air for a shorter

time. It is under the dribbler's instant control. See how


arekept spread over as wide an area of the

ball as possible.


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Watchhow a good dribbler curves around an opposing

player whom he is trying to avoid. See how his body is

slanted toward the inside of the curve.

A runner slants his body because inertia is making his

body continue to move in astraight

line. If he wishes

to turn, he must use force to overcome this inertia. When

he slants his body he isreally "faHing"

in the opposite

direction from where inertia tends to make him move.

In this way he is using the force of gravity to help over-

come inertia.

He also uses the muscles of hislegs

to helphim turn.

He pushes harderagainst the floor with the foot which

is on the outside of the curve. Reaction pushes him away

from that direction. You can even hear the uneveaa foot-

stepsof a runner making fast turns.


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Shooting for the basket

Spectators probably getmost enjoyment when watch-


thegoals being made. They enjoy the smooth co-

ordination demonstrated by a playeras he

skillfully gets


and sends the ball through the basket

A brief explanationis given below of the four basic

shots. However, many playersuse combinations of

these in order to obtain special advantages possessed by


Lay-up shot

This is a standard shot used very frequently forscoring.

There is much science used in perfectingit.

The playerdribbles the ball in fast from either side

of the basket. At the best moment, he leaps into the air,

holding the ball in his raised hand. He now places the

ball againstthe backboard at a

point just above the rim.

Notice how gentlythe

lay-upis made, regardless of

theplayer's approaching momentum. This is the secret

of a successful lay-up. There is a good scientific reason

why he can do this.

Watch how he releases the ball at the height of his

leap.This is the point where he no longer has much

speed. Most of his momentum was used to overcome

gravity when he made hisleap.

At this moment he can

lay the ball exactly where he wants to!

Much practiceis necessary to make the coordination

automatic. Observe that when a lay-upis made from


the player has the ball in hisright

hand. He


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leaves the floor with his left foot. Coming in from the

left, he has the ball in his left hand. He leaps with his


Sometimes a lay-up is not made from theright


left When the dribbler approaches from the middle,

he does not use the backboard. He kys the ball over

the front of the rim.

Set shot

This is atry

for a goal which is made by a player from

aspot quite

a distance from the basket

A playerknows the proper trajectory

to the basket for

any distance. He develops this skill by constant practice.


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He must have excellent muscular coordination as well as

keen eyesight.

It isexciting

to see an expertsink most of his set shots

into the basket. Some can make spectacular shots from

the mid-court line and farther! During onecollege

game an 85-foot set shot was successfully completed.

Long shots need higher trajectories*If your gymna-

sium has a low ceiling you will find that a player cannot

try extremely distant set shots.

Many players use two hands for set shots. In recent

years,more and more of these shots are being made with

only one hand. Some coaches feel that with one hand,


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there are fewer muscles used which can upset one's aim.

Watch carefully and you will see thatactually two

hands are used whenstarting

a one-handed set shot.

One hand holds the ball from below. The other is in

the back. It is only the back hand which pushes the

ball toward the basket

Jump shot

This is the most frequently used shot made close to

the basket, especially when the area is crowded. It is

made by holding the ball in one hand high above the

head, and jumping as high aspossible.

At the height of his leap the player turns to the basket.

He takes deliberate aim and sends the ball along a small

trajectory through the rim. This shot is usually success-

ful because it is not easy for an opponent to block.

Hook shot

This is another shot which is difficult for an opponent

to stop. Strangely enough, it is made when the player

is unable to aim. Only practice can teach a player how

much push togive

the ball.

It is made from either side of the basket. At the start,

the player's back is to the basket The ball is in the

player'sextended hand. As he runs by the basket he

throws the baH over his head to the proper spoton the


Sudden changes fool opponents

Watch a playerwith the ball. He is

usually closely


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guarded by an opponent. Suddenly he throws the ball

in a certain direction. The guard is too slow to prevent

this from happening.

This type of evasive action depends upon inertia with

which you are already quite familiar. But it also depends

upon the fact that everybody has a certain REACTION

TIME- This is the time it takes for a person to make a

move after he recognizesthe need to do so.

When the playerthrows the ball, or starts to throw the

ball, his opponent sees this action. His brain has to

interpret what this means. It then sends an electrical

signalto his legs and body muscles to follow the first

player'smovement. It takes a fraction of a second for

all this to happen.

By the time he reacts to thethrowing of the ball it

is too late to do anything about it

Faking in basketball

In almost every action a player fakes a movement.

He pretendsthat he is going to do one

tiring^then he

suddenly does something different.

This is called FEINTING. It isdesigned to throw the

opposition off balance. As you learned, it depends uponreaction time and inertia. This device is such a success-

ful one because basketball is an extremely fast gamewhich depends upon split-second reactions.

Watch how a player fakes a set shot. Then suddenly

he startsdribbling toward the basket for a

lay-up shot

This is done to draw the defense away from the basket

for an instant.


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Strategy is allimportant. Very often a team fakes

much action in one section of the court, while all the

time one player is getting ready to bolt into aposition

near the basket. He will receive the ball and score in the

twinkling of aneye.

Free throws are gifts

A free throw is theprivilege given a player to score

one point by an unhindered throw from the foul line.

This line is 15 feet from the basket. Originally it was

20 feet.

Years ago every team had one player who specialized

in foul shots. Today, the free throws for personal fouls

must be made by the person who is fouled. However,

if the foul is not a personal foul any member of the team

can make the free throw. That is why every player is

expectedto be an expert free-throw shooter. Authorities

agreethat a player should be able to make seven or

eightsuccessful attempts in ten shots.

In order to become an expert in these not-to-be-missed

shots, a player practices constantly.He probably throws

about 100 shots a day during a training period. Over

one dozen are thrown before every game.

Most free throws are aimed an inch or two above the

front rim of the basket. Coaches feel that from a front

positionit is not easy to get the ball into the basket by

strikingthe backboard first

Many coaches have the players practice free throws

while using smaller baskets. They feel that this sharpens




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More about basketball

Basketball shoes are "4-wheel brakes"

See how aplayer's

shoes enable him to make those

suddenstops, starts, and turns. With the rubber or

composition soles, he can hugthe smooth wooden floor


on a dime."

In addition tousing friction, the soles also


floor because of airpressure.

Notice thedesign

on the

soles. Theridges

enclosepockets containing


When theplayer

runs orstamps

his foot hepresses

hard on the sole and some of the air issqueezed from


When he is notpressing hard,

or when he

beginsto lift a foot, the air

pressureis lessened in each


of the sole'sdesign.

The normal air



the shoe down to

the floor, because it isgreater

than the airpressure



Of course, thespaces

are made in aspecial way.


very goodvacuum under a basketball shoe is not


desirable. Can you imagineaplayer helplessly glued


the floor by airpressure!


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of air


in pockets squeezed to Door

Using "English" on the ball

A player will often give the ball a hard spin as he

throws it to the floor or to the backboard. He does this

with his wrist andfingers.

He is putting "English" on the ball. This allows him

to control theangle

at which the ball will bounce.( See

illustration. )

Notice how a ball which is notspinning strikes the

floor. The angle at which the ball hits is the same angle

No spinNormal


with which the ball bounces away.

What happens when the ball is thrown so that the topof the ball is made to

spin away from the player? As the


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rotating ball strikes the floor, the ball bounces awayfaster than when it had no

spin.The angle that the

bouncing ball now makes with the floor is sharper than

the angle the thrown ball made with the floor.

Top of ball

is given aforward spin




Top of ball

is given a

backward spin



On the other hand, the ball may be thrown to the floor

so that the top of the ball isspinning toward the


As the ball bounces, it makes alarger angle with the

floor than the thrown ball did.

Whenthrowing the ball at the backboard from one

side, theplayer can put the

right kind of English on the

ball by spinning it sideways.

Controlling bouncing angles is valuable when the

player isshooting from under the basket. A player

usually delivers a two-handed shot to the basket so that


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his palms are turned toward the basket. This wrist mo-

tion makes the top of the ball rotate toward the thrower.

When the ball hits the backboard it is slowed up

slightly. This causes it to rebound so it is closer to the

basket rim.

One of thepasses used in

tight spots isrolling

the ball

to a teammate. Here, the top of the ball is made to spin

away from the thrower. In this way the ball is not

slowed up as it strikes the floor.

How high is a guard?

Watch a player when he is in a guarding position.

Supposehe were to put his hands up in the air as far

as he could. How high a barrier would he be making

for the player with the ball?

You can find out how much aplayer's reach adds to his

total length. Measure your length with your arms at

your side. Now raise your armshigh. Measure from

the floor to your fingertips.

Most people can stretch above their heads for a dis-

tance which is about one-fourth of theirheight.

In other

words, suppose aplayer is 6 feet tall. One-fourth of 72

inches is 18 inches. His fingertipsare now 90 inches

(72+18) above the floor.

Now, suppose he can jump about 30 inches off the

floor ifnecessary* That would make him 120 inches or

10 feet tall!

No wonder aplayer has to fake in order to

geta ball

past a guard. He can rarely throw it over or through



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10 feet

Those tall players

Every yearbasketball

players gettaller and taller.

Today's average height is approaching 6 feet, 5 inches.

Some men aregigantic.

Wilt Chamberlain, for example,

is 7 feet, 1 inch.

Many people say that to make the game competitive,

there should be an attempt made to match teams of

approximate heights. Some yearsago


Olympicgames limited the height of players. However, such a

fuss was raised that thisruling was removed.

The elimination of the frequent center jump (it is


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still used a few times in the game) helped matters some-

what. But in the main, little has been done about the

problem of unmatched teams.

You have learned that a 6-foot player can easily reach

10 feet when he jumps and stretches. The basket rim is

only 10 feet above the floor! Can you see what an ad-

vantage a 6%-foot player possesses?

See how easilythe jump shots and lay-ups are made by

the lanky players. Taking rebounds is often like child's


People aregetting taller in our country. Better diets,

especiallywhile growing up, are probably most responsi-

ble for this. General improved health of our nation is

important too. Heredity, of course, plays a very im-

portant part in bringing taller people into the world.

Remember too, that there were alwaystall

men in our

population. They justwere not trained to become

basketball champions as they are today. Now tall ath-

letes are usually selected and advised to go into basket-


Players cannot go on forever

You may think that the players keep running around

continuously. It makes you tired justto look at them

panting and sweating.

Watch them carefully. You will discover that there

are manymoments when they rest and catch their breath.

There are intervals between halves, frequent time-outs,

substitutions, free throws, and many other stopping


Without these, the players would be in a complete


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state of collapse at the end of the game. Keep record

of these "restperiods," You will be surprised how the;

add up.



Athletes land gently

Playersmust prevent hurting their muscles. Observe

all the little tricks they use.

When landingfrom a jump, a

player will come dowi

with his knees bent This takes up the shock by making

the slowing-down force act for a longer time and dis

tance. The landing gear on anairplane has shock ab

sorbers whichwork on the same principle.

See how a player follows through, fallsloosely, pull;

a ball back when catching it, swings his arms, Co

ordination is the secret for preventing strained muscles

Constant practice and training have taught him how t<

protecthis body. An untrained player has sore muscle

for many days after a strenuous game. An athlete wh<

is in condition can keep going every day.


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Why gymnasiums are noisy

The walls of gymnasiums areusually made of a stone-

like material called TELE. This hard surface reflects

sound very easily.

People cheer, scream, whistle, or make other shrill

sounds. These bounce off the tile and back to your ears.

But you are notreally hearing echoes most of the time.

Your ears can hear two sounds only if the sounds are

at least one-tenth of a secondapart.

Sound travels

1,120 feet per second, or 112 feet in one-tenth of a second.

Therefore, to produce an echo that you can detect, sound

has to travel at least 112 feet. To cover thatround-trip

distance, the wall must be 56 feet away from you.

Usually you are closer than that to a wall. So you

cannot be hearing an echo. Instead, you are getting aseries of very short and quick sound reflections called

REVERBERATIONS (ree-verb-er-AY-shonz


As each sound returns to your ear, it merges with the

sound you heard a moment before. This build-up makes

the sound louder.

When mats arehung on the walls the sound is lessened.

Also, when there are many people in the gym they too

absorb sound vibrations. They also prevent sound from

reaching the hard walls.

Many gymnasiums use sound-absorbing materials for


and upper walls. You will notice the differ-

ence in noise level immediately. Look for thesespecial

tiles. They aremade of soft material andmay have many

tiny holes in them.


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About the athlete's body

The body is a complicatedmachine. It is capable of

performingthe most delicate skills in sports calling


the utmost muscular control. But, whenever necessary,

the body can also use powerful muscles for extremely

strenuous activities.

Peopleoften ask doctors whether engaging in sports

is harmful Are not certain sportstoo strenuous? Can-

not the heart and other


permanently damaged?The general opinion

of physiciansis that the body is

built to withstand tremendous strains for a while. In

fact, it is goodto exercise. But all doctors warn that first


must be given a very careful examination. This

is to make sure that the body can stand the necessary


Every good athlete takes the time to learn about his

body, and how to care for it. He develops good health

habits and proper techniques in hissport.

These help

prevent injury and improve his performance.

The heart is a pumpThe heart is a remarkable organ which pumps blood

to thelungs and through the body.


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Wafer Jk ,

Air Wafer





A Fresh-^ii 1)1 biocx







In the lungs the blood comes very close to the outside

air. Here itpicks up fresh oxygen. It also

getsrid of

wastes, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. As the

blood goes through the lungs, it also gives off some of the

heat which is produced by the body. You can feel this

heat by "huffing" on your hands.

During exercise the athlete's heart beats faster be-

cause it has a bigger job to do. The muscle cells need

more oxygen. They are also producing more waste

products and heat

The normal heart beat is aboutsixty-five

to seventy

times a minute. Research scientists have recorded the

heart beats of athletes playing basketball, tennis, foot-

ball, and other fastsports.

They find that the average heart beats of these players

is 160 per minute! Some slower sportshave lower rates,


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between 126 to 152 beats per minute. After the work,

the rate dies down rapidly. However, it does not reach

the prework rate for about one-half hour.

For many years people believed that the heart of an

active athlete always became enlarged. They called it

an "athlete's heart." They thought this ruined the heart

for normalliving.

Doctors disagree with these ideas. They say that in

the main, the heart can adjust itself to changing condi-

tions. However, they do warn people that as they grow

older, it is dangerous to put a strain on the heart. The

arteries undergo certain changes which lessen blood

supply, especiallyto the heart muscles.

This is one of the reasons why you rarelysee records

being broken by athletes who are "on in years."

How muscles work

Did you ever see a skeleton in a doctor's office or in

a biology laboratory? Did you notice the wires and

pipes holding it up? Without the wires the skeleton


Our bones havejoints

and ligaments connecting the

joints.But without muscles supporting the bones, we

too would collapse.

There are over 600 muscles in the body. Each muscle

consists of bundles of muscle fibers. There may be a

minion of these fibers in one large muscle. When acti-

vated by an electrical nerve signal from the brain, the

entire muscle shortens.


muscle canmove any part of the body inmore


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When the same muscle is exercised day after day, it

will increase in size as new cells grow.Not all athletes

desire large overdeveloped muscles. A weight lifter's

muscles would not be of much use on a basketball court.

In addition to strong muscles, athletestry

to build

muscles which react quickly. They also want muscles



Triceps^ muscle

Knee cap




to bones



l-Calf muscle





to bones

which work smoothly with other muscles. This is called

CXXDRDINATION(coh-or-din-AY-shun )


Much coordination is needed to develop a skill in any


great many muscles are used in every move-

ment For example, there are 150pairs

of muscles in-

volvedjust in walking!

Canyou imaginethe coordination needed tobe a switch

hitter in baseball? Such a player can bat right-handed

or left-handed. He is called AMBIDEXTROUS (am-bee-



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back to Ids body the oxygen which he should have

breathed in before. This takes a little time. So the

next time you see an athlete's chest and abdomen moving

very rapidly, remember he is paying back his "oxygen


When an automobile goes fast, its engine needs more

oxygen than at normal speeds.In fact, at extremely high

speeds the air is pumped into the carburetor of aracing

automobile with a "supercharger."

In the same way, an athlete doing heavy work mayneed as much as fifteen times more oxygen than normally.

Here is another odd fact. It is not so much the lack

of oxygen which makes the athlete breathe soheavily.

It is rather the build-up of carbon dioxide in his blood.

This controls the breathing center in the brain.

"Second wind"

Sometimes a distance runner, swimmer, or rower maybecome very uncomfortable after a race is started. The

extreme exertion may leave him almost out of breath.

His face becomes drawn and worried. Pain may grip

his side or his chest. His head often throbs or he gets


Suddenly the athelete gets his "second wind" and

experiences a feeling of great relief. Breathing becomes

deeper andregular and the muscles seem to receive


The person feels that he can now go


The reason for this extraordinary happening is still

notcompletely understood by the medical



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It is a highly complicated affairinvolving many organs

and glands of the body.

Doctors believe that when the athlete first starts his

strenuous muscular activity, all the parts of his body are

not working together. Adjustments must be made in the

way biggeramounts of oxygen are taken in and more

waste products are eliminated. The heart and blood

vessels have to undergo changes to meet the severe de-

mands. Certain chemicals must be poured into the

blood to help it do the proper job.

It takes a little time until all theparts start working

as a team to supply the needs of the fast-moving mus-

cles. When all adjustments and corrections are made, the

athlete getshis "second wind."

Not every runner or swimmer is aware of this sensa-

tion. Most highly trained athletes rarely go through it

On the other hand, in some people no adequate adjust-

ment is ever made. These people justhave to slow down,

quit,or collapse.


The 206 bones of the body support and giveform to

the body. They also protect delicate organs. And they

supply a place for attaching muscles.

There are more than 100joints.

Some are merely

hinge joints.Others fit together so that one bone can

turn inside another. These are called BAIX and SOCKET

joints. A good example of this type is the shoulder

joint.There are many other types of


All movable jointsare surrounded by protective cover-


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Medical names

some common

8/2/2019 Young Scientist & Sports 145/171

ings.Inside these, the

joints are well lubricated by

special liquids.One of these

coverings or sacs is called

a BURSA. When ajoint gets inflamed, the condition is

often called BURSITIS (burr-srrE-iss).

When an athlete uses one particular joint a great deal,

it frequently becomes inflamed. The surrounding mem-

brane may then give off morelubricating liquid, and

swelling and puffiness result.

These painful joints are commonly called BASEBAUL


Ligaments holdjoints together. They do not stretch

easilyand frequently tear when they are moved too far.

The result is asprain.

When a bone is forced out of its proper position in


it is called a DISLOCATION. This is a common in-

juryon the football field.










Bones are very strong in certain directions. A thigh

bone can be subjected to a pressure of perhaps 20,000

pounds per square inch without breaking. This pressure,

however, must be applied from each long end. That is



this bone supports the body.

But if the same bone receives a blow from the side,

it may fracture. Only a few hundred pounds pressure

will cause the break


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-^vgreat distance


Moves great distance

here \

The arm is a lever

Look at the diagram of the arm. This arrangement

mates the arm a lever, with the elbow as thepivot.


can easilysee that when the

biceps moves a small dis-

tance, the hand moves a much greater distance.

A fishingrod is a similar type of lever. (See illustra-


The long pole enables you to apply a force for

a small distance near one end of thepole.

At the same

time, the hook end of the pole is made to move over a

muchgreater distance.

One of the laws of nature is that you must pay for

this increase in distance. That is why the force applied

by thebiceps is greater than the force exerted by the



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Control of body temperature

During continuous violent exercise there is much heat


in the athlete's body. This heat comes mainly

from the chemical action in the muscle cells. Aper-

son's temperature may actually increase about 1 degree


About seven-eighthsof this excess heat

escapes through

the skin, mainly by evaporation. The body has about

2 million sweatglands.

Sweat is

99%water. It takes

heat to evaporate water. As the sweatevaporates, it

takes the heat it needs from the tiny blood vessels near

it This cools the blood.

Football players may lose from 5 to 10 pounds of body

weight in a full game. This is mainly due to a loss of

water by sweating.

When a pkyer is unable to lose heat normally, the

temperature rises. Heatstroke, also called SUNSTROKE,

is the result. The skin is hot and dry, the pulse fast, the

blood pressure high.The body temperature may rise to

110 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature brain cells

are destroyed.

Heatstroke is a dangerous condition. Ice packs or

cold water are used to getthe temperature down quickly.

Athletes subjected to high temperaturesand much

sweating often get a condition called HEAT EXHAUSTION.

Here, strangely enough, the pulse is weak, the skin moist

and clammy, the blood pressure low. The person suffer-

ing from heat exhaustion should be kept warm and quiet

During very hot days an active athlete may develop


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heat cramps in a muscle which is being used most. It

has been found that eatingsalt tablets will safeguard a

person against heat cramps.

What are black and blue marks?

Sometimes a player receives a blow which does not

break the skin. After a little while, a purple color maybe seen under the skin.

This is caused by blood which escapes from tiny blood

vessels called capillaries. When these break because

of a blow, the blood flows into the surrounding skin. A

"black eye" is produced this way too.



Move hands back until

you can't see them

Side vision

It is very useful in most sports to be able to see side-

ways while looking straightahead. This is called PE-

RIPHERAL(purr-iF-er-ull) VISION. It enables a

player to

see an opponent at his side without turning his head.

Test your own peripheral-vision angle.Hold both

your handstogether at some distance in front of your


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face. Continue looking straight ahead, and move each

hand toward your sides, shoulderhigh.

You should be able to see both hands, whilelooking

directly ahead, until they are in a straight line. This is

180 degrees.You may even see through an arc of 190


Athlete's foot

This skin infection is caused


(FUN-gus),which usually attacks the skin between the toes, causing

itching, oozing, and wounds which are difficult to heal.

The fungus is picked up from locker-room floors and

in showers. Some places haveantiseptic

foot baths.

These will not cure the infection. They only prevent

the spread.It is

goodto wear sandals where other


plewalk barefooted.

This mold infection may often be checked by wearing

clean white stockings. Keep feet dry by sprinkling

powder between the toes.

Knockouts in sports

There are many ways in which a player may receive

a blow on the head and black out. In baseball, he may

be hit by a pitched ball or collide with anotherplayer.

Football players may be knocked out when tackled or


Why does a person become unconscious? First, there

is the knockout punch in boxing.A blow is hit "on the

button" on the point or side of the chin. This shock is


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relayed to the back of the skull. Certain important

nerves arejolted.

These nerves control the blood pressure to the brain.

For one brief instant the brain receives very little blood

and the oxygen in it. The brain cannot stand being with-

out a bloodsupply,

even for an instant. Unconscious-

ness is the result.

Another common type of blackout occurs when the

head isjolted

in a fall or collision, or is struck by a fast

baseball or soccerball. This kind of brain shake-up is

called a CONCUSSION.

When the head is made to start or stop suddenly, in-

ertia causes the soft material in the brain to move back-

ward or forward.

There is a certain part of the brain which keeps us

conscious and alert, It also has the job of awakening us


When inertia squeezes this section together

even for asplit-second

the player becomes uncon-



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Science in other sports

You have learned how anunderstanding

of scientific


help you become a betterplayer

of base-

ball, football, and basketball. You can alsoget great

enjoymentfrom many sports


are aware of the sci-

ence involved.

In thischapter you

will read aboutsports you engage


often. You will see that evensimple

actions are

covered by scientific laws.

Whydoes a

golfball have


Believe it or not, thegolf

balls of over 100years ago

were made of leather, tightlystuffed with


After muchexperimentation,

the modern ball was de-

veloped.This has a rubber center, tightly

wound with stretched

rubber thread. The cover is made oftough composition.

The finished ballweighs

1.62 ounces.

At first the balls were smooth. But soon many pkyers

observed that old, pittedballs traveled farther and truer.

After a while, everybodymarked up

the new balls be-


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fore using them. Finally, the golf ball manufacturers

placed the dimples on all the balls.

When a smoothgolf ball is struck, it makes a nose

dive to the earth after a very short distance of about 30

yards. A dimpled ball struck in the same manner, sails

straight out in arising flight

It may land about 230

yards down the fairway.

The strange flightof the smooth ball is explained as

follows: As the ball moves forward it pushes the air

ahead of it. It is followed by a space with a lessened

amount of air in it.


air resistance


air pressure


There is now a difference in airpressure around the

ball; high in front, low in back. This causes a suction-

like action whichstops the ball and it


You should know, too, that allgolf balls are given a

backwardspin by the

golfclubs. This spin may be

about 5,000 revolutions per minute.

As the dimpled ball is sent spinning intoflight,


little air pockets in it carry air to the rear of the ball.


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This prevents the formation of a space with reduced air


Now the air pressure on the back of the ball is almost

as great as it is in front. The dimpled ball sails farther,

with less air resistance and withgreater accuracy.

Another interesting fact is that a struckgolf ball is in

contact with the club for only %,5oo of a second. Yet

in that short time, the ball attains an average speed of

150 miles per hour. This is faster than the club itself is

moving on impact.

The extra velocity comes from the fact that thegolf

Dimples carry

air to rear


ball is squeezed by the impact of the club. As the

elastic ball recovers itsshape, it

presses back against the

club. This backward force causes a forward reaction.

This motion is added to the motion of the swinging dub.

Why can't we ice-skate on glass?

Many people think that we are able to skate on ice

because it is smooth. Why, then, can we not skate OB


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glassor polished granite?

These arejust

as smooth as


People have tried it Even though the steel runners

look smooth, they still scratch the glass. The friction

prevents the runners from gliding over the surface.

You can skate on ice because the pressure of the run-

ner causes some of the ice under it to melt. This small

film of water has the same function as an oil lubricant,

and the skateglides

over it

When the skater passes, the water immediately freezes

again.In some extremely cold places in the world, the

pressure of the runners is not enough to melt the ice.

Then ice skating is notpossible.

On a cold day, when you stand too long in onespot,

your skates may stick to the ice. This is because some

of the water freezes to the cold sides of the skates.

Would you like to demonstrate that pressure causes

ice to melt faster?



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ertia makes him continue in a straight line, which is to

mediately turns the front wheel to the right.But in-

the left of where he was beginning to fall. This oppo-

site movement straightens him out and makes the bicycle

erect again*

Learning to ride a bicycle is learning how to make the

above adjusting movements unconsciously.

Movementof arms while

runningTry to run while your hands are tied or while you are

holding something with two hands. You certainly are

not goingto break any speed records this way.

In fact, this condition is so awkward, you cannot keep

it up long.Your body twists so

violently,it hurts.

Let us analyze the reasonsfor the

twist. You knowthat every action has a reaction in the opposite direction.

As a leg goes forward, then the rest of the body must react


Suppose theright leg goes forward. Then the rest of

your rightside reacts backward- At the same moment,

the left


movingbackward. The reaction of

yourleft side is now forward.

This is the cause of theright and left twist in your

body as one leg and then the otherleg

is brought forward.

The arms, too, cause body reactions just as the legs

do. As the right arm moves forward, theright side

reacts backward.

Now you can understand how most of the awkward

body twist is removed. The arms andlegs on the same

side do not move in the same direction at the same time.


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Their opposite reactions on the body lessen the twist.

When we walk or run, theright leg goes forward as

the rightarm goes backward. You can see this


when watching a runner or a hurdler. Athletes use

their arms for gettinga smoother stride.


In swimming, you make use of the inertia of the water

by pushing yourself backward quickly with your arms

and legs. If you try to do this very slowly you will find

that it is possible to overcome the water's inertia.

When you do notgive

water enough time to move out

of the way, it can behave like a hard surface. A fast

slapon the water can

actuallyhurt you. Many a high

diver has learned the danger of hittingthe water in a

flat position.

The other scientific principle which is very important

in swimming is reaction. In the water it is very easy to

see this in operation. Every action causes a very obvious


As the water is pushed backward by the arms and


bodymoves forward. If the swimmer wishes

to go upward, he pushes the water downward. He

uses this motion if he needs some support or if he wishes

to return to the surface-

A swimmer also uses reaction for going downward.

He may do this by pushing the water upward.

These motions do not occur because the water is

being squeezed or pressed.It is almost impossible to

compress water. Swimming movements are due to re-



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Momentum in running broad jump

At a track meet, you can watch a broadjumper in

action. He runs to the jump-off spotas fast as he can.

Then, with the aid of a jump, he lets his momentum

carry him through the air. A champion may jump over

26% feet

While he is jumping, he may perfonn certain "walking

in the air" movements. You will often hear unscientific

people saythat these motions

help carrythe


These folks aregreatly

misinformed. It should be

obvious that it is not possible to increase one's momentum


contact with the ground. Unless, of course,

one falls from anairplane!

Then the force of gravity

will speed up the body.

A jumper cannot use a force to increase his speed

forward in mid-air. If he has nothing solid to push

back upon, then reaction cannot drive him forward.

Any walking motion or other movements while in the

air, are togive

the jumper balance. It also helps him

extend his feet in order to get extra distance. Reaction

on his own body prevents him fromfalling back into a

sitting position.Watch how he swings his arms down-

ward and backward.

High-jumping trajectories

Good high jumpers must use science to their advantage.

How else can some of them sail over bars set at over 7%



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Watch a jumper pace off the number ofsteps he will

use in his run-in. He always startscounting from a spot

close to the bar and ends hispacing at his

starting point.

He does this very carefully.

When he jumps, he wants to bedirectly over the bar

when he reaches the highest point in histrajectory.

Since this curved"flight path" is very short, any mis-

calculation of his jumping-off place can mean a loss of


High center

of gravity

low center

of gravity

When the jumper is going over the bar he must con-

sider his center of gravity. Whenclearing

the bar, he

wishes to raise his center of gravity the shortest possible

distance from the bar.

If the scissors styleis used, the center of

gravity is

perhaps 6 inches above the bar. But when the jumper

goes over face down, horizontally,his center of gravity

is lower. That is why thisstyle is so popular.


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What is a bowling ball made of?

Bowling balls are made of hard rubber. They are 9

inches in diameter. The heaviest weigh up to 16 pounds.

The popular lightweight bowling balls are from 10

to 15 pounds. They have a surface of hard rubber, but

inside there is a mixture of rubber and cork

Speed of a bowling ball

The average time for a ball to travel from the foul

line to the head pin is about 2H seconds. This is about

25 miles per hour.

Whirling ice skater

The next time you see afigure

skater start her fast

whirling act, watch her carefully.

When she starts whirling slowly on one foot, she has

her arms outstretched. She also has one leg extended.

But when she whirls faster and faster shepulls in her

arms andleg.

The closer shegets

these to herbody, the

faster shegoes.

It is a scientificprinciple that to whirl the fastest, the

greatestamount of body weight must be as close to the

spinning axis aspossible.

Gravity and sports records

Here is anintriguing idea to think about.

The closer one is to the center of the earth, thegreater

is thepull

ofgravity. On the other hand, the

pull be-

comes less as one gets farther away from the earth's



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The equator is about 13 miles farther away from the

center of the earth than the North Pole is from the center.

Therefore thepull of

gravity is less at theequator.

In most sports the championships and world's records

often depend upon fractions of an inch. Now, if thepull

of gravityis less, then an athlete can jump higher, or

throw things farther. Any champion can break his

record by competing in acity

closer to the equator.

Research scientists have calculated that a broadjumper

would jump % inch farther in Texas than he would in


An Olympic shot-put record set in Finland would be 1

inch more in Rome.

A javelin thrower who competes near theequator

would beat his northern record by a foot or more. If he

were on a high plateau at the equator, he would have

even a better record.

Skier's fast turn

It is thrillingto see a skier swooping down a mountain-

side and making a sharp turn. How is this executed

without excessive skidding?

In order to make a left turn he must receive a push

toward that direction. He does this by bending hislegs

and feet to the left. This bringshim up on the left

edges of the skis. It allows him to push the snow to the

right.You can see the snow

flyin that direction.

He bends his body to the left to help him push to the

right The reaction of this push makes him go to the



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Changing seats in a small boat

Boating is a very popular sport.It can also be danger-

ous. One of the rules of safety you should try to obey

is not to stand up or change seats in a small boat. Do

you know why?

On page 77 you learned that anobject

is more stable

when its center of gravityis low and near the center of

the base. When you stand in a rowboat or a canoe you

raise the center ofgravity

of the combination of


the boat

This lessens thestability.

Aslight shift of the boat,

caused by wave action or by a sudden turn, may shift

the center ofgravity

outside the base. The boat may


Try not to change seats away from a dock. But, if

you must do it, stay low and hold on to the boat. Only

one person at a time should change seats.

Try to distribute the rest of the boat's weight evenly

by having the other occupants slide along their seats

so that die boat remains balanced. Do not change

while the boat is being rocked by waves or by the wakeleft by a

passing boat.


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Aim as a lever, 140

Athlete's foot, 143

Baseball, bounce, 41, 69

size, 40

Baseball arm, 139

Baseball bat, care of, 36, 37

center of gravity,38

center of percussion,38

size, 36

splitting of, 37, 38

sting, 37, 39

Basketball, backboard, 106

center jump, 110

construction of, 108

court size, 105



how it got name, 105

how game speeded up, 110


rim, 105

shoes, 122

ten-second rule, 110

testing bounce of, 109why it bounces, 106-107

Batters* caps, 72, 73


placing hits, 44-48

Bazooka, 66

Bicycle riding, 149-150

Blocking, 87-89, 98

Boating; changing seats, 156

Body temperature, 141

Bones, 137-139

Bowling ball, 154

Breathing, 135-137

Bruises, 142

Bull pen,20

Bunting, 48

Bursitis, 139

Catcher, 51-52

Catching a ball, 13

Center of gravity of football player,


Change-up, 27

"Charley horse," 135

Collarbone, 81

Concussion, 144

Coordination, 134

Crazy-ball, 41

Curve, 27-31

Dislocation, 139

Dribbling, 114-115

Diop, 31

"English" on ball, 123, 125

Fast ball 32, 54, 58


Feller, Bob, 33

Fielder, 51-54

First baseman, 55

Flying wedge, 97

Fonow-through, 12, 43

Football, construction, 83

helmets, 82

kicking, 92, 95

passing, 91, 92tackling,


touch, 95

uniforms, 80-81

Fork ball, 27


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Spiral passes,84-85 Timer's gun, 99

Sprain,139 Touch football, 95


Trajectory, 17

Stealing bases, 58-59 Throwing, science of, 54, 70

Stiff-arm, 98

Strike zone, 20, 42Umpire, automatic, 67-68

Sunstroke, 141

Sweat, 141Visk) j^^beri. 142_143

Swimming, 16, 151r r

Tackling, 89-91 Walking, 15, 134

Television, 60-62, 67-89 Water O3a Ae **<*> 139

Tendon, 133 Weather and pitching, 33

Tennis arm, 139

Time belts, 102 Zoomar lens, 61


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About the Author and Artist

GEORGE BABR, Whittlesey House author of Research Ideas

for Young Scientists, More Research Ideas for Young

Scientists, Young Scientist Takes a Walk, and Young Sci-

entist Takes a Ride, is a consultant in elementary science

for theNew York City Board of Education. Mr. Barr was

educated at City College of New York and taught sci-

ence for twenty-five yearsat Winthrop Junior High

School in Brooklyn. Married and the father of two

children, Mr. Barr lives in Laurelton, New York.

MILDBED WALTBIP was born in Kentucky and received her


at the School of Art Institute of Chicago.

When she graduated in 1934 she was awarded a fellow-

ship to travel and study in Europe for one year. Since

then she has free-lanced in both Chicago and New York.

Her work includes muralpainting,



layout and illustration.



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