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social media effect

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Phones are no longer just for making calls. TV sets no longer pull in content just from antennas, satellites or cables. [ 1 ]

The media world has changed.

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One of the most essential part of media is social media.

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Current examples of social media platforms include social networking sites like Facebook, photo sharing sites like instagram, snapchat , video sharing sites like YouTube, business networking sites like LinkedIn, micro blogging sites like Twitter, and numerous others. Social media sites are inexpensive and, more often than not, completely free to use. [ 2 ]

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The current study identifies ten uses and gratifications for using social media. [ 3 ]

social media

useful & joyful

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according to the research

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-social interaction ( 88% ) -information seeking ( 80% )-pass time ( 76% )-entertainment ( 64% )-relaxation ( 60% )-communicatory utility ( 56%)

-convenience utility(52%)

—expression of opinions(56%)

—information sharing(40%) [3]

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Uses and gratifications theory is relevant to social media because of its origins in the communications literature. [ 4 ]

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Social media is a communication mechanism that allows users to communicate with thousands, and perhaps billions, of individuals all over the world . [ 4 ]

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The basic premise of uses and gratifications theory is that individuals will seek out media among competitors that fulfills their needs and leads to ultimate gratifications. [5]

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Social media is also used as

A marketing method

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Recent research has shown that 88 percent of marketers are using social media and that they are spending over $60 billion annually on social media advertising. [6]

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Obviously ,social media

brings convenience

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Social media do somehow effects people in a negative aspect.

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Teens neglect their studies by

spending time on social networking

websites rather than studying or

interacting with people in person. [7]

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Students who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites while studying, show reduced academic performance. [8]


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What’s more,study found that teens who are on social media for more than two hours a day, a full one-quarter of students in the study, report poor self-rated mental health, psychological distress, suicidal ideation or unmet need for mental health support. [9]

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Research has shown that teenagers need 9.5 hours of sleep each night but on average only get 7.5 hours. A lack of sleep can make teenagers tired, irritable, depressed and more likely to catch colds, flu and gastroenteritis. [ 10 ]

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Social networking is not necessarily bad for teens, he said, "but it depends

on how we use it and kids need to know how to use

it safely." [9]

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Thanks for watching!

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1.Four ways Canadians are consuming media differentlySUSAN KRASHINSKY - MARKETING REPORTERThe Globe and Mail2.Anita Whiting, David Williams, "Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 16 Iss: 4, pp.362 - 3693.Anita Whiting, David Williams, "Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 16 Iss: 4, pp.362 - 3694.Williams, D.L., Crittenden, V.L., Keo, T. and McCarty, P. (2012), “The use of social media: an exploratory study of uses among digital natives”, Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 127‐136.5.Lariscy, R.W., Tinkham, S.F. and Sweetser, K.D. (2011), “Kids these days: examining differences in political uses and gratifications, internet political participation, political information efficacy, and cynicism on the basis of age”, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 55 No. 6, pp. 749‐764.6.Gil‐Or, O. (2010), “Building consumer demand by using viral marketing tactics within an online social network”, Advances in Management, Vol. 3 No. 7, pp. 7‐14.7. The impact of social media on student life Abhishek Karadkar, Correspondent Sep 13, 20158.The 10 Best and Worst Ways Social Media Impacts EducationBy Jeff Dunn on July 11, 2011

9.Teens’ poor mental health linked to social media usePayne, Elizabeth. The Ottawa Citizen [Ottawa, Ont] 08 Aug 2015: A.1.10.Social media is harming the mental health of teenagers. June Eric Udorie
