Download pdf - YIKES SCHEDULE




WEB 2.0

Arrivals and Morning Debrief ( Safety, Outline of Day etc)

Explaining Blogs on data projector, seeing examples of cool blogs that

kids have created and look like websites.

Hands on creating own blog design.

Morning Tea – freeplay non-computer activities eg: table tennis

Taking photos for blog, explaining different software to create

movement with photos. Showing different examples.

Brainstorming ideas of what kids would like visually on their blogs.

Detailing camera use. Picking music to “flow in”

Giving it all a go!







Lunch - non computer time.12.30pm

1.30-2pm Freeplay on computers

2.00-2.45pm Touch base where everyone is up to on their blogs. Where they might need help etc.Work more on projects

2.45-3pm Free Choice activities


Similar outline each day, except each day a new web 2.0 tool will be introduced and played with, and a design tool will be introduced and utilised.

***Also we will be using glogster to create webpages for young people advertising their enterprises, the business youth will pick which webpage they want profiling their enterprise, which will be uploaded to for Nelsonians to be able to see and “hire” or trade. EG: youth advertising babysitting services.Journalism skills will be learnt if we do any interviewing for our blogs.

***Morning and afternoon tea provided. Bring your own lunch. ***But ultimately it’s about being on holiday, programme is flexible and we want the kids to have FUN! From 11-1 we will have a movie playing too for any kids wanting to chill out and a Nintendo WII on hand for “downtime”.
