Download pdf - Year 9 Colour

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    YEAR 9 ART


  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Colour Theory

    Take notes from the presentation on how colour

    affects us.
  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Colour Wheel

    Create your own colour

    wheel with the

    worksheet. Fill your


    Glue and decorate your

    theory notes withappropriate colours or


  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Artist Study

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Archetypeby Roger Kemp What style is this painting?

    What do you think it is of? And why?

    How does it make you feel? Why?

    What if instead of being blue and purple it was red andorange?

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    What kind of colours does the artist use in this painting?

    Does his choice of colours and shapes affect the mood of the painting?What do you think this person is thinking?



  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Collins st 5p.m. by John BrackI used to stand in the doorway every night between 4.45 and 5.30 to

    watch the stream

    as it passed ...

    As a matter of fact it used to

    strike me as most eerie, to besketching within three feet

    of so many people, none of whom

    took the slightest notice.

    John Brack on Brack, 1956.

    John BracksCollins St, 5p.m. is

    considered to be both an iconic

    painting of peak-hour

    Melbourne and a social

    commentary on daily life in

    the 1950s. The painting depicts

    people emotionally closed down

    by the grind of daily work. The

    office workers areunaware of each other, despite

    their close proximity, and are

    oblivious of the artist, who

    may be drawing them. It is also a painting about the

    loss of individuality and a lack of

    social cohesion among the masses. This idea may

    have wider political implications todo with class and power relationships.

    How does Brack achieve the feelings and

    message mentioned above?

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    The Car by John BrackI can recall the circumstances of this painting quite clearly. Walking in a suburban street one

    day the car passed me, and as it did so, the occupants looked out. This seemed to compose

    itself as a picture instantly, which I have found to be rare. Even then I had great difficulty in

    fitting the car into a rectangle in such a way that the faces would be at the right distance

    from the spectator i.e. close up.

    John Brack, CAE Discussion Group Art Notes.

    The car itself is an unusual artistic framing device, the landscape is distant and the

    faces are dislocated from the ancient land. John Brack found suburban people going

    for their Sunday drive more interesting than the landscape they passed by; in contrast,

    the countryside appears dull and desolate.

    What is the use of colour achieving? Imagine it in different colours...

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Colour Experiment

    Use the same image.

    Try 6 different colourtechniques (e.g.



    warm etc.)

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Blending Colour

    Applications verse images- for example, circles

    as horizons and movement.

    Paint a sunset.

    Theres an example in Mr Schulz folio

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Colour to create depth

    Use black, white, red and yellow.

    Use pure colours in the foreground and grey andyellow in the background to give depth.

    Theres an example in Mr Schulz folio

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Starry Night

    Van Gogh


    In groups, take an

    individual piece of

    Starry Night and paintyour section as close as

    possible to the original.

    When your group is

    finished, place all pieces

    back together to create a

    major piece.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Complimentary Colours

    Use the monochromeimage of legs and

    paint two overlapping

    umbrellas usingcomplimentarycolours.

    Make one moredetailed by mixing

    colours, for examplemaking pastel shades.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Colour and Emotion

    Revise how the artists we studied earlier used

    colour to achieve emotion.

    Create how you feel today

    Choose paint, watercolour, crayon, collage and

    go for it!

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Experimenting with colour,

    line and shape

    Use crayon.

    Change foreground andbackground.

    Change direction of

    lines.Zoom in.

    Zoom out.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Warm V Cool

    What colours do we use fordifferent moods? Seasons?

    Times of day?

    Draw the outline of a shape.

    Decide whether theforeground or background

    will be warm or cool, orvice versa.

    Use crayon to create.

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    The Weight of Colouring

    Draw your own

    scales and label

    different stylesof colouring

    with pencil

    based on thisimage:

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Monochrome plus one

    Paint the image of the lady in her hat (or

    something as simple).

    Use only black, white and one other colour that

    you will blend to create a feeling.

    Theres an example in Mr Schulz folio

  • 8/12/2019 Year 9 Colour


    Watercolour Splatters

    Draw the outline of some

    splatters on your page.

    Use watercolour to paint

    warm colours at the front

    and cool colours at the

