Page 1: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought

WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020

Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems impossible, until it is done.’ Nelson Mandela.

This week you will be emailed a reading questionnaire please take some time to sit down and do this with an adult. Once it is complete please email It back to [email protected].


Activity 1 – X and ÷ problems. Put the following calculations into columns or bus stops to solve.

1. 232 x 2 2. 403 x 3 3. 539 x 5

4. 432 x 4 5. 150 x 6 6. 213 x 3

7. 752 ÷ 4 8. 999 ÷ 3 9. 208 ÷ 4

10. 468 ÷ 3 11. 936 ÷ 4 12. 511 ÷ 7

Activity 2 – Multiplication Putting the digits 1, 2 and 3 in the empty boxes, how many different calculations can you make?

English Read the next pages of the story.

1. Look at the section where the Pharaoh finds the slipper and tries to find its owner. What verbs can you find? Create a spider diagram to collect them, then explore turning the verbs into the different tenses, like this:

Past Present Future

played play playing

jostled jostle jostling

2. Rhodopis needs your help. She knows the slipper is hers but isn’t making herself known to the Pharaoh. Give

Ongoing Activities:

Don’t forget to say your prayers throughout the day.

Keep on reading, can you add a short book review onto our Bookworm blog post?

Page 2: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought

Which one gives the largest answer? Which one gives the smallest answer?

Activity 3 – Division Find the mistakes in these statements. Are they True or False? Explain Why.

a) When an odd number is divided by 2, there is no remainder.

b) When an even number is divided by 2, there is a remainder.

c) We always begin to divide the ones

first, then the tens.

d) The following problems can be solved by using the calculation 8 ÷ 2. True or false?

There are 2 bags of bread rolls that have 8 rolls in each bag. How many rolls are there altogether?

A boat holds 2 people. How many boats are needed for 8 people?

I have 8 pencils and give 2 pencils to each person. How many people receive pencils?

I have 8 pencils and give 2 away. How many do I have left?

some advice in the form of commands to help her out. When you write your advice, you’ll need to use imperative verbs so that Rhodopis listens to you!

E.g. Jostle for attention as you have every right to claim what’s yours! Approach the Pharaoh and introduce yourself.

3. Reread the whole story and then answer the following questions. a) What similarities and differences

are there between this story and the traditional version?

b) What messages can we learn from this story?

c) What questions remain unanswered at the end?

Practice these words every day, remember Say, Cover,

Write, Check

eight eighth eighty weight neighbour vein veil beige sleigh freight Get a member of your family to test you on these new words on Friday. Choose one of these words, write a sentence using it and add it to our Super speller blog post.

Page 3: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought

RE – Saul becomes Paul

Watch the following video on the story of Saul’s journey to becoming St. Paul and then answer the questions.

Page 4: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought

Being Different

Think of a difference between yourself and someone that you think is awesome. Does this make them better than

you? Of course not!

Different doesn’t mean better or worse. Everyone possess’ different qualities and strengths; that is what make us


Draw a balance scale. On one side draw something which makes you awesome. On the other side, draw something

different that makes a friend awesome.

History – Egyptians

Visit the British museum, using the following link, to

find out about Ancient Egypt. You can investigate Egyptian life, explore the mummification process as

well as many other things.

Create a mind map to show what you have found out. Remember a mind map is made up of notes. Please

don’t copy sentences from the website, use your own words.


Page 5: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought
Page 6: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought
Page 7: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought
Page 8: Year 3’s thought of the week. ‘It always seems …  · WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 15th June 2020 Year 3’s thought
