
Question 2: FILMAS media Exam

Kidulthood (2006)

Horizontal Integration

Vertical Integration



Exam Preparation

Independent film, directed by Menhaj Huda

First film from production company (Stealth Films) so the company had no reputation.

The film received a minimal funding budget from the UK Film Council.

Huda’s financial target was £800,000 (production, marketing, distribution) but reached £600,000 due to a limited target audience, unknown cast and ‘teen-film’ genre with controversial themes.

Kidulthood (2006)

Was advertised specifically to a teenage target audience through Facebook - limited merchandise options.

Distribution Company – Revolver

First released in independent cinemas (Stratford Picturehouse) with 20 copies and made £76,200

After the successful sequel Adulthood, Kidulthood was re-released and distributed around America resulting in a much larger profit. Opening weekend profited £400,000.

Kidulthood (2006)

There are two types of media ownership. Independent films & Blockbusters (multi-national).

These multi-national companies can be

Horizontally Integrated: ACROSS


Vertically Integrated: DOWN


A production company expands into other areas of one industry. It is shared ACROSS.

The company can develop in a particular area of production or they can buy out another company that deals with these areas.

EXAMPLE – Casino RoyaleCasino Royale was mostly made by Sony. Sony owns companies such as Columbia pictures, however other

companies were involved in the production such as MGM. This means that Casino Royale used horizontal integration because

it expanded into other companies during the making of the film.

Horizontal Integration

The production company has complete ownership of the production, distribution and exhibition of the film.

It is all passed DOWN.They receive all of the profit – Brand Identity

EXAMPLE - Walt Disney Studios Motion PicturesWalt Disney Productions

Walt Disney Studios

Walt Disney Distribution (Buena Vista)

Walt Disney DVD/Bluray Walt Disney Toy Store Disney Land

Vertical Integration

Did Iron Man 3 use Horizontal or Vertical Integration?

Why? What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Think about the companies that produced, marketed, promoted and distributed the film.

Iron Man 3

Synergy is the promotion and sale of a product within films – Product Placement

Examples of this would be soundtracks, phones and laptops, cars.

Iron Man 3 – Audi Cars, Verizon flat panel televisions, James Bond Franchise – Watches, cars, laptops

There are many advantages to using synergy in films. It can increase the profit made on the film enhances the company image and influence public opinion.


‘Above the line’ – trailers, TV/Poster campaigns, materials released to cinemas.

This is the most direct way to reach an audience.

‘Below the line’ – marketing is more subtle. Indirect forms of publicity such as press coverage, merchandising.

This is valuable to films as they build social interaction.

