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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

(2015 - 2017)

Year 11 Orientation

Understanding the IB Diploma Programme at STB-ACS International Jakarta• Diploma and Course students – requirements, subject choices• Differences between HL and SL• Subject Groups and Subject Lines• General Regulations – failing conditions• Subject selection, probation contracts, changing levels, textbooks,

expectations• Pressures of the programme – standard of work, knowing the syllabus and

requirements for assessments, due dates• University Application Process

• As of September 2011, a number of changes to terminology associated with the IB Diploma Programme were made.

• Students who chose to study subjects but not to take the entire diploma were referred to as Certificate Students.

Diploma vs Course Students

• This is no longer the case• Now subjects are referred to as: Diploma Programme (DP) Courses and

the students who study them are referred to as: Diploma Programme (DP) Course Students.

Requirements for DP Course Results• A student doing DP Courses will study the same

courses as IB Diploma students but they may be able to study fewer subjects and not have to study subjects at higher level (depending on further education requirements).

• Note that students following this course still have to achieve satisfactory grades in IB subject reports and meet all assessment requirements set by the IB for each subject taken.

A Special Note• If a candidate fails to meet the requirements for completion of the Full

Diploma then DP Course Results in individual subjects only will be awarded.

Requirements for Full Diploma Students• Students study 6 subjects selected from the subject groups – for

award of Diploma normally three subjects are studied at higher level and remaining three at standard level

• In addition, students need to do the three core components – Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)

• Diploma Programme Course Students and Full Diploma students all receive Diploma Programme (DP) Course Results.

• A student who successfully gains the full IB Diploma will be awarded the Diploma of the International Baccalaureate and their Diploma Programme (DP) Results.

Awarding the IB Diploma• Generally speaking the IB Diploma is awarded to students who earn at least 24

points and do not contain any of the failing conditions set out in the Regulations.

• Under no circumstances will an IB Diploma be awarded if a candidate:· receives a grade 1 in any subject· has not submitted an Extended Essay· has not followed a course in Theory of Knowledge· has not engaged in CAS activities.

What is the Difference Between HL and SL

• The first basic difference is the number of teaching hours HL (240 hours) and SL (150 hours)

• HL generally covers more topics than SL• In some subjects Internal Assessment tasks may also

be different• Often HL students will have additional examination

papers to sit

IB Diploma @ ACS Jakarta

What does the Diploma Programme curriculum contain?

The curriculum contains six subject groups and a core of three parts.

Students study concurrently:

three subjects at higher level (240 hours each).

three subjects at standard level(150 hours each).

all three parts of the core.

Subject Groups

• 1. Studies in Language and Literature• 2. Language Aquisition• 3. Individual and Societies• 4. Sciences• 5. Mathematics• 6. The Arts and Electives

Students choose 1 subject from each group (7 periods per language subject and 8 periods for other subjects):Group 1 – English A Language and Literature HL/SL, Indonesian A Language and Literature HL/SLGroup 2 – English B HL, Indonesian B HL/SL, Chinese B Mandarin SL/HL, Mandarin ab initio Group 3 – Business and Management HL/SL, Geography HL/SL, Economics HL/SLGroup 4 – Biology HL/SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Physics HL/SLGroup 5 – Mathematics HL/SL, Mathematical Studies SLGroup 6 – Visual Arts HL/SL, Music HL/SL

The Lines

In order to offer a flexible programme for all students subjects are offered as follows:Line 1 – English A Language and Literature HL/SL, English B HL/SLLine 2 – Indonesian A Language and Literature HL/SL, Indonesian and Chinese

B Mandarin HL/SL, Mandarin ab initioLine 3 – Business and Management HL/SL, Economics HL/SLGroup 4 – Biology HL/SL, Physics HL/SLGroup 5 – Mathematics HL/SL, Mathematical Studies SLGroup 6 – Visual Arts HL/SL, Music HL/SL, Geography HL/SL, Chemistry HL/SL

In addition full diploma students have: – 2/3 periods TOK, 1/2 periods EE, 1 period of CAS – All students have 1 period Pupil Development, 1 period Religion, 1 period Assembly

3 Core Requirements- Extended Essay (EE)- Theory of Knowledge (TOK)- Creativity Action Service (CAS)

3 Core RequirementsEE – Prescribed limit of 4000 words, offers the opportunity

to investigate a topic of individual interest, acquaints students with independent research and writing skills

TOK – Interdisciplinary course to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, an appreciation of other cultural perspectives

CAS – Involvement in artistic pursuits and other creative projects, sports and other physical activity, and community service work outside of academic arena

• Studying all three elements of the Core is mandatory for all Full Diploma students

• CAS is compulsory for all students• TOK and Extended Essay classes will be compulsory for all students in at

the beginning of Semester 1• Course students can choose whether or not to continue with TOK or

Extended Essay classes

• DP Course students are not required to study TOK and they do not have to do an Extended Essay

• This therefore allows these students to concentrate more on academic achievement in the various subjects

• During EE and TOK lessons these students will have study lessons or extra tutorials.

• All DP Course students must successfully complete the CAS Programme

Examinations• In most courses, about 80% of the assessment is based on final

exams which are held in May of the Grade 12 year. • Examinations for each subject will consist of 2 or 3 papers – set

on different days.• ‘Mock exams’ will be held beforehand to try to simulate the

final examinations as closely as possible.• The real exams in May are all sent off to be marked by IB


Internal Assessment• Most IB courses have an element of internal assessment which usually

counts for at least 20% of the grade.• This work is marked and graded internally by your teacher• They then send their predicted scores off to the IBO• A sample of the work of candidates in a subject is then selected randomly

by the IBO and sent to the external examiners for moderation• Some work is sent in hard copy but recently much of the work is uploaded


Academic Honesty• Plagiarism, collusion, misconduct and other forms of cheating are major

concerns for the IBO and ACS Jakarta• The school’s academic honesty policy is of particular importance to all IB

students.• All students must be completely familiar with the policy.

The IB Grading System

• The grading scheme in use for IB examinations is as follows:

1. very poor2. poor3. mediocre4. satisfactory5. good6. very good7. excellent

Bonus points:- A maximum of 3 bonus points may be added to the total score

awarded for full diploma student based on performance in the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge.

- Bonus points will be awarded according to a candidate's combined performance in both areas.

- DP Course students will not be eligible to gain bonus points

Bonus Points Matrix

Calculating Point Scores• 6 subjects• Maximum grade: 7• 6 x 7 =• 42 points

• Satisfactory Level of Achievement in TOK and EE

• TOK and EE• Up to 3 bonus points available

• 42 + 3 =• 45 points

• Completion of CAS is mandatory!

DP Course Results• For DP Course students often total point score is not the most

important thing, although these students are encouraged to achieve the highest total point score they can

• Some universities are more interested in achievement levels in certain subjects as a pre-requisite

• Above all DP Course students must aim to maximise their academic potential and meet the requirements of the university they wish to attend

Failing Conditions• The IB Diploma will be awarded to a candidate provided all the following

requirements have been met. – CAS requirements have been met. – The candidate’s total points are 24 or more. – There is no “N” awarded for theory of knowledge, the extended essay or for a

contributing subject. – There is no grade E awarded for theory of knowledge and/or the extended essay. – There is no grade 1 awarded in a subject/level. – There are no more than two grade 2s awarded (HL or SL). – There are no more than three grade 3s or below awarded (HL or SL). – The candidate has gained 12 points or more on HL subjects (for candidates who register

for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count). – The candidate has gained 9 points or more on SL subjects (candidates who register for

two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).

The Pressures of IB• A typical due date calendar

Why Study the Diploma Programme?

- The IB diploma is a passport to higher education. Universities around the world welcome the unique characteristics of IB Diploma Programme students and recognize the way in which the programme helps to prepare students for university level education.

- IB DP Course students will also be able to enter a number of reputable universities and colleges in most countries but not as many as with the full IB Diploma.

- The requirements for each country vary and the Higher Education Coordinator will help students to understand the requirements for each university

• In many cases IB graduates are often preferred over other qualifications because of the breadth of their prior studies.

• Students wishing to study in the UK are given very generous UCAS points with an IBDP pass.

• Many Universities in the United States even give advanced credit for IBDP graduates.

• Nevertheless, like all High School qualifications, it is important to check your target university to see specific university and course requirements.

• ACS Jakarta offers clear, informed guidance on university selection and tertiary options via the Further Education Coordinators over the course of the Diploma Programme.

• Students can also browse our extensive range of university information booklets from the Further Education section of the library

• The school also runs a series of Education Fairs and invites guest speakers and representatives from various tertiary institutions to talk to the students.

Subject Selection, Probation and Appeals

Subject selection process:• Internal: subject selection and levels based on

teacher recommendation• External: subject selection and level based on

performance on entry tests

Probation• Some subject selections are granted with conditions

relating to performance on IGCSE examinations• Textbooks in these subjects should not be written on

in case a change is necessary.• When results are released on 11 August a final

decision will be made regarding these cases

Appeals and Requests for Subject Changes• Any change to subject selection must be

applied for in writing from parents• No change will be made to subject selection

unless it has been approved by the HOD and VP in consultation with the IB Diploma Coordinator

End of Year 11 Review• At the end of Year 11, a review of each student’s achievement

and attitude and application to study will take place.• The requirements for promotion to Year 12 include:• At least 24 points across the six subjects for DP students and

an IB4 in chosen subjects for Course students.• A passing grade in all end of year examinations.• At least 90 hours of CAS activities• Have met all internal coursework deadlines as per the

deadline calendar

To be a successful IB student• Students must satisfy a minimum attendance

requirement – 80%• Are expected to set an example to students

throughout the school.• Conduct should be beyond reproach.• IBDP is a very demanding course.• Students who fail to respect the right of others to

learn, have no place in the course.
