

Year 10

GCSE Catering Recipes

Doughs Sausage Rolls

Bread Rolls Chelsea Buns

Pastry Shortcrust Pastry

Cheese & Bacon Twists Quiche

Glazed Fruit Tartlets Cornish Pasties

Cakes Cheesey or Fruit Scones

Profiteroles Decorated Small Cakes

Victoria Sandwich Viennese Fingers

Swiss Roll

Sausage Rolls


100g shortcrust pastry, you could try flavouring the pastry with herbs or cheese.

100g sausage meat

1 egg to glaze

A container to take rolls home in


1. Preheat oven Gas7 / 2200C

2. Prepare pastry and roll into a rectangle. Trim to 30cm deep and 20cm wide

3. Make sausage meat into two rolls the same length

4. Place sausage meat onto the pastry as below

5. Cut down the middle of the pastry. damp the edges with water and roll over the pastry and turn so that the join is underneath.

6. Brush with beaten egg, cut to make 12 sausage rolls.

7. Cook 15 – 20 minutes until golden brown.

Bread Rolls


7g (1 teaspoon) dried yeast

1 teaspoon sugar

125ml warm milk or water

200g plain white strong flour

1 level teaspoon salt

25g margarine

Cheese, oats, seeds etc for decoration

A container to take rolls home in


1. Switch oven on Gas 2/1500C to create a warm place to

prove dough.

2. Sieve flour and salt into a bowl. Rub in the margarine until it looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar & yeast.

3. Add warmed liquid.

4. Make a well in the flour and pour the liquid into the well and mix into a dough.

5. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth.

6. Shape and place on baking tray. Brush with milk or beaten egg and decorate with seeds, oats and cheese etc.

7. Switch oven off, place tray into oven to prove and double in size.

8. Cook at gas 8 / 2300C for 5 minutes and then Gas 6/ 200


for 10 minutes.

9. Bread rolls will be cooked when base sounds hollow when tapped.

Chelsea Buns


7g (1 tsp) dried yeast

1 teaspoon sugar

125ml milk

200g plain flour

1 teaspoon salt

25g margarine

25g sugar

1tsp mixed spice/cinnamon

25g margarine, melted

25g dried fruit

Runny honey and a tablespoon of caster sugar to decorate

A container to take rolls home in


1. Preheat the oven Gas 2 / 1500C.

2. Sieve the flour and salt into a bowl and run in the fat. Add the yeast & sugar and mix in.

3. Heat half of the liquid in the microwave for 20 seconds and add the remaining milk so that it is warm. Add to the creamed yeast and sugar.

4. Stir in the flour mix and mix into a dough and knead until smooth.

5. Grease and line a 20cm round sandwich tin and melt the 25g margarine in a small bowl in the microwave.

6. Roll out the dough to a 25cm square.

7. Spread the melted margarine over the dough and sprinkle on the sugar and dried fruit and spices.

8. Damp the edges of the square with water and roll up into a sausage shape.

9. Press together gently and cut into 8 even slices. Place in tin, cut side uppermost, switch oven off.

10. Allow to prove in oven until doubled in size – approx. 20 mins. Cook at gas 6/200

0C for 20 minutes.

Shortcrust pastry


100g plain flour

Pinch salt

50g margarine or butter (hard block margarine or block butter must be used for this recipe not soft spreadable fats)

Cold water

A container to take the tarts home in


1. Mix flour and salt in a bowl, rub in the fat with fingertips until it looks like fine breadcrumbs.

2. Stir in enough water to form a stiff dough.

3. Turn dough onto a floured surface and knead lightly.

4. Chill. Roll out as required.

5. Preheat oven to Gas 6/200C.

6. Roll out pastry & cut out into rounds.

7. Line small cake tin with rounds. Add a teaspoon of jam or curd to each

tart. Bake for 10 – 15 mins until pastry is golden.


Cheese shortcrust pastry

25g grated cheddar cheese

Stir in the cheese to the ‘breadcrumbs’ before adding the water

Jam Tarts

100g shortcrust pastry

jam/lemon curd

Cheese and Bacon Twists


250g Readymade Puff pastry

4 rashers of smoked or unsmoked bacon, rind removed and diced

75g grated cheese

A container to take the twists home in


1. Heat oven to 2000C/Gas 6.

2. Line a baking tray with greased baking paper.

3. Heat some oil in a frying pan and cook the bacon until cooked, set aside.

4. Roll out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface to a 30cm square.

5. Cut lengthways into 2 rectangles.

6. Sprinkle the grated cheese down the middle of each rectangle, scatter over the bacon pieces.

7. Roll up each rectangle to form a sausage, gently roll to seal the edges. Cut into 3cm slices.

8. Place the slices, cut side up onto the baking tray. Brush the top with beaten egg and bake for about 20 minutes until browned.




175g plain flour

75g hard margarine or butter

1-2 tablespoons cold water


125 ml milk

2 eggs

1 small onion

50g grated cheese

2 rashers bacon

1 tomato (garnish)

mixed herbs and salt and pepper

An ovenproof dish approx. 7” in diameter from home to cook it in

(a sandwich tin is ideal)

A container to take it home in


1. Oven 200C/Gas 6

2. Sieve the flour into the bowl, add the fat and rub into the flour.

3. Carefully add enough cold water until a stiff dough is formed.

4. Roll out the pastry to fit the flan dish. Chill.

5. Prepare the filling. Grate the cheese, chop the onion finely, slice the tomato.

6. In a jug beat the eggs and milk together.

7. Add the bacon and onion to the egg mixture with seasonings and most of cheese.

8. Pour carefully into the case and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.

9. Bake for 25 mins or until the egg mixture has set. If using a tomato, add to the top 10 minutes before end of cooking time.

Glazed Fruit Tartlets


For the Paté sucrée

100g (4oz) plain flour

50g (2oz) softened butter

50g (2oz) caster sugar

2 large egg yolks

For the filling and glaze

150g (¼ pint) double cream

225g (8oz) fresh fruits (such as raspberries and blueberries)

About 4 tablespoons redcurrant jelly (or apricot jam)


1. First make the Paté sucrée (sweet pastry). Measure the flour into a bowl.

2. Rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

3. Stir in the sugar.

4. Add the egg yolks and mix until the ingredients come together to for a dough.

5. Knead the mixture gently until smooth.

6. Wrap the dough in clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge for about 30 mins.

7. Pre-heat oven to 1900C/Gas 5.

8. Roll out the pastry on to a lightly floured work surface and cut out about 12 rounds using a 7.5cm fluted pastry cutter.

9. Re-roll the trimming once only.

10. Ease the pastry rounds into patty tins and prick lightly with a fork.

11. Place a small piece of baking parchment or foil into each pastry case and fill with baking beans.

12. Bake the pastry cases for about 15 mins or until golden brown.

13. Turn out on to a wire rack, remove paper and baking beans, leave to cool.

14. To make the filling, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks and spoon a little into each tartlet case.

15. Arrange fruits on top.

16. Warm the jelly or jam, brush liberally over the fruits to glaze.

Cornish Pasties


100g shortcrust pastry (made at home)

75g raw minced beef

½ small carrot

½ small onion

½ small potato


1 tsp tomato ketchup


1. Heat oven to 200 0C/ Gas 6.

2. Finely chop the onion, dice the carrot and potato into small chunks.

3. Mix all of the filling ingredients together.

4. Cut the pastry in half, roll each piece to a circle, use a small plate as a guide.

5. Divide the filling between the pastry.

6. Damp the edge of the pastry and fold in half so that the edges meet in the centre.

7. Press the edges together, leaving a steam hole in the middle, brush with beaten egg or milk.

8. Bake on a well greased baking tray for 15 mins at 2000C /Gas 6

and then 170 0C / Gas 3 for 30 mins.

Cheesy or Fruit Scones


250g self raising flour

40g butter or margarine

125ml semi-skimmed milk

For cheese scones also add

1x5ml spoon (tsp) mustard powder (optional)

75g hard cheese (grated)

For Fruit scones also add

75 g currants or sultanas

25g caster sugar

A container to take scones home in


1. Preheat the oven to 210°C or gas mark 7.

2. Grease a baking tray.

3. Sieve the flour and mustard into the bowl.

4. Rub in the butter or margarine into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.

5. Stir in the cheese if making cheese scones, or the fruit and sugar if making fruit scones

6. Make a well in the middle of the flour and gradually stir in enough milk to form a soft dough.

7. Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface. Shape the dough to about 2cm thick.

8. Using a cutter, cut the scones.

9. Place the scones on a baking tray and brush each top with a little milk.

10. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown.

11. Allow to cool on a cooling rack.

Top tips

You could experiment with different flavourings by adding herbs or spices.


Profiteroles are choux buns filled with thick whipped cream. There will not be enough time in class for the buns to cool prior to filling. Therefore, I suggest that just the buns and sauce are made in class and taken home. Once at home the buns can be filled with cream and served with the warmed chocolate sauce.

Ingredients Choux Pastry

50g margarine

150gml water

3 tsp caster sugar

100g plain flour

3 medium eggs, beaten


150g chocolate

2 tbsp soft brown sugar

2 tbls water

50g butter


1. Heat the oven 200C/Gas 6. Grease and line 2 or 3 baking trays, then run under cold water to leave a film of water on the trays.

2. Place margarine and sugar in water and melt over gentle heat, then bring to the boil.

3. Remove from the heat and stir in the flour.

4. Return to the heat and stir until the mixture forms a ball in the middle of the pan.

5. Transfer to a large bowl and cool.

6. Thoroughly beat the eggs into the cooled mixture a little at a time using a wooden spoon.

7. Using 2 teaspoons place a walnut sized mound of pastry well spaced out on trays.

8. Bake for 20-25 minutes until well risen, brown and firm. Slit the sides to let the steam escape. Cool on a wire rack.

9. Combine chocolate, sugar and water in pan, stir over low heat until smooth, stir in butter, remove from heat.

10. At home whip the cream until thick, fill each bun with cream using a piping bag. Pile onto a plate/dish. Re-heat the sauce gently and pour over the filled buns – and serve.

Decorated small cakes

Ingredients Cakes

75g self raising flour

50g caster sugar

50g soft margarine

vanilla essence (optional)

1 egg

75g dried fruit

12 paper cases

Butter Icing

140g butter softened

280g icing sugar, sieved

1-2 tbls milk

few drops of vanilla essence

cake sprinkles/decorations

A container to take cakes home in

Method 1. Preheat oven to 190

0C/ Gas 5.

2. Cream together the margarine and sugar.

3. Gradually add the beaten egg.

4. Sieve and fold in the flour.

5. Stir in flavourings.

6. Spoon mixture into cases.

7. Place in oven, 15-20 minutes (12-15 in fan oven).

8. Place on cooling rack.

To make icing

1. Beat the butter in a large bowl until soft and add half the icing sugar and beat until smooth.

2. Add the remaining icing sugar and beat until creamy and smooth. If necessary add a little milk to make softer.

3. Stir in any food colouring until well combined.

4. Using a piping bag and decorate cakes.

Victoria Sandwich


150g self-raising flour

1x5ml(tsp) baking powder

150g margarine

150g caster sugar

3 eggs

2 x 15ml (tblsp) jam

2 x 18-20cm tins

A container to take cake home in


1. Preheat oven 180°C, Gas 4.

2. Sieve the flour & baking power into the mixing bowl and then add all other ingredients.

3. Beat together until light and fluffy.

4. Divide mixture between greased and lined tins.

5. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

6. Remove from tins, and cool.

7. Fill with jam and assemble.

Top tips

Dust with icing sugar.

Viennese Fingers

Ingredients 100g (4oz) softened butter

25g (1oz) icing sugar

100g (4oz) plain flour

¼ level teaspoon baking powder

50g (2oz) plain chocolate (39% cocoa solids)

Method 1. Pre-heat oven to 1900C/Gas 5. Lightly grease 2 baking trays. Fit piping bag

with a medium star nozzle.

2. Put butter and icing sugar into bowl and beat well until pale and fluffy.

3. Sieve in the flour and baking powder. Beat well until thoroughly mixed.

4. Spoon into piping bag and pipe out finger shapes 7.5cm (3 in) long, spacing them well apart.

5. Bake for 10 – 15 mins or until a pale golden brown. Lift off and cool on a wire rack.

6. Break chocolate into pieces and melt it gently in a bowl set over a pan of hot water, stirring occasionally.

7. Dip both ends of the biscuits into the chocolate and leave to set on the wire rack.

Swiss roll

Ingredients Cake Mix

2 medium eggs

75g caster sugar (+ 3 tbl for greaseproof paper)

75g self raising flour

If making chocolate replace 1tbl flour with 1tbl cocoa

Butter icing

200g sieved icing sugar

100g butter

if making chocolate icing replace 1tbl icing sugar with 1tbl cocoa

A container to take cake home in

Method 1. Oven on at gas 7 / 220


2. Grease and line base of swiss roll tin.

3. Whisk eggs and sugar until pale and really thick.

4. Very gently fold in the sieved flour and cocoa powder if using.

5. Gently stir in 1 tbl hot water.

6. Pour into prepared tin.

7. Bake for 7-9 minutes until springy to touch (check after 5 minutes in fan oven).

8. Put piece of sugared greaseproof paper onto table and turn cake out onto paper.

9. Using knife, trim the 2 long edges and shortest edge furthest away from you on short side nearest to you make a cut, halfway through sponge, 2cm from the edge – this will make it easier to roll up.

10. Place another piece of greaseproof on top and roll cake away from you around the paper.

11. Cool for 20 minutes.

12. Cream the butter and add the icing sugar gradually (and cocoa if using)

together until soft and creamy.

13. Gently unroll the cake, remove paper and spread on one third of buttercream

and re-roll.
