  • What is ISO? ISO is the measurement of how sensitive a digital camera's sensor is to light. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the image sensor and therefore the possibility to take pictures in low-light situations..
  • Aperture Aperture is the opening through which light travels towards the sensor.
  • How To Use Aperture? A large aperture (low f number) allows more light to hit the sensor. That means that you can use a faster shutter speed, either to capture fast paced action, or to take photos in low light. In high light a small aperture decreases light and prevents over exposure. Changing the aperture, changes the depth of field. Depth of field is a distance where the subject appears sharp. Large aperture (low f number) has small depth of field. So if you want a tiny part of your scene to be in focus, use a large aperture.
  • Shutter Speed A camera's shutter speed can control exposure, but it's also one of the most powerful creative tools in photography. It can convey motion, freeze action, isolate subjects and smooth water etc
  • Creative Shutter Speed
  • Your Task!! Create a series of photographs which illustrates the use of ISO, aperture and shutter speed in digital photography. A series of six photographs. Two contrasting photos for each element. E.g. for ISO you would shoot one image using a low ISO creating a fine grain image and another with a high ISO creating a grainy image. Using Photoshop present your images side by side in a single A4 or A3 image.
