Page 1: YAAFPRS PP AUNCHES THIS ALL IN ASHVILLE · Nashville, TN OCTOBER 6-8 ANNUAL MEETING Nashville, TN Program Director: Phillip R. Langsdon, MD Co-chairs: Samuel M. Lam, MD, and Rami

September/October 2016 Facial Plastic Times 1


September/October 2016Vol. 37, No. 7

Launchingthis fall is anew app forall members

of the AAFPRS. TheMyAAFPRS app wasdeveloped by Motto-Mobile and spear-headed by theAcademy’s Multi-media Committeeunder the directionof World Wide WebSubcommittee chairAlbert Fox, MD. Theapp allows mobileaccess and links tothe AAFPRS Website, the LearnPortal, the ABFPRS,JAMA Facial PlasticSurgery, as wellas the memberdirectory andvideos. The videosection providesaccess to 12 featured videos that are free to viewthrough the app for members. These videos includesome of our best sellers: “Tri-Plane Rhytidectomy,” byShan R. Baker, MD; “Over Projected Nose with ChinAugmentation,” by Dean M. Toriumi, MD; “PerioralRejuvenation,” by Ross Clevens, MD; as well aspopular procedures performed by E. GaylonMcCollough, MD; Norman J. Pastorek, MD; RichardC. Webster, MD; Robert L. Simons, MD; William H.Beeson, MD; Daniel E. Rousso, MD; William J.Binder, MD; and Corey S. Maas, MD. The app alsofeatures brief technique videos and additionalviewings of Dr. Webster discussing W-plasty, M-plasty, and transposition flaps. A complete listing ofvideos and CME offerings are available for purchasethrough our educational portal LEARN, which onecan access in the video section of the app.

A calendar of events, links to vendors, and socialmedial such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter,are also available through the app.

We are working on additional functions such asdelivering messages regarding special events, regis-tration reminders, or special promotions.

The app may be downloaded and used by allAAFPRS members and it is not be available to non-members. Specific instructions regarding registrationand downloading the app will be provided to mem-bers via e-mail. Feedback from members regardingthe app's features or suggestions that members mayhave regarding possible future changes or modifica-tions can be forwarded to Rita Chua Magness at theAAFPRS office, [email protected].

The MyAAFPRS app is an exciting new app thatmembers will find to be useful and informative. It willallow members to stay connected with the Academyand take advantage of “member only” offerings. M

The World of Rhinoplasty comes to ChicagoMay 4-7, 2017

May is a beautiful time to visit this wonderful city. As youwill see in the enclosed brochure, the program highlightsthe wonders of this complicated, yet beautiful operation.

Plan your trip to Chicago now and make sure you reserveyour spot in this bi-annual AAFPRS Advances inRhinoplasty meeting.

Page 2: YAAFPRS PP AUNCHES THIS ALL IN ASHVILLE · Nashville, TN OCTOBER 6-8 ANNUAL MEETING Nashville, TN Program Director: Phillip R. Langsdon, MD Co-chairs: Samuel M. Lam, MD, and Rami

10 Facial Plastic Times September/October 2016

Dr. Agarwal tops MOC examThe ABFPRS would like to con-gratulate Anurag Agarwal, MD,for achieving the highest score onthe MOC in FPRS® examinationthis past June. Like his mentorand fellowship director, William E.Silver, MD (who was in the firstclass of diplomates to completeABFPRS MOC in FPRS® require-ments in 2007), Dr. Agarwal is afirm believer in the recertificationprocess. "The public has veryhigh expectations of surgeonscertified by the ABFPRS, both interms of skill set and integrity.The MOC process helps patientsensure that their ABFPRS certi-fied surgeon has demonstratedthe requisite knowledge on aregular basis to meet the rigorousstandards set forth by theABFPRS," Dr. Agarwal states.

"Besides," continues Dr.Agarwal, "ABFPRS board certifica-tion is the credential that givesus our niche in medicine. Theimpeccable standards set forth byour predecessors in facial plasticsurgery have given us our liveli-hood and we must continue touphold these standards andexceed patient expectations in theever-changing world of 21stcentury medicine."

Dr. Agarwal is the owner andmedical director of the AestheticSurgery Center in Naples, Fla., See Nominations, page 23

David B. Hom, MD, is the recipient of the2016 Larry D. Schoenrock Award. "DavidHom is one of the unsung heroes in ourspecialty," confides ABFPRS president

Robert M. Kellman, MD. "David has workedbehind the scenes for years and has devotedcountless hours to the advancement of theABFPRS written examination since 1992. Hecontinues to serve the ABFPRS as the chairmanof the Written Examination Review Committee—a post he's held since 2001. I can't begin to tellyou how much his commitment to our examina-tion program has done to advance the recogni-tion of facial plastic surgery in the medical world. Our specialty oweshim more than any of us can ever begin to express," states Dr. Kellman.

Dr. Hom's appreciation for the specialty of facial plastic surgeryblossomed during his otolaryngology residency at the University ofMichigan with Chuck Krause, MD, and Shan Baker, MD. Under Drs.Krause and Baker's tutelage, Dr. Hom realized the importance of know-ing the science and background behind each procedure; their encour-agement inspired him to be innovative in his approach to wound heal-ing. "Whenever I was faced with a challenging task during my residency,Dr. Krause would always smile and say, 'Just remember, you've got to begood enough,'" remembers Dr. Hom.

Dr. Hom was more than "good" because he attained a covetedAAFPRS fellowship with Jack Anderson, MD, and E. Gaylon McCollough,MD, in 1989. "I remember when I started this fellowship, each fellow goesthrough a rigorous 'bootcamp' in the first month to learn how to makean operative case run seamlessly with the surgical team." Dr. Homcontinues, "The lessons I learned in fellowship 'bootcamp' are ones that Istill practice and teach our residents. Dr. Anderson and Dr. McColloughtaught me so many things about treating facial plastic surgery patientsthat I could never learn from a book—that's one of the greatest rewardsof my AAFPRS fellowship year. You can always read about surgicaltechnique, but observing these two icons propel facial plastic surgeryprocedures to the highest level, while making their patients comfortable,was truly enlightening. This is one of the greatest gifts these two men-tors ever bestowed upon me and others fortunate enough to have comeunder their direction."

"It is such an honor to receive the Larry D. Schoenrock Award fromthe ABFPRS," states Dr. Hom. "This award has a special meaning for mein that Dr. Schoenrock did his otolaryngology residency here at theUniversity of Cincinnati in the late 1960s where I currently serve on thefaculty. I know that Larry met his lovely wife, Diane, here at the Univer-sity while she wasa registerednurse," he adds."Dr. Schoenrock'slegacy representshis never-endingquest to teach andbe a role model forthe next generationof facial plasticsurgeons. It is aprivilege to follow inhis footsteps,"concludes Dr. Hom.


Page 3: YAAFPRS PP AUNCHES THIS ALL IN ASHVILLE · Nashville, TN OCTOBER 6-8 ANNUAL MEETING Nashville, TN Program Director: Phillip R. Langsdon, MD Co-chairs: Samuel M. Lam, MD, and Rami

September/October 2016 Facial Plastic Times 23



OCTOBER 6-8ANNUAL MEETINGNashville, TNProgram Director: Phillip R. Langsdon,MDCo-chairs: Samuel M. Lam, MD, andRami K. Batniji, MD

DECEMBER 1-3*THE CUTTING EDGE 2016New York, NYChairs: Sherrell Aston, MD; Daniel Baker,MD; and Dean M. Toriumi, MD




APRIL 26-30AAFPRS SPRING MEETING(in conjunction with COSM)San Diego, CACo-chairs: J. Randolph Jordan, MD, andLisa Gruenbaum, MD

MAY 4-7ADVANCES IN RHINOPLASTYChicago, ILCo-chairs: Peter A. Adamson, MD;Sam P. Most, MD; and Oren Friedman,MD


From Internet Insider, page 14rate)? Without a serious assess-ment of your site's content, youwon't truly know which areas ofcontent need the most improve-ment. M


From Walter Award, page 16centers in Chile and SouthAmerica," Dr. Cordero concludes.

"The IBCFPRS examinationhas been established to encour-age applicants for certification toreach for and achieve the higheststandards in our profession. ThatDr. Cordero not only passed theexamination, but also achievedthe highest international score, isa testament to his knowledge andcommitment to be the best thathe can be. I am sure that he willcarry these characteristicsforward in his career and in doingso will have an opportunity toimprove the lives of many pa-tients and also promote theadvancement of our specialty,"notes Peter A. Adamson, MD,IBCFPRS president.

The next examination forinternational candidates will begiven June 24-25, 2017, inWashington, D.C. To apply forIBCFPRS certification, please goto and click onIBCFPRS for additional details. M


From ABFPRS Awards, page 10and serves on the ABFPRSWritten Examination Review andNew Generation Committees.

The application deadline forthe 2017 MOC in FPRS® programis January 15, 2017. For addi-tional information, please go tothe ABFPRS Web or contact theABFPRS office at (703) 549-3223.

Nominations for the 2017Schoenrock Award should beaddressed to the ABFPRS Execu-tive Committee, ABFPRS, 115-CSouth Saint Asaph Street, Alex-andria, VA 22314, or [email protected]. M


CLASSIFIED ADFacial plastic surgeon partnership opportunity, work in or buy in.Expanding plastic surgery private practice, beautiful spa space, onsiteaccredited OR. Ideal combination of reconstructive and cosmetic. Colle-giality and collaboration. Interest or experience with hair transplanta-tion desirable. Option for academic affiliation, resident teaching, micro-vascular reconstruction, international mission trips. Mid-Hudson Valleycountry living within one hour to New York City. Manoj Abraham MD,, contact [email protected].

Enclosed in this September/October issue of Facial Plastic

Times is the Advances inRhinoplasty Meeting Brochure.

Editor’s note: This column wasprepared by Robert Baxter andMichael D'Elicio of SurgeonsAdvisor, a Miami-based Internetmarketing firm that handles theAcademy’s public Web site designand maintenance.