Page 1: XV Summer Olympics athletes of the Republic Altai!
Page 2: XV Summer Olympics athletes of the Republic Altai!

2013 declared the Year of Sport in the Altai Republic

2013 declared the Year of Sport in the Republic Altai. This year from 28 to 30 June in the city of Gorno-Altaisk competition took XV Summer Olympics athletes of the Republic Altai, dedicated to the Year of the sport in the Republic of Altai. More than 1,200 participants from eleven municipalities in two days competing in 18 sports for the right to become a champion

Page 3: XV Summer Olympics athletes of the Republic Altai!

Faster, higher, stronger - the Olympic motto and the main leitmotif of competition in all sports. Top athletes in the region welcomed the President of the Republic Alexander Berdnikov.

At the opening ceremony and visited the guest of honor - Olympic gymnastics champion Yevgeny Podgorny, who in 1996 in Atlanta, won the gold medal. After the lighting of the Olympic torch he held exercises with athletes.

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Then came the main - the fight for the podium. Eighteen sports played out gold, silver and bronze medals. The participants competed in the following sports: athletics, polyathlon, football, volleyball, handball, boxing, judo, sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling, table tennis, combat sambo, archery, chess, weight lifting, kuresh, orienteering.

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City took first place, winning 12 gold medals in the team (in women's volleyball, weightlifting and combat sambo their second, in the towns and chess - the third in the fight kuresh, Greco-Roman and boxing - places outside the top three.

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The second place was taken by athletes Shebalinskiy area

Olympic bronze medalists were Maymintsy.

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The fourth place went to the team Ust - Kan district. Despite this, we are proud of our district.
