Page 1: XUnit Test Patterns writing good unit tests Peter Wiles

xUnit Test Patternswriting good unit


Peter Wiles

Page 2: XUnit Test Patterns writing good unit tests Peter Wiles


what makes a good unit test?

writing good unit tests

signs of bad unit tests

designing testable software

further reading

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Daily standup – 78%Iteration planning – 74%Release planning – 65%Burndown – 64%Retrospectives – 64%Velocity – 52%

Unit testing – 70%Continuous Integration – 54%Automated builds – 53%Coding standards – 51%Refactoring – 48%Test driven development – 38%

Management practices

Technical practices

the state of agile practices

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“continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility”

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theory:good unit tests are important.

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“legacy code is simply code without tests”

- Michael Feathers

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no tests = ? agility

bad tests = worse agility

good tests = good agility

you can’t be truly agile without automated tests

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tests do not replace good, rigorous software engineering discipline, they enhance it.

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what makes a good

unit test?

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runs fast

helps us localise


a good unit test

- Michael Feathers, again

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when is a unit test not

really a unit test?

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- Robert C Martin

“What makes a clean test?

Three things. Readability,

readability and readability.”

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good unit tests are


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fastlightning fast, as in 50 to 100 per second

no IOall in process, in memory

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robustwithstanding changes in unrelated areas of code


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not dependant on external factors, including time

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examplescommunicating how to use the class under test

readability is key

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where removing a test would reduce coverage

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the result is the same every time

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each test testing one thing

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writing good unit tests

some advice

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use an xUnit

framework[TestFixture]public class TestCalculator{ [Test] public void Sum() { var calculator = new Calculator();

var sum = calculator.Sum(5, 4);

Assert.AreEqual(9, sum); }}

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write your tests first

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standardise test

structure [Test] public void Append_GivenEmptyString_ShouldNotAddToPrintItems() { // Arrange var document = CreatePrintableDocument(); // Act document.Append(""); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(0, document.PrintItems.Count); }

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be strict

Less than 5 lines for Arrange

One line for Act

One logical Assert (less than 5


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no teardown

bare minimum


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use project conventions

testcase class per class

test project per project

helpers and bootstrappers

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use a test naming convention




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use a minimal fresh transient

fixture per test

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use a minimal fresh transient

fixture per test

the smallest possible fixture you can get away with using

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use a minimal fresh transient

fixture per test

brand new objects every time, where you can

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use a minimal fresh transient

fixture per test

objects that are chucked after each test, left to the garbage collector

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use a minimal fresh transient

fixture per test

the test should create its own fixture

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signs of bad unit


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if (result == 5) ...

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long test

methods[Test]public void TestDeleteFlagsSetContactPerson(){ ContactPerson myContact = new ContactPerson(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsNew); // this object is new myContact.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 01, 20); myContact.FirstName = "Bob"; myContact.Surname = "Smith";

myContact.Save(); //save the object to the DB Assert.IsFalse(myContact.Status.IsNew); // this object is saved and thus no longer // new Assert.IsFalse(myContact.Status.IsDeleted);

IPrimaryKey id = myContact.ID; //Save the objectsID so that it can be loaded from the Database Assert.AreEqual(id, myContact.ID); myContact.MarkForDelete(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsDeleted); myContact.Save(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsDeleted); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsNew);}

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invisible setup

[Test]public void TestEncryptedPassword(){ Assert.AreEqual(encryptedPassword, encryptedConfig.Password); Assert.AreEqual(encryptedPassword, encryptedConfig.DecryptedPassword); encryptedConfig.SetPrivateKey(rsa.ToXmlString(true)); Assert.AreEqual(password, encryptedConfig.DecryptedPassword);}

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huge fixture

[TestFixtureSetUp] public void TestFixtureSetup() { SetupDBConnection(); DeleteAllContactPersons(); ClassDef.ClassDefs.Clear(); new Car(); CreateUpdatedContactPersonTestPack(); CreateSaveContactPersonTestPack(); CreateDeletedPersonTestPack(); }

[Test] public void TestActivatorCreate() { Activator.CreateInstance(typeof (ContactPerson), true); }

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too much

information[Test]public void TestDelimitedTableNameWithSpaces(){ ClassDef.ClassDefs.Clear(); TestAutoInc.LoadClassDefWithAutoIncrementingID(); TestAutoInc bo = new TestAutoInc(); ClassDef.ClassDefs[typeof (TestAutoInc)].TableName = "test autoinc";

DeleteStatementGenerator gen = new DeleteStatementGenerator(bo, DatabaseConnection.CurrentConnection); var statementCol = gen.Generate(); ISqlStatement statement = statementCol.First(); StringAssert.Contains("`test autoinc`", statement.Statement.ToString());}

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these are probably

integration tests

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too many asserts[Test]public void TestDeleteFlagsSetContactPerson(){ ContactPerson myContact = new ContactPerson(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsNew); // this object is new myContact.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1980, 01, 20); myContact.FirstName = "Bob"; myContact.Surname = "Smith";

myContact.Save(); //save the object to the DB Assert.IsFalse(myContact.Status.IsNew); // this object is saved and thus no longer // new Assert.IsFalse(myContact.Status.IsDeleted);

IPrimaryKey id = myContact.ID; //Save the objectsID so that it can be loaded from the Database Assert.AreEqual(id, myContact.ID); myContact.MarkForDelete(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsDeleted); myContact.Save(); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsDeleted); Assert.IsTrue(myContact.Status.IsNew);}

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duplication between

testsrepeated calls to constructors is

duplication – refactor this.

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test chaining

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no automated build


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test-only code in

production#if TEST//...#endif

if (testing) { //... }

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randomly failing tests

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designing testable


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use dependency injection

aka dependency

inversionaka inversion of control

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Upon construction, give an

object everything it needs to

do everything it needs to do.

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use a layered


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stub/substitute the

underlying layers

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use a testable UI pattern:




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choose libraries that

allow for unit testing.

or, build an anti-corruption layer (adapter)

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test from the outside in

check out the BDD talks at CodeLab!

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further reading

xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test CodeGerard Meszaros

The Art of Unit TestingRoy Osherove

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Working effectively with legacy codeMichael Feathers

Growing object oriented software, guided by testsSteve Freeman and Nat Pryce

even further


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[email protected]
