  • 8/2/2019 Xiong J. 2011 J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Polymerization Shrinkage, Stress, And Degree of Conversion in Silorane and Dime


    Polymerization Shrinkage, Stress, and Degreeof Conversion in Silorane- and Dimethacrylate-BasedDental Composites

    Jie Xiong, Xiang Sun, Yuncong Li, Jihua Chen

    Department of Prosthodontics, School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian,Peoples Republic of China

    Received 26 September 2010; accepted 2 February 2011DOI 10.1002/app.34280Published online 10 June 2011 in Wiley Online Library (

    ABSTRACT: To compare two kind of resin-based dentalcomposites, the polymerization shrinkage, contractionstress (CS), and degree of conversion (DC) of four dime-thacrylate-based and one silorane-based composite were

    investigated. To determine shrinkage, the composites werepacked, respectively, into a cylindrical cavity in humanteeth and imaged using X-ray microcomputed tomographyto determine the precise volume before and 30 min afterphotopolymerization. To determine CS, the sample wasapplied in a similarly sized cylinder in a universal testingmachine and monitored for 30 min. FTIR spectroscopywas used to determine DC. The volumetric shrinkage(range: 1.13.1%) and maximum CS (range: 1.23.5 MPa)differed significantly among the tested composites but notthe final DC (range: 62.369.1%). The silorane-based com-

    posite displayed the lowest volumetric shrinkage and CSof all composites. No correlation was observed betweenthe stress and volumetric shrinkage values of the dimetha-crylate-based composites. A moderate correlation was

    found between stress and DC (r 0.836), which was sig-nificant at 20 and 40 s. The silorane-based compositeexhibited superior shrinkage behavior compared with con-ventional dimethacrylate composites with comparable po-lymerization kinetics. The CS was dependent on multiplevariables, including the volumetric shrinkage, DC, andcuring rate. VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 122:18821888, 2011

    Key words: polymerization shrinkage; dental polymer;composite; degree of polymerization; FTIR


    Polymeric dental composites are widely used asrestorative materials because of their superior estheticand mechanical properties. However, their long-termperformance remains unsatisfactory because of theintrinsic problem of polymerization shrinkage. Thepolymer crosslinking process involves double-bondconversion and covalent bond formation, which areinevitably associated with volumetric shrinkage. Thisshrinkage causes contraction stress (CS), which inturn can cause microleakage, postoperative sensitiv-ity, marginal discoloration, secondary caries, and/oreventual restorative failure. Substantial effort has

    been directed toward understanding the mechanisms

    of composite shrinkage and the subsequent stress,13

    and many techniques have been proposed for evaluat-ing composite properties. Dilatometer, linometer, andbonded-disk methods have been used to measurethe linear displacement in shrinkage,4,5 while micro-

    computed tomography (lCT) has been used to visu-ally determine the precise location and volume of aresin composite.6,7

    The volumetric shrinkage of conventional dime-thacrylate monomers used in dental composites(e.g., Bis-GMA and TEGDMA) is reduced in resincomposites because of the presence of fillers.8 Sev-eral low-shrink/-stress resin alternatives have also

    been proposed. Silorane resins are derivatives of si-loxane and oxirane monomers composed of a hydro-phobic siloxane backbone with oxirane rings.9 Thesemonomers polymerize with a cationic ring openingand provide reduced shrinkage ($ 1 vol %).10 How-ever, the low shrinkage rate of resin composite does

    not seem to reduce the CS. Indeed, the low-shrink-age hybrid composites Aelite LS and Inten-S exhibitCS values that are similar to or higher than those ofconventional hybrid composites.11

    The CS of resin composites is affected by extrinsic(i.e., cavity configuration, photoactivation method,and substrate compliance1214) and intrinsic factors[i.e., degree of conversion (DC), volumetric shrink-age, polymerization rate, and viscoelasticity2,15],which interact and influence the stress developmentprocess to various degrees. Composites based on thesame resin system and polymerization mechanismmay actually display similar volumetric shrinkage

    but different stress values because of differences in

    Correspondence to: J. Chen ([email protected]).The first two authors contributed to the paper equally.Contract grant sponsor: National natural science

    foundation of China; contract grant number: 30801309.

    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 122, 18821888 (2011)

    VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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    the elastic modulus or reaction rate. The mechanismsinvolved in composite stress development are quite

    complex and differ greatly between silorane anddimethacrylate resin systems. In silorane systems, anoxaspirocyclic core enables the double ring-openingpolymerization required for volume expansion viacationic intermediates, which reduces the polymeriza-tion shrinkage. Bulk shrinkage in dimethacrylatesystems arises from covalent bond formation via thevinyl functional group and radical intermediates. Thisprocess unites the monomer units and reduces theirmobility as part of an extended polymeric structure. Itis unclear whether the polymerization behavior ofthese two distinct resin systems is correlatable. For thisreason, it is of interest to investigate polymerization

    behavior and interactions of factors in the two resinsystems respectively. For the dimethacrylate system,four hybrid composites were selected in considering ofuniversal application and uniform composition.

    The aims of this study are: (1) to compare the poly-meric behavior of a silorane-based composite withfour conventional dimethacrylate-based compositesand (2) to evaluate the correlation between the shrink-age stress and other polymer properties. The testedhypothesis is that significant differences existedamong the tested materials in terms of their polymericparameters, which influenced the stress development.



    Four conventional hybrid dimethacrylate compo-sites, Valux (VA), Clearfil Majesty (CM), TPH Spec-trum (TPH), and Venus (VE), and one silorane-

    based composite, Filtek P90 (FI), were used in thisstudy (Table I).

    Polymerization volumetric shrinkage

    Twenty-five sound third human molars were

    selected and stored in 1% chloramines solution

    (Solarbio Bioscience and Technology Co., Shanghai,China) at 4C within 1 month after extraction. The

    occlusal enamel was cut away with a water-cooledlow-speed diamond saw (SYJ-150A, Kejing Co.,China). After polishing the dentin surface with SiCabrasive paper (grits from 100 to 600), cylindricalcavities (d: 4 mm and h: 2 mm) were drilled to simu-late clinical cavities.

    A lCT scanner (SIEMENS Inveon, Germany) wasused to image the composites and evaluate theirvolumetric shrinkage (15-lm line resolution, 800-msexposure time, X-ray source of 80 kVp, and 500 lA).Uncured resin composite was packed into the cav-ities, fixed on the CT sample holder, and 1 mm onthe top of the samples was cured for 40 s (QHL75,

    Dentsply, Germany). Cured samples were againscanned by lCT at 30 min after curing. The 2D com-posite images obtained by lCT were imported intoimaging software (ImageJ). 3D images were recon-structed, and the volumes before and after polymer-ization were calculated.

    Degree of conversion

    ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (EQUNIOX 55, HELIOS,Germany) was used to measure the double-bondconversions of composite specimens (n 5) before

    and after the start of irradiation (at 20, 40, and 80 sand 5, 10, and 30 min). Spectra conditions were asfollows: 4000600 cm1 wave range, 4 cm1 resolu-tion, 64 scans coaddition, and 2-lm analysis depthat 1000 cm1.

    The DC was measured with the 2-frequency tech-nique in absorbance mode. For dimethacrylate com-posites, stretching vibrations of the aliphatic CC

    bonds (1636 cm1) and of the aromatic CAC bonds(1605 cm1) were used as the analytical and internalreference absorption bands, respectively. For FI,stretching vibrations of the epoxy rings CAOAC (884cm1) and of the SiACH3 bonds (695 cm

    1) were

    used as the analytical and internal reference

    TABLE IThe Composition, Type, and Manufacturer of Resin Composites Used in This Study

    Materials Composition Composite type Manufacturer

    TPH Spectrum 77-wt % BaAl borosilicate glass filler(

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    absorption bands, respectively. The DC was calcu-lated from the ratio of the peak heights of the analyti-cal and reference absorption bands normalized by theratio of the unset material:

    DC 1 Absana=Abs ref curedAbsana=Abs ref uncured

    100% (1)

    In Eq. (1), Absana and Absref represent the peakheights of the aliphatic CC bond and the benzenering (dimethacrylate) or the peak heights of theoxirane CAOAC and SiACH3 (silorane),respectively.

    Contraction stress

    Shrinkage-stress kinetics was measured using a uni-versal testing machine (EZ-TEST, SHIMADZU, Japan)in a closed-loop control system. A custom-madestainless-steel rod with a flat polished end was fixedrigidly to the load-cell of the universal testingmachine, opposing a glass plate mounted to thestationary part of the machine framework. The flatend of the rod and bonding area of the glass platewere sandblasted to facilitate micromechanical attach-ment of the resin sample. Resin samples wereinserted into a circular holder (d: 4 mm) on the glassplate. The crosshead was lowered to set the specimenin a 2-mm height. The amount of unset resin compos-ite per specimen was equivalent for a uniform dimen-

    sion (h: 2 mm and d: 4 mm), corresponding to a C-factor of 1. The resin sample was light-cured under-neath the glass plate for 40 s (QHL75, Dentsply,Germany). The monitor to CS was started from pho-toinitiation and recorded at intervals in two parts:curing intervals (20 s and 40 s) and postcuring inter-vals (80 s, 5 min, 10 min, and 30 min).

    The axial force (F) of resin composites (n 5)with a cross-sectional area A of 12.56 mm2 wasexpressed as the average stress (F/A) in MPa. Stressrates were calculated as the change in stress as afunction of time at each interval during the test pe-riod. The maximum stress and stress rate in the test

    period were also recorded.

    Statistical analyses

    One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and LSDpost hoc tests were used to determine differences inthe volumetric shrinkage, CS, and DC among thematerials, as well as the stress and DC rates betweenintervals in each composite. Correlations between CSand related properties were evaluated by Pearsonscorrelation test. An a 0.05 was selected as the signi-ficance level for all comparisons. For each parameter,five samples of each of the five composite systemswere measured and averaged.


    Volumetric shrinkage

    Mean volumetric shrinkage values for the tested

    resin composites ranged 1.13.1% (Table II). Con-sistent with previous studies, the silorane-basedcomposite FI showed the least shrinkage (P < 0.05).Significant differences were observed among thedimethacrylate resin composites, with CM and VEshowing the lowest (2.2% at 30 min) and highest(3.1%) shrinkage values, respectively, (P < 0.05).Post hoc test exhibited no statistical difference

    between VA and TPH (P 0.486).

    Contraction stress and stress rate

    Figure 1 displays representative CS versus time

    curves and stress kinetics profiles for each material.All dimethacrylate composites displayed a sharpincrease in CS at 400600 s from the start of photoini-tiation, which continued at a much slower rate after600 s and subsequently leveled off. No correlationwas observed between the CS and volumetric

    TABLE IIVolumetric Shrinkage of Composites 30 min

    After Curing

    Composite Mean vol % (SD)

    CM 2.17a (0.12)

    VA 2.66b (0.16)VE 3.12c (0.09)TPH 2.72b (0.21)FI 1.10d (0.07)

    a,b,c,d Indicates statistical differences among experimentalgroups.

    Figure 1 Contraction stress development in compositesduring and after polymerization. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available at]

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    shrinkage for dimethacrylate composites. The siloranecomposite developed similarly to the dimethacrylatecomposites, except that it displayed a shorter fast-ris-ing stage (300 s) and a lower maximum stress (1.20MPa) that correlated with the volumetric shrinkage.The CM stress value (3.47 MPa) was significantlyhigher than those of VA (2.26 MPa), TPH (2.92 MPa),and VE (2.87 MPa). For all five composite systems, themaximum stress rates (0.0150.02 MPa/s) were simi-lar and were obtained within the first 20 s.

    Degree of conversion and reaction rate

    The DC was measured at intervals from the start ofphotoinitiation (Fig. 2). The DC increased dramati-cally during the 40-s curing period and continued torise at gradually declining rates in the postcuringperiod. Maximum DC values ranged from 62.3%(TPH) to 69.1% (VE). No statistical difference wasfound in the final DC among tested composites,although the DC of FI was significantly lower thanthat of the others at 20 and 40 s.

    The reaction rate was determined as the change inDC between intervals as a function of time. The

    reaction rate significantly increased for all resin com-posites before (but not after) 5 min. An intenseincrease in DC was observed in the first 20 s of thecuring period, especially for CM (41.1%, correspond-ing to a 0.41-MPa stress increase). Thus, the DC pro-cess tended to correlate with stress development.

    Polymerization shrinkage is caused by the closerpacking of molecules in a polymer network comparedwith individual monomers and multiple related fac-tors contribute to shrinkage-associated stress develop-ment.2,16,17 The monomer system largely determinesthe polymerization mechanism and basic properties ofa composite. For silorane-based resins, expansion of

    the cationic ring opening of the cycloaliphatic oxirane

    moieties balances the shortening of intermoleculardistances, which reduces polymerization shrinkage. Inthis study, FI displayed reduced volumetric shrinkageand CS values than the conventional dimethacrylatecomposites, despite the similar elastic moduli, filler

    contents, and polymeric behavior of the two sys-tems.18,19 All composites showed a high stress devel-opment rate during the early polymerization stage,acquiring >80% of the maximum stress withinminutes before gradually leveling off. However, theintense stress build-up for FI was accomplished within300 s, significantly faster than the corresponding stagefor dimethacrylate composites (400600 s). Given thecomparable progress of the reaction, this difference isprobably attributable to the low stress of silorane (1.20MPa) compared with the dimethacrylate composites.

    No differences were found among composites intheir final DC values, except that FI exhibited a

    significantly lower DC value than the other compo-sites at 20 and 40 s, which was probably explained

    by photoinitiation systems. Compared with thedouble-bond conversion and crosslinking process,more time is needed to form sufficient cations toinitiate silorane polymerization.10 The reaction ratefor FI was highest within the first 20 s anddecreased thereafter, similar to dimethacrylate com-posites. A 31.4% increase in DC at a rate of 1.5% s1

    corresponded to a 0.13-MPa increase in stress at arate of 0.0065 MPa/s, which meant 50% of the finalDC as well as 10% of the maximum stress valuewere acquired within the first 20-s curing. Itrevealed that conversion occurred almost immedi-ately after polymerization was triggered, and despiteconversion dependent, the most stress developed af-ter the silorane has reached a significant level ofrigidity.

    Despite their similar compositions and polymeriza-tion processes, significant differences were observedamong the dimethacrylate composites, and their CSvalues were not correlated with the shrinkage levels.VE displayed the greatest volumetric shrinkage butonly a median CS, whereas CM exhibited the lowestvolumetric shrinkage but the highest CS. These

    results indicated volumetric shrinkage should not bethe only parameter with regard to stress develop-ment, and composition may play a role to an extent.It was previously reported that the volumetricshrinkage and filler load are strongly correlated.19

    With the highest filler load (92 wt %) among ourtested composites, CM displayed compromised volu-metric shrinkage but high CS, probably because theaddition of filler presented high viscoelastic behav-ior,20,21 characterized by low flow ability at earlystages and high elastic modulus (>20 GPa accordingto manufacturer) later on, which cannot efficientlyabsorb and compensate shrinkage stresses during

    polymerization, and resulted in increased stress.

    Figure 2 Degree of conversion in composites during andafter polymerization. [Color figure can be viewed in theonline issue, which is available at]


    Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

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    The relationship between filler content and stressis controversial. Several studies have demonstratedthat stress is well-correlated with filler content,regardless of differences in matrix composition,11,22,23

    suggesting that viscoelastic properties are more influ-

    ential on stress development than volumetric shrink-age, while Goncalves et al.17 showed that stress ismore closely related to shrinkage than to the elasticmodulus. However, Kleverlaan and Feilzer19 havesuggested that CS and shrinkage are inversedrelated. According to Hookes law, the increment instress over a certain time interval is proportional tothe increase in volumetric shrinkage based on theelastic modulus.1 High stresses were produced witheither no filler (higher shrinkage but lower modulus)or with high filler contents (lower shrikage buthigher modulus); minimal stress was observed at in-termediate filler loading levels.3 In this study, neither

    the volumetric shrinkage nor the elastic modulusdominated stress development. The VA composite,with its median filler load and volumetric shrinkage,exhibited the lowest stress value. A compromise

    between volumetric shrinkage and viscoelastic behavior could be made to achieve minimal stress.While it has been suggested that the stress of poly-mer is correlated with filler content,23 this was notobserved here, perhaps due to the discrepant mono-mer and relatively narrow range of filler contents.

    The idea that viscoelastic behavior accommodatedmuch of the volumetric shrinkage was supported byour finding of a moderate correlation between CSand DC (r 0.836). The stress developed in a com-parable tendency with DC and a high rate of stressdevelopment (400600 s) corresponded to be 40-speriod of rapidly increasing DC. A lag in them sug-gested that the molecular level chemical reactionsled to conversion and then network structure rear-rangement. One hypothesis is that the early reactionchain growth was accompanied by plastic deforma-tion, with stress developing in a nearly linear fash-ion with conversion. As the vitrification stage wasapproached, the increase in the modulus exceededthe conversion rate. The shrinkage stress continued

    to rise, even with the slight increase in conversion, because of the reduced capacity for stress-relievingviscous flow and molecular mobility in the highlycrosslinked polymer.4 Thus, most of the stress devel-oped in postcuring stage, although it commenced atvery low conversion. Dauvillier et al. also observeda delay between the detectable shrinkage strain andCS, with

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    and its resultant volumetric shrinkage as the mostimportant factors in stress,27 others have focused onviscoelastic characteristics.22 A more comprehensiveview is that, in a complex, nonlinear fashion, stress

    development is a product multiple extrinsic factorsin addition to the strain and elastic modulus thatarise from instant conversion. Any correlation ordetermining factor identified in previous studieswas accompanied by limited conditions. In thisstudy, composites were placed in teeth withoutadhesive systems to evaluate the free shrinkagepattern of the resin composites, since the intrinsicstrain became the only factor affecting dimensionalchanges. Within the limitations of this in vitro study,it is reasonable to assume that composite shrinkageimposed by other external factors in a clinic wouldvary accordingly. The silorane system demonstrated

    a promising polymeric behavior and may open newfields in the quest to reduce polymerization shrink-age and balance stress. Exploration of the commer-cial analog and comparisons among compositeswould expand our knowledge of the polymerizationkinetics of low-shrinkage composites.


    Polymerization shrinkage of tested composites var-ied both between and among composite types in thetwo resin systems, but the kinetics patterns weregenerally comparable. The silorane-based composite

    exhibited superior polymeric behavior and thus may

    be a promising alternative to conventional compo-sites. Polymerization-induced stress was a complexfunction of many factors, including volumetricshrinkage, reaction rate, and elastic modulus. A

    moderate correlation was found between DC andCS. However, the results cannot be directly trans-lated into the clinical situation without consideringthe circumstances of application.


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