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X-rays:Pelvis, Hip & Shoulder

Feb. 22, 2006J. Huffman, PGY-1

Thanks to Dr. J. LordAlso thanks to Moritz, Adam and Steve Lan for some borrowed slides

and images

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As per instructions, this is a radiology talk ONLY. The focus is on reading as many films as possible.

Therefore, try your best to describe what you see as you would when on the phone with a consultant.

No epidemiologyNo managementNo associated injuries (i.e. vascular injury with

pelvic #)

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1. Pelvisa) Anatomyb) Viewsc) Classification of

fracturesd) Practice

2. Hipa) Anatomyb) Views c) Fracturesd) Dislocationse) Practice

3. Shouldera) Anatomyb) Viewsc) Dislocationsd) Fracturese) Practice

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Pelvis: Anatomy

Pelvis = sacrum, coccyx + 2 inominate bones

Inominate bones = ilium, ischium, pubis

Strength from ligamentous + muscular supports

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Pelvis: Anatomy

Anterior Support: ~40% of strength Symphysis pubis

Fibrocartilaginous joint covered by ant & post symphyseal ligaments

Pubic rami Posterior Support:

~60% of strength Sacroiliac ligament

complex Pelvic floor

Sacrospinous ligamentSacrotuberous ligamentPelvic diaphragm

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Pelvis: Anatomy

Very strong posterior ligaments Disruption of these is the cause of mechanical

instabilityArteries and veins lie adjacent to posterior arch

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Pelvis: Anatomy

Divided into 3 columns: Anterior superior

column (= ilium)

Anterior inferior column (= pubis)

Posterior Column (= ischium)

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Pelvis: Imaging

Plain films AP Inlet view / Outlet view Judet view (oblique – shows columns, acetabulum)

AP alone ~90% sensitive; combined w/ inlet/outlet views ~94%

Limited in ability to clearly delineate posterior injuriesPelvic films are NOT necessary in pts with normal physical

exam, GCS >13, no distracting injury and not intoxicatedAt least one study shows clinical exam reliable in EtOH

Gonzalez et al. J Am Coll Surg. 2002; 194: 121-5

CT scansEvaluates extent of posterior injury betterSuperior imaging of sacrum and acetabulumMore detailed info about associated injuries

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Pelvis: Imaging - Acetabulum

a) Arcuate line

b) Ileoischial line

c) Radiographic U (teardrop)

d) Acetabular roof

e) Anterior lip of acetabulum

f) Posterior lip of acetabulum

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Pelvis: Imaging - Acetabulum

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Pelvis: Imaging – Normal Inlet

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Pelvis: Imaging – Normal Outlet

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Pelvis: Imaging

Radiographic clues to posterior arch fractures:

L5 transverse process avulsion* (iliolumbar ligament)

Avulsion of the lower, lateral sacral lip* (sacrotuberous ligament)

Ischial spine avulsion* (sacrospinous ligament)

Assymmetry of sacral foramina

Displacement at the site of a pubic ramus fracture

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Pelvis: Fracture Classification Systems

2 most common are Tile and Young systems Tile Classification system:

AdvantagesComprehensivePredicts need for operative intervention

DisadvantagesDoes NOT predict morbidity or mortality

Young Classification System: Advantages

Based on mechanism of injury predicts ass’d injuryEstimates mortality

DisadvantagesExcludes more minor injuries

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Tile Classification System

Type A: Stable: Posterior structures intact

Type B: Partially stable: Posterior

structures incompletely disrupted

Type C: Unstable: Posterior structures

completely disrupted

*Each type further classified into 3 sub-types based on fracture.

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Tile Classification System

Type A: Stable pelvis: post structures intact A1: avulsion injury

A2: iliac wing or ant arch #

A3: Transverse sacrococcygeal #

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Tile Classification System

Type B: Partially stable pelvis: incomplete posterior structure disruption B1: open-book injury

B2: lateral compression injury

B3: contralateral / bucket handle injuries

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Tile Classification System

Type C: Unstable pelvis: complete disruption of posterior structures C1: unilateral

C2: bilateral w/ one side Type B, one side Type C

C3: bilateral Type C

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Young Classification System

Lateral Compression

Anteroposterior Compression

Vertical Shear


*LC and APC further classified into 3 sub-types based on fracture

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Young Classification System:

Lateral Compression (50%) transverse # of pubic

rami, ipsilateral or contralateral to posterior injuryLC I – sacral compression

on side of impactLC II – iliac wing # on

side of impactLC III – LC-I or LC-II on

side of impact w/ contralateral APC injury

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Young Classification System:

AP Compression (25%) Symphyseal and/or

Longitudinal Rami FracturesAPC I – slight widening of

the pubic symphysis and/or anterior SI joint

APC II – disrupted anterior SI joint, sacrotuberous, and sacrospinous ligaments

APC III – complete SI joint disruption w/ lateral displacement and disruption of sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments

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Young Classification System:

Vertical Shear (5%) Symphyseal diastasis or

vertical displacement andteriorly and posteriorly

Combined Mechanism combination of injury


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Young Classification System: Morbidity and Mortality

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Tile A1

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Tile B1 / Young APC II

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Tile C1/ Young VS

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Tile A1

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No Fracture, just an IUD

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Tile B3 / Young APC

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Tile A2 / Young LC II

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No #, just SC air from rib fractures

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Pelvis: Acetabular Fractures

Four Categories:1. Posterior lip fracture

Commonly assoc. w/ posterior hip dislocation

2. Central or transverse fracture Fracture line crosses acetabulum horizontally

3. Anterior column fracture Disrupts arcuate line, ileoischial line intact, U

displaced medially

4. Posterior column fracture Ileoischial line disrupted and separated from the

U Judet (oblique views) or CT helpful if suspicious

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Pelvis: Imaging - Acetabulum

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Posterior Column #

Focus on the acetabular fractures.

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Posterior Column #

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Anterior Column #

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Bilateral Anterior Column #

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Posterior Lip #

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Central (Transverse) fracture

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Proximal Femur & Hip

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Proximal Femur & Hip: Injuries

Fractures:Femoral neck, intertrochanteric, femoral

head, greater & lesser trochanter, subtrochanteric

Dislocations:Anterior, posterior, central, (inferior)

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Proximal Femur: Anatomy

Ward’s Triangle

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Proximal Femur: Images

AP Internal rotation!

Lateral Cross-table Lateral Frog-leg Lateral

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Proximal Femur: Images

Cross-table lateral view* = ischial tuberosity

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Proximal Femur: Fracture Classification

1. Relationship to capsule Intracapsular, extracapsular

2. Anatomic location Neck, trochanteric, intertrochanteric,

subtrochanteric, shaft

3. Degree of displacement

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Proximal Femur: Approach to the film

1. Shenton’s Line

Femoral neck #


2. ‘S’ and ‘Reverse S’ patterns

3. Position of lesser trochanter


4. Femoral head size


5. Trace trabecular groups

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Left posterior dislocation – note Shenton’s line

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Proximal Femur: Approach to the film

Lowell’s ‘S’ patterns

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Impacted femoral neck #

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Hip: Dislocations

EtiologyAdults: high energy mechanism (MVA)Elderly, prosthetic joints, kids < 6yo: minor mech

Types:Posterior >> anterior > central (> inferior)

Orthopedic emergencies:Urgent reduction after ABC’s / stabilizationSignificant neurovascular complicationsOften multiple associated injuriesMandate CT post-reduction

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Hip: Dislocation imaging

Plain Films: ant vs. post dislocationsFemoral head size

Posterior dislocation femoral head smallerLesser trochanter visibility

Post dislocation adduction & internal rotation, lesser trochanter not seen

Ant dislocation external rotation; lesser trochanter clearly visible

CT Indicated for more detailed evaluation of

femoral neck, intra-articular #’s, and acetabulm

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Anterior dislocation

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Posterior dislocation

Lesser trochanter

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Proximal Femur: Fractures

Femoral head fracture:Usually 2° to dislocationPipkin classification

Femoral neck fracture:Can be subtle (check lines, ‘S’)Describe as nondisplaced (15-20%) vs displaced

Intertrochanteric fracture:High energy or weak boneClassify according to number of bone fragments

(e.g. two-part)

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Displaced femoral neck fracture

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Nondisplaced femoral neck #

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Two-part intertrochanteric fracture

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Three-part intertrochanteric #

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Proximal Femur: Fractures

Isolated trochanter fracture:Rare (women more than men)Direct fall or avulsion by iliopsoasOutpt management

Subtrochanteric fracture:#’s b/w lesser trochanter & point 5 cm distalCommon site for pathologic fracturesVague symptoms

Occult fracture:~%5 of hip fractures not seen radiographically

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Isolated greater trochanter #

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Isolated lesser trochanter #

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Subtrochanteric fracture

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Proximal Femur & Hip


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Intertrochanteric fracture 2° to mets from prostate CA

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Pipkin III femoral head fracture and posterior dislocation

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AC separationClavicle fractureScapula fractureShoulder dislocation

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Shoulder: Anatomy

3 bones:ClavicleHumerusScapula

3 joints:AcromioclavicularGlenohumeralSternoclavicular

1 articulation:Scapulothoracic

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Shoulder: Anatomy

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Shoulder: Anatomy

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Shoulder: Images

True APShould see no overlap of humerus over the


Lateral (transcapular)Scapula looks like a ‘Y’)

AxillaryBest “true lateral” view of the shoulder

AC view100° abduction

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Shoulder: Images

Internal rotation

External rotationMore useful for soft-tissue


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Normal True AP of the Shoulder

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Normal lateral film of the shoulder

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Normal axillary film of the shoulder

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AC Separation: Classification

Type I Sprain of the AC joint CC distance maintained (N = 11-


Type II AC ligaments disrupted Joint space widened CC distance maintained Clavicle rides upward (<50% its


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AC Separation: Classification

Type III (and IV, V, VI) Complete disruption of AC and

coracoclavicular ligaments as well as muscle attachements

Joint space widened CC space is increased

(5mm difference from uninjured side)

Clavicle is displaced

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Type III AC separation – AC view (100° Abduction)

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Clavicle Fracture

Classified anatomically:

1. Medial third (5%) – direct blow to the anterior chest

2. Middle third (80%) – direct force to lateral aspect of shoulder

3. Lateral third (15%) – direct blow to the top of shoulder

I. Lateral to the coracoclavicular lig. (stable)

II. Medial to the coracoclavicular lig. (tend to displace)

III. Involves the articular surface

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Fracture of the middle third of the clavicle

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Comminuted fracture of the middle third of the clavicle

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Distal third clavicle fracture – type II

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Scapula Fracture

Classified Anatomically:I. Acromion process, scapular spine or coracoid


II. Scapular neck involved

III. Intra-articular fractures of the glenoid fossa

IV. Scapular body involved (most common)

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Type I scapular fracture (coracoid fracture)

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Type III scapular fracture

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Comminuted, type III scapular fracture

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Shoulder: Dislocation


Anterior (95-97%) Subcoracoid (most common) Subglenoid

(1/3 associated with # greater tuberosity, or # glenoid rim)

Subclavicular Intrathoracic Also important to note primary vs. recurrent

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Anterior dislocation - subcoracoid

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Shoulder: Dislocation

Classification – cont’d

PosteriorSubacromial (98% of posterior dislocations)SubglenoidSubspinous

Inferior (Luxatio Erecta) - raresuperior - rare

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Shoulder: Dislocation

Signs of posterior shoulder dislocation:

↑distance from anterior glenoid rim and humeral head “rim” sign

Humeral head internally rotated “Light bulb” or “drum stick” sign

True AP shows humeral/glenoid overlap

Impaction # of the anteromedial humeral head “reverse Hill-Sachs deformity” “Trough sign”

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Posterior dislocationArrow = impaction # of anteromedial humeral head

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Posterior dislocationNote the humeral head roatation

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Posterior dislocation – lateral view

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Posterior dislocation – axillary view

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Shoulder: Dislocation

Associated fractures:

1. Compression # of the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head “Hill-Sachs deformity” 11-50% of anterior dislocations

2. Anterior glenoid rim fracture “Bankart’s fracture” ~5% of cases

3. Avulsion fracture of the greater tuberosity ~10-15% of cases

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Anterior dislocationArrow = # of the posterolateral aspect of humerus

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Post-reduction filmAvulsion # of the greater tuberosity

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Clavicle fracture – distal third – type II

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Scapula fracture – type III

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AC separation - grade I

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Anterior shoulder dislocation

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Posterior dislocation (False AP – note overlap)
