  • 7/24/2019 X-Com 2 Battle Report part 2



    X-Com 2 Battle Report


    It has been over 20 years since the Alien showed up and made Earth their target. During the invasion, the X-

    Com Initiative was the first and last line of defends against the invaders. After some complicated month it

    looked like the team, under the command of Commander Mike S. Khamphoukeo made a breakthrough and

    manage to destroy the base with the self-sacrifice of Maj. Tobias Cordsen. All indicated that it was the end

    of the invasion, but the truth was quite the opposite. After a few month a second wave of invaders showed

    up at Earth doorstep, while everyone still were trying to get the human race to function again.

    This time the invaders won. But inside of elimination the entire human race, they came with terms of our

    surrender and with willingness to co-exist with us.

    20 years have passed and today is the 20th anniversary of the Unification day. People are preparing to

    celebrate this day and are happy that the alien race share their technology with them and help the human

    race with "Gen-therapy Clinics" and much more.

    A new Advent Initiative have been formed to keep the order. Most of the human race have accepted the

    aliens as the new leaders of Earth, but there are still pockets of resistance, who keep a Guerilla fight against

    the oppressors.

    While the people of Mumbai are getting ready for the day, some shady figures are moving towards the

    center of town through the checkpoints, which have been placed by the Advent for peacekeeping.

    John Bradford is stopped at the checkpoint b the scanners and some of the Advents are starting to question

    him. In the meantime a female character has exploited this to plant a bomb at a nearby patrol vehicle.

    Bradford is getting a beating by the Advents but signals his team, right after he sees that the bomb has

    been planted. The bomb explodes and takes the Advents with it. Bradford took cover, but still got knocked

    out by the blast wave.

    In the same time, Peter Osei and Ana Ramiraz are getting ready to assault another Advent team posted in

    front of a Gen Clinic. The explosion made the Advent look the other way and Ramiraz and Osei both took

    out one Advent. Sadly enough Ramiraz was a little to brave for her own good and got flaked while

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    approaching the next target. The third Advent saw her coming and killed her with an headshot. Osei,

    manage to flack the Advent and could avenge Ramiraz, but got himself in the crosshair of the last Advent. A

    shot went off, but instead of Osei getting killed, the Advent falls to the ground. Behind it, Bradford

    approaches. He bends down and takes the helm of the Advent. Too the shock of the other team members,

    the rumors were true. The Advent were gen manipulated humans. What a horror, but the team do not

    have time to exanimate the body closer, as it seems the Advent managed to send a distress signal out

    before getting killed.

    Bradford Jumps through the window of the clinic, while O and the female character, Rk. Jane Kelly secure

    the perimeters and get the Advents weapons before they self-destruct. Kelly then joins Bradford inside the

    Clinic. In the meantime a shuttle with 3 reinforcements arrive. Osei manage to take one of the out

    immediately, before it managed to get its feet on the ground. While he cover the ground outside, Kelly and

    Bradford manage to hack into the system, which controls the doors to the lab inside the Clinic.

    Bradford looks at a Static Chamber. "The Intel seems legit. Let's get him out of here". He moves towardsthe chamber and smashes it open with his rifle. A body falls down towards him, and he catches it. The body

    is inside some kind of hazard suit. "Let's move out".

    While Bradford starts carrying the body over his back, the Advent reinforcement are making their moves

    and start storming the Clinic. Osei takes cover, but some kind of rail gun projectile goes through the

    obstacle and kills him instantly.

    "We need another way out of here!". Kelly takes a grenade and throws it towards the backer wall of the

    lab. 4 seconds later, a hole to the outside appear through the smoke and debris. "This way Sir".

    Bradford takes the body and runs out. At the same time, the 2 Advents gets inside the front of the Clinic

    and start shooting through the door to the lab. They miss Kelly, who had taking cover from the blast, but

    hits Bradford's left shoulder, while he was exiting through the new opening. "Firebrand. This is

    GateCrasher. We need an Evac now!". He throws a flare towards the plaza on the other side of the building

    and runs towards it. Ropes are coming down from the "Skyranger".

    Kelly is storming out from the hole, the Advents in her heels, shooting towards her and Bradford. They both

    grab the ropes and the Skyranger takes off and into the sky.

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    The Awakening

    March 1

    Commander in Charge: Mike Sjrslev Khamphoukeo.

    I open my eyes. I see Officer Bradford on my left side and a young Asian female and a older black man on

    my right side. They are talking a lot, but I do not understand the meaning of it. My eyes feel heavy and I

    close them again.

    "I wake up again. They are looking down on me. What are they doing with these instruments? I have a

    flashback of a Gray man doing something similar to me!! What is happening?" everything is black again.

    I wake up again. "Soft?!". I'm lying on a bed. Bradford is coming through the door. He smiles for a bit,

    before his eyes get serious. He starts to explain to me some of the things that has happened. In the end he

    suggest to me, to look at the achieves in the room and after that head down to the lab and speak to Dr.Richard Tygan.

    I start reading some of the reports. It seems like Dr Vahlen has gone MIA. So that is why we got a new Dr

    leading the science lab. I also learned that my siblings have gone missing after my abduction, as they were

    looking for me. I hope that they are ok. I was starting to read more about the ship we are on and Dr Shen,

    when Dr Tygan contacted me through Comlink. I guess I need to get down there now.

    I walk through the facility and find my way to the science lab. Dr Tygan approaches me and explains to me

    what they have removed inside my skull. It seems the Aliens had implanted some kind of Chip. Sadly

    enough the doctor could not tell me right now what it was used for, but encourage me to lend him some

    extra personal to look into the matter.

    Bradford gets in touch with me through comlink and suggest that I visit the Armory. Bradford introduces

    me to Cadet Jane Kelly, a young female soldier from Ireland. It seems she had a vital role in the rescue of

    myself. He suggest that a promotion would be in order and I could not agree more to that. She is promoted

    to Ranger Sgt.

    I then get called to the bridge. The Ai starts to go nuts. "Unauthorised person on the bridge". "Sorry

    Commander. Execute Echelon Delta" The alarm goes off. "Command Transfer confirmed". "I had hope to

    make this a little more celebrating, but this could not wait" Bradford looks at some screens to the left. We

    just got information that a convoy with some Converters are being transported by the Advents, which

    according to Shen is essential in getting this base up and running. So we need you to help us get a team

    ready. I let you look through our cadets and you can have your pick.

    I start to look thought the screen of potential people and select 4.

    The first is obvious Ranger Sgt. Jane Kelly. I have to see what this kid can do. My eyes got down to one of

    the last names. Rk. Jack Lee. Do they mean Major Lee, from my old team. I asked Bradford about it, and he

    confirmed that some of the older guys came out of hiding after they got the news that I was back in action.

    "But why then Rk. He was a Major at the peak of the war 20 years ago". "That is exactly why they all start as

    Rookie again. It has been so many years. Some of them are quite old now, so I told them that if they

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    wanted to come back, they needed to climb the ladder again. Maybe of them seemed to have no problem

    with that."

    Operation Diamond Wheel

    Location: Wilderness of New India

    Mission Brief: We have lost contact with the team on the ground, so we have to assume that they

    have lost their life. We cannot let their sacrifice go to vain. We have to recover the converter.

    Mission Objectives:

    Neutralize all enemy targets. Recover the Advent Power Converter

    Personnel : Sq Kelly, Rk. Cheng, Rk. Lee, Rk. Simmons.

    The team lands near the outskirts. It snows, so the visibility is not optimal, but the same can be said for our

    enemy. We got readings that the devise may have been damaged through the fight with the ground team.

    Shen believes that she can somehow stabile it, but needs some time to take a look at the readings. In the

    meantime, the team will get closer to the converter, ready to strike.

    There are a lot of debris and damaged vehicles on the road. Ideal to create an ambush. The team gets

    closer to the Converter and gets it insight. Shen informs that a fix for the damage is getting uploaded to

    everyones devise. The team just has to hack it, to upload the fix. 2 Advents have been sighted, patrolling

    the area.

    The team split into two and start to flack the Advents. SImmons fires a Shot and the Advents are alerted.

    Thanks to the ambush maneuver, Cheng and Kelly both take one Advent down. J takes another one down,

    but it manage to mark her and an explosion appear just next to her. She gets damage, but sadly Simmons,

    who were just next to her, gets the full hit and dies immediately.

    Kelly arrives at the Converter, and with cover from Cheng, she gets the fix uploaded, before it overheated.

    Bradford informs the team that the Skyranger "Firebrand" is not able to land yet, as there are more

    enemies signatures nearby. Kelly informs the rest of the team to get ready for an ambush. A new kind of

    Sectoid shows up. According to analyze it is a hybrid between alien and man with stronger psychic powers,

    then the owns we encountered 20 years ago. One of the dead Advents starts to move again. Seems like the

    Setoids are now able to control dead tissue. This is bad!

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    While Kelly takes out her sword and start hitting the dead Advent with it, two other Advent approaches and

    take Cheng down, while she was on her way to help Kelly. J throws some grenades to eliminate the new

    treat, while Kelly manage to cut down the dead Advent. In the meantime the Sectoid makes a Psy attack

    and gets Kelly to go into a panic attack.. shooting around like a madman. J. gets behind the Sectoid without

    it noticing it and gets a shot from pointblank. Killing it and releasing Kelly from its grip. Mission Complete.

    The Converter got secured, but we paid a high prize for it. I hope it was worth it. Kelly and Lee are at least

    out of action for the next 2-3 weeks.

    Bradford informs me that Shen wants to see me in the Engineering bay. It is a long time since I saw him.

    When I walk into the bay, I see again the Asian female, which I saw, while I got the chip removed. Quite a

    shock to learn that she is Shen's daughter, but I can see the resemblance now. The next shock came whenshe told me that her father had passed away, while building this command ship, but she ensured me that

    she is an engineer as capable as her father and will do everything in her power to help our mission.

    Dr Tygan informed me later that day, that his team and him finished the analyzing of the chip that was

    embedded in my skull. It seems to be some kind of Conduit which transmitted a large amount of Tactical

    Combat Simulations inside my brain. He is astounded that I have survived this. He says that he had been

    working with the Advents on a prototype, but that it should only be implemented on Advent officers or

    higher rank. Lucky for us, at the raid for the converter, we manage to kill a officer, so a autopsy would help

    understand this chip. I understood his eager to start with it, but I convinced him to take a look at the

    weapons we salvages from the enemy first, as we are in need of upgrades.

    In the evening I got a message that Lily Shen wanted to see me. Seems like she was finished looking into the


    While walking down the corridor I saw a glimpse of a pink Armor suit. There is only one person in the world

    who has this kind of weird fashion on a combat suit. I walk quickly towards the corner and yell:

    "Jurkovskaja! Is that you?". She turns her head. looks at me and smile. "Did you miss me Sir?". Right after

    she storms towards me and hugs me! "At ease Soldier!!. It is nice to see you too". At the Same time the

    other soldiers who was with her, turns around. They all seem a bit older, but I do recognize; Michael

    Artych, Xavier Lafont, Henrik Skov Jacobsen and Bo Andersen (my childhood friend). It was a joy to see so

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    many familiar faces again. We went to the dining hall and I get them to tell me what had happened the last

    decades. It was said to hear that so many of the old trope were either killed or convinced by the aliens that

    surrender was the best option.

    A few hours later Bradford comes in and said that I was needed at the Bridge. At arrival, one of thepersonal informed that there was a suitable mission located in southern Africa, but it was too far for the

    SkyRanger to reach. At the same time Shen called over the Comlink at said that we all need to hold on to

    something. I hear some engine starting and the whole ship starts to rumble. It seems like the girl got the

    craft up and running again and ready to fly. We set course to South Africa and start our fight against the

    aliens all over again...

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    March 7.

    Operation Hammer Strike

    Location: small town in the outskirts of Pretoria Mission Brief: A Commication Relay of the Advent has been identified. We need to destroy it to

    prevent further progress in their plans

    Mission Objectives:

    Destroy the Alien Relay, Neutralize all enemy forces

    Personnel : Rk. Jurkovskaja, Rk. Godlowski, Rk. Jacobsen, Rk. Cadalin.

    I am going to send some of the veteran soldiers in, mixed with some of the rookies. They may learn

    something from each other.

    Firebrand sets the team off, 1,5 click from the target. The team approaches the building with the relay. A

    small market with some stalls are in the area in front of the building. A perfect place for an ambush. The

    team sneak to the center and left side and identify a small patrol of 1 Sectoid and 2 Advent. The team kills

    them with ease. Jacobsen were maybe a little trigger happy with that grenade, but he managed to kill them

    off and salvage some of their equipment. In the meantime another Sectoid gets inside the building to speed

    the transfer of the relay up. Jurkovskaja and Godlowski simultaneously jumps throug the center and left

    window and both kills the sectoid and the devise.

    Further scans of the area showed 3 more enemies in the backyard of the building. Through the windows

    Cadalin got a firm shot at one of the Sectoids. Jacobsen shoots through the other window but kets hit by

    some return fire. According to Godlowski, Jacobsen went into a panic mode and jumped out of the

    sidewindow and start shoorting around Lucky for us, he hits one of the enemies on the roof. Godlowski and

    Jurkovskaja showed some fine teamwork in the end by flanking a killing of the last enemy. The mission was

    a success. We only got one wounded this time. Furthermore, we managed to rescue a n engineer nearby:

    Xue Deng.

    Shen said that the new staff members can help digging out the rooms in the ship that have been

    inaccessible until now. By doing that, we can build more facilities that will help us in our fight.

    All 4 members of the team is getting a promotion for a job well done. Sadly Jacobsens wounds were more

    severe than we thought. He will at least be out for a month.

    A encrypted message awaits me in my chambers. The former head of the Council is on the screen. Seems

    like most of the other Council members have sworn their allegiance to the Aliens. He also tells me that he

    has been working for the Resistance from inside. That is how they got my location. He says that my

    objective is to band together the small pockets of resistance around the world and start fighting back.

    Furthermore, he informs that a lot of civilians around the globe have gone missing and that there are

    rumors of a Alien Blacksite which we need to investigate.

    After that the screen turns black. Bradford tells me that there are rumors of a Blacksite in the Middle East,

    but we may need local Intel to find it. We need to find a way to get in contact with them. At the same

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    After a briefing Dr Murphy joined Tygan's team. This will surely speed up the progress.

    March 17

    The Autopsy of the standard Advent soldier have been done. They have larger eyes then humans, but there

    are no clear hint to why. Further studies can give some hint to that and further enhance our research.

    After surveying the Western coast again, we got the message that there were some resistance eager to join

    use at an abandoned Condor in Bamako. To my astonishment it were 2 of my siblings, Linda and Simon,

    who in the war 20 years ago fought alongside me against the invaders. While the Avenger changed its

    course to the next objective, we got a lot to catch up.

    March 20.

    Tygan managed to Autopsy the new Sectoid race and found out ways in which we can build

    countermeasure to their Psionic control.

    Bradford is in contact with the Denmother of the Resistance Haven, where we started our Voyage. In the

    middle of the Transmission a global transmission of the Advent came in. It seems they have located the

    Haven and are starting to Attack. Bradford tried to warn them... but too late. We need to get a squad ready

    and help them ASAP!

    Operation Patient Father

    Location: Resistance Haven "Humanity Ridge", South Africa

    Mission Brief: Stop the Advent Retaliation

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize enemy forces. Rescue civilians

    Personnel : Sq Jurkovskaja, Sq. Andersen, Rk. Khamphoukeo, Rk. Khamphoukeo.

    The team got dropped just outside the outer rim. Jurkovskaja sniped the first one, while a combine action

    from Andersen and my brother killed off the Sectoid.The team can hear the screams of the civilians. They

    have to move out quickly, if we want to have a chance in getting them out of here. We manage to kill some

    more, while getting some of the civilians out. When Simon approaches one of the barns, one of the civilians

    suddenly turns into a liquid substance and grows into some hideous creature. We have heard reports of

    some kind of shape-shifters that take human form to infiltrate us, but to think they would be hiding here . It

    spots Simon and charges like a maniac to him and start bashing on him. Simon gets gravely wounded and

    needs to watch out, if he do not want to get killed. It needs the combine effort of Linda, Andersen and

    Jurkovskaja to take this beast down. We need medic for Simon, ASAP! Linda provides the needed help on

    field. Seems the wounds were not as serious as first thought. In the meantime Andersen gets more civilians

    out of town. While proceeding into the Haven 2 Advent Soldiers were spotted on top of a abandoned

    building. Linda got close without being seen, opens the door and can see that there is a hole in the roof.

    There is a plain sight for one of the enemies. She coordinates with Jurkovskaja to get ready and snipe the

    other one of the soldiers. Without any problems the girls took them down. I guess that is what you could

    call Girl Power, but think I will keep that to myself.... My sister gets too full of herself otherwise. The team

    managed to save 3/4 of the resistant's. It is good to see them in action again. (think the record showed a

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    100% successful shot percentage). I hope that will encourage the rest of the teams to do better. The whole

    team will get a promotion. Simons wounds need to be checked, so he will be out at least 14 days.

    March 21

    The Council have given us new funds and new staff members. We have gotten intel to some of Advents

    own shadow ops missions. We do not have resources enough to check both leads, so we need to choose

    countermeasure. Tygan has in the meantime researched new armor, which can protect our men better in

    combat. He wished to start the autopsy on the shape-shifter, which the men has start to name "Faceless".

    March 25

    New Scientists have joined our ranks and have speeded up the autopsy of the beast. It seems that Dr Tygan

    have manage to develop some kind of mimic grenade by using the Faceless gens. This should create decoys

    that can be used in the field.

    The Council contacted us with some dire news about a so-called "Avatar Projects" which the blacksites

    globally referee to. It seems we need to gather knowledge about this project, before it could be too late.

    March 29

    A new relay site has been located. We need to send a team out there immediately.

    Operation Silent Glove

    Location: slums district, Pretoria

    Mission Brief: Hack Workstation - Advent Train

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize enemy forces. Get information

    Personnel : Sq Khamphoukeo, Rk. Artych, Rk. Hyor, Rk. Danu.

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    I am letting my Sister getting some command training again, as she in the first war turned out to be a

    formidable leader. Let's see if this is still the case.

    The team gets dropped down east of the objective. The enemy do not know that we are here, so it is easy

    to create an ambush. Hyor and Danu took cover behind some crates near the train, while Linda and Artychstarted a diversion. The enemies; 1 Sectoid and 1 Soldier jumped right down in Hyor and Danu's crossfire

    and got killed instantly. Linda got a bit carried away when she saw the Sectoid drop something and nearly

    got herself killed before securing it. Luckily both Danu and Artych got the enemies on sight before they

    could fire a second shot at her.

    The team progressed to the last wagon, where the Relay should be in, but 2 more enemies were waiting for

    them. While Linda stormed the Wagon with her sword out, slashing the enemy into pieces, Hyor and Artych

    flanked the last sectoid and killed it with no sweat. Afterwards we got the relay hacked. Again a mission

    well done.

    If this keeps up, we may have the aliens on the run in no time. The whole team is up for a Promotion.

    While getting to the Evac point, a soldier approaches us. He identifies himself as Corporal Daryl Hornsby

    from the Royal Army. Seems like he could provide some credentials to get him on the team, but I still need

    to test him, to see if he is a fake or not.

    Tygan got the new Resistance Communication up and running. Shen will be able to build it into the ship as

    soon as we got the means for it. Furthermore has Shens team finished building her "proving ground" where

    she can research the more "experimental weapons" in secure parameters.

    April 3

    We have located the Resistance in the West Africa region. We need a few days to get a exact position and

    get in contact with them.

    April 5

    We could some Intel that a resistance group have attacked a supply line of the Advent. There may be a lot

    of supplies in it, if we manage to take out the guards. At the same time I can test this Hornsby and see what

    he is Worth.

    Operation Golden Mountain

    Location: Wilderness of South Africa

    Mission Brief: Supply line raid - Advent train

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize enemy forces. Secure supplies.

    Personnel : Cpl Hornsby, Sq. Pan, Sq. Lee, Sq. Artych.

    The team is dropped south of the last Wagon. The enemies have not noticed the drop, so we may be able

    to ambush them. The gear is quickly on sight, so we need to secure the area and avoid that it takes any

    damage. The team splits up and take positions around the south area, Sq Artych observes 2 hostile

    approaching the Wagon. One of them a reptile shaped creature, which 20 years ago were in the disguise as

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    "Thin Man". While Lee snipes the Snake creature with one bullet, the other soldier flees to the other side,

    just to get killed off by Lafont's knife. What a teamwork. The rest of the team goes into overwatch mode,

    and waits for the rest of the aliens. a Squad of 3 Advents appear North. Artych uses his mini gun, but misses

    all the targets. Hornsby runs to his add and gives him suppressing fire. He sends the Gremlin ( a Survey

    drone) to increase Artych's cover. Artych uses his Grenade launcher to take out 2 enemies. The last moves

    to the wagon where Lafont awaits for another knife kill, but misses. But at the same time as the Soldier gets

    ready to shot Lafont, a Sniper bullet penetrates his skull. Courtesy of Sq. Lee. 3 more enemies approaches

    from the North. Lafont hides behind a wooden Shed, while Artych and Hornby try to kill them. The targets

    are too far away for Lee to take out for now, so he waits for them to get closer. 2 of the enemies manage to

    wound both Artych and Hornsby, and at the same time hides inside the Shed. Lafont uses this opportunity

    to run passed the window. Sadly enough one of the aliens were ready for that and got Lafont in the

    stomach. Lafont manage to throw a grenade inside the shed before collapsing. It heavily wounds the 2

    inside. Hornsby storms the shed and throws another grenade inside, which kills them off. The last enemy

    escapes before the team can kill it, but the supply is secure.

    Lafont and Lee got both Promotions, but all except Lee had to be brought immediately to the sickbay. I do

    not think we will see them in action for at least a month. That is bad luck. I hope the supplies will prove

    worth it.

    April 7

    Tygan is finished with the research of the new relay towers. He and Shen suggest that building new relay

    towers it the areas will provide us and the resistance pockets with further Intel that will help our Cause.

    April 8

    With some small delays, we finally got in contact with the resistance of the Western coast. This new

    alliance will hopefully benefit us all. We will start to build a Relay tower here.

    April 10

    We have gotten information that there is a facility in the Eastern Europe, which is in direct contact with the

    "Avatar project". We need to find a way to get into Europe and get in contact with the local Resistance


    April 11

    We got Intel from the Council, that another VIP need extraction. I will test the new recruits, which we got at

    the Western Resistance base.

    Operation War God

    Location: Pretoria

    Mission Brief: Rescue VIP from ADVENT Cell

    Mission Objectives: Rescue VIP from Advent Custody

    Personnel : Rk Labena, Rk. Scian, Rk.. Krolikowski, Rk. Rasmussen.

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    The team has been dropped of East from the prison cells.

    Labena and Krolikowski started to secure the plaza in front of the building where the VIP was held captive.

    2 Advent were in patrol there, but it was no problem for the new rookies. Rasmussen and Scian joined the

    party afterwards and created a cover near the left wall, near the front entry. Scian used one of the modifiedgrenades he had with him to blow a hole into the wall, exposing the holding cells control room. While the

    Advents and Sectoids inside were shocked and confused, the team stood ready to kill them all in

    suppressing fire. Scian used the hole to get inside the building and unlock the cells and escort the VIP

    outside. At the same time, the rest of the team went to the roof to secure the EVAC. Some heavy resistance

    awaited them and Krolikowski and Lebane used some grenades to make the ground under the aliens feet to

    disappear. While Scian and the VIP made their way to the roof, a Aircraft dropped 3 new Advents to the

    roof, which injured Scian with some laserfire. The rest of the team gave Scian and the VIP cover fire, so they

    could get to the Evac. Flares where casted, and Firebrand came down to pick them all up, before more

    reinforcement could arrive.

    All the rookies are recomended for a promotion for a job well done. Scian was brought to the Sickbay with

    a nasty wound in his chest, but according to the doctors, he should be on his feet again after a month or so.

    The VIP we saved was Dr. Silvia Chvez. A world famous Engineer. Her support will be invaluable in our


    April 12

    The Relay station on the Western coast of Africa is finished and we receive a steady signal. At the same

    team we got some intel that a Alien craft is out hunting for the Avenger. We need to be prepared, if that

    thing finds us. But that will be a problem for another day. We need to focus on the Eastern coast now. Getcontact with the Resistance there, and find out were one of the rumored Blacksites are located.

    April 17

    We managed to get in touch with the Resistance in East Africa, and we were right. They have Intel about

    the Advent Blacksite, so if we are ready, we can send a team into the facility. It is going to be a tough one,

    so I need to be sure that we are ready for it. At the same time Tygan has finished the Autopsy of the snake

    creature "Viper". Their poison is deadly, even in small doses, but by isolating the enzymes in it, Dr Tygan

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    has found a way to enhance our med kits.

    The Resistance team at the East coast also mentioned, that some other groups in Eastern Europe may be

    ready to join the cause. We just have to get some contact up there. I think we will do that, after the

    Blacksite is down.

    April 20

    We go multiple replies for help in the Africa region, but we only have resources to respond to one of them.

    I hate to do this, but we need to look at the cost benefit in all the missions to see what will help the cause


    We are going to set course to South Africa, as one of our major technical devices there is targeted.

    Operation Winter Fall

    Location: Slum District, Cape Town

    Mission Brief: Protect Device

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize all enemy forces, Secure and Protect transmitting device

    Personnel : Sq Labena, Sq. Cadalin, Sq. Kelly, Sq. Danu.

    I am giving Kelly the command for this team.

    The team has landed South of the Device. Scanners have shown that the enemy is already on route, so

    there will be little time to set up an ambush for them. Let's hope the team is ready for them.

    Data reveals that the Transmitter is already under attack. Damn. Kelly and her team proceed to the nearest

    building. Labena secures the roof with his sniper, while Kelly and Danu go inside the store and makes

    contact with the enemy. They are outside the front of the store. 1 Viper and 1 Advent. Kelly and Danu are

    getting ready behind some shelves. Cadalin takes her Grenade launcher and joins Labena on the roof. She

    fires off a shell, hits both the targets and a car. The explosion kills the Soldier, but the Viper survives. Kelly

    and Danu exploits this and kills the Viper from inside the store. Labena observes 3 more targets West from

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    them, which are alerted to their presents. Kelly walks out the front and takes cover behind a concrete

    block. Cadalin fires her second shell at the other Viper, but only sets the car on fire. The Viper sticks its

    tongue out (maybe 3-4 meter) and grabs Kelly from behind the cover and drags her to it. At the moment

    she is near the Viper, the car explodes, damaging both Kelly and the Viper. Kelly lies on the ground. All the

    other enemy are focusing their fire at the transmitter. Labena kills the Viper with a well placed shot and the

    whole team progresses to Kelly's location, but before they arrive, a robotic Mech shows up at the roof of

    the transmitter buildind. It uses a mortar on the back to rain shells upon the team. Luckily they could find

    shelter against it.One of the Soldiers managed to flank Cadalin, while she was using her minigun on the

    robot, but Labena had it covered from the roof and killed it, before it could get a shot at her.

    It took the combine effect of the whole team to kill that robotic monster and nearly emptied their clips.

    That beast has a tough armor. I hope the Aliens have not mass-produced this war machine, or we will soon

    be in trouble. Cadalin killed the last soldier, before it could destroy the transmitter. Danu and Labena

    quickly rushed to Kelly, but sadly her life was to not be saved. The mission was a success, but we lost a good

    woman today. I have all 3 get a promotion for their effort.

    April 22

    Shen and Tygan managed to create something the call a Skulljacker (and another enhanced vision "the

    Skullminer") which should be able to get shot into the Advents soldiers and theirby hack them from the

    inside for information. I guess we need to field-test them soon. furthermore, another Powerplant and the

    Advance Warfare program has been build. With this new facility, the soldiers can train to unlock new

    potentials. My sister was the first to volunteer to the program. (at least she cannot create of havoc outsidein the meantime.

    April 27

    We got a distress call from one of our Safe Haven's seems like the Aliens have found it and are going to

    attack. We need to get the now!

    Operation Faling Wail

    Location: Resistance Haven, South Africa

    Mission Brief: Stop Advent retaliation Mission Objectives: Rescue civilians, Neutralize all enemy forces.

    Personnel : Cpl Jurkovskaja, Cpl. Lafont, Cpl. Cadalin, Cpl. Danu.

    As Lafont is the best of the team in close combat, I am giving him the Skulljacker, with the objective to

    implant it into the enemy, if he sees the opportunity for it. Ther has been sightings of possible Mutons. with

    this Intel, I will send my Corporals to get this mission done.

    The team also need to be alert about possible Faceless presents with so many civilians in this area.

    The team got dropped off at a hill on the South side of the camp.

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    Jurkovskaja jumped quickly on top of an SUV and used its satellite disc as cover. At the same time did

    Lafont and Danu progress left of the SUV and sighted a 2 men Patrol of Advent North of them. Cadalin took

    out her Grenade launcher, moved away from her cover and placed a grenade between the two targets. One

    got killed, but the other one survived and wounded Cadalin, as she was not in cover anymore. Lafont

    patched her up, while Danu reckoned the area. He spotted 1 Muton and 2 Advent soldiers at a junk yard

    west of them. Cadalin, all patched up and ready, fired her second grenade on the Muton and shredded its

    armor. With the armor gone, Danu placed a bust of bullets into it, and killed it. Jurkovskaja took care of the

    rest of them from her sniper position, while Danu's Gremlin protected Cadalin from his position.

    Lafont approached a civilian to get him out of safety, but the man turned into liquid, and instead a 2 meter

    tall Faceless materialized. It wounded Lafont, before he could get into cover. The rest of the team focused

    their fire to bring it down.

    Danu's Gremlin was fortunately equipped with med kits, so Lafont could get some care, while Cadalin recon

    the next building. Time was at the essence, as screams all our the town indicated that people were

    butchered down. In the building she sighted 1 Sectoid and 2 Baton carrying Advent Soldiers.

    The sectoid got killed by Jurkovskaja (think she took it down from 1.2 km distance. This Woman is deadly

    with a sniper! at the same time, the rest of the crew focused on the other two. But not before they got to

    her and electrocuted her with the Baton's. While Danu got t her, to check on her condition, Lafont found

    more civilians and got them to safety. Sadly one more Faceless emerged from among them at started

    hitting on Lafont and Danu. Jurkovskaja managed in the nick of time to reload her sniper and placed a bullet

    into its head, before it could kill the two others.

    Everyone, except Jurkovskaja got instantly moved to the Sickbay. Cadalin still unconscious and in a critical

    state, while the others had lesser wounds. We saved a lot of people today. I have Jurkovskaja and Danu get

    a promotion for today's work.

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    A psychological evaluation of Corporal Lafont and Sergeant Danu also showed that they were really shaken

    by today's events. We may need to keep an eye on them for their own sake.

    I heard in the Cantina that Danu and Jurkovskaja got some new call signs now. "Gizmo" and "Longwalker". I

    guess they're are fitting.

    April 27

    We have gotten new Intel that a UFO is nearby scouting for the Avenger. As we are near the Blacksite in the

    Middle East, we can use the time for completing this mission and hope the UFO will fly somewhere else in

    the meantime.

    Operation Brutal Summer

    Location: Wilderness near Jordan

    Mission Brief: Investigate Advent Blacksite Mission Objectives: Recover any valuable information or items. Extract all XCOM soldiers

    Personnel : Sq Khamphoukeo, Sq. Rasmussen, Sq. Krolikowski, Sq. Pan.

    I will have my brother lead this team and see how it goes. We have to assume heavy resistance here, but

    they have not yet noticed that we are here. The LZ will be on the other side of the buildings, after the team

    have investigated the area.

    The team has entered the first building. 3 floors tall. Looks like a warehouse. There are a lot of chambers

    and storage in the area. A big port leads to the other side of the building, were a big area is filled up with

    more chambers and transport trucks. Advent has build a lot of Railroad through the nations, and one ofthese has its end station here.

    Simon climbs up at a nearby tower, to give cover to the rest of the team. A 2 man patrol were spotted. One

    of them a Advent Captain. Dr Tygan suggest that we use the Skulljacker on him.

    The team discovers body's inside the chambers. It seems that the Aliens never stopped abducting people.

    Some of them may still be alive. While the team were investigating this, the patrol got sight onto them.

    Fortunate for the team, my brother saw it, and took them down. The aliens are aware of their present now.

    A automated turret on top of the first building start firing on the team.

    The team seeks cover across the railroads. a Patrol one the other side caught sight of them and start firing.My brother climbs the next tower to have a better overview of the situation. Pan and Rasmussen are

    seeking cover below the tower and are shooting back at them. Krolikowski stays on top of the train wagon

    and tries to flank them with his shotgun.

    Krolikowski misses, but Rasmussen makes the best out of this and kills the soldier. Pan eliminates the other

    with his grenade. Sadly the soldier does not stay dead for long.. The Sectoid reanimates him. Teamwork of

    Krolikowski and Simon kills the Sectoid and the soldier collapses again. Meanwhile at the other side of the

    tracks, a group of 2 soldiers and a Muton appears. Bad luck as nearly all the men needs to reload.

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    The moton and one of the soldiers are storming towards Krolikowski ready to bash him. Some quick

    thinking from Rasmussen and his Gremlin saves Krolikowski. Krolikowski retaliates with his machete and

    kills the soldier. Pan's minigun takes care of the Muton in the meantime. The last soldier appears out of

    nowhere at hits Krolikowski right in the stomach area. Thank god for Kevlar vests. Krolikowski uses his Knife

    and kills him. The team reloads and progresses to the last building. Through the windows they can see that

    the bodies are processed. It looks like a kind of refinery . A MEC and 2 more soldiers are dropping down

    from the roof.

    The team is ready for them, as Simon, from his tower, had spotted them for some time. It took some

    concentrated fire to take the MEC down, but no one were hurt.

    Simon signaled the team to check behind the building, before entering it. A right thing to do, as another

    patrol with a Viper was in it. Pan took the Viper down, by using his grenade launcher near some barrels

    with explosive materials, which the Viper was hiding behind. Andersen took the other soldier down, but not

    before Krolikowski got stunned from the Advents baton. Simon and Pan created a defend perimeter nearthe LZ, while Krolikowski and Rasmussen went into the building to retrieve the sample. Nobody were in the

    building anymore, so retrieval was not a problem. The problem were the reinforcement shuttles right after.

    Thanks to Simons defense, the first wave were quickly dealt with, while Krolikowski and Rasmussen were

    getting to the LZ. The next wave was also dealt with, but not before a bullet hit Rasmussen in his leg. The

    whole team managed to call the EVAC, before more reinforcement could arrive.

    Krolikowski and Rasmussen are being sent to the sickbay. I will have a promotion ready for the whole team.

    According to Dr Tygan, it will take some time to decrypt the findings. Let's hope it will be sooner than later!

    May 1

    The engineers finished building the Guerilla tactical school. So now the higher rank officers can get more

    developed into tactics and more. This is needed, as the Advent is getting more serious about us. Dr Tygan

    also finish analyzing the MEC and the Psyonic abilities of the Aliens. (So much knowledge have been gone

    after Dr Vahlen disappearance it seems. We will be able to build facilities that will enhance the troops own

    Psy ability and turn the aliens own weapon against them. We just need to clear more debris from this ship,

    to make room, and also build more generators. We really need more power to run it all.

    May 3

    We got in contact with the local Black Market. They were really eager to buy some of our Advent Troop

    corpses and some of the Elerium Crystals, which we got from the different missions. In exchange, we got

    some schematics that could help our scientists to create better armor and we even hired a scientist in this

    depressing site.

    A message came in from the Council. I opened the Comlink in my chambers. It seems like the council is

    happy with our progress and have send new funds to use. Sadly it seems like some of Advents own black-

    ops missions did get around 50% of them in their hands.

    May 8

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    We got reports of 3 simultaneous missions again. And again we have to choose which one to take.

    We are going to West Africa, as the Intel's suggests that if this objective is not achieved, than the Avatar

    project will have a significant boost.

    As the missions are getting more difficult by the day, I'm allowing the group size to increase to 5 people


    Operation Gilded Mist

    Location: Small town, Outskirts of Lago

    Mission Brief: Hack Workstation - Advent Facility

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize all enemy forces. Recover weapon system data

    Personnel : Cpl Khamphoukeo, Cpl. Labena, Sq. Godlowski, Sq. Jacobsen . Sq. Scian

    The team arrived near the target signal, just click to the west.

    Linda ordered Labena to get to the roof of, what seemed to be a bicycle shed, which gave him the overview

    of the Garden and the parking lot in front of the target building. While he was getting into position, the

    other members of the team were sneaking through the garden. 2 patrols were quickly discovered. 1 two

    man squad of a Advent and a Sectoid, and the other patrol was a 3 man squad; 1 Viper and two Sectoids.

    Cpl. Godlowski managed to get his Gremlin near a control post, with a terminal, without anyone noticing it.

    He hacked into the system and created a diversion. The aliens were lured out of their safety and Labena

    could smoke 2 Sectoids quickly, without giving them a change to mind control any of the team. The rest of

    the team took care of the rest by flanking them. Godlowski used the Gremlin, and flew it into the house andland near the target workstation. While the rest of the team reloaded and watched the parameters, he

    used his hacking skills to get the data we needed. The aliens must have had a safety protocol installed in

    the station, as a shuttle dropped off a squad of 3 Advent right after the hack was effectively completed.

    Scian hacked through the first 2 with his machete, while Jacobsen covered him with his Gremlin and cover

    fire. Linda was still unnoticed from the aliens, so she could with easy get to a blind spot of the last alien and

    chop its head off with her blade.

    The team got surprised by another team of 3 Advents hiding in the neighboring building. Linda got marked,

    and they focus fired on her, and got her badly wounded. fortunately Jacobsen were near her with his

    Medkits, to get her the needed first aid. Labena showed again some skillful marksmanship and got a

    headshot on one of the Advents. Scian identified one of the other Advents as a captain and managed to

    sneak behind him and injected the Skulljack. Data were starting to get uploaded to Dr Tygan, as suddenly

    som new electrical looking alien, which Dr Tygan identified as a Codex, which was in charge of protecting

    the knowledge inside the captains head. If we wanted to get the rest of the data, we needed to neutralize

    this new being. while Jacobsen and Labena got the last Advent killed, the rest of the team started to fill the

    Codex with lead. But this new being was a tough one. It started to clone itself, teleport itself to different

    nearby locations to confuse the team and somehow it also shut down the equipments of the team. Linda

    and Scian has to use their blades in the end to try and stop it. It took some time, and Scian also managed to

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    get wounded in the process, but in the end they got the codex destroyed. Dr Tygan will be most happy with

    all the new data that the team will bring him.

    after one last sweep of the area, and it was secure. on arrival; my sister, Jacobsen and Scian were escorted

    to the sickbay. They all did a wonderful job in the field today, and I hope, after they get rested, that theysoon can go out there again. I will have them all ready for a promotion.

    A later psychological test revealed that Cpl Scian were a bit more shaken by the mission than we thought. A

    little extra R&R for him is hopefully everything he will need to get back in action.

    May 18

    We got some Intel of a UFO landing in the eastern coast of Africa

    Operation Wolf Killer

    Location: Wilderness of East Africa

    Mission Brief: Secure disabled UFO

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize all enemy forces. Secure enemy UFO for Supplies

    Personnel : Sgt Jurkovskaja, Cpl. Khamphoukeo, Cpl. Andersen, Cpl. Krolikowski . Sq. Hyor

    The team got dropped off east of the disabled craft.

    Without revealing themselves, Krolikowski and Hyor sighted two heavy turrets and a patrol of three in the

    front. The whole team decided to check the backdoors inside. No sight of turrets, but some noise from

    inside the UFO was all that they could discover. While Simon and Jurkovskaja took up sniper positions

    behind a tree, which was in front of one of the doors, The others were ready to breach the parameters. As

    the doors got opened, Jurkovskaja took out a Setoid immediately, while the others got some good shoots at

    two Advents. While the team were occupied by the Advent, we intercepted a signal that was coming from

    UFO. It got identified as a distract beacon. As if the enemies on the ship were not enough, now we also

    were on the clock to disable this signal before someone picking it up. We started our jamming protocols,

    but the signal will get out, if the beacon is not shut down. Krolikowski and Hyor took the 2 Advents out and

    the team proceeded to locate the terminal to shut down the signal. The team encountered more resistance

    in the form of another Advent patrol. The difference was that they had some kind of shield around they

    bodies to defect some of our projectiles. We need Tygan to look into this, if we can get our hands in some

    of this tech. Luckily for us, the shields were no match for Andersen's grenades. Furthremore, the teamfigured out that the shields were operated by one of the captains in the patrol. This means that if we shot

    him down, the rest of the shields will fade as well.

    Hyor got his eyes on the prize and sent his Gremlin to do the hacking. They managed to disable the beacon

    before our jamming signal had lost its power. But that was not the end of the problems. a squad of vipers

    joined the party and had the team pinned down, it what seems to be the command bridge. One of them

    used its tongue to grab Andersen and drag him near them. Another took some damage, but got close to

    Krolikowski and started to choke him, like an Anaconda. Simon and Hyor manage to hurt the viper enough,

    that it loosen its grip and Krolikowski finished it off with his blade. That's what I call teamwork. Jurkovskaja

    killed the other viper with a headshot, but not before it had sent a poison cloud and infected her.

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    Andersen, who got grabbed by the last Viper, was on the ground. The Viper was ready to get a chunk out of

    him, but a well placed grenade from Jurkovskaja sent the Viper flying and Andersen managed to get up to

    finish it off with his mini gun. Afterwards Hyor managed to disable the turrets from within the UFO, and the

    parameters were secured. Thinkt that Shen and Tygan will be happy of all the new things they can play

    with. The whole team is going to get a checkup at the sickbay after the mission and Jurkovskaja need to get

    a vaccine against the poison, so she will be out for a while. I have recommended Krolikowski, Hyor and my

    brother for a promotion.

    May 22

    We are getting reports more often about the "Avatar Project", that the Advent are designing and it is not

    looking good. We are running out of time, but we need more engineers to build more power stations in our

    Vessel, so we can boost our relays and get in contact with people in Eastern Europe.

    May 27

    We got some Intel about a high profile target in Northern Africa. If we can take the profile out, it will set the

    Aliens back in some of their research.

    Operation Golden Dance

    Location: Advent security zone, Cairo

    Mission Brief: Neutralize target in Advent Vehicle

    Mission Objectives: Capture or Kill Advent VIP

    Personnel : Sgt Khamphoukeo, Cpl. Hornby, Cpl. Lee, Cpl. Lafont . Sq. Artych

    Lafont seemed a bit shaken still after his last mission, but he needs to get back up on the horse again. I

    hope this mission is easy enough to get him back.

    The team landed in the city center, south of the target. The LZ will be 1 click north of the target position.

    The target was, according to sources, located inside a gen-clinic building. On the roof of the structure, 2

    Vipers were laying in camp. Lee and Simon took them easily out.

    The rest of them team started to secure the front hall of the clinic. Hornsby found a terminal which some

    great Intel that he was able to hack, with the new toys Shen had developed a few days ago. The Target, a

    female in her late 30's were in the lab in the back surrounded by a squad of Advents. The team stormed thelab from 2 fronts and flanked them in the middle. Simon showed some lighting fast skills with his psitol and

    emptied a few rounds in 2 of them. Lafont and Artych took care of the last one. The target tried to use the

    confusion to sneak away but Lee saw that, ran to her and knocked her down with the back end of his gun.

    Artych had run low on ammo, so he volunteered to carry the target to the LZ, while the rest were going to

    give him cover. They opened the backdoor and a Muton bashed in. It knocked out Hornsby and tried to get

    to Artych, before the rest had emptied their rounds in it. Lafont helped Hornsby up and they all continued

    to the LZ. A shuttle came down on their right site with a MEC and some Advents. The team knew that the

    only way to survive was to get on the Firebrand and get the hell out of there, so they started running

    towards the LZ. Even thought Artych had the female on the back, he managed to get faster to the LZ, then

    the others. The Mec started to use its mortar and the shells were fling right and left. (I guess this is how the

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    allied felt at Bastogne during World War II. It seemed like notice could stop the team, but a shell fell close

    by Lafont and Hornsby. The shockwave knocked both to the side. They both were ok, according to Simon,

    but Hornsby got severely shaken by this, so he panicked. He started to run and shorting at the MEC. One of

    the Advent must have anticipated that, as a well placed shot got Hornsby down. The firebrand were at the

    LZ and got the others safely in, while providing cover fire. Lafont, who was behind Hornsby managed to

    take him on his back and take him to the Vessel and the team managed to escape with the target. I hope

    the target was worth it, because we lost a good soldier today. The medics on board their everything to stop

    the bleeding, but it was to late for Hornsby. While we will prepare the memorial for Hornsby, the rest got

    sent to the sickbay for the injury which the shell bombardment have giving them. Both Artych and Lafont

    showed that they could handle themselves quite well. I will give these two a promotion after the funeral.

    Corporal Daryl Hornsby died on May 27 2035

    Missions: 2

    Confirmed Kills: 3

    May 28

    We managed to get steal some supplies from a Advent Convey. When we arrived back I got a pleasant

    surprise. An old friend had managed to get through the grip of Advent: Casper Friss Farse. Another one of

    my trusted soldiers in the old days is joining the ranks. I just have to make sure that Hyor and Danu are at a

    friendly mood, when I tell them that Farse is here. In some gambling den 20 years ago, he cheated those

    two for a lot of money over some game of Mahjong.

    June 1

    We got confirmation of three simultaneous Advent Covert missions that are going to be carried out. If we

    managed to stop 1 of them, it will be a major blow for them. The target will be in East Africa, as this mission

    can put a stick in the cogs of their Avatar project.

    Operation Cold Sleep

    Location: Slum District, Cairo

    Mission Brief: Protect Device

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize all enemy forces. Secure and protect the transmitter

    Personnel : Sgt Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Labena, Cpl. Pan, Cpl. Jacobsen . Rk. Farse

    The team landed on the roof of a tank station, just across the building were the transmitter is in. Jacobsen

    managed to hack the surveillance so they had no clue that we were there. A squad of 2 Setoids and 1 viper

    patrolled across the street. Perfect for an ambush. The team spread out on the roof and Pan dropped a

    shell between the 3 of them. It was over in seconds. Another squad, lead by a Codex came storming out the

    building, but the team was prepared. The Codex split itself into two and teleported the other half to safety.

    Fortunate for use Farse was quick and predicted where it would teleport. It took him a few secnds to get

    into position and put a bullet into the codex. A shuttle came with reinforcement, but the landed right near

    the Tank station. One well placed shell from Pan and the whole squad got eliminated. The team reloaded

    and slowly headed towards the transmitter. Sensors showed there were an additional squad nearby. Linda

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    got sight of them. It was lead by a MEC. Labena got down from his crow's nest and got a clear sight of the

    MEC. The right got ready to ambush. The MEC did not have a change to fire its mortar. and the right of the

    Squad got taken down by Labena's shiper skills and Jacobsens Gremlin.

    According to Linda, the team preformed so well that they may have had a 100 % shot accuracy. Jacobsenand Farse are at least up for a promotion.

    June 9

    We got a message from one of the camps in the North. They are under attack from the Advent. We need to

    get there fast.

    Operation Driving Hymn

    Location: East Africa

    Mission Brief: Stop Advent retaliation

    Mission Objectives: Rescue civilians, Neutralize all enemy forces.

    Personnel : Sgt Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Labena, Sgt. Khamphoukeo, Cpl. Godlowski . Cpl. Cadalin

    Shen equipped Sgt Labena with our new Spider Armor. It should in theory be able to give him more

    flexibility and make him get to areas, with the build-in grappling hook, which otherwise would be hard to


    The team got dropped in the middle of a hornet's nest! A codex and Viper were the first to greet the team.

    Cadalin chopped up the Codex, but it managed to clone itself before and teleported in our ranks and

    injured her. Labena took it out right after. After that a wave of Muton's and a Berserker came storming.

    Fortunate for the team, it landed on a hill and had height advantage, but the Berserker still manage to get

    close and injured Lanena, before it went down.

    The team started to escort civilians from the area, when Cadalin got close to a civilian, which turned out to

    be a faceless. She got badly injured by the punch it gave her. Godlowski used his Gremlins medkit to get her

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    back on her feet, while the others focus fired on that brute. After that the team proceeded North to the last

    area of the camp. The met a sqaud of Advent in the building, but Cadalins grenades and Simons sniper took

    care of that. Another berserker clashed the party, but got ambushed by Linda, which managed to sneak

    behind the enemy without notice. It seemed everything was under control, when another civilian turned

    into a faceless. Fortunate for the team, it was not close enough, when it turned, to do some damage. So it

    got killed quickly. The camp was secured, but at least 1/3 of its population got slaughtered before we

    managed to stop the aliens

    All but Simon were injured in this mission, so they got taken to the sickbay. I will also have a promotion

    ready for: Linda, Labena, Godlowski and Cadalin.

    June 18

    After a lot of days, the team managed to get a new relay up and running so we are able to try to get in

    contact with people in Eastern Europe. We have set course there now, I just hope we still have time, as new

    news about the Avatar Project is unsettling.

    June 20

    We managed to get in contact with the local resistance pocket and will coordinate an attack on the local

    black site.

    Operation Steel Shriek

    Location: Wilderness of Eastern Europe

    Mission Brief: Sabotage the Alien facility Mission Objectives: Place X4 charges in the facility, Escape the area of operation

    Personnel : Lt. Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Jurkovskaja, Cpl. Rasmussen, Cpl. Andersen . Sq. Farse

    The team landed near the outskirts of a forest just east of the facility. he front area was guarded by some

    turrets. The team decided to go left around the building to find an alternative way in. There was a small

    river close by that could give them cover. Unfortunate, a Advent patrol was covering that area. The team

    split up. Some tried to find a way on the right side instead, while Farse and Linda would see if there would

    be a window of opportunity at the river. The patrol went on their way to the main gate, so Linda and Farse

    got a chance to look for another way it. They found a door in the back area of the facility, but a squad of

    Advent and some kind of Angel kind of Floater was guarding here. They others had more luck and found aservice entry right of the main gate. A squad was located at the roof, but it was easy to sneak past them.

    Jurkovskaja, Rasmussen and Andersen started placing the explosive. In the meantime; Farse and Linda got

    to another backdoor near the location of the other part of the team. Linda decided to camp here and give

    the others cover fire while retreating. Andersen and Rasmussen had placed their explosive and went

    through the backdoor out to meet the rest. Jurkovskajawas also on her way, when the alarm suddenly

    started. Seems like the Aliens are scanning the building in intervals, and the scanners had picked up the

    team. 2 squads were heading towards Jurkovskaja. The one from the front gate, came in the same way as

    Jurkovskaja and her part of the team, while the other, a muton squad led by one of these angel creatures,

    came from the other backdoor. Jurkovskaja started running towards the rest of the team, while Linda was

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    calling the EVAC. On the radar, we could see that another vessel was inbound, surely reinforcement. With a

    lot of heat from the back, Jurkovskaja stormed through the back door while getting hit in her left shoulder

    by a laser. The rest of the team started to give her cover fire. Andersen and Rasmussen started raining

    grenades at them. Think they took out 1-2 of the aliens, while Linda backstabbed another one. Firebrand

    landed right after, and the team got safely out of there without major casualties. While they got away, they

    could see the Black site go up in a massive explosion. I have Farse and Rasmussen get a promotion for

    this on. Jurkovskaja seemed a bit shaken after the mission, so I guess I will give her some time recovering

    before sending her out again.

    June 24

    New contacts with resistance in West Asia got established with the help of our new European friends. They

    did have Intel on another Black Site near them, so we prepped our gear and sat course.

    Operation Knife Mother

    Location: Wilderness of Western Asia

    Mission Brief: Sabotage the Alien facility

    Mission Objectives: Place X4 charges in the facility, Escape the area of operation

    Personnel : Lt. Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Khamphoukeo, Cpl. Artych, Cpl. Lee . Cpl. Hyor

    The team touched ground at an abonddon village east of the facility. Some trees around here will give great

    cover to sneak in a place the explosives. as the team got closer, they spottet a squad at a hill west of their

    location, heading their way. It was 2 Vipers and a Muton. The team quickly changed their course to the east

    site of the facility. Artych could spy a squad inside the main area (the optimal place to place the X4

    explosive. This one is not going to be easy. The team found a door to the area and got all set to get in with

    their guns ready.

    Seconds before that, Simon poked Artych in the back, and according to Artych had a crazy smile on his lips.

    While the others saw Simon suddenly disappear inside a vent, Artych informed the rest of the team of this

    "new" plan. While Simon got above the target location, the others made their way to the closet wall, near

    the target location. On Simons mark, Artych pointed his grenade launcher at the wall and shot. A big hole

    appeared where the wall has been just few seconds ago. Simon used this confusion to set the explosive,

    while the others while giving him cover fire from outside the wall. The aliens were in such disarray, that

    they did not have time to rally and answer the fire. 2 aliens got killed by Artych and Hyor, while Linda was

    calling for EVAC. The quickly grabbed the ropes, and while they were still mid in the air, Simon detonated

    the bombs. I should have Simon discharged for this stunt, but because of Bradford and nobody got injured,

    I did not do it.

    June 24

    As soon as the team landed, we got a message from our African division, that we could sabotage an

    important supply line from the Advent... If we strike now.

    Operation Death Shadow

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    Location: Outskirts of Lagos

    Mission Brief: Sabotage the Alien Relay

    Mission Objectives: Neutralize all enemy forces, Destroy Alien transmitter relay.

    Personnel : Lt. Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Khamphoukeo, Sgt. Godlowski, Cpl. Pan . Cpl. Farse

    With Linda's team already in gear, we just made a few changes and sent them off.

    Firebrand sat the team off in a small urban south of the target area. Farse and Simon occupied a nearby

    security cover that was facing towards the Tank Station were the Advent had hid the Transmitter. A small

    patrol were guarding the front. As time was of an essence here, as we needed to stop the transmitter

    before it could upload its data, Pan put a shell between the gas tanks and the squad and took a few of them

    out. Farse and Simon finished off the rest. The noise got the attention of the other 2 squads in the area.

    one of them was lead by a Codex, The other was a Muton and again one of those angel looking kind of

    alien. The alien flew immediately into the sky, spread it wings and some laser guiding light shined down on

    the tower. Simon and Farse just managed to jump down, from their crow's nest as the tower was turned

    into dust. Pan shot another grenade at the other squad and hit all three targets. Linda and Godlowski

    finished of the 2 Advents, while the codex cloned itself and teleported itself across the battlefield. The

    muton started shooting and hit Linda in the leg. She got herself up and blasted the muton to hell. One of

    the clone codex sent out some kind of psi beam that managed to disable Simons shotgun and loaded the

    surround air with static energy. Simon took out his twin pistols and went blazing towards the Codex near

    the burning tank station and killed it. At the same time, the angel came gliding down and injured both Pan

    and Godlowski. Farse took out the last codex with his sniper skill, before all could concentrate on the

    angel. It took the combined firepower of the team to take that bastard down. After that, the only think left

    was to destroy the transmitter in the station.

    Simon, Farse and Pan are getting a promotion for a mission well done.All but Simon had to get taking to

    the infirmary. Somehow my brother got a cats nine lives! We brought the new corpses to the lab. Seems

    the scientists were referring the angel as a Anchon.

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    June 25

    As I got into the relax area this morning I saw that the crew had giving some of the soldiers new nicknames.

    Seems like only veteran soldiers with a rank of Sgt or above were getting any. To some them up. We have:

    Linda "Cajun" Khamphoukeo. Presume it is either because of her color or attitude.

    Simon "Eight Ball" Khamphoukeo. Is he really that good a marksman for this kind of nickname?

    Anchel "The Undertaker" Labena. He did snipe off a lot of aliens, so I understand this one.

    Corinne "Kong" Cadalin. Hmm. I wonder why they call her that?

    Michael "Slider" Godlowski. I guess it is because of his skills with his Gremlin, or could there be

    something else to this?

    Ronaxe "Longwalker" Jurkovskaja. Again I am wondering if it has something to do with her

    Sniperskills or ??

    Norbert "Gizmo" Danu. He is a tech wiz, so no wonder here.

    Guo Ya "Junkyard" Pan. Well I guess I see him all the time practicing his shooting skills (or lack of it)

    in the junkyard. He is good with his grenade launcher, but with the minigun..... One could say that

    he is like "Shaquille O'Neal". He can Slam, but he cannot shot SHIT!

    Xavier "Gator" Lafont. He is sneaky and deadly like an alligator, so this one fits.

    Henrik "Tinker" Jacobsen. His Gremlin and he are perhaps the best hackers we have on this ship.

    Michal "Judgment Day" Krolikowski. A little of a overstatement, but okay.. sure.

    Anders "Data" Rasmussen. Again one of our highest tech guess, so fully earned this one.

    Casper "Lockdown" Friss Farse. He has shown lately that he is able to kill off a lot of aliens

    June 29

    We managed to get contact with people in India. I hate to stress out my team, but with the rumors that the

    Avatar project is getting into their final phase, and the rumor that another black site should be in India, I

    have no other choose then to sent my teams to destroy it.