
Up to 7 in 10 women around the world experience physical or sexual violence at some point in their lifetime

As many as 1 in 4 during Pregnancy

Worldwide up to 50% of sexual assaults are committed against girls under the age of 16

603 Million women live in countries where domestic violence is not yet considered a crime

Zo Zonta Says No CampaignA campaign to end violence against women and girls

In November 2012, the President of Zonta International, Lynn McKenzie, launched “Zonta Says NO” – a year-long campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world.

The campaign continues to December 2013 and features the service and advocacy actions of Zonta clubs and districts to prevent and end this violence in their local communities. It also highlights Zonta International’s ongoing efforts through the Zonta International Strategies to End Violence against Women (ZISVAW) program and through Zonta’s partnerships with the UN and its agencies.

Zonta Says No Campaign

President Lynn McKenzie

“We can't and mustn't ignore the fact: violence against women and girls is still pervasive in all kinds of countries and societies. It’s in our back yard.

Zonta International has been committed to its prevention and eradication for many years. In 2013, as the UN's Commission on the Status of Women focuses on fighting violence against women, we support the initiative with "Zonta Says NO", a worldwide campaign saying no to violence against women. Do not look away. Join us!"

Zonta Says No Campaign

President Lynn McKenzie

“We can't and mustn't ignore the fact: violence against women and girls is still pervasive in all kinds of countries and societies. It’s in our back yard.

Zonta International has been committed to its prevention and eradication for many years. In 2013, as the UN's Commission on the Status of Women focuses on fighting violence against women, we support the initiative with "Zonta Says NO", a worldwide campaign saying no to violence against women. Do not look away. Join us!"

How can your Clubget involved in the

Zonta Says No Campaign?

It can be as simple as wearing an orange campaign ribbon, button or wrist-band but an orange shirt bearing the ‘Zonta Says No’ logo is the most visible way to promote the

cause to the public.

Why orange? That’s the colour chosen by the United Nations to draw attention to violence

against women.

Select a date and organise a ‘Zonta says No’ awareness-raising event.

The date doesn’t have to be 25 November! Find out

what date works best for your club.

The function choice is yours; just have an ‘orange’ theme! Invite the public, guest speakers, the media,

politicians, the police, representatives from women’s shelters,

other service clubs – think outside the square. Remember to prepare a media release

and sell orange ribbons, wear orange shirts… Think orange!

Remember that pictures make a strong statement.

So take a photo of your club members wearing orange shirts or taking action to end violence

and submit to the ‘Zonta says No’ website.

Erect a large banner across the main street in your town with the ‘Zonta says No’ message.

Join activities of the White Ribbon Foundation in your community BUT wear an orange shirt, sell orange ribbons

and display a banner ‘Zonta says No’.

Plan a ‘Zonta says No’ walk in your town. A walk is not only a healthy activity but a very visible way to raise awareness

and publicise a cause in your community.

Imagine the visibility …all those walkers wearing an orange shirt! (Make sure you check council and police regulations

and restrictions if you are planning a walk).

Does it matter that there are other campaigns with the same aim? No! What truly matters is to come together in an effort to end violence against women and make a difference in the lives of women and girls in our local communities and

around the world.

Violence Against Women is Neither Acceptable nor Inevitable

What is District 22 doing to take a Stand?

Launch of District Zonta Says No Website

Organisation of District 22 Zonta Says No Walk 9 November 2013

District 22 Zonta Says No Walk9 November 2013


The objective is to make a visible statement to media, other organisations involved in violence prevention, and the Brisbane community that Zonta is a strong advocate for ending violence against women locally and internationally.

Zontians, their families and friends are invited to join a walk from Brisbane’s Newstead Park.

Tickets at

District 22 Zonta Says No Walk9 November 2013

The Event Details

7km walk from Newstead Park along the Riverwalk to New Farm Park and back (there will also be a 3km option).

All walkers to wear Orange “Zonta Says No” T-Shirt to maximise the impact of our statement on the day

All Brisbane and surrounding area clubs encouraged to participate. (Bring along club banners and “Zonta Says No” signage)

The Event Program

8am to 8.30am Registration

8.30am to 10am Walk

10am to 10.45am Guest Speakers and Morning Tea

10.45am Formation of Big “NO” for photographing

District 22 Clubs in ActionMany clubs are already involved in

Zonta Says No activitiesPlease let us know what your club is doing so we can

post on the District 22 Zonta Says No WebsiteSign up for the email blog so you can keep posted on

what other clubs are

Zonta Club of Ipswich Promotes 16 Days of Action

With the help of the ‘Mens Shed’ in Ipswich, 16 orange ladies have been


We hope business houses will support us by placing one of these ladies

in their businesses to promote the 16 days of action which says that we are all committed to end violence

against women.

While this is only 16 days we hope that the campaign will stay in the minds of all

and end this senseless violence.

‘Zonta Says No’ Booth at Rockhampton Heritage Village Markets The Zonta Club of Rockhampton will host a “Zonta Says NO” Information Booth at the Rockhampton Heritage Village Markets

Sunday 24th November from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm – (the annual Christmas markets).

Aim is to educate passing ‘traffic’ (estimated to be approx. 6,500) about the “Zonta Says NO” campaign and to raise funds to support the campaign.

Members will distribute information flyers and brochures and also sell orange ribbons. Posters to detail relevant points re the campaign will also ‘tell the story’. The club has purchased a stand-alone “Zonta Says NO” banner for display. If possible, Domestic/Family Violence safety cards will be made available.

Zonta Club of Brisbane East

Says NoEvening to Raise

Awareness23 November 2013

Zonta Club of Beaudesert Says NoDomestic Violence Calendar

Each year our Club stages a poster competition for Years 3 – 7 in our local primary schools. The theme for the drawings is “Expect Respect/No Excuse for Abuse”, along with 1800 number.

For the last two years, with the help of a Grant from the Department of Communities, we took this idea a step further and increased the number of winning entries that were subsequently showcased in a calendar, with every family at the Schools receiving a Calendar either at the launch on White Ribbon day, or taken home with their School newsletters.

This not only ensured the message of ‘Expect Respect’ remains in family homes for an extended period of time, but also promoted the message of “Act as One” as all partner agencies were highlighted in the calendar.

A fabulous evening was had by all who attended the Liz Davenport Fashion Parade

Funds raised contributed to Zonta Club of Wynnum

Redlands Zonta Says No Campaign

Zonta Club of Northern Rivers – Says No

Chrysalis Program Prevention Based Counselling

Zonta Club of Northern Rivers has given financial support to the Chrysalis program since 2010. This

is a program which fits clearly with our commitment to the

‘Zonta Says No’ campaign The Chrysalis Girls Program is a prevention-based

counselling program created by young women for young women. It targets ‘at risk’ girls aged 12

– 17 and takes place in local high schools.

Focus is on self esteem, positive body image and improved communication, techniques of anger management, dealing with grief and loss, and

understanding boundaries.

Girls are empowered to combat issues such as bullying, cycles of domestic violence, date rape,

addictions and substance abuse.

The program has so far been highly successful because of its long term, client driven strategies

that support and educate participants on a weekly basis for up to 4 years.

