Page 1: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Activity 1Lets Explore a loop of thread.

Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the thread.

Start with total three fingers – explore different shapes, sizes, angles, sides, etc. Slide your fingers in different directions to explore.

Now try four fingers and play around with them – don’t be in a hurry to name the shapes made – rather – explore what you see, what each side and shape etc looks like what relationships can you observe. What is happening when you move points etc

Page 2: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Activity 1

For the upcoming activity REMEMBER YOU ARE A EIGHT (8) YEAR OLD

Do the activity WITHOUT your existing geometry gyan

Page 3: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Activity 1 - contd.

Using the exploration till now - explore which shape will

have maximum area ?

Page 4: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Activity 1 – contd.

If you say that circle will have maximum area – then based on your exploration till now – come up with a definition of “circle”

Page 5: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Activity 1 - Reflection

So what did you learn?

And how did you learn?

What were different aspects of the whole process

Page 6: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Math Logic Intelligence

Page 7: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

How can we use Math Logic Intelligence?

1. To learn swimming (Body)

2. In my art class (Visual)

3. To make friends (People)

4. In gardening (Nature)

5. In my Drums class (Music)

6. In making presentations (Word)

7. To help overcome a bad habit (Self)

8. To make better investments (Logic)

Page 8: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

How ELSE ? – Some categories

Page 9: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

What is Math Logic Intelligence?

Page 10: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Learning Maths?

Page 11: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

How can we learn Maths in 8 ways?

The concept of remainder and quotient

Page 12: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Learning Maths - ELPS

E – Experience it

L – Language – talk about it

P – Put it in Picture / visual form

S – Put it in symbol form

Page 13: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the


E – Make things in different shape and discover Triangle

L – I talk about the triangle – as in it has three points, three sides, it like a mountain peak etc.

P – I draw different kinds of triangles with different sides lengths etc. I compare them visually etc.

S – I talk in terms of name / use symbols – Triangle ABC, equilateral, isosceles etc.

E-L-P-S exmaple

Page 14: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

E-L-P-S exampleAddition

E – When I get orders from two friends I find the total number of sticks that I need to bring

L – I say, “Oh so you need two and you need three – so total I need to bring five sticks.”

P – I draw it. I draw two marks in one colour to show two pencils and then I draw three more marks in another colour and then draw a circle around all the five to show the total.

S – I write 2 + 3 = 5

Page 15: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Making Maths Meaningful

Page 16: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

What is Maths about?• Is it about how to multiply two numbers?

• Or is it about what is multiplication - what multiplication means

• Or is it about where can I use it

Page 17: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So what is Maths about?

Too much emphasis on


Rather than focus on

• CONCEPTS (meaning)

And exposure to

• APPLICATION (meaningful)

Page 18: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So how can we learn Maths?



• Make it ACTIVE - engaging, involving, interesting

Page 19: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So how can we learn Maths?

Page 20: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So how can we learn Maths?

Page 21: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So how can we learn Maths?

Lets do some examples of each of these

Page 22: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

What to learn in Math

The most important Math question

you can ask:

How did you get it?Process or strategy

is far more important then

the outcome or answerHence, cheating is good:

Not of answer but that of strategy

Page 23: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Conceptual Understanding

Page 24: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Conceptual > Area Activity 2 We have two identical rectangles (same size). Cut each of the two rectangles one along diagonal, another along mid points of one side. Now compare the right triangles (of the first) to one of the smaller rectangles (of the second); In the diagram on the right, red is the line of cut; while the shaded part is what you use for comparison.

Which one has bigger area – the right angle triangle or the small rectangle? How in different ways can you show your conclusion?

Based on your knowledge of formula for area of a rectangle, can you now figure out the area of a right angle triangle

Page 25: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Conceptual > Factors & Multiples

activity 3

Exploratory experiences in preparation for paper-and-pencil computation give children the opportunity to develop underlying concepts related to partitioning numbers, operating on the parts, and combining the results.

Which has more multiples 3 or 8? Justify your answer.Use calculator to find out the multiples of any number. Do you find any pattern?See factors of 8. Next of 16. Next of 32. Next 60. Which has more factors. Do you see any pattern. Is it true for all numbers?

Page 26: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

You are allowed three darts to throw at the board.How many different totals could you score?What is the lowest possible score you could get with all three darts counting?What is the highest score you could get?

Try to find as many rules and patterns as you can.Think how you could display your results clearly.

How all can you get an odd number score?Is there more than one way of getting some scores?How do you know when you have got all the possible scores?What would happen if you changed the target scores?What would happen if you had four darts?What would happen if you had another circle to score?

Conceptual > Algebra Activity 4



Page 27: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

What Am I?I have 3 or 4 sides. Opposite sides are parallel.

My sides are all equal.What if all sides have different lengths.

Conceptual > (Any Topic) Activity 5

Who am I?I am even number.I am between 20 and 30. I am not 25. Other than me and 1 – I have exactly three more factors.

These activities give students a chance to encounter informally several important ideas, such as the language of logic, the use of a counter-example, and distinctions between relevant and irrelevant information.

The use of and, or, and not illustrates the language of logic, language of computers.

Page 28: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Conceptual > Key Thoughts

Children should frequently make conjectures about mathematical relationships, investigate those conjectures, and make mathematical arguments that are based on their work. They need to know that posing conjectures and trying to justify them is fun, a play and is part of learning maths.As they make their own conclusions, they would CONSTRCUT their own learning and get a deep sense of conceptual framework on mathematics

Page 29: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Life Maths

Page 30: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Imagine your room is totally

dark. You can’t see anything. Your clothes

drawer has five pair of black and

five pair of white socks.

Life Maths > Sets Activity 6

Investigate the following.

1. What is the minimum number of socks you will need to take out to be sure to get a matching pair?

2. What if there are five pairs of another colour?

3. What if you need two good pairs?

Use some black and white tokens to actually do the above and then make your conclusions. Make some diagrams to show how you worked it out and your results. How can you check your solution? What difficulties did you have along the way? How did you overcome these difficulties? What conclusions you can make about numbers?

Page 31: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Children are divided in different teams and go around the school and actually count a certain items. Items given can be trees, steps, chairs, students, bricks in an exposed wall, cycles in cycle stand, lights etc. Now each group is given a different grouping number and they have to report back how many groups of the item they found. So one team groups in fives, another in sevens, another in eights and one in tens and so on.Children make different visual representations of their findings.

Life Maths > Tens and hundreds Activity 7

Page 32: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Life Maths > Numbers & Data Activity 8

Formulate two question of yours and ask two friends to solve it. Make them as tough as possible Example: In which class is the difference of children coming by a vehicle as compared to by walk/cycle highest

Collect data for your class:1. How many children come by Bus/Van; 2. How many walking/cycling and 3. How many are dropped in car/two-wheelerCollect the same data for two more sections / classes

Class Bus/Van Walk/Cycle Car/2wheeler

2A 16 6 10

2B 22 4 7

3A 12 11 11

Page 33: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Your group is given a toy train engine (battery operated).Using long corridors mark various distances from a starting point. (these could be 1m, 3m, 6m, 10m etc)Run the engine on the 1m track and note the time taken.Predict what will be the time taken for other distances marked.Now measure that actual time taken.Check if the rate of distance covered per unit time is same. What does it tell you about the speed of your engine.

Life Maths > Speed & Distance Activity 9

Also create graphs, compare two engines, check different surfaces (sloping) etc. If possible children can do this with actual travel of their school bus.

Page 34: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Life Maths > Key ThoughtsIt is quite obvious that children need to relate maths to their daily lie. Here are some interesting observations about life maths:

Fundamentally Maths is just a language that we use to think and communicate. When children understand this and start talking maths – suddenly a lot of maths makes sense.

In real life more often then not we use approximation - time, weight, discount, area, etc.

Also in most cases we have access to calculators and spread sheets – the importance hence in understanding where to use what – not in computing.

Page 35: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Procedural Skills

Page 36: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Procedural > Fractions Activity 10

Place one token each on all the ‘0’s. The target of the game is make all your tokens reach their respective 1Different fractions will be called - you can move any token equivalent to the fraction called out.

Example:If 2/4 is called out you can move the first row token to ½ or the fifth row to 3/6 or seventh row to 5/10, etc.If 2/3 is called out you can move the second row token to 2/3 or the fifth row to 4/6, etc.

Page 37: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Procedural > Addition & subtraction Activity 11

Lets Play a game called Target Addition: Start and clear the calculator's memory [MC]Our target is 23, and whoever reaches 23 first wins.

Each one of use will take turns entering a number from 0 to 5. Each new sum is put into the memory by pressing the M+ key. Obviously we also need to remember it.A player who thinks the target number is in the memory just after his or her turn – says CHECK – and we press the memory-recall [MR] key to check and if correct wins.We can change rules and have more fun with variations!

Page 38: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Procedural > Algebra Game Activity 12

Game of algebraic expressions: Today our target number is 20Write an algebraic expression using two variables - ‘x’ and ‘y’ - so that the result of the expression is as close to 20 as possible. I will roll two dice – one giving us the value of ‘x’ and other of ‘y’. We will all evaluate our expressions using these values. Whosoever’s result is closest to 20 is the winner of that round.Then for next round each of us will write a different expression and we will roll the dice again.We can change rules and have more fun with variations!

Page 39: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Procedural > Key ThoughtsGames are amazing as learning tools because: all of us like them we get fully involved we love the challenges we play them endlessly they lead to loads of discussions / debates games give rise to emotionalized learning can be easily changed to embed a particular math objective mostly very cheap - cost effective need minimal administration and teacher intervention Games motivate students and engage them in thinking about and applying concepts and skills. They also foster mathematical communication as students explain and justify their moves to one another.

Page 40: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

So this is how we make learning Maths


Page 41: Activity 1 Lets Explore a loop of thread. Using each finger (or some pens or pencils) as a point – explore different shapes made by the

Meaning? full?