
Sydney Howard 3/8/15U.S. History 11R Mrs. Miller

My Dearest Tom,Not a day goes by that the children and I dont think of you and wish with all our hearts that you were here with us. However, knowing that what youre doing is for the good of all of us back at home is enough to bring joy and pride to my heart. As Im sure youre aware, Bridget turned 10 yesterday, and I dont believe she could possibly be any more enthusiastic about the war effort than she is. For her birthday celebration, her only request was for us plant a victory garden in the back yard. She has been saving her pennies and buying War Savings Stamps at every opportunity. Schools have been actively emphasizing the importance of the children doing their part. Bridget has been keeping the rest of us in line when we wish to stray from the weekly resource conservation schedule. She makes sure that little Jr. doesnt get his hands on any sweets on sweetless days, and marches straight to Abigails desk and turns out the light even if she is in the middle of playing the piano (which is in desperate need of a tuning). Besides the food restrictions, of course, Jr. has been following Bridgets lead; although he seems rather aloof as to why he is doing so. I suppose that is to be expected from a toddler. Abigail is still struggling. Its gotten to the point where the only discussions she is willing to have with me are of her bitterness for this entire situation. I fear for her safety. She knows she cant speak that way at school, but shes still only 14. One slip at the wrong time could be detrimental to us, what with the passing of the Espionage and Sedition Acts. But who are we to blame her? Her best friend had to go into hiding because she is of German descent. We havent heard from her since she disappeared 3 months ago, and Abigail is justifiably distraught. Any sacrifice that she has to make for the war effort only contributes to her ails. She lost all control with Bridget the other night when she turned off her desk light while she was playing the piano, which woke Jr., caused dramatic Bridget to wail for an hour, and sent Abigail storming out the front door. I couldnt leave the younger two, so I sat, comforted Bridget and Jr., and waited for her to return. You know Abigail. She always comes back when she does this. However when she returned, she did not make any effort to hide the fact that she had taken down all of the propaganda posters in the neighborhood, and crumpled them into a ball to throw away. I had never been so relieved that she had gone on one of her rampages in the dark. The hospital has never been busier. Ive been working countless extra hours without pay in order to do what I can to help subdue the flu epidemic. I live in constant fear of the children catching it, but I cant just stand by while people are dying. Thats exactly what you said when you left. Of course this forces Abigail to take on substantial amounts of extra responsibility that she responds to with resentment. However she can be relied on to take care of her siblings. She loves them, even if she doesnt always show it. Like everyone else in the world, all I want is for this war to end. However despite all of the heartache that comes with it, it forces the people into unity like nothing else. Yes, there will always be those who stray, but the vast majority of us are working towards a common goal. I have the utmost faith that whatever happens, we will fight our way through it. I am proud beyond words of what you are doing. I know you wouldnt have been able to live with yourself if you had stayed here. Stay safe.With all my love,Emma