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WVSTU PRESS RELEASE NO 3-2014 DPMR-IA November 8, 2014 Reprint by permission. All rights reserved. 1 | P a g e

Media Contact: Solo Otto Gaye Director Department of Public & Media Relations Email: [email protected] Cell: +231886709726/+231886333194 Skype:solo.otto.gaye Website:



William V.S. Tubman University (TU) has taken note of misleading allegations in a

communication presented to the House of Representatives plenary session by Hon. Numene

T.H. Bartekwa on October 30, 2014. That communication focused on the employment policy at

TU was written without seeking any clarification or information from the University. Hon.

Bartekwa’s fabricated communication is inflammatory, capable of smearing the reputation of

the institution, intending to damage the kind of rapid reforms undertaken at the institution,

and damaging to the kind of community we are trying to build.

The University puts on the public record the following facts regarding its employment


Salary is not based on nationality but on the level of education, breadth and depth of

experience and professionalism. It does not discriminate against Liberians. It is based on

education and competencies. Our core values explicitly state our focus to be local,

national, and international, with an emphasis on the celebration of diversity and the

promotion of equal opportunities;

Regarding relocation allowance, our policy clearly stipulates the process. Relocation

allowance is based on position and place of origin. Relocation allowance has nothing to

do with nationality – whether Liberian, or not. The employee eligible to receive

relocation allowance signs a two year service contract proviso to inculcate service and

commitment to the University;

Tubman University’s mission and vision are to provide quality educational experiences

that transform the life of individuals for worthy service envisioning so doing with quality

William V. S. Tubman University Tubman Town, Maryland County

MAILING: P. O. Box 3570 Harper, Maryland County, Republic Of Liberia, West Africa Monrovia Office: 15th & Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia

EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE:

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WVSTU PRESS RELEASE NO 3-2014 DPMR-IA November 8, 2014 Reprint by permission. All rights reserved. 2 | P a g e

and excellence. Therefore the University attracts candidates from a global arena. Each

candidate is vetted for job qualifications match and fit to the organization. Our policies

and guidelines are clear with respect to academic appointments, rankings, and

performance expectations;

If, as asserted that we favor foreigners over Liberians, why are we sending Liberians to

obtain advanced degrees to return and serve the University? Currently, we have seven

(7) Liberians studying at master degree level at Obafemi Awolowo University and

University of Ibadan in Nigeria respectively; one (1) person at the University of

Birmingham-UK; and one (1) person at Stella Maris Mother Patern College of Health

Sciences program in Nursing. We already have two (2) persons who have completed

their master’s studies from Cuttington University and Makerere University-Uganda who

are currently serving the University. Developing a critical mass of Liberians competent to

serve is implicit in our mission. Therefore we implemented this “Grow Our Own”

scholarship program that from year to year depends on funding availability;

Vacant positions at TU are advertised in local dailies, online media outlets such as TLC

Africa and our TU website, In order to bridge the gap given

the human capacity problem faced by our nation, we do hire foreigners in some

instances where a competent Liberian cannot be found to match our needs, or a

competent Liberian who is unwilling to relocate to the duty station in Maryland County;

Hon. Bartekwa claims that about 80% of the workforce at Tubman University are

foreigners. Our FactSheet produced each semester clearly defeats his research. The

most recent FactSheet dated 14 April 2014, shows that Tubman University had a

workforce of 370 general and professional staff comprising 312 non-instructional staff

and administrators, and 58 faculty. They supported the needs for 807 regular students

enrolled in the five colleges and 189 students enrolled in the preparatory Access to

College program for the 2nd semester of academic year 2014-2015. Dissecting our 312

non-instructional staff and administrators, 299 or 96% are Liberians while 13 or 4% are

foreigners; of the 58 instructional staff, 35 or 60.34% are Liberians while 23 or 39.66%

are foreigners.

The University assures the general public that its employment policy does not favor foreigners

over Liberians. Hon. Bartekwa’s information provided in his letter to Plenary is outrageous,

fabricated on falsehood, and is without merit. AT TU, our mission is “to provide quality

educational experiences that transform the lives of individuals for worthy service”. In keeping

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with this mission, our vision is “to be center of quality and excellence”. To fulfill and actualize

our mission and vision, this public University perseveres to provide excellent educational

experiences and opportunities that are relevant, meaningful, and globally competent in the

training of future leaders of Liberia and the world at large.

The public is also invited to peruse our website (that has a tab for our human resource needs),

or, visit our campus in Harper, or our Monrovia Site Office to access information on the

University’s policies, programs, and initiatives. Additionally, email requests can be sent to

[email protected], or to [email protected]

William V.S. Tubman University views the claims of Hon. Numene T. H. Bartekwa as a deliberate

attempt to create mischief and undermine the tremendously great and dedicated work of those

Liberians and foreigners striving to build a quality university for Liberia.

As of Semester II of academic year 2014, 23.30% of the regularly enrolled student population of

TU hailed from Grand Kru County, second in percentage to Maryland County, 46.22%. That is to

say more than two-thirds of the students of TU came from these two counties, finding four-year

tertiary education in southeast Liberia. Perhaps Hon. Numene T.H. Bartekwa might busy himself

with sponsorship of students to build capacity not only in Grand Kru, but in Liberia, and

wherever they might choose to serve. Tubman University invites Hon. Bartekwa to become

involved in our efforts to build human capacity competent to serve locally, nationally, globally.
