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Andy  Bird  Sr.  Vice  President  of  Product  West  Interac7ve  Services  

Customer  Experience  Management  Cloud  based  plaBorm  with  WSO2  

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Automated  communica7on  solu7ons  that  strengthen  customer  engagement  

4 Billion Texts, voice alerts, email and notifications to the commercial, utility and healthcare space

64 Billion Voice minutes annually

290 Million Provider of the nation’s 911 infrastructure, facilitating

911 call per year 159 Million Conference calls annually

The world’s largest provider of conferencing and collaboration solutions, facilitating

A pioneer in multi-channel communications, delivering more than Leader in contact center

modernization and consumer engagement with

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West’s  Suite  of  Technology-­‐Enabled  Communica7on  Solu7ons  

Unified Communications & Conferencing Services

Telecom Services

Interactive Services Safety Services

Specialized Agent Services

§  Audio/Web  conferencing  and  collabora7on  tools  

§  Audio/video  webcas7ng  services  §  Virtual  event  &  digital  media  hos7ng  

§  Hosted  IP-­‐PBX  &  enterprise  call  management,  IP  trunking  and  managed  MPLS  network  services  

§  Connected  Customer  Experience  §  IVR  &  Self-­‐Service  §  Proac7ve  Communica7ons  &  Mobility  

§  Cloud  Contact  Center  §  Professional  Services  

§  9-­‐1-­‐1  Network  services,  Telephony  systems  and  services,  solu7ons  for  enterprise  VoIP  and  UC  

§  Primarily  serves  telecommunica7on  carriers  via:  ‒  Toll  free  origina7on  ‒  Termina7on  services  ‒  Telephone  number  service  

§  Healthcare  &  wellness  advocacy  services  §  Business-­‐to-­‐business  services  §  Cost  containment  services  

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Interac7ve  Services    Suite  of  Solu7ons  

Connected  Customer  Experience  

IVR  &  Self-­‐Service  

Proac<ve  Communica<ons    &  Mobility  

Cloud  Contact  Center  

Professional  Services  

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Customer  Experience  Defined  

Gartner  defines    •  Customer  Experience  (CX)  as  “the  customer’s  percep7ons  and  

related  feelings  caused  by  the  one-­‐off  and  cumula7ve  effect  of  interac7ons  with  a  supplier’s  employees,  channels,  systems,  or  products.”  

•  Customer  Experience  Management  (CXM)  as  “the  prac7ce  of  designing  and  reac7ng  to  customer  interac7ons  in  order  to  meet  or  exceed  customer  expecta7ons  and  to  increase  customer  sa7sfac7on,  loyalty,  and  advocacy.”    

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CX  is  the  Word  of  the  Day  

Source:  Forrester’s  Business  Technographics®  Global  Priori7es  And  Journey  Survey,  2014  

“Which  of  the  following  ini7a7ves  are  likely  to  be  your  organiza7on’s  top  business  priori7es  over  the  next  12  months?”  (4  or  5  on  a  scale  of  1  [not  at  all  priority]  to  5  [cri7cal  priority])  

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Mul7-­‐Channel  Consistency  is  the  Top  CX  Priority  in  2015  for  Gartner  Clients  

Source: Gartner. Survey Analysis: The State of Customer Experience Innovation, 2015

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What  does  all  this  mean?  •  Customers  want  to  connect  

with  a  company  with  their  choice  of  communica7on  channel  –  mobile  applica7on,  web,  phone,  text,  e-­‐mail  etc.  

•  It  is  expected  that  the  company  knows  the  customer  

•  It  is  expected  that  the  customer  experience  is  consistent  across  all  channels  of  communica7on  






Recent History

Past History

Consumer Identity


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Our  Requirements  


Customer  Choice,  Convenience  and  Control  


Business  Analy<cs  


Speed   Standard  Technology  

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West  Objec7ves  

Product-­‐Oriented  Approach  

Minimize  Technical  Debt  

Enable  New  Features  that  are  Omni-­‐Channel  

Minimize  Technical  Debt  

Enable  New  Features  that  are  Omni-­‐Channel  

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Why  We  Chose  WSO2  

•  100%  Open  Source  •  Flexible,  Pluggable  

Architecture    •  Fully  Cloud-­‐Ready  •  Enterprise-­‐Grade  •  Comprehensive  PlaBorm  •  Easy  Integra7on  –                          

By  Design  •  API  Economy  

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West  Hosted  Mul<-­‐Channel  Access  

Connected  Customer  Experience  (Middleware)  High  Availability    |    Security    |    Rou7ng  Services    |    Reliable  Message  Delivery    |    Message  Media7on    |    Monitoring/Alarming    |    Provisioning  

Social   Mobile  



3rd  Party  System  Consolidated  repor7ng  across  the  en7re  interac7on  

West  Managed  API  Services  

IVR   Web  

Context  Services   No7fica7ons   Speech   Click-­‐to-­‐Chat   Click-­‐to-­‐Call  

Data  Collec7on/Logging  Svcs  Enterprise  Business  Rules   External  Access  

Customer  Care  Apps  

Legacy  Web  

Agent  Retail  M2M  

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Lessons  Learned  (so  far…)  

•  Need  to  invest  in  training  and  base  infrastructure  

•  WSO2  support  is  essen7al  •  Supplement  your  staff  with  WSO2  

professional  services  •  Commit  to  architecture  reviews  •  Develop  a  release  cadence  

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Moving  Forward  

•  Service-­‐orientated  architecture  

•  Extend  into  the  West  enterprise  

•  More  predic7ve  solu7ons  •  Align  omni-­‐channel  and  

business  analy7cs    

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Thank  You  
