Page 1: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant

Mr. Harris

Page 2: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

They are large areas that are characterized by a specific type of climate and what type of plant and animal communities that live in them.

There are land and aquatic biomes.

Page 3: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

Tundra, Taiga, grasslands, deserts and chaparrals are all land biomes.

Page 4: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris
Page 5: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

Is an average weather condition in an area or an extended period of time.

The globe is seperated into three different zones based on climate: tropical, temperature and polar. Their boundaries are based on latitude and temperature range.

Page 6: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

This zone surrounds the equator.

This zone receives the most radiation from the Sun.

Temperatures are usually high and the air is humid.

There are three biomes here: tropical rain forest, tropical desert and tropical savanna.

Page 7: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

Always wet and warm.

These forests hold the greatest number of plant and animal species on Earth.

Heavy rain washes much of the soil away. Erosion is very evident.

Monkeys, parrots, tree frogs, tigers, leopards and panthers live here.

Plants include mahogany, vines, ferns, bamboo, coffee and cocoa.

Page 8: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

These are also known as grasslands.

These are lands that are mostly in Africa.

They are nutrient poor and very warm.

During dry seasons, or seasons with no rain, they usually have grass fires which replenish the soil’s nutrients.

Giraffes, lions, crocs and elephants are all animals that live here.

Tall grasses, trees and thorny shrubs are plants that live here.

Thorny shrubs are thorny because of the environment that they live. It’s harsh and the animals are always trying to eat them.

Page 9: Written for you by your esteemed and ever so subconsciously brilliant Mr. Harris

They receive less than 25 cm of rainfall per year.

Deserts are the driest places on Earth because of the low rainfall.

There are 2 kinds: hot and cold.

Temperatures can vary from 61-120 degrees Farenheit.

Lizards, snakes, rats and scorpions are different types of animals that survive in deserts.

Succulents are plants that have fleshy stems and leaves to store water. Cacti, (plural for cactus) flowers are a few.
