
WRITING MAINTAINABLE CSSNatalie Downe | Barcamp London 5

28th September 2008



my name is Natalie Downe and the original title of my talk was ‘writing maintainable CSS’ ..

WRITING MAINTAINABLE CSSNatalie Downe | Barcamp London 5

28th September 2008


... but perhaps a better title would be ...

CSS SYSTEMSNatalie Downe | Barcamp London 5

28th September 2008


... CSS systems (pause)

for reasons which with any luck will become apparent by the end of the talk,

there should be time at the end for any questions so if you could cross your metaphorical legs till then that would be great..


hello, my name is Natalie downe and ...

I am an optimist


... I am an optimist ...

so I am going to assume that


... so I am going to assume that ...

you already write beautiful and valid markup


... your markup is a work of art

you delight in finding the perfect element for the context

you are a perfectionist ...

you use semantic markup & class / id names


... I don’t need to persuade you to use semantic markup and class names,

You follow the POSH principles of Plain old semantic HTML and ...

you separate content, presentation & behavior


... you embrace the trifle of the web,

so you separate your content from presentation and behavior,

you are not using inline styles or inline javascript

and you do all this ...

because you care


... because you care ...

Maintainability in CSS?


... ok, so put up your hand if you feel you have have already solved the problem of maintainability in CSS? ...

yes? so why are you here?

so you write maintainable code all the time?

how well would it actually shape up if the person maintaining it only learned CSS last week?


It’s not a solved problem.


... no

its not a solved problem

Sorry, currently there is no silver bullet, no miracle cure or revolutionary method

yet -

the thing to bear in mind with maintainability though ....

It’s not just about the future


... its not just about the future

its a big part of it of course,

but designing for maintainability isnt just about ‘what happens if I look at this in 2 years time’ ...

It’s about now


...its about writing good quality code now

It helps when you come to ! - work with other people or! - deal with changing requirements throughout the development process

! ! this happens an awful lot in agile

maintainability is a characteristic of good quality code ...


High quality code

To tight deadlines

For handover to external developers


... for those of you who dont know, I work for clearleft,

a user experience agency in Brighton.

We strive to produce

! - high quality code,

! - to agency deadlines, this normally works out as about 2 or 3 weeks,

! - this is then handed over for implementation by external developers or delivery to the client

to meet these challenges we need a standard method of writing markup and css,

enter stage left ...



... CSS systems

This is a new term that I am introducing today to describe a process that is working very well for us at Clearleft

now don’t have a snappy one line description so for now I am going to inflict yet more bullet points on you, sorry ...

Maximilien Brice, © CERN (used for promotion)


a top down approach

personalised for an individual site

a reusable set of markup patterns and CSS

looking at the overall stucture and individual components

glossary of shared vocabulary for developers


... A CSS system is top down approach for thinking about your css.

it is personalized for an individual site

a unique snowflake

and by that I mean it is a reusable collection of markup patterns and accompanying that exists for one site,

they are unique and built against that particular site’s design goals

you stop thinking about individual rules or even about your selectors

instead, think about the overall structure and components of the pages within the site

a system also incorporates a shared vocabulary for developers to talk about the code,

so for example they know exactly what I mean if I am talking about a teaser or a content block



Rule blocks are loosely ordered by specificity,

Elements, grouped by type of tag

Classes, grouped by the effect they create

IDs, grouped by the component they affect


... whether you are using one CSS file split into several main groups or several files -

- ordering is very important, order rule blocks loosely by specificity.

(as a house style we use one file, to reduce the number of HTTP hits and because CSSEdit makes it so easy to do)

elements are grouped by the type of tag! for example Lists, links, blockquotes

classes are grouped by the a"ect! for example Notifications, pagination, content modules

ID’s are grouped by the individual page component they a"ect! for example the Header, toolbar, nav



general stylesbody stylesresetlinks headingsother elements, tags

helper stylesformsnotifications and errorsconsistant items with normally just one class

page structureskeleton including page furniture,

page componentsmost of your styles will be in here



... your system is made infinitely easier by arranging your rule blocks into a hierarchy of groups that don’t a"ect the code but do make it easier to understand

so this is how we order our CSS into primary groups at clearleft.

the whole file is roughly ordered by specificity,

general styles contains the body styles, our reset and default element styles.

for those of you who dont know, a reset is a set of styles that blanket the way browsers display elements by default. My advice however is to only use a reset you have written yourself or that you understand

helper styles are generally a class or a few classes with elements, eg notification styles, pagination and forms. ---


general stylesbody stylesresetlinks headingsother elements, tags

helper stylesformsnotifications and errorsconsistant items with normally just one class

page structureskeleton including page furniture,

page componentsmost of your styles will be in here



... the page structure refers to the header, footer, and the generic layout blocks that make up a basis for your components to fit snugly into.

page components is where most of the magic will happen.

any over-rides for page specific styles go at the very bottom of the page, though with some luck and good planning you shouldn’t need to use this very much

I avoid putting things in here as much as possible, concentrating more on the helper styles and page components, creating our system ...



... CSS Edit is a development tool for the mac that makes seeing your groups a lot easier

you can see here on the left hand side it has displayed my nested groups which you use as a navigation aid to traverse the CSS on the right...



... and if you expand a bit further you can even see in the index on the left hand side the first line of your selector which is incredibly helpful. ...


Never use browser hacks

Browser specific stylesheets for all versions of IE and another for IE6 and under

If you have to entirely re-engineer for IE, overriding your standards ready CSS in a conditional comment, you’re Doing It Wrong


... how you cater for internet explorer depends very much on your site’s statistics, I am sure we all dream of a day where one day, we wake up and none of our users are on IE 6 any more

until then though we have conditional comments, I am sure none of you use old Skool browser hacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the rendering engine, but just in case Im going to say

Never use browser hacks and certainly not browser sni#ng.

again, depending on browser support this might vary, but what we do is include one file for all IE’s and another for IE6

one last point here. if for the page structure or even a page component, you feel the temptation to completely re-engineer how you are skining that particular cat. then you are Doing It Wrong. ...

please look to my right

for a moment


... please look to my right for a moment ...

please look to my right

for a moment


... overriding a css solution with a specific implementation for IE in conditional comments is lazy. you will be hard pushed to juggle your inheritance in the future and will be forced to maintain both branches (or forks) of your code. twice the work

the solution, well a way of avoiding it is to test constantly in several main browsers, dont get to the end and then open up IE. really.

If you have to scrap how you are doing something and sacrifice a little markup thats better than having to branch your code.

But remember, things do not have to look the same in every browser, if you can get away with progressive enrichment and not have rounded corners for IE for example then thats ideal.

also, issues with maintaining branches may be trixy though they are more preferable to outright CSS ‘hacks’ ...

BEFORE YOU STARTSo I have a design ... what now?


... you have a design, a lovely comp from fireworks or photoshop, what now? ...

look at the basics


... look at the basics ...

will it be liquid? elastic? or fixed?


... a decision you need to make as a team is whether the site will be

! liquid: scales with the viewport, so when the browser is resized! elastic scales with the font size or! fixed layout remains the same.

Im not going to cover the advantages and disadvantages of each, thats another talk all in itself

I am going to say that it certainly isnt true that one is traditionally ‘more maintainable’ than others if done right and you follow a few simple rules ...


if you are using an em or fixed width layout, try to only set a width on the container, using percentages inside

a max-width of 100% will stop your layout creeping out the side of the viewport

up and down font size all the time

be afraid of heights, vertigo is healthy on the web. NEVER use height in px on anything with text inside


...- if using an elastic M based layout or even fixed width then try to only use widths on

the overall container and percentages inside,

! ! this will save time if needs change later down the line (watch your padding here though)

- set a max width of 100% on elastic designs to make sure your layout doesnt scale outside your viewport and cause a craul bar

- you should be upping and downing your font size all the time in every browser to see if behaves as expected


! ! !even if you are not doing an elastic design.

- vertigo is healthy, height on the web is dificult to get right, one supprisingly common thing people do wrong is specify a height in pixcels on an element that contains text,

! ! this is either going to bleed outside in the case of overflow visible, in which case why are you setting the height

! ! or if you are using overflow hidden it vanish which is worse.



... here is a planning artifact I made recently for an elastic site

! I set the container to have a width of 69 M’s and inside the measurements are in percentages

! this does require a little more calcuation in the outset but overall the benefit outweighs the negative.



the grid



next, the Grid

- this is a design term, you can read about it on all the trendy design blogs


draw diagrams


... draw diagrams ...

lots of diagrams


... lots of diagrams,

it basically boils down to proportions, analyse the site as a whole, look at content areas and see how these interact ...

make calculations


... the grid will normally have some dependancy on the base font size, ask your pet designer if you are not sure.

you will need to make some initial calculations before you come up with the precise proportions

im pretty hopeless at maths so for me this also involved diagrams

dont be too exact though, IE isn’t very good at counting


get inventive


... use lego if it helps, make models if it helps you to understand how the grid fits with di"erent types of content. This is a technique my colleague Jeremy Keith is experimenting with in this photo ...

levels of headings


... If you figure out your heading levels from the start this will help decisions later on. ...


...For example, if you know that a content block such as a product teaser appears in a certain area of the page

(like the primary content)

then you CAN DETERMINE what the heading level is.

This seems like a subtle point, but properly designed heading levels are an excellent starting point for coming up with a sensible overall structure for your site.

This is key in communicating your code’s intent to other people. ...

page structure and components


... now, looking at the site as a whole, we need to identify the page structure, and content areas, as well as individual components....


... for example, identify areas, such as the

! header ! footer,! the page furniture ! main content areas structure.! and any common patterns such as icons etc ...


... look for commonalities in the design. If things have the same structure they should probably consist of the same markup.

you can always have variations on the commonalities depending on context

but always Concentrate on what the element is, not where it is ......


... For example

Here I’ve identified how chunks of content fit in to di"erent layouts on the page. It’s really important to continue to reference the basic grid.

the shared vocabulary for this site design defines a teaser to be two blocks wide, here a teaser is next to a content block.

this design was really interesting because the structure and markup was the same for a content block, a teaser or even a full width component. a class name of the type of content was all it needed to change the layout.

I was also using a class on the block of the section name, the sections all had di"erent colours and this over-rode the default colour depending on which section the teaser was for.

I am quite proud of the resulting CSS system in this site, but unfortunately I am under NDA so I cant show you any more than this.

How your content blocks relate to each other and whether they a"ect the overall layout will depend very much on the nature of your site. you are producing a unique CSS system


MAINTAINABILITY MYTHSAny existing ‘best practices’ or approaches?


... So let's talk about some maintainability myths.

Lots of people have developed and shared ideas for improving CSS maintainability is the past;

unfortunately, many of these technques fail to integrate with this larger idea of a CSS system for an individual site.

Firstly, I’m going to mention ...

CSS frameworks


... css frameworks

I feel the need to define what I call a framework. For me this is something that alters how you write HTML itself.

This is di"erent from a library, which simply provides individually reusable components.

This is Blueprint. Blueprint is one of the worst o"enders (along with YUI grids - sorry guys) when it comes to encouraging your HTML to directly reflect the design of your site.

In my opinion, CSS frameworks decrease the maintainability of code.

Simply introducing this extra abstraction now means that to maintain the site you have to know not only CSS but also the framework that was used - down to the specific version.

Frameworks are made for ease of development not maintainability. You are introducing presentation back into the markup and the classes often dont make sence out of context, reducing the usability of the code.

They have their place - they are great for wireframing quick sites where you don’t care about the markup. They’re basically akin to using Dreamweaver. ...

Single line declaration blocks


...Some schools of thought think that writing all of your CSS on one line with the selector and rules is better practice because it focuses the author’s concentration on the selectors.

Whilst I agree that the selectors are indeed more important, I disagree strongly with this method for maintainability. not least because it introduces horizontal crawling.

Multiple lines also work much better with version control tools such as Subversion so you can identify the actual rule that has changed.

This also causes issues with debugging tools that refer to specific line numbers, such as Firebug.

Also, tools such as CSS Edit alleviate the need for this solution by showing all of the selectors down the left hand side. ...

Selector based indentation


...This method requires indenting rule blocks based on the hierarchy of dependence.

I REALLY don’t like this technique. I have had the unfortunate experience of being the one who maintained a site written like this.

So your code now relies on the structure of the markup, which tightly couples the CSS and markup.

The maintainer now has to ensure the indentation continues to match the markup, and more often than not markup and indentation end up out of sync.

You’re also not thinking modularly any more - you’re thinking about WHERE something is, not WHAT it is, which damages the reusability of your CSS modules. ...

colour.css / layout.css / typography.css


... this concept focuses on splitting your CSS in to separate files based on the nature of the rules. so to colour, layout and typography (point at ducks)

and surprise ... I don’t like this method either.

Splitting colour can make sense for some sites (those that support themes)

but I’m sure most pedantic typographers would agree that typography is very strongly linked to layout. Changing font size a"ects dimensions specified in ems, for example.

By splitting a rule block for a component it also adds extra mental overhead in deciding which file a rule should go in...

ON YOUR MARKS ...You have your design and your plan - you’re all set!


... you have a design, several beautiful planning artifacts, you are ready to start development

some things to bear in mind ...

use the cascade


... use the cascade (now with added sheeting action)

dont heavily namespace or sandbox if you can avoid it, sandboxing is the practice of using very specific paths to identify elements.

for example ...

div#page div.teaser ul.products li


... not like this.

this strongly couples the structure of your markup with the css, adding an extra level of dependancy that decreaces long term maintainability.




...This is better think in terms of components,

phrase your selectors based on WHAT it is rather than WHERE it is.

Going too deep in specifity or inhereitance too quickly also makes it harder to override later on.

incedentally I often keep the tag names intentionally to avoid style leakage and

for future reference if you know what the element is, you understand what the default styles are, like margin, padding etc.

If you really have to heavily sandbox something, put it in the overrides section. ...

you love to float


...For me, the argument about whether to use floats or absolute positioning for layout was over a long time ago.

Absolute positioning takes elements out of the flow of the document. You lose robustness, because your elements no longer take each other’s positions in to account.

The combination of resizing your browser, resizing your fonts and variable height content make absolute positioning for layout virtually useless in practice.

Always clear the container of your floated elements of the content within them, if you dont, this can cause problems later on.

Use a method you understand. I dont like using the ‘clearfix’ technique of inserting content to clear floas because it feels hacky ... it smells bad, my preference is for width and overflow hidden to force clearing....



... now I know a lot of people believe you should always use shorthand notation ...

p { font: 12px/14px sans-serif }p { font: 80% sans-serif }p { font: x-large/110% "New Century Schoolbook", serif }p { font: bold italic large Palatino, serif }p { font: normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy }


... for things like font ...


... margins or background.

I dont. necercaraly.

Longhand can often be preferable, particularly with background.

firstly it makes debugging in firebug easier, you can see where overrides are e"ective.

you will also have similar issues as the ‘one ruleblock per line’ when it comes to source control. you can tell that a line has changed but its not imediately obvious which part of that line.

but mainly and this is more noticable with backgrounds ...

background: url("w00t.png") orange 0 50% repeat fixed;


... that by using shorthand its easy to override declarations without meaning to.

For Example if you are using all the sections of the background like we are here, then its easy to see what this is doing,

but if on an element you have already specified it as ...

background: lime;


... having a delightful lime green background, and you then you want to have a variation of that inherit the lime styles but also have a transparent background image ...

background: url("rofl.gif");


... rofl.gif

if you specify it using just the background declaration, then this overwrites the lovely lime green colour

one solution of course is to specify the colour here too, but then ‘lime’ is in two places, you are not taking advantage of inheritance within declarations,

and what if you suddenly want to change to pink, now you have to change it in two places, this is not optimal

also always bear in mind that people editing your code are likely to be copy and pasting from the rest of the file,

so you have to set a good example with this throughout your code.

so a better solution would be ...

background-color: lime;

background-image: url("rofl.png");


... use the longhand version, and override with subsequent longhand versions ...

PREPARE FOR THE WORSTn00bs will one day be let loose on your code

(accept it)


... n00bs will one day be let loose on your code,

you cant stop the inevitable, you can only prepare for it.

clear your footer


... simple tip, always put clear:both on footers

even if you are clearing your containers ok now, that is no guarentee someone taking your code and altering it in the future will be.

if you are clearing your page footer, then its one less thing that can go wrong ...

careful with dimensions


... avoid using width padding together especially for your main page container where you might want to specify the width in M’s and a maxwidth of 100% ...

watch your height


... again. height on the web never ends well, just be careful and think about the implications if you use height at all.

also, please please please resize your text constantly while developing and make sure everything expands nicely ...



... its ok to add hooks,

extra divs for future proofing. so long as they make sence,

just don’t get carried away, otherwise you can end up with a bad case of div-it-us ...

editable content


... editable content, for example product images,

anything which might need to be changed in the future,

should be in the source and not the CSS file. always ...

sanitise text


... if there are headings that need to be in uppercase, dont rely on the CMS or author to do this, even if they are, put a text-transform declaration on the element.

just in case ...

abstract your icons


... for icons, use a class and specify as a background image not as an image element in the source.

if the image path changes, you now only have one place to change it

the one exception for this is accessability, anything that adds important context or information should be actual image elements with proper alt text.

For example the star used on labels to indicate a field is required, NEEDS to be an image with the alt text ‘required’ ...

DESIGN TO AVOID DEBUGGINGengineer your way around the browser


... there are some things you can do to avoid common pitfalls, think about the solution to browser bugs and pre-empt what you can ...

Simultaneously develop


... so the ideal solution to avoiding debugging is to simultaniously develop in the main browsers, so IE 6 and 7, firefox, Opera and Safari.

Perhaps have one of the standards based ones as your main development platform (mine is firefox) but dont leave it too long to test in IE or the pain is greater.

quick point to note, if you are using firefox 3 as your main development browser turn o! full page zoom, you NEED to be able to see how upping and downing the font size e"ects your page.

toward the end of the project I turn back on full full page zoom and test in my hareem of browsers to double check things are all hunky dory. ...

dont re-engineer seperate solutions


... Ive mentioned a bit about IE stylesheets, and conditional comments

one point I really really want to hammer home though is that if you have to re-engineer a separate solution for internet Explorer.


I know its tempting but dont, you now have doubled the workload of anyone working with your code in the future, thats two solutions to debug ...



... when you float something, specify it explicitly as display inline.

sounds odd but this will fix the double margin float bug, where if you float something and have margins, IE will render twice the intended margins.

The fix wont a"ect any other browsers at all.

Even if you are not specifying margins on your floated element, someone might want to in the future, that someone might not even be testing in Internet Explorer (god forbid) or hopefully more likely they might not know about the fix ...

you need to set psuedo selectors on



... yes yes its ugly but you still need to be specifying all the psuedo selectors on links, so :link :visited :hover :focus and :active

this is because of inheritance issues in internet explorer, so if you start by specifying hover styles you will often get issues later on if you then tie styles just to the a tag

bugs with link inhereitance often come up, a common solution is to then use a high level of specifity to get over this and that can worse issues later on.

So by making sure you always specify the psuedo selectors when you style links this will help alieviate issues that might arrise ...



... i could go on for days just on tips to avoid having to debug the shit out of IE, but I wont, really.

just one to say you will need to specify overflow: visible on buttons, so just do it, otherwise you will spend an inordernate amount of time hacking padding on button elements in a certain browser,

ok Im nearly done now, honest ...



... alright, just one more last little point,

code reviews are invaluable, if you can explain your CSS system to someone else and have them understand it,

theres a pretty good chance what you have done is robust and maintainable. ...

HANDOVERwhat to give the client


... so now you have your CSS system, you have to pass across the batton ...


The markup scheme, a set of files demonstrating the different markup components

The CSS itself

Supporting documents that explain the system as clearly as possible

A face to face meeting if possible


... The markup scheme, a set of files demonstrating the di"erent markup components (or patterns)

I used to call these templates until I realised this term was poluted and completely befuddled the poor backend developers.

Think of it as a set of ‘unit tests’ for your CSS System, if you ever need to change the styles you have a small selection of pages that between them should contain all the components.

The CSS itself, if you got it right, the client will never have to modify this unless you change the design.

so you are giving them the code you wrote, but more importantly you are trying to explain the system to them.

the supporting documents can be seen more as a covering letter, a brief explanation of the main content areas and components.

If you can have a meeting, ideally face to face so you can show using firebug the markup patterns.

I am still trying to figure out the ideal handover, and if you have any ideas I would love to talk to you later ...



... and finally ...


define it

develop it

maintain it

communicate it



its all about the system

define the systemdevelop the systemmaintain the system andcommunicate the system




... thank you ...


... does anyone have any questions ...