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Name : Rosnani Binti Hamidon MRN : SB00066826

Age : 46 years old Gender : female

Occupation : housewife Date Of Admission : 30th November 2010

Ethnic : Malay Date of Discharge : not yet

Religion : Muslim Date of Clerking: 20th October 2010

Status : Married Address : Puncak Alam

Informant : patient Reliability : Good

Presenting Complaint

Puan Rosnani, a 46 years old malay woman was reffered to the hospital Sungai Buloh because of breast

lump on her left breast.

History of presenting complaint

She noticed the breast lump 5 months ago after doing self breast examination. She did not go to hospital

for check-up until the lump grew with size of ping pong. The lump was painless and immobile; she also

noticed that her nipple was retracted. However, she has no anorexia, no loss of weight, no nipple

discharge and blood discharge, no bone pain, no chest pain and no jaundice no jaundice. She also denies

of having skin changes such as color changes, ulceration.

Systemic review

Cardiovascular No palpitation, no cyanosis, no orthopnea

Respiratory No shortness of breath, no cough

Urinary No hematuria, no dysuria, not increase in frequency or urgency

Hematology No bleeding tendency and bruises

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Skin No skin rashes or infection, no sign of jaundice

Endocrine No polydipsia, no heat or cold intolerance

Nervous systemNo headache, no vertigo, no syncope, no fits, no visual and hearing


Ear, Nose & Throat No ear discharge, no runny nose, no sore throat

Musculoskeletal No muscle or joint pain

Past medical and surgical history

This is her first admission to the hospital. She was diagnosed to has hypertension on 2004

Drug history

currently she is taking losartan for the hypertension.

Diet history

She practices normal malay diet. She claimed that she’s taking food with a lot of cholesterol.

Reproductive history

She attained her menarche at the age of 14 with regular cycle with 8 days of bleeding. She has never

experienced intra menstrual bleeding. She never taking any contraceptive pill before. She also denies of

taking any hormonal pill. She also never did any pap smear before.


No known allergy


She is the second of 3 siblings. Both of her parents were passed away because of old age. She is married

and has 3 children. Her older sister also has breast lump and was diagnosed to have breast cancer 3

years ago.

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She is a full time house wife. She is not a smoker, non-alcoholic and never take any elicit drug. Her

husband is policeman, he is a smoker, non-alcoholic and never take any elicit drug. Her first daughter

was born when she was 31 years old. She lives with her family in her own house at Puncak Alam with

good basic amminities.


Puan Rosnani, 46 years old malay woman came to the hospital with the complaint of breast lump. The

lump was painless with size of ping pong ball and immobile with nipple retraction. She has no associated

symptoms such as jaundice, anorexia, loss of weight, bone pain, chest pain and difficulty in breathing.

She has strong family history of breast cancer which is her sister.

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Height : 1.51 m

Weight : 75.5 kg

BMI on admission: 32.11

Interpretation – she is obese.

General Examination:

Puan Rosnani, 46 years old Malay woman, lying supine on a bed supported with 1 pillow. She is

alert, conscious, oriented to time, place, and person. He is pink, not in pain and not in respiratory

distress. There is no gross deformity, no muscle wasting and no involuntary movement noted.

Hydrational and nutritional status is adequate. There is intravenous branulla inserted at her right

dorsum with no running infusion.

Vital Signs:

Blood Preasure - 138/76 mmHg

Pulse Rate - 92 beats/m (normal volume, regular rhythm)

Respiratory Rate - 19 per minute

Temperature - 37 C

Impression- She has hypertension.

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Face, head, neck & limbs examination

Appearance : Normal placed eyes, nose and ears, no deformities of lips and


Shape of head : Normal head shape.

Hair : No hair loss, no bald spot

Face : No cyanosis, no pallor and no facial deformities

Oral cavity : Good oral hygiene, moist mucous membrane, no ulcers and no

central cyanosis

Eyes : No pallor and no jaundice.

Ear, mouth & throat : No ear and nose discharge, no throat swelling and redness.

Neck : No thyroid enlargement

Skin : pink, no rash, no lesions

Extremities : Warm peripheries, capillary refill time is less than two seconds,

no cyanosis, no clubbing of fingers and toes, no koilonychias, no pitting edema

and no muscle wasting

Impression: No abnormalities

Examination of the back

There are no prominent spine deformities such as scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis, no tenderness and no

sacral edema. Negative renal punch.

Impression: No abnormalities detected

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Lymph nodes examination

No palpable cervical, axillary and inguinal lymph nodes.

Impression: No abnormalities detected


1. Abdominal Examination

Inspection -normal shape, normal skin, no scar, umbilicus is inverted and centrally located.

Palpation -abdomen is non-tender, no mass were palpable, no hepatosplenomegally, kidney is not


Percussion - no dullness is heard, no ascites.

Auscaltation - Normal bowel sound is present (4 bowel sound per minute).

Rectal examination - Patient refuse to do rectal examination

2. Respiratory System

Inspection - There is no chest deformity and no scar

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- Chest move symmetrically with respiration.

- No usage of accessory muscle and no intercostals recession noted.

Palpation - Trachea is centrally located

- Normal chest expansion on both lungs

- Vocal fremitus is normal

Percussion - Resonance on both lung with liver dullness on the right and cardiac

dullness on the left

Auscaltation - Vesicular breath sound with no added sound heard

Impression: No abnormalities detected

3. Cardiovascular System

Inspection - There is no dilated veins, no visible pulsation, no pericardial bulging and

no scar.

Palpation - Apex beat is at the left midclavicular 5th intercostal space.

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- There is no parasternal heave or thrills felt.

Percussion - Normal cardiac dullness present

Auscaltation - Dual rhythm, S1 and S2 are heard with no murmur

Impression: No abnormalities detected

4. breast examination

Inspection - breast is normal in shape, normal colour, both of breast have same sizes, no nipple

discharge, no ulceration, nipple on left breast is retracted.

Palpation - there is a mass felt oh her left breast at upper outer quadrant with size approximately

5cm x 5cm, non-tender, irregular margin, hard in consistency, smooth surface, not mobile, no axillary

lymph nodes were palpable.

Clinical summary

On examination reveals a mass on upper outer quadrant of left breast, non-tender, irregular margin,

hard in consistency, smooth surface and not mobile.

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Provisional diagnosis

Breast Cancer

Points to supports :

1) Painless lump on left breast

2) Strong family history of breast cancer.

3) Nipple retraction.

4) Irregular margin.

5) Her first child was born after she was 31 years old.

Differential diagnosis

1) Benign fibroadenoma

- Points to support

o Lump.

- Points to against

o Usually present with painful lump.

o Mobile lump.

o Regular margin.

o Usually present in 15-25 years group age.

2) Intraductal papilloma

- Point to support

o Lump.

- Points to against

o Commonly presence with nipple discharge.

o Painful.

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3) Breast abscess

- Point to support

o Lump.

- Points to against

o Painful.

o pus discharge.

o No history of fever.

General investigation

Indication: To monitor general condition of the patient and screen the patient’s status and if there is any

abnormal platelet count and white blood cells count.

Tests Result Unit Normal range Impression

White Blood Cell 18.5 10^3 L 2-20 Normal

Red Blood Cell 5.43 10^6 L 2-10 Normal

RBC Distribution Width 35.4 fl 30-100 Normal

Hemoglobin 14.5 g/dl 10-20 Normal

Hematocrit 42.2 % 30-45 Normal

Mean Cell Hemoglobin 26.7 pg 27-31 Normal

Mean Cell Volume 77.7 fl 70-86 Normal

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Mean Cell Hemoglobin


28.5 g/dl 27-33 Normal

Platelet count 220 10^3 L 150-400 Normal

Automated Differential

Indication: To know specific parameters within the white blood cells that are elevated or reduced in

order to rule out infection and narrow down the possible causative agent.

Test Result Unit Normal range Impression

Neutrophil (%) 66.7 % 40-75 Normal

Lymphocyte (%) 23.7 % 20-45 Normal

Monocyte (%) 3.7 % 0-8 Normal

Eosinophil (%) 2.5 % 0-5 Normal

Basophil (%) 1.7 % 0-2 Normal

Neutrophil count 3.22 10^3 L 2.9-7.9 Normal

Lymphocte count 1.90 10^3 L 1.8-4.0 Normal

Monocyte count 0.07 10^3 L 0-1.6 Normal

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Eosinophil count 0.50 10^3 L 0.4-2.1 Normal

Basophil count 0.03 10^3 L 0-0.2 Normal

Urea & Electrolytes

Indication: To assess the extent of electrolytes loss that might compromise renal function

Test Result Unit Normal range Impression

Urea 3.6 mmol/L 1.7-6.4 Normal

Sodium 140 mmol/L 135-150 Normal

Potassium 4.0 mmol/L 3.5-5.1 Normal

Creatinine 56.1 umol/L 27-62 Normal

Chloride 107.0 mmol/L 98.0-107.0 Normal

Liver Function test

Indication: To assess the status of the patient’s liver and liver disease. It’s important to do this

investigation in this patient to assess the liver function.

Test Result Unit Normal range Impression

Total protein 67 g/L 66-87 Normal

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Albumin 36 g/L 35-50 Normal

Total bilirubin 4.3 umol/L 0-30 Normal

Alkaline phosphatase 62 u/L 53-128 Normal



17 u/L 0-43 Normal

Globulin 35 g/L 19-33 High

Other investigation :


Prothrombin time (PT) 11 sec

International normalize ratio (INR) 1.01

Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) 27.8 sec

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Imaging studies

1) Bilateral mammogram

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There is asymmetric density at the LB retroareolar region with irregular bordered dense lesion noted.

No suspicious clusters of micro calcification.

No suspicious lesion at the RB.

The nipples and overlying skin are normal.

2) Ultrasound on abdomen

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The liver is normal in size and echotexture. No focal lesion. Intrahepatic ducts and common bile duct are not dilated. Gallbladder is well distended - no calculi or polyps within.Pancreas and spleen are normal.Kidneys are normal in size and echogenicity.Bipolar lengths and cortical thickness : RK - 11.8/0.9cm , LK -11.7/0.8 cm. No calculi or hydronephrosis bilaterally. Urinary bladder is well distended and appears grossly normal. Normal uterine size and echotexture. No pelvic mass.


Normal study.


Biopsy was done to her and the results are below:

Section shows three strips of fibrocollagenous and fatty tissue, infiltrated by sheets, clusters and singly distributed malignant cells with no obvious tubular formation. The malignant cells exhibit marked pleomorphic and hyperchromatic nuclei, with prominent red nucleoli. Mitoses are occasionally seen. The cytoplasm is moderate and eosinophilic.

Immunohistochemical stains show the tumour cells are:

Progesterone receptor : Negative

Estrogen receptor : Negative

Final Diagnosis

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

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The patient was schedule for laparotomy on 2nd December 2010.

Preoperative care:

Antibiotic prophylaxis ( iv cefobid 1g, iv flagyl 500mg)

He was not allowed to take food by mouth

A full explanation was made to ensure that the patient was aware of the diagnosis, the

operation procedures, the risks involved, and consent was taken from parents.

Operative findings:

Noted mass, large tumour about 20 x 20cm arising from the body of stomach along the

greater curve, appear whitish, hard, lobular with presence of sister nodule. Tumour has not

invaded regional area particularly in axillary lymph nodes. Tumour debulking done and removed

en bloc.

Postoperative findings confirmed Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.

Postoperative care:

He was given iv drip (2NS, 2D5%)

Antibiotic (Cefoperazone  1 g, Metronidazole  500 mg) 

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Worldwide, breast carcinoma is most frequently diagnosed life threatening in women and the

leading cause of carcinoma death among women. Over the last 2 decades, breast carcinoma

research has lead to extraordin ary progress in our understanding the disease. Epidemiological

studies have identified many risk factors, which increase risk chances of a women to developed

breast cancer. Many of these risk factors form the basis for breast assessement tool. The

common dominator for many of these risk factors is their effect on the level and duration of

exposure to endogenous estrogen.

Puan rosnani came to the hospital with the complaint of breast lump with the size of ping pong

ball on her lefr breast. A thorough history taking was done by physician to make a differential

diagnosis and to assess risk factors of developing breast cancer particularly n family history. She

has first degree relative with breast cancer which is her sister. On gynecological history, she

attaining her menarche at the age of 14, which is normal, but she did has late first pregnancy

which she was 31 years old. Late 1st pregnancy is one of the risk factor developing breast

cancer. Hormonal therapy also one of the risk factor, but she denies of using any contraception

method and any hormonal therapy before. Diet also may contribute to develop/growth of

breast cancer. But conclusive evidence about the effect of particular effect is lacking. However,

obese women, as seen in Puan Rosnani which her BMI is 32.11 is at risk of developing breast


She discovered a lump with size of a ping pong ball after doing self breast breast examination. It

was painless, immobile which are common presentation of breast cancer. She also noticed that

her nipple was retracted. However, she did not complaint of having systemic feature including

weight loss, anorexia, bone pain, jaundice, shortness of breath. it might suggest the cancer is

not yet metastasize to another site.

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Investigation on breast mass is following above.

In Hospital Sungai buloh, investigation in this patient was done, and the result was confirmed that the

lump is a cancer. So, definite treatment which is mastectomy was done to her at 2nd December 2010.


Triple assessment using clinical examination, imaging, and core


Malignant Suspicious or atypical

Benign ( definite lesion)


Definite treatment Repeat core, or open biopsy

Reassure unless radical scar

Open biopsy

Lesion adequately sampled,+ picture

of needle in excision

Concern whether lesion hit or only 1

or 2 coresdischarge

Repeat core biopsy

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MATRIC NO. : 2008402216


YEAR : 3 (2010/2011)



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SIGNATURE: DATE: 13 December 2010












