Download pdf - #Write a program to


#Write a program to

#####Determine whether the given string is a palindrome or not using

slicing (::-1) and without using slicing.

#####Convert a string to camel case. E.g.: If the given string is "This

is a test", the output should be "ThisIsATest"

#####Find the number of vowels and consonants in a given string

S=input("Enter string: ")

#checking for palindrome with slicing

if S == S[::-1]:

print("Entered string is a palindrome")


print("Entered string is not a palindrome")

#checking for palindrome without slicing

L = list(S)


Reverse = "".join(L)

if S == Reverse:

print("Entered string is a palindrome")


print("Entered string is not a palindrome")

#checking for palindrome without slicing

C = S

l = len(S)

for i in S:

if i != C[l-1]:

print("Entered string is not a palindrome")




print("Entered string is a palindrome")

S = input("Enter string: ")

lst = []

for word in S.split():

lst.append(word[0].upper() + word[1:])

Cam = " ".join(lst)

print("String '%s' converted to camel case is '%s'" % (S, Cam))

S=input("Enter string :")



for char in S:

if char in ["a","e","i","o","u"] or char in ["A","E","I","O","U"]:


elif char.isalpha():


print("Number of vowels is %d and number of consonants is %d" %(v,c))

#Validate a given date. Input date in the format dd/mm/yyyy. Check also

for leap year.

# Validate a given date. Check also for leap year.

maxdays = [None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

line = input("enter the date as dd/mm/yyyy : ")

(dd, mm, yy) = line.split('/')

dd = int(dd)

mm = int(mm)

yy = int(yy)

if (yy % 4 == 0 and yy % 100 != 0) or (yy % 400 == 0) :

maxdays[2] = 29

if mm < 1 or mm > 12 :

print ("invalid month")

elif dd < 1 or dd > maxdays[mm] :

print ("invalid date")


print ("date ok")

#Write a function which gets no: of strings using variable no: of arguments and, #find unique characters in each string. (hint: use set()) def find_unique(*all): for word in all: unique_char_list=list(set(word)) print("Unique characters in "+word+":"+str(unique_char_list)) find_unique('aaaa', 'abcd', 'abba', 'xyz', 'abcba')

#Given n, generate Pascal triangle for n rows. Use list of lists.

#If n = 5, output should be

# 1

# 1 1

# 1 2 1

# 1 3 3 1

# 1 4 6 4 1

#Check : str.format for formatting and replication operator to get # of


# generate pascal triangle

print("Enter n:",end="")


# create a list of lists, each list having varying # of elements

# - jagged array

# create n lists

pt = []

for i in range(n) :



for j in range(1, i) :

pt[i].append(pt[i-1][j-1] + pt[i-1][j])

if i != 0 : pt[i].append(1)


for i in range(n) :

# output spaces; # of spaces decreases as i increases

print( " " * (n - i), end = "", sep = "")

for j in range(i + 1) :

print("{0:6}".format(pt[i][j]), end = "", sep = "")


#Write a function which concatenates all given strings to a single


# User can specify sep - default should be comma.

# User can specify first string - default should be 'result: '

def combine(*all, init = "result: ", sep = ','):

return init + sep.join(all)

print(combine('this', 'is', 'a', 'test'))

print(combine('this', 'is', 'a', 'test', init = 'fool ', sep= ' - '))

#Create a dictionary for words and their meanings. # Write functions to add a new entry (word: meaning) , # search for a particular word and retrieve meaning, # given meaning find words with same meaning , # remove an entry, display all words sorted alphabetically. # [Program must be menu driven] word_dict = {} def create_dict(): global word_dict word_dict = {} ch = "y" while (ch == "y") or (ch == "Y"): print("\nEnter word:", end="") word = input() print("\nEnter meaning:", end="") meaning = input() word_dict[word] = meaning print("\nDo you want to continue adding words(y or n):", end="") ch = input() def add_word(): global word_dict print("\nEnter word:", end="") word = input() print("\nEnter meaning:", end="") meaning = input() word_dict[word] = meaning def find_meaning(w): return word_dict[w] def find_word_same_meaning(mng): words = [] for w, m in word_dict.items(): if mng == m: words.append(w) return words def display_sorted(): for w, m in word_dict.items(): print("%s ==> %s" % (w, m)) print("Sorted list of words : ") print(sorted(word_dict.keys())) def main(): ch = "y" while (ch == "Y" or ch == "y"): print("1: Create new dictionary") print("2: Add new word") print("3: Find meaning") print("4: Find word with same meaning") print("5: Display sorted list of words")

print("6: Quit") print("Enter Choice: ", end="") option = int(input()) if option == 1: create_dict() elif option == 2: add_word() elif option == 3: print("Enter word:", end="") word = input() print("Meaning:%s" % (find_meaning(word))) elif option == 4: print("Enter meaning:", end="") meaning = input() print("Words with same meaning:", end="") print(find_word_same_meaning(meaning)) elif option == 5: display_sorted() elif option == 6: quit() print("\nDo you want to continue(y or n)?", end="") ch = input() main()

#Given a file “stateinfo.txt” containing names of the state and cities separated by “:”, # create a file for each state named as “statename”.txt containing names of cities in that state. # Sample input file “stateinfo.txt” is attached. # Steps to follow: Walk through the file. # Create a dictionary whose key is the state name and value is the file handle. # Write city names into the file. # Do close all the files at the end of processing using values in dictionary. # create file for each state state_dict = { } f = open("stateinfo.txt") for line in f : line = line.strip() (state, city) = line.split(':') if state not in state_dict : state_dict[state] = open(state, 'w') print(state, city, file = state_dict[state]) f.close() for fh in state_dict.values() : fh.close()

#Consider the string 'brontosaurus'. #Write Pythonic code that implements and #returns the functionality of histogram using dictionaries for the given string. #Also, write the function print_hist to print the keys #and their values in alphabetical order from the values returned by the histogram function. def histogram(s): d = dict() for c in s: d[c] = d.get(c,0) + 1 return d # OR # def histogram(s): # d = dict() # for c in s: # if c not in d: # d[c] = 1 # else: # d[c] = d[c] + 1 # return d def print_hist(h): key_list = sorted(h.keys()) for key in key_list: print(key, h.get(key)) print_hist(histogram('brontosaurus'))

#Write Pythonic code to construct a Linked list dynamically based on user input and display it. # For e.g., if the user enters 100 then 100 nodes needs to be created. class Node: def __init__(self, cargo = None, next = None): self.cargo = cargo = next def __str__(self): return str(self.cargo) def print_list(node): i = 0 while i < len(node): print(node[i],) node[i] = node[i].next i+=1 def link_nodes(node): i = 0 while (i < len(node)): #we will be connecting a node to the next node until last but one if i < len(node)- 1: node[i].next = node[i+1] else: node[i].next = None #the last node is made to point to None i += 1 #First Create a Dictionary #This is used to hold all the node objects that are created dynamically node = {} number_Of_Nodes = int(input('Enter the number of nodes to be creates')) i=0 while (i < number_Of_Nodes): node_Val = int(input('Enter the value for the node')) node[i] = Node(node_Val)#here we are dynamically creating objects are using dictionary to store it i+=1 #Call the function to link each node to the other node #Here we are passing the dictionary containing the entire node link_nodes(node) #Once the links are established between the nodes then print the node values print('The list of nodes created are') print_list(node)

#Given a path, traverse the path and display all files and subdirectories in each level till the deepest level. # Also display total number of files and subdirectories. import os # Set the directory to start from print("Enter path to traverse :", end="") rootDir = input() if (os.path.exists(rootDir)): dir_count = 0 file_count = 0 for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir): print('Found directory: %s' % dirName) # check to ignore starting directory while taking directory count # normpath returns the normalized path eliminating double slashes etc. if os.path.normpath(rootDir) != os.path.normpath(dirName): dir_count += 1 for fname in fileList: file_count += 1 print('\t%s' % fname) print("No: of subdirectories :", dir_count, end="") print("\nNo: of files :", file_count, end="") else: print("Entered path doesn't exist")

#Create a class called MyStack which supports push, pop and display operations. # Implement the stack class using a list. Specify the upper bound of the size while creating the stack object. # Provide exception handling mechanism for stack overflow and stack underflow. class StackFull(Exception) : def __init__(self) : self.msg = 'stack is full' def __str__(self) : return self.msg class StackEmpty(Exception) : def __init__(self) : self.msg = 'stack is empty' def __str__(self) : return self.msg class MyStack : # assumed that the size is not negative def __init__(self, size = 10) : self.mylist = [ ] self.size = size def push(self, elem) : l = len(self.mylist) if l < self.size : self.mylist.append(elem) else: raise StackFull() def pop(self) : if len(self.mylist) == 0 : raise StackEmpty() else: return self.mylist.pop() s = MyStack(3) # what follows could be menu driven try: s.push(11) s.push(22) s.push(33) # s.push(44) print(s.pop()) print(s.pop()) print(s.pop()) print(s.pop()) except Exception as e : print(e)

#Create a class to represent city which contains a list of places to see. # Provide methods to create the object with just the city name or with city name and places (stored as list) # Provide methods to add a place of visit, to remove place of visit, to display all places of visit. # Add exceptional handling so that remove does not crash if the given place is not in the city class Place: def __init__(self, city, *places): = city self.places = list(places) def add(self, place): self.places.append(place) def remove(self, place): # exception not checked self.places.remove(place) def disp(self): print( for place in self.places: print("\t", place) p = Place('mysore', 'chamundi hills', 'zoo') p.disp() p.add('krs') p.disp() p.remove('zoo') p.disp()

#Given an input file which contains list of names, phone numbers and email-ids separated by spaces in the following format:- #Alex 80-23425525 [email protected] #Emily 322-56775342 [email protected] #Grace 20-24564555 [email protected] #Phone number contains 3 or 2 digit area code and a hyphen followed by 8 digit number #Perform the following using regular expressions:- # Find all names having phone numbers with 3 digit area code. # Find the total number of people having Gmail id. # Find user name part of email id for all people whose name start with 'G' or 'E' and ends with 'y' import re #Find all phone numbers having 4 consecutive 0s at the end. f = open("details.txt","r") print("\n2a Solution\n") for line in f:"[a-zA-z]+\s+(\d{2,3}-\d{4}0{4})\s+",line) if m: print( f.close() #Find all names having phone numbers with 3 digit area code. f = open("details.txt","r") print("\n2b Solution\n") for line in f:"([a-zA-z]+)\s+\d{3}-\d{8}\s+",line) if m: print( f.close() #Find the total number of people having Gmail id. f = open("details.txt","r") all_lines = print("\n2c Solution\n") L = re.findall(r"\w+@gmail\.com",all_lines) print(L) print(len(L)) f.close() #Find user name part of email id for all people whose name start with 'G' or 'E' and ends with 'y' f = open("details.txt","r") print("\n2d Solution\n") for line in f: m ="^[GE][a-z]*y\s+.*\s+(\w+)@\w+\.\w+",line) if m: print( f.close() #Find all names whose phone numbers are not in proper format. f = open("details.txt","r") print("\n2e Solution\n") for line in f: m =".*\s+\d{2,3}-\d{8}",line) if not m:"(^[A-Z][a-z]+)",line) print(


#Do the following using regular expressions:- # Find all occurrences of a word in a multiline string. The search must be case insensitive. Also find and display the starting index of each matched word in the input string. # Given a line of text find all characters other than vowels and space characters. # Given a list of strings find all strings that start with a digit or an underscore. import re line = '''this String is a multiline string used to test the usage of re.multilinestring in a multiline string''' #To search the word "string" in line match_Obj = re.finditer(r"\bstring\b",line,re.I) '''If the word to be searched is stored in the variable "word_to_find", then the regular expression can be written as follows word_to_find = "string" match_Obj = re.finditer(r"\b%s\b"%word_to_find,line,re.I) ''' for word in match_Obj: print(" at index ",int(word.start())) import re line = 'this is a line of text !' L=re.findall(r"[^aeiou \t]",line) print(L) import re L = ["apple","4sdj","_5dfkjghd","__next","abcd","02352"] for item in L: if"^[\d_]",item): print(item)

#Given an input file, do the following using regular expression and create an output file. # Remove extra whitespaces between two words. # Insert a white space after the end of a sentence (after . or ? or !). # First letter of each sentence should be upper case # Remove consecutive duplicate words. import re f = open("sample.txt","r") str = f.close() def change_upper_start(m): return def change_upper_startline(m): return #Remove spaces at the beginning and convert first char to uppercase s1 = re.sub(r"^\s*([a-z])",change_upper_start,str) #Insert whitespace at the end of each sentence s2 = re.sub("([.?!])",r"\1 ",s1) #Remove extra spaces between words s3= re.sub(r"[ \t]+"," ",s2) #Convert first char of each sentence to uppercase s4=re.sub(r"([.?!]\s+)([a-z])",change_upper_startline,s3) #Remove consecutive duplicate words s5=re.sub(r"(\b\w+\b\s+)(\1)+",r"\1",s4) f=open("converted.txt","w") f.write(s5) f.close()

#Write Pythonic code to display the Fibonacci sequences up to nth term

where n is provided by the user.

nterms = int(input('How many terms?'))

n1 = 0

n2 = 1

count = 2

#check if the number of terms are valid

if nterms <=0:

print('Please enter a positive number')

elif nterms == 1:

print('Fibonacci sequence')




print("Fibonacci sequence")



while count < nterms:

nth = n1 + n2


n1 = n2

n2 = nth

count += 1
