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Tincidunt #654321

Book Now at Wray Organics - Palm Beach - Creating Wellness Monthly Series Admission: FREE Time: Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 8:00pm

Learn how to heal your body fast and create extraordinary health and vitality with leaders in integrative medicine and holistic and energetic approaches to health.

Discover how to practice self-care, save a fortune on medical bills and avoid toxic products and drugs.

Noted US surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz stated recently that “Energy Medicine” is the Medicine of the Future”. Learn about cutting-edge energy therapies that are altering the face of healing and offer transformation that is fast and truly dynamic.

You will learn:•The Secret of Longevity with Telomeres Combined

With Ancient Taoist Secrets •The “Top 5 Myths of Hormones” and How You Can

Take Charge of Your Hormones and Get Your Sex Drive Back

•How You Can Grow Younger As You Age

•What Superfoods; Herbs and Tonics Boost Your Immune System, Adrenals and Improve Your Thyroid Function

•Use Quantum Energy Tools & Strategies to Reduce Stress, Abolish Chronic Pain, Early Childhood Traumas, Depression and Insomnia

•How to Create Your Own Healing Miracle by Raising Your Vibration to Heal Your Life

•The “7 Shocking Hair & Skin Care Myths the Beauty Industry Never Tells You” and learn to reverse skin aging and hair loss naturally.

•Plus lots, lots more …

What If You Could Alleviate Fatigue, Depression, Digestive Problems, Low Sex Drive, Premature Aging and much, much more?


BONNIE SLEEP: A skin health expert, writer and creator of the “Natural Vibrant Hair Restoration Program” Bonnie uses her extensive knowledge of the Beauty industry to bust myths and help people create natural, energetic skin and beauty.



DR DZUNG PRICE: An author, speaker & pioneering integrative physician who practices natural, radically preventive, integrative medicine that focuses on areas of self-empowerment and anti-aging. Dr Price is the author of 3 health books.





BOJAN SCHIANETZ:An Environmental Health Engineer, Naturopath, Energy Intuitive and Qi Gong, Tai Chi Expert. Bojan’s unique intuitive approaches uses energy, quantum physics and spirituality to accelerate fast transformation of the human body and soul.


Dolor adipiscing: Bojan Last NameOffice: Work PhoneCell: Mobile PhoneEmail: Work Email

Tincidunt #654321

Book Now at Wray Organics - Palm Beach - Creating Wellness Monthly Series Admission: FREE Time: Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 8:00pm

C R E A T I N G W E L L N E S S S E R I E S“ W h a t I f Yo u C o u l d A l l e v i a t e F a t i g u e , D e p r e s s i o n , D i g e s t i v e P r o b l e m s ,

L o w S e x D r i v e , P r e m a t u r e A g i n g , a n d m u c h , m u c h m o r e ? ”

Presented at Wrays Organics - Palm Beach 2012:

Wednesday 30th May - Who Is Really in Charge, You or Your Emotions?• Learn 5 simple and practical steps to get back in the driver seat. • Transform stress into success, inner peace and a creative driving force.• How to have clarity, direction and purpose and do what you love.• The key to living an extraordinary life.Presented by Dr Marcia Becherel, Human Potential and Performance Expert

Wednesday 13th June - Harness the Ancient Secrets of the Taoist Masters and Modern Science of Telomere Activation • The Proven Way to Rejuvenation & Longevity• The anti-aging benefits of the ancient Chinese healing arts • Techniques to increase your energy, vitality and potency• Nobel Prize winning discovery of Telomeres and How it Can Lengthen Your Life• Telomeres 101 - Your genes, how to work with what you’ve got and influence it positivelyPresented by Dr Dzung Price, Holistic Medical Doctor and Anti-Aging expert.

Wednesday 27th June - The ‘7 Shocking Hair and Skin Care Myths the Beauty Industry Never Tells You’ and Learn to Reverse Skin Aging and Hair Loss Naturally.• Discover the 7 harmful myths that is damaging your health and beauty• Why most products do little more than moisten the 'dead' layer of your skin.• How to super boost your skin health in less than 30 minutes• How to achieve glowing, vibrant skin and thick, lustrous hair - no matter what your age.• See the results of a simple mix of light, current and homeo-imprinted super serum. Presented by Bonnie Sleep, Holistic Skin Health expert

Wednesday 11th July - Quantum Health with Info-Energy Tools and Frequencies• How Quantum Energy tools can rapidly reduce stress, abolish chronic pain & childhood

traumas.• Unlock the Tremendous Power of Specific CHI Energy Codes• How to create your own healing miracle by raising your vibration to heal your life• Discover how low self-worth sabotages every aspect of your life, and how to measure your self esteemPresented by Bojan Schianetz, Accelerated Creation Coach and Energy Healing expert

Wednesday 25th July - Unlock Your Hormonal Intelligence to Long Lasting Weight Loss!• How to lose weight FASTER than ever before.• The secret to Reshaping and Contouring your body without hunger, strenuous exercise or

sagging skin and sunken cheeks• How to jump off the diet and exercise merry-go-round and achieve the slim, spectacular

body of your dreams• Steps to reset your metabolism so you become a fat burning machine.Presented by Nathan Davis, Naturopath and Weight Loss expert.

Wednesday 8th August - How to Flip the Switch from Stress to Success• Learn the top hidden causes of chronic stress• Discover the link between stress, disease and aging• The secret of transforming emotional distress into calmness and success.• Learn the Accelerated Stress Release Technique to access relaxation in just minutes.Presented by Ron Bass, Holistic Naturopath and Stress Management expert

Wednesday 22nd August - Adventures into Parenthood• Discover the top hidden causes of low libido & infertility • Learn the secret of enhanced sexual vitality. • The must know steps of achieving healthy pregnancy• Miracle nutrition to promote growth and development Presented by Romi Hellingrath, Naturopath/Nutritionist and Fertility expert

Wednesday 5th September - The Lazy Man’s Way to Success and Wellbeing• Unlearn the things that keep you hostage • How your childhood imprinting sabotages your potential and wellbeing• Steps to change the environment in your mind to have the life you want.• How to let go of limitations to joy and wellness• Open yourself to possibilities of abundance, success, and vitalityPresented by Bojan Schianetz, Accelerated Creation Coach and Energy Healing expert


RON BASS: An experienced Naturopath and Bio-Energetic Therapist. Ron shares his philosophy for healthy living and Stress Transformation


MARCIA BECHEREL: integrates her vast medical expertise, knowledge of natural therapies & energy healing to quickly achieve solutions for optimum health & happiness.


! NATHAN DAVIS: Herbalist, Nutritionist and Naturopath who is trained in Dark Field Live Blood Analysis urinary and saliva pH and the Beyond Slim Body Contouring™ Program.




ROMI HELLINGRATH:Naturopath/nutritionist with a background in nursing with a special interest in helping couples achieve successful pregnancies and healthy babies.
