Page 1: World war(I&II): An overview

World War(I & II) An overview

Wasim Mushtaq (BME153018)Arham Mubarak (BME153022)M. Zeeshan Ur Rehman (BME153028)

Page 2: World war(I&II): An overview

World War By many historians, it is defined as;“A war involving many nations of the world for a long period of


In the course of recorded history there have been two world wars. Both involving major nations of Europe which ruled over the World in the 20th Century.

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World War-IAlso known as ‘The Great War’, it took place from 1914 – 1918.

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Causes of World War -IHistorians have traditionally cited four long-term causes of the First World War.

NATIONALISM – A devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation. IMPERIALISM – Economic and political control over weaker nations. MILITARISM – The growth of nationalism and imperialism led to

increased military spending. ALLIANCE SYSTEM – Major Powers (countries) of the world would

form their alliances to support one another. By 1907 Europe was divided into two armed camps.

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Alliance SystemBy 1907 there were two major defense alliances in Europe. The Triple Entente, later known as The Allies, consisted of

France, Britain, and Russia. The Triple Alliance, later known as the Central Powers,

consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.The Great War was fought between these two major


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The AssassinationAustria-Hungary, which had taken control of Bosnia in 1878, accused Serbia of weakening its rule over Bosnia.In June of 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne was gunned down by a Serbia radical igniting a diplomatic crisis.Researchers and Historians suggest this was the first diplomatic spark which ignited fire of World War.

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Beginning of The War The Great War had begun. On August 3, 1914,when Germany

invaded Belgium, following a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan. This plan called for a quick strike through Belgium to Paris, France. Next, Germany would attack Russia.

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American involvement in the War In 1914, most Americans saw no reason to join a struggle 3,000 miles

away – they wanted neutrality. American economic interests were far stronger with the Allies.

During the first two years of the war, America was providing (selling) the allied forces dynamite, cannon powder, submarines, copper wire and tubing and other war material.

United States involvement in World War-I was caused by the Lusitania disaster. A German submarine sank the British passenger liner killing all aboard including 128 American tourists. The Germans claimed the ship was carrying Allied ammunition.

Americans were outraged and public opinion turned against Germany and the Central Powers.

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Turning point of The WarOn April 2, 1917, senators, representatives, ambassadors, members of the Supreme Court, and other guests crowded into the Capital building to hear President Wilson deliver his declaration of war. By the end of 1918, millions Americans had signed up and almost 3 million were called to duty. About 2 million American troops reached Europe.American involvement had a big effect on The War as the Americans had all the new weapons(Poison gas, Machine Guns etc.) and machinery with freshly trained soldiers for the war.

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Germany Collapses, War EndsWhen Russia surrendered to the Germans in 1917, the Central Powers were able to focus on the Western Front . By May, the Germans were within 50 miles of Paris. The Americans arrived and immediately played a major role in pushing the Germans back. In July and August the Americans helped the Allies win the Battle of the Marne.On November 3, 1918, Germany’s partner, Austria-Hungary, surrendered to the Allies. So at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, Germany signed a truce ending the Great War.

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World War-IIThe second World War took place from 1939-1945.

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Causes of World War-IIAs the first World War is said to be started by a Diplomatic scenario (The assassination). The Second World War may have started to resist Fascism by the cruel dictators. Fascism is a political philosophy in which total power is given to

a dictator and individual freedoms are denied completely.Many of the famous dictators involved in the 2nd World War are: Adolph Hitler (Germany) Benito Mussolini (Italy) Hideki Tojo (Japan)

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Alliance System In 1940,Germany, Italy and Japan form an alliance known as the Axis


In1941, the U.S. declares war on Japan and joins Allies (Great Britain, USSR, and French resistance) against the Axis Powers.

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Beginning of The War Germany invaded Poland September 1, 1939. The Soviet

Union also invaded Poland and the Baltic nations. This marks the beginning of WWII.

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American involvement in the War The U.S. refused to join the League of Nations after WWI. The United States gave Britain war supplies and old naval warships

in return for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean.On Dec. 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor without warning. Japan declared war on America after this attack and in return America declared war on Japan and Germany.After the Presidential elections, President Truman takes over and he decides to drop the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. This attack crippled the Japanese defenses with huge civil loss, Japanese army surrendered on 14th, August 1945.

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D–Day An acronym for Doom/Death Day. In 1943, American and Allied troops landed in Normandy, France to begin the liberation of Western Europe and took control over most of France where German lines were strong. The allied forces took over Paris and liberated France.

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Turning Point of The WarAs American involvement was very much impactful in the war, but Historians give credit to a man named ALAN TURING, a Mathematician who broke ENIGMA after almost 3 years working on it. After breaking the Enigma, The Allied Forces intercepted every move of Nazi forces.Historians estimate that breaking Enigma shortened the 2nd World War by two years and saving upto 14 Million lives with it.

Enigma was a computer/interpreting machine which transferred massages for The Axis in the German(Nazi) command force.

Turing’s work inspired generations of research into which the scientist call ‘Turing Machine’. However we call the Computers.

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End of World War-IIAfter the suicide of Adolf Hitler in April 30, 1945 and surrender by Japan on August 14th 1945, The war ended in the favor of The Allied forces.

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ConclusionAs the World prays to never witness these kinds of wars again, our Islamic beliefs and Scientific point of views tell us otherwise. Islamic Point of view: Through multiple sources it is

said that when Judgement day (Qiyamah) comes near , there will be a Great War between The Muslims and Non-Muslim forces.

Scientific Point of view: There is a theory believed by many scientists that as salt water levels(sea water) rising, their couls be a World War-III to claim pure water.

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