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World War II

WorldWarIIBy: Mr. McCaskillLRMS Raleigh, NC

The RoadtoWar:1919-1939

Good Times, Bad TimesDuring the 1920s, the USA was the richest country in the world.The good times ended in 1929 when thousands of people were in a financial disaster known as the Wall Street Crash.After the Wall Street Crash, banks and businesses failed and millions of people lost their jobs.This period is known as the Great Depression

The DepressionThe Depression in the US effected the entire worlds economy.In Japan, the Japanese attacked China in order to obtain resources (Manchurian Crisis).In Germany the people were desperate, and turned to the National Socialist Workers Party.This was the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler.

New HopeHitler persuaded people that their problems were caused by foreigners, (especially Jews).He believed that the Germans were superior to other races, and said he would make Germany powerful again.In 1933 Hitler became the head of the government.

Nazi GermanyOnce Hitler was in power, he banned all political parties except the Nazi Party.He took control of all newspapers and radio, and forced schools and universities to teach Nazi ideas.Anyone who disagreed with the Nazis was arrested by Gestapo (the secret police).

FascismGermany became a fascist state.Fascism- A government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator and suppression of opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of nationalism and racism

Europe at WarHitler planned to create an empire made up of all German-speaking people.Hitler attacked the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia.Britain & France wanted to avoid war with Germany, so they agreed to let Hitler invade Czechoslovakia.


The War BeginsOn September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland.Britain & France agreed to help Poland, so they declared war on Germany.Italy later joined the war on Germanys side.Together, Germany and Italy were known as the Axis Powers.

The European Theaters

Europe Under AttackAlthough war was declared, nothing much happened for the first 6 months of war.Then, in April 1940, Hitlers troops attacked!By June 1940, Hitler had taken over most of Western Europe.

The Battle of BritainHitler planned to invade Britain, but he knew he needed to destroy the British Royal Air Force first.From August to October 1940, British and German planes fought.The British had fewer planes but still managed to win.

The Atlantic Charter

Roosevelt and Churchill sign treaty of friendship in August 1941.Solidifies alliance.Fashioned after Wilsons 14 Points.Calls for League of Nations type organization.

D-Day!Things were beginning to go well for the Allies.On June 6, 1944 the Allies made a surprise attack on the Germans in France.Thousands of Allied soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy.Slowly they fought their way across France, reaching Germany in September.


The HolocaustAs the Allies advanced, they found camps, where the Nazis had sent Jews, gypsies and mentally ill.As many as 15 million people may have been killed by Nazis in these camps.This is known as the Holocaust.


Victory in EuropeMeanwhile, Russian troops advanced into Germany from the east.In April 1945, they reached Berlin.Hitler realized he was defeated and killed himself on April 30, 1945.The Germans surrendered 8 days later and the war in Europe was over!


The World At WarThe USA supported Britain & the USSR by sending weapons and tanks.However, the US didnt get involved in fighting.All this changed on December 7, 1941, when the US was bombed by Japanese planes at Pearl Harbor.

Allies vs. AxisThe USA declared war on the Japanese the next day.Hitler and Japan were allies so he then declared war on the USA.

Potsdam Conference:July, 1945FDR dead, Churchill out of office as Prime Minister during conference.Stalin only original.The United States has the A-bomb.Allies agree Germany is to be divided into occupation zonesPoland moved around to suit the Soviets.

P.M. Clement President Joseph Atlee Truman Stalin

Hiroshima and NagasakiOn August 6, 1945 the US dropped the first ever atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.Despite the destruction, the Japanese refused to give up!Three days later, another bomb destroyed the city of Nagasaki, and the Japanese then surrendered.

Hiroshima August 6, 1945

Little Boy killed 70,000 immediately.48,000 buildings. destroyed.100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.

Nagasaki August 9, 1945

Fat Man killed 40,000 immediately.60,000 injured.100,000s died ofradiation poisoning& cancer later.
