Page 1: World of warcraft battleground bot

Our WoW Battleground Honor Bot wasbuilt with the idea of safety andsimplicity. Our WoW BG Bot does notinject itself into WoW meaning thatBlizzard's Warden sees our bots as ahuman playing. If you are looking for aWoW Battleground Honor Bot that iseasy to use, updated with the latestpatches and Mists of Pandaria,undetectable, and comes with 24/7 365Member support. Then become a Member and download yourWoW Battleground Honor Bot instantly.

Page 2: World of warcraft battleground bot

Siege of Orgimmar patch 5.4 has been release and there are a ton of newadditions to World of Warcraft and PvP that will make an honor botextremely important in patch 5.4. In this article we will be discussing someof the advantages of using a wow honor bot and the changes to PvP in patch5.4.

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Changes to PvP in Patch 5.4No more Arena teams as we know it, and we feel fine. No really Arena has been adisaster for a long time, our teams would get the top 2200 rating the first weekand literally destroy anyone who challenged us. This makes the playing field a lotmore equal and in turn a lot more fun. However, this change will make thecompetition a lot more fun for the top spots.

Arena time limits. Another great change implemented by blizzard was to put a25-minute on arena games. This is awesome for anyone who ever played 2’s.Only to get a tank and healer combo with no chance of killing any of them and nochance of them killing you.

Cross real arenas and connected realms, guys do I need to say more this is epic!World of Warcraft is actually becoming a World. This means that crappy worldpvp events could become epic battles for the alliance or horde!

Increased caps for random bgs – Yes this means more PvP gear and we like pvpgear.

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1) Honor is becoming far more important in game. To get honor you needto do battlegrounds, however it takes forever to max and to get all yourpvp gear. Using a WoW Honor bot can do this all by clicking a couple ofbuttons.

2) Do you want to level your character to level 90, all by just pvping? Yes,you can level your character easily to level 90. This is actually one of themost kept secrets in game and you can easily level your character to level90 by just joining battlegrounds and gaining xp. If you use an honor botyou will be able to get any character you want to level 90!

3) PvP gear will be released a lot more often and you will need more honorto buy it. PvP is gaining importance with every patch as Blizzard focusesmore on building up the PvP community. This will mean more seasonsand more PvP. If you use a WoW honor bot you will be able to automatethis process, leave your computer, and come back with full honor and PvPgear!