  • 7/29/2019 World History to 1500 A.D.-Ch1-WORLD_HISTORY_TO_1500



    (or if you prefer, 1500 C.E.)



    HIST 1111-202

  • 7/29/2019 World History to 1500 A.D.-Ch1-WORLD_HISTORY_TO_1500


    Pre-history or what happened before the

    cartoon age

    The Geological Record

    Early hominids

    Fossil record

    1856 Discovery of Neanderthal Man

    Australopithecines Southern Ape-man

    Sinanthropus and Pithecanthropus

    Piltdown Man, 1912

    Lucy Cave art Lascaux, France

    The gift of PrometheusMans use of fire

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    Scientific Debate Over New Evidence

    Where did human forms first appear?

    Conventional thinking says in Africa

    New discoveries in China question that thesis

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    MODERN MAN (Homo sapiens sapiens)

    Paleolithic (Gr. Old Stone)

    Use of tools



    Neolithic (Gr. New Stone)

    Improved toolsUniversity of Akron, Department of Anthropology

    Agricultural revolution

    Larger societies form

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    Fernand Braudel The French AnnalesSchool Hydraulic Despotisms

    The impact of Geography

    Where did early civilizations form and why? What was their typical social/political structure?

    In what ways did geography effect their cosmology?

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    Understanding key terms

    Civilization what does it mean?

    French jurisprudence in the late 18th Century

    Tocivilize move from criminal to civil court

    Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, 1752

    First use in its modern meaning

    Written in a published universal history

    Victor Riqueti Marquis of Mirabeau, 1756A Treatise on Population

    Official dbut of the word civilization in print

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    The Study of Civilizations

    The idea of civilization combines all the social sciences;

    history (albeit, a somewhat minor role), geography, sociology

    (not to exclude anthropology), economics, and collective

    psychology (of which religion plays a significant role).

    Geography considers space, land and its topography, climate,flora, fauna, and natural advantages. What has humanity

    made of agriculture, stock-breeding, food, shelter, clothing,

    communications, industry, etc.

    How do these considerations support the concept (or

    theory) of challenge and response in the human

    development of civilizations?

    In what ways does the constraints of geography shape the

    structural and cultural aspects of civilizations?

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    Society and civilization are inseparable: the two ideas of thesame reality. Fernand Braudel

    Society and civilization, according to Claude Lvi-Strauss, do

    not represent different objects, but two complementary viewsof a single object.

    Society and its component parts: its tensions, moral andintellectual values, its ideals, habits, tastes, and the peoplewho embody it and pass it on to successive generations.

    Every civilization is dependent upon economic, technological,biological, and demographic circumstances

    Economic life never ceases to fluctuate

    Economic activity almost always produces a surplus

    Expenditure of economic wealth proves indispensable to the

    development of a societies artistic and literary expression toinclude architecture, infrastructure, and education

    Economic activity produces wealth and the distribution of wealthin turn results in social stratification often class inequality,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D,civilization%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D
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    Some Early Civilizations

    Identify the following:

    The Aryans (see Chapter 2)

    The area known as the Fertile Crescent

    The great bend of the Yellow River

    The Indus Valley lays in what modern day


    The area of Mesopotamia refers to whatmodern day country?

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    Early Empires

    Sumerian and Akkadian

    Economic Empires

    Written language



    Epic of Gilgameshc. 3500 B.C.E.

    Sargon of Akkad

    Lingua francaglobal trade

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    The Code of Hammurabi

    Hammurabi (1792 1750 B.C.E.) and the

    Amorites Conqueror of Sumeria and Akkadia

    Establishes legacy of a legal code Recognizes king as divine representative

    Strict system of justice

    Punishments based on social class

    Recognizes the importance of public officials

    Furthers proper performance of work, duties Family law comprises majority of the laws

    Marriage, gender, and sexual relations
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    Mesopotamian Religion

    Environmental Factors

    Harsh climate, periodic and severe floods

    Cosmology (world view) polytheistic

    Four major deities

    An, god of the sky and most important force

    Enlil, god of wind

    Enki, god of earth, rivers, wells, and canals

    Ninhursaga, goddess of soil, vegetation, mother of allchildren giver of birth to kings, confers royal seal

    Human subordination to gods, divination, animal sacrifice
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    Egyptian CivilizationThe Gift of the Nile

    The Nile River crucial to development of Egypt

    The worlds longest river, flows northward from heart of Africa to

    the Mediterranean Sea

    Predictable annual flooding

    Summer rains in Central Africa, river crested in Egypt duringSeptember and October

    Deposit silt in delta area of Lower Egyptthe Black Land

    Produces lush vegetation and arable lands for agricultural


    Small villages, system of organized irrigation, no state intervention Egyptian society tended to remain rural, many small population


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    Small Villages ruled by Tribal Chiefdoms

    Menes, c. 3100 B.C.E., establishes the FirstDynastic Period by uniting Upper and LowerEgyptthe royal crown, a double diadem,

    represents the kingship politically just as the Nileunites both Upper and Lower Egypt physically.

    The Old Kingdom, 3rd thru 6th dynasties, lastedfrom 2686 2125 B.C.E.

    The capitol established at Memphis, south of theDelta

    An age of prosperity and splendor

    Witnessed building of the great Pyramids

    The Old Kingdom

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    The Middle Kingdom

    A period of stability lasting from c. 2055 1650 B.C.E.,often referred to as the Golden Age Reinforced bureaucracy and administrative rule of provinces or

    nomes; each nomes boundaries were clearly defined as werethe duties and obligations of each nome to the state

    Nomarchs (or local Governors) were confirmed as hereditaryofficeholders but with understanding that their duties beperformed faithfully, i.e., tax collection; recruitment of laborforces for royal projects

    The pharaohs (meaning great house) were viewed as

    shepherds vsinaccessible god-king Marked by active local, regional, and international trade
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    The New Kingdom

    Invasion by Hyksos, a western Asian peoples (mostlikely Hittites), with a well-trained army and new militarytechnologies, such as the horse-drawn war chariot andsuperior weapons made of bronze and iron, conquer

    Egypt, ending the Middle Kingdoms rule and markingthe beginning of the period known as the SecondIntermediate Period encompassing dynasties 13 17.

    The Hyksos never completely rule Egypt and a revoltthat begins in Thebes overthrows the Hyksos rulers and

    leads to the establishment of the New Kingdom.

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    Emergence of the militaristic New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom (c. 1550 1085 B.C.E.) marks aperiod of imperial rule creating the most powerful state inthe Middle East. Use of new military technologies;horse-drawn war chariot, bronze weapons, composite

    bow. Queen Hatshepsut (c. 1503 1480 B.C.E.) becomes

    first woman to be called pharaoh Sends out military expeditions to strengthen, secure borders

    Encourages mining, agriculture, and trade

    Tradition dictates that she be called His Majesty and officialstatues show her clothed and bearded as a man

    Colossal red granite sphinx of Hatshepsut

    from Deir el-Bahari
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    Religious Upheaval in the 18th Dynasty

    Amenhotep IV (c. 1364 1347 B.C.E.) Introduces worship of Aten the sun-disc god, as the chief god

    Changes his own name to Akhenaten (meaning it is well withAten)

    Closes temples to other gods, lessens influence of Amon-Re Alienates priesthood, moves capitol from Thebes to Akhetaten(meaning dedicated to Aten), the modern city of Tel-el-Amarna,site of recently uncovered ruins including burial place ofTutankhamun, the boy-pharaoh (c. 1347 1338 B.C.E.)

    Akhenatens attention to religious affairs diminishes his attention

    to foreign affairs fostering the loss of both Syria and Palestine Alienates populace due to changes in cosmic order

    Monotheism becomes a failed experiment following his death

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    Turmoil Continues in the New Kingdom

    The boy-pharaoh, Tutankhamun, influenced by his advisors,restores the old ways following death of Akhenaten, however,troubles continue and dynasty ends in 1313 B.C.E.

    The 19th Dynasty under Rameses II (c. 1279 1213 B.C.E.) restorespower, regains lost territory of Palestine but fails to control Syria

    An invasion in the thirteenth century by the Sea People, as thePhoenicians were called by the Egyptians, ended the Egyptianpresence in Palestine and diminished the regional influence of Egypt

    The empire ends at the end of the 20th Dynasty in 1085 B.C.E.

    For most of the next thousand years Egypt is dominated by foreignpowers: Libyans, Nubians, Persians, and finally the Macedoniansunder Alexander the Great (Chap 4)
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    New Centers of Civilization

    The emergence ofIndo-Europeans

    Refers to peoples who used a language derived from a single

    parent tongue; Greek, Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, Germanic and

    Slavic languages

    Originally migrated either from Central Asia steppe region orsouthwestern region of modern Iran or Afghanistan

    Developed as farming spread into the Balkan Peninsula region

    by 6500 B.C.E.

    Known for the construction ofmegalithic(Gr. large stone)

    structures, such as Stonehenge that indicate an advancedknowledge of astronomy

    By 1750 B.C.E., one group of Indo-Europeans who moved into

    Asia Minor and the Anatolian plain coalesced into the Hittites

    Use of the wheel, war chariot, metals such as iron and bronze
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    The Children of Israel- The Hebrews

    Semitic speaking, nomadic peoples who, from biblical accounts, originate as

    descendants of Abraham, a Mesopotamian resident of Ur, called by God to

    journey to Palestine (or Canaan)

    Minor factor in regional politics who emerge as an entity between 1200 -

    1000 B.C.E. (Exodus mid-12th C. B.C.E)

    Uniquely a monotheistic belief the one true God - the basis for Judaism,

    Christianity, and Islamic beliefs

    Fall prey to stronger Semitic peoples and are conquered by Assyrians andlater the Chaldeans which results into the deportation of upper-classes and

    artisans to Babylon n 586 B.C.E.

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    The Spiritual Dimensions of Israel

    One true GodYahweh the creator of the world andeverything in it, subject to nothing. All people are subjectto God whether or not they know or accept the fact.

    A transcendent God created nature, but not in nature

    as opposed to animistic beliefs of polytheistic religions. Gods creation should be admired but never worshipped.

    God of mercy and love, yet transgressions against Godswill be punisheda belief in good and evil, mans freewill to obey and serve or to oppose.

    Central tenets of Hebrew tradition: Gods covenant, thelaw, and the prophets

    Universal social justice

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    Welcome the Assyrians (at your own peril)

    Assyrians a Semitic people, primarily pastoral, who lived in themountainous plateau region of the upper Tigris River.

    Established a well-organized bureaucracy, the king had absolutepower, local officials were directly responsible to the king

    Developed an efficient means of internal communication ponyexpress.

    A small population developed a well-trained, highly disciplinedmilitary capable of fighting large set-piece battles, waging guerrillawarfare, or conducting very effective siege campaigns. The Armynumbered over 100,00 men. At its core was a standing army ofinfantry, accompanied by cavalry and horse-drawn chariotsmounting archers. Its soldiers were armed with iron weapons. Well-

    known for committing atrocities upon its foes, laying waste to theland and brutalizing its captives.

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    Here Come the Persians

    Assyria succumbs to coalition of Medes and Chaldeansunder King Nebuchadnezzar II (605 562 B.C.E.) whomade Babylon the center of his empire

    By 539 B.C.E., the Chaldeans fell prey to the Persians,

    an Achaemenid dynasty under Cyrus (559 530 B.C.E.) Cyrus conquers Media, making it the first satrapyor

    province in the Persian empire, then he defeats theprosperous Lydian kingdom in westernAsia Minor andthen the Greek Ionian city-states along the Aegean

    coast. Turning east, Cyrus subdues the Iranian plateau,Sogdia, and western India. Having secured his borders,Cyrus then turns to capture Babylonia.
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    Wars of Empire and Revolution

    While Cyrus (a.k.a. Cyrus the Great) demonstrated a genuinerespect for ancient civilizations and other peoples his immediatesuccessors, Cambyses(530 522 B.C.E.) and Darius(521 486B.C.E.) did not.

    Cambyses successfully invaded Egypt while Darius extend Persiancontrol into western India beyond the Indus River and into Europeproper by conquering Thrace and making Macedonia a vassal state.

    In 499 B.C.E., Ionian Greeks revolted, supported by Athens, theyinvaded Lydia and burned Sardis, the capitol city. Brutally puttingdown the revolt, Darius invaded Greece and fought the epic Battle atMarathon in 490 B.C.E.

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    Governing the Empire

    By Darius reign, the Persians created the worlds largest Empirewhich had been divided into 20 provinces, called satrapies

    Satraps (protector of the kingdom) collected tributes, wereresponsible for justice and security, raised military levies for theroyal army, and commanded armed forces within their satrapyacting as miniature kings

    Well-maintained road networks and a system of horse mountedcouriers (similar to Assyrians) aided the kings ability to keep anefficient communication system operating, i.e., the Royal Road

    The king served as the regent of the god Ahurzamazda, all peopleswere subject to the king who was the source of all justice,possessing power of life and death over all.

    The empire depended upon military strength the Immortals, anelite infantry of 10,000 and a cavalry of 10,000 horsemen served asits core.
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    Take Home Quiz

    Due one week from today

    Map the religious development of Mesopotamia, Egypt,Persia, and the Hebrews. Handwritten in pen or pencil

    Compare and contrast the monotheistic belief of theHebrews, Akhenaten, and Zoroastrians of Persia Typewritten in 2-3 pages, using Arial or Times New Roman font

    in a 12 pitch, black ink only

    Stapled once in the upper left corner, no exceptions!
