Page 1: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


Page 2: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Takethenotesonthenextslideononesideofyournotebook.•  Drawtheimageonthenextslideontheoppositesideofyournotebook.

Page 3: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


temperature precipita>on


winddirec>on cloudcover


airpressure sunshine

I) What is the difference between weather and climate?

Page 4: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather



I) What is the difference between weather and climate? continued

Page 5: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Drawtheimageonthepreviousslideontheoppositesideofyournotes.

•  Besuretoincludeallofthelabelsinyourdrawing.

Page 6: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Theseclimatesarefoundinareasthatlieclosetotheequator.

•  Between23.5°Sand23.5°Nla>tude.

•  Threetypes:tropicalwet,tropicalwetanddry,tropicalmonsoon.

Page 7: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


1)  Howdoesthesunimpactandthetropicalclimates?

2)  Whydoyouthinkthesunisanimportant


Page 8: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather

II)TropicalClimatescon>nued•  Tropicalwetregions,alsoknownasrainforestswithlotsofrain.–  Onlyslightseasonchange.

•  Tropicalwetanddryclimateshavethreeseasons:1)coolanddry;2)hotanddry;3)wetandhot.

•  Tropicalmonsoonclimateshaveawarmdrywintersandwarmrainysummers.

Page 9: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather




Page 10: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Located20°-35ºNandSoftheEquator– Alsothecon>nentalregionsofthemid-la>tudes.

•  SeparatedintoArid(desert)andSemiarid(steppe)

Page 11: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather

III)DryClimatesCon>nued•  Arid(desert)climatesgetlessthan10in.ofprecipita>onayear.– Somedesertscanbefrozen!– 120°Finthedayand0°Fatnight.

•  Semiarid(steppe)climates– Hot,drysummerandcold,wetwinter

– 10-20inchesofrainayear.

Page 12: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


5)Compareandcontrastaridandsemiaridclimates.3-4sentences Compare(tellhowtheyarealike) Contrast(tellhowtheyaredifferent)

Page 13: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather



Page 14: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Temperateclimatesliebetweenthetropicsandthepolarregionsoftheworld.

•  Between23.5Nto66.5Nand23.5Sand66.5S

•  DividedintoMediterranean,HumidSubtropicalandMarineWestCoastclimates.

Page 15: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


•  Usuallyfoundnearawarmoceanorsea.

•  Theyrangefromwarm,drysummerstocool,wetwinters.

•  Temperaturescanrangefrom80sinthesummertoaslowas30sinthewinter.

Page 16: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


7)Whataresomeprosandconsoflivinginatemperate(moderate)climate? Pros(goodthings) Cons(badthings)

Page 17: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather
Page 18: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather




Page 19: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather


11) Whydoyouthinkthattheclimatesfurtherfromtheequatorarethecoldestandtheonesclosesttotheequatorarethewarmest?

-3-4sentences. -Besuretoincluderela>onshipbetweenthesun andthedifferentclimatezonesinyouranswer.

Page 20: World Climate Zones · -Climate is the overall paern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather

Create•  Showtheteacherthatyouarereadyforyourfinalac>vitybeforestar>ng.

•  Onahalfsheetofpaperfromyourteacher,createthreequizques>onsfromtheinforma>onfromthisdiscussion.

•  Youmayusetheques>onsentencestarterpaperprovidedbyyourteacher.

•  Turnthisinattheendofthisac>vity.
