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History of C#


In the late 1990’s Microsoft recognized the need to be able to develop applications that

can run on multiple operating system platforms; Microsoft’s solution to this was the .NET

Framework. In simple terms, .NET splits an operating system’s platform (be it Windows, Linux,

Mac OS, or any other OS) into two layers: a programming layer and an execution layer (Willis &

Newsome, 2008). In the early pre-release stages of the .NET Framework development the

framework used multiple languages such as C++, Visual, and ASP all of which were used for

different parts of the framework and were not interchangeable. Anders Hejlsberg and his team

wanted to be able to offer a more unified solution for this framework. Hejlsberg also notes that

along with unification “We also wanted to introduce modern concepts, such as object orientation,

type safety, and garbage collection and structured exception handling directly into the platform.

(Hamilton, 2008)”


During the initial development of C# the name for the language was Cool, which stood

for “C like Object Oriented Language.” However, due to the difficulty of trademarking such a

common word, Microsoft decided against keeping that name. Since the language was based off

of the programming language C, they still wanted a reference to C in the name. The language of

C++ was named in a similar fashion, as “++” is a way of incrementing a variable and C++ was

seen as an increment of C. The naming committee for C# decided add to that and use “a little

word play on C++, as you can sort of view the sharp sign as four pluses, so it’s C++++


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(Hamilton, 2008).” The name for C# was changed and the language was publicly announced

alongside the .NET project at the July 2000 Professional Developers Conference.

Names and Bindings


C-based languages are case sensitive, so uppercase and lowercase letters matter while

naming identifiers. This means that two identifiers while they may be spelled the same will have

no connection between each other if there is a case difference. For example, the following

variables in C# have no connection to each other: sumOfAverages, sumofaverages,

SUMOFAVERAGES, and SumOfAverages. Due to the fact that it is impossible to please

everyone, especially when it comes to something that is being used by a large number of people,

there are arguments for and against case sensitivity. While other languages have developed

coding conventions that programmers of that language use to help deal with the issue of

sensitivity, for an example C programmers do not name their variables with an upper case letters,

C# was unable to implement such a standard due to the fact that many predefined names include

both uppercase and lowercase letters.

C# like all other languages has a set of specific naming conventions; naming conventions

are a set of do’s and don’ts that are considered best practices for a specific language. The

program will still run as intended if a programmer chooses not to follow these practices, and

many companies choose to tweak these practices to their own specific needs. Having standards

that are consistently used by all programmers of a certain language helps ensure that the code

will have better maintainability, readability, and writeability by ensuring that developers are

writing the same way so another developer can easily pick up the code later if needed. C#’s


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naming conventions include: PascalCasing for class names and method names, camelCasing for

method arguments and local variables, use predefined names instead of system type names, use

noun or noun phrases to name a class, prefix interfaces with the letter I, name source files

according to their main classes, use singular names for enums except for bit field enums, do not

suffix enums names with Enum, do not use abbreviations unless it is a commonly used name

such as html, avoid using SCREAMINGCAPS for constants or readonly variables, do not use

underscores in identifiers, unless it’s to prefix private static variables, and do not use type

indicators in identifier names.

C# uses keywords, which are predefined, reserved identifiers that have special meanings

to the compiler (Microsoft , n.d.). C# has two different types of keywords, contextual keywords

and reserved keywords. The difference between contextual keywords and reserved keywords is

that contextual keywords are only treated as keywords in certain situations while reserved

keywords are treated like keywords in all situations, however both are always lowercase. An

example of a contextual keyword is the keyword “value”, value can be used as an identifier in

most places except in property declarations and in event handlers. An example of the contextual

keyword value in a property declaration can be seen in the following code sample from

Microsoft Developer Network:

private int num;

public virtual int Number


get {return num; }

set { num = value; }


(Microsoft , n.d.)


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In the above code sample “value” is recognized as a keyword, however because value is a

contextual keyword the following declaration is also valid:

int value;

as long as it is not inside of a property declaration or an event handler. As mentioned earlier,

reserved words are recognized as keywords in all situations; so the following declaration is never

valid in C#:

int if;

because “if” is a reserved word that is used to identify whether a statement should execute based

on the value of a Boolean expression. However, unlike some languages, C# allows the reserved

keywords to be used as identifiers only if the programmer uses an “@” symbol as a prefix. So

while the previous declaration is invalid, the following declaration is valid:

int @if;

because of the @ prefix, the complier now recognizes that as a valid identifier. By allowing a

keyword to be interpreted by the compiler as an identifier “allows C# code written in other .NET

languages where an identifier might have the same name as a C# keyword (Deitel & Deitel,

2005).” While Microsoft tries to keep C# updated by adding new keywords as needed these new

keywords are always added as contextual keywords to avoid breaking pre-existing code.


When it comes to bindings there are two main types: static and dynamic. Static binding is

when operations are executed during compile time and errors are detected and reported by the

compiler. While static binding happens at compile time, dynamic binding happens at runtime and


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the compiler does not check for errors like it does for static binding. Instead, errors with runtime

binding are now exceptions. While C# defaults to static binding, it also allows the choice to bind

certain operations dynamically such as: member access, method invocation, delegate invocation,

element access, object creation, overloaded binary operators, overloaded unary operators,

assignment operators, implicit conversions, and explicit conversions.

Data Types

C# is a strongly typed language, what that means is that variables cannot be used without a

data type being specified. C# has two different types of data types: value types and reference

types. It is important to understand the differences between the two types because of how each

type manages data and memory and how that will affect an application’s performance. All of the

basic, pre-defined, and user defined structures (structs) are value types; some common examples

include: int, float, and char. Value types are implemented as structs, and will always have a

default value. There are a few limitations to value types, value types cannot derive from each

other and they cannot have an explicit constructor. With value types, the instances of value types

are allocated on the stack so they are bound to their variables. This means that when the method

that the value type variable was defined in has finished executing the variable goes out of scope

and the value is discarded from the stack where it was allocated. This makes it where value types

have a limited lifetime and makes them inefficient for sharing data between different classes. It’s

also important to note that C# does not allow for global functions or variables. Instead of

allowing global functions and variables, the language allows programmers to use static members

of public classes instead.


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While instances of value types are saved on the stack, instances of a reference type are

saved in a different area of memory called the heap. A variable of a reference type actually just

“contains the address of a location in memory where the data referred to by that variable is stored

(Deitel & Deitel, 2005)” and when the variable is not referencing any object the variable will be

null. Unlike value types when a method finishes executing a variable for a reference type will not

be destroyed until C#’s garbage collection system determines that it is no longer needed. This

makes it where reference types can be used for sharing data between different classes. A few

examples of reference types are: dynamic, object, and string. It’s important to note that string is a

reference type and not a value type.

One of C#’s main goals was to provide unification, so it is not surprising that C# offered

programmers the option to have a unified type system. Before C# introduced generics to the

language the main way to achieve a unified type system was to use the process of boxing and

unboxing. Boxing is when a value type is converted into a reference type and unboxing is when a

reference type is converted into a value type. When boxing occurs in C# what is happening is

that an object instance is allocated on the heap and the value from the value type is copied into

the new object. During the unboxing process the object instance on the heap is checked is ensure

that it is a value that was created by previously boxing an instance of the given value type, if the

value types are the same and the value is not null then the value from the instance is copied into

the value type variable. A downfall to the boxing and unboxing process is that it is

computationally intensive, another issue with this process is that it offers no compile time type

checking which will lead to errors that can go undetected at compile time and have the potential

to continue going undetected until after release of an application. C# also offers the ability to use


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pointers to directly manipulate memory, however pointers can only be used inside of a block of

code that is marked with the unsafe keyword.

Generics were introduced in Version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. In comparison to the

boxing and unboxing process generics were able to “combine reusability, type safety and

efficiency in a way that their non-generic counterparts cannot. (Microsoft, 2013)” When using

generics a programmer can avoid the high computational cost of boxing and unboxing that was

mentioned earlier. As well as avoiding the computational cost of boxing and unboxing, generics

also make it possible for the compiler to do type checking which can help eliminate the type

errors in runtime that went undetected in boxing and unboxing.

C# also offers a variety of different arrays. Arrays in C# can be one dimensional,

multidimensional, or an array of arrays. Multidimensional arrays are also known as rectangular

arrays and an array of arrays is known as a jagged array. Arrays in C# are zero indexed and array

elements can be of any type. C# defaults elements of an array to zero if the array elements are

numeric and null if the array elements are reference.

Expressions and Assignment Statements

When it comes to expression operators C# has the standard list that many programmers

have come to expect in a language. C# also offers various unary, binary, comparison, assignment

cast, primary, shift, and array indexing operators.

Unary operators in C# include: +x, -x, !x, ~x, ++x, --x, (T)x.

The conditional operator “?:” is the single ternary operator in C#.


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It is important for programmers in any language to know the operator precedence so

expressions can be written in a way to avoid unexpected results. The following is a list of C# in

order of precedence from highest to lowest:

1. Primary: x.y, f(x), a[x], x++, x--, new, typeof, checked, unchecked.

2. Unary: +, -, !, ~, ++x, --x, (T)x

3. Multiplicative: *, /, %

4. Additive: +, -

5. Shift: <<, >>

6. Relational and type testing: <, >, <=, >=, is, as,

7. Equality: ==, !=

8. Logical AND: &

9. Logical XOR: ^

10. Logical OR: |

11. Conditional AND: &&

12. Conditional OR: ||

13. Conditional: ?:

14. Assignment: =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=

(Microsoft, 2003)

Along with operator precedence, C# also has rules to handle when an operand occurs between

two operators with the same precedence called associativity. All binary operators, except

assignment operators, evaluate left to right meaning that x+y+z is the same as (x+y) + z. While

binary operators evaluate left to right, assignment operators and the conditional operator are

evaluated right to left. However, if a programmer would like an expression to be evaluated in a

way that does not follow the normal rules of precedence and associativity they can control the

way an expression is evaluated by using parentheses. An example of this would be x+y*z


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multiplies z and y before adding the product to x, by adding parentheses to the expression

(x+y)*z it makes it where x and y are added together and then that sum is multiplied with z.

Operator Overloading

C# allows programmers to be able to overload operators, this is where different operators

have different implementations depending on their arguments. In C# operators can be overloaded

by writing an overload method, not all operators can be overloaded however. C# allows unary,

binary, and comparison operators to overloaded. Cast operators and array indexing cannot be

overloaded, but with cast operators the programmer can define conversion operators and with

array indexing the programmer can define new indexers.

Statement Level Control Structures

Conditional Statements

C# has two different types of built in conditional statements that control the flow of the

program through given conditions, the if-else statement and the switch statement. C#’s if-else

statement is pretty straightforward and easy to read and write. C# allows single line ‘if-else’

statements to be written without block braces, although block braces are preferred by coding

conventions. If there are multiple ‘if-else’ statements without braces the code can become hard to

read. C# also allows ‘else-if’ statements that can be added on to ‘if’ statements, which can help

lessen the number of if statements needed while writing code. While the ‘if-else’ statement works

based on if a condition is true it executes what is inside the ‘if’ statement and if the condition is

false it executes what is inside the ‘else’ statement if one is provided, the switch statement acts as

a filter for different values. A value is given to the switch statement and from there that value


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leads to a case that is specific for the given value. Different cases can lead to the same code, and

if there is no specifically defined case to handle the value given the default case will handle it.

Iterative Statements

C# includes four different types of iterative statements: the while loop, the do while loop,

the for loop, and the foreach loop. The while statement is pretty straightforward, it continues to

loop until a specified expression is false. The do while loop is similar to the while loop except

the do while loop is executed one time before the conditional statement is evaluated. Also, the

conditional statement of the while loop is evaluated before the execution of each loop so the

while loop executes zero or more times while the do loop executes one of more times.

The for loop has three different parts: the declaration, the condition, and the increment.

The following is an outline for a for loop:

for(declaration; condition, iterator)




The declaration statement only executes once and it initializes the condition. The condition part

contains a Boolean expression that will be determine whether or not the loop should run again or

exit. The iteration section defines what happens each time after the loop executes. Each part of

the for loop is optional, so a for loop can function correctly when one or more of the parts is left

out. While C# inherits most of its control structures from C and C++ it also adds on to the list by

including a new iterative statement called the foreach statement. The foreach statement is built

off of the for statement and is made to iterate through each element in an array or object



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Jump Statements

Branching is performed using jump statements, which cause an immediate transfer of the

program control (Microsoft , n.d.). Jump statements include: break, continue, and goto. These

jump statements are mainly used to exit out of conditional and iterative statements. The break

statement breaks out of the current loop or switch statement. The continue statement stops the

current iteration and begins the next iteration; and the goto jump statement transfers control to

another point in the code that has been labeled for a goto statement.


C# does not have subprograms, rather it has methods, structs, and classes. These methods

can have any type and this includes user defined types and void. These methods are used in

classes, and they define how a class should behave. Structs can have methods, however by

convention the use of methods in structs are generally discouraged. Structs and classes in C# use

similar syntax, and as discussed earlier in the data types section structs are value types while

classes are reference types. Classes are used for data that has the potential to be modified after

the class is created while structs are better suited for data that is not going to be modified after

the struct is created. Structs are limited when compared to classes, especially when it comes to

object oriented programming. This is because classes, unlike structs, support inheritance which is

a fundamental idea of object oriented programming. Another way that classes are used in object

oriented programming is that they have the ability to be nested. While C# allows for nested

classes, it does not allow for nested methods. C# also increases the power and flexibility of

methods by allowing them to be made into objects. This makes it where methods can be passed

as parameters, and when this happens these objects are called delegates.


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Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Constructs

“Encapsulation and abstraction are an essential part of C# programming that is mostly

used to hide complex code from unauthorized user and shows only relevant information

(Concepts of Encapsulation and Abstraction (C#), n.d.)”. Abstract Data types in C# are mainly

based off of those from C++ and Java. Similar to Java, class instances in C# are all heap dynamic

and because of the way that C# uses its garbage collection for heap objects, destructors are rarely

used even though C# allows them to be defined. C# does add two new access modifiers, internal

and protected internal, as well as offers properties as a way of implementing getters and setters

without having to use explicit method calls. As mentioned earlier, C# has both classes and structs

which are the two main constructs that C# offers. While C++ also has the ability to use structs,

structs in C# are completely different and can be seen as lightweight classes. It is important note

that while structs do not support inheritance they can implement interfaces. Also, while classes

can only inherit from one other class they have the ability to implement more than one interface.

Support for Object-Oriented Programming

One of the driving factors that led to the creation of C# was to have a C based language

that was object oriented, so it’s not surprising that C# provides full support for object oriented

programming. C# fully supports encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding,

nested classes, and unlike many other languages adds the ability to use structs. C# also offers a

unified type system, interfaces, properties, events, and methods. All of which were included with

object oriented design in mind.


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While C# borrows a slight amount of its design from Java the creators of C# took every

opportunity they could to improve on it. One example of this would be threads in C#; while C#

threads are loosely based on Java's threads there are significant differences that improve the

fluidity of threads in C#. In both C# and Java there are two different types of threads: actors and

servers. One of the improvements that C# added when it came to threading is while Java only

supports actor threads C# supports both. C# focuses on two different built in classes, and one

statement to achieve thread synchronization: the Interlocked class, the Monitor class, and the

lock statement. C# makes threading more sophisticated by adding these built in options that are

designed for specific needs.

The Interlocked class is used mainly to prevent errors that happen when more than one

thread tries to update or compare the same value at the same time. The most used methods for the

Interlocked class are the Increment and Decrement methods, which take the value that is passed

into the class as a parameter and either increments the value or decrements it. While those are

the two most used there are twenty other methods in the Interlocked class including: Add,

MemoryBarrier, Exchange, and CompareExchange. This class allows the programmer to use a

reference to a value as a parameter and with these methods safely increment, decrement,

exchange, and compare that value from any thread.

The Monitor class is a class that provides a way to have more control over the

synchronization of threads by locking objects. This class has five pain parts: Enter/TryEnter,

Wait, Pulse/PulseAll, and Exit. Enter takes in an object reference as a parameter and acquires a

lock for that object while TryEnter will attempt to acquire a lock and will set a value that shows


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whether or not the lock was taken. Enter/TryEnter also marks the beginning of the critical

section, which is a block of code that the Monitor class will not allow any other thread to access

unless it is using a different locked object. Wait is used to release the lock on an object so that

other threads can access and lock the object, this also blocks the current thread until it reacquires

the lock. Pulse/PulseAll are used to notify threads that are waiting when there is a change in the

locked object's state and that the lock is ready to be released. Pulse is used to notify a thread that

is in the waiting queue while PulseAll notifies all waiting threads. Exit is used to release the lock

on an object and mark the end of the critical section that was protected by the locked object.

Similar to the Monitor class, the lock statement is used to prevent a block of code from

being accessed by more than one thread at a time. The lock statement takes in an object as an

argument and contains the block of code that can only be run by one thread at a time, it does not

have extra methods such as Wait and Pulse. While it seems that the Monitor class gives more

control over the synchronization of threads the lock statement is “generally preferred over using

the Monitor class directly, because lock is more concise, and because lock insures that the

underlying monitor is released, even if the protected code throws an exception. This is

accomplished with the finally keyword, which executes its associated code block regardless of

whether an exception is thrown (Microsoft, 2013).”

Exception Handling and Event Handling

Exception Handling

While making an application a programmer might be able to see where a problem could

potentially arise. When these potentially problematic situations are noticed the ability to be able

to handle exceptions that might happen is very useful. C# offers a large variety of options when


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it comes to exception handling. Exceptions in C# are always represented by classes which can be

predefined or user made. The language has a large amount of predefined exception classes

already such as: IOException which handles I/O errors, DivideByZero which handles division by

zero, and InvalidCastException which handles errors that can occur during typecasting. When a

more specific exception class is needed the programmer can create a new exception specific to

the program’s specific needs. All user defined exceptions are derived from the

ApplicationException class.

The syntax for exception handling in C# is built on four main keywords: try, catch,

finally, and throw. The try block is where the code where the potential problem could arise. The

catch block is used to specify what kind of exception to catch and what should happen if a

specific exception happens. Catch blocks are also known as exception filters because multiple

catch blocks can be used for the same try block for different types of specific exceptions that

might happen. The finally block is used to execute code regardless if in exception is thrown or

not, this is important in situations where resources in the code need to be released even

regardless of how the try block is exited.

Event Handling

C# has two different types of event handlers: Static and Dynamic. The static event

handlers are only in effect in the class of the events that they handle, while dynamic event

handlers are activated and deactivated throughout the entire program in response to their

conditional programming logic. Both types of handlers take in two parameters that are always of

type object and EventArgs. The object parameter refers to the instant that raised the event and the

EventArgs parameter holds the event data.


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Evaluation of C#


Overall C# is an intuitive language when it comes to readability. By allowing user

defined structs and enumerations it allows programmers to have the ability to name things in a

way that allows them to clearly label what their program is doing. C# also allows the ability to

use regions which allows the programmer to put blocks of code into an outline type layout. These

regions can be named whatever the programmer wants them to be named and this allows the

code to be read easier, especially when in long code files. There can be multiple regions in a file

and the regions can be collapsed or expended one or more at a time and this improves readability

by allowing the programmer to focus on the part of the file that they want to currently look at

while hiding the rest.


There are many different ways to accomplish the same task and get the same result in C#,

this influences the writability of C# in a positive way. As mentioned earlier C# is a very

intuitive language so it is naturally easy to pick up; however C#’s strict syntax while it increases

reliability can sometimes be a hindrance when learning the language. Overall writability in C#

can be a little difficult at first to new programmers, but C# has endless documentation online

especially on the Microsoft Developer Network which can help newcomers overcome initial

problems with writability.


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“A program is said to be reliable if it performs to its specifications under all conditions

(Sebesta, 2012).” Overall C# has a large amount of built in features to make the language more

reliable. C# is a strongly typed language, and is strict when it comes to type checking. While C#

will allow unsafe code, the unsafe code has to be explicitly marked and enabled in the compiler

for that code to work. C# offers a large variety of options when it comes to exception handling,

not only with built in Exception classes but also user defined Exception classes. Readability and

writability also affect the reliability of a language in all cycles of a programs lifetime. As

mentioned above C# has efficient readability and writability, so this impacts the reliability by

making it easier to write, maintain, and modify.


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Works CitedConcepts of Encapsulation and Abstraction (C#). (n.d.). Retrieved from Complete C # Tutorial:

Deitel, H. M., & Deitel, P. J. (2005). C# for Programmers Second Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.

Hamilton, N. (2008, October 1). The A-Z of Programming Languages: C#. Retrieved from Computer World:

Microsoft . (n.d.). C# Keywords. Retrieved from Microsoft Developer Network:

Microsoft. (2003). Operator Precedence and Associativity. Retrieved from Microsoft Developer Network:

Microsoft. (2013). Introduction to Generics (C# Programming Guide). Retrieved from Microsoft Developer Network:

Microsoft. (2013). Thread Synchronization. Retrieved from Microsoft Developer Network:

Sebesta, R. W. (2012). Concepts of Programming Languages Tenth Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.

Willis, T., & Newsome, B. (2008). Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

