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TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace

May 8 2012

Teresa O'BrienPrincipal LecturerC.Y. O’Connor Institute

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Reflect for a moment on your own workplace?

What did you learn?

Why did you learn it

Where did you learn?

When did you learn?

How did you learn?Image from

Learning in the Workplace

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Workplace learning Workplace training Workplace-based training On the job training On the job learningDefined… structured learning that is organisationally managed and

provided in association with paid or unpaid work. The focus of work-based learning is learning through work and its participants are the staff employed by an organisation.


Definitions of workplace learning

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… the process and the procedure to enable workers to learn on the job with a clear beginning and end of the training.

Are determined by •Identifying the goals•Describing the tasks and activities required•Sequencing the activities to meet the learners’ needs•Deciding on the model of guidance or mentoring •Deciding when and where the practice will takeThe purpose?•to ensure that the learners learn all they need to learn efficiently and safely.

Learning pathways

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• To guide new employees• Support a changed job role• Address organisational change• Develop existing staff in new skills• Provide work skills and practice opportunities in

apprenticeships, traineeships and other on the job experiences

Learning Pathway scale

Easy to learn Difficult to learnFew things to learn Lots of things to learnShort time to implement Long time to implement

The objectives for workplace learning

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Planning for Workplace Learning Trainers need to consider the following in a learning plan

•The goals for learning•When the activities are presented•Who will be involved•Processes to teach or train (model, scaffold)•Opportunities for practice•Details of other support needed for complex tasks

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Developing a learning pathway

• Allow for flexibility• Detail any external training required and secure agreement

ahead of time• Be developed in consultation with the learner• Draw on learners’ experiences and encourage autonomy and

independence• Allow for transfer to other contexts• Sequence activities to allow skill to develop incrementally.

E.g. sweep a floor, replace spark plugs, recondition an engine

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Facts, concepts the physical ability behaviour, principles to perform beliefs, or


Establish goals

E.g.. dates, days, monthsroadsspeed signs

E.g. literacy, numeracy, technology, interpersonal, communication

E.g. punctualityrespect, honesty, integrity

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Definition- The description of knowledge, skill or attribute by which performance can be measured

•Unit of competency- •Criteria for performance•Safety Criteria•Compliance•Position Description•Induction


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Reviewing the Learning Pathway

• to continue or not• to improve planning, content, resources…• to allow learners to reflect• to self assess and reflect• to ensure accountability, legitimacy and promotion• to meet needs of external stakeholders• to comply with legislative or regulatory requirements

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